Muslin Underwear Reduced Flood's Agents for R. & G. Corsets. ABSTRACTS Ifjyou own any real property you will need an abstract of title. Better get one now and be ready when an opportunity to soli comes. Deals often fail for want of time to examine and perfect a title. We are at your service at the old stand Alco Club corner. THE LINN COUNTY .ABSTRACT CO. RELIABLE AND RESPONSIBLE. mm HOT WEATHER Ralston Electric Supply Co., 3'0 West Second Street. F G, WILL, lor Watches GO TO ' For your ' ; nml Com . -Jn the city 1 Cream, Cold Drinks .on-ry. None better L. POTTS. 310 Went 2nd Both Phone3. Mayberry Wood Yard. All kinds of wood: Big fir. price $5.00: 2nd growth, $4 75; Maple, $4.75; ci. i. a fi- lonih r,n- rink sr. .as. Slab, 4 ft. length, $5.25; Ash. ?.. Will deliver anv amount wanted sawed to ordor, to any part of town . Sawedlnny length doBired. SHOE REPAIRlN'i.-by A. W. Baughman. at ti. A. Stoltenberg's. Fine hand sewed work a specialty. All work done promptly using tho best leather, guarantned to give satis faction. Prices reasonable. 13t TOM YOUNG, House and Sign Painter, Agent for the Cleveland Gclseuite roof paint. 122 Ferry Street, Home Phone, 320. Pacific. Red 3092 Collins & taylor. Real Estate and Insurance, Buy and sell property. Insure property and transact loans. Large or small timber tracts. J. M. RALSTON, Insurance, Loans & Collections. Have money to loan in small and large amounts. Notes and mort gages bought. I will bond you. Property handled for non-resi dents. A. STARK, M..D. Physician and Surgeon, Will ft Stark Block Albany I DR. MARY MARSHALL, Osteopathic Physician, Albany State Hank Building. B.11H!.ick 482. Home 275 H. A. LEININGER, Dentist, Clawford Work Albany DR. W. R. BILYEU, Dentist, Will & Stark Block Albany ' M. B. CRAFT, 242 West Second St., Albany. First-class nu-ats ol all kinds from selected stock. HENRY BRODERS, Healer in Choice Meats of All Kinds. 2111 West Second Street. BRUCE & ANDERSON, Opposite the Postoffice. Four chairs. Prompt ami effic ient care of the face and hair. VIERECK'S BATHS. 217 West First Street. Pirst-Class Work TdT-TCuid-.-i-y Ki: Gilnnnirrd :,-l!H-i:'. II ill I'lll I mil li;-.i!ili-r tli'Mi -r;uh oi nu-ili'-iin- nuy e:ivi- ri ' not l"i.". 1 1 at Prices Store Agents for Standard Patterns FOR THE SHE US Why buy Groceries of Portland Houses when you can get the following prices at EASTBURN'S 14 lbs "r,inulated Sugar.... 1(1 lbs Rolled Oats.... U lbs H. ad Rice 14 lbs J pan Rice 16 lbs Broken Head Rice . . $1.00 . 1.00 J.UU i 1.00 1.00 12 Ids White' Beans 1.00 12 lbs Lima Beans 1.00 10-lii oaplts Raisinns 1.00 Get our prices before you buy. W. A. EASTBURN The Grocer. WE DON'T WANT TO SHOUT but some of the finest buildings in ; town are equipped with our plumbing work. We make a specially ot hign class sanitary plumbing and will be glad to have you examine samples of lour work. We have moved and arc new at 1 18 West Second street. MEDIN & STUART. 3- 2 (S 63 p v b c trn5 c o 3 "S 3-S5 3 f ? Q S. 3" s l-'stir.iatos eiven on PkiHtcrintj, v.aili nrd Cem -nt Work. J . K. T HAVER, 4th & Ci.lri Sii: CementVorK! TOMORROW'S DOINGS. ltiristian. Bible school begins at 10:30 a. m. This will be followed bv communion service and morning ser- j mon. All evening services will bei merged with the general meeting at ! the Chautauqua grounds. I Victoria. B.r...iillnniMr.,njn..o.k ' vesper service and benediction of the uiessea sacrament at 7:30 p.m. Fath er Lane will conduct services at Rose burg. The public is cordially invited. M. E. Corner 3rd A. Fllmoni-th St The entire Chautauqua Ladies Orches tra will be present and render the fol lowing numbers: 1. Overture. Th Pnof and the Peasant, by Suppe; 2, Violin solo, Ave Marie by Goumond; 8, Tran meri by Schumann. Rev. W. S Gnr don's subject will be: "The Choice of Moses." The service begins promptly at 10:30 and Sunday School at 11:45. Evening seryice at Chautauqua. first Presbyterian. Rev. F. H. Ges elbracht. Minister Momlnc flprvinn 10:30. Subject, "The Web of Life." frot. . L. Wilson will rcnrler sacred solos on the violin; one The Rosary, by request. Sabbath School nt 11:45, classes for all. Young Deonle's meeting ana evening service are merged with union services at the Chautauqua, a moat cordial invitation is extended to i costs But when done you have some the public. thing to show for it. United Presbyterian. -Cor. Eth nnri 1 Washington Sts. W. P. White. Ptnr ! A splendid service has been arranged I for tomorrow morninc at 10:30. Tin nn .,.u rw it " , ; Se,.,iCS.i"'.ti,?0UBe 88 8Peaei'. at 8 o'clock at Chautauqua grounds. Chautauqua Visitors. Among visitors resristerinir at the Chautauqua are the following; nam Alien, marsnneAJ. Mrs. H. C. Chipman, Portland. Let Hill come in yeifa the Eugene Mrs. Chas. Mav. rs. Go. Dickinson, i Guard, as loud even as the Democrat' Stevenevilie, Mon. Judge Eakin, Salem. Grace Marshall, Portland. MatildaE. Fry, Emanuel Kiel; Aurora. Ruth T-Chace. Omaha. Mrs. Ei 11 Gilstrap. Eugerw: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Bennett, Phi-1 omath. I W. T. RlfUmnro T.oaHuMio Alvin T. Webb. Madison, Wis; , Albert Griffin, E. O. Spray, Cottage-1 Grove. ! Lenora and Elsie Powell. M. E. Bow-: era. Mrs. Ora Strattoo, Brownsville; I B. F. Reiser, Ashland. I Nettie McKeo-. Long Beech, Calif. i C. Leavengood and wife, Rosebarg-. ! Mark A. Paulcon, Harrisburg. 1 Gale S. Healy, Portland. ; Nellie L. Pate. Jefferson. ; Mrs. P. T. Star?. W.Ida and Rubw I Starr, Mrs. T. Les Davis Louvia Davis.. CorvalliM ' A good many, from Lebanon. SPEND THE. SUMMER At Newpoit, on Yaquina Bay. The:' only beach in the Pacific Northwest- where the pretty water agates, moss ' agates, moonstones,, carnelians, and1, rock oysters can be found. Outdoor . sports of all kinds, including Hunting, fishing, digging rock oysters, boating, ' surf bathing, riding ,autoing, canoeing; and dancing. Pure mountain water,! and the best of foodr- at low prices. I.Vnrl. ..1.. Acl. ! vifrit:ihIoe nf all WinHo. (tajlv. THenl ' camping grounds, with strict sanitary regulations, at nominal', cost. ( Low round-trip season tickets trom all points in Oregon, Washington and Idaho on sale daily. ' Three-day Saturday to Monday rate j from S. P. points, Portland to Cottage I Grove inclusive, including branch) lines; also from all C. & E. stations ' Albany and west. Good? going on Sat-1 urday or Sunday, and for return Sun- day or Monday. A Sunday excursion, rate of $1.50 from Albany, Corvallis and Philomath, , with corresponding lov rates from' : points west, ill effect alV summer. Call on any S. P. or C. & E. agent' for full particulars as to rates, train schedules, etc. al;so for copy of our beautifully illustrate? booklet, "Otitings in Ore- i gon," or write -to Wm; McMurray, ! General Passenger Agent; Portlond, I To Water Consumers. All water consumers are hereby notified that street sprinkling with nose is forbidde.i and service will be discontinued where thia rule is violated. NORTHWESTFRN CuRPOBATION. Ihe Marltefc. Wheat$. 83, Oats U6c. Beef 6c;vealdressed9c Pork dressed Uc; on foot 7c Lard 16c. Eces 25c. hickens on foot 10c.. I Hams 22c to 27c. sides 20 to 25c shoulders 15 to 18c. Butter 30c to 35c. Hour $1.50 to $1.75c a sack. 1 Potatoes 50c ocr bu. Hay, from $12 lor some clover to $liV or th" best timothy. m- santa -Pfinsin Caisiiies A POSITIVE CURE S VorTtiflmininAtlon orlJfttRrrhol 1. NO r.VRt NO PtT. Curwi , ilf lily nnil wrnmnfntly thr Ktitl JUt, uo matter of boit i ntii! l:tnlinr. A t ol a tol y 1 hnrmli'M. Soltl by drngBisU. ll inn knll n.4 . paid, tl.U), boiua. 170. THE SANTAL-PEPSACI. BclleiontWoa, Ohio. For sale bv'Barkhori A AXY LADY can easily make iroin $18.iXl to $25. 00 per week working lor me quietly in he rhomc locality. This i-; a hoiial'ide offer one which will pay you to investigate, even if you can only spare two hours per il;iy. Xo investment required. Turn your spare time imo money. Write i"e ,:t oiu-e for v.irtictlhrs. Address MARY U. T.AVl OR. Box -ill. Wo-n-.;'.u's liKiY.iinj, ji-tict, Illinois. MISFITS. A Chautauqua gives a city character. . I What a nuisance a dusty street is anyway. The Chautauqua has made good be yond expectations, - Chautauqua ana me program. Some people think money is all there is to work for in the world. " mac s a pointer. People go go away with universal praise for the Chautau qua. Five must be a pooular number with the Oregon Electric' In Eugene it is after Fifth street also. The- Pie Eaters twoved digeston, and the team stayed together the best f any in tlw league. The mention of Judfje Hewitt's name circult udge has mt with a good ! Albany must keep on' paving, not 'going to extremes, but adding some. It i :. T,.t,.j ., en?hus asc a Ubly Teg was uij u t. ciu, uicic w uiiw man present, tie elected eight delegates all by his lone some. JNow that Albany B Chautauqua has gotten en its feet in fine shape all the valley towns will want Chautau-ius ! next year, the . green-eyed monster" ; Jealousy looming up. did; "me uregon Electric Kailway Uom- ; pany, now operated by the Hill inter-- ests between Portland and Salem, is j seeking entrance into Eugene. This jnews should bring a thrill of satisfac- tion to every loyal friend of the city 'o every man wno wants to Bee a real! city bujlt ud here: it is the becinnme- of tne cnsumroation of our brightest hopes; it means competition in freight and passenger business, and the rapidi development of the country through magir influence of the greatest era- pare builder oi the age." w- -VjThrl I lOOnC jOtJU ,-. , . j tr ira. ?ald fe fisnstered m Beaven. i.1 twou'f ?" ,ve ya a sood. ' dcecf to all the following property I I advertise below for sale, together 1 with an abstract of title. And if' you ! are looking for a home in cither farm - lands or city property it will pay you.' to investigate these bargains, or oth- rs 1 may have. City Property ifor Sale. ' No. 11 New house of 8 rooms, 1 T 16b. Electric lights. West Albany..' Price $2200.00. " j Nov. 12 Good, house and one lot, East . 5th street. Price $2000.00. j Ne: 13 A ni e house and lot sitnatsdi! en Lyom street, containing 6 rooms-j and bath. A bargain if taken sooni No. 1'4 Good new 5-room house-andi j full" lot, nicely situated. West Al- 1 ttany. I rice $2000.00. Nbi 15 A regular snan in a largarwelt arranged! hoase and beautiful grounds.. Cement basement. Plenty ' of- fruit: West Albany. f ffiave some- good interest paying; busi ness property for sale. Also ai feur good ftuflding lots at prices- that cannot fail to appeal to the- most; conservative bnyers. Farm Lands For Sale. I.7l. 5 40 3(-rPC lM,ritrl Inn. mlw fi-om Albany. Good new 6-roont I House. Wind mill; good barn) 40bi44'. 1 Yonrrg orchard all wed! fenced, i . AIsx chicken parks. This i6 a bar- gain if taken soon. Terms- 'i cash, i balance on time at 6 per ce& in terest. i Xo. 6 SO acres situated two. mites I from Albany, good new. house and barn. iWnd mill. Cistern ami two wefts of water on the pince. Terms, i cash, balance on lima-to suit pur chaser at 6 per cent h terest. No. 7 45 acres, f. ir bouse and barn. Orchard for family usei All in cul tivation. Running water on the place. Situated 3; mile-s from Al- ) bany. - tr n cnltiration. New house of 11 rooms and bath. House cost $3000.00. Ham cost $1000.00. Crop also goes in if purchased before July 1st, 191ft. This is a fine- home farm and is bargain. Price $S5 per acre. i Vn ' ' U- y aa2 acres, in cultivation, two. sets of good buildings; land all good; orchards; this place wifl di vide nicely for two or three fam ilies. Siniatcd 7 miles from Albany. Xo. 10 2r2 acres in cultivation, good buildings, orchard. Situated 7 miles from .-Xlbany. 1 have contratcs on all the above lands and cm deliver them at prices that would be a surprise to a good many. 1 also have sonic p.ooil buys i:i frnit and orchard larius. r:-ti-r:nation only furnished to ae-! hitvers. Call 'rrsor.allv at t'.iv of 2l'J West R.i St., Alhanv." Or. I. Y. PIPE. 1 eais I FORT ST. JAMES ON LAKE STUART, BRITISH COLUMBIA. This is destined to be the Portland of British Columbia, on a navigable river and deep water lake with two , trains running in next fall. Letters pour into our office all day j with applications for lots. To those who cannot come in we would do our Utmost to make a onnri lrinn Price $100 and $200 each Cash $25.00, balance $10.00 a month A few 40 acre farms joining Fort St. fame" townsite and Lake Smart, $50.00 cash and $10.00 a month. You need not be a Canadian citi - zen to hold this. You need not im- prove it, nor you need not reside on it All this land is on or near the rail - roads. Grand Trunk Pacific, Alaska roads n1 rtnern rail- o;'u r- q cn - no ' ,,5. lands, $8.50 per acre, $3.00 cash, and balance $l.w ner acre per y?ArnSLtnraid-i- v n. t , '' cZtZ ml ins North,eA? TLan-d , ?Snaa 306 L"s' Building, Portland,Or-8on. i A.., i .- . . . ' Summer Excursions From Albany Beginning June 1st Summer Excur- sion rates from Albany will be in ef- feet as follows: i Albany to Newport awd return, on sale daily, return limit Oct. 31st, $4.00. Albany to Newport and return, on sale Saturday and Sunday only, re turn limit Monday following, $2.50. Albany to Newport and return, go ing and returning, Sundays only, $1.50. Albany to Yaquina and 'return, on sale daily, return limited to Oct, 31st, $3.50. AiDany to uetroit and return, on sale daily, return limited to Oct. 31st, For further information call' on or address, R. K. MONTGOMERY, Agent, Union Dcoot F.Q. Will for watches Go to the Variety Store for . it c'ir,? qua cards, 338 W. 1st street, Let us figure with you' on your next, Lumber Bill We are confident we exn save you money, and it won't cost a cent to let us try. We carry a tull stock of Lumber, Shingles, Lime Plaster, Cement,. Mo-Jdings, Building. Paper, and Columbia, River Sand. - We have our own' saw mills and can furnish anything on short notice. Both Phones THS C K. SPAULDING LOGGING CO. A. B. Kelsay, Manager. Albany Abstract Company, L. M. Curl, Manager. Hereafter the records in the offwo of the Racorder of Conveyances for Linn Count;, will be abstracted daily, by an expert title examiner employed by our company. In this- manner we will be able to keep our records up to the last minute of each previous day, thereby affording better service t the public than any one has heretofore been able to give. It is oun intention to maintain the standard of excellence gained by thorough and conscientious work in the past. The very best and latest system of abstracting of titles will be permanently and continu ously carried forward regardless of the expenditure of money in main taining our watl established reputation as progressive and reliable ab-i stracters. Wa assume that every one realizes- the necessity of having an abstract of? title prepared for the property which is about to be pur chased; we solicit your patronage and assure you that we can give you the very best work that is possible with littla' delay and at a moderate living price. It will be to your advantage to see us before ordering. An unlimited amount of money to loan at six per cent per annum on real estate security. Both telephones in the office. Call in and see us or write. Albany Abstract Albany, Have you tried our WIN! FR COFFEE? If not, why not? It is the best 25c coflee m town. Give us a trial STAR BAKERY, C. MEYER, Proprietor FIRST NATIONAL BANK Albany, Oregon. OiD AND RELIABLE. For thirty-nint years this Bank has been con- -, ducting a conservative business. It has had a i healthy, steady growth during these years and j on the basis of this record invites your account ' i confident o its ability to. serve you advantage- ! ously. i Assjta Over One Million Dollars. ' SAVING A REGULAR AMOUNT persistently will determine your future suc cess and comforts. You will never regret the money you save. After you have started you will regret that you did not open an account sooner. Interest Paid on Savings Accounts. . FIRST. SAVINGS BANK CITY PROPERTY. No. 123 N'ew S-room cottage and lot, West Albany. Price $1,100. No. 121 New 4-room cottage, good lot. West Albany. Price $1,000. No. 119 Two lots, and 8-room house, East Albany. Price $1,050. No. 85 7-room house, ten lots, barn, I 1 T7! I .'. "uui"". o location, ' , CSt A T'y; ce .5uU . a f Lar? hsl,cStckl frmt ni Jf.irK farms from $15.00 per acre up. Call at ; !!r( t ,nformat,on- 130 j Broadalb.n street ! JAS' F POWELL, i 1 j FOR SALE. . 0 acres. A mil, tn R R station. house and barn. 5 acres cleared and fcnccd( timber enough on the place t0 Pav for running water, 60 acres can be cuitivated when cleared, price $1400. Terms 90 acres, 4 miles from Lebanon, 1 mile to Sodavitle, house and barn 6 acres of orchard, some timber, running ,v..ter. the ' .,, fenced ' 22 acres : of grain, 1 acre of potatoes. Pike, ; $60.00 an acre; terms. i iaa i ,:i t. r- u. house of 7 rooms, 2 barns, 90 acres in crop, balance in timber and pasture, 4 horses, 7 head of cattle wagon, bind er, drill, plows, and all farm imple ments goes with the place; close to church and school. Price $30.00 an acre. If you are looking for a good buy, that will make you some money, come to our office and inquire about these places. THE CURTIS REAL ESTATE Co., Albany State Bank Bldg. . ' HAY FEVER AND ASTHMA Bring discomfort and misery to many people but Foley's Honey and Tar gives case and comfort to the suf feriug ones. It relieves the congestion in the head and throat and is soothing and healing. None genuine bur Foley's Honey and Tar in the yellow package. Woodwerth Drug Co. BARBER SHOP 236 West 2nd St. First Class Work Guaranteed' Geo. H. Fiddiman, Prop. DIAMONDS . OUR DIAMONDS ARE GEMS, BUT 1 HEx ARE REASONABLE. F. M. FRENCH & SOU WE RESEi YOUH DIAMOND' WHILE YOU WAIT. Company, Oregon : No mi-ilii-iiK c worth I n'i; Co. m ui lo more. Wood- i