Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, July 22, 1910, Page 7, Image 7

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Saturday, the opening day, brought a splendid crowd of purchasers and you'll profit greatly by taking ad
vantage of the very exceptional offerings. Come.
News From
The Columbia Park Boys.
Albany's Six Early
Trains. i
! If you fail to hear the Columbia Park
... ... , boys tonight, you miss the best show
Editor Smith of the Republican and of the season for the money. It will
Ci. W. Denman, assembly nominee for give you a new conceptionof what boys
county judge, of Corvallis, left for can ao under proper leadership. Re
Portland to attend the Oregonian's memder half of the proceeds go to the
great assembly of fellow standpatters. Albany Public Library. Tickets on
- ; sale at Woodworths Drug Stoie.
Hon. F. J. Miller and brother-in law Adults Z5c. children under 12
Dr. Grey left for Portland. Mr. Miller ot "B8 iOc, at the Opera house.
last night feturned from a trip as far
Woo 1 Suits, Wash Suits, Silk Suits
ane one-piece Dresses exactly
yi Price.
A splendid lot of Men's Oxfords,
$1.75 Pair.
Special prices on Men's Women's
and Children's Oxfords.
25 per cent reduction on all .
Children's Black Hose, 10c Pair.
Wash Materials, values to 25c, for
9c Yard.
Don't fail to get a pa'r of those
White Canvas Oxfords for Women,
Misses and Children
25c Pair.
A large assortment of embroidered
Handkerchiefs, 20c value, at
10c Each.
, Ginghams, 12J4c standard qualities',
10c Yard.
Summer Silks at 25c Yard.
as Klamath Falls, a prosperous South
ern Oregon town.
were Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Blain and S.
W. Ross bound for the Breitenbush hot
springs, for an outing, and Mayor
Reeves and Clarenc Ingram, of Leba
non, bound for Mar.on Lake, equipped
for fish and wild cats; but it will be
useless as Drs. Davis and Prill have
cleaned everything out.
Honest values. Honestly advertised.
We Try to Please Our Custo aers.
THAT Is why we sell strictly high g. de unadulterated
' THAT is why our prices are so reasonable, and
THAT is why we are careful and accurate in filling
Base Ball Tonight.
Tonight beginning at 6:15 o'clock the
Phi Alpha Pi team, champions of Al
bany, will play the Columbia Park team
of San Francisco, said to be the best
boys' team on the coast. It will be
worth going miles to see. Admission
only 10 cents, divided between the boys
and the Albany park. Fill the grounds.
Mrs. C. W. Sears left for the Sound
on a visit with her son Chas. Sears of '
Seattle, and George and Alden Sears ...
of Electron, all prominent, of the great 1 M'a Ger'y Stevens went to the Bay
electron power plant, one oi tne nnest , mk.
in the United States.
H. A. Stoltenberg has returned from
an eastern trip.
Hi Torbet went to the Bay for his
Mrs. Cummines. of Seattle, after a
visit with her cousins, the Harknesses, ! summer's outing.
left for a Salem visit Miss Margaret Shea left today for
Misb Mary Nolan of Corvallis left on ' an outino- at the Buv.
a xiooa Kiver visit. p. Klllntt h rtiirnl from his
oiayur aim mn. ii. jr. " una co leis uA AuAM ajAA .I,. ,,.;
for Newport for their summer s outing. ,, , . .
During tor absence Dr. and Mrs. fi. ' Mra B- Terrell nd son, of Rose
B. Wallace will hv w. nf the ; burg, are visiting Albany friends.
office and home. John Wither and daughter. Miss May.
Mrs. Susan Black, of Paulina. Neb., of Portland, went to Newport this
who arrived last night, left for Tall- i afternoon.
man on a visit witn tier sister Mrs. G. W. McDowell, right of way man
Phil Swank, whom she had not seen of the O'egon Electric went to Port-
f or over forty years. j land this afternoon.
u. m. umdings went to uorvallls on
a short trip.
J. F. Venner, of Brownsville, who
ofrln aA loaf viirvKf- fivim b mn a Tl
toria. B. C. left for home. He de- Pren9" daughter
The Democrat has been asked to give
an All-Twilight League team, which it
does as below: It is selected consider
ing the batting ability of the meu as
much as the fielding ability necessary
in securing a good team. The abilty to
run bases must also be considered, both
in fastness and judgment, :
D Patterson, Postal-Banker team, c;
W. Patterson, Postal Bankers and Geo.
Dooley, Pie Eaters, pitchers; Ingstrom,
Pie Eaters, first; Eugene Dooley,
Merchants, second: Baker, the S. P.,
third; C. Bigbee. Methodists, ss.; A.
Coatea, Merchants, If.; Viereck, Pie
Eaters, cf.; Hi Torbet, Postal-Banker,
rf. M. Bigbee third, is good. Bert
Stevens is good at first, a good batter
and also base runner, but Ingstrom is
considered a point or two ahead of him.
Kennedy deserves a place on the team.
Young Smith of the Methodists has
splendid material. t'rof. Marquam
stonds among the best as a batter.
Walter Birtchet is good anywhere he is
put, perhaps better than some men
tioned. Erb Schultz is a splendid left
fielder, probably the best in the league,
but fails in batting. Kennaid, ss of
'he collego, is also deserving mention.
nd there are others, for instance
Jeard, pitcher for the S. P., a cool,
reliable player, who with strong back--ig
would do splendid work.
The lnterurban.
The eurvev of the Albany lnterurban
has now been completed to Sweet Home
by way ot Lebanon ana DacK Dy way oi
Brownsville, making a fine circuit.
The rights of way have been practically
provided lor oy w a. rears, me
Company is now negotiating for the sale
of bonds for actual worn. The road
will mean a good deal to Albany it
Zambos Arrived.
David John Henry Allen Zambos
Swackhanner,Jr.,of Hayti, Westlndias
Swackhanner claims to nave'
Automobiles and
Automobile Supplies
324 South Broadalbin, Albany. Ore.
Bu;cks, Chalmers and Hudsons.
Bell Phone Red 2531.
F. G. WILL has the latest
in Jewelry, Cut Glass
and hand painted goods.
Walter Parker
First class goods in their season.
Phone Main 66
Light, Power and Heat.
Miss Jennie Johnson returned to Eu
gene this afternoon after attending the I
funeral ot Utic Maxwell.
Mima '
..n .... . .... . h'.raK man. .n ,ha Kan rtiia .Trai.innn IQ UIUC.
to in7 At Seattle hrfoSid light , for an outing of a week or two. traveled 35026 miles , during 27 years
thousand empty houses. Sanford Archibald came over from I SaTem all riffht. but wait 5 he amves
Prof. Kent, one of the O A. C's best ! the Ba, today noon to .play tbnight m lornX" Swl?khanner "K
men left for Portland to hear the : the Columbia-Phi Alpha Pi game. English with fearless recklessness, an
great Dane dairyman. Tomorrow he: Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Moody and son odd character in the great world of
will speak at a dairymen's meeting at i Kent, left for their home after spend- curiosities.
""6" .iujr. ; Ing a pieasant weeK at me noma oi um
and Mrs. H. A, Leininger.
' Sorn. Messrs. P. R. Kelley. Geo. Taylor and
L. M. Curl left this afternoou for the
JSkK. o3trheegrsnweAnr?a,nyightt.POrt,and'
Harrison Franklin. This giveB Mr, anci I Dr. Stark will leave tomorrow for
J. W. Swank and Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Cascadia, for an outing. During his
Wilkina thnir firat Avirinr ooomnrl absence Dr. L. E. Tracev will be at the
Seasonable Things.
Some fine oil and gasoline stoves at
the Albany Hardware Co's store. Some
thing convenient, a strawberry huller.
Get one. ,
The ldedu.
A new steel ranee, with a cooking
plate on top, a model modern . stove
no blacking. Keeps clean. Just take
a look at it. A Albany Hd Co's.
Fresh salmon and other fish at Holt's
S.C.RUNYAN,! Watermelons
Carpenter and Builder.
Makes a specialty of repairing and
job wortf.
Shop 1020 Elm street.
Home phome 426.
Electric Appliance Co.
422 W. First : .
Phones-Bell Black 2651, Home 411.
Electrical Supplies and Fixtures.
House and other wiring attended to
promptly. Contracts made.
W. M. Dresser, Proprietor.
Room 14 Albany State Bank Building
Property lists wanted, property for
A specialty of the new ALBANY
Htiums. see the plat.
on ice
served at our tables
or delivered to any
part of the city.
Any Time.
Sole Distributor for the
office to receive patients.
Sheriff John D. Loean and wife of
Douglas county, Wauh., are in the city
on a visit. Mr. Logan is a former Al
bany young man and continues to own 1
property here.
R.W.Francis, wife and daughter .
have arrived from Eden, III., to the n VQUO A, 1116 great
McCullough, their cousin. They intend
to make Albany their home and like it
so far.
, We will be prepared to lake oats on .
storage. I
Barley, wheat and oats borght.
Disinfectant Germi
cide, Insecticide.
Gold (Join and Mandan Lice
and Flv Killer
235 East 2nd Street.
329 5.:cr.d Slree, Between Ferry & Broadalbin.
Northwestern Company.
Lodge Meetings.
The K. O. M. every Saturday even
ng H. C. Jordan, Commander.
TheToodmen of the World every
Friday evening. L. L. Swan clerk.
Manzanita Circle 1st and 3rd Mondays,
Pearl Cameron G. N.
Modern Woodmen meet every 2nd
and 4th Wednesday in BuBsards' Hall.
Grant Froman, Clerk.
Royal Neighbors roee. every 1st end
3rd Wednesdays in tussard's Hall
Alice Kibk, Recorder
Expert Chiropodist.
Will temove corns, bunions, ingrow
ing toe nails, and itching burning feet
relieved immediately. Will no to ynur
residence if yn can't come to me,
Call me upon either phone. Home 892
Bell Black 2243. Best of reference
given right here in Alusny.
Call by phune befor V1 or a'ler 3.
C. I. Driver.
1910 Indians
BaltimoreGu &Bicycle Works have
just received a new 1910 model Indian.
The new Cradle spring fork, mechanical
oiler and Kidig stand manes tne inaian
the machine of the hour.
The Indian has held 90 per cent of all
records for the last nine years
Call and receive demontration.
Tl.e above is a quotation from a let
ter written by H. M. Winkler, Evans
ville, Ind. "1 contracted a severe case
of kidney trouble. Sly back gave out
and pained me. I seemed to have lost
all strength and ambition; was both
ered with dizzy spells, my head would
swim and specks float before my eyes.
I took Folc Kidnev Pills rctrularlv
and am now perfectly well and feel j
like a new man. Foley Kidney Pills
have cured me." Woodworth I-rug ,
Co. i
Sninsles and shakes at the SAW !
G. W. KUTHE, Prop.
Fresh milk and cream. Our wagons
cover the city twice dailv.
Phones: Bell Black 2371; Home Main
1-3 Brenner Block. Albany.
Phones: Office Home 359, Bell black
2751, Residence 394 Home, black 863 Bell
Made in Albany my no. 1 Edg Grain
the BEST in the market. Various
grades and prices from $1.25 upwards.
Every bunch branded with my name.
Look for it. Examine these shingles
oeiore Buying eisewnere.
We use no dry kiln.
FOR SALE. 45 acres on Santiam. 9
miles east of Albany, Tine garden
land, 3 acres in fruit. Call at Dem
ocrat office. lot
J. W. BENTLEY. boot and shoemaker
and repairer, does first class work at
reasonable prices. Next door to
Democrat office. See him.
GRAVEL FOR SALE. Finest grade
of gravel from the bar just over the
steel bridge. Parties wishing to haul
same, please call i nrl net permic at
once. OWEN REAM, Agent.
3t Room 4 Stum Bldg.
WOOD. Blau. east o: erry ,; west
of Ferry $2 25, cssh on delivery. Pay
the driver. A. W Dockstede'
Home phone black 176, or Bell bla.k
During the entire year we specialize on
the best clothes for the smallest possible
profit. So reasonable at all times are our
prices that the public seldom expect cut
It is our policy however to have a house
cleaning twice a year,and as this spring has
been cold and backward we have many
desirable lines that we will close out during
the month ofJJuly at COST. A genuine
saving to our customers.
Everything that men wear. Every sr
articleNEW. We also take this opportunity to thank
our friends who have made purchases at
our previous sales, and assure you that this
sale' will be just assatisfactory,and the
bargains as great. '
We never disappoint.