Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, June 24, 1910, Page 8, Image 8

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    Mill End Sale of Table Linens.
For Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
Lot 2 Good quality, 64 inch table
linsn in mill ends, 65c value,
Special at 40c yd.
Lot 2 Splendid quality, of 66 inch
pure Irish linen damask, worth
$1.00 yd. Speeial at 60c yd
Discount on all Table linen and Nap
kins for 3 days.
Flood's Store
.Agents for R. & G. Corsets.
Agents for Standard Patterns
If you own any real property you will need an abstract
of title. Better get one now and be ready when an
opportunity to sell comes. Deals often fail for want of
time to examine and perfect a title. We are at your
service at the old stand Alco Club corner.
Grace Presbyterian. Preaching at
11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Bible Bchool at
10 a. m. and Y. P. S. 0. E. at 7 p. m.
L. S. Mochel, Pastor.
Christian. Bible school at 10:30a. m.
Morning sermon at 11:20. Christian
Endeavor 7 p. m. Evening sermon at
8. Everybody welcome.
Christian Science. Services at Con
gregational church at 11 a. m. Sub-1
ject: Is the Universe, including mar, I
evolved by atomic force. Services I
next Wednesday evening also.
United Presbyterian. Services at'
10:30 a. m. and 8 p. m. The pastor will
conduct both services and preach. ,
Morning subject: The Blessing of Uu-,
realised Aims. Evening subject: The 1
Optimism of God. '
Baptist Sunday school at 10:15 a. m. I
Preaching at II a. m. Subject: Love's
The Order of Owls was instituted last
night with nearly two hundred
charter members. The f of lowing officers
were elected :
Dr. J. L. Hill, President.
Geo. W. Wright, Vice President.
L. D. Freeman, Invocator.
Lee Driver, Secretary.
W. S, Risley, Treasurer,
J. w. unver, bentinel. -
Robert Conn, Picket.
The trustees are Thomos Froman, G.
W. Humphrey and Enoch Milter.
The order wae founded in IStMi and
is established in Canada, Alaska,- Mex
ico, Cuba, Porto Rico. Philipines, Sand
wich Islands, New Zealand, Australia,
South Africa and all the United States-,
and has now a membership of over one
hundred thousand.
It pays sick benefits, accident, die-'
Motive.'nBYou CnleTStia J?
EK rPna' & PPmmf! ! . U. is.opi;imUfc..and say,.. -Light up;'
p if t o.j i . ii "ivi, aon t rrown. its creea is: ii you
F. F. Leonard, the singer will be with he flowar to jve jve it t0 day ..
us ootn morning ana evening. i ''lbs dead neither heed nor need." Its ?
ht. Mary's. Rev. Arthur Lane, Kec- motto is:
tor. Sunday services at 7:30 and 9:30 There's so much bad in tile best of us,
a. m. Sunday school following service. And so much good in the wont of us,
Vesper service at 7:30 p. m. at which It hardly behooves any of us,
the series on the Councils of the Church To speak ill of the rest of us.
nut ua vuuunueu. ine uastur win
Vcilttegn different measures will be
Voted en- at tbe November election, as
Woman1" uffrage,
Brandt asyNim in E. O.
Corrstitucioitnl convention.
Separate-districts for state senators
and represica(ies.
Taxes only tor publio ptiiposes and
power not suFrendered.
For cre-jtiori'of railroads and purchase
of railroads and'otHer highway by the
County unifbrm'r&to of tax. 1 No.
Additional salary-of SiiOOO for judge ;
of Baker county. '
Creation of Nesrflltlf county
Support of MontnefltH-normal. ',
Creation of OtirCoonlyi ':
Annextion portion' Clackamas- to
Creation of Willinms-'cotfhty.
Abolishing poll tax and requlatit-taxes.
No. 80 New 8 room rouse, basement,
I cement walks and curb. West
Albany. Vi
No. 85 Seven room house. Ten lots.
Barn. New house. Fine loca
tion West Albany.
No. 101 Two story eight room house,
cement basement, two lots.
West Albany.
No. 117 Eight room house, two lots,
5th street. Bargain.
9tf 290 acres 6 miles from Al
braiy. Wind mill, water tank,
seven room hoase, brick milk
hoiwe, ware house; on R. Road.
Terms, balance 6 per cent. Bargain-No.
75391 acres 7 miles from Al
bany. 8 room house; dbnbler
barn. Fine buy. y, cash, bal
ance 0 per cent lis suit purchaser.
The Idedu.
A new steel rarce. with' a:' cooking
elate on top, a model modern1, stove
Bib' blacking. Keeps clean: Just: take
a look at it. A Albany Hd Co'sl'--
officiate and fill his pulpit at all the
services of the day. The public is
cordially invited.
M. E. Church. Corner 3rd and Ells
worth sts. The pastor will preach at
10:30 and the Children's Day progriro
consisting of music, recitations and
i class exercises will be given at eight
o'clock. Class meeting 10, R S. Mc
Donough leader. Sunday school 11:45,
I Dr. C. V. Littler Supt. Junior League
; 3, Mrs Gordon, Supt. Epworth League
1 7, Clyde Williams, president. Cushiond
. seats and a cordiai welcome.
J First Presbyterian. Rev. F. H. Ges
elbracht. Minister. Morning service
1 10:30. Theme.The Historic Attitude of
Presbyterianism Toward Her Children.
I Children's baptismal service. Parents
i will gather in the Manse at 10:15.
Evening service 8: Messages to-Young
Use Johnson's best.
Made in Albany.
It is the- Blest
Summer Excursions From Albany.
Beginning June 1st Summer Excur
sion rates from Albany will b in ef
fect as follows:
Albany to Newport and return, on
sale daily, return limit Oct. 31st, $4.00.
Albany to .Newport and returai, on
sale Saturday and Sunday only, re
turn limit Monday following, $2.50. ,
Albany to Newport and return,, go-:
ing and returning, Sundays only, $1-50. j
Albany to Yaquina and return), on :
sale daily, return limited to Oct, 31st, .
$3.50. !
Albany to Detroit and return, on
sale daily,, return united to Oct. 3Jst,
For further information call on Wi
Aneat place, Holt's Meat Market.
I have contracts on above. Can de--liver
at low figure. Call at flV office;.
130 Broadnlhin street, for' fasms, city
property, building lots;
FOR SALE Fine business comer in'
the right place as a figure tint wilt1
pay 20 per cent interest withiir- next
six months. C. G. burkliart, TQ E.
First St. ,
Ralston El -cl
Supply Co.
Men. Their Purity. Mr. R. Ravmond address,
n .i. c n i i vt :,i : n r
imyuiuu ui nucneuter, r. l. win sing
a tenor solo-at each service S. S. at
. 11:45; important announcements- about
the annual picnic Friday, June 24th.
Christian Endeavor at 11 A cordial in-.
vitation to every one.
Union Deurtt-
Good Deeds.
'tis said, are registered in Heavem
. BuJ I would say I cam give you a good)
deed to all the foHowing property 11
advertise below for sale, together
with an abstract of title. And if you-
Teddy the Great is Home,. Hoooray!' are rooking for a home in either farnji Service
Your Faithful Bell Telephone, always at vour elbow, .-.tcadih- increases
in usefulness. It docs a score of errands while a messenger is doing one.
You conic to accept telephone, service as matter .of course, like the air
you breathe or the water you drink. '
Vour Bell Telephone performs these daily services of neighborhood
communication, and it does more it is a unit in the universal system and
enables you to reach any one any time within the range of Long Distance
Where will the Oregon Electric term
inal block be.
laud's or city property it will pay you?"
to investigate tnese bargains, or out
ers I may have.
Every Belt Telephone is the Center of the System.
Office oppnsit" First National Blink.
We have farm-: ui li kinds und sizes.
Prices ru'"
AlsoRi'"' "Wiins in city property.
Come uiu iuo me and get prices be
fore buying.
Those who wish to mako a quick sale
uhould lint their property with me.
Mayberry Wood Yard.
All kinds of wood: Big fir, price
$5.00; 2nd growth, $4 75; Maple, $4.75;
Slab, 4 ft. length, Si 50; Oak, $5.25;
Ash. $5.25.
Will delivor aai amount wanted
sawed to order, to nny part of town.
Sawed anv length riiriri.
Albany should have a- building
mit ordinance.
Why buy Groceries
-r .'-1 1 "ri uov
OI JrOrtiana UOUSeS California a decent state,
when you can get the
following prices at
California has long been a disgrace to
the country, and the east has- begun to
point its finger at it.
! It is awful, isn't it, for the governor
of California to insist on the- laws of
the state being, enforced.
14 Iik. ''ranulated Sugar....
M. French & Sop
SHOE REl'fUlUN''.-by A. W.
Baughman. at II. A. Sloltenberg'a.
Fine hand sewed work a npccia;iy.
All work dono promptly using the
best leather, guarunK-cd to give satis
faction. Priees reasonable. 13t
House and Sign Painter,
Agent for the Cleveland Gelsenite
roof paint.
122 Ferry Street,
Home Phone, 320. Pacific, Red 3092
Real Estate and Insurance,
Buy and sell property. Insure
.ironcrty and transact loans.
Large or small timber tracts.
Insurance, Loans & Collections.
Have money to loan in small and
large amounts. Notes and mort
gages bought. I will bond you.
Property handled for non-residents.
14 lbs Japan Rice 100
16 lbs Broken Head Rice L.00
12 Ids Whito Beans 1.00
12 lbs Lima Beans 1.00
10-1B ozpksRaisinnB.., 1.00
Get our prices before you buy.
The Grocer
111 lbs Cream Rolled Oats 1.00 up with the east, in the prohibition, of! u JSfJS 1
U lbs Head Rice 1.00 prize fights, the same as' standing fori HJ!Z-?eAse w-T? i'.Ln
everything that isoecent. ,, p;;-
No. 12 Good house and one lot, East
There are said to be several amateur' 5tn street frice $2000.00.
thieves in Albany, boys who- sneak ; x0. i3a nice houoe and lot situated
around the back doors, stealing ice Qn Lye, street, containing 6 rooms-l
cream, cookies, cakes, etc., thinking it ul baih A bargain if taken soonv !
smart, but it i? stealing just as much, No iGood nenr S-room house anil;
laKing mony ironi one upawer. ; ,,, . , sftuated. West All-1
banr. Price $2fm0fX 1
I No. 15 A regular snan in a large weilll
arranged hous and beautifiiij
grotmd's. Cemeat basement, ilenty
For the following meetings, conven-1 ot fratt. West Albany. J
tions, etc., reduced rates will be in -ve some gouu hiictcsi paying ra
effect from Albany, Union Depot. Futt ness property for sale. Also a few
information will ba furnished; on ap-( SOoA building tots at prices than
plication I cannot fail to appeal to the most
R. MONTGOMERY, As-' conservative bayers
J- a I n l i.cuui fur ocuc.
No. 5 40 acres situated two mite
from Albany- Good new 6-room
and it is the foundation for a dishonest ;
Physician and Surgeon,
& Stark Mock - Albany
- ' M -v? X I
Linn Ciuiuy Pioneer Picnic. Browns
ville, June 22, 23, 24. tickets sold June
21st to 2ith inclusive. Round t'ip $1.00 j
Annual Encampment, G. A. B , As-
toria, June 21st i o 24th. Tickets soldi
June 19, 20 and 21, and limiteo to June-'
29th. Round trip from Albany $7.30. j
' .lust one of those $12.00 silver sets
teft at Tho Variety Store for $6.75,
a 13 W. ls. st
Osteopathic Physician,
Albany State Bank Building.
Boll Mack 4H2. Home 275
Clawforil Block - - Albany
but some of the finest buildings in
j town are equipped with our plumbing
I work. We make a specialty of high
'class sanitary plumbing and will be
! glad to have you examine samples of
our work. We have moved and are
now at 118 West Second street.
Will &
w R nil YFIT I GE0- W- WRIGHT,
W. R. BILYLU, Attorney at Law and Notary Public.
c i i.i t aii I Practices in State and f ederal t-ourts.
Mark Ulgck - Albany iyrsons w10 desire their money
loaned on first mortgage on good real
c-itate at seven per cent wilt mid it to
their financial interest to call on -or
phone inc. Money to loan on Jam!.
Mortgage notes bought. Mr. Wright
is not a real estate agent, but has lot5
and blocks for sal in nis additions
to Albany, and tracts of farm lands
3f his own, which . c will sell on good
Ollicc in Wright Mock, corner o.
First and Ferry Sis., Albany. Or.
iR. C. HUNT,
Rooms j and S, I'-ivnncr Block,
Bell Bla-k 24S1.
242 West Second St., Albany,
First-class meats of all kinds
from seU-rted tork.
Dealer in
Choice Meats of All Kinds.
2111 West Second Street.
Opposite the Postofiice.
Four chairs. Prompt and effic
ient care of the f;'.ec avd hair.
217 West First Street.
First-Class Work Guaranteed.
THE OREGON IAN. iu case of bad
delivery or missing of paper tele
phone Eagle's Cigar Store, week
days before 8, Sundays before 10
oclock. ,
80 acres, Jtf mile to R. R. station,
house and barn, 5 acres cleared and
fenced, timber enough on the place to
pay for it; running water, 60 acres can
be cultivated: when cleared, price $1400.
90 acres, 4 miles from Lebanon, 1
mile to Sodavillc, house and barn, 6
acres of orchard, some timber, running
water, the place is all fenced. 22 acres
of grain, 1 acre of potatoes. Price,
$60.00 an acre; terms.
164 acres, 3 miles from Crabtrcc,
house of 7 rooms, 2 barns, 90 acres in
crop, balance in timber and pasture.
4 horses, head of cattle, wagon, bind
er, drill, plows, and all farm imple
ments "goes with the place: close to
church and school. Price $50.00 an
lore. If you are looking for a good
buy. that will make you some moncv.
mil- to our office and inquire about
these places.
Albmv State Bank B'd-j
Cement Wort
1 Estimates given on Plastering, Side
walk and Cemint Work,
j J. P. TRAVEU, 4th & Cnlapooia
NE W BARB ER Sll')P. Main street
Good work. E. E. Rex.
2M West 2nd St.
l-'ir-t Class Work Guaranteed
Gen. H. Fiddiman. Prop.
rKUlT 'LUKES TKUL lo .nA ..c
Budded on who'e mots, lire the only
kind to phnt. Tint's the kind we
sell, fail ; rth or ii'Mross iV.
Ledhetter, s'smnti, Aitili'.v Nur
scries, Albaw1, 0'.
house. Wind mitt; good barn, 40x44.
Young orchaird: ail well fenoed.
Also chicken- parks. This is a .bar
gain if taken: soon. Terms 'i cash,
balance on time at 6 per ccnta in
terest. No. fi 80 acres situated two asiles
from Albanv, good new hous and
bam. iVnl mill. Cistern ami 'two
wells of water on the place. Terms,
i cash, balance on time to suit pur
chaser at 6 per cent interest;
Xo. 7 45 acres, fair house ana barn.
Orchard for family use. Alt'in cul
tivation.' Running water on the
place. Situated 3 miles from Al
bany. Mo. 8 Fine far 1 of 120 acres, all in
cultivation. New house of"tl rooms.
,md bath. House cost? $3000.00.
Barn cost $1000.00. Crop. also goes
in if purchased before Juifc 1st, 1910.
This is a fine home faun and is a
Price $35 per acre.
No. 9 552 acres in cultivation, two
sets of good buildings; land all
good; orchards; this place will di
vide nicely for two or- three fam.
i ilies. Situated 7 miles from Albany.
Xo. 10 212 acres in cultivation, goad-
buildings, orchard. Situated 7 mUes
from Alban'.
I have contratcs on- all the above
lands and can deliver tJicm at vices
that would be a surprise to a good
many. 1 also have some good buys
in fruit and orchard lands.
Information only furnished to ac
tual bnvcrs. Call personally at niv of
fice. 203 West 2nd St.. Albanv.' Or.
! J. V. PI PE.
WANTED Young men to learn au
tomobile business by mail and pre
pare for positions as chaffcurs and
repair men. We make you expert
in ten weeks; assist you to secure
position. Pay big: work pleasant:
demand for men great: reasonable;
write for particulars and sample les
son. Empire Autoavobilc Institute
Rochster, N. Y.
Albany Abstract Company,
L, M. Curl, Manager.
Hereafter- the records in the office of th'e Recorder of Conveyances
for Lim County, witl be abstracted-daily, by an, expert title examiner
employe by our company. In tWs manner we will be able to keep our
records up to the Bast minute of each previous day, thereby affording
better senviee to th public than any one has heretofore been able to
give. It is our intention to maintain the standard of excellence gaised
by thorough and conscientious work in the past;, The very best and
latest system of abstracting of titles will be permanently and contigu
ously carried forward regardless of the expenditure of money in main
taining our well established reputation as progressive and reliable ab
stracter We assnme that every, one realizes- the necessity of having
an abstract of title prepared for the property, which is about to be pur
chased; we solicit your patronage, and assure you that we can give you
the verj best work that is possible with littls- delay and at a moderate
living price. It will be to your advantage to-see us before ordering.
An unlimited amount of money to loan at: sue per cent per annum on
real estaAe security.
BotH.telephonts in the office. Gall in and sea ns or write.
Albany Abstract
Have you tried our
If not, why not ? It is the best
25o coflee in town.. Give us a trial
jiff I KK, Proprietor
Albany, Oregon.
For thirty-nin years this Bank has been con
ducting a conservative business. It has had a
healthy, steady growth duting these years and
on the basis, of this record invites your account
confident or its ability to serve you advantage
ously. Assays Over One Million Dollars.
persistently will determine vour future su
cess and comforts. You will never regret the
money you save. After you have started you
will regret that you did not open an account
Interest Paid on Savings Accounts.