Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, June 17, 1910, Page 2, Image 2

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    ' Albany Democrat.
Enteredat7he post ofhce,.AIbany.0
is second class mail matter.
F. P. Nutting.
THE O. A. C.
Our Wants.
FOR RENT.-Office rooms, splendid
luualiou, in the new Stark, building.
See Dr. A. Stark about it.
-9 room house. Call up
Main St. Home black
on E. Rex,
FOR RENT.-Housekeepinu
central location. Inquire 607
mum on.
WANTED. Man with heavy team or
three horses to put logs in river. R.
Veal and Son.
GARBAGE. Fred Rainwater, looks
after garbage. Phone Home 2303. 4t
FOR SALE One full block of 8 lots,
6-room house, ' irn and other im
provements, plenty of good fruit.
Unly iJAWU.l'u. U U. Burkliart
FOR SALE. Some fine uirddogs, pups.
Phone Hugh Perfect Home J04. It
FOR SALE. -By the owner, one six
room house and two lots, center of I
town, 322 East 4th St; also one good '
cook stove and several heating stoves, i
H. Barnes,'
CABBAGE. If residence Is west of
.y,on street will pick up garbage for
We ptpptfy. S. U Penny the garbage
man: flom? phflne 2303. tt
Call Roy Eatburn, b Kasthnrn'ii
TJiEE.-Edging and bark, .( tha ,aw
mill. It I
iw&kMte 6ALLl-From bi
",w HiB felly with automobile carpet
phones, L, fl. Jacks. t28
FOR RENT. Unfurnished rooms at
Ferry and Third streets, singly or In
Miti. W.R.Blaln. 27t
FOR SALE. Two four room cot
tages, at Nye Creek.. See Chas.
Burggraf. I9t
lots. M. Senders & Co.
SMALL FARMS. Those desiring
them near Albany will do well to see
me at 6th and Lafayette streets. A.
J. Carothers. 17t
FOR SALE. Fifty acres, bottomland,
3 miles from Albany. E. Yagelski,
R. D. 3. 3325 Home phone. tl7
FOR SALE. Farm of 45 acres, in
quire of E. E. Parrish, R. D. 1.
NO NAILS. Have your souls sewed
on by Chas. Procnow's new machine.
Saves stockings and socks. It
FOR SALE-Farm ot 160 acres, also
city property. Inquire of H. F. Mc
Ilwain, FIRE INSURANCE Boaver State
Merchant's Mutual. Inquire at Opera
House Bldg.
A SNAP fo" a short tune only, 4 room
cottage, 2 small lots, in E Albany,
See Wm. Kirk 1540 E 2nd St . Phone
1168 Home. 16t
I LOST. A Knight's Templars' charm. I
Reward upon return to R. E. 1 ason.
' FOR SALL.-A well located, modern ' ,This is tne quarter centennial week
i i . j i r. nn. ... ! rf lio flrflnnn A -i u 1 1 , , tr, I fnWnmt nt
residence. Auuress dox ooq niDany. y vftw" "ft"1- w.
13t I Corvallis, as a government institution,
FOUND. In Benton county, a lady's ! and it has been celebrated in a manner
gold watch. Harold Rumbaugh. tl8 fit for such an occasion. The prin-
FOR RENT. Six room house close in. Jcinal. speaker of the day was W. F.
Inquire 607 Broadalbin St. I Hcrnn, a graduate from the college,
FOR RENT. Good five room house ' wncn w!s a little Southern Itfethod
with basement. Call on J. V. Pipe. 1 st school, living from hand to mouth,
303 W. 2nd St. City. I with only a handful of students. Then
LoST.-A First National Bank mem- ,he government stepped in, and with
orandum book, containing valuable plenty of money it began to hum and
memorandum. Return to C. K. (grow and develop into one of the best
Widmer, R. D. 4, whose on agricultural colleges in the United
the inside 2891 Home. i States, a school for the masses. It
,,, 0, , . ' , 'shows what money can do and men
WANTED. -Girls experienced or in-1 can do with A school to
experienced, at the Magnolia Steam ; these modl.rn' davs must hae an
l.aiinlrtf immnnmraiu . -
"". IT: .. . i equipment for work.
tun onu&t iuuia cauuiei,, euueu,
library table, dining table and six
chairs, kitchen table and iron bed;
also ladies wheel. Call 312 W. 2nd St.
LOST. A pocket book containing $14
Mr. T. Roosevelt has been mcn-
. 1 . . T . nnnpf ne ipmnnrnri w nnsnr irrm ia
or ?16, in Icitv. Kaward. Return to . .. . r : ' ,; .., i
. ' ... i white holme? hut Knnsevelt will nevpr
uemocraconice. . . , shnll,,i nnt h. morning from the U.
. urmsnea rooms, close , Two term, is as lon as a man .unal. just completed another year's course. i)r. Benjamin Youncr. of Portland.
iio fill the office. Mr. Roosevelt has been Mr. Levi West, of Tacoma, and Mrs will be a local attraction at Chautauqua,
UO ..fl:,U.. lnn an.tU T, i Rpllft ronnnn T..I... A anlni. : . right UD with flnvthtnor Fenm tha oaof
C. C. Going, of Marshfield, has been
in the city.
Rev. and Mrs. A. M. Williams, of
McMmnyille, are in the city.
J. H. Shewry, of the Warren Co.,
was in the city over night.
Wm. E. Dudley and C. M. Gilgore, of
Grand Junction, Colo., have beeu in the
W. C. Breckenridee nnri Hmmki.
Miss Sue, went to Lebanon this after-'
noon. j
Mr Harrv Parker, nf fnll. c I
i '"'he city on a visit with his brother,' i
Mrs. G. A. Krogh came up from
Portland called here by the illness of
her mother Mrs Wm. Neely.
Mr. Will Steele, of the Gresham here to attend cummencement
and the alumni banquet tonight.
Budge btewart arrived home this
O., where he has
1 r.) - 'f I J '
ft 0'
in. Call upon Mrs. Rexford,
Z ' " . B " . 1 president long enough. It
rwuLi.-DrownKiagiove, laaies, at, though, necessary for him to retire
because of the fact. A man of his cm-
this noon, from Salem.
Mrs. Minnie Morris Hinklev. of SBnt.
On Sunday night. July 10, he will give
ma spicuuiu tttiK on ine value ot
Democrat office,
WANTED. Girl to do
family man, wife
84, Albany.
WANTED A cook, at the Model Res-
FOR SALE A restaurant,
the Model Restaurant for particulars,
$100.000. To loan on Parm-lnnda n.
on good city property, to procure a 1 ! Institute. One thing is certain so ' guesU of the former's sister, Mrs. Wm" ! - The following letters remain in the
Innn nt ti mob-a a nan .. t inner 3Q h livna ma wilt Via enmAi-klnrv tl,j ' ' " i . n A . n i
0. Christy, Atty., at law. Rooms 12 and wil1 take Part m the affairs of the . Mrneat Porter flni)WfU, June 16, 1910.
and 13 over ths First Natinnnl RnnL- country. How. is what is intereQtin ' i:re?r rorter ana brother, nowm the lu" i"Vi
280 W. 1st. street, Albany 0. 6t people generally. yalTr!XLl
and HUl streets.
i wctiuc ui iiiv iuli. i niui m iip wiio. uiiuuie morns run Kiev, or oeat o .. j -j i ,, ,
lo housework in 'phatic character is bound to remain in tie, a former Albany girirankustond yn.d Ynt h8nd ial ot- e4,d
and child. Box the public eye, and there are many I are here on a visit the gaests of F T. bavK'nnV Sat T$en ,n .A1Z
thtnes in wliirli hp mnv pno-nrrp in art t Blount and familv. - ""y our peopiewm Know that
Model Res- honorable career. He would be strong , ,r. and ilri. Deual, e Medford ar-'
, as the head of some great university, rived this noon on a VJit With the sis-!
Call at ! would do well as the editor of a mag-' ter of the former, Mrs. W B Steveni i
particulars. , azine, and would undoubtedly succeed Airs. Baion and daughter Runa of
n-lands, or:" superintendent of the Smithsonian .' La Grunde, are visiting in the city the1
they will have something good when he
Letter List.
FOB SALE 160 acres best land in
county, uopo improvements. Price
includes all crpni of, at pnee.
C. G. Burk-
The mov for the building of an in-
terurban railway system out of Al
bany in a circle over a rich section
of country is one that deserves pro-1
motion. When perfected it will be a, .
great thing for Albany, and will do
much as a booster, adding materially'
to the city as a business center f.nd
r.i'v $5.uu per ittt.
hart, 102 E. First St.
FOR 8ALE.-49 acres well Improved.
N(jW7 horse gasolene engine, feed
mill, new Ford automobile. Half
mile from city from city limits. Al
bany, Or. For further information
call on Louis bennner owner, no , fi ..taklishinlr its rvhciilnn
FOR SALE. 10 acres well Improved as the hub, following, as it will, the j
kuuu uuuno nuu vain, ijuvu miiicu m cstaDUsnment oi tne uregon Electric
fruit ranch. Bargain if taken soon, j hcre another great spoke maker.
Bell phone, farmers 163. t8 '
Albany, Ore., postoffice uncalled for
June 15, 1910. Persons desiring any of
these letters should call for advertised
letters, giving the date:
E. D. Bicknell, Henry Hoggins,
Thomas Horner. Geo. McKnight. Laura
McCall.R. W.Nichols, Margaret Nelson.
KM D 1). . r ) . . : . . T
l - MnriQ ) tcicrswi, eairice oiewan, i.
The Chamber of Commerce Bulletin.
just received irom Portland, containb
u iias AiDany article
with hi:
er for the Hub.
I Fresh salmon and rther fish at Holt's
Market. - '
Seasonable Things.
FOUNTAIN PENS.--won't buy the I
nld flfvln fminttiin Den when vou enn '
buy a self-filling, self-cleaning and Some fine oil and gasoline stoves at
non leakable pen for about the same ; the Albany HardwareCo's store. Some
money. Come and look at the "Auto thing convenient, a strawberry huller.
nuer ren ueior uuviuk, ilu me et one.
latest thing out. uawungs, Aioany.
FOR SALE -A planing mill and box
factory, well situated. Call upon Al
bany Real Estate Co., Albany State
Bank Building. tl4
FOR SALE. A few more choice acres
in Goltra Park. See Roy Newport.
LOST. A gold watch. Elgin, some
where in Albany, Return to Geo. E.
FOR RENT. Unfurnished housekeep
ing rooms, 304 Ferry Btreet. Large,
pleasant, with water, light, bath and
are cheap. lOt
WANTED. Girl to do general house
work, 216 W 7th street. tl7
P G. WILL, lor watches
WOOD. -For sale some good fir. W.
E. Rudgers, R. D. 4. Home phone
1803. t21
STRAWBERRIES. My patch of 15
acres will be open this and next week,
. with plenty of berries, at 2 cents a
pound J. Q Swink, 4 miles north
of Lebanon. tl7
FOR SALE. Good garden trfct, close
to Albany, 72 acres, part or all.
Home phone 2852. Also one or two
well broken horses, single. It
WANTED. -Second hand bicvele, Pierce
or Rambler. Inquire at Democrat.
Trom Hoxtio
where you are not known, you -'may have trouble
m supplying yourself with funds, unless yon car
of Me
American Bahkcrs" Association
This is destined to be the Portland
of British Columbia, on a navigable
river and deep water lake with two
trains. running in next fall.
Letters pour into our office all day
with: applications for lots. To those
who cannot come in we would do our
utmost to make a good selection.
Price $100 and $200 each. Cash
$25.00, balance $10.00 a month. A few
40 acre farms joining Fort. St. James
townsite and Lake Stuart, $50.00 cash
and $10.00 a month.
You need not be a Canadian citU
zen to hold this. You need not im
prove it, nor you need not reside on it
All this land is on or near the rail
roads, Grand Trunk Pacific, Alaska
Yukon, and Canadian Northern rail
roads. Rich farm lands, $8.50 per acre, $3.00
cash, and balance $ per acre per
year until paid. .;.
Apply Canadian Northern Land
Company, 304, 305 ana 306 Lewis
. Building, Portland, Or-gon.
just received a shipment of Gorden
Vibrators. This vibrator took first
prize over all vibrator; at the Seattle
Fair. Guaranteed for one year. Call
at our store and get a booklet. Price,
$15.00. BUBKHART & LEE.
Office with J. A. Howard. Both
phones, Residence phone black 225.
Heavy and light hauling. Moving
pianos a specialty.
A fine lot at our yard at this city, just
Phone Home 285.
These cheques arc equally useful for travel
America or Abroad. Unlike checks and (W
they do not require personal identifica--
bon, but identify the holder wherever he
travels. Accepted at par everywhere.
Not available to finder cr thief, if lost or
stolen. ft i's evnlnin t--; svefem.
J. W. Cusick & Co.
ersiu LmW
For your Ice Cream, Cold Drinks
-and Confectionery. None better
in the city
Both Phones. 316 West 2nd
Ali kinds of Lumber,
Fench. Posts,
Wood Yard.
v. ood delivered to all parts of city on
short notice, office at residence DOS
East 4th street. BAh phones.
J. D. Ellis.
A Store Full of Specials at Unusual Low Prices
Serviceable Wash Shirts
The pretty, desirable wash
skirts come in blue, tan and
white. They are made in
pleated styles with trimming
"af large pearl buttons.
Extra wash skirts are very
desirable and when you can
secure them at so low a price
you should own two of them.
They will give you splendid
service are nicely finished,
and in every way are worthy
While they last your choice
at -
A Very Exceptional
Embroidery Value
These are among the pret
tiest and best embroidery
values that we have ever been
able to offer. They are all in
extra wide flouncing made on
fine sheer swiss, insuring you
of service and satisfaction.
The patterns are truly un
usual. Pretty combinations
of eyelet and solid designs
that give a most beautiful ef
fect. Some are large designs
and some small, but any are
very desirable as flouncing or
to use in making a fall dress.
They are priced very low
considering the high quality
of materials and patterns.
We sell them in lengths of
2 1-4 and 4 1-2 yd. and you
will do well to supply not
only your present but also
your future needs. The price
is, per yard
These silks are reduced to close them out as there are
only a few patterns left.
We have priced Ihem exceedingly low to accomplish
this and it gives you a splendid opportunity. The patterns
arc good and the assortment of colors is pleasing. Per
Dainty Collars and Jabots.
A great quantity of these
dainty collars. All of them
are very serviceable as they
will stand washing.
The styles are new and
neat effects, in dutch collars
and jabots, and arc very pret
ty. While they last you may
buv them at, each
A great and pleasing assortment of these pretty new
skirts. The material is of fine muslin and the embroid
ery flouncing is in new and unusually pretty patterns.
They are well and neatly made good and full and all
sizes. Choose now at each
L. E.& H.J.Hamilton
317 First St.