Albany Democrat VOL XLV ALBANY. OREGOK PR1DAY Jl'XE 17. 1910 :0 15 Notice to Water Consumers. Irrigation permits for the season of 1910 are ready at the office of the company. After the tenth of June an additional fifty cents will be charged on all unpaid irrigation bills. The hours are from six to nine a. m. and from five to eight p. m. The ser vice will be discontinued without fur ther notice when this rule is not com plied with. Northwestern Corporation. ' Summer School at Albany College begins July S; preparation for all grades county and state certificates or for college entrance; methods classes. Principals. President H. M. Crooks and Co. Superintendent W. L. Jackson. Sanitary Fruit Jars The Sure Seal Jar is the most sanitary jar made. No tin or zinc to come in contact with the fruit and no new tops to buy every year. For sale at Meiser & Meiser Jelly Glasses 35c a dozen. C H NEWS Deeds recorded: Shelby W. Edmiston lo Eastern Investment Co, 120 acres P. M. Smith t ai by sheriff to Chas. A. Smith, lot Lebanon.. 1.60 Mortgages $1065.80, Release for $200. ?300 and $76. West Albany leads in the number of registrations, with 20, Albany next with 19, East Albany hai 13. Scott Ward, aged 62, is the the oldest native to register. BIG SEATTLE FIRE. Seattle, June 11. Fire late last night on the water front in northern part of the city destroyed ten blocks, bounded by Railroad avenue, just east of the harbor front, Third avenue, Wall and Nine streets. The loss is estimated at $1,000,000 and probably a number of lives were lost. The fire was under control at 12:45 a DOINGS OF THE WORLD. Sodaville will celebrate the 4th in a sane manner. I Editor W.J. Clark, of Gervais, is I again a candidate tor state printer. Forty-three indictments are reported at La Grande for violation of the local ! option law. I Chas B. Herrick will succeed J. C. Young as postmaster of Portland. He nno iiouiBU J w .ran uuuiiiv. WATCH I OR BIG CIRCULAR, READ EVERY ITEM. An Auto Picnic Party. A crowd of Albany people enjoyed a ' up the Corvallis road, in Benton m. it is impossible, to connrm or aeny 4 . j . , uoin u-tj in Halsey today. Albany and Halsey A Strange Stranger. the reports of loss of life. were down for a game of base ball this afternoon. This is a tough old world. The home . or Clara Morris, an actress ol nign i character, in Albany once or twice, has John White, a stranger, arrived in been sold to satisfy a morteaee. county yesterday afternoon, going in Albany this morning, acting in a sotm- The News-Reporter of McMinnville tne it oung, Hawttins anj uius automo- -"b " ku uu reoort3 the marriage in that city, by biles, having a fine time in the Kiger at tne ocean, where tne great wave . Rey A M .Williams, of Tracey Phillips, Commencing Saturday at 9 O'clock Chambers & McCune's 5Th ANNUAL JUNE BARGAIN CARNIVAL and ALTERATION SALE r Absolutely every article in the store on sale, no excep tions ; every piece of merchandise in this store will be sold at Greatly. Reduced Prices. , WATCH FOR THE BIG CIRCULAR. IT WILL BE . AT YOUR DOOR FRIDAY. Every article is here exactly as advertised. Chambers & McCune Albany's Greatest Suit -and Cloak House neighborhood. Coming back one of the party met with a peculiar accident. Striking a rather rough place Mr. T G. Hopkins was bounced up in a live man ner, the jolt cutting his lip and making a small slit in the end ot ms tongue. A Broken Arm. owl t p V m J fh Hi u crSf Albany, and Miss Nellie Sunderlir, better return to where he has been re- i 0 ,. e.r i!"' ... , , ., . . siding, and he was sent back to Eugene 1 Davld Michael recently died at this afternoon. He had $800 in drafts I Prosser, wash., at the age ot 16 years. and some money on his person, and I He w.a9.born ' Vhls C0Uiq& ?n u .I., ii,: - married near Albanv in 1877 to Mary A Gravel Man, Elmer Nanney has a broken arm, the result of an accident, while playing with some oilier Doys near tne nome ot ms aunt, Mis. Shearer, with whom he re sic! i-ji. in some way he was pulled out ot a tree by another boy with whom he was playing. Albany and Mt. Angel. The game between Albany and Mt'. Angel tomorrow will begin at 3 o'clock. The Albanv lineup will be Moore c, Saulsbury p, Westlcy, Swan, Baker baseman, Sutherlin ss, , Wicks, Bilyeu, V. Patterson nelders. The Mt. Angel battery will be Stud- ler and Dromley, former Kansas League men. . 1 survive him. Eugene against the world. Not con tent with having a big flying maehine t t? Cmanj .ten. : ' man. .Schumann rleinK and uamroscn in the city on a visit at the home of his i 8ec"rmK tne. Portlands for a game grandmother. He is a former Albany "-" "-jr. .ijuu..B -schoolboy. Ifr. Smead has been in the ' guaranty.. gravel business in San Francisco sev- John W. Kelley. a prominent wnler eral years, and ib interested in a couple on tne rortianu leiegnsin tor several of plants, great thingB in the business, years, has bought the Leader of Rose tte Deneves it would be a splendid in-:ourg, a weeKiy paper, ano win ngru vestment for Albany cement men. prohibition. This will give him a high I standing with the Oregonian, Col. - Hofer, and the Roseberg Brewery. Th Woathor , The Gazette-Times said the people of me iicamti. .Corvallis were so busy they didn't have : time to cut theweeds down, whereupon The range of temperature was a wide ' the Eugene Guard tells a. great truth one, from 94 during the early part of and says that the ousiest people ana the afternoon to 44 during the night. I most active in all respects are the ones The rainfall during the niorht was a who keep their premises looking neat- Francis Bros. Up-to-date-Sanitary Plumbers Tinning & Heating SUCCESSOR TO W. E. FRANCIS. Prices'are Right. WM, BAIN. President. H. N. BOULEY, Cashier. P. D. GILBERT. V. P ALBANY SUPPLY CO. Wholesale Dealers nuts, twine ALBANY STATE BANK We issue drafts available in any part of the United States- or Europe. We also issue Travelers' Checks, which can be used in this country or abroad, and furnish the best means of carrying funds while traveling. We shall be glad to explain their safety and convenience to you at any time. Safety deposit boxes for rent. At, the Hotels. .C. M. Brvant. F. E. Hubler. Cor vallis. Dr. O. B. Long, Harrisburg. H. A. Todd, Denver. Fred Powers, Marshfleld.' W. J. Culver, Salem. Geo. D. Smith' Grangeville. -Henry Hays, Kings Valley. S. F. Root, L. A. Ojverton, W. F. Biddle, Medford. L. G. Parton & wf,' Medford, S. May Miller, Caldwell. J. F. Summerville, Medford. J. F. McMillen, Shaniko ... - A. J. .Kirk &. wf, Brownsville. S. H. Singleton, Chandler, Ok. . W. M. Garrett & wf, Garfield. Lalph Worstel, Sutherlin. -V. '. Clodfelter & wf, Springfield. good one .76 inch. Prediction: showers and cooler to night, Sunday probably fair and warm er. The river is 1.9 feet. est. Just received a shipment of tin ware at the Variety Store. In fruits, vegetables, sugar, confectionary, wrapping paper, and paper bags. ... .. Cash paid for all kinds of poultry. We also have the agency for Pyramid and Golden Gate cement, Olympic lime, . Arden plaster. Get prices bef jre buy- Cash paid for eggs. Foot Ferry Street, Albany. , Phones. Min6jtell,3jHome. . M. Senders & Co,1 (INCORPORATED.) ! THE BEST. Lime, plaster, cement, , roofing, paper, fire brick, pressed brick, garden and field seeds, hay, grain, flour. M. Sendsrs & Co. Both Phones 48. 435 West First St. R B. iWayberry, Drayman ' Heavy and light hanling. Piano moving a specialty, Piano and organs boxed for Bhipping Piano boxes for i sale. Wood for sale, cord wood or 16 j Office with Linn & Benton Real Es tate Co . 236 West let. Residence 713 Montgomery St. Both Phones, S go C! " S 2. s e s j ft w 2 15 C o " " a a a. 1 S ' 2 a i n 2 a- DOOLEY'S GROCERY ELECT Hi ft THEATRE U Admission 5 cents. GLAD TO RECOMMEND THEM Mr. E. A. Weakley, Kokomo, Ind says: After taking Foley's Kidney riiis, tne severe backache left me, my 1 Central building on Monday June To Water Consumers. All water consumers are hereby notified that street spriuking with hose is forbidden and service will be discontinued where this rule is violated. Northwestern Corporation. Seasonable Things Some fine oil and gasoline stoves at the Albany Hardware Co's store. Some thing convenient, a strawberry huller. Get one. FOR SALE. Several Jersey milk cows, young. Mrs. Vose Miller, Knox Butte. Phone 12X8 Bell' tl4 FOR SALE Two good residence building lots in fine location, will sell at a bargain, act quick if you want something good. C. G. Burk hart, 102 E. First St. School Election. Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of School District No. 5, Linn nimt.r n.attnn that tha familap annual kl.if inn fnr tha nlnMinn nf nnu rlirnMnr 1 to serve five yeajrs will be held at the . - . , " nit, .tijr ucjviai uuiiumg uii muiniav uuiio Kiuncys became stronger, the secre-, 1910 (being the third Monday in June) imiumi ana my oiauuer no long-1 between the hours ol is and 6 p. m. FOR SALE 10 acres well improved good house and barn, good chicKen or fruit ranch. Bargain if taken soon. , Bell phone, farmers 163. t8 FOUNTAIN PENS.--Don't buy the old style fountain pen when you can buy a self filling, self-cleaning and non leakable pen for about the sumo money. Come and loukat the "Auto filler Pen ' before buying, ita the latest thing out. Rawlings, Albany, 1 Oregon. 1 I Just two of thoBe $12 silver sets at the Variety Store, at $6 75. le:t THE EMPIRE TONIGHT ' 1. The Lost Trail. (Vitagraph.) 2. Flats for Rent. (Comedy.) . 3. The Look Out. (Drama.) . 4. A Ramble Terough the Island of Sumatra. (Scenic.) 5. The Latest in Gartsrs. (Comedy) 6. Illustrated song. . Admission 10 cts. WHAT A ,Ui.iMER MAf DO. A summer cold if neglected is just as apt to develop into bronchitis or pneumonia as at any other season. Do hot neglect it. Take Foley's Hon ey and Tar promptly. It loosens the cough, soothes and heals the inllamcd air passages, and expels the cold from the system. Woodworth Drug Co. cold DREAMLAND- . . TONIGHT VAUDEVILLE. MAZIE AND GRAHAM, Novelty Singing and Dancing duo. All new pictures. ; Admission 10 and 15 cts. 8,500.00 Stock of Cicckerv. Cut Glass. Hand Painted Chine. Silver ware, etc. will I e fold i ut at tul lie auction, sale begins Tue:diy, June 2nd at 2 aad 7:31 p. m. . Both Phones Main 53 223 W. 1st Albany, Cr' COMPAQ W. A WESTFALL, Auctioneer. 9TH AND LYON STREETS. SCARED INTO SOWTO HEALTH. VrugCo Woodwrt1' cr pained me. I am glad to recom mend Foley's Kidney l'ills." In a yel-i low package. oWodworth Drug Co. '. t'olcys Kidney Remedy may be given to children with admirable re sults. It docs away with bed wetting, and is also recommended for use after measles and scarlet fever. Wood worth Drug Co. What Everybody Ought to Know. . ihat 1-oley's Kidney Pills Contain just the ingredients necessary to tone. strengthen and regulate the action of E.' W. Langdon, chairman. J. L. Tomlinson, clerk. Bids Wanted. HAVt V01K ILulrttS CLEANED AND PRESSED THE CLEANER, C. E. SHELLEY, Prop. ' 0 W 1st St. Beli Phone black 273 Home phone 196 Mt R F. Kellev. Snnmrhc d. 111. writes: "A year ago I began to be JAS. F. POWELL, troubled with my kidneys and blad- Real Estate, dcr, which grew worse until I be- Forty years residence in Albany, Or. came alarmed. I suffered also with ' Financial agent. Collections made for dull heavy headaches and the action ot mv bladder was annoying and painful. I red of Foley's Kikriey Pills and after takine them a few weeks the head aches left me, the action of my bladder j was again normal, and 1 was irec or nil distress." Woodworth Drug Co. non-residents. 130 Broadalbin street. Albanv. The board of directors of School Dis trict No. 6 Linn County, Oregon, ask. for sealed mas lor mo Daildmg ot a cement curb along the west side of the Central school block on Broadalbin St. Said curb to comply with the ordinances of the city ot Aioarty, Oregon. Ai bids to he in the hands of the e'erk by 4 p. m Friday, June 17th. 1910. J. L. Tomlinson, Clerk. Bell phone Red 140i. Palmer's Dairy : IHEGULDIN RULE. Delivers milk and cream to any part of the citv- Prices reasonan'e. jj cows with best nf care. SINGER SEWING MACHINES for rent Allkinds of machines ronnired ', 9t 1 at Burns' Shoe Store. Both Phonos. D. B. ADAMS, IfihRISo SHOE. HERE IT SS. The Goria Gas Lamps Cheaper than any other light. Pull the r.hain and it lights instantly. Home Phnre. See S-CMOEU BROS., fv'1? E. Fi'?t St.. Alhanv. Orf"on. ' bHOES REPAIRED while you wait at Burns' Shoe Store. Next the Pctt , Oince. 9t j FIRE INSURANCE.-O. F. R. A. ot 1 cMinnville. Oregon's greatest mu tual company. C.C. Brvant, Albany, usicu Hank Bldg. Both phones. GLASS All sizc3 and kinru, fur sale t '.he Alliany Planing Mill, chenper ih:i-i urwhrre i-foe in Albanv. Skill- '8 FOR SUHHEB SPRAY MATERIA . Soie Distributor for the Hygeno A, the great Disinfectant Germi cide, Insectitude. Closing Out Sale Entire Jewelry Stock Having decided to leave Albany to open business in Lctlibridge, Al berta, I am offering my entire stock of Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Sterling Silver, Cut Glass, Hand-painted China, Silverware, High Class Gold and Gold-filled Jewelry, Etc., by SPECIAL DISCOUNT SALE. 20 per cent discount on all watches. 25 per cent discount on alt clocks. 33 1-3 per cent discount on all cut glas.s and china. 25 per cent discount on all jewelry. 25 per cent discount on all silverware. You can get a $20.00 watch for 316.00, a $15.00 cut glass bowl for $10.00, and other articles at equally low prices. Sale commences Tuesday, May' 10th, 1910. This is the Grandest Opportunity the citizens of Albany have ever had to replenish their homes with high-class goods at such prices. As I am leaving the city there is ABSOLUTELY NO RESERVE on any article in my stock, except contract goods. A. IL P4RSON; JEWELEF, 313 WEST, HMST SFBEf-T. jik h two lots, o-rooin house, ham a::cl other improvements, for a l:r.?t :ir.:c at a very low price. C. G. Burkhart, 102 E. First St. Gold Coin and Mar.daM and Fly Killer 235 East ?nd Street. Lice Stetter's Got t he Hlues. For 10.: A- V5C. t W T. V