Albany emocrat VOJ, XLV ALBANY. OREGON FRIDAY Jl'XE JO. 1910 NO 43 Sanitary Fruit Jars The Sure Seal Jar is the moat aanitary jar made. No tin or zinc to come in contact with the fruit and no new tops to buy every year. For sale at Meiser & Meiser Jelly Glasses 35c a dozen. S Albany Agents for Gage Hats,Gage Millinery, W.B. Corsets,Red Cross Shoes, Oxfords,Pumps,Sorosis Petticoats and King Waits Muslin Garment made exactly like you would make them at home, from' the best grades of Muslin, Cambric and Nainsook, all trimmed with the new est and daintiest patterns of laces an d embroideries. Complete new assortment of "Isabe He Drawers, Corset Covers, Gowns, Skirts, Combination Corset Cover and Drawers. . ' 1 Chambers '& Albany's Greatest Suit ard Cloak House Francis Bros. Up-to-date-Sanitary Plumbers Tinning & Heating SUCCESSOR ' TO W. E. FRANCIS. Prices are Right. , ALBANY SUPPLY CO. Wholesale Dealers In fruits, vegetable?, sugar, nuts, confectionary, wrapping paper, twine and paper bags. Cash paid for all kinds of poultry. We also have the agency for Pyramid and Golden Gate cement, Olympic lime, Arden plaster. Get prices bef jre buy ing. Cash paid for eggs. Foot Ferry Street, Albany, Phones, Mjin 6 Bell, 3 Home. .M. Senders &Co, (INCORPORATED.) THE BEST. Lime, plaster, cement, ' roofing, paper, fire brick, pressed brick, garden nd field seeds, hay, grain, flour. M. Sendsrs & Co. Both Phones 48. 435 West First St. R B. iMayberry, Drayman ' Heavy and light hanling. Piano moving a specialty, Piano and organs boxed for shipping Piano boxes for sale. Wood for sale, cord wood or 16 inch wood. . - Office with Linn & Benton Real Es tate Co., 236 West 1st. Residence 713 Moncgomery St. Both Phones. H.AVE YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED THE CLEANER, E. SHELLEY, Prop. Beli Phone black 273 Home phone 196 ?J W 1st St. Palmer's Dairy IKE GitLDlN RULE. Delivers milk and cream to any part of the city. Prices reasonable. Jersey cows with begt cure. Pnth Phrnes. D. B. ADAMS, VACUUM CARPET SWEEPER Agent for the ONWARD SLIDING SHOE. I Home Made Brand of New and Dainty Underwear tt n U w T c S-,S I " r S Sf-S. 3 5o trj -o It -r " r" cc D S B B" DOOLBY'S GROCERY 9TH AND LYON STREETS.. SCARED INTO SOUND HEALTH. , Mr. B. F.- Kcllcy, Springfield, 111., writes: "A year ago I began to be troubled with my kidneys and blad der, which grew worse until I be came alarmed. I suffered also with dull heavy headaches and the action of ' my bladder was annoying and painful. I red of Foley's Kikney Pills and after taking them a few weeks the head aches left me, the action of my bladder was again normal, and 1 was free of all distress." Woodworth Drug Co. FOR SALE Two lots, 6-room house, barn and other improvements, for a short time only at a very low price. C. G. Burkhart, 102 E. First St. GLAD TO RECOMMEND THEM Mr. E. A. Weakley, Kokomo, Ind., says: "After taking Foley's Kidney Pills, the severe backache left me, my kidreys became stronger, the secre tions natural and my bladder no long er pained me. I am glad to recom mend Foley's Kidney Pills." In a yel low package. oVVodworth Drug Co. Foley's Kidney Remedy -may be given to children with admirable re sults. It does away with bed wetting, and is also recommended for use after measles and scarlet fever. Wood worth Drug Co. I What Everybody Ought to Know. That Foley's Kidney Pills Contain just the ingredients necessary to tone, strengthen and regulate the action of the kidneys and bladder. Woodworth Drug Co. SINGER SEWING MACHINES for rent Allkinds of machines repaired at Burns onoe store. - yt FIRE INSURANCE O. F. R. A. ?1 4 olinnville. Oregon's greatest mu tual company. C C. Bryant, Albany l US1CK riHUK LiiUtf. LSOin phOhCS. GLASS. All size3 and kinds, for sale at the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper than aywhere tise in Albany. Skill Iv set, if desired. DREAMLAND Admission only 10 cents and 15 cents. TONIGHT VAUDEVILLE Swift and Casey, ', Black face comedy mus'cat act. Three thousand feet of new pictures. Good music. Vaudeville matinee Saturday. THE EMPIRE ' . TONIGHT Entire change All Features. New Song. Admission 10 cts. ES3SES McGune A FEW BARGAINS IN CITY PROPERTIES. ?! I 2 good lots near Madison Struct I School biulding for $900.00 cash, W i the lots separate for $550.00, with easy j terms. 12-room house and 4 lots; property : located in Shedds Station; house atid lot including all household furniture, j and in fact everything complete; everything fitted up for hotel purpos es; also a barn and three lots, includ ing 3 buggies; one hack; 4 sets of double harness;- 2 single harness; 5 I horses, in fact everything on plactrfor $3700.00. I A new 5-room cottage, and barn, in 1 west part of town. Price $1650.00; I 7-room house and one lot located in east part of town; good sewer connec tions; 2 good wells on place. Price $2600.00. I A good 7-rooin house, 4 rooms down.nias, and 3 upstairs; 2 good lots, I small barn, lots of fruit; good buy. I For $2500.00. Good 8-room house; all modern, With good basement; lot 80x110 feet; cement walk and curbing around lot. Price $4500.00. 'a ,?.?d.rJ;o1" S0,tta!:e; "!a" J&ft t ivjia, lyia ui (jutiu null. jrilin; flUU. Good 5-room cottage; one lot:. west part of town. Price $1700.00. A good 7-rooin, two-story house; centrally located. Price $2500.00. COUNTRY PROPERTY. 27 acres located about 3 miles north of Albany; good barn; fair house; 8 acres in apples, prunes, cherries and pears; principally apples;, 3 acres Loganberries, strawberries and rasp - berries. Price $5,400.00. About half cash, balance to suit purchaser. 60 acres, located about 5 miles northeast of Brownsville, a fine little dairy place; place fairly well im proved; a bargain.. Price $3500.00; $1500.00 cash, balance in three years at six per cent. SV2 acre3, located about 32 miles ! . southeast ot langent; a acers in ap ples; very good house, two barns. Price $115.00 per acre, including crop. 45 acres located about 5y2 miles southeast of Albany; A-l little place; well improved, with good orchard. Price including crop, $125.00 per acre; all cash but $3,000.00. This can run for three years at six per cent. J. A. Howard. JAS. F. POWELL, Real Estate. Forty years residence in Albany, Or. Financial agent. Collections made for non-residents. 130 Rroadalbin street, Albany. Pi'.'ll phone Red 1401. hehe nr is. The Ciorsa Gas Lamps Cheaper th .n anv other linkt. Pull the fhain a-. ' it lijhtj ir,tnn!lj . H"'"- I'.icini.. St-e CHOBL BllOS., 536 E. First St., Aiuany, Oregon, GOOD ROADS. The illustrated talk of Maurice Eld rid re, of the U. S. government service, at the threshermen's convention, last night was a very important number in the meritorious program of the week. Here are some pointers that deserve to be considered: Goods materially enhance the value of the property of the farmer. The farmer can do more business ten miles from market on a good road than two miles away on a bad road. It ia a fnifc that thpi-A nrA hnftpr school houses and schools where there ' are good roads, and showed this. , Oretrnn'a hltiP rnpk. ia th. M ui maniu guuu lunua, auu villa oiaig has the best material with one except ion. thit of New York state. His illustrations of roads in different parts of the world were of a striking character and impressive. A road built vrong is worse than not built at all. Willful ignorance means mud holes. Permanent road building is as im lortant to a state as railroads and the Igures show it The plan of employing convict labor is a gooa one. The plan of issuing bonds by the counties, under a consttutional amend' ment was approved by the speaker. The Oregon campaign for good roads will bear fruit, the only systematic one started in anv state, and great things may be looked for. All that is needed is the skill and knowledge, which the gov ernor m is prepared to go to any exiipnoe to furnish. : J a .'.je Webster then spoke for some time presenting the issuing of bonds as the great plan for securing first-class roads, making future generations pay for them. Hq announced that a Linn county branch of the State Good Roads Association will be organized here, and began at once to get names for it. The Threshermen, At the evening session of the Thresh ermen's convention last evening resolu tions were passed thanking the Alb.iny Commercial Club, the Alco Club, the newpapers, the threshermen's wives, and other ladies and the T. S. Town send Creamery Co. of Portland , for its splendid ice cream donated. Upon motion of a machine man him self the annual dues of machine men for belonging to the As ociation were placed at $25. La Grande was selected for the semi annual convention Dec. 9-10. The convention was a splendid suc cess and Albany was favored in hav ing it here. Seats idling Past. Feats went on sale this morning at Woodworth's Drua Store for the pro duction of '"The Ai ikado" to be given by the high school. There has been an unusual large demand for seats for both nights and it behooves those who are going to procure their tickets early. The finishing (ouches are being ap plied and the theatre-eoers are guaran teed a fine performance by the young sters. Surrounded by fans, lanterns and enrysanthemums the young people will present a delightful picture when the curtain goes up on Monday evening. The Wireless Telephone, Bert Warfbrd. who is the local rep- resentative for the North American Wireless Corporation, will be pleased to show any one who is interested, what the wireless telephone has done and what it will do. Dr. Lee De Forest, the chief engineer and inventor of the wireless telephone, will be in Portland, at their offices at 706-08 Board of Trade Building, and will lecture and give demons trotians with the long distance wireless tele phone. All Albany people going down should be sure and Bee the wonderful invention. 'At the i heater. Notwithstanding manv counter at traction there was a fair sized audience ! at the opera house last night to see , Cousin Kaie.those attending being well ' epaid. iss Jeanne Russe'l nude a hit in the leading part, aid her support , wa,s excellent. Tonight the Cowboy and the Squaw will be given a dramatic ' treat. deserving a good audience The Woodmen of the World will hold ' their anuual decoration services tomor- i row at 2 p. m. The procession will leave their hall at that time, and march : to the cemetery where the grave" ot j aeaa memoers will De aecorateu. ine ladies of the Circle will also attend. THE OREGONIAN. in case of bad delivery or missing of paper tele phone Eagle's Cigar Store, week days before 8, Sundays before ll o'clock. MURPHY' -FUR- ' -UMKH S?M MIMA. Sole Eistributor for the Hygeno A, the reat Disinfectant Germi cide, Insectitude. Gold Loin and l?r.ran' and Fly Killer 235 Eist 2nd Street. Lice AFTER THE BEEF TRUST St. Louis, June 4. Attorney General Major Bays he will oust the beef trust from Missouri and has all fhe evidence n necessary to do it. The President There Monroe. Mich., June 4. President 1 art attended the unveiling of the monu - ment of General Custer t.,dav. mnkincr ti" It Was Murder. Helena, Juno 4' The coroners jury returned a verdict of murder agi met Eva Pressor, who shot her husband G. N. Train, near Libby. Memorial Window. London, June 4. Amid an impress- ive ceremony today a window was piacea in a cnurcn at Princeton as a memorial of the American prisoners of the war of 18 2.. Teddy to Be Married, New Yonk. June 4 Teddv Roose. velt, Jr. is to be married June 20 to Miss Judith Alexander, the special event of the year. Roy Ellis and Floyd Bilyeu have all their customers see their lots before, they buy Call for them, when in Portland after property, at the office of the Empire Investment Co., 401234 Board Trade Building. 7 $8,6CO.O0 Stock'of Crockery, CutGlasr, Hand Painted China, Silver ware, etc. will be soldcut at pullic begirB Tuesdsy, June 2nd at 2 ond7:30;p. m. Both Phones Main 53 m Closing Entire Jewelry Stock Having decided to leave Albany to onen business In I.eHilrMre A I. bcrta) I am offering my entire stock of Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Ster ling Silver, Cut Glass, Hand-painted China, Silverware, High Class Cold an d Gold-filled Jewelry, Etc., by SPECIAL DIS COUNT SALE. 20 per cent discount on all watc ljcs. 25 per cent discount on all cloc ks. 33 1-3 per cent -discount on all cu t glass and china. 25 per cent discount on all jcwelr y. 25 per cent discount on all silve rwarc. You can get a $20.00 watch for $ 16.00, a $15.00 cut glass bowl for $10.00, and other articles at equally 1 ow prices. Sale commences Tuesday, May 10th, 1910. This is the Grandest Opportunity the citizens of Albany have ever had to replenish 'their homes with high-class goods at such prices. As I am leaving the city there is ABSOLUTELY N O RESERVE on any article in my s tock, except contract goods. A. H. PARSONS, JEWELER, 313 WEST, FIRST STREET. WM. BAIN. President. H. ALBANY STATE BANK Your business is solicited. The conservative met iod of this bank and the straightforward, bvsl less; like. s vA as coi rteius treatment you will receive will make r. II your with this is institution Batufactoryand pleui-ant. Interest paid on Time and SavingsJDepositr. ; Stetter's Go For 10c V 0O1NOS OF ' THE WORLD. U, O. defeated 0. A. C. yesterday 8 to 4. Dud Clark made 5 hits in S times up. 27 out of 31 days in May were fair ones according to the record of a valley ex. Yesterday at the strawberry fair at Lebanon, Halsey defeated Lebanon 3 to 2. Halsey is said to have an un- beaten team' , m n.n . i 1 The Dalles hi a cherry festival this One of the speakers was Col. Tom Merry, of Los Angeles, in early days connected with the i)emccrat Roseburg failed to make up the re quired amount for booster Hartog, and instead has hired a man for $1000 from Hood River, and Roseburg will proba bly go ahead just as fast. The final debate at Eugene last night becween Eugene high and Pendleton for the championship of Oregon was won by Pendleton, wnich had the nega tive of . the bank guaranty question. The judges were Prof. Mathews of the O. A. C, Prof. Kirk of Willamette and Prof. Elizabeth Irvine of Albany Col lege. 'rs. Maud Johnson was found guilty at Vancouver, of obtaining money un der falso pretences, and .was yesteoday sentenced to one to rive years in the nenitenciary. Now she claims to have been a tool of a gang of four men and five women working in the U. S. Mrs. Johnson was once a resident of Albany, a daughter of Dan Wagnon. 223 W. 1st AUn,. rim. COMFPtft W. A WESTFALl, Auctioneer. V HI V V fH Out Sale P. D. GILBERT. V. P N. UOULEY, CBBhier. the 151 ucs. and 15c. V.::ndowr.