Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, March 04, 1910, Page 2, Image 2

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    u tared ftb Me muci i.uibO A,iDay,ur
wcoo j I- -n iiiuii no a tier,
FOR SALE. -Dining table, hed room
suit, couch, chairs and a few other ,'
articles. Miss Katharine E. Ball, W 1
7th St.
WANTED. -A boy. Apply at Com-1'
mercial Tea Co's Store. 223 W. First
St. i
, WANTED. A competent woman for
general housework. Apply 332 Ferry
WANTED. Girl to do general house
work. Call 117 Wesc Third.
let with informtion see or address i WANTED. Girl to do general house-
Owen Beam, Room 4 Stark Building,
Albany, Ore.
FOR SALE. Bicycle, with Dew single
tires, good condition, good single
buggy and harness at half price. 238
6th street. , 18t
FOR SALE. 18J acres, "with new 7
room house and gooJ Darn, u diocks
trom the city limits, oooa terms
Address box 173.City. tl2
.SOMETHING that will interest you if
you want a small fruit farm, 26
acres, all good land, only 1 mile
south of Millersburg, find 4 miles
nnrthRRL of Albanv. 10 acres full
bearing orchard, half apples and half
.prunes, 8 acres in cultivation, balanoe
in brush and pasture, poor buildings
but sightly location. Price $3300.
S. N. Steele, (owner.) 110 Second
St., Portland, Or.
FOB EXCAVATING, Lawn grading,
lot clearing, gravel ond Band bauling
Phone Bell Red 2562.
FOR JSALE- A tew trio's of thorough
bred Buff Orphingtons 15 eggs $1.50.
Call at 216 E. 2nd street. 17t
clean seed wheat, Kinney, $1.25 per
bushel. C. R. Widmer. Phone 2801
Home. 24t
FOR PALE. 25 acres in North Al
bany, all in cultivation, fine garden
. land or fruit land. Will sell altogeth
er or in two pieces. Deal direct with
the owner. Inquire at the Democrat
FOR SALE. 640 acres Eastern Ore
gon stock ranch all under fence, new
house and barn, $10 per acre if taken
soon, so meres of alfalia land, all un
der irrigation, can be 20 aces mere
put in cultivation, balance timber ana
grazing land, situated 80 miles soutn
of Condon, 40 miles East of Shaneco
in Wheller county, Oregon, or will
trade for good property near Albany,
for further particulars inquire of A.
Beard, 508 E. 6th St. Albany, Ore.
FOR SALE-Farm of 160 acres, alsoi
city property. Inquire of H. F. Mc
llwain. GLASS. All mzc8 and kinds, for sale
at the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper
than aywhere nlse in Albany. Skill
ly set, if desired.
McMinnville. Oregon s greatest mu
tual company. C. C. Bryant, Albany,
Cusick Bank Bldg. Both phones.
Merchant's Mutual. Inquire at Opera
House Bldg.
work. Inquire at Democrat office.
LOST. A ladles' gold watch, with
monogram E. R. S., green leather
fob. Reward. Please return to the
Democrat office.
FOR RENT. Furnished and unfurnish
ed rooms. 116 Washigton St. 12
NURSERY STOCK, from the Carlton
Nursery Co. for sale 1). Bussard.
Home Phone Red 100.
FOR RENT. Unfurnished rooms. 231
Galapooia street.
WANTED. A reliable woman to cook
at a hotel. Inquire at the Democrat
WANTED. Girl to help in kitchen.
Inquire at Democrat office. 14
The masses in Oregon are against
the assembly, the politicians are in
favor of it, that is a few of them. The '
Oregonian has published the names
of most of them. That paper has i w
made a desperate effort to make it ap-1 Mrs. Struble returned this noon from
pear that the people want these as- Portland.
f,'mKiesJbi"t lZL,t?,"le"nty, 1 A. Brownell, of Portland, ar-
j r . Vu a t: T v-"-!'!' nvea this noon.
' heads that the Ashswale grange in this ., ... , ..... ,
county favored the assembly, think- "turned this.'noon from
in? it had a trreat find: but it was the . balem :mpanied by her parents.
' worst kind of a canard. The members ' Miss Laura Chambers went to Eu'
of the irramze finally heard what had gene this afternoon for a visit at her
been said about them and are said to i Drotner
have been very indignant, so much so' Mrs. Bessie Simpson, of Eugene, is
; that the secretary of the Grange an-1 18"lmT at the home of her father M
' swered the false report in the Journal, Cameron.
! a paper of the people. One of the Commissioner T. J. Butler was 62 on
mosi interesting inings aoom me com- wo m ui reDruary ana nas receivea
ing campaign will De tne position the JUBt post card greetings. Had coin'
assembly will occupy in it, and par-1 cidence.
ticularly that of any one the assembly Miss Evah Huston, of the Young
may. name. store, today received a present of an
i immense oiamona, and was receiving
a un i ajflnuflKU. i niiny congratulations.
Prof. H. L. Hopkins, of Eugene, waa
1166 PUPILS.
It is all right to set a standard of in the city oyer night, while on hiB way
population to work for; but there is home from the east, where be has been
not verv much in it after all. fnr to he selling lumber, beinc At r.hipncrn Kn.
r ok wsnr.-si room empty house, ; ettective it must be perpetual. When sae uty, Denver and other points.
iiu. i. on coraor om una jenerson , ju.uuu is reached, then JS.UUU will be ; W. O. W. ShpnnarH am'o.H ,t
me goal, ano so on. i ne great thing evening from SunnyaiJe, Wash., going
a iiiuii aiaiiuaru ui cuizen- east 10 get nere, inac is as iar as f asco.
ship and civic improvement and let He reported terific weather there this
the result take care of itself, which it winter. Mr. Sheppard expectB to lo-
wui uo. people are always attracted CLB in tne vauey,
towards a city with good people in it,
where hospitality rules, and where a
clean government operates. Albany
has a good reputation, and the result I
will be seen in a steady and reliable
Phnna RlonU 9911 growth. Ihe Democrat oretlicts a'
city 01 iD.uuu witnin not so very many iDe military uiri are Being held in the
years; dui is just as anxious to see a pariora 01 tne rreaoyienun enured. A
good citizenship. , large number tried out last night, (he
Wood Yard.
Wood delivered to all parts of city on
short notice, office at residence 90S
East 4th street. Both phones.
J. D. Ellis.
FOR SALE -A good single driving '
mare five years oil. Enquire of J.
D. Ellis 906 East 4th Btreet.
street. Inquire at 414 East First
Btreet. bmma oruckman. t2
FOR RENT. Store room at Second
and Ferry street. See Harry Schlosser.
FOR RENT. March 1st this fine loca
tion 406 First St.. room 25 by 60. E.
H. Rhodes.
LOST. On March 16, a solid gold Sun
burst brooch with 32 pearls, some
where between opera house and 6th
A Washington,
FOR RENT. Some fine office room
on First street. See W. C. Burkhart
FOR RENT. 6 room house, on Day
ment, inquire at tha Democrat office.
FOR SALE. Cottage of six rooms on
4tn oetween eager and Montgomery.
enquire at nu c. 4 ot.
NEW BARBER SHOP. Main street
Good work. E. E. Rex.
WANTED. Boy 16 yeare or over to
learn the printer and preasmans
trade. Good opportunity for a.eady
boy. Apply Rawlings 123 Broadal
bin St.
WOOD FOR SALE.-First-clabs dry.
fir and maple, delivered anywhere in
toe city, ror $4.7& cash
ders Linn and Benton
office. Both phones.
PRUNING, gra'ting and budding sol be done in the proper season
References given if requested. D. B.
Spears, corner . of Calapooia and
uieventn street. it
and Clark's Seedling from young
plants. $2.50 per M. J. G. Gibson,
Home Phone 4054.
PLANTS FOR SALE. Gooseberries,
red and white Currants, Rhubarb,
Red and Yellow Raspberries, Iceberg
Blackberries, Loganberries, Dew
berries, Phenomenals, Hedge Plants
and Sage. Ivbr C. Dubdall,
Albany, Or., R. F. D. No. S, Home
rnone nuz, f let
J. W. BENTLEY, boot and shoemaker
and repairer, does first-class work at
reasonable prices. Next door to
Democrat office. See him.
The Military Girl.
The rehearsals for the extravaganza
Uwing to the inquiries of a great :
many 01 my irienas wnetner 1 would
continue the business of the late W.
F. Davenport or not, I take this means
of announcing to the public that I
have ordered a full line of the famous
Shewman Clay pianos and organs
and also a full line of small instru
ments and will continue the business
as usual.
I will be pleased to meet the ni.
try outs brinerine out some of the beat
talent in the city. The participants are
greatly superior to anything heretofore
Superintendent A. L. Briggs reports
the following for the public schools for
the month ending February 25;
No. pupils remaining last month 478
boys, 496 girls, total 974 J
No. pupils remaining at date 488
boys and 514 girls, total 1002. Pupils
on register since beginning of year 577
boys and 589 girls, total 1166. Of these 1
3 are under 6. 254 between 6 and 9, 234
between 9 and 12, 170 between 12 and
44 and 613 between 14 and 20.
During the month there was a total
of 18,820 days attendance and 783 of
absence, only 82 late, and 462 were
neither absent or late.
Average number of pupils belonging
1022. average daily attendance 981, per
sent of attendance 96. Visits b par
ents 4, by members of school board
Tuesday, March 8
zation of Meredith Nicholson's Novel
"The House
of a Thousand
With Hugo Koch as Produced For
One Year at I be Hacket and Daly's
Theatres New York, and the
Garrick Theatre Chicago.
Get Your Pish at Pteiffers.
The place, 229 West Second street.
Everything in the fish line, neat and
clean, at a reasonable price.
,PRICES-2oc to $1.60. 250 seats
the lower floor at $1 .00.
FOR SALE. Farm of forty acres. , vnn n mn j.
I : M TP TP I) : 1 D l- 1 . 1 1 lllln OO VYCH uo ,fia uu ,
i4.ucU.D.I x aiwa... iv. v. u. one real estate firm cannot handle
I all
FOR A SHORT TIME I will make plain the eastern people that will visit our
ah.Hf naiota fn. Clin nlcin ahi.l vna.ol- I fL V J. t.L l
Dun, nmDio ,vi gin,, maui sun, lUWU blllH Sril)g. L UU UU OOtter tO
suits $2.00 and up. Bring your work
and come along, bzs West 2nd at.
Phone Home Red 215. t6
FOR SALE. 6K acres, one mile from
court house. Good seven room nouoe
with hot and cold water, wind mill,
and barn, sidewalk all the way.
Home phone 2915. J.F.Gaines, Al
bany, It
give several live firms the chance, and
be sure of a quick Bale. We have re
cently sold the old Huston farm for
$120 an acre to a man of Huron, S.
Dak. We are alive, we don't deceive,
we will handle all farm property from
now on at 2H "er cent straight.
106 E. 1st Street, op. Russ House.
nrrcr 11 i no substitute.
-- AcceDt substitute for Foley's
lneaper tn&n any otner llgnt. run " tung huuuics. v.uuiins
the chain and it lights inBtantiy. no opiates and no harmful drugs.
Home Phone. See Schoel Bros., Remember the name, Foley's Honey
536 E. First St., Albany, Oregon. and Tar, and accept no substitutes:
Woodworth Drug Co.
Letter List.
The following letters remain in the
Albany, Ore., postoffice uncalled for
Mar. 1, 1910. Persons desiring any of
t-hnan loftoco Dl.nlH Anll - T. j
I trons of the Davenport Music House letters, giving the date:
and those wishing to purchase a piano I M. F. Adams, Jessie Armstrong, Jes-
B..i, w, uc picasco. to nave e nuugnton, mrs. jk. w. uaser, r rank
mem urn in anu get my prices and Daiiara, u. a. uraic, turs. t inlay Cook,
"10 FORD Now Rend
scan the instruments of the line I am
They Like It.
Chicsge has a woman dramatic critic
who is one of the best known theatrical
wriiBrs un tne american press. This
woman. Miss Amv Lealm. ha fnr
cumber of years been the critic on the
Chicago Daily News, and the theatre
goers of that city rely strongly loon
her criticisms of a new nlav hufnr
purchasing their seats
In BDeakinsr of "The, TTmias nf .
Thousand Candles," the attraction at
Aioany, Tuesday, March 8, Miss Leslie I
says: "The audience at the Garrick i
liked the play, and there will be many, '
many audiences that will go wild over
Mr. Cathedy, Anna Dunn, Mrs. Elmore
Deihl, Mrs. S. L. Dawson, Allen Funk,
E. A. Hulburt, Mrs. C. E. Hulburt,
Miss Maude JohnBton J. F. Morrison,
Fay Nichols, Mrs. Mary Rose, Mrs.
Daisy Reeve. J. CI. Rhnriea Gen n
Smith. M. E. Sturdivant, W. M. Sates, i
Mary Wood. Mrs. Fred Wordrup, Sarah 1
Williams. D. E. Wheeler. C. H. Web
ster, John Weishapl, Elinore Warner.
J. S. VanWinklb, P. M.
WaNTED. Man and wife to work in
logging camp. Want lady to cook for
8 or 9 men. At once. A. R. Metzgar
3rd and Hill. It
FOR SALE. -Furniture, heusehold
goods and Piano. H. C. Jordan, 1115
East First street.
FOR SALE. or rent, a high grade
Wellington piano. Call at 834 Maple
street, rnone nome 3o7.
XS 'moH priced ea
NlyyX fy L0W priceo car SjjBBiBy
Whole Store
"The Car that lasts Ion ges t and cheapest to keep up."
SEE the car, look it over thoroughly, study it, have a demonstration.
DO NOT BE DECEIVED by what other agents may tell you. . The
reason they do not like it is because they can not sell you as good a
car for less than $1,500 or $1,600. . '
WE sell you a five passenger touring car fully equipped with top,
wind-shield, speedometer, five lamps and repair outfit for $1,050.
RALSTON & CRAWFORD, Albany, Oregon.
Office over State Bank.
Week of
Sale Begins Saturday, February 26, Closes Saturday, March 5.
White Goods
Indian Linens
Embroid (r
Many people realize the money saving oppor
tunities which this sale of excellent, remnants
offered. Those who are familiar with the good
represented and all women are became enthu
siastic buyers and supplied many of their spring
needs from these bargain offerings. If you
have not been here we urge you to come early.
We will keep every day an interesting busy
day-and you can save much in buying now.
You will marvel at the high quality of the goods
shown, but come and see. The goods speak
for themselves much better than we can tell you
Come early and stay late.
Poplar Cloth
Table Linen
(Wite and Colored.)
Danish Cloth
Light Percale
Persian Lawn
Drapery Nets
L. E.& H. J, Hamilton
3 17 First St.