Albany Democrat "" " " , ' " ' - . TTw. y L SLV ALBANY. OREGON. FRIDAY M.VIiCII. 4 110 " S031 For Ten Days You cau buy the celebrated Hartline Wash. Full Patent. Hard Wheat Flour at $1.75 per sack Fully guaranteed Murphy 225 W. 2nd. Flour and Feed. MATTS I MA ITS I CUETIS REAL EST ATE CO, 106 N. ELLSWORTH. Farm land and city property bought' and sold, Parties having land or citv property or sale will do well to list with us. Phones Bell black 53. Homo main 231! We just received a shipment of Table Matts. Special price for 10 days only 20c a set. The person that brings this add first to our store will receive one set free. ME1SER & MEISER. YES, RUBY IS THE BEST 25e COFFEE A PANAMA PAPER ANOTHER RAILROAD. Tells cf 237 Inches in a Year, of rtin The Democrat appreciates a ine ianai Kecord, Z,one, of Jan. 26. Salem, Eeb. 26. W. D. Dennis f red Kusse 1 and S. a. Linthicnm filer! I articles or incorporation today for the Carlton and Coast Kailroad to run from reciales a codv of i orl.'on to j.iiiamook Bay-via Fmrdale. of Acoon, Canal CaP'tal ?500,000. People who think itrains here maylbe Ul 1 1 1 TP M startled withkhe record of 237.29 inches fl A 1 Yl 1 L 1 I J IN J " - . uiiu ucmu. Ill igug, Alio wettest month was December, 58.17 inches. 18 inches more than Albany's average rainfall for a whole year. The dryest month was Mnrch. S.fifi inchnu July, a dry month here, showed 26.33 incnea. ihe Atlantic side, where Forto Bello is, is much wetter than the ! Mciric side of the isthmus. , Tne canal work is divided into three I sections, Atlantic, Central and Pacific, aad the progress of the work is shown. .' 2),276 men ara at work, and the monthly excavations are nearly 3,000,000 yirds, j besides the large amount of concrete 1 work, track laying and relaying, rock ( crushing, sewers and water mains built, , drains and ditches dug, etc. They play base ball there between the i showers, having two T.enonna with I Gorgona, Acoon, Empire and Marines in one, and Com. Sub., P. K. R., Civ. Ad. and Colon in the other on the Atlantic side. I m-aiWM Last WeekHLast Chance , To Buy Goods at Such Cut Prices for next Saturday Night Closes The Great Surprise, and Rummage Carnival Every day has been a busy one and we have meas ured off Prints,, Ginghams, Percales and muslins as fast as possible and still have thousands of yards left at the same low prices, which is less than any store can buy them for in the New York market today. RUMMAGE CARNIVAL means the cleau-up of all odds and ends and this week we' will cut the price still much lower, for we mean' to clean up ready for spring. Do you need a Suit, Coat, Dress, Waist, Skirt, or Hat? If so its worth your time to investigate, also see the many . ' , . bargains we offer in Laces. Embroideries, Underwear, Hosiery, Belts, Bags, Collars, Ties and lots of odds and ends of the most useful kind. ' SPRING ANNOUNCEMENT. Our New .York buyer is busy every day selecting the , newest things in stylish apparel for women, from the best houses. in the Fashion Center of America, and we are already in receipt of 200 New Spring Waists, Hosiery, Gloves, Jewelry Novelties and new Hair Pads, Switches, &c. You're welcome to look. 1 The Greater Chambers &' McCune's Store Albany's Leading Cloak and Suit Store , ; . JAILED. DOINGS OF THE WORLD. Walla Walla, Fe.b. 16.-Otis Ham ilton, former adjutant general of Wash ington, was lodged in the penitentiary today. By a strange coincidence, Lamping the present adjutant general, having previously accepted an invitation to visit the institution, was also there today. PihoTSaFd. Washington, Feb. 26,-Pinchot was a witness today, and said Ballinger gave out false statements to Taf t and was disloyal. Doesn't Like It. The Navy. Frank Davey, of Burns, it is Baid, would like to go to congress. The Idaho basket ball team worn in the citv todav after beimr in F.nuurm and Corvallis. The Warren Co. are putting in a spec ial A paving in some cities forSl.90 and a special B for $1.75. Mrs. P. J. Nixon received word from V alia Walla, that her brother, who was operated on for aDDendicitis a few eays ago is slowly improving. J. A. Archiband, a dealer in monu ments, of Philomath, for many years, has moved with his family, to Ashland to reside. Lawn Peck was drowned on McBee Lake, near Corvallis yesterday while fishing in a boat, and Joseph McBee and son, with him had a narrow escape. Eugene Guard: Solomon Palmer, a horse trader, was fined $20 in the po lice court today charged with assault and battery upon a youth whose name is not learned. Judge Bryson at first gave him a sentence of 23 days in jail or the privilege of leaving the city, but representations were afterward made by Palmer's friends that he was a per manent resident here and the cash fine j was imposed. Harisburg Bulletin: Jim Douglas has received from J. L. Boyle, who went about two weeks ago to look over the country that is now being fast settled by homesteaders. Mr. Boyle does not regard the land as very promising. His letter states he had just returned from a week's ride over the so called "land ot promise." "They have frost 365 davsa year. Elevation from 4,600 to 5,000 feet. It is a rolling plain orde9ort and water very scarce. Wood ten and fifteen miles away. It doesnt look good to me in any way. Imnossihle to raise . anything but rye for hay. Bend is a 1 Flace of 300 or 400 people. Do not think ! will remain here loug. ' If you are going to travel get ' the I American Bankers Association Trav ellers checoue.inS10.nn. $20 nn '. , Washington, Feb. 26.-President?en?minationa' Pynle at ten thousand o ?"' . i ait urges congress, tor a law reorga to Bend nizinc? the navv Una. ni.d rriiif.ino na The Beef Trust. NewYokk, Feb. 26. The prosecu tions in the beef trust will move to annul the charter of the national pack ing company. Devlin Coming. banks, or i,t an; f or salt Bankers, IV hotel or rnilrnnH nfflra For sale by J. W. Cusick &-Co.. Lodge Meetings. Tin K. O. M. every Saturday even ng. H. C, Jordan, Commander, The YS'oodmen of the World every Friday evening. L. L. Swan clerk. Manzanita Circle 1st a.n.d 3rd Mondays, Anna Strom, G. N, ; Modem Woodmen meet every 2nd and 4th Wednesday in Bussards' Hall. Ghant Frohan, Clerk. Ro'al Neighbors mee. every 1st and 3rd Wednesdays in Mussard's HaU ' - '- Alice Kirk, Recorder, Portland, Feb. 26. Thoma3 r-i- receiver nf tho Oraivnn 'IVaf O.r. ...Ill t ' nwiiiiBw, mm . , , . return to Portland next week. His Expert Chiropodist, 5nvi ZTK Halkyer, brakeman on the MP" on the bink's affairs is awaited , Will teraovo corns, bunions, ingrow Sp rifrfield tram, yesterday; at Spring-1 by the court: . , toe nail., and itching burning feet fielti received a d SDatch announo no- s Ti.ii. "I1? Ieec Eiratcu iiiiiuv-uiavcij, Will tU lO your Died in Pennsylvania, Jn4.u A u: . . : & wic ucaui ui ins moiner at VjarDonaalo, Penn. She was 64 years of age, and leaves a husband, three sons, Harry of Albany and Springfield, John of Van couver, and Carl and a sister of Car bondale. The Foresters, of Springfield, of which . Mr, Halkyer is a member, 1 sent a telegram of sympathy to the i sorrowing husband and children, at Carbondale. I Mr. Harrv Halkver left Ihia nffoi-. noon for Carbondale, Penn., to attend uie lunerai ci ms motne-.. A7baPnvyinfSr4botiniRf,;rer "To" f" ' ,b- ,Ca" me "Pn either phone, Home m wio-n?' ,'if.f.,?f' or ?9c o,n'he lBf.ll .Black 2343. , Best of reference .. bicaui tu BCIl Cai . CTlVPn ri(;hr ho,a in A hnnw both phones 49 Driver. M. Senders & Co, (INCORPORATED.) THE BEST. Lime, plaster. c?ment, roofing, paper, . fire brick, pressed brick, garden and field seeds, hay, grain, flour. M. Sendsrs & Co. Hand Painted China. Both Phones 48. 435 West First St. Plumbing Let us estimate on your works. ' We guarantee first-claas work at moderate cost. PLUMBING, TINNNING AND HEATING. W. E. FRANCIS 126 Ellsworth St. Your choice of six Dinner Set Fancy Dishes A full line of GROCERIES You have heard for the last 14 years about Stetter's, Best Coffee, none like it in Albany. Try some. Prompt Delivery. 206" West Second St. HERE IT IS. Haviland China. The Gloria Gas Lamps I U 1 cmpir biniiffitfiikih' - THEATttE.lVHlMllLIMIJv I " TONIGHT ;. ; I , iieujjtir man any otner ng-iit. Jfull me uiiain ana it ngnia instantij. i Home Phone. See Schoel. Bros., 1 536 E. First St., Albany, Oregon, , IStetters's New Store, BGOLEY'S GKOGERY A new and extensive line of fresh, clean . i I ri r a nnn?nn BothPhones, ' W N' NX DWUV. Xmii It fmm IW, L GEO. W. WRIGHT. ; Attorney at Law and Notary Public. - luiuiea in oiaie ana reaerai courts. Persons who desire their money loaned on first mortgage on good real estate at seven per cent will find it to their financial interest to call on or phone mc. Money to loan on land. Mortgage notes bought. Mr. Wright is nor a real estate agent, but has lots and blocks for. sab in nis additions to Albany, and tracts nf f.-irin 1:imU of his own, which . e will sell on good terms. j Office in Wright Block, corner of First and Ferry Sts.. Albany. Or. I Complete change of Vaudeville Tomorrow night Louise Byrd' in a Sscred Concert, with clasical vocal selection. Dont miss it. It is GREAT. Admi-;eio 20 cts; children, 10 eta. PROGRAM TONIGHT 1 A Visit to Bombay. 2 The Feud 3 The Usurper . . 4 Testing Their Love 5 Illustrated song by Miss Bell. .Matinee every lay. Admission 10 cents. Vaudeville next Monday night. .CLosTisra out" All Ladies Suits and Coats at less 301 MAIN ST., DEALERS IN General Merchandise, with anew stock ! 10 oe sold at reasonable prices. - Prompt attention. Delivery Jjto part of the city.;' any A fine lot at our yard at this city.just burned. I . Phone Home 25. ! Bread, Dried Fruits and Vegetables ALBANY BRICK CO 0TH AND LY0N STREETS- Palmer's Dairy ! THE GULDEN JRULE. j Delivers milk and cream to any part of the city. Prices reasonable. Jersey cows with best of care. Both Phones, j J. G. Crawford's Photograph Gallery I Is in the New Albany State Bank Build ing, second fluo', with a complete equinmenc fo: picture taking ot all kinds. ' 8- 9 O O a 5 5 O ? ... B3 S -i po Electric ApplianceJCoJ i 422 W. First I Phones-Bell Black 2651, Home 411 ! i Electrical Supplies and Fixtures. I House and other wiring attended to 1 promptly. Contracts made. ! . I .R B. ttaybirry, Drayman ' Heavy1, and light hanling. ' Piano moving a specialty, Piano arid organs boxed for shipping Piano bom fnf f ale. Wood for sale, cord wood or 16 inch wood. OIHce with Linn & Benton Real Es , tate Co . 236 West lBt. Residence 713 Moncgomery St." Both rhones. A.y LAUV can easily make from $18.00 to $25.00 per wee working for me quietly in her own home locality. This is a bonafide offer one which will pay you to investi gate, even if yo'ii can only spare two' hours a day. No investment re quired. Turn your spare time into money. Write mc at once for par ticulars. Address Mary B. Taylor, Box 30, Woman's Building, Joliet, Illinois. i j-i i . man nail price opportunity. - Den' o miss this THE PARIS CLOAK & SUIT HOUSE 223 W. First Street, Albany, Oregon. Wil. BAIN, President. p. D.JGILBERT. V. i H. N. BOULSY, Cashier. FURNITURE AT COST- CLOSING OUT SALE Everything Must Go O. E. PERRY, 310 W. 2ndlSt. STUFFY D. B. ADAMS, VACUUM CARPET SWEEPER Agent for the ONWARD SLIDING StiOE. v.mmi W(wk HOARSE COUGHS, COLDS. I am in chest and sore lungs, are symptoms that nuicklv dei-M,.,, i. crons iilncss if the culd 1. i olcy's Honey and, Tar stops ' -.!:;ii, lieais and eases the con- !''' and l-.rmgs quick relief. S ujlv.-Mt!i Drez Co. Horn a u Heals! ALBANY STATE BANK Everybody does some banking business, but many do not understand all th e benefi ts theylreceive from their association with a bank. You cannot do business with a good bank without receiving sme ben efits. , Try it and this fact will be demon strated to you. !:. liC Estimates given cn Plastering, Side- F. C Yi ill ICT V2ff fafS 128 Ei-ond.I.i a'.lt and C.'mont Work. J. I. 'ihAMh, 4th & Cs.'irtc's S . Short orders, including Meula, S.-iladn, I VegetHli!'-, Tics, Oysters in ul! st.vli s. j Hot Tamin'ies, Sandwiches, Cake. i-tc. men's and lunchis, m-:it !,n. . lean. Con Action jrie? anii soft drinks at T l Have you tried our B COFFEE? i If not, whv net? 25o coffee in tow.i STAR It is 1he best vrive i-s a t.rin.l r3