New Seasonable Goods ' That you need now, sewing. for your spring A big assortment of A. F, C. Ginghams in prettier patterns than ever at 121 2 yd -Cotton challies for comfoits, new fresh goods at only 5c yd .'Reddisode cotton, 72x84 inches, all ready to put in your comfort at 85c roll Flood'sStore Agents for Stanard Patterns. How Is Your Title ? ' We are now making photographic reproductions of the county records ' md are prepared, o nshort notice, to furnish complete Abstracts of Title ' to any piece of real estate in Linn County, Few of the old titles are perfect; we recently found a government pal tnt that misdescribed the land intended to be conveyed. .We look to your interest. Have been established for 18 years and are incorporated. UISM COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. ALBANY OKEOON TOMORROW'S DOINGS. Baptist church. Regular services l the usual hours. Sabbath School 10:15 i. m. Preaching by Rev. A. C. Eaton at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. B Y. P. U. rt:30 p. m. Grace Presbyterian church Services at 11 a. m., program by the voung peo ule. Patriotism and Temperence, wasmngion ana miss nuiara. special music. 7:30 p m., subject, "The children of believers" by the pastor. S. 3. 10 a. m., C. E. 2:30, 4:00 and 6:45 p. m. United Presbyterian. "The Supreme Glory of a Voung Man." is the subject for the evening sermon. This ii the second in the series of sermons to the young people. The chorus will sing two inspiring anthems. 7:30 o'clock. "God's Conveyances," will be the subject of the 10:30 a m. sermon. Christian church. Albyn Esson, Min ister. 10:30 Bible School, followed by communion service and morning ser mon. 6:30 p. m. Christian Endeavor, with echoes from the State Convention. 7:30 evening sermon. Special music both morning and evening, uoraiai welcome fo; all. MISFITS. Even fish are on the mountains. The streets are being kept clean. In the days of prosperity look ahead. The monied men are getting Alaska by the neck. Say, if that storm does flop over the mountains. its tail Alb iny's library id proving a credit to the ci y. Let it grow. The Dalles has thirtv saloons. It would make a dandy college town wouldn t it. The tail of the comet is what people are afraid of; and it is the tail of these eastern storms that bother uregonians The DeoDle are watchiner this aisenv bly proposition decidedly close. The name of assembly candidates will be Dennis. This from an Ex. is timelv: "Some St. Mary's church. Rev. Arthur men seem to thinn that it they get into Lane Lane. Rector. Second Sunday in a 'scrape' and the editor mentions t in Lent. Services at 8 and 10:30 a. m. I his paper he does it out of malice to Rev. Edwards!Donnel)y of Portland will ! ward them. In nearly every case of officiate and preach. The subject of i this Kind nothing couia Be turtner irom he evenine lecture at7:30 will be'lhe ; me iruin man audi a uenei. i, i u Fifth General Council of the Church A. I editors business to publish local hap- VASES B igSale of Vases Fri. & Sat., February ISth & 19th Everything in the Bankrupt stock of' Chas. Knecht, now greatly reduced in price. The stor j will be closed until Friday to enable us to prepare for our big sale. Don't Forget the Date. 313 W. 1st Street. L i innnaven. IPkm 11 Hi : UJ A General (ShFlectrie i li I Ralston Electric Supply Company 506 Wel .Second Street ' COLLINS & DEVINE, Real Estate and Insurance, M JEfcSitS!pSlP I liuv and sell property. Insure ( i!Jh j VS!l property am! transact loans. r4::l!S&fBrr V-rSii D. 653." Lenten services are held every Wednesday and 1 Friday evening at 7:30. The public is cordially invittd. First Presbyterian church. Rev, F. H. Geselbracht. Minister. Morning service 10:30. Theme: Messages from the Pronhets. Kelitrious Life Denned in Simplest Terms. Evening service y:bo, tnerne: me Binie s ureal vuesc ion. Sabbath School for all. junior Endeavor 3:00, Christian Endeavor So ciety 6:30. A cordial invitation hearty welcome to everyone. penings, good or bad, and it a man furnishes material for a bad item he has no one to blame should it appear." Line: In's Court. I The following, part of the circuit ! court record of the recent term at Lin i coin, is of local interest: ! Maaggie Sullivan agt. Griff King, j cction, concinuea. J. N. Chambers agt. F. M. Carter, ucuun, cunuuueu. M. E. church. Ihe young people will j k, Weatherford aet. Victon land Jiave che right of way at the morning ' q0 decree service 10:30. The theme will be: J p'red Dawson and wife agt. J. K. God's Ca l for Leader's. The i young Weathertordand wife, continued, people and youth of the Sunday School, i j K Weatherford agt. Robert Mc aggregating nearly two hundred, have ; Kay agt Minnie McCourt, agt. Julia been invited to attend by classes, seats 1 A.Kyniston, three ejectment suits. con having been reserved for ech. There : tinueVj. will be good seats however for all who George Riley agt. R. B. Montague, come without regard to age. Dr. M. i motion to vacate judgment, granted; u. wire win ureucii ut, i;ou- uuu iiuiu the quarterly conference on the follow ing Monday evening. The Toledo. A new steel range, with a cooking j ptaie on' tup, a ipuuei muuerii . uwvv No blacking. Keeps clean. Jusr take a look at it. At Albany Hd. Co's. If vou are going to travel get the ! American Bankers Association Trav-. 'eliers $10.00, $20.00 or $50:00', denominations, payable at ten thousand' i ' banks, or t.t anv notel or railroad omce. (For sale by J. W. Cusick & Co.r Bankers. At The hotels. E. A. Rholen. Salem i. H. McConnell, Shedd L. T. Berry, Lebanon D. S. Dulfield, Mill City R. K. Myers, Halsey Hon. M. A. Miller, Lebanon Chas. Donahue, Westcliffe, Colo. T. H. Goddard, Mill City Prof. Hargrave, Portland B. F. Mulkey, Jacksonville J. W. Seavey. Eugene Hayes & Hulburt, Corvallis H. A. Hutchins & wf, Montreal A. Fischer, Salem R, Ray Booth, Salem I I A SAFEGUARD TO CHILDREN. "Our two children of six and eight years hays' been since infancy sub ject to colds and croup. About three years ago. I started to use Foley's... Honey andi lar, and it has never tailed BROMO LAXINE COLD TAB LETS. The best remedy in the mar ket for cold in- the head or a fresh i.i i: n..:t. i:c it i.n.,a. u ir b0x i t'ot sis .p"-"6 rd cHur? th,esc trouiblHs- hed you get yonr money back. Price,1'.'8, the- only medicine I can get the 1 b i)nci'in pTi,iHi children ta take without a row. The 2sc. BDRKHAR & LLE. fmm w c 0rnsteini Green More people are taking Foley's ! Bay, Wis., duplicates the experience I Kidney Remedy every year. It is. of thousands of users of 1'oley s rion- considered the most effective remedy cy ana tax. wooawn-tn urug io. tor all kidney and bladder troubles ' that medical science can devise. Fo ley's Kidney Remedy corrects irreg j ularities, builds up the system, and're j stores lost vitality; Woodworth Drug Co. WANTED Voung men to learn au tomobile business by mail and pre pare for positions as chaffeurs and' repair men. We make you expert in ten weeks; assist you to secure position. Pay big; work pleasant; demand for man great; reasonable; write for particulars and sample-lesson. Empire Automobile Institute, Rochester, N. Y. A LINN COUNTY ORCHARD PROPOSITION OF ABOUT 3,000 ACRES, PRONOUNCED BY PROF. LAKE, OF THE AGRICUL TURAL COLLEGE, TO BE THE VERY FINEST FRUIT LAND IN THE FERTILE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. This land is owned by the Linnliaven Orchard Company of Albany, and almost one-half of the stock has teen sold to the residents of this city. : The officers of the company are: Dr. W. H. Davis, President; Joseph IT. Hawkins, Vice President and General Manager; Alfred C Schmitt, Treasurer; George H. Crowell, Secre tary. Directors: Dr. W. H. Davis, Worth Husten, Joseph M. Hawkins,. Owen Beam, George H.. Crowell, Frank Fletcher, Prof. E. R. Lake: A limited amount of the percferrcci stock is now offered in units- of $500.00 each. With each share of preferred stoc k the. purchaser is given an equall amount of the profit-bearing, common stack. The preferred stock is secured by a Trust Deed to Judge H. H. Hewitt on the property, a definite 20-acre tract being set aside to secure each $300.00 of stock sold. This preferred stock must be repaid to the purchaser and retired, before any dividends are declared on the Common Stock. This is a Bonifide Proposition by a Responsible Company and Offers a Safe. Investment With Good Returns. Are yon interested in securing a block of this stock? Are you in terested in advancing the commercial importance of Albany and the com mercial interests of all her citizens? Are you interested in developing Linn County, and making it one of the well known fruit glowing sections of the Northwest ? .... DO YOU WANT TO MAKE MONEY FOR YOURSELF? If so, take some of this stock NOW. It is one of the safest and fair est propositions on the market, btu will not be.- for sale long. At the rate it is going the stock will all be sold by March 1st. THE OREGON TITLE & TRUST CO, Sales Agent. Subscriptions for stock may be lc-ft with any of the following well known real estate firms of this city: Linn & Benton Real Estate Co., J. A. Howard; Oren Beam, C. W. Tebault;. Collins S Devine, Pears & Chase. 'Albany Abstract Company, ; L. M. Curl,. Manager. Hereafter the records in the office of the Recorder of Conveyances for Linn County, will be abstracted daily,, by an expert title examiner employed by our company. In this manner we will be able to keep bur records up to the last minute of each previous day, thereby affording better service to the public than any one has heretofore been' able to giva It is our intention to maintain the standard of excellence gained by thorough and conscientious work in the past. The very best and latist system of abstracting of titles will be permanently and continu ously carried forward regardless of the expenditure of money in main taining our well established reputation as progressive and reliable ab stracters. We assume that every one realizes the necessity of having an abstract of title prepared for the propsrty which is about to be pur chased; we solicit your patronage and assure you that we can give you tho very best work that is possible with little delay and at a moderate living price. It will be to your advantage- to see us before ordering. An unlimited amount of money to loan at six per cent per annum on real estate security. Both telephones in the office. Call in and. see us or write. I J. M. RALSTON, Insurance, Loans & Collections. Have money to loan in small and large amounts. Kotos and mort gages bought. I will bond you. Properly namlicu (U'nts. TOM YOUNG, .; House and Sign Painter, Agent lor the Cleveland Gclscnitc rooi paint. 1-'-' Kerry Street, I Ionic 1'hoiH-, .1J0. Pacific, Red 3092 A. STARK, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, Will Jfc Stark I'.lock - Albany DR. MARY MARSHALL, Osteopathic Physician, Alh.inv Siaic Bank Building. Hell Hhu-'k 4SJ. lloim 275 H. A. LEININGER, Dentist, Clawford lllock - Albany DR. W. R. BILYEU, Dentist, Will Slark lllock Albany DR. R. C. HUNT, Dentist, Rooms 6 and S, llrcnncr Block, Hell Black -MSI. T.P.T TTK PPTTRRMT VOTI with a bath room plan you can have executed by New Year if you act quickly. Nothing very expensive about it, yet it includes everything necessary for a handsome and sanitary bath room. Our plumbing work is included in the cost, with no extra charges as a joker. Think it over. MEDIN & STUAPT. Schuman-Heink:A,!,any Abstract Company, LUMBER Lath Shingles HAIR FIBRE PLASTER Lime Cement M. B. CRAFT, .242 West Second St., Albany, Kirst-class meats oi all kinds I'riini vch'Ctcil stock. HENRY BRODERS, Dealer in Choice Meats of All Kinds. 2111 'ct Sci'ond Street. BRUCE & ANDERSON, Opposite the Postoffice, Kotir chairs. Prompt and effic ient care of the face and hair. WE have r.oJStato Deposits, nor do wo accept any de posit where special security has to be pledged. This means ihnt we have no preferred creditors and that your deposit lias the same security that all hnvo. We have invested assets worth mire than $100,000 00 and this would have to be dis sipated before dooosittirs could lode a cent. It is not being dissipated, it is growing. J. W. CUSICK & CO. BANKERS. Established 1892. VIERECK'S BATHS, 217 Wc-t First Street. First-Class Work Guaranteed. Will sing at the Eugene Theatre Friday evening, February 26th. .Mail orders now received. Seats S2.60 and $2.00. Address Eugene Theater, Eu gene, Oregon. Why buy Groceries of Portland Houses when you can get the following prices at EASTBURN'S , 14 lbs Granulated Sugar $1.00; 16 lbs Cream Rolled Oats 1.00 ; 11 lbs Head Rice 1.09 14 lbs Japan Rice .1.00 16 lbs Broken Head Rice I'.OO ! 12 los White Beans 1.00 ; 12 lbs Lima Beans 1.00, 10-10 ozpksRaisinns 1.00 1 Get our prices before you buy. W. A. EASTBURN The Grocer. Albany, Oregon FIRST NATIONAL j Albany; Oregon. j OLD AND RELIABLE. i For thirty-nine years this Bank has been son ducting a conservative business. It has had a healthy, steady growth during, these years and oo the basis of this record invites your account confident of its ability to serve you advatttage srasly. Assets Over One Million Dollars. BANK F. G. WILL, lor Watches BUILDING PAPEt Roofing Paper Shakes Posts SAVING A REGULAR AMOUNT persistently will determine your future suc cess and' comforts. You will never regret the money you save. After you have started you will regret that you did not open an account sooner. Interest Paid on Savings Accounts. FIRST SAVINGS BANK The Crest Tamalie3, Tamalies. Try one of our boneless chicken tam alies. None better in the city. Oysters served any style, also light uncnes. MOLDINGS THEOIAS. K. SPAULDlNCi LOGGING CO. ."Ijth Phones Bel! Tied 811, Home T;4. Buh Phones. R16 " est 2nd G.E.METZGUS &SGN, Sanitary Plumbers and Shtcl Meial WorRcrs. Our natron are assured of strictly fir.;t c'asa work, prompt service and reasonable prievs. Have trcuph, conductors, roofing snd ceneral jobbing. Sp.-, ifications furn sbtd. E.tirrates cheerfully givn. 'Tts vt. 01 E First S:. Both Phono FARM AND CITY PROPERTY THE LINN & BENTON REAL ESTATE CO Have a good list of FARM AND CITY property and take pleasure in show ing you any place you wish to see. No trouble to us. No expense to you. Before buying see us. See it all. Take your choice. Get the best. Office 236West First St SHINGLES. Made in Albany my no 1 Edg virain s the BEST in the market. Various grades and prices from $1.25 upwards. Every bunch branded with my name. Look for it. Examine these shingics before buying elsewhere. i. A. THOMPSON. We us no dry kilm. vnnrt'P Si""? I Dnnnn KnnMiinn A POSITIVE CUES Keep your Clothes clean and pressed. THE CLEANER, C. E. SHELLEY, Prop. y W 1st St. Beli Phone black 273 " Home Dhoue 196 CHINESE DOCfOK-J. Mon ;Foo, an experienced compounder of Chinese medicines, successor of the late Honi? Wo Tong, is now prepared to furnish Chinese medicines to all. The under signed recommends him and guaran tees satisfaction. Ca.l or nte him at No, 110 We3t Second s: . Albany i Forlnfltcitiiatton nr'ntai ,'tryn. NO .URE KO FAT -- 'iiim-klj- tiuti jr:t:t ;:ij. .1 mil 2tiL n., ''--j bnrmlrfs. Colli by drusci;.! I' itellefonUine, Ohio- Or Jim Vl ESTFAIL in. For;! bf'Rukhart & Lee