Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, February 25, 1910, Page 7, Image 7

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    Trunks, Hand Bags and
We have lately received a shipment of these goods and can supply your every
need from our complete stock. Strong handsome trunks, well made, priced up to
$15.00. Suitcases Japanese matting, leatherette, canvas, cow-hide and lizard cover
edpriced up to $19.00.
Hand bags all prices up to the alligator covered at $20.00 each.
Beautiful Satin Rajah
Silks. A superb finish and a
popular silk for Spring.
Colors Green, Old Rose,
Pongee and White. 24-inch-es
wide :. $J.00 yd.
Also some splendid waist
patterns of 4 yards
$5.00 each
Ladies' Embroidered
Lisle Hose.
Fine quality with neatly
embroidered figures of dif
ferent colors 50c pair
Have You Seen
the silks we are offering at
exactly half price ? Rem
nants and a few waist and
dress patterns.
just Received
A lot of fresh Persian
Dates, very tempting to look
at and they taste fine....
15c lb
Fine diagonal dress goods
a splendid cloth for Spring
suits. Colors, grey and dark
blue. i
A lustrous finish very
rich looking. 52 inches wide
$1.50 yd
Don't Fail
to get some of that Embroid
ery' which we are showing.
Get your choice from the
best patterns. 25 inches
wide $1.00 yd
The list of jurymen for the March
term of court, was drawn today, as
Albany. G. B. Cummines. G. M.
Junkin. W. E. Baker, John Denney, A,
Kyle. H. G. Fisher.
Price. J. W. Falev. Frank Kitchen
Scio.-Chas. Weselv. Wm. Mav. Wm.
Fox Valley. W. R. Surry.
Brownsville F. H. McFarland.
Lebanon. E. Meyers. B. L. Sinroson.
G. W.Cruson.
Syracuse. W. E. Fisher.
Crawfordsville. J. R. Springer.
Shek.J. E. Archibald.
Orleans. Henry Stewart.
Santiam. Eueene Easton.
Rock Creek. B. W. Jewell.
Harrisburg.--John Middieton.
Waterloo. Geo. H. Powell.
Center. G. A. Scott.
S'lelbun. J. T. Funk.
Sweet Home. R. W. Moorehead
We Try to Please Our Customers.
THAT Is why we sell strictly high grade unadulterated
THAT is why our prices are'so reasonable, and
THAT is why we are careful and accurate in filling
In all kinds of Jewelry,
Watches, Cut Glass and
U1HT 11R lur.
A full line of choice nursery stock.
Order now for Spring delivery.
Phne Red 871 . Office 31? W. Second;St.
B. F. PEICE. Manager.
Walter Parker
First class goods in their season.
Phone Main 56
The modern Travellers, Albany's old'
est ladies' club, the mother of ihemall.
starting back in the days of Mrs. Adams,
back of many good works, held their
annual reception last night at the home
of Mrs. S. E. Young, a charter mem
ber, with fifty or sixty present. It wag
a Washington affair, the members ap
pearing in colonial costumes, white
powdered hair, etc., looking very pretty
and attractive.
It was a genial, good natured gather
ing. me event of the evening was a prize
contest in writing acrostic poems from
the letters George Washington, de
cided by referendum to the people, in
favor of the following written by Miss
Smith' of the college:
George Washington, a fine big man was
Except for Martha Washington no other
love had he.
Of all the noble gentlemen of those
colonial days
Remember it was our Washington who
nhnuld have all the rjraise.
News from Albany's Six Early . Geor89 Wa8hingm'ef 8 ter0 ot this
Trains. Enabled all American's to have a happy
Wherovor his grand good name is heard
Some of those returning from Cor- j A shout of joy goes uo and every heart
vallia, where they attended the cadet j is stirred,
officer's hop, reported a big time, with , Such was his name for truth and right,
a crowd present. O. A. C. does things . He's ever been the watchword
on a large scale. I In every city, town and state.
I No better name could we all take,
Mr. and Mrs. Gaskins, Corvallis' lead- a j"'00 the name 1 U9a
ing musicians, passed through the city ".') W "L'n t JL t ,if
for Portland to W the famous Schu- '?.M f LmJ Z
.n.n..-TTai,.ir f : Now of this noble man.
I Mrs. Walters, of Salem, was heard
, , , , XI . ' in a vocil solo, with an encore, showing
Lawyer A. A. Tussing, R. H. Crshow a Bpiendidly cultivated voice of excel-
Brownsville train. . I A cherry tree, luscious with the. red.
Banker P. M. Scroggin and Lawyers ; ripe fruit wa8 brought out. and, blind
Garland and Newport were among a ; t0dei, with a pair of shears, some
crowd arriving from Lebanon. j went forwar(j ana- tried to cut the cher
Mra. E. C. Brandeberrv and son re- ! , . ...h Un. thru
turned from their San Diego trip, after ' cjpS , . .
an aDsence or a monin, arriving on ine Delicious refreshments of oysters on
delayed No. 16, reaching here at 10 crac5ers. with stuffed cherries, cake,
In Its Weekly Session.
Present Vice-president McCune,
Secretary VanWinkle, Manager Siru
ble, and Directors Dawson, VeU,
Miller, Stewart, Fortmiller and Nutting.
Letters from our representatives in
congress in reference to the N. P.
lands, read. Action will be taken as
soon as consistent with a thorough ex
amination. Six slides were ordered for Eugene
Bartlett, a Chicago lecturer.
The officers reported against inter-,
ferring in the matter of the Washing
ton reports about Albany's finances.
Upon request of the Spokane Com
mercial Club a move for the improve
ment of the condition of the R. F. D.
carriers and service was endorsed, and
the P. of H. of this county alao asked
to become interested.
The exchange of the club's type
writer for a new visible Remington was
ordered, the old one being taken at $35.
$309.25 was reported collected.
It was reported that a union of the
creameries was impossible.
Mr.. Hawkins, manager of the Linn?
haven Company made a talk promoting
this enterprise of so much importance
to the future of Linn county, and the
matter of a meeting with business men
was left to the officers.
Major C. B. Winn presented the
matter of the armory, and a necessity
of a guaranty to the state in order that
work on the armory may proceed
at once and a committee was appointed
to secure the same stoned by the coun-
cil, county court and business men,
both the county court and city council
nave endorsed the armory.
An Albany Writer.
A prominent feature in the New
Wpnt. in a ntnrv hr Mrs. Viola Frances
Franklin, wife of Prof. Franklin, of
this city, entitled "An Afternoon with
Jules Suyonean." Mrs Franklin is an
accomplished writer, telling her story
in an entertaining and forceful manner.
All members and friend of the First '
Congregational church of Albany are
earnestly requested to attend a church
meeting at the church on Thursday
morning at 10 o'clock, itevs. rterrius i
land Folsom will be present.Trusteea
i flag ice cream and coffee were served.
Apprentice girb wanted at Hamil
ton's Store, millinery department.
WANTED. Position to do general
housework. Call Democrat office.
FOR RENT. Furnished and unfurnish
ed rooms. 116 Washigton St. t2
NURSERY STOCK, from the Carlton
Nursery Co. for sale 0. Bussard.
Home Phone Red 100.
Let George Do It, and He Did.
Over fifty families were supplied with
pies from Saturday's Die sale at
Nichol's Bakery, about 125 pies being
sold at 10c each.
Don't bake when you can get good
things so cheap. Let Geo. do it.
Fresh oysters ai Pfelffer's, 229 W.
2nd St
FOUND. A purse containing a small
amount of money. At the Democrat
LOST. A ladies' gold watch, with
monogram E. R. S., green leather
fob. Reward. Please return to the-
Democrat office.
Are you looking for Real Estate in
the country or in the city? If so, call
and see me as I have bargains which
I know will suit you and can save you
Good 7-room cottage, bath, nice lot
situated in West Albany, f rice, $Z3UU.
Large house and one lot, situated on
X hird street, close in. .f rice, $iiuu.
Good buy in vacant lot, best loca
tion in Albany.
Have several cheap buys in East Al
bany. 1 have good farms improved,
situated from four to seven miles out
from Albany, for $50.00 and $60.00 per
acre. Call on J. V. PIPE, 203 West
ind street, Albany.
FOR RENT. Store room at Second
and Ferry street. See Harry Schlosser.
Exprt Chiropodist.
Will remove cordis, bunions, ingrow
ing toe nails, and itching burning feet
relieved immediately. Will go to your
residence if you can't come to me.
Call me up on either phone, Home 892,
Bell Black 2343. Best of reference
given right here in Albany.
CI. Driver. '
Albany Supply
In fruits, vegetables, sugar, nuts,
confectionary, wrapping paper, twine
and paper bags.
Cash paid for all kinds of poultry.
We also have the agency for Pyramid
and Golden Gate cement, Olympic lime,
Araen piaster. Get prices Detjre buy
Cash paid for eggs.
Foot Ferry Street, Albany.
Phones. Ms in 6 Bell, 3 Home.
Registered Veterinary Surgeon
and Dentist.
Graduate American Veterinarv Col
lege of New York City, 1881.
At Albany Livery Stables, 2nd &
Ellsworth. Botu phones.
Light, Power and Heat.
Willamette Valley Co.
R. F. We'ch, Manager.
Idle Hour Restaurant,
Cor. Broad.'lbin and Secondt Sts.
Under new management.
Best 20 cent meals in the city.
JONE? gr KI30R.
Wood Yard.
AM kinds of.wjod, old fir, maple, dry
slab and mill enJ trimmings, sawed
ready for shed. Ph'me Home Black 255
Office with J. A. howard
dr. Virginia a u-.weaix
1-3 Brenner B!u:k, Albany.
Phones: Office Home 359, Bell black
2751, Residence 394 Home. blaack863Be
.. rou
Newcomers and Oldiimers
If you know what you
want, and want it when
you want it order at
ELITE Chocolate , Shop
Ice Creams, Sherbets, Ices,
Fancy Bricks.
General Catering.
To call and examine our large line of
Monarch Mailable
Iron Ranges
The quickest, The Strongest, The Best
Come iu and have a talk with the
man on the oven door.
At the "
Hulbert-Chlin&Hwd. Co.
Our spring line will be shown early.
Owing to the fact that, with our winter
clothing sold down so closely during it's
season, we have ordered our Spring Suits
to be shipped Early. Many are now on the
way, and we will be the first to show this
Springs fashions. "
As usual we will be the leaders. Keep
your eye oh our Store. Call for the new
things in proper) season. Then! you will
know when you are right.
We neverdisftppoint.
The Blain Clothingl Co,
Albany : Oregon