The Democrat. The Daily Delivered, 10 cents a week; in advance for one year, 4.n?. By mail, in 'advance for one year $3, ut end of year $;i.5u. t;.The Weekly Advance per'year $1.25. At end of year $1.50. After 3 years at 2. . ' WEDNMSDAY. . MISFITS, Seven weeks to census time. The weather man struck it this time. Nagging never accomplishes any thing. New York has a mess ot its own, a nasty one. TELEGRAPH. A FATAL STRIKE SMALL CITY DAILIES. Here is the way the Corvallis Ga zette- l imes, one ot the most read able small dailies in the valley, looks at the business of publishing a daily in a comparatively small city: There comes to the management of this paper many pleasant comments as to the general excellence of the little daily, all of which sounds good anu is appreciated. Hut the U.-l. would observe here that n this pa per depended for its life and excel lence wholly on the revenues from the paper alone, the daily would not be continued long. Nor is there one pa per in fifty in Oregon that would con tinue long if it had no job depart ment to depend on. Medford's daily, somewhat more pretentious than our own, but in a city witli treble the wealth and activity of Corvallis, and wholly without opposition of any sort, has been constantly a loser. How ever, in order to have their daily which is counted their greatest ad vertisement, Mcdford business men have contributed cash each month to make up the deficit. Dailies of any sort in towns the size of Corvallis are largely a matter of ambition, and not good business prudence, there fore it behooves those who appreciate the tone a daily gives to a city to lend every reasonable assistance to help that paper keep on its feet and be an increasing credit to the city. Some of the merchants have done more . than might have been reason ably expected of them. JUST A SCHEME. The Democrat has been shown a circular sent here from the east, got ten out by a Chicago man, headed "Opportunity," which is undoubtedly part of a great scheme being worked to get a gralt out ot eastern people, evidently working, judging from the records at the court house. "The op portunity is to legitimately acquire title to a quarter section of valuable timber land at the government price," then follows the proposition to secure Oregon and California land at $2.50 -an acre for . only $75, the application fee. "Once at least opportunity knocks for you." 1 - , The people of the Willamette Val ley know that there isn't a ghost of a show for people going into this af fair to get anything, and, besides, it is said the same land is frequently covered by several applications. The post office department might well take the matter up and prevent the use of its mails for such a pur pose. An E.'C.nt. There is I'.s duubt but that the pre sentation i . Friday night of that wonderful.? successful comedy drama, "Thft Lion and the Mouse," will at tract one of the moat representative audiences of &e season. The story concerns tho efforts nf Shirley Russmore to free from disgrace the name of her father, Judge Koss more, who because of a ruling adverse to certain financial interests, of which John Burket. Ryder is the head, has been, with the atsistnnee of corrupt politicians, removed from office, pend ing investigations into alleged fraud ulent practice, anil while entirely inno cent of the c.harge, John Burkett Kydor, the octopus of American monsv, uses his money, his power and th tvite to remove this honorable Judge of the Supreme Court, who represents tho highest oilico in the gift of the American people. A theme so close to the American heart could not very woll fail to have a wide appeal consequent ly, chc'wondurful success of the K.l?in piy- A very fine landscape! picture showing the Klamath Fulls country and some of the towns through which tho new main lino nf the Southern Faci'lc will pass, is being exhibited free in Albuny at Eagles Cigar and Confectionery Storo, 11?. V 1st St., by the P. C. L,avey Co of Portland. Interesting demonstrations aro made by the Lavey Co. representatives, wno aro in charge of the picture, and foil explanation is given or me exuaorui narv offer bainir made bv which it it possible to secure three lots for the prico of one. enublimr every ambitious man or woman to own a lot in each of three towns, right on the main lino, and pay for them at the rate of one dollar per week. Everybody who pos siblv can. should ao and look ut tilt pictures, as it is very seldom one has an opportunity to view a lunoscnpi oaintim? showimr so manv miles ol n.uuntain and valley, and being drawn ceom-auhicallv correct it become doubly interesting. The picture will be on view today and tomorrow. At the Hotels -C. A. Eplev & fam, Sidney V. T. Vorirors. Enterprise J. U., G. V. & Uleu Kecnoy, Sweet Home H O Rev'u-r. fiates W.L.Judkina & wf. HotSrings, S. D. Chas. Richardson, Hryant, h. l Mrs. J. S. Van Grsdvl Portland H. P. Trncoy, Fremont, Neb. 'rank E. Randall, Portland ..) . P. Hums, Portland. WANTKD Voun men to learn an tomobile business bv mail and pre pare for positions as cliafl'enrs and repair men. We m.t!:e you expert in leu vcek; assist ;'. to secure position. Pay big; work plcisani. , demand for men ty.vat: re i n:i! lc : write im- particulars ;r;d sample les son. Km;. ire Automobile tr.siii.ite Uuehcaler, X. V. "iV " 4 f Miss Carolyn Elberts, who portrays the role of ShMey Rossmore in the Lion and the Mouse. OREGON. Roses Planted Regardless of Snow Portland, Ore., Feb. 22. The new packing plant of the Swift interests on the Peninsula is exuected to start oo- uiaiauna un murcn 14. Work on what will be the tallest! building in this state, if not in the Pa cific Northwest, will be begun March. iu, wnen const ruction ot the new Yeoo. building will start. Passenger service on 25 miles of com pleted road at the west end of the southern Pacific s Tillamook extension. will be begun, it is expected, on April i. Oregon will be Driven another con gressman, and possibly two, it is be lieved, after the coming census, is ta ken. Advertisements aro beinir nlacetl bv the Portland Commercial Clnb in the leading Swedish snd Norwegian-Danish, papers of tho country, calling atten tion to opportunities here for indust rious people who seek homes in the country districts. Regardless of a little snow roses were planted this rose dav. erenorallv. observed. Interested. There were quite a number of people took advantage yesterday of! the offer of B. 0. Lavey Co., the large Port land rt'ai t!fltiueoperutot's whoae repra- senuitivt-' ure now at Entries confuc- tonen fit. re on 1st St. (Elko Dlder.). nhewi fie hig landscape picture and xpli iH . ' the L:ivey Co. otter of three iota, i !u price of ono,. in, the three town;-, i i Lhe new S. P. main line to Frisco This offor undoubtedly gives, the wage v rner in opportunity to become an own.-r or property without tying hirmudf up. It is worth your while to inveeUiiati.' this during the two or three ItivJ tjiv unmoaition is open in this city. 500 Party. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. French last night entertained a company of about fifty trienc's in a social session at M)0 a pleas ant evening being had, with eleven tables lilted the r.Urepnments woe cemplitnenicd by t-li. The following were present: Messrs. and Mines. O. D. Austin, W. A. Barrett, Bowerscx, Duncan. Hopkins, Hogan, Leatherman, ti. E. Mason, W. H. Rhodes, Rudd, Swan, Strauss, Tweed ale, Train, Weatherford, J. M. French. Dr. and Mrs. Hodges, Dr. and Mrs. Stark, Dr. and Mrs. Myers, Mines, anight and Burggraf, P. M. KedHeld and Miss Flora Mason, all of Albany, Mrs. J. W; Wilson of salem, and Geo. J. Johnson of San trancisco. The prizes wero won by Mr. and Mrs A. W. tiowersox, and tlio consolation prizes by Mr. Quo. Strauss and Mrs. Hopkins. The Weather. Range of temperature "16-28. The rivor is 8.3 feet, with probabil ity of rising some. The rainfall was .58 inch Prediction: Kain or snow tonight. The Democrat's guess last evening o! snow did not prove a correct one, verj fortunately. Instead a live drizzling rain came. Mr. Walker Home. C. H. Walker has returned frorr. Yamhill county, where he organizer ono grange ami started two others, be aides visiting a number already organ ized. Last night he attended a lint educational institute ut Bethel. Polls county, giving a talk. State Superin tendent Acx-erman mm also present, LotW.s Mrtinrs. Tho K, O. M. every Saturday even ing it. C. J. 'idan, Coiimmiuier. The Vvu.elmen of the World ovei;, Fridiy ovening. L. L. Swati c!ei!.. Mt'i.;imt'i Cirelo 1st and Ilrd .Moiu.uw . Anna Strom, G. N. Modern Wo.xhr.on meet; every !!r.t nd-Vh Wedncadav in Uussiirds' Hai, 'jr.A'; i Kroman, Work. v. :il Noieiib.' rs hiocv every 1st ird Vv i'din M' iys in ' Htisiard'a Hall At.R'K Ku:k, Hccorder. Ah Swill at last had to,go. ; i C. H. NEWS. Heavy tax payments: Peter Pantos, $109.91; Henry Broders, $132.66; H. D. Burkhartr $141.61; Mrs. E J. Wood- r,nli- -;'7Cfil. J W Piiffl. SCl'TT OA.' W D. Washburn $362.39; "J. ' 6. Ke'lley, iu.s; wm, reizr,. $iiu:im;. rerry Parker, $13X19; Judge Galloway will be here Wednes- day at 9 a. m. to try the cases of the Lebanon Paper Co. agt. the Lebanon Lumber Co., and B. L. Simpson agt. the- Lebanon Lumber Co'. Marriage license Claud E. DaviBi. 25; and 2elma Bond, 21. Deeds recorded: Jas. Nanney to E. E. Gordon, 163.89 acres..... i B. W. Shead to Macule Riggs, 25 acres C. H. Taxton to SisrauelJ, Holbs, 10"arres . C. H. Paxton to C. R: Hobbe, 5 acres, Perry Bilyeu to Wnu. Vincent,. 80 acres Sherman Stroun to Fred Strcsp; 60 l! H J375 160 aaires 1WW Final account approved ' in estata of, dizabetb Lindsey. ,' "-, ALBANY- Hot tamalies at the Vienna Bkory Choice lunches at the Vienna Bakery: Columbia river smelt righ" along at the Metropolitan .Market,. Broadblk) St Highest market price for chickens,, turkeys, geese and ducks at P. Hi Pfeiffer's, Second street. " ; ' Get a Pantagraph fo enlarging pat erns and pictures, just the thing' for children. 35 cts at Rawlings. Millinery apprentices wanted; Apply at S. E. Young & Son's. 1 Apprentice girls wanted at Hamil on's Store, millinery department. A meeting will be held at the rooms of the Commercial Club tonight for the organization of a retail merchants association, Considerable money.' changed hands in Albany last night over the Nelson Wolgast fight, one man cleaning up $137 at 15 to 20 on. the Dutchman. Every engine on the. C. & E. is. now in use, made necessary by the- good business of the road. Heretofore one of the engines always having been idle.. fhe Shasta Limited, south bound. last night while near Southerland met with another accident similar to the one- at Jefferson the other flight. A meoting at too Congregational church at lti:30 momma. All members aro request d to be pceaent. Important business T.i meet Gen. Sec, Honing of New York. Special Communication St. John's Lodge No. 17 A. f. & A. v. Wednes tay evening, Feb. 23, 1910, 1 p. m. Work in l' C. degree. All membeis requested to be present. E. Wash burn, Sec. W. F. Chace,.the landscape astist.who : ut in the Eugene depot park, had a conference with the Ladies Auxiliary yesterday afternoon. It is proposed to Have a psrk. plain but neat, not elab orate, ono with green lawns and pretty trees, with plenty of stats for people. The Browning Club meets at the res idence of Miss Flora Mason this (Wed nesday) evening at 7:00 o'cock p. m. promptly; meeting lasts one hour; su'i lect "Love and its Ways." Persons not regularly enrolled in the erganiza tion aie invited for single lectures at twenty-five cents each. The Ladie Auxiliary have made ar rangements with Fred Carlylc, the dramatic and operatic coach of the Utdversity of California, to stage the .ipera, The Military Girl, at the nearest future date. A gr.vit treat is in store for the people of Albany. The date will be announced later. The Tuesday Club yesterday after noon met with Mrs. Ed. Wiles, having a delightful session. The guessing contest 'consisted of putting mixed up letters together, lorniing names of men prominent in the history of our country. The refreshments were excellent, a feature being some patriotic ice cream uricks. Vi'AXTl'n District managers, agents and solicitors tor new Whole Life and Ten Year 6 per cent. Debenture Uimd. also best natural death and disability policy. -o classification tor occupation, race or sex. Gtn-d pay. .Mr. M-.-k, 1041 Drcxcl Uldg.. t'nila. Fa. DOINGS OF THE WORLD. A Christian Nurture conference- will be held at the Presbyterian church Thursday and Friday of this week- Ad Wolgast defeated Battling Nelson last night. The champion has been a tighter oray tour years. The high school basket ball (team went to Eigiene thi afternoon, expect ing two of the hardest games or the season. Rev. J. Bi-Holnresy a former pastor ' efl the Christian churen will begin.' a eries of meetings at Lebanon on Pebi. 2K He is acoompatued. by H. J. 0ie- ciiorus director. Suev. a fomer Alhany Celestial, born- here, is now wot king for the Blumaiw rmriK uo. os rortianu; ouuy is uiau a member of the Salvation Army and! beats the big bass dram until ifc echoes through tae streets oi rortianu. A Sanaway Boy. f!Hf nf Police M makers today took charae of a fifteen year old boy who claimed to live in Idahoi and was trying; to eofc monev to reaoh home, but upon investigation found- that tns ; boy was.rn.rjopre)j3 li-om. corvallis, nis name oing jac ? Menete. His father was telephoned J aim wh ub anus iiiiu- ihiik- running away. Don?k kick the.-weati:. Kick your self, . . " .-':.' Nothing but a- big flop, aver tan ever reach-this valley.- Tillman is gamo-to tho- enrl, a born and dying fighten - The whites and- darkiss-evhie-iitly can not live, together in peaee-. The K. F. Ui 3a-.a.gren.t thing and the carriesft' thft. best tnere is. Thia-valley doesnt eak any odds of any section -of the-woridi itii its average weather. That prize fiptlter- that has sense enough to know, that whiskey doesn't go with.a good. condition, vill make it for raore tSan a-yeairor twa. One man calls-the present Albanv, N. Y.. affair bein mvestigatetl, not a flee: bite compared with some of the things pulled off at Atoany. But N. Y. fleea are terrors. Fice batterer! to a pulp, eyes cioseil, lips, puffed, covered with blood and staiwrerintr. was Battline Nelson after l,mno- Upked W Wnltrast last nicht. at. Richmond, Califl And this in civiliirsd. America. Shedd, Som body entered Volney Robnett's KBicKcn coop Saturday night and took his fine blooded white leghorn rooster. Mr. Hillara Ackermanand Miss Hazel Saxton visited friends in Brownsville Sunday. Cbas. Liggett has bought the batcber shop in Peoria. Miss Meda Brown and Clarence Brown, attended the Christian Endeavo convention in Portland last week. They returned home i riday noon. Mr. Grove and family went to Tan gent to visit friends today. A W. C. T, U. silver medal contest Friday evening, Feb. 25, at the M . E. churcn. There will beeightcontestants. Judy. Apprentice girls wanted at Hamil ton's Store, millinery department. lhe Markte. WheatSl.OO , Oats 43c. Beef on foot 2i to3c;vealdra3sed 7c pork dressed 9c; on foot 7c. L;ird 15c. - K :l-s 2tfc. hiekens on foot 10c. HaniR ISc to 20c, sid;3the same, -,.-":!-crs 111', -to 15c. Butter 30e to 35c. t-iuui- Sl.tio to ?1 S"c a Potatoes 1c rcr K'. llay, from for some clever to $. .0 or tbV best '.ia.-jtby. Clean up Albany morally as well as physically. The tail of a fierce eastern storm is bad enough. I The census enumerator will have to ! get out all there is in it. About the most one sided business as conducted is gambling. TVlat tail is sure to flop over the hills, thi time down from Canada. The Oregonian whacks American back door politics, but it forgot to- look in tne gtass. A strike that can wake up Philadel phia and call for U. S. troops must be a fierce one. A new feature in base ball is a crook ed bat, but the game is the straightest one played. $5 multiplier by $5 makes but 500 cents which m $5. multipled by-500 cents make $2500. Why. '. Johnson and Jeffries are not the greatest fijfhters in the world. Jftr. Whiskey cnwknock either one out and; probably wiSK. Automobiles ate often seen scorching along Lyon stffloet as fas as thirty of lorty miles an hour, regardless of ths" ordinance agaiast it. v Philadelphia mav be sleeisv. bat ndt dbring a striker. 297 ears havS been wrecked,. 2608- car windows broken, forty arrests made and two women shot. Tie Oregoniansnuts sr the first Daere an item about the Ashwale Grange up , in the foot hills refusing to condemn 1 the assembly plfeny, while- dozens of res-; olu&ions by important granges have ! beext ignored or pot in. obscure places. I , This is told on G6rvallis: A drunken man-got on the cars at Portland with- ; 'out any ticket. Che conductor nsked ihimi if be had any money. "Yes, goch some money." "Well,, where do you want to- go?" " Wanch ter go toh--l." weff give me $2.3U ' and rll- tase you , TJie editor of tha- CorvaJlis Gazette- Times, was recentlyvkickedf out el bed by his w4fe, and is took, live- explana tions to bring peaco in the-family. She was dreaming of aflood- all- over .Cor vallis, ..when she began, swimming, finally touching land; whemshe gave an awful tick, and it Mt her busbaind. A sehool boy is reported to have won a prize on breaking habit? with the following: "WelW sir, habitis hardfeo.overcome. I you take off the rfrst letter it does not change "abit.' If youiypui take off another tetter you still have- a 'bit' left. If you take offanother, the whole of 'it' remains. Ef you- take off an other it' is not totally used' op. All of whieh goes to show that: you must Sibow u on altogetner." C H i. Probate: , Final account approved in. estate of Jos. H. Templeton.. ' Will of Delia Parrish admitted to pro bate It gives to each' of her child ren l to her daughters, P. E. Lucas. .Himma Sounek and Ida lrland furniture, etc. ; to Emma Sbunek Pcows; to Mrs. P. E. Lucas and husband all the rest of her property. W. B. Lucas is appoint ed executor. Value of estate $400. Inventory filed- in estate of O. L. Busey and personal property ordered sold. Inventories xvestateaof I. C. Rawl ings, deceased, and Clifford Mackey, a. minor. Final accouat apprsued in estate oi' Elizabeth Whitjohead- Circuit Coart: New suit: Edward C. Krause agt. Bessie Bell Krauee- For aivora. Grounds dcsertioa. T. J. Stites at torney. Diaiuireit filed by P. R, Kellay. Heavy twt payments: Est Strauder Froman $112; D. Brodi $111.52;- Jas. Dempsey $471.46; Jos. Perene $157.11; F. M. Redfield $128.98; John R Smith $143.21; J. A. Zimmer man S27T..16; W. H. Davis $148.3t ANY LADY can easily make- from S18.0U- to $25. UO per wceK working for me quietly in her own home locality. This is a bonafide- offer one which will pay you to. investi gate even if you can only spare two hours a day. No investment re quired. Turn your spare- time into money. Write mc at once for par ticulars. Address Mary B. Taylor. Box 30, Woman's Building, Joliet, Illinois. BIDS WANTED. The County Judge ot Lane County, Oregon, will receive seal.-d bids up to 10:00 o'clock, March 15. 1910, for the work nf transcribing oil the records of Linn County affecting real estate in the ; t.-rritorv traoslerrtu nom Linn Clu nty i to Lane Ccunty by Chapter 3 as amend ' ed by Chapte r 63 of th? ctneral laws of Ore 'on for the year 11107. Bids sl ould be sent to the County Clerk of Lane Cuuntv. Eugene. (Jr.. properly marked ' The Couniy Judga of Lime Countv re serves, the right lo reject ny and all bids. Philadelphia, Feb. 23. Three are dead as a result of the streetcar strike, two more are dying, 1000 are injured, 1000 arrested and 36 indicted by the grand jury, is the record handed in today. Woman Fined. Salem. Feb. 23. Mrs. Staley pai5 $5 fine to Justice Webster this morning for attempting to scalp Mrs. Hinges last Monday, as the result of a differ ence of opinion on neighborly topics. Both are prominent society leaders. Aberdeen Not In It Seattle, Feb. 23 The Superior court this morning ousted the case of the city of Aberdeen for reinstatemen t in the Northwest baseball league. Eugene Boy Arrested. Salem, Feb. 23. Harold Pierce, who was hr res ted last night in company with George Bingham, an ex-convict, in connection with the holding up- of the office of the Salem-Falls City sail road, hails from Eugene, where- his. parents are highly respected. His father ia on his way to assist the acip. Killed at Newberg: BJEWSjasG, Feb. 23. C. E. Tate,, father of six children,, was killed this, doming at the Spaetding mill. PomiaMo, Feb. 2Iv-A cold wave isi pedicted tonight with- a drop of 29 degrees. A Btorm is heading this way xrsm tuanaoa. ine storm) may oe ac--compauied with snow: All. the railroad traffio is. stopped in Eastern. Oregon. Tte snow is from thuee to ten. feet various places. FtoiiS City, Feb. 21. The depart ment store of Walter TMze was de stroyed b Sre laet night. Loss, $75, OMi $40i0lt) insurance Washinston, Feb? 21. Tillman's speech is coming back; his memory is . clear and words plainly spoken en courage the family. L'aNDON. Feb. 21. The King opened; parliment today and' delivered a. momentous speech iiy. which he put the lo-aer house first as a lawmaker. WASHUWHiON, Feb 22 hawley's biljiwas introduced today authorizing the opening of the surplus lands of- tt.tamatn alter aiiotmants completed to Klamath fo the Modoe- Indians. The. commission consists of one native Ore gonian, one of tbe interior department, one-Indian, to be appointed, at $10 a , aaj to ciasstiy ana appraise the land. Alter classification certain ."and will be -. he b apart as town sites, Indian past ures, school tracts, and tribal forest, reserve for the beneSt of the Indians. JL'he surplus laniia- are ODened bv; proclamation of the President, and will. utt-aiiBiiauKj ut appraiseu Taiues. ine Secretary of the Interior will then con sinuct irrigation and drainage systems; ror settlers ana m aiaitioa to the regut las charges shall pay. proportionate cost, of reclamation in fifteen annual install ments. The bill appropriates $75,000' to. defray the cost oi appraisals. Priest River, Idaho, Feb. 22. This, town is burning. 12. buildings had been, consumed up to noon. Assistance has been asked from neighboring towns.. Spokane. Feb. 22. Fire broke out in. Symonus Block this morning, causing A loss estimated at $125,000. Portland, Feb. 22. It still is snow ing in Eastern Oregon, and the. samei conditions prevail 1 1 Portland. Millinery apprentices wanted. Apply at S. fc. Young & Son's. F. i Will for watches FORCED SALE. Retirisg from Business Pianos, Organs, Entire Stock AT COST, factory price. Must be sold, at once. Biggest bargains, eve roffered in Albany. DAVENPORT'S MUSIC iTOE. AIMINISTRATFJX" NOTICE. To All Whom it May Concern: No tice is hereby given to all whom it mav concern that the undersigned has hied her final ac.connt in the county court ot Linn county, Oregon, in the: matter of the estate of George Ram bo. deceased, wid that said court has iixed Monday, the 21 day of March, 1910, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day as the time for the hear ing and settling of all objections to aid account, therefore all persons having any objections to said re count arc hereby noticed and requir? I in appear in said court in said mat ter :v;id file the same the rein on or W" ;:-; said last mentioned date. KLVA RAM BO. Administratrix of said estate. ?;U-d, U-ih dav of Fvbruarv, H10. R. Attorney,