SB FOR RENT. March 1st this fine loca tion 406 First St., room 25 by 60. E. H . Rhodes. LOST. On March 16, a solid gold Sun burst brooch with 32 pearls, some where between opera house and 5th & Wnshlngton. Phone Black 3241. , - Reward. 'IFOR BENT. Some line office room . on FirBt street. See W. C. Burkhart KNOCKING THE WEATHER. aatdroil Kb Cue ...jet UOuii, iuaay,Or pcoa : -s uiBti lustter. FP NTJTTING . , r IFOR RENT. room house, on pay' 32?.,5,EA SilF.?. A)REGc!N I ment, inquire at the Democrat office. WHEAT LAND FREE. For book- pn rntt. ni .w let with inform.tioa see or address 1 F0 ?i-CoUapof m? Owen Beam, Room 4 Stark Building, AiDany, ore. PERSONAL AND SOCIAL FOR SALE. Bicycle, with new single tires, good condition, good single buggy and harness at hall price. 238 5th street. 18c FOR SALE.-18 acres.with new room house and gooj barn, 13 blockB trom the city limits. Good terms Address box 173.City. tJ2 ' SOMETHING that will interest you if - you want u small iruit rami, to acres, all good land, only 1 mile soutn ot Millersburg, sna 4 miles iDortheasl of Albany, 10 acres full bearing orchard, half apples and half fumes, 8 acres in cultivation, balance in urusn anu pHgiuru, pour uuuuings 'but sightly location. Price $3300. S. N. Steele, (owner.) 110 Second St.. Portland, Or. FOR EXCAVATING. Lawn eradine. lot clearing, gravel ond sand hauling mono tseii tied Zbm. FOR SALE- A lew trio's of thorough bred Buff Orphingtons 15 egga $1.60. uau at jug m. 2nd street, lvt - FOR SALE. clean seed wheat, Kinney, $1.25 per bushel. C. R. Widmer. Phone 2801 Home. 24t FOR PALE. 26 acres in North Al bany, all in cultivation, fine garden land or fruit land. Will sell altogeth er or in two pieces. Deal direct with the owner. Inquire at the Democrat office. , FOR SALE. -640 acres Eastern Ore-, fon stock ranch all under fence, new ouse and barn, $10 per acre if taken soon. SO acres ot alfalfa land, all tin. der irrigation, can b.e 20 aces mere pun in uuibivuuuji, uaiHiice iiinuerana grazing land, situated SO miles south of Condon. 40 miles East of Slianeco id Wfaeller county, Oregon, or wil) trade for good DroDrrtv near Albanv. for further particulars inquire of A. I Beard, 508 E. 6th St. Albany, Ore. 1 U4- I FOR SALE-Farm of 160 acres, also I city property, Inquire of H. F. Mo t ilwmn. GLASS. All sizes and kinds, for sale at the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper than aywhere else in Albany. Skill- I )y Bet, if desired. I H-IKE INSURANCE. O. F. R. A. ot McMinnville. Oregon's greatest mu tual company. C. C. Bryant, Albany, Cusick Bank BIdg. Both phones. FIRE INSURANCE' Beaver State Merchant's Mutual. Inquire at Opera House Bldg. Because there has been some bad weather in Oregon this year, in the; Willamette Valley towns, nothing at! all compared with the weather of the ' middle west and east, some people j who have come here, claim that things j have been misrepresented. As a mat ter of fact the climate has not been misrepresented. The truth has been ' told about the weather of the past Our winters are generally mild ones, often without any snow at all. We have had snow four times this win- the other times noma off at once, and . newlV organized. there have been more cold davs than I J. A. Howard returned W. A. Kimsey .returned ;from Port tend last night. J f. Powell went to the Siletz again this afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Fish have gone east on a visit and on business. Mrs. Harold went to Lebanon this' afternoon to help the Pythian Sisters, last night R. F. D. MEN ! CIRCUITC0URT j Want Johnny Goins for National . Judee Galloway today began an ad c.rr0arv journed session of department two dis- oeuttiaiY. posing of the following cases: I J. w. Moore agt. Jas. E. Proosk, et The R. F. D. convention of Linn and Benton counties yesterday after noon elected the following officers: Chauncey Levee president, John A. Humphrey vice president and E. B. Cornett secretary, with H. M. Cumm- usual; but the weather nevertheless from Portia ud, and his Rambler uto,a hn. h.. f-,- !,.. th in th. will be here on tha boat tomorrow. a , secretary ioi six years. ior me posiuon n . t n. r :' ' 4th between Baker and Montgomery. enquire at 14U tt. a St. NEW BARBER SHOP. Main street. Good work. E. E. Rex. WANTED. Boy IS yeare or over to nas been far better than in the east. be here on the bout tomorrow, a learn the printer and pressmans Herc is the generai experience. Bad fine thing. trade. Good opportunity for sceady . wather eisewhere also causes a less Mr. Felix Veieere. of Portland, is in bin St nawu"8B iM croa,,a-: disturbance here, somiimes called the the city on a visit with Miss Lottie ; toe Oregon representative. WOOD FOR SALE. F rst-e ass drv. l"c l".c "S HT" " " fir and maple, delivered anywhere fn tn,s ha.s bee" tnc case winter. w nome ieiepnone. the city for $4 75 cash Phone or-1 worse heT because worse elsewhere. ' The Fellowship of David boys of athe ders Linn and Benton Real Estate ,RealIy' !t is Poor taste to 8rwl. M. E. church, last night, while jneet office. Both phones. The Person who expects perfect ing at the room over French's were cinn nirn Mm Mnm hntioa i wciiuicr anywiiure shouiq gei a Hying Burpnsea oy ie gins oi me u. r. m water in house, large wood shed, lot al. confirmed. Titles were ordered resristered in the applications of Eva M. Cowdery et al., Jasper D. Turnidge and R. W. Gibson. In the application of Winnie Wash burn N. M. Newport, was appointed inna nnall.'a anil U7 R M.Pn.mifiV CXSminer. of Shedd on the exectutive board. . ?w divorce cases were dismissed, it An lmDortant movement was the being reported that the parties have endorsement of John H. Goins. state ! properly become reconciled: EllaThom- of secretary of the national association, olso if possible, send him to the national convention at Little Rock as "I 55 b) 110, Bryant a addition, near Salem road. Price $900 if taken b March, $600 down, balance time. W. Smalley, Phone 1380 Home. It PRUNING, grafting and budding sol- iciteo,to De oone in tne proper season References given if requested. D, B. Spears, corner of Caiapooia and Eleventh street. It STRAWBF.RRY PLANTS. - Magoon and Clark's Seedling from young plants. $2.50 per M. J. G. Gibson, Mome rnone wo. PLANTS FOR SALE. Gooseberries, rea ana wnite uurrants, nnuoaro, Red and Yellow Raspberries, Iceberg Blackberries, Loganberries, Dew berries, Phenomena Is, Hedge Plants and Sage. Iyeb C. Duedall, Albany, Or., R. F. D. No. 6, Home Phone 7102. 16t . W. BENTLEY, boot and shoemaker and repairer, does first-class work at reasonable prices. Next door to Democrat office. See him. machine and keep a flying, because and a fine time was had socially, the he won t find it, but will never be girls furnisbmg a good lunch. Last evening Mrs. Wm. Hand enter tained some hlteen friends at a Wash. satisfied until he has tried everything. OREGON IS FORTUNATE. Besides not having blizzards and severe snow storms, the Willamette Valley is also free from race wars, a fortunate condition of affairs. In Cairo, 111., there is such a war on that Mrs. C. E. Bruce the consolation prize, women have to carry revolvers, at !" least do carry them, and there has ington dinner. The decorations proved all that was desirable for the occasion and the substantial repast proved Mrs. Hand an inimitable cook and hostess. Following the dinner a contest resulted in S. E. Watson carrying off the honors Use Johnson's Best. Made in Albany. It is the BeBt Downing agt. Chas. Downing. the Albany Butter & Produce Co are paying 40 cents per pound f. o. b. Albany, for butler fac, or 89c on the wagon. It vou have cream to sell call , I both phones 49. been some shooting. A state is fortu nate that is not in the midst of such things. Oregon is remarkably free from disturbances generally. Letter List. A Play of Genuine Merit. The following letters remain in the Albany, Ore., postoffice uncalled for Feb. 22, 1910. Persons desiring any of these letters should call for advertised ' . letters, giving the date: j A play of genuine merit and one ! Lucinda Butler, H. C. Brown, J. T. : which has probably met with the great-1 Blair, Mrs. A. J. Bilyeu, P. S. Cox, I est success of any drama nroduend in Amelia A. Cotrel. Issac Campbell. Wil- America during the past ten years is bur Cook, Ella Dunlap.L. Davey, Frank! tne Lion and the Mouse, -which Henry Liavis, U. J. aaton, Kosa uoiaoerg, B. Harris will produce here Friday IMillisa Govro, G. F. Hardy, A. U. night : Hale, W. C. Hale, M. A. Harris, flenry xno piay is Dy i;naries iuein, tne - Sanson, ".. v. nasKjn, r reu auioerc, author of The Third Degree, and deals s- Inabo, Cynthia Johnson, Mrs. A. M. with a widely discussed phaseof Ameri- Jones, Mrs, A. L, Kirk, E. Lindsay, C. can life of today that of the influence Lee, A. M. Lee, E. A. Long, C. S. exerted by the monev interest, nnnn Long. S. W. Miller. J. F. Morrison. bedsteads, together with sariar aad i l?e PliticB of the country, and while Wm. McLaughlin. Will Mack, M. Mc Mttrewes ame rasa mIc eKteaaiaa 6 drsma serious in its aspect, it ia Marsters, Frank McCormick, Cra diniar reera table, and IS A- No II aV? " "a many illuminating episodeB Welson, Will L. Post, E. E. Parker, E. ... . " ' or n nmnp ( nntuui in n au m ami HMC pulleU " . :.C r :Ju-.-ri .' " ALBANY OPERA HOUSE Friday, February 25 The Talk of All America The LD and the y lUUdC FOR SALE Oae gd heavy truck wagoa, etie twe-ceated light hack, e gaad plow, oae single harness, e petat digger, aue large Majes tic Range, Me saiad cook store, erne aeating Move, twe A-Mo. 1 iron By CHAS. KLEIN. Arthur of "The Third Degree" WITH A COMPLETE PRODUCTION 3 Years- in New York-3 Years 8 Months in Chicago-8 Months 6 Months in Boston 6 Months Prices 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $l.t0. Sale of seats begins Wednesday morning February 23. 'p' FORD Now Beadj White Wyandotte XunS pullets irem importeq stocic, an tor household goods. The above prep erty is all as good as aew aad will We eld at private sale. Call I. V. FIFE, 203 West Seceeid St, Alb any, oretau. Tired of Oil Lamps? Then use Instantaneous Gasoline Lights ' SAFE, SIMPLE, SURE. Sea SCHOEL BROS.,418 W. First Mr. E. A. Kelley, Belvidore, 111., writes us: "I am an eK-eagiaeer with 22 years active service to my credit About three years ago nay kidneys were affected so that I had to give up my engine. First I was torubled with severe aching pain over the hips. Then followed inflammation ot the bladder, and specks appeared before my eyes. A sample of Foley's Kidney Pills that I tried, so benefited me that I bought more. I continued to take them un til now I can safely testify they have made me a sound and well man. nWoodworth Drug Co. sparkle with wit and brilliancy. Rooms for Rent. Alt finished and ready for: Use, some nne omce rooms, in tne new win s Stark block. See Dr. Stark. Get Your Pish at Pteiffers. The place, 229 West Second street. Everything in the fish line, neat and clean, at a reasonable price. GORDEN VIBRATORS We have just received a shipment of Gorden Vibrators. This vibrator took first prize over all vibrators at the Seattle Fair. Guaranteed for one year. Call at our store and get a booklet. Price, SI5.W). BURKHART & LEE. G. Peterson,' S. A. Hruitt, Mary J mary r . nnoaes. n. nosett, ctnel u. Reid, Kate S. Robinson, N. M. Reese, Hiram Scott, P. Thompson, Minda Tharp, Y. Takahoi, Henry Wilson. J. S. VanWinklb, P. M. FOR RENT. Unfurnished rooms. 231 Caiapooia street. FOR RENT. Six room empty house, No. 432. on corner 5th and Jefferson street. Inquire at 414 East First stree. Emma Bruckman. t2 Wood Yard. Wood delivered to all parts of city on short notice, office at residence 90S East 4th street. Bjth phones. J. U. ULLIS. FOR SALE A good single driving mare five years oil. Enquire of J. D. Ellis 906 East 4th street. "The Car that lasts longest and cheapest to keep up." SEE the car, look it over thoroughly, study it, have a demonstration, DO NOT BE DECEIVED by what other agents may tell you, The reason they do not like it is because they can not sell you as good a car for less than $1,500 or $1,600. WE sell you a five passenger touring car fully equipped with top, wind-shield, speedometer, five lamps and repair outfit for $1,050. RALSTON & CRAWFORD, Albany, Oregon. Office over State Bank. Early Spring MERCHANDISE SHOWING . - There is probably no season of the year when the new materials for dresses, kunonas,. lingerie, etc., are as attractive anu pictty u a daintv freshness in the soft sheer fabrics and the soft shades that seem to bring sunshine and flowers even on cloudy days S sSei fa reSe with these new fabrics in all their appealing colors. Percales, ginghams, white goods, lawns, dimities, kimona cloths, dress goods, laces and embYoduwin delight in looking at all these pretty things and we will delight in showing them to you. Come and take your time-get in touch with the new things as they '"ljZto are here, too, and prettier styles we have never seen. You should also own a copy of the New Spring Quarterly. ' "l-i cloth a beautiful appearance. The material is unusually good and conies in blue, green, brown and staple col ore ie 1f inrlioQ wirlp nnd sells at only, per yard )hve ever sh0vn oae LIGHT AND DARK PERCALES. The largest assortment of this serviceable cjoth we Another excellent value is a striped material of fine tex ture and smooth soft finish, coming in blues, greys, browns, etc., and seliing at, per yard $1.25 Just received, a lage ship ment of stylish, pretty shoes and oxfords. There are high and low cuts, patents, gun metal, vici; brown, grey and black, button or lace, wide Especially suited for full dresses or waists are a hum-j and narrow toes, high and The patterns are new and wonderfully attractive. Dis tinctive is the word that best describes them for they are different from the usual run of percale patterns. SPRING SHOE STYLES. Then there are the pustel , . filirAC -nUrnA fnr nnnrt nn the white eround gfiv- low heels in fact iust about shades in broadcloth to be " 6 f.... -r - . used for evening gowns or ing a clean, neat appearance so desirable in these wash anything you would desire opera wraps. fabricSi for footwear. These daintiest of shades are particularly pretty in SPRING DRESS GOODS, these chiffon broad cloth, the We arc showing some ex- soft, smooth finish and tex ccedingly good values in ture of the cloth enhances vrr1 rli-ncc crnrirlc nmnilff til n hp.Ult V flf 1 lltl Sof t shltdoS. which is a raised stripe pan- Nothing quite takes the They come in two quarters at, per yd l?y2 and 15c atna, the stripes being about place of these materials fori , Yt inch apart, giving the evening wraps. , , ; 1 j-1 i I Let us fit vTour feet and The dark patterns are also good and of splendid qual-, . i 11 i help you to experience real Wi- Tlir-i-f. nrp strmp"! fifmres. larsre and small, ana checks. ijoy in wearing new shoes. 1 Dress Shoes, $2.50 to $5.00. 1,1(1 J, Hamilton 317 First St. THE HAMILTON STORE Albany Oregon