Albany Democrat rOL XLV ALBANY. OREGON. FRIDAY FEBRUARY. -5 19TO NO -0. For Ten Days You cau buy the celebrated Hartlino Wash. Full Patent. Hard Wheat Flour at $1.75 per sack Fully guaranteed Murphy 225 W. 2nd. Flour and Feed. CUETIS REAL ESTATE CO, 106 N. ELLSWORTH. Farm land and city property bought and Bold, Parties having land or city property or sale will do well to list with us. Phones Bell black 63, Homo main 231 MATTS I MATTSl We just received a shipment of Table Matts. Special price for 10 days only 20c a set. The person that bri nga this add first to our store will receive one set free. ME1SER & MEISER. YES, RUBY IS THE BEST 25c COFFEE THE GREAT URPRISE SALE and RUMMAGE CARNIVAL Still Continues. In spite of the snow and stormy weather every day is a busy one and people are taking advantage of the great bargains offered in every depart ment. ' ... The Bargain Prices on Prints, Percales, Ginghams and Muslins, will , ' never come to you again this season and every yard will soon be sold at this sale. ... SUITS, COATS and DRESSES. . I Are selling fast, for the price is so low any one, at all interested, can not resist buying. Every garment is of the plain neat Tailored style, so much in demand today. ' ,. ' " ') ' LOOK OVER THIS LIST OF ARTICLES. If you ard interested at all, come here, and rummage to your heart's content. You will find some great money saving bargains in Skirts, Sweat ers, Waists, Muslin Underwear, Knit Underwear, Hosiery, Blankets, Em broideries, Laces, Belts, Bags, Collars, Ties, Hats, in fact everything Ready to Wear. . ' s The Greater Chambers & McCune's Store Albany's Leading Cloak and Suit Store I M. Senders & Co, (INCORPORATED.) THE BEST. Lime, plaster, csment, roofing, paper, . fire brick, pressed briek, garden tand field seeds, hay, grain, flour. M. SBNDaRS & Co. Hand Painted China. Haviland China. Both Phones 43. 435 West First St. Plumbing Let us estimate on your works. We guarantee first-class work at moderate cost. PLUMBING, TINNNING AND HEATING. W. E. FRANCIS Your choice of six Dinner Set Fancy Dishes A full line of GROCERIES You have heard for the last 14 years about Sjtetter's Best Coffee, none like it in Albany. Try some. Prompt Delivery. 206 West Second St. Stetters's New Store, DOOLEY'S GROCERY 126 Ellsworth St. Both Phones, A new and extensive line of fresh, clean GROCERIES mil k Ini. 301 MAIN ST., DEALERS IN General Merchandise, with a new stock to be sold at reasonable prices. Prompt attention. Delivery to any part of the city. A fine lot at our yard at this city, juat burned. Phone Home 2P5. Bread, Dried Fruits ....... i TT-Ut and Vegetables ALBANY BRICK CO "H and lyon streets. Palmer's Dairy ; HIE GOLDEN '.RULE. j Delivers milk and cream to any part of the city. Prices reasonahle. Jersey cows with best of care. Both Phones. j J. G. Crawford's Photograph Gallery Is in the New Albany State Bank Build ing, second flooi-, with a complete equipment foi picture taking of all kinds. ; 3- g- n "Be '5 c nil1 e3 Utl EE CO Electric Appliance Co. i 422 W. First . . Phones-Bell Black 2G5I, Home 411. j Electrical Supplies and Fixtures. ' ; House and other wiring attended to promptly. Contracts made. R. B. Mayberry, Drayman Heavy and light hanling. Piano moving a specialty, Piano and organs boxed for shipping Piano boxes for sale. Wood for sale, cord wood or 16 inch wood. j Office with Linn & Uentnn Pool Fa. ' tate Co.. 236 West 1st. Residence 713 Montgomery St.; Both Phones. D. B. ADAMS, t'ACUUM CARPET SWEEPFR Agent for the ONWARD SLIDING SHOE. Cement Woi Estimates given on Plastering, Sioe vralK and Cemnt Work. J. F. TRAVER, 4lh Ct.'irrcis ft HOARSE COUGHS, STUFFY COLDS. Pain in chest and sore lungs, are symptoms that quickly develop into a dangerous illness if the cold is not erred. Foley's Honey and Tar stops fee cough, heals and cases the con-U;;-:l part, and brings quick relief. V or-Ewi,Tth Drug Co. F,G. Will for watches C H NEWS Medical certificate Dr. W. R. Shinn recorded. CllVllit- rVnet-. Tfteof Mrtmnln.'t- 14 . - v-..v. ,a, wiuiaiub I1IOU in two weeks: Clyde Meeker agt. Elize- uclh moener, mr partition or property of I. Meeker deceased. J. K Weath erford attorney. . Heavy tax payments: Frank B. hyland $124.60; C. R. Gerig $248; D. M. Jones $116.25; C. R. Kenel $232.24; Philip Swank $149.50; M. Ache son $113.36; C. L. Williams $112.24; J. W. Propst $115.22; Carl Grell $294.05. 490 payments at noon. Deeds recorded: Elizabeth Brunson to Santiam Power Co. lot Waterloo $ '50 Mortgages for $208 and $1000. Satisfactions $900 and $900. BROWNSVILLE. WORSE THAN DOINGS OF SAL00NS.FAHE WORLD. Eugene, Feb. 19. Evangelist Oliver last night said in a sermon that he would sooner see saloons in Eugene than a Unitarian church, which is spreading the Theodore Roosevelt jr. is to marry Miss Elenor B. Alexander. Poor girl. ttooseveit ana party are now on their doctrines of infidelity and cannot be ' last hunt nrevioua to atiirtinir f,- ridded, while saloons can be voted out. The Euuene-hnsknt. hll tm ArJ The statement caused Unitarian Minister Hays made a reply. i sensation, , ea the Lincoln high team of Portland has not yet 27 to 2fi last niirh? u Favorable The saloon license in Elma, WaFh., has been raised to $1000. Ic won'c ! make the business any more respectable. R. R. Peterson was arrested, tried ; ana nnea ipiuu at liugene, yesterday for IvCDOrr j bootlegging-, all in a. day. Prompt jus- j Dr. Cook, who is in Chile, says he 7.0u,vm m I will prove that he made the trip to the Washington, Feb 19. -The Senate pole. He is certainly going in the commission reported fayorably on bill to , wrong direction . permit entrmen within the reclamation iri, i,.i.j i v , Er?. ?21'?n..their5ntri8 "Pf lined uS in 3X "TH What or resident improvement and cultiva tion for five years, the same as under the original homestead act. Times: Thft PaKmnfort nnat nf n Bmanrr ystem here is $3804.36. Patterson Dinwiddie passed away suddenly and quietly at his home just south of Brownsville Sunday, February, 13, 1910, aged 81. The Brownsville Commercial Club means business in its efforts to get better roads in this vicinit" The Jefferson Review says the Alb any boosters "would put enthuiasm int a wooden Isdiau". Glad they are com ing to Brownsville. If tcey can move some of our citizens we will certainly vote them a medal. The Cantata, "Queen Esther." which has been in preparation for several weeks, under the direction of Pruf . W. S. Smith, will be given at the opera house Tuesday evening next. . D. A. Reeves, of the clothing firm of Green & Reeves, of Lebanon, was in Brownsville Friday and Saturday trying to secure a buildiDg in which to open a clothing store. The Times has assurance from an authorative source that a gasolene morer car win oe put on by the South- i ean Pacific between Brownsville and i Albany within a short time. R. W. Tripp, manager ot the Browns ville Real Estate Company, arrived home Tuesday from an extended visit to his old home in Iowa and a trip which took him into many of the states I of the Middle West, East and South. ,j JWord was received in Brownsville today announcing the death at Salem of A. C. Hausman, a former pioneer , resident of thi3 city. The remains will be broughc to Brownsville tomorrow i afternoon, and the funeral will be held ' Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. t ugene Won, EuCfinfi h!on anA Qola. I..l. -a---- ---o-. uuibiii iaai illiriii. debated for the championship, Eugene winninor. . Alkan.r 1 Ti.: , ...l ;.. ""u au Lieu wicn t.hpm in rnn tiraf ak.u. i : . -.i V " u" Mt.vrti.vo, Having witn- drawn on account of some disagree- mpntfl aa w.11 aa i judges last night were Professors Scha- iici aim uiicnen oi me u. u. and Al- lreu ocnmitt, oi tnis city. Tonight at the Empire Will hfi Mia loot nhli,.. - and Mrs. John Drew, song and dance nrhnfs ulin h... I... , " uocu Kivin? some popular numbers during the week, now in RnmA hua Tficl. .I.nnl. A moving picture feature that is an ! education along industrial lines will he- I Shooting an Oil Well, a dandy. See the ' program, a bi offering lor the money. 1 There will be a change of program tomorrow. Monday Ortin and Leota ' comedy and sketch team. t led in Benton County. j jonn, son ot August Webber, of nenion county, died yesterday evening ! at the age of fourteen veara nf ! monia, after a short illness. Hfl wna a mpmhur nP tliA fi iL.,.. The Pure opening registration March 1st. tools we mortals be. A Portland woman struck her hus band over the head because ho ate one prune more than she wanted him to. The court granted a divorce. I nnr Lebanon will hold another Btraw- ruuu Ldw. lf? fair in jun8-&ni it 3 abai tim the bulem editor began saving up for lub $oo uux ui scruwDerries. The mud is reported so deep in the streets of Corvallis work has had to be stopped on the new depot, it being im possible to haul heavy loads through the streets. Washingtom, Feb. 19. -Congressman Hawley received a letter from secre tary Wilson stating that he is not advo cating or supporting the proposed amendment to the pure food law, which embodies the main features of the La fean apple packing bill. Judge Cleeton Salem, Feb. 19. Goy. Benson today U. S. Senator Ben Tillman is on his death bed. Tillman was an Albany visitor once, delivering an address on the court house lawn, at which time quite a dramatic incident occurred. An excursion party of one hundred business men of Eugene went to Rose burg today. The great question is Nesmith county, both Roseburg and Webster as county judge of Multnomah, To Be Dismissed. appointed Thomas J. Cleeton to succeed Eugene fighting' the new county. The Telegram editor after a trip up the valley, said: "It is surprising how. very attractive in appearance such towns as Roseburg, Eugene, - Albany and Salem ure growing lu be. They flrA hnopinninnr fn nfTot. nHfrnttinn. tin!. SAN FRANCISCO. Fnh 19 S .1 4- !,t., ,) r.nnoH o!Jt. Heney in an interview said he would such as could scarcely be dreamed of a Tint. HlBml.a Ihannnnnf Cu ........ n " w"ir ia-iopioioniiYii iew years ago. U.U9U11, uu, nuum UIOIIIlHa LI1U8U ui Puter and McKinley who served their sentences. LaGrippc pains that pervade the en tire system, LaGrippe coughs that rack and strain, are quickly cured by Foley's Honey and Tar. Is mildly laxative, safe and certain in results. Woodworlh Drug, Co.. Bom. Saturday afternoon, Feb. 19, at t o'clock, to Mr. and Mrs. D., C. Burk- hart, a boy, all doing well. This gives jMr. and Mrs. C. G. Burkhart their first I experience as grandparents. . C MPIR THEATRE TONIGHT VAUDEVILLE 1. Mr. and Mrs. John Drew in Irish comedy. - 2. ' Puzzle pictures. MOVING PICrURRS. ' ' S. Old Mill, I ami kur.rloi- fclectric Insoles. Riva Austria (From Lake Garda) UIWl uuHru. Our Geiman Cousin. Shooting Oil Wells. ILLUSTRATED SONG 9. I've got rings on my gngers and bells on my toes. Four piece orchestra Vaudeville matinee Saturday. Admissio? 20 cts; children, 10 cts. i EmiLiuiain i. 6. 6. 7. 8. PROGRAM TONIGHT 1 The Chaperone's Honeymcon 2 The Policeman's Revolver, Comedy 8 Jack's Birthday 4 The Engineer's Romance 5 Illustrated song: I'm Going to do Just as I Please Matinee every lay. ' Admission 10 cents. memoer ot the Catholic church a! nephew of Kasper Kropp of this city, j uet lour i-ish at Fteiffers. j Tha nt...n OOO JIT l h , - " ("'"I oeconu street. Everything in the fish line, neat and clean, at a reasonable piice. FURNITURE 1 AT COST- CLOSING OUT SALE Everything Must Go O. K. PERRY, 310 W. 2r,d.t. CLOSTHG' O UT -All Ladies Suits and Coats at less than half price. Den' c miss this opportunity. THE PARIS CLOAK & SUIT HOUSE 223 W. First Street, Albany, Oregon. ome Heals WM. BAIN, President. p. D.JJGILBERT. V. P. H. N. BOULEY, Cashhr. ALBANY STATE BANK Everybody does some banking business, but many do not understand all th e benefi ts theylreceive from their association -with a bank. You cannot do business with a' good bank without receiving some ben efits. Try it and this fact will be demon strated to you. Short orders, including 1'eats, Salady Vegetables', Pies, Oysters in all styles! Hot Tamolies, Sandwichef, Cl us, etc., meal's and lunches, neat mi I i lear . Confectionaiies and soft drinks ut HOFLIMI'.N Have you tried our ER COFFE If not, whv net? 25c coffee in town. ;:; 1 : It is 'he best Give r s a trial STAR BAKERY, XX MEYER, Pi-priotor