Ur. Historical Society New Seasonable Goods That you need now, for your spring sewing. A big assortment of A. F. C. Ginghams in prettier patterns than ever at 1212 yd Cottrfn challies for comfoits, new fresh goods at only 5c yd Reddisode cotton, 72x84 inches, all ready to put in your comfort at 85c roll Flood'sStore flow Is Your Title ? We are now making photographic nd are prepared, o nshort notice, to furnish complete Abstracts of Title to any piece of real estate in Linn County. Few of the old titles are perfect; we recently found a government pal tnt that misdescribed the land intended to be conveyed. We look to your interest. Have been established for 18 years and are incorporated. LIMSI COUNTY -ABSTRACTICO' ALBANY Generalffih KHif I H I " W til rungs i Ralston Electric Supply Company 306 Wet Second Street WE have r.o'State Deposits, nor do we accept nny de posit where special security has to bo pledged. This menns Hint, wo have no preferred creditors and that your deposit has the aiiinu security that all have. We havo invested assets worth mire than $100,000 00 and this would lutvo to be ilia Biputcd beforo depositors could lose a cent. It is not being dissipated, it is growing. J. W. CUSICK & CO. BANKERS. Establiihed 1892. I oSi's Sastal-Pepsin Capsules i-'V A POSITIVE CURE ' Vot liiflftnimfttltm prCntfttrhut 1 'l"1 Hhnt.hT nu.l nWiMH-d Kill- iwii ortHi' oi uonorruoca mil UIwI, no utntttT of turn nnir almwliiiiv A hx.Ul.ilv tuinuU'nti. 8oll by (lrUKK'irt 'Hoc Jl .00, or by mull, pwi lid, I.U0.8 boXM. 12.74. THE SANTAL-PEPS1K CE. UeUcl.intoine, Ohl For 'tale bv'Bttrkh.rt A Ten BRUGK & ANDERSOii, OPPOSITE THE P. O. Fonr chairs. Prompt an KMcient Vnro of tho faco and hair. 31. B. CRAFT, 242 West Second St., Albany Firjt-c'nss mnts o' all kind from oi "-.il st r't. Dealer in choice meats of all kinds Agents for Stanard Patterns. reproductions of the county records OREGON Electric la LET US PRESENT YOU with a bath room plan you can have executed by New Year if you act quickly. Nothing very expensive about it, yet it includes everything necessary for a handsome and sanitary bath room. Our plumbing work is included in the cost, with no extra charges as a joker. Think it over. MEDIN & STUART. Cosxixs & fiimiii: Real Estate and Insurance I liiiy and soil realty. Insure prop erty and transact loans. Large or v small timber tracts. J. Fi, RALSTOM INSURANCE, LOWS AM COLLECTIONS. have money t loan in smnll an large amount?. Notes and mortgage bought. 1 will bond you. Proper! amtied feu- non-residents TOMYOUNC I ap.l SL-n Pa'nUr, 122 Eerry St A Te.it f'ir the, C.evelan.l l elsenit. roof jKtint. Uome phor.e S2f. Pacific Fed 3G; 01 II US ALBANY Hot tamalies at tho Vienna Bakery Choice lunches at the Vienna Bakery. Columbia river Bmelt righ along at the Metropolitan Market, Broadblin St. mgnest marKei price ior cnicKens, turkeys, geese .and ducks at t . ti. Pfeiffer'a, Second street. A burglar is reported to have ontered the store of Missall & Knapp, on Main street this week, but getting little. Special Communication of St. John's Lodge No. 17, A. F. & A. M. Saturday evening Feb. 12 with work in the E. A. degree, and Monday evening Feb. 14, with work in the M. M. degree and Stated Communication Tuesday evening Feb. 15 with work in M. M. degree. All memhers requested to be present. Visiting brethren cordially welcomed. By order of the W. M., E. Washburn, Sec. C. H. NEWS. Deeds recorded : M arion Shackle- for J to M. E. Pugh 60 by 120 f"et ..S D. Brodie to Earl Mertz 70 acre3 C. P. Devereaux to D. W. Merrill et al 160 acres. 10 Nancy E Williams to Bethel Church of Tallman 1-20 acre.. Laura I. Corbus to N. H. Cum- mings 4 acres 120 Affidavit (if W W Millar nf Pnrrlanrl of the tender of 22.2.1 an acre and application of Oregon & California rail road land 10. 11. 12 and 13-1. 2 and 3 East, for 67 people. Guardian appointed for Daisy Darby, minor. Tells About "Albany. A. A. Simsoon. now a resident of North Albany, writes the Itemizer of LiaiiaB, nis lormer dome, as follows: There is on the west side of the river from Albany a low piece of land about , one mile in breadth by four or live in lentght, which. is used almost entirely . for gardenB and berries, ! Th lnnri in vorir nrnrfnpHvA imnon. ' quen'ly pretty high, and is worth from ! $300 to $500 dollars an acre. It fa on a portion of this land that another Dallas raised boy, Fred Waymiro, and I have locnted. Albany is one of the most thriving towns in the Willamette valley. There is probably as many good build ings being built both tor business and residence as any town this side of Port land. The past season there was consider able street paving done with more under contract to' the coming summer. and the roads are gravelled for several ; miles in all directions. Albany is a drv town. The citizens must be Dleased that it is so. as the saloon element has had three trials and get worse beat each time. ; Democrat Man Jabbed. Harrisburg Bulletin; While at Albany last Saturday we met brother Nutting of the Democrat for the first time. He is a dandy little fellow, filled with good natu-ed serious ness and fun. For 29 years he has made the Democrat "speak out in meetin." The scars received imj nn effort of that magnitude are nicely healing since Albany has grown to that point whore she has learned to give good care for its worthy editor. Here's hoping you may never have sense enough to quit the business, and that you may always have cents enough to keep at it. , More people are taking Foley's Kidney Remedy every year. It is considered the most effective remedy for all kidney and bladder troubles that medical science can devise. Fo ley's Kidney Remedy corrects irreg ularities, builds up the system, and re stores lost vitality. Woodworth Drug Co. . F. G. WILL, lor Watches LUMBER Lath Shingles HAIR FIBRE PLASTER Land Plaster Lime Cement BUILDING PAPEA Roofing Paper Shakes Posts HOLDINGS THECHAS. K. SPAULDING LOUGING CO. Iloth Phones Bel'. Red S41, Home ?24. MISFITS. Albany should have the cluster tern of lights. I The birthday of the man the people Kof the U. S. love. The rich man is watched mighty close ly, one of its drawbacks. Western papers stand 18 to 1 against Joe Cannon, a national disgrace. Some gasoline motors would electrify some of these little side lines. If you want good health be temperate in your eating. Don't be a glutton. Those old wildcat Portland banks were enough to send a man to the sani tarium. The man who wants to be elected will do well not to be a candidate before any assembly. Suiklst is the name of some California oranges; but they are all sunkist and so are Oregon's fine red apples. Boys, when you look at the picture of Abraham Lincoln let th9 building of a royal character be your purpose. Attraction of the Gospel Ministry Upon Young Men of Strength. Evening sei che people will be glad to stand by''vieeJg?; Im , n ,Ques one first-class Normal School but they V-.f abbaIlh.! hool at 11:45, class s don't want them at every cross roads, 6af308:0A : cordial invitation to all who wnnlrl Only one of those Wells Fargo men nesitatea at all m choosing between Oregon and California, and he WaS a The most important thing in a city is i a high grade of citizenship, saya a man in the Independence Eneterprise-. One would think money was the greatest thing to hear the average person' talk . ' A farmer wants the' proposed in- . crease on the postage of second-class mail matter defeated. He knows it will affect his interests, and it will,. 33 well as the interests of people generally. Second-class postage should - remain' as it is in the interest of the masses. j ' It takes sixteen exposures to the foot to make a, moving picture. Wonderful antics of men, baby buggies, etc., are created by stopping the machine and . changing the location of the object, re- ; quiring great patience. These shows are said to have decreased the attend ance at regular theatres 50 per cent, but the actors have been equal to the occason, going into the moving picture story scenes. . J ' ""-BROMO LAXINE COLD TAB-' LETS. The best remedy in the mar ket for cold in the head or a fresh cold. Brings quick relief if you have . la grippe, lry a box. If not satis fied you get your money back. Price 25c. BURKHART & LEE. I A SAFEGUARD TO CHILDREN. 1 "Our two children of six and eight years have been since infancy sub jeet to colds and croup. About three years ago I started to use Foley's Honey and Tar, and it has never failed to prevent and cure these troubles.' It is the only medicine I can get the children to take without a row." The above from W. C. Ornstein, Green Bay, Wis., duplicates the experience of thousands of users of Foley's Hon .ey and Tar. Woodworth Drug Co. GORDEN VIBRATORS We have just received a shipment of Gorden .Vibrators. This vibrator took first ' prize over all vibrators at the .Seattle rair. Guaranteed tor one year. Call at our store and get a booklet. Price) $15.00. BURKHART & LEE. l Why buy Groceries of Portland Houses wheu you can get the following priees at EASTBURN'S 14 lbs Granulated Sugar $1.00 IB lbs Cream Rolled Oats 1.00 11 lbs Head Rice 1.00 14 lbs Japan Rice 1.00 16 lbs Broken Head Rice Tt.OO 12 Ids White Beans . . 1.00 12 lbs Lima Beam .... 1.00 1016 oz pks Raisinns 1.00 Get cur prices before you buy. W. A. EASTBURN The Grocer. SHINGLES. Made in Albany my No 1 Ed Grain 8 the BEST in the market. Various grades and prices from $1.25 upwards. Every bunch branded with my name. Look for it. Examine these shingles before buying elsewhere. E. A. THOMPSON. We us no'dry kilm. G.E.METZGUS &SON, Sanitary Plumbers and Sheet Meial WorKers. Our patronj are assured of strictl . first c'oss wo, prompt service End reasonable prices. Eave trough, conductors, roofing ami general jobbing. Specifications furn shed. Estimates chctrfuliy given. Trv m. 201 E Firs: St. Both rt.oi.e TOMORROW'S DOINGS. Christian chuich. Albyn Esson, Min ister. Bible Schools begins at 10:30 -. m. Communion and sermon fi-i' a. Christian Endeavor. 6:30 p. m". si vis ing sermon at 7:30. Special morring and eyening. A cordial welcome to all. St. Mary's church. - Rev. Arthur Lane, Rector. First Sunday in Lent. Services at 8 and 10:30 a. m. The pas tor will officiate and speak from the gospel of the Sunday. Vesper service at 7:30. The subject will be The Fourth General Council held at Chalcedon A. D. 451. The doctrines of th) human and divine natures in Christ will be pre sented. The public will be welcome at these services. M. E. church. -The subject at 10:30 will be: "God's Love to the Word, as Manifested in Missionary Victoriis." As this is "Lincoln Sunday" the even ing theme will be "Continuing Lincoln's Work-or What fo Do With the Negro." This is a "red letter day" for Metho dism, and it is hoped all the members and friends of the church will make an effort to be present at both of these services. Appropriate music, and a cordial welcome to all. First Presbyterian church. Rev, F. H Ge8elbracht. Minister. ' Mnrnina service 10:30. Them' : The Claims and worship" with us. of 11 a m --.I T.Ort - T 117 .,1 i warare Albany Abstract Company, L. M. Curl, Manager. Hereafter the records in the office of the Recorder of Comreyances for Linn Connty, will be abstracted daily, by an expert title- examiner employed by our company. In this manner we will be able to keep our records up to the last minute of each previous day, thereby affording better service to the public than any one has heretofore been able to give. It is onr intention to maintain the standard of excellence gained by thorough and conscientious work in .the past The very best and latest system of abstracting of titles will be permanently and continu- -ously carried forward regardless of the expenditure of money in main- "" tnininrr ntir wall ..-kt:.k.J ; ..... . e wijwusu icpuiauuii prugres5ive ana renaDie- ab stracters. We a9snme that every one realizes the necessity of having , an abstract of title prepared for the property which is about to be pur chased; we solicit your patronage and assure you that we can give you the very best work that is possible with little delay and at a moderate living price. It will be to yoar advantage to see us before ordering; An unlimited amotmt of money to loan at six per cent per annum' on real estate security. Both telephones in She office. Call in and. see us or write. Albany Abstract Company, Alb-Ry, : Oregon FIRST NATIONAL Albany, Oregon. OLD AND RELIABLE. . For thirty-nine years- this Bank has been con ducting a conservative business. It has had a . healthy, steady growth during these years and on the basis of this-record invites your account confident of its ability to serve you advantage ously. Assets- Over One Million Dollars. FIRST SAVINGS BANK FARM AND CITY PROPERTY THE UNN & BENTON REAL ESTATE CO Have a good list of FARM AND CITY property and take pleasure in show ing you. any place you wiBh to see. No trouble to us. No expense to vou Before buying : see i us. See it all.. Take your choice. Get the best. Office 336 west First St -Ar- The Crest Tamalie3, Tamalies. Trv one of our boneless chicken tarn - aW None harler in th nitv. Oysters served any style, also light : unches. ' Both Phones. 316 West 2nd Keep your Clothes clean and . pressed. THE CLEANER, E. SHELLEY, Prop. Beli Phone black 273 Home phone 196 W W 1st St. CrllNESti DOCTOR J. Moi. Foo, an experienced compounder of Chinese medicines, successor of the late Hong Wo Tong, is now prepared to furnish Chinese ir.cdie-ir.es to ail. Theunder uigned reesmmends him and guaran tees satisfaction. Ca.l or vmte him hi Nq. tlO West Second st , Albany Or. Jm M tSTFAU, church in Lebanon will preach both morning and evening in exchange with the pastor. Morning subject "The Great Alternative." Evening "The Unanswerable Argument for Chiistian ity." School at 10 a., C. E. 2:30, 4 and 6:46 p. m. Midweek meeting Thursday 7:30 p m. Baptist church. Regular services at usual hodrs. In absence of Pastor Douglas Rev. a. E. Eaton will occupy the pulpit, preaching services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sabbath School 10:16 a m , B. Y. P. U. 6:30 p. m. Evangelical church. Preaching this evening at 7 :30. Sunday services : Preach ing at 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sab bath School at 10:00 a. m. Special services every evening next week at 7:31 o'clock. United Presbyterian. "Lions in the Way." ,s the subject of the sermon" to young people tomorrow evening. This it lhe first of a series 't addresses that the pastor has promised the young peo p'e uuring the next six Sabbath even ings. The chorus choir will sing; and beginning at 7:15, Miss Sox will give the following pipe organ program: Melodie du soir, ah.H-y; Romance, Shelley; Largo, Har.dil; The Rosary,"" Nevin; Communion, Batiate; Offertory, Grison. "Go-d Medicine," is the subject of the 10:30 a. m. sermon. SORE LUNGS AND RAW LUNGS. Most people know the feeling, and Cht miserable state of ill health it indicates. AH people should know that Foley's Honey and Tar, the greaTtst throat and lung remedy, will quickly cure the soreness: and cough and restore a normal condition. Ask for Folby's Honey and Tar. Wood worth Drug Co. lTTFycwr real "estate". With me for prompt returns. I have mi sy requests for city and farm property, in large and small tracts. Both phones. C. W. Tebalt. 432 W. Fiist St. BANK SAVING A REGULAR AMOUNT, persistently will determine your future suc cess and comforts. You will never regre the money you save. After you have started you will regret that you did not open an account sooner. Interest Paid on Savings Accounts - A. STARK, M. D PUY8IOI&.N AND SURGEON I WILL & STARK BLOCK, ALBANY Inn l fnuTVt nnn i i i ! I J it . VI A ft I If U H Ml A I I -- .w.i.mu Osteopathic Phvs'cian Albany State Bank Building. Bell Black 482. Home 275. H. A. LEININGER r DENTIST CramurdBlock, - Albany DH. W. fi. BILYEU, Dentist WILL STARK BLOCK. ALBANY IHL HTlClllJftT, DENTIST Roorojfi nd 8, Brenner Rlnek. . Bell Black 24-i went Work , , Estimates given on Plastering, Side walk and Cement Work. J. F. TRAVER, 4th, 4 Cslapocia !.