MONEY SAVERS IN I HE SHOE DEPARTMENT Ends lines left from our annual clean up sale. They are bargains! no question about it. Values up to $3.50 and to clean up these we have placed them on our bargain tables at 98c Pair. Come and look them over. MEN'S HIGH CUT SHOES. A shoe that is always useful for outing, $3.50 and $4.00 values $5.00 and $6.00 values etc. ..$2.75 pair ..$3.85 pair OUR NEW ART draperies and silkolines are now being shown. Superb patterns and colorings. Silkolines 12c Draperies -25c These two lots are splendid. A new line of Galatea cloth is also ready for your inspection. . , MUSLIN UNDERWEAR FOR SPRING. Some beautiful effects in lace and embroidery. A wide variety of pat terns and prices. Unusually dainty combination suits. SILK PETTICOATS. Late arrivals in black and colors. Double ruffle, cut very full. An ex traordinary value at a very low price. $4X0 Each. We Try to Please Our Customers. THAT 1b why we sell strictly high grade unadulterated , drugs. THAT is why our prices are'so reasonable, and THAT is why we are careful and accurate in filling . prescriptions. . ' BURKHAF r & LEE. THE BEST In all kinds of Jewelry, Watches, Cut Glass and Novelties. F. G. WILL, THE JEWELER. TO WHAT DO YOU A-SPIRE El The "OLD RELIABLE" 11 lili, llir. A full line of choice nursery stock. Order now for Spring delivery. Phne Red 87 1. Office 31? W. Second St. 6. F. PEICE. Manager. Walter Parker- Grocer " and (. Baker 21 WK8T FIB8T 8TKEET,.XB4.NY OREGOH, First class goods in their season. Phone Main 66 Are you looking for Real Estate in the country or in the city? If so, call ana see me as i have bargains which I know will suit you and can save you money. Good 7-room cottage, bath, nice lot situated in west AlDany. fnce, $Z3UU. Large house and one lot, situated on inira street, close in. Price, ?2Z00. Good buy in vacant lot, best loca tion in Albany. Have several cheap buys in East Al bany. I have good farms improved, situated from four to seven miles out from Albany, for $50.00 and $60.00 per acre. Call on J. V. PIPE, 203 West jMti street, Albany. Albany Supply Company MOIffiU DEiLERS In fruits, vegetables, sugar, nuts, confectionary, wrapping paper, twine and paper bags. Cash paid for all kinds of poultry. We also have the agency for Pyramid and Golden Gate cement, Olympic lime, Arden plaster. Get prices before buy ing. Cash paid for eggs; Foot Ferry Street, Albany. Phones, Mjin 5 Bell, 8 Home. . DR. JJ. MURRAY, Registered Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist. Graduate American Veterinarv Col lege of New York City, 1881. At Albany Livery Stables, 2nd & Ellsworth. Botii phones. ::::RELIABLE:::: Light, Power and Heat. WillamettelValley Co. RrF. Wi.'ch, Maaager. Idle Hour Restaurant, Cor. Broadalbin and Secondt Sts. Under new management. Best 20 cent meals in the city. JONES ft KI5QR. Wood Yard. A'l kinds of wood, old fir, maple, dry slab and mill end trimrnincR. unwprl ready for shed. Phone Home Black 25 5 hUWAKD BROS. Office with J. A. howard THE GET TOGETHER MEETING THIS MORNING News from Albany's Six Trains, Early Rev. D. V. Poliner. of The Dalles, a former pastor of the Congregational r u c : ... ...u 1 i cuurcii ui HUB Vliy, wuu jjicuvuuu ill Corvallis, on Sunday, left for home. He saw a bier improvement in Albany since he left here. The Dalles contin ues to be a saloon town, has thirty of them: bat it is awakening to its res ponsibility for better citizenship and a live contest is in prospect. II Mr u; ;n: ... A ti,A Agriculturist, of Portland, paled ' Mortgages $1076.75, $750, through the city from Corvallis, where ne naa Den to speaK at me inrmers short course. He reported the largest attendance yet and much interest in the The Lebanon excursion to Albanv yesterday evening was a surprise, and an aereeble one. Four cars were filled. one hundred ninety-two people coming down. They were met at the depot by a crowd of Albany people, a procession formed, and the pavement taken to the commercial rooms, where the key to the city was turned over to them. The Peei less Band, a good one, furnished music for the- occasion. In the evening the commercial club rooms were packed to the door, and a get together spirit prevailed that was striking. The Lebanon and Albany yells were given and with President ' work, us via in tne cnairone or tne most en thusiastic programs ever presented in Albany was heard. Senator F. J. Miller gave the address of welcome, the band played, Booster Geo. A. Waggoner sofce in respone for the Strawberry Brigade. A telegram was resd from the premier booster, Tom Richardson, in which he said: "Albany and Lebanon, Linn county towns, will prosper in unity, The high schod Glee Club of Leb anon sang and were encored, the an propriate tune being ''Keep a Goin . ra. a. miner maue a taig tnat cook, full of get together. Judge Duncan whooped up the gopd roads proposition. With Postmaster Van Winkle as the teacher a class of Albany men had a primer lesson, mat captured tne nouse, a regular booster for Lebanon and Linn county, with some individual hits. men tne tenaerteet were given a chance, and they showed the mettle that counts. H. N. Bouley nnd;Geo. H. Crowell, of this city, and E. B. Day and E. L Clark, of Lebanon, made some splendid talks, boosting the Will amette Valley. C. B. Sox Bpoke, the Glee Club sang, and then Sam Garland, N. M. Newport, Mayor a. M. Keeves ana rostmaster W. M. Brown were called upon and made things hum. 52 per cent increase to a yeepeaks f07the town The W. C. T. tl. yesterday afternoon "ffi,5toa around I. meeting n j-j-h-. 2VL TZa"r. "rS. warn was rendered? M re. Henrietta IUUUUU UW1 BUU BUUIQ M"J 4V C H NEWS Heavy tax payments: F. W. Seeck $172.80; Sylonia Burk bart $135.46; J. D. Burkhart $116.74; J. Burnett Jr. $104 05: Anna B. Reed ! $104.44; George Taylor $127.99; Ohling ,& Taylor $189.78; Jos. Moore $104.38; uimert Bros. izh.l3; U. M. tturknart $1U4. 76; Anna Schlosser $203.99; J. J. jHorsky $150.50. i Exempt property set aside for widow t in estate of I. Meeker. In estate of Geo. Rambo final hearing set for March 26. W. B. Chance went to Salem, where he is inspecting mills. J. C. Devine, the Lebanon hotel man, went to Portland. I Riley Waller returned to Jefferson, where he is fixing things. I Prof. Dinwiddie, of the Portland . schools, returned to that city after a Brownsville crip. Dan McKercner, now a commercial traveler, left for points north. No. 16 arrived at 6:30 and No. 14 was half an hour late. Conductor Elmer Dannals, of the Hoover train reDorted snow two feet deep on the level, a decidedly white prospect. I Deeds rocorded: . Belvany Logan to H. C. Farmer iw acres f 4buu Jas. T. Douglas to Lydia Van Curtis 39 acres 1200 M. J. Alford to Lee R. Ingram 67.07 acres ' 1 Leonard M. Lasley to Jennie L. Philpott73 acres 130 " Home from New York. I L. E. Hamilton, of Hamilton's Store, ' urrived home from New York loBt night. While there he got in toucn witn tne very latest things in his busineas, and believing in the business prospects of Albany tor the coming year, bought heavily for all his departments. An accomplished eastern milliner will have charge of the millinery department, which will be replete with the latest creations. Rathbone Sisters. A crowd of Rathbone Sisters went to Lebanon this afternoon to institute a new kHge of the order there, and show the women of that live town the mys teries ot Pythianism. Those going were Mm.s. D. S. Smith, Uumond, Curl, Roberts, Chambers, McClain, Harold, Conn, Freeman, Pirtle, Haight, Misses Chambers and Barker and Mr. Conn. will be jus', as good a fruit raising center. The enthusiasm was ereat. and never before has there been such a spirit of get together and stay there as now in Linn county. , The Albany chorus sang their booster songs, Dick Churchill served a line lunch of punch, sandwiches and cakes and a free and ' easy spirit prevailed, with plenty of noise. But back of it all was r . - i . , i u bariums mraiD ox ouost anu Dusiness that means much for Old Linn. gram was rendered. Brown presided. WANTED, Men and women and the children, to buy some good bar- gains in shoes. All kinds, the est leather will create. We need the money. Burns Shoe Store, Next the P. O. Get Your Pish at Pteiffers. The nlacfl. 229 West Second street. Everything in the fish line, neat and clean, at a reasonable price. I Fresh oysters at Plelr's, 229 W. 2nd St. DR. W. R. SHINN, Physician and Surgeon, Office, 230 First St., over 1st Nat. Bank Diseases of the Eye and Ear a Specialty. Hours 9 to 12 A. M.; 2 to 4 P. M. DONT'T NEGLECT. ' To have your shoes repaired," by a first-class shoe maker, at Burn's Shoe Store, next P. O. The Weather. Range of temperature 41-29. Rainfall .06 inch. The river is up to 8.2 feet. Prediction, rain coniorht anl Thurs day. .' ' Ubb Johnson's Best. It is the Best Made in Albany. F. j -Will for watches YOU Newcomers and Oldtimers If you know what you want, and want it when you want it order' at ELITE Chocolate Shop Ice Creams, Sherbets, Ices, Fancy Bricks. General Catering. ' I REGAL Jl fTS. MOTOR WASffiKjggML ' ft' "rfifr ' .1 THE TIME 'has come when the hard work of washing clothes la becoming ' as easy as making bread, You will not dread wash day if you use the Coffleld water power washer. Call and see them at THE BIG Hardware Store Hulbert-Ohling Hwd. Co. WAIT MEAD, WATCHES and FINE REPAIRING 113 BROADALBIN STREET. DR. VIRGINIA a LFWEAIX. Osteopathic Physician. 1-3 Brenner Block, Albany. Phones: Uir.ce Home 359, Bell blade 2751, Residence 394 Bo I . , . c; , e EARLY SPRING SHOWINGS Our spring line will be shown early. Owing to the fact that, with our winter f clothing sold down so closely during it's season, we have ordered our Sprang Suits to be shipped Early. Many are now on the way, and we will be the first to show this Springs fashions. As usual we will be the leaders. Keep your cy on our Store. Call for the new things in proper season. Then, you will know when you are right. Wejnever disappoint. The BMn Clothing Co. Alb m y - Oregon