JABS. By Jones Of all the hogs who roam the land with greedy eyes and snout the one that lies down in the trough with all his kind about, the land hog, is the blamdcst hog that grunts, beyond a doubt. The beef trust is safe. All trusts are cood trusts that come through about election time, and 13. T. came through. Portland property is on the boost from now on. Land is selling at a rapid advance not only in the sub urbs but in the heart of the city. Portland cannot live without the country. It is a great wen on the body politic. It is the source of more political corruption anu commerciti niracv than anv other city in Oregon. But we must ship and sell our stuff F.Iprtlrir linp .ire hut feehlv devclon ing the possibilities of Oregon. They would make dollars where they now make dimes it tncy wottiu carry pas cinirirs for n rent a mile. The tim idity of the average electric line is only equalled by its cupidity. There are lots of farms advertised for sale in Oregon for $50 an acre. An acre of land in the heart ot fort land is worth over two million dollars an acre. There are several such acres. There arc not farm lands in use in anv countv in the state that irrcsncc tive of improvements are worth as much as two acres ot land in fort land. The value of two acres of Fort land land.with Third and Washing ton as the center of the tract, would make a strip of farming land at fifty dollars an acre one hundred and twen ty-five miles long. CONGRESSMAN HAWLEY. Congressman Hawley will be a can didate for reelection. A clean man .in his personal habits, politically he has tailed to make good, lie nas sioou in with Cannon on practically everything, and eighteen out of twenty western people are opposed to Cannonism. He nas 5ioou in wiin iuih.ii iu ma tn famous high tariff schedules, and the masses are opposed to this policy and have so declared in various ways, re gardless of politics. lie is said to favor the ship-subsidy bill, the worst graft of the age, and western people know it. With such a record are the people going to reelect him? Will even his own party endorse him in the direct primaries? It is to. be re gretted that a man of Mr. Hawlcy's splendid personal standing is not with the people on policies so vital to their interests. ABOUT THE SAME AS CONVIC TION. The result of the Herman case, (hough a disagreement, so far as the public is conccrrcd, is a conviction. Eleven to one ought to be so in prac tice. Mcr- 'litm that according to the evidence ; ' Hermann is probably technically guilty- When he run for office the lasttime people were pretty well informed on the subject, but they voted tor him any way, through the inllucncc of a double hand-shake. Mr. Hermann, evidence indicates, used his public bllicc for the gain of Hermann.. At least eleven int-n, out of twelve, have so decided. The Democrat was surprised at the standing of the jury, thinking that Hermann's old time po litical pull would'help iu this trial. MISFITS. Get together and keop at it. The strawberry town did itself pn ud. Milt Miller rnaJo the spoech of his life. Our tendorfout have the sand all rifcht. Tay your taxes with a smilo. It is all right. The knocker has been completely knocked in Linn county. Some other parts of the U. S. hive lost some mighty good cUizens. Business is a good thing, but the soc ial side oi our lives must not be neglect ed. The Linn county tax payer litis no grumble coming. Ours is about the owest in the valley. Everybody in the U. S. by this time ought to know that Linn county is big ger than Hhode Island. A politician has sued a Tacoma edi tor for slander. Impossible to slander a politician these days. Albany people will show their appre ciation of high class drama by attend ing the Hiinford performance tonight in a body. Our splendid hospitality and goo.l citizenship is what brought Aluany three among iia best families of newcomers. Rooms tor Rent. All finished and ready for use, sum. fine ollice rooms, in the now Will Stark block. See Dr. St-.'k. I.WT YOUR HEAL ESTA'i'K. Wii me f ir prompt re;un .. I Iihvc ni n, : requests for cit,? t.n.lfjim piep.il-.' in lingo and tin ill tracts. 1 i p!rn-f. C W. Tkii.M.T. IJ2 W. Fu.i St. , WEDNESDAY. ANOTHER COLD SNAP. Chicago, Feb. 16. A blizzard grips the southwest.- Cold weather has stopped traffic. The temperature drop ped 50 degrees one day in Vissouit The snow and hurricanes are raging in Colorado. In Wash Colfax, Feb. 16. Coldest wave of the winter is here, the mercury being 6 below. Will Be (Defeated. Washington, Feb. 16, Unless sen ator Root withdraws his amendment to the postal savings bill that measure will probably be defeated in the senate. The friends of the bill are hopeless. Tne Conservation bill is before the senate now. Baker Saloons. Baker City, Feb. 16. -The retail liquor association has decided to close all the saloons at one o'clock at night and keep them closed all day Sunday, It has taken this step at its own voli tion. Baker has been an all night town. Died at Natchez. Washington. Ftb. 16. Senator Chamberlain s brother-in-law. Alfred Davis, died at Natchez. Miss. Tillman 111. Washington, Feb. 16. Senator Till man was taken suddenly ill on the capi tol steps today and was taken to his home. OR. BOOSTERS. Portland. Or.. Feb. 15. That the Columbia River improvements fared well in the River and Harbors bill now before Congress was the advice rej ceived in Portland this week from the capital. A total of $2,153,500 is pro posed to be spent on Columbia River work; The Great Northern Railway will ex ploit Central Oregon, and has sent two men through that territory to get data for bulotins and other railroad publica tions that will describe the country thoroughly and tell prospective settlors what t.icy may expect there. The vallr of the Deschutes River tributary to t.ia Hill road now building up the Dos.-:!-'tes will como in for much favor able r blicily. Cei-'irating its quarter centennial as a stato institution, the Oregon Agricul tural College will hold the most elabo rate function over given at the institu tion at the close of the college year. In 1'ia minimi report of Master Fish Warden, McAllister, lately submitted, it is shown that the 100!) crop of salmon harvested in the waters of the -Columbia River, Oregon side, amounted to 17,604,997 pounds, which is a decrease of 8"8,549 pounds. The chief reason for the decrease is thought to be the shortening of the open season by the legislature. The Browning Club. The Browning Club, proposed by President Crooks for the depot park and the Albany Collego Sur.imer Bible school, holds its first meeting Monday, Fob. 21, at 4:30 p. m. at Mia. Weather ford's. There will be class discussions based on over sixty poems af Brown ing, on the following themes: Heroes and Heroism. Love and Its Ways. More of Love's Ways. Hus-1 bands and Wives. A Blot in the i 'Scutcheon. Painters and Painting. Music and Sculpture. The Religious Life. Ptppa Passes. Hie Philosophy I of Life and Death. More people are taking Foley's Kidney Remedy every year. It is considered the most clTcctive remedy for all kidney and bladder troubles that medical science can devise. Fo ley's Kidney Remedy corrects irreg ularities, builds up the system, and re stores lost vitality. Woodworth Drug Co. - SORE LUNGS AND RAW LUNGS. Most people know the feeling, and the miserable state of ill health it indicates. AH people should know that Foley's Honey and Tar, the greatest throat and lung remedy, will miickly cure the soreness and couh and restore a normal condition. AtU tor Foley's Honey and Tar.. Wood worth Drug Co. BROMO LAXTWE'COLD TAB LETS. The best remedy in -the mar ket for cold in the head or a fresh cold. Brings quick relief if you have la grippe. Try a box. If not satis lied you get your moucv back. Price 25c. BURKHART & LEE. Sclwman--Heinfc Will sing at the Kugono Theatre Friday vvt ning. rVlruuy 'th. Mi. it onVis now received. Se.tti $2 50 in! S-.D. Ai!'!rta Eugene The.iler, Eu gene, 0'i(;'ii EUGENE According to the Sage Rooster. Eugene, Feb. 15. The five miles of street car extension planned for tl is pring is a thing of the past. The electric line bridge to be built at Springfield is also in a very delicate condition physically without much hope of it this time. The water works and taxes are still growing. The new P. O. building will soon be ready for occupancy. The fiesco of the old building is one any artist might well travel miles to see and study. A large tabernacle is running here to its full capacity with Dr. Oliver in charge. Work has been resumed on new build ings and many new ones will soon be completed, and others commenced. Wwn Albany is ready for the build ing of the new P. O., it should try and have the government put up a, modern building, and don't go back to'the days of our pilgrim fathers, and have win dows with 8 by 10 lights, like Eugene's. Eugene is a nice place with" a fine lot of people, but Albany doesn't have to take a back seat for Eugene or any other place, and in time will outrank Eugene. The Sage Rooster made arrangements to return to Eastern Oregon, his native haunt, among the sanddomes; but by persuasion and the promise of straw berries all winter he is still here; but he doesn't see the berries. SAGE ROOSTER. At the Hotels. Phil Golinsky & wf, San Francluo. f. H. Lytle, Pendleton. W. M. Hayter, Portland. . . E. J. Fischer, Forest Grove. Albert Sehultz, Virginia. Eugene Willis, Portland. L. Amberson, Corva.llis. T. D. Henderson. Portland. Dick Duncan, John Halvorsen, Prof. Nicholls, Snedd. Sol Chas. Stevens, Eugene. John Bradford, Portland. C. A. Bevier, Gates. O. F. Rohrer, Portland. H. M. Myer, Scio. F. S. Healy, Portland. ALBANY Hot tamalies at the Vienna Bakery Choice lunches at the Vienna Bakery. Columbia river smelt rich alone at the-Metropolitan Market, Broadblin St. Highest market price for chickens. turkeys, geese and ducks at F. H. Pfeiffer's, Second street. R4trtf Pn. lnava hrni.nrlif a" WhitA touring car to Albany, s nai:dy machine that runs ns smooth a -i,k. The Browmne Club will hold its first session next Monday, with about thirty five prominent Albany people in it. The Twentieth Centurv Maerazine will have a splendidly prepared article by Mr. Barnhill on the Willamette Valley, and 100,000 copies of the issue will go over the U S. and it costs nothing. The paper is-' published at Omaha, and extra copies may be secured at 3 cents a piece. WALLA WALLA HAS $135,000 FIRE STARTED BY AN OIL STOVE. WALLA WALLA, Wash, Goods valued at $135,000 went up in smoke at the Motter-Wheeler depart ment store this morning just as the clerks were arriving to open up a large "expansion sale." The fire quickly gutted the building, except one bank of shelves, and water completed the damage. Tonight 40 employes are out of work. While the fire department was suppressing the flames a number of the clerks stood amid the wreckage weeping. The insurance on the stock is estimated at $S2,000 and messages have been sent for agents to come and adjust the loss. Toinoirow morning men will separate the damaged goods. "I have been here 27 years," said Manager W. P. Hooper, "and- this is my first fire. I have seen many fires i but this is the worst I have ever saw. j One thing that has been gratifying is I the kindness of my competitors." I The fire started -from an oil stove i in the "ad" department in a balcony over the main floor, and successive explosions of gas are given as .the cause of the spread. GORDEN VIBRATORS We have just received shipment of Gorden Vibrators This vibrator tnnk first prjzc ovcr an vibrators at the Seattle I'.nr. Guaranteed for one year. Call at our store and get a booklet. Price, $15.00. BURKHART & LEE. I The Toledo. I A new steel range, with a cooking plate on top, a model modern . stove No blacking. Keeps clean. Just take I a look at it. At Albany Hd. Co's. If you are going to cravel get the American Bankers Association Trav ellers checqoe.in $10.00, $20.00 or $50.00 denominations, pnynblo at ten thousand banks, 'or t.t any hotel or railroad office. j For sale by J. W. Cusick & Co., Bankers. Lodge Meetings, Tho K. O. M. every Saturday even ing H. C. Jordan, Commander. The Woodmen of the World eveiy Friday evening. L. L. Swan clerl". Manzanita Circle 1st and 3rd Mondays, Anna Strom, G. N. Modern Woodmen meet every 2; d and 4th Wednesdav in BussarJs' Hah. Grant Froman, Clerk. Koyal Neighbors mee. every 1st :: d 3rd Wednesdays in lins.-nid'a Ha.'i. Alice K'.s::. Recorder. VIERECK'S BATHS, 21" West First Street. First-Class Work Guaranteed. C. H. NEWS. Deeds recorded: Chas. R. Irvine to W. R. Ray, 91.60 acres $7000 Patent N. J. Sykes. Mortgages $1010 and $7000. Only' 369 more taxes will be collected this yer than last. $331,068 98 is to be collected. The first tax was paid bv Sheriff himself $122 23, and. C. Buchner was second. The roll is now open for everybody. Notorial commission filed. . H. N. Bouley Demurrers file 1 in Cooper agt. Alt house and Poland agt. Cox, the Albany Farmers Co's case. . - 'Notarial commission T. J. Stites. Probate: -In estate of H. W. Settle mier A. Blevins, J. E. Jenksand L. B. Luper were appointed apprisers. Marriage license: Floyd Ernest Ser mon, 26, of Halsey, and Charlsie Pear) Nicholson, of Harriaburg,,2I.' Heavy tax payments: E. G. Cox, $166.78; Geo. W. Grey $316.02; L. C. Marshall $226 11; Dr. J. L. Hill $315.38; hi. Buchner $112.17. $2,058.25 was the total for 32 receipts. Deeds recorded: Chas. Sterling- to A. N. Simons and wife lot N. Brownsville. . .$ 125 W. F. Hobel to A. J. Johnson lot Scio 800 H. Bryant to Hugh G. Fisher 27.- 74 acres 11-4 W -10 Lillian Fisher to rl. Bryant 105.67 acres 10 Bond for deed: A. M. Reeves to A. W. Docksteder part bl 17 H's 3rd ad 3000 Mortgages $3000, $500, $100, $40. Satisfaction for $800. The Olive Type writer "Bcst'on'the market. First Nation a Bank neoDle have five. Albany Collecre has ten. Thirty-five used in Ablany. See the new tabulator and ruling de vice. $15 cash, then Vc per day, pay able monthly. See one at Steward & Sox Hardware Co. Phone 218. Home Phone. The Markte. Wheat$l.00, Oats 43c Beef on foot 2 to3c; vealdressed 7c P0 dressed Be; on foot 7c, Lara ltc, Eggs 28c. Chickens on foot 10c. Hams 18c to 20c, sides the shoulders 13 to 15c. same; Butter ijuc to 35c. Flour $1.65 to $1.85c a sack. Potatoes lc oer lb, " Hay, from $12 for sonfe clover to $20 for the best timothy. . LUMBER Lath Shingles HAIR FIBRE PLASTER Land Plaster Lime -Cement F. G. WILL, lor Watches BUILDING PAPEit Roofing Paper 7 Shakes Posts MOLDINGS THE CHAS. K. SPAULD1NG LOGGING CO. Both Phones Bel'. Red 841, Home 324. j ADMINISTRATRIX' NOTICE. I To All Whom it May Concern: Xo- tice is hereby given to all whom it I may concern that the undersigned has I filed her final account in the county I court of I. inn county, Oregon, in the matter of the estate of George Ram ' bo, deceased, and that said court has fixed Monday, the 21st day of March. ' 1910. at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. ri said day as the- time for the hear j iug and settling of all objections to ' said account, therefore all persons i having any objections to said ac ; count are hereby notified and required tn appear in said court in said mat . K-r and tile the same therein on or ; In-fore said last mentioned dale, j El.VA R AM HO. : Administratrix oi said est:ite. Dated. 18th dav of l-'chruarv, 1910. W. U. 1J1LYKC, Attorney. MISFITS. V Aviating Albany. Albany is on the fly. Lebanon day in Albany. Near-spring ought to be popular. Hermann escaped by the hair of his teeth. A tract of land in Portland sold for $4,100 an acre. St. Valentine's day, one of sentiment and sarcasm. Who will be the first couple to b married in an aeroplane. Cogressman Hawley is a Cannon man. What do you think of that. Dr. Cook has been located in Chile. Perhaps starting for the south pole. . Some ot those jurymen think with the people thac Hermann was guilty. Nothing in the report that Roosevelt is to referee the Johnson-Jeffries light. Of course the Oregonian makes fun of Bryan's position on the booze ques tim. If Rooseveit starts for the North Pole he will get there; but his wife won't let bim go. A high old year, with beef up, aerc- jlanes soaring and weddings in court louse towers. AlKan., nAnnln m..l.3 l.l.A4-n .' nwaitj j,cuin vvuuiu UIW 1-U WI1UK the neck of the fellow who wrote the poem on snow. Binger Hermann will not run for Con gress anymore. That's one thing for easement ot tne mina. Think of the call of those eleven men to vote for conviction of Binger Her mann after Harvey Scott had testified to his good character. W. J. Bryan has come out flat footed against the saloon and wants the dem ocratic party to be emphatic on the subject of temperance. Cortelvou has the distinction of hav ing filled three cabinet chairs, and Cor telyou might tell you something about the inside of the cabinet business if he would. An order blank for whiskev from a Portland house reads: "Kindly ship ac once,- per express, prepaid, in plain case and securely sealed from observa tion, the following goods:" That kind of business isn't necessary in a 'decent traffic. The following from thciialem States man, reading like a fairy tale, is finer All the world loves a booster. Salem is like all the world. The Capital City has no faith In-the man who boosts Sa lem and knobks the rest of the Wallam ette valley. Salem has as fond a place in her heart for Albany or Eugene or rlarnsDurg, or any otner Willamette valley town as she has for Spj. ' J. M. RALSTON, Insurance, Loans & Collections. Have money to loan in small and large amounts. Notes and mort gages bought. I will bond you. Property handled for non-resi-' dents. TOM YOUNG, -House and Sign Painter, Agent for the Cleveland Gelsenite roof paint. 122 Ferry Street, H ome Phone, 320. Pacific, Red 3092 A. STARK, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, Will & Stark Block - Albany DR. MARY MARSHALL, Osteopathic Physician, Albanv State Rank Building. Bell Black 482. Home 275 H. A. LEININGER, Dentist, Clawford Block Albany DR. W. R. BILYEU, Dentist, Will & Stark Block - - Albany DR. R. C. HUNT, -Dentist, Rooms 6 and 8, Brenner Block, Bell Black 2481. ' - M. B. CRAFT, 242 West Second St., Albany, First-class meats of all kinds from selected stock. HENRY BRODERS, Dealer in . Choice Meats of All Kinds. 210 West Second Street. BRUCE & ANDERSON, Opposite the Postoffice. Four chairs. Prompt and effic ient care of the face and hair. WE have r.oState Deposits, nor do we accept any de posit where special security has to be pledged. This means that we have no preferred creditors and that your deposit has the same security that all have. We 'have invested assets worth mire than $100,000.00 and this would have to be dis sipated befdre depositors could lose a cent. It is not being dissipated, it is growing. J; W. CUSICK & CO. BANKERS. i Estab!i5!ed 1892. TELEGRAPH. Portland, Feb. 14. After being uut 46 hours the Herman jury returned into court with a disagreement. Eleven stood for conv'ction and one for acquit al. This was George Selkirk, who in accepting his duty said he had an opinion which might bias decision. Heney immediately asked to have the case set lor a fortnight henee. but Worthington, Hermnnn's counsel has to leave for Washington and can not re turn in that time. Portland. Feb. 14. Dr. Raderwhiio eulogizing the memory of the late Bishop Fss, who died of paralysis .at Los Angeles, was himself stricken in the nulnit of the Tavlor street Methn. dist church, of the same malady. PORTLAND, Fen. 14. The retail lunv bermen opened their annual convention here today, the largest gathering ever held by them. SALEM. Feb. 15. The Suorems Court today reversed the lower court in the , case of J. Thorburn Ross, so far as the hne is concerned saying it is ex cessive. Ross vill, however, serve Ave years in the state penitentiary. This is the final adjudication. He will ap peal to the supreme court of the United SUtes. Salem, Feb 15. Justice McBride holds as unconstitutional the legislative act appropriating $100,000 for the con struction of the state road from the Pacific ocean to the Idaho boundary, the Crater Lake road, and upholds the decision of Judge Galloway in the case of Sears vs the State of Oregon. Albany, N. Y., Feb. 15. A resolution in the'house today provides for the ap pointment of three senators and five assemblymen who shall be given amuie appropriation and unlimited powers' to investigate all corruption of every possible form since the organization of the New York state government, aris ing out of the Conger-Allds scandal. A I R A V rtL,oiiii OPERA HOUSE Saturday, Feb. 19th HENRY MILLER Presents "The long awaited great American play" "The Great Divide" . By WM. VAUGHN MOODY Over 600 Performances in New York' Now Crowding the Adelphia Theatre London - PKICES-BOe, 75c, $1.00, $1.50. Why buy Groceries 'of Portland Houses when you can get the -following prices at EASTBURN'S I - 14 lbs Granulated Sugar $1.00 16 lbs Cream Rolled Oats. 1.00 II lbs Head Rice 1.00 14 lbs Japan Rice 1.00 . 16 lbs Broken Head Rice 1.00 12 Ids White Beans....... 1.00 12 lbs Lima Beans .' 1.00 10-16 ozpksRaisinns 1.00 Get our prices before you buy. W. A. EASTBURN The Grocer. COLLINS & DEVINE, Real Estate and Insurance, Buy- and sell property. Insure property and transact loans. Large or small timber tracts. WANTED Young men to learn au i tomobile business by mail and ore- pare for positions as chaffeurs and repair men. We make you expert in ten weeks; assist you to secure position. Pay big; work pleasant; demand for men great; reasonable; write for particulars and sample les son. Empire Automobile Institute, Rochester, N. Y. SUMMONS. Oregon for the County of Linn. John F. Doughton, plaintiff, vs. Florence Doughton, defendant. 10 riorence jjougnton, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, You are hereby required to appear mil nn.wpr thf pnmnUtn, n( .I.a n1 ..... bu.iij.iHIlll Ji Lllb UIJl,C named plaintiff in the above entitled court, now on nie wun tne Ulcrk ot.: the Circuit Court of Linn County. Oregon, on or before the 10th dav of March. 1910, and you arc hereby noti fied that if you tail to appear and an swer the complaint as herein required that the plaintiff -will apply to the court for a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defendant and for such other and further decree as to the court may seem just and equitable. This Summons is published by order of the Hon. Wm. Galloway, judge of the above entitled court, " made at Chambers on the 20th day of Janu ary, 1910, which order requires t!:c first publication of this summon o ? madc on the 28th tav of lamnrv-, t'.'IO. and the list publication to I .-, made en tui-1 trli day of March, V) and the tlvfe-ndant required to appear and answer by the Kith dav of M irc'. 1910, T K. V EATH E R E-'O R D. Attorney fnr Plaintiff,