.f.-.'-ll. - on. n. ib. ml-Lis, Physician and Surgeon AlJviny, Oregon Calls made in city and country. Phone Main 38. The Riverside Farm ED. SCHORL. Proprietor Breeder and Importer of 0. 1. C. Hogs S. C. White and Buff Leghorns, W. P; Rcks, Light Brahmas, R. C. Rhode Island Reds, White Cochin Bantams, M. It. Turkeys, Wn.. n i - . den Geese, 1' i r Ducks, l'o i . Guinea" Winner of 17 prizes and 22 on Poultry at the Lewis & Clark Fair. Eggs in Season Stock for Sale Phone, Farmers 95 - - - R K D no- S ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been by the County Court of Linn County, duly appointed Administrator of the estate of John Barton, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby re quired to present the same with prop er vouchers to the undersigned at his residence at Albany, Oregon, within six months from the date of this no tice. Dated this 4th day of February, 1910. I. W. BARTON, HEWITT & SOX, -Admr. Attorneys for Admr. " ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE.- Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been by the County Court of Linn County, Oregon, duly appointed Administratrix with the will annexed or the estate ot Isaac Meeker, late of said county, deceased. All per sons having claims aeainst the estate of said deceased are hereby required to present the same with proper vouchers to the undersigned at her residence, near Millersburg, in Linn County, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. ; Dated this 4th. day of February, lyiU. MARY H. MEEKER, HEWITT & SOX, Admrx. Attys. for Admrx. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given, that the un dersigned was, by order of the County Court of Linn County, Oregon, on the 27th day of January, 1910, duly ap pointed and is now the duly qualified and acting administrator of the estate of Oscar L. Busey, deceased, late of said county. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same, with proper vouchers, within six months from the date of this notice, to the undersigned administrator at Lebanon, Oregon. Dated and published the first time this Aid day ot 1'ebruary, lyiu. W. D. BUSEY, Administrator of the estate of Oscar L. Busey, deceased. SAM M. GARLAND, Atty. for Admr. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of Linn County, Oregon, administratrix of the estate of N. m. Vernon, late ot said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby required to present trie same, with proper vouchers, to the under signed at her residence, at Shelburn. in said County, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated January 21, 1910. M. V. Vernon, Hewitt & Sox, Adminisrrtratrix. Attorneys for Administratrix. FOR SALE. My lease of a farm of 50 acres, with good house snd barn, one mile southeasc of Albany, with im plements, work horses, cows, hogs and chickens. Lease expires March 1, 1911. Price on application. I. N. Hewes, R. D. 6. tl FOR SALE- A few trio's of thorough bred Buff Orphingtons 15 eggs $1.60. Call at 216 E. 2nd street. 17t FOR SALE. An Eiler piano certifi cate, good for $93. M iss Linnie Con ner, R. D. 2, Albany. Bell phone Farmers 176. . tl2 FOR SALE. A choice lot, 66 by 110 feet, at Washington and 6th streets, Albany. Inquire of the owner at 206 W Fifth street. , FOR SALE. Oat straw, $5 a ton at my place in North Albany. Also clean seed wheat, Kinney, $1.25 per bushel. C. R. Widmer. Phone 2801 Home. 24t FOR SALF. A tine lot 66 by liO.feet between Washington and Ferry sts. Inquire of the owner at 223 W, First street Albrny. FOR PALE. 25 acres in North Al bany, all in cultivation, fine garden land or fruit land. Will sell altogeth er or in two pieces. Deal direct with the owner. Inquire at the Democrat office. FOR SALE. Lots in Wright's addi tion; also lots, blocks, and from 4 to 40 acres in acreage in Hazelwood, adjoining the city. Good terms and reasonable prices. Apply to Attorney Geo.. W. Wright, office, Rooms land 2. Wright Block. Both phones. FOR SALE-Farm of 160 acres, also city property. Inquire of H.- F. Mc llwain. fOR SALE - An Ei!er certificate, good for $93. Call upon Gen. (.onner. R. D. 2. Albany: Bell phone Jeffen-on, 135 farmers. '12 LaGrippe pains that pervade the en tire system, LaGrippe coughs that rack and strain, arc quickly cured by Foley's Honey and Tar. Is mildly laxative, safe and certain in results. Woodworth Drug Co. THURSDAY. GOOD CHEER SOCIETY. Thevia Carter. President of the National Society of Good Cheer writes ine society or tiood Cheer, incorpora ted under the laws of the State of New York, will be organized in Albany, Ore gon, and will be one of the greatest organizations ever incorporated. the object of the club are to visit the sick and convalescent, and admin - ister to their comfort and good cheer, by the reading of books, magazines, and other literature; to systematically visit hospitals and other public institu- tions for the purpose of ascertaining the needs of any and all who are un- fortunate and helpless; to distribute flowers and suchknicknacks as might be likely to please, satisfy and benefit the recipients; to promote a spirit of un- selfish usefulness and a deeper acquain- tence and firmer friendship among its members. The Society contains young women only, and their work cannot but impress upon them the serious lessons of Jife. .... The young ladies call in pairs, accom- panied by a chaperone. ine society will print books on the needs of the convafesent. will get the best thoughts of the land on digestive foods, ventilation, will study rest loca- tions, situations, etc.' I It is not a monev charitv. but a time chanty. It is a society of good-fellow- ShlD. i A uold-Up, S. I. M'Daniel, the marble dealer, ment, when the date etc., will be last evening waB on his way home, and inserted. had just reached in front of his own 1 Resolutions were read providing for home when a couple of men told him to bitulithic pavement on Ferry, Bread th..... u: i.n .i.:Hu kA Aw.A.un4. ..ih:.. i tpnnn.Au.u -i i- . uiiun uii ino nanus, nuwu uu Duuivnuai. . u: j u. : i the noise and rushed out doors, when the men.became frightened and skipped out- - Mr. M'Daniel gives a graphic account of the hold-up. One of the men said: j ' Hands up, or I will shoot, while a bull's eye was thrust towards him, but no revolver was seen. Instead of! putting his hands up he shouted good and loud, hoping that Frank Froman or George W. Wiightwould be out with their euns: but no one aoDeared until his little daughter opened the door when the men skipped. One of the meii was short, the other tall, fellows who bad been seen around town. $62,000,000 in the banks of Portland, j. F. Powell left today on a Siletz trip. Eugene high defeated Roseburg high 27 to 18. Miss Marcus went to Eugene this afternoon. Dr. Brougher is now pastor of a Los Angeles cnurcn. Mrs. T. B. Griswold and son returned to Portland this afternoon. W. F. Garrett has returned from his Denver trip, and reports a pleasant time mere. J. W. Pate died at Jefferson yester day, at the age of 73 years. He was a pioneer of 1852. Mrs. Labadie presented Ibsen e A Doll's House in Uorvallis. Sorry she did not make that the Albany offering. J. S. Magladv, S. S. Spencer and Geo. Yoran, three leading Eugene men. are in the city today on a business visit. Hon. W. V. Colvig. a leading Med- ford man, prominent in pontes, was in the city this forenoon, after an O. A. C. trip. G. L Rees and wife have .returned from Cottaire Grove to Portland to re side after being in Cottage Grove a coupla of years. The com ract has been let in Laurel- hurst addition to Portland for ten miles of asphalt pavement and 20 " miles of sidewalks, at $347,000. - The reDort out at Depotville that Barney Glenn, ot .Newport 4c riornpach, IS auouc 10 marry a nuti eameru wiuuw, has created some excitement. A eeneral conference of the Lutheran German cnurcnes nas neen neio in ior vallis this week. Rev. Beyerlin, of this city, hs been in attendance, Mr. and Mrs. Kenn. who have been visiting at the home of E. C. Anderson for .several weeks, left for Los Angeles, where they expect to make their home. The Washington University basket ball team passed through the city for Corvallis, a big lot ot men .confident that they would easily vanquish the O A. C. P. R. Kellv and G.S. Hill of this citv. and J. R. Wyatt and R B. Montague of Portland, went to Toledo this after noon to attend court, to meet there tomorrow. . C. S. Cole, the new traffic manager of the Pacific Telephone Co. a pepular and competent omciai, nas Deen in tne city. Mr. Constantine has been trans ferred to lfiano. Trolley poles will soon be unnecessary. Edison has a new storage battery that will do the business. The depreciation is only 15 per cent, where 80 per cent has heretofore prevailed. There were 29 building permits issued in Eugene during Jai.uary, asking for impiovemehts amounting to $23,925, the highest being $2,000 for two bunga lows. A number of houses and bunga lows were to cost $1,000. Mrs. I.- M. Gardner, of Gouvenier. N. Y., left lastnightforSin Francisco, after a several weeKs visit with her brother, Mr. r red Kies. bhe win take a trip to Japan befoie returning to Gouvenier. which was Mr. Ries native place. V illinm hepherd, second advance man for Chas. B. Hanford, has been lr the 'itv today, furthering the arrange mtnts for the big crowd that will greet th a hich-c ass actor on reD. lb. Mr Shepherd has been with him for seven years. j Mrs. Lucinda Mathews, of Swcel Home, is visiting at the home of hci niece. Mrs. Fred Fortmiller. Mrs Mathews csme to Oregon with her folk in 1846. when two years ot age. Ho: father. Mr. Lee, a brother of Dr. Le of Junction, built the first house in S lem. r. I v mi Nr.il Pavement- ArmoryCity .Near beer. Hall- Present All officers and councilmen. ! ftillfl unrA nl-rterpri nniri no fnllnwfl? North Western Corporation $202.60; Aioerc Benson, meals, $i4.uut r. car ter, wood chopping. $20; T. O Hanson, labor, $13.75; K. A. Murphy, supplies, $2 15; J. A. Whiteside, labor, $24. i Cross walks were ordered; Front and OaL- Kth V na onA On.l G, E? aAa Montgomery. . I , The following were ordered purchased for the fire department: new shell for . heater, 3 insolated nozzles, and water ' piston for No. 2's. . Three lights were ordered installed on the bridge. I F. K. Churchill was granted permis-i Bion to erect a second story to his brick on Second street. Application of S. E. Young to repair building at Holt corner, with estimates 0f F T. Blount, P. R. Conn and Wm. : Hand that it will cost $140.50, and the value of the building was $600. was dis- cuBsed. There being no specifications it was ordered laid on the table. M. Senders asked permission to erect a corrugated iron building in the rear: .of his store, Referred to committee I pn ordinances. I Petitions for permission to erct side-1 walks on Denver, Cleveland and Pine streets were referred. City Engineer was directed to giv , arofoa m. 0,Aalr,i,0 ooof p.nmj. I winkle. - I . An nwli'n.n.a nrno .nn rl tnins nvnuirl- ! All VIUIMUUUD YIUO ICaU lYYlliO yiUTIU- ing for a special election for votinr bonds not exceeding .$40,000 for a city ball, and referred to the council as a :ceedimr24U.U(0 for a citv aiuiu aim uiidwuuu obieoio, m ..no . .. .j n ie nni on i- properly owners, $6,093.95 to the city, total $21,906.34; Broadalbin, $14,654.38 to prtpeilty owners. $6,674,74 to city, total, $21,819.12; Ellsworth, $15,518.98 to property owner, $6,782,29 to city,-, total, $22,301.27. iGrand total $65; 525 93. There was only one bid for the 29th block sewer. 80c aerjss block. 95e acroBS canal and railroad, and 70c across J efferson, by H. C. Harkness. Awarded him. The city attorney waa directed to proceed against parties near 3rd and Vine streets, for maintaining nuisances in the shape of old barns, ordered aDatea. Chief of Police Munkers renorted that Kroeschel Bros, were selling nearbeer. Mr. Curl understood that the U. S. court had decided a parallel case against the ordinance. City Attorney golley said he considerecf the ordinance in- valid, bat was. ready to prosecute any- one the city marshal might wish to pros - ecute with all the vigor he possessed, The Mayor wanted a test made of the matter. No further action. matter. No further action General Finzer presented the matter of an armory for the city of Albany, with plans, costing $20,000, of which the state will pay $10,000, and ever after maintain it, and the rest must be raised locally. Councilmen Miller, Marshall and Curl, and the city attor ney were appointed a committee to de vise ways and means for the splendid project. News from Albany's Six Early Trains. The men on the Springfield train cer taniiy have a strenuous time of it. Tk. 4-ai'n Una. CnmnnAaM at A -1 rt t,ora of th ac en that tha n' tual Bleeping time 'is less than five, hours every night, the men hardly get- ting to bed before they have to get up. 0 J ' r Dr. J. C Booth, of Lebanon, brought Thomas Smith, a bridge carpenter down and tooK mm to tne Hospital at Port land. While working on the new steel bridge on the Crabtree road, he fell off last night, a distance of fifteen feet. striking on his head, knocking him senseless, perhaps causing concussion of the brain. He remained insensible. He had been with the S. P., six years, a voune man of about twentv-seven. quiet and faithful. Mrs. G. E. Nicholls and daughter left on a trip to Seattle. i y . i i t ii a uuiierui r Inzer reiurueu w rurbiuuu. Elmer Conn left for Portland on a business trip. v. u. uraves returned trom L.eoanon. Mrs. Christensen returned from a Lebanon visit. New Albany People. J. C Hoibrook, wife and two daugh ten, Beatrice and Dorothy, arrived this noon from Bellingham, Wash., where they stopped on their way here to see a orotherof Mr. Hoibrook. Their com ing has heretofore been mentioned. Mrs. tioiorooK, iormeriy miss Amie Ellis, was a resident of Albany for sev eral months in 1898, and has many friends here who are glad to have her and her farrily citizens of the Hub. 1rs. Hoibrook sees many great im provements during the twelve years that have passed. They are at (3. E. sox s wniie securing a nome. Proposed City Hall Experimental plans have been drawn by Architect Burggraf for a city hall. It shows a two-story building 67 by 102. The lower floor will consist of the fire engine room, for two engines, honk and ladder truck and hose carts, 54 by 57; the jail, 24 by 36; the chief of police's office, in front of the jail, 13 by 19; re corders office 17 by 29; closets, etc. On the second tloor will be the coun cil chambers, 30 by 42; public library room, Its by zo; lire department room, 20 by 40; rooms for surveyor, enginet.r, committees, etc. The arrangement it good. Wm. Brown, the man with the drf (earn, recently in Albany, has sued Dr. C. W. Southworthof Eugene, fjr $80 j damages for killing his wolf, which travelled with him. By the tim (he case is trird it will be too, lite fo Brown to win bis $10,000 wager. i mi'msTm.mss TTKfjr 'jav?i s.j- KV Royal has MARRIED. Stevens Woodworth nfflJD(ln nimnmn- PK Q 1 Q1 A '-r. A,: V. aX Tu: m? -"- W. Bert Stevens and Mis3 Vera Wood- worth. The ceremony was performed by Rev. F. H. Geselbracht, in the presence of relatives and a few intimate friends. MisBes Laura and Gertrude Taylor were bride s maids and Mr. Edwin Eort- .,. . miller was best man. 4 ! ""P. iT"? ptY.A ndteAaPP. ruple J? "j '?Li, . f,rn ? ""LTiiL JL' '."fi? t f wfi S yu J -?!r . M nr t I The groom is a son of Mf- W. B. vt?A?h 525ffifn n wJ,h bnde a daughter of D.p.Wopdworth, "vo oi ii io cil,, uuvu uuuu.ai j,uunB people well liked by everybody. At the Freight Depot: i A busy place is the freight depot. Today three car loads of local freight were being Bent out through the city, a Sar !adof 'mPlfrmen'? BnQ .machiDe!7 I0.r w-,nV?aS!S s f" f?rf! Jh "fK ? rk the foot of Broadalbin street and a big shipment of oranges aweet pstatoes and banannas for the Albany Supply Co., being among the , XDiS3a conUDK- 1 Tne enlarged depot will ba ready for ua!"tt wJtla't "J ffil , needed. It w 11 be appreciated by both the office clerks and the freight handlers. Shedd Meetings. The revival meetings that had been in progress here since January 3, closed H I t Tl :t. El-L C .n:.h uninn OaDOaiU DlgUl, JC CU U, wn.ii n uniun meeting in the U. P. church, the pas tor, H. C. Marshall, preaching on the toDic. "A Great ultimatum. The church was beautifully decorated, with pink carnations which had been pre sented to Mrs. Marshall, the pastor's wife, at her recital in Portland, Friday, Feb. 4. bv Mrs. A. E. Rockey and Mrs. Frederick Eggert. The meetings hat e been the means of a great spiritual up lift to the two churches here, and f much good to the community. The testimony ot many is tnat tney nave Unnn tlifl Knot nvonnroliatirt maatinira hfl H ' horn fnr VPArH. At the Hotels E. E. Aupperle, Newport Blanche and Eva King, Cottage Grove Rev.' M. M. Gilchrist, Oakville C. D. Baker, Astoria L. T. Morgan, Portland T. L. Henness, Bellingham, Wash. Seth L. Pope. Portland Geo. Tvler, Newport R. H. Koltz. Portland Thos. S. Harri", La Grande O. W. Hard, Florence Wm. Sheffer, for the Chas. B. Han ford Co. C. A. Shaw, act. of the Great Divide C. E. Collins, Snohomish Letter List. The following letters remain in the Albany, Ore., postoffice uncalled for Feb. 9, 1910. Persons desiring any of these letters should call for advertised letters, giving the date: Mrs. C. L Benedict, R. J. Bauer, C. U. Cotes. Mrs. W. Chapman. Edward Gerry, Gustave Marquart, R. Mnce, Mabel Miller. Mrs. Bessie Scott, F. M Slusher, Allie Valentine, James Wicks. J. 8. Van Winkle. P. M. FRIDAY- The Airship Shed. The airshin shed of Burkhart &l Crawford is going up at the south end of Goltra Park, out opposite Frank Hastings, near John Bray's home. The aeroplane is to come to Albany on the ... . .,, , boat tomorrow evening ana win mediately be taken out into the house, where tho young men will mane an issue of flying the machine, with pros pects of 'success. It promises to ot tract wide attention. Former Albany Girl a Comedian Mr and Mrs John Drew, with an . evenintr ana- win maKe meir n. me ir. excell-nt reputation as sun ar.d dance , this city. Mr. Smith formerly worked comedians. ilh num- rmis novelties, j with the Warren Construction Co., and will be at ihe Empire next week, l- Mrs. Smith is an old resident oi ilu ginning Mnn 'ay evening. Mrs p-v county. is a former Albany young lady, leaving ! here fourteen years ago, and nas an extended experience in vaudeville j through the middle west and the North west. Albany people wi I be .glad to see her. Jscd tlie No other article of human food has ever received such em phatic commendation for purity, usefulness and ivhole someness from the most eminent authorities always received the hiahest award when exniDiiea or tested in competition AH SWILL ARRESTED For Cruelty to His Crow-baits Ah Swill, whose first name is Louie, was arrested this forenoon by Marshal Munkers for cruelty to animals, in using his crow-bait team, said to be fed on swill, mere bones, just able to stand up, taken before Recorder Kedneld and fined.$25 or 12 days in jail; but sentence was suspenped while he keeps the team out of town, but if hp returns it will be enforced. Said the recorder: "Why that $25 is more than the team, old wagon, swill barrels and you, alto gether are worth." He was correct. The outfit is a disgrace to the city and the officials are on the right track. Mr, Lee Davis, of Portland, iB in the city, Tillamook now has twenty-five mites ol railroad. State Superintendent Acherman went to Lebanon una atternoon lor a taw. The big Washington State College players last night defeated Corvallis 27 to 10. Tomorrow will be the birthday of Abraham Lincoln, deserving oi remem brance, W . W. Rowell of Port,! nd, is up on a visit with bis son and many Albany friends A train load of rock passed through the city on the C. & E. for paving at Corvallis. W. A. Eastburn has been obliged to add a gallery to his store, for room for more goods. L. H. Fish and C. C. McBride went to Lincoln county this afternoon for a cruise in the hills. T. J. Ryan, a Eugene man, was taken ill, while in the in St. Mary's Hospital being cared for. Eleven men were killed by railroad accidents during January in Oregon, a disastrous month. S. M. Couev and wife, of Lebanon. arrived home last night from a month's Visit in Los Angeles Frank Lee is president, J. H. Booth vice president and C. F. Meredith sec retary of the state fair board. The room recently vacated by Mrs. Broadhead has been rented by a Tacoma man for a five and ten cent store. D. G. Frisbie, of Portland, is in the city in the interest of the An.erican Trust Co., after bemg in Corvallis a month. Stanley Van W Inkle this noon returned from Salem, where he haa been attend ing Willamettte, and will go to Albany College the coming term. M isses Laura and Gertrude Taylor, and Miss Willetta Wright of the U. O., went to Corvallis this afternoon to at tend a big O. A U. function. F.nglehom, the center of tho Wash ington State College basket ball team is 6 feet 3 in his stocking feet and weighs 220 pounds and is all action. James Farren died at his home on Briggs Creek, near Granta i'ass, this week, and it is claimed was 104 years of age, that he was born July 4, 1S06, in Tennessee. The Democrat has received a copy of No. 1. Vol. 1. of the Inland Herald, of ! Spokane, a new daily just started, lOOKing as ii n nau a prospect oi suc cess. On Wednesday evening the 16th, a delegation of Pythian Sisters expect to go to Lebanon to institute a new lodge ot Pythian Sisters there, a number of members already residing there. Mrs. W. A. Cox, in St. Mary's HosDital. with one lg amputated, is doing well, a remarkablo example of what a strong constitution will do. lo- day by the way, is the &rth anniversary . . i 1 1. c of the arrival of Mr. and Mrs. Cox Albany. Next Saturday will .be theflr.it an- njversary of the dedication of the Wks : Temple, ana. ine event is one umi wm oe remeniuereu uy . ... a special gathering witi as many of the ..(..la m.mVuipi hn.aaB.nn nnBninrMt. ojtiide members here as can be secured, Nine years ago a farmer came to Linn county, paid $2800 for 280 acres at LaSomb, which he has just sold for $8,400. Lebanon property he paid $1300 for a few years ago is now worth $2,000. A sample of the way men are making it in uregon. Elmore Smith and Mrs. Lydia V. Craft were united in marriage last OABTOnlft.. With. 111! Kind ton Haw Mays BoujjV World over OREGON THE BEST. No Calif, (or Or. Express Agents. Ore&ron looks pood to the aeents of Wells Fargo & Go's Express from Wolf Creek to Shedd. They are in no Bpirit to exchange their positions and sur roundings here for similar pesitions and different surmundingB in California. The following letter received by the AlDany commercial i.iud trom Mr. r. J. Dannen. Wells Fargo & S. P. Co's agent at Shedd, tellB its own story: Thinking you m'ght be interested in knowing what the Telegrapher Agents' in Oregon think of Oregon, I have be fore me a letter from two agents in California who want to swap (trade) positions with the boys in Oregon, claiming they wish to trade on account of their health. The letters have been forwarded from Btation co station, starting at Wolf Creek. I will give you a list of the stations, and what the agentB think about trading: . Wolf Creek Do not care to trade. Glendale Not interested. Riddle Not for me. Myrtle Creek Don't care to trade. West Fork Oregon Buits me. . Dillard Don't care to trade... Roseburg Nothing stirring. Oakland Nothing stirring. Drain Nothing doing at Drain. Yoncalla Not yet so Boon. ComBtock Nothing doing. Creswell Nix Oregon, sweet Ore gon, for mine. Eugene Will think about it. Junction City Will consider $10,000 cash trade. Harriaburg Will consider proposi tion later. Halsey Not yet. Shedd Made in Oregon job for mine. News from Albany's Six Early Trains. No. 16 was seven hours late and No. . 14 tour hours behind time, mnking long waits for people not learning before hand. Rev. Jamison, ef Brownsville, came down on his way to Jeff arson, to preach the funeral sermon of his former fellow-citizen. J. W. Pate. The hour was 10 o'clock, making it necessary for him to take a livery rig in order to be there on time. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Phillips, of Van couver, returned home after a visit of two weeks at the home of Mrs. Phillips' ' brother, J. A. Nimmo. W. J. Fisher and A. C. Gaines went to Salem on a short business trip. Mrs. John Moore took her niece to -Salem. The Knecht Stock. The stock of goods of the bankrupt estate of Chas Kne-ht was bid in last night by H. A. Stearns, at $807, Mr. Stearns being the highest bidder, and the sale will be confirmed to him. Mr. Stearns expects to continue the bus iness. He is on experienced business man and a reliable young man, a son-in-law of A. R. McCoy. Mr. Stearns will open the store in the morning, closing out the llr e $3,000 stock "fjroods, offering more bargains. Eighteen Years Old. Yesterday was the eighteenth anni versary of the opening of the banking hnune of J. W. Cusick & Cn. Th hunk has built up a good bnsiness through reliability and clean banking methods, , i . i . . . . and has the complete confidence of our people. Returned from K'amath. D. W. Merrill and Tom Watkins re turned this morning from a five weeks cruise among the tall trees of Klamath county, with headquarters at Klamath FailB. They had to use their snow shies a good deal, hut that was easy to the veterans. The country is booming somewhat, and Klamath Fal s has the fever, with prices as high as $200 and ' $300 a front font for business property. A Small Wreck. The fins' a l'm ted had an ac cident last n. 4 h al Roseburg. A couple freight cats i;ot lo jse and lodged on the main I ne. The Limited run into them, throwing one of them into the. river and putting the -: ine of the Shasta off the track. Engineer Butler received so.ne "mail injures. r