-3 The Democrat. The Daily Delivered, 10 cents a week; in advance fur one year, $4.00. By mail, in advance for one year $3, at end of year $3.60. The Weekly Advance per year S1.25 At end of year $1.60. Alter 3 years at ASSEMBLY TALK. Ine (Jrcgonian resents the impu dence o f the 'lemocrats criticising the assembly schemers in the republican party. The Orcgonian has always as sumed to give advice and direction to the democratic party, and in fact, some have said that the democratic ma chine in times cast was a sort of row boat trailing astern of the republican machine? from purely party advan tage it might be a good thing for the republican party to Jet the assembly has-beens assemble, as once known and labeled the independent rank and hie could sharpsuoot them herealtcr, and as they were retired by well-di rected ballots at the primary and the regular election, real republicans would hereafter be in control. The republican party has done as well without an assembly as it ever did with conventions, and it has laid away a few old spoilsmen who have risen from their political graves and need shooting again and rcburial. OR. BOOSTERS. Portland. Or.. Feb. 10- A big indus trial fair, representative of all Oregon, is Deing planned tor this fall. An event that is of wide interest is a complimentary banquet to be given Judge H. Williams, Oregon's grand old man, on his BYth birthday, March 27, in romana. Planning to increase the failing lob ster supply, the United States Fisheries Department will transplant a car load iu mo wmers oi xaquina Day. Special round-trip excursion rates have been made from the east to Port land by the railroads for the annual Hose Festival in June and the national convention of the Ancient Order of Hi bernians in July. It is expected that oyer 2000 delegates will attend the annual state convention of the Young Peoples'Christian En deavor society in Portland Feb. 15-17 Oregon roses are to have a wider fame than ever very soon for the beau tiful blooms that have made a reputa tion for Portland as a rose center are to be copied by Paul de Longpre, the celebrated painter of roaes. He will come during the Rose Festival in June. Editor Dugger Shocked. Our Albany friends indulged in one feature which, it seems to us, is be neath the dignity of staid business men. College yells, with the recognized yell leader, may be excused when indulged in, by school boys, yet in their 'teens; but for business men to take up the iractice, it seems to the News, is to ower the dignity of men who, daily, deal with the realties of life. Scio News. Wouldn't that jir the moon. The Albany business men are no long faced grouches, but men full of electricity, and they do woli to have their yells, splendid expressions of good will and lellowship, things to wake people up and make them think the better. The yells and song singing will be features of Albany booster visits, ice-breukers, and towns will bo visited that appre ciate this livo part of the program. Scio needs some of the yell spirit. At the Hotels. Maurice Jnyne, Hood River Robert Schultz, Fred Lockoff, Van couver J. B. Haworth. Corvallis V. J. Phillipi, Kingston J. W. Frost, Scio A. E Jcpp, Eugene 11. rV. Brass, Salem F. A. Collin, Portland II. L. Bush, Summit H. J. Fish, Pendloton (ilnn I,. Davis, Portland E' T. von Buolow, Los Angeles Geo. O'B Da Bar, Eugene Commonwealth Convention. A. H. Hofer, one of Salem's best boosters, passed through the city this noon foi' Eugene, to attend the com monwoallh convention; likewiso Judge Lowell, of Pendleton, one of Oregon's best speakers. Dr. Franklin, of the college, went from Albany, taking Sen ator Miller's place on I ho program. The Lebanomtes. Mayor Reeves, was in the city today, and was accompanied home this after noon by his daughter, of Willamette University. Ho thinks at least one hundred Lebanon people will be in Al bany Tuesday afternoon on the Albany visit. They will bo accompanied by the Peerless Band and the Glee Club. The Weather. " Range of temporaturo -10-37. Rainfall .CO inch. The river is 6. 1 feet. Prediction: rain tnnightand Saturday. "Dr. Thomas' Klectnc Oil is the best remedy for that oflen fatal dis ease croup. Has been used with suc cess in our family for eight years." FOR SALE Household furniture. Call at 431 linker St., cor. 5th. FOR RENT. - Store on First street, March 1st, fine location. Fnquiro E. 11. Rhodes. tl9 WANTED Some sotting hens at once. Call Cv.'O W. lith St., or Bell Phono Black 3231. lit WANTED. Experienced Ind.v cook. Albany Home RtaUuiant, 202 W. 2)1 a t. ti2 FOR EXCAVATING, Lawn giading; lot clearing, gravel ond sand hauling Phone tiell Red 2502. SATURDAY NIGHT" THOUGHTS. This week ends with Lincoln's birthday, a day that ought to be an inspiration to every young man to make something of himself in the world, however humble his lot. If one man can rise from rail splitting to the highest office in the gift of the people cannot another do so? Lin coln's life stands out in the sunlight, clean, clercut, noble, and the people of the country do well to bow their heads when the anniversary of his birth comes around, and give expres sion in exultation of the splendid char acter he represented. A former vice president of the United States this week has attracted some attention over in Rome on ac count of a little experience with the Pope. Rome will be fortunate if he departs before a general frost destroys all the crops. This week the Pullman Car Co. dis tributed $20,000,000 among its stock holders, indicating somewhat the enormous profits of the business. It is one of the greatest graft concerns of the age, from the popular under standing of the word graft. Some of its employees live on tips, its dining room gets double prices and its gener al charges arc decidedly high. This week a college professor ob tained some notoriety by declaring that there was a liability of the tail of the comet, laden with cyanogen gases, sweeping against the earth and causing, the death of everybody on it; but it was evidently all hot air, though that is to be seen later. Another man, who is probably smarter, says there is nothing to it; that the whole tail of the comet is so light it weighs only a few ounces. None of them know much about it. In the meantime the world will wag along its allotted time and people will come and go. Albany has come into notoriety by being the center of an airship experi ment. The city can stand it and some more. A terrific jolt was given boycots this week by some fines of $220,000 abainst a hatter's combine. Boycots never settle great questions. If the comet would just strike a few grouches and pessimists it wouldn't be a bad thing for the world. SATURDAY. FAST B. B. All Ull lUVUltroblllK, lMUUll UIIVDIUCU, game of baBket ball, the Albany high Tn " :.........:.., . v. i. : . i school team defeated the laree fellows of the Salem Business College 65 to 10, making the highest score ever thrown in the city. The Albany boys were fast er than an aeroplane and their basket throwing was remarkable. Salem Bus iness were reported to have beaten the Salem high, but they failed to show much skill in the basket work, a fine lot of young men personally. Dooley and Bigbee went out at the end of the first half and Beeson and Everding went in, Beeson making the remark able score of six baskets in the half. Dooley made five the first half. Stal naker played a crack game at forward with 8 baskets and one on foul, Ing strom 8, Bigbee 4 in his half and Ever ding one. Carnegie is a splendid guard and stays by his basket. For Salem H. A. May three baskets and one by foul, and McGilchrist one and L. E. May one on foul. Hostotler was cen ter for Salem and Butler the other guard. By halves the score was 31 to 6 and 31 to 4. Grover Cate, one of the crack Cor vallis Athletic Club players, refereed, calling 7 fouls on Albany and only one on Salem, though undoubtedly making just as many. THIS MORNING News From Albany's Six Early Trains. Nathan Sumpter and five or six other men, came down irom Leunnon, where they have been working on the Crub tree road, and left for the Deschutes to work on one of the roads there. Mrs. E. B. Murphy, who has been visiting with her son, R. A. Murphy, for several months, left for Seattle for a visit before returning to her home in Dakota. C. E. Pox wont to Portland. Mrs. Cortuut, who has been visiting at the homo of C. H. Frost for several weeks, left for her home in Kansas. Rev. Knott loft for Marion county to remain over Sunday. Mrs. Maple arrived from Texas on a visit at Mrs. Sloan's. W. A. Hoover, who has been spend ing the winter mostly at Newport, left on n Portland trip. ur. withycombe. of the O. A. C. went to Portland. Miss Zeh returned to Salem, after a visit at the home of her father D. B. Zoh. The brownsville Train. The Brownsville Times mvr rhr. ro. request for better train service on the Springfield road has been granted, and that nu additional passenger, mail and express train will be run, an exclusive lirownsvnie nilair and a permanent train, to be continued after the com pletion of the Crabtree mad. It is probable that a motor car will be lined. giving the people an electric cur service between the two places. Noxt Wedn esday the afternoon train will leave Albany at about 2:25 instead of in the night time, mid the morning train will arrive ten minutes later. A . 'X i j. J. .Ml. . tettbi lilt tun Hn t iwais" f C H NEWS Deeds recorded: Chas. H. Burggraf to Geo. Tay lor, 50 by 84 feet at Ferry and 4th street $ ' 10 J. S. Mvers to R. R. Myers, 163.50 acres 408.75 Anwer Hied in C. A. Hearing art. Grace Hearing, denying desertion and presenting a cross bill and charging cruel and inhuman treatment by the ?iaintiif, numerous indignities, aauitry, alse reports, etc. - 172 hunters licenses anglers licenses. and only 15 L. M. Curl was appointed guardian of Henry settlemier, Bond $3,uuu. value of uronertv about $25,000. In estate of Isaac Meeker inventory filed. Value of property, personal prop erty $997.66, real $4,316.60, total $5,314.05. Marriage license: Elmore Smith, aged 30, born in Kansas and Lydia V. Craft, 36, born in Oregon. ' Deeds recorded J . F. Potter to Jas. Berry 38 a. . $ 1 J. A. Gulliford to Linnbaven Or chard Co. 160 acres 1 M. J. Alford to A. A. Alford 60.07 acres 1 Melvina Randall to Linnbaven Orchard Co. 80 acres 1800 Satisfaction for (877.50. A SUCCESSFUL ACTOR. Charles B. Hanford has achieved the greatest success of his career Pettuchio in Shakespeare's immortal comedy, "The Taming of the Shrew which he will present in this city on Wednesday, Feb. 16. No other living actor in America has scored so many triumphs in the legiti mate field as Mr. Hanford. either indi vidually or in conjunction with other well known stars, He may well be said to be the link connecting the Shakespearean eras ot the past and E resent in this country; for in the past is name was deemed worthy to be coupled with such illustrious actors as Edwin Booth. Lawrence Barrett and Thomas W. Keeno, while several of the leading artists of the present dav have shared stellar laurels with Mr. Han ford. A Valentine. Party. Miss Gertrude Swank last eveninc entertained a crowd of her young friends 'tM TaXTlh j . i i! j got valentines, and everv minute was one with sometbingdoing. Games were played and refreshments served. Those present were: Hazel Hockensmith, Grace Gilbert, Anna Dawson, Janet Dawson, Marion Anderson. Isabel Young, Esther McChesney, Beatrice Sanders, Delia Johnson, Abbie Ander son, Lee Fortmiller, Sarah Watson, Glen Fox, Leigh Anderson, Kenneth Stevens, Charles Fortmiller, Johnny Cleland, Derrill Austin, Henry Fish, Walter Cummings, Raymond Boggs. Orville Monteith Lyle B-in, David Weidet and Wilbur Green. The Weather. Range of temperature 46-39. The river 5.3 feet. Prediction: occasional rain tonight and Sunday. A Neat Seed Store. R. A. Murphy, at his 3tore on Second Street, is making a specialty of seeds, having put in a complete stock, ar ranged in up-to date style, covering the whole range of seeds, and sold in bulk. He will be glad to show Albany people what he has. FOR SALE One good heavy truck wagon, one two-seated light hack, one good plow, one single harness, one potato digger, one large Majes tic Range, one small cook stove. ne heating stove, two A-Ne. 1 Iron bedsteads, together with spring and mattresses, one good oak extension dining room table, and 15 A- No. 1 White Wyandotte young pullets from imported stock, and other household goods. The above prop erty is all as good as new and will be sold at private sale. Call on J. V. PIPE, 203 West Second St., Alb any, Oregon. Mr. E. A. Kelley, Beividere. III. writes us: "I am an ex-eneineer with 22 years active service to my credit. ADOut tnree years ago my kidneys were affected so that I had to give up my engine, first 1 was torubled with severe aching pain over the hips. Then followed inflammation of the bladder, and specks appeared before my eyes. A sample of Foley's Kidney Pills that i tried, so benehtcd me that I bouirht more. I continued to take them un til now I can safely testify they hare made me a sound aad well man." Woodworth Drug Co. li..i-.i.uy obtained, or FCC RETURNED. CO VCAR9' EXPERIENCE. Our CHARCE ARE THE ICWEST. Stint liiiHt. t. photo or ski-uh for rsivrt mNuvh ami fiw report on pntntrtlil!itr. INFRINGEMENT Bulla ,-ondut-u! betoro nil court, latonta obtalnftl throimh na, ADVER TISED anil SOLD, fm TRAOE'MARKS, PEN SION ana COPYRIGHTS quk-ktr obulnwl. Opposite U. 8. Patent Office, WASHINGTON, D O. 55 OBSERVED By the Man About Town. Norman R. Grantham, the young man on the 10,000 mile hike, leaving town for Eugene. He made a little money last night by giving a good talk at Dreamland, and slept over night at the Hotel Revere. An educated young man he is certianly getting an experiei.ee in the bumps of the world. A better atmosphere since Ah Swil departed, 'the cleaning up of a city helps along a good many lines. Now, if the blind pigs will quit. A gradual cleaning up of the old freight depot grounds, with much more to do, one of the most important im provements the S. P. has made. That lake has been an Albany disgrace for years. That the boy with the cigarette In his mouth is not the one men are look ing after. Merchants are busy cleaning JD their stocks getting ready for spring and summer trade, an important one in business. PERSONAL AND SOCIAL Miss Margaret Mver arrived this noon on a visit with her foikb. Walker Jencv is again clerking in the Hotel Revere, after being at Eu gene awhile. . Mrs. Fennel, of Independence, ar rived this afternoon on a yisit with M rs. Ulen Junkm. Chas. Henderson was brought down from Hoover this afternoon and taken to St. Mary's hospital. Jas. Crawford, who has been in Port land several weeks, came up this noon to see his sister, Mrs. M. Acheson. j CX7 1? XTam.V. AlKani went to Lebanon this afternoon, called the-e by the dangerous illness of his father, C. Hi. Rodgers. The Pullman basket ball team went to Eugene this afternoon with a couple O. A. O. scalps hanging to their belt. and will easily do up IX O. tonight. Mrs. H. T. Wentworth arrived last evening from Ashland, on a few days visit. Mr. Wentworth is busy building new bricks for Ashland business men.. Harry and Vera Taylor last night en- tertained a crowd of their friends in a JT'SSr Misses Sadie Groshong. Bertie Veal, Pearl Baker, Veva Skaar.Alzina Parker, Marv Hall. Pansv Hackleman. Jessa - vt ?JrfiZTSm?K ,. nwhoo EHmnnH Porin Bniio 1 Mf? Tnm fJilnhnaf Vmpant Par Ira Trm Tom Gilchrist, Vincent Parks, Tom Ferguson and Harry Taylor, WALLA WALLA HAS $135,000 FIRE STARTED BY AN OIL STOVE. WALLA WALLA. Wash- Goods valued at $135,000 went up in smoke at the Motter-Wheeler depart- ment store this morning just as the clerks were arriving to open up a large expansion sale. ine hre quickly gutted the building, except one bank of shelves and water completed the damage. Tonight 40 employes are out of work. wiiue tne nre department was suppressing tne names a numDer of the clerks stood amid the wreckage weeping, ine insurance on the stock; is estimated at $82,000 and messages ' have been sent for agents to come and adjust the loss. Tomorrow morning adjust the loss, tomorrow morning men will separate the damaged goods. "I have been here 27 years," said Manager W. P. Hooper, "and this is my first fire. I have seen many fires but this is the worst I have ever saw. One thing that has been gratifying is the kindness oi my competitors. 1 he hre started trom an oil stove was recently read in Congress and ap in the "ad" department in a balcony pears in the Congressional Record. It over the main floor, and successive is a dandy, beginning like this: explosions of gas are given as the I've almost despaired of that promised cause of the spread. Dine at Nichols Bakery 227 West First Street. Everything right before your very eyes. Buy what you wish for dinner and sit down to a lunch table and eat till your h-nriu enntont I Dairy lunch stvle. Kooms for Kent. All finished and ready for use, some fine office -rooms, in the new Will & Stark block. See Dr. Stark. Get Your Fish at Pfeiffers. i The place, 229 West Second street. Everything in the . fish line, neat and clean, at a reasonable price. The Albany butter & Produce Co are paying 40 cents per pound f. o. b. Albany, for butter fat, or 39c on the wagon. It you have cream to sell call both phones 49. r. r. FOR RENT. Fumished housekeeping ! rooms, ian at Davenport s Music Store. LADY BOOKKEEPER WANTED Must be good penman. Make appli cation in writing. Pacific Tel. &Tel. Co., 406 W 1st St. Mr SSENGER BOY WANTED By the Pacific Telephone and Teleemnh Co. Applicants will call at our office 406 V 1st St., between 8 a. m. anj 5 p. m. W. V. Meirill, Mgr. FOR SALE A driving horse. Apply at the Wigwam stables. OR SALE. One Jrsey cow, tione Home black 2983. 5t FOR SALE. Bicye with ne single tirtsintccd cundit on, Ch?."p. 238 Eth St. st Imported Purcheon Mare FOR SALE AT ALBANY J. B. Gordon & Son of Newberg has shipped in a number of their August Impor tation of Percheon Mares that they offer for sale at prices and terms to suit the farmers A number of them are due to foal this spring They are now at the Wipwam. J. D GORDON & SON. MISFITS. Now for an armory. Chinese new years, but Where's the noise. Now Pinchot is getting some hard Pinches. , A big telephone trust is about to say hello. When Teddy comes back the bands will play. The Democrat's guess is acquital for Hermann. Albany can't sfford to stop in its paving at this time. More snow up in eastern Oregon the poets to howl about. fnm tor rw. i. , .. . I "'r,TT, ., " , caves. We'll hardly know Halley is , P"88'11. 1 i It must be cold In Rome these days, Charlie Fairbanks is there making things frigid, ! Any kind of connection with those! defunct Portland banks was enough to give one nervcs prostration. , I Mra- Ruase SaKe ave awav 150'000 while passing through Texas. She is vited to pals through Albany. - A Yale prefessor is trying to get at - tentlon by changing dollar to dill and having that as the new standard of unit. Skiddoo m. , , . , , With a new high school building, new post office building, new city hall, Hew armory and numerous other new things Albany ought to be worth seeing, Some of these other towns will have to hustle to get into Albany's class with ita fl ine machine flyi' Per. haps 80me 'da the boya wilf swoop ,wr, n j r,oii;. j show them the Albany style, The Portland Elks have ordered liquor entirely eliminated from the rooms of the lodge, a splendid move, .which it is , said is spreading all over tbe United States, and it will not be long before I every temple in the country is freed from the curse of mankind. . A poem entitled The Broken Pledge. written by a Massachusetts farmer, renet, For which I have so long been yearn inrr. And nothing prevents me from yielding to grief, But that I am living and learning. And this is the way it ends, after eleven of them bubbling overwithsnap: But how can I be reconciled to my lot, Or properlv head this avowel. wnne Big Bill latt s pauncn is as round as u pot, And minn la as flaf aa a twiiral - . "v ... Ihe Markte. Wheat$l.00 , Oats 43c. Beef on foot 2 to 3c; veal dressed 7c pork dressed 9c; on foot 7c. Lard 15c. Eggs 28c. Chickens on foot 10c. Hams 18c to 20c, sides the same shoulders 13K to 15c. Butter 30c to 35c. Flour $1.65 to $1.85c a sack - Potatoes lc oer tl. Hay, from $12 for some clover to $0 for the best timothy. iRAajtajJugj JROCURCD AND DCFCNDCO. Sendmrtel. rawing or photo, for riprrt search and free report. Ftvo ailricc. how to obtain patent, trade marka, copjrlghta, etc., IN ALL COUNTBIC8. Btuinta dirtet K-ili Washington tavts tim. monfy ond often tht paUnU PMent ind Infrlngamiirt PrlcflM Eielotlvtly. Write or come to ua at SIS Klatk Street, ope. CnlUa Itatae Fa teat Met. eVASHI NQTQN. D. C. HI TELEGRAPH. Goldendale, Feb. 10. A local train norrvincr Imnatara r.. maaf Daa dent French of North Rank nnrl nnrrv of Portlanders at Ly le was derailed two miles from Lyle. None were injured, but all badly shaken up. President French and party were taken in cartages from the scene of the wreck to Golden dale, where a successful booster meet ing was held. La Grande, Feb. 10. Of the govern ment land thrown onen todav onlv eio-n. persons filed on homesteads out of 53. The increase in the cost placed by the government on irrigation was the cause. Salem. Feb. 10. The Southern P. cific filed new tariff today pursuant to order, on onions and Dotatoes. on th same basis of shipments of flour and grain, to be effective Feb 19. Salem. Feb. 10. The railroad com. mission this morning issued an order that the Southern Pacific and C. & R. i UJL wb uii apples unu green vege- fl,l f. ..,r. D .1 j ,. ?. - a , i VCa.11-O .."HI UQKO W .UlllOUU Ull U l cents per 100, of ten boxes or leBS than. a car. Portlatid, Feb. 11.-Councilman Devlin, receiver of the Oregon TrUBt Co. has been located at Burkes Sani tarium, in Sonoma county, Calif., just across the bay from San Francisco. He arrived there two weeks ago. He is a complete nervous wreck and will not be able to leave the resort for a year. A successor will be appointed in his place. Arrangements have been ; made by the German American Bank ' to Dav off all depositors of the defunct bank Pnuio mukdin ivv. n tu . Pncl Trans-Atlantic Steamer General j Chausey ib a complete wreck on the north shore of this island. Onlv ona of all the persons on board has been i ' v, I .Washington, B WS tho ! river and harbor appropriations $60,000 Boes to the Willamette above Portland, I Coos Bay and Bai $400,000, Coquille ' River $28,000, Tillamook Bay $5,000, Coos River $3,000. FOR SALE. New six room house, water in house, large wood shed, lot 55 b) 110, Bryant's addition, near Salem road. Price $900 if taken by March, $600 down, balance time. E. W. Smalley, Phone 1380 Home. It FOR SALE. Good business cnance $300.00 investment, doing $1000.00-. per month, $150.00 per month profit. If you want something good look into- this at once. Owner has to leave hAAmce, i ,-..!. ,-:... Q ' M ' SAW.BSPvArS; Maf. , i i S " t X - 5 Plants. $2.50 per M. J. G. Gibson, Home Phone 4054. FOR SALE. Young team, well matched, weight between 1100 1200 each. Price reasonable. Zinn & Calloway. Home Phone 65, Black 231 Bell. FOR RENT Unfurnished rooms, three, Mrs. S. J. Robbins,West 11th street, W rights Addition. 2t FOX TERRIERS For sale, young ones and good ones, 203 W. 3rd St. Phone 301 home. FOR SALE. 1 wood size cook stove, parlor heating stove. H. Barns, 32 2: 4th St. GLASS. All sizes and kinds, for sale- at the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper man aywnere mse in Albany, skiii ly set, if desired. . PLANTS FOR SALE. Goosebsrries, red and white Currants, Rnubarb, Red and Yellow Raspberries, Iceberg Blackberries, Loganberries, Dew berries, Pbenomenals, Hedge Plants and Sage. Iver C. Duedall. Albany, Or., R. F. D No. 5, Home Phone 7102. 16t WOOD FOR SALE. Have bousht the slab wood business of C. S. Butler, and also have all kinds of w.iod. A. W. DOCKSTEDER. Home phone black 176. t21 J. W. BENTLEY, boot and shoemaker and repairer, does first class work at reasonable prices. "Next door to Democrat office. See him. FIRE INSURANCE.-O. F. R. A. ot McMinnville. Oregon's greatest mu tual company. C. C. Bryant, Albany, CusicK 3ank Bldg. Both phones. FIRE INSURANCK Beaver State Merchant's Mutual. Inquire at Opera House Bldg. Chiropody. Will remove corns, bunion, ingrow ing toe nails, calousies, massage the feet and make them feel like new ones. Home phone S92, Bll black 2343. 5c Mrs. Jas. Driver. Tired of Oil Lamps? Then use Instantaneous GasoLne Lights SA?E, SH1PL3, SURE. See SCHOEL BRC S.,413 W. First S