W. F. JONES Vete i mary g Jefferson, Or. Bell phone Farmers arnloss Dentistry r? Oat of town people can have their pjitto and brideework tin iehea In one day it neeofcary Wa trill give you a good S -v -r I. Moiat urownt o.uu -4t- eft fc t ' ' ft-aEMMl Filling! 1.00 ' - i!ll..p Filling .50 ' fh "Slain Fllliiwi 2.50 Piste. O.UU nuDoor 3k Beit Rod Rub- -a DJL W. A- Will, Puiotn uu Muim n nuu tmuimii n reiruis tarPlslw f.OU Painless Eitr'tton .50 IMHRV RUARANTEEB POR IS YEARS "PalnleBa Ea tract ion i ree when piatOBorbrldgo work li ordered. Oonsnltatlon Froe, Voa cannot (ret better :painlewwork doneany whore. AH work fully euar- autoetl. Modern electric equipment. l!ot motlioda. Wise .Dental Co. KStoSwmbSm. PORTLAND. OREGON OFflOE HOTOS: S A. M. to 5 J. H. SuuU;i, t to 1. - T- INCDRPOIMI1W SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of rirpnmn fnr thr Cnnntv nf T.inn. i Elva O'Dell, plaintiff, vs. Joshua L. O'Dell defendant. To Joshua O'Dell, the above named defendant In the name of the State of Oregon, ' you" are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of the above named plaintiff in the above entitled I court now on file with the clerk of. said court on or before the 17th day notified if you faif to appear and an- swer the complaint as herein required that the plaintiff will apply to the :ourt for the relief demanded in the complaint, to-wit, for the dissolution of the bonds of matrimony, now ex isting between plaintiff and defendant, ,.and for the costs and disbursements to be taxed. This summons is served by publica tion by the order of the Hon. Wm t tne non. wm. Galloway made on the Aim day ot December, 1909, directing that the said su.uiiiuiia uc act vvu uy luuHtnuuii miu that the same be published in the Albany Democrat for six- consecutive weeks, the first publication thereof to be made bn the 31st day of Decem 'ber, 1909, and the last publication to 'be made on the 11th day of February, 1910. Dated this the 20th day of-Becem-' ber, 1909. J. K. WEATHERFORD, Attorney for. Plaintiff. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE MENT. . .. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned .administrator of the estate ' of M. y. Hedge, deceased, late of Linrt County, Oregon, has filed in the Coun ty Clerk's office for Linn County, Ore gon, his final account, and the County '' Court has "fixed the 14th day. of Feb- - ruary, 1910, at one o'clock p. in., fro .the, hearing- of , objections, if any, - agMn'stslfM 'acfount and the settle ment of said estate.' A. L.'-STilLLARD, . J. K. WEATHERFORD, Admr. Attorney for Admr. REGISTRATION IF LAND TITLE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Linn County; In the matter of the application of . Jasper D. Turnidgc to register the title ' to the following described premises, vto-wit: , 1 he southeast quarter and tne south half of the northeast quarter of Sec tion 23, in Township 11 south Range 1 west of the Willamette Meridian, in Linn County, Oregon, containing 240 uicres, against Anna Althous"e and Kathenne . Althouse, and the Oregon & California Railroad Comoanv. and all whom it may concern, defendants. "To All Whom It May Concern: Take notice, that on the 5th day of 1 January A. D. 1910, an application was hied by said jasper u. i urnidge in -tne circuit iourt ot the state ot ure- norses 10 ine roriiann market, gon for Linn County, for initial regis- M. H. McGuire, who has bean work tration of the title to the land.above ine for the electric light plant at Cho described. Now, unless you appear halis. Wash., several months, has re on or before February 26, 1910, A D., turned to Albany. o..u ..aus.c 1Y..J :uui uuuu, snau not ue graiucu, ine same win oe taken as confessed, and a decree will ue eniereu according to ine prayer ur Hie appiivauon, ami you win oe lor- .ever barred from disputing the same. Witness my hand the seal of said IQtn ' y Januury. (L. S.) J. W. MILLER, -S yr- ? c-onicio v,icrK oi -"-un t.uuu ui t."""y, Oregon. HEWITT & SOX, Applicant's Attorney. EXECUTOR S NOTICc. Notice is hereby given to all whom it may conc-rn that the undersigned exec u :ors or the estate of Charlotte Thomas, deceased, have filed their final a-.count in said estate in the County Court of Linn County, Oregon, and that said court has fixed Monday, the 21st day of February. 1910, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m. of said day as the time for hearing and settling ot all objec ions to said account; therefore, all per sons havin; any objection to said account are hereby notified to appear and file the same in said court on or ibefore said last mentioned date. Dated this 21st day of January, 1910. a rill a burkhart, Marion' Thomas, Executors of said estate. CASTOR Fcr Infants and Children. Hie Kind You Have Always BougSj Sears the Slgoatun AEROPLANE IN ALBANY. The Burkhart aeroplane arrived on the river steamer yesterday, accom panied by the owners J. C. Burkhart and W. C. Crawford who will take it out to their shed, in Galtra Park, a 24 by 40 foot building erected for hous ing it. it came entirely boxed, ana will be set ud out at Aeroplaneville during the week, if the weather per mits. The flying will not begin until everything is perfected and the ma chine is completely ready for the trial. This is something being watched with great interest, as usual dcodIo wotdcr- lng whether it will really go or not, and ii it uoea wnetner mere win ue any accidents. The young men are game, having made a thoro study of the busi ness, and the Democrat predicts suc cess for the venture. Sermons to Young People. Rev. White last night began a series, of six sermons to young people, th first being Lions in the Way, an able eifort, making a strong impression. The lions treated were: cowardice, which makes the boy orgirlsay ''I can't; impatience, I which prevents the plodding faithfull- noss necessary to success; narrowness, which takes one down into gangs and tFttSM off where the motto should bo do it . . Albany's Big Store Blockaded ' . If Chambers and McCune had been in their old store you would not have been surprised, but at this big store; Saturday afternoon at times there was a complete blockade of women and it was absolutely imnossible to get down the atfes or even in the door way. No such a crowd was anticipated and with their army of clerk's it was im possible to serve all the people. lireen packages could tie seen going .- pn Ji., t,., -.in, n this tnis there are Btin tempting bargains there at the Bame prices. - Married. Roy E. Wood and Miss Ella Carow were united in marriage at the court house Saturday afteri.oon, Judge Dun can officiating. ' The ceremony was somewhat out of the ordinary, being performed in the tower, near the fire alarm. As the alarm did not Bound the wedding will probably be a happy one. . This is piobably the highest place in Albany. A tleartfarty, The thirteenth birthday of Darrill Austin was celebrated Saturday even ing at the home of his father, O. D. AuBtin, in a heart party, with forty young people present. Games were played and some delicious refreshments were served. Claribel Seeley guessed the most animals beginning with A, The Weather. Range of temperature 41 29, remark ably even twenty-four hours. The river has been rising and is 7 feet. The rainfall was .90 inch, including one-tenth of two inches of snow, which fell during Sunday, the third snow of tne winter. PredictionT fair tonight and Tuesday t Rev. John Acheson. of Portland, 1r in tne city. . Mr. Dudley Clark, a leadine- U. 0 student, spent Sunday with Albany renus. D. H. Pierce, a former Harrisburg ""man, is building a concrete garage, 42 by 35 feet, in Eugene. Hugh Cummings, the Halsey stock- man, was m-town today snipping some u. a. uurran, tne real estate man nas been confined to h is home for week, with a broken leg, the result of a tail on west Third Street. j A ghaw returned from portland Saturday evening, having been in the hospital there for several weeks, at- tended by Mrs. Shaw. He is rapidly Chas. B. Hanford and company will be , Eugene toni.-h , tomorrow night at (Jorvallis and Wednesday night at Albany. He will undoubtedly have a big hojse here. , L. E. Hamilton, of Hamilton's Ba' zaar is expected home Thursdoy, of this week. Already goods ordered by him in New York, have begun to arrive, spring and summer goods. This is the 62nd ! irlhday of Street Superintendent Fred Ries. He was born in Gouveniur, N. Y. Feb. 14 1843, and has spent nearly half of the time in Albuny, since thin. Mr. Merrill Hammell left by boat for Eastern Oregon, where he has taken up a desert land claim, south of Prineville He took a team along, going by. water to The Dalles and then overland. Some of the beat moving picture shown here were the Fi. Leavenwnrih scenes, showing the maneuvers of tin government soldier3, one of an c'uca tion cast. The Dreamland theater wa packed Saturday evening. . Frank O'Brien has returned from Roseburg, where he had been negotia ting for the purchase of the Hotel Mc Clellan, in fact had taken posession, but the hotel people have not yet made good along certain lines and negotia tions have been suspended. Just as the Democrat suspected Harrv L. Walden, of Eureka, a former A bar, railroal man, Was on a Madrigras jaunt. A post card from New Orleans 8;iys that the 11 i-irijras is the warmest thinr in th? wo.-l'J. a very gurzeous affair, v.iih immense pjgtants, parae'es, etc PASSED Teachers Who Made the Ex. 1st grade: Mabel L. Schultz, Mar garet E. Stewart, Market E. Arnold, Bertha Wright, Brssie Truelove, Mar garet McCormick, Nona Nagle, highest 95 5-13, 0. B. Cyrus. 2nd grade: Rex A. Nicholls, P. W. Storey, Archie Erskine, Clarence Thom, Ralph Thom, Annie McCormick, A. M. Young. D. G. Crow, Annie Dinwiddie, Edna Swearinger, Ralph McDonald. Bessie Shelton, C. E. Cady. R. Ward Cyrus. Francis M. Arnold. Maggie Mc Donald. Harriet Dwyer, Ina D. vVhite highest 93, Homer O. Pearson. 3rd grade: Walden H. Morgan, Bea trice DeVaney, May M. Hart, Belle Slate, Venita Earl highest 92, Stella M. Howe. Mildred E. Rood, Isabel H. Tracey,. W. J. Green. There were eight failures. BUSY. Superintendent Ries had the snow cleaned out of the gutters at an early hour and the cross walk sections scraped, making travel easier. A force of men is at work in the Wallace block rearranging the second storji for the new suit of rooms of Dr. Leinmcrer. and later tor the omces ot the Drs. Wallace, making some striking improvements. The Uroadhead store room did not remain vacant long. The new propri etor is here busy putting It in shape for a 5. 10 and lu cent store, next the post- office, a good location. Wayne Stuart, the grocery traveller. who makes Albany his headquarters, was looking after his ten Albany cus tomers today, " A new office room is going in the First Nitiantl, giving more needed room. Manager Struble and Miss Harkness answering eastern inquiries, thirteen this morning, direct, and 225 from the Portland office. One from FailingSpring West Virginia tells of twenty families during the past week reported that they would be in Albany soon. News From Albany's Six Eariy Trains. Rev. J. C. Elliot returned from Leb anon, where he preached in the Pres byterian church, exchanging with Rev. W. T. .Wardle. Two able exponents of the gospel. Mr. and Mrs. M. ''oulsen and daugh ter, of Salem, returned home after a Sunday visit with Mrs. Paulsen's folks. Mr. Paulsen continues with the South ern Pacific. He was formerly with the Company at this city. . 1 Mr. and Mrs. George Washburn, of Portland, returned home after a Sunday visit with their folks here and near here. Jos. Watson returned from a Tall man trip. W. R. South came down from Leba non. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Serfling returned from a Sunday visit with Mrs. Ser fling's folks at Lebanon.' M. a. McGuire returned from a Hun day visit at Lebanon. Farmer's Week. The Oreeon Agricultural floHnca Winter Short Courses which close this I week with the regular "Farmers Meet" I nave been the most successful from every point of view of any of the college short course ork. Farmer's Week promises to eclipse anything of the kind ever held at t-ho college. The institution has added to. its equipment and has received very valuable assistance . from farmers, stockmen and poultrymen who have looned specimens of live stock and poultry for the short course work. The poultry show will be on Friday. The following prominent and success ful Oregon men have been secured to talk during Farmer's Week: L. T. Reynolds, Salem; C. E. Whisler, Med forf"; Austin T. Buxton, Forest Grove; H. M. Williamson, Portland; Walter M. Pierce, La Grande; D. O. Lively, Portland: W. K. Newell. Gastrin: A. T. Mason, Hood River: A.' H. Lea. Portland, Fred Groner, Hillsboro. At the Hotels . Webb Campbell, Portland J. C. Cook, Portland H. T. Bruce & wf, Portland F. K. Hardman. Tacoma C. W. Dygert, Corvallis -W. N. McCoy, Halsey P. B. Beatty, " Ray Harvey, Prineville H. J. Fish, Corvallis H. A. Lady Hugh Cummings, Halsey Pun Avery, Corvallis P. I'.ickard, Corvallis Good Evening, Mr. Valentine. Valentine day, with a good many in Circulation, a tlrettv ruqrnm n,t.an . observed I in the right spirit. A compli-1 uuaerveu in ine ngni gpirx. A corn.) - ment is a good thin, f oPr any one'wfen I made an oc:asion for dirt throwing it 1 ooses its charm. Valentine giving I uusei its cnarm. valentine rzivinor often reflects the character of the giver more than that of the receiver. Som. t, , . . , nrt Mr, 13' '? .Vr- and Mrs. Erb Schukz. a boy. weight 9 ,'!? "e iFh." mal!e3 Mr. and Mri. H. K. Sthul'z grind- parents for t:ie first time. TUESDAY, THE WOMEN WON. On the second Sunday nf Innf. Nnvom. ber the adult Bibleclassof the Christian Sunday-school was divided into the Men's and Women's classes, and each a uiamzeu accuruing to tne inter- national system: Kev. fcjsson was chosen teacher for the men's class and Mrs. J&son of the women's. Com mittees were appointed from each class mi arrange lor a contest for the upbuild ing of the claBses. The fnllnwi nir Klin. day the points were agreed unon. and the contest begun to close with the last Sunoar in Jan., 1910, the losing Bide to give a supper to the winners. The women's class were the victors, and a committee from the men's class en gaged the Ladies Aid Society to furnish the spread, which was given in the church parlors last;evenmg at 7 o'clock. To this lepast more than 70 persons did justice. Mr. Esson, acting in the capacity of toastmaster, introduced the lonowing speakers: Kalph McKechnie, secretary of the men's Mans, in wpll chosen words extended a welcome to the ladies, lhe resDonse was made by Airs. W; H. Davis, president of the class. After some remarks on the nature, and policy of the Bible school work by the ini.or, ine iouowing responded to toasts: "Business Men in Religion," J. M. Hawkins; "Our Hopes fcr the sftsuiren, airs, cisson; "ine Brother-in-law as a Booster" Dr. W. H. Davis; "The Front Line Bible School," F. M. Powell; "A Word of Cheer," W. A. Eastburn. Next came an open parlia ment, "How Does this Strike You" participated in by G. H. Forgy, ft. L. Riirnatl: CI U T?iamn I? i? di w. A'"",,"u, narry vvnains anu- imsa Bertha Wright. The pro gram conluded by forming a circle around the room, singing one verse of "find ha ,..:.k V J U - I :. " - mm .uu tuiu tne ueiieuictiou. The total enrollment of the two classes s 107. Two fool Pendleton men had a fight uver tne jenries Jonnson ngnt. Mayor Allen, of Jefferson was an Al bany visitor yesterday afternoon Prof. Flo last' evening entertained tne a. a. classes ot himself and Geo. H. Crowell, - totes May McDonalduwent to Port land today to attend theJY. P, S. C. E convention. Mrs, P. Bressler and daughter re'- wnal In Tn.-....:.. L 1 i T A 11 18fter "'Albany Nothinsr in that renort about the ren. idence of Dr. Littler being burglarized It was just a joke. , - The second semester of the U. O. be gan today. Miss Willetta Wright re turned yesterday for her studies. R. K. Montgomery of the S. P., and daughter, Miss Myja", left this forenoon tor ijoidendale on a tew days visit. Eugene hajj a double, wedding -yesterday; two brothers. William and Chas. Herbert, marrying two sisters, Nellie uuti Jennie noic. - The state Christian Endeavor Society met in Portland this afternoon, with Urancis IS. Clark, the father of the or ganization present. J. B. Yeon is about to erect a fifteen story building at Fifth and Alder streets, Portland, which will be the nignest m the city, W. C. Breckenridge went to Lebanon I mis aicernoon on a visit with Ins daugh 1 ter. and Mirs Sue to Portland for a visit wi'h her sister. Mrs. W. H. Davis this afternoon en tertained a crowd of young ladids in ' hnnnrnf hfii r.ippA Vllaa Voota n.uria .F bugene, who is visiting at her home. Prof. Lowell who has made Mars a study says a new canal has been built there during the past year, leaving no question out wnac tne pianetis inhabit ed. Dr. 3. L. Hill went to Lebanon this atternoon to consult with some of the stockholders of the Mexican mines be fore leaving on Thursday night for ih mines. Miss Flossie Knecht is on her way to Dakota on a visit with relatives, and will also go to Chicago and other places ueiuiB iviurijmit, ueirig p,nne rwo or tnree months. .Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Docksteder served lunch to friends on, St. Valen tine's evening, in honor of their thir teenth wedding anniversary. .-A pleas ant time was had. . A. H Sandatrom, 'of the Union Fui niture factory Jias been- up the roac being at Evgene yesterday. The Co. has a fine trade through the Valley, thf Union goods being .popular wberevet used. ... Mrs. W. F. Pteiffer yesterday even ing entertained the 600 club in a pleas ant manner, with thrity -,or fortj present. The refreshments were highly complimented and a good time socially was had. ' ' . -. Samuel Kraut spent $16,000 for 'the education of the voice of Emmi Hoff man, a prominent singer, and now slit hassued him for $100,000 damages foi breach of promise. There's ingratitudt for ycu. Thos H. Curtis died in Portland yes terday at the age of 43 years. He wa connected with the Astoria and Ooluin bia river road, and also at one time win the Corvallis and Eastern, being in Al bany a number of times. Mrs. O. I). Austin yesterday after noon entertained in honor of her frien-. Mrs. Wilson, of Salem, who is visitmt her?. The decorations were hearts on' very'pietty. CarJs were tho amuse ments and delicious refreshments wert Rprvert Annut ftftvlnriiaa mm.. nM.nn, n f th . r . "ndSTter i :fL " lu? ' ?S$?jL thf ,E" in Canada, Mrs. Head, linnn rlpatpr ha hnn li- SI t j ,,. , ob,lge1 to p,? therf ond WJ" , be F'c Beveral weeks. On account of it Prof. Head will close the store next the Dem ocrat office and make his home at 901 Calapooia and 9th street. Rev, Albyn Eson went to Portland on the morning train to attend a meet ine of ,he Sttt'e Boarl1 nf the Christian church, of which ha is first vice presi- 'lent, and Mrs. A Esson to rcpresenl the local C E society in the State Christian Endeavor Cu.vention. SHEDDS. Fieke Ackerman of Brownsville was in Shedd Saturday. Mr. Glen Berry of Portland is visit ing in Peoria a few days. Mr. and Mrs. James Pueh were Al bany visitors Saturday, returning home sunuay, Mr. George Maxwell and family wore visiting her sister near Brownsville a few days last week. The Junior Endeavor of Shedd will give a box social at the VV. O. W. hall Monday night Feb. 14. Mrs. T. B. Soreneer was called to Albany last week to attend hei little granddaughter, Hershal Hollich, who is very sick. Miss Olive Adams and Mr. Harvev McBride came home Friday night.. Miss Adams returned to Jefferson Sun day evening. News from Albany's Six Early Trains. The train? arrive almost anv time. The first Bection of No. 16 was a sold ier train, with a regiment bound for Vancouver, arriving about 9 o'clock. The second section with the regular nasseneer traffic was here at 10:in. and No. 14 just behind it. A crowd of vouner Deoole. ten or twelve came over from Corvallis, bound for Portland to attend the State Y. P. S. C. E. Miss Martha Montacue went to Portland to the Y. P. S. C. E., and also for a visit with her folks Mrs. R. B. Montague returned, to Portland, after a visit with her father, W. A. Dunn and sister, Mrs. J. P. Leatherman. C. G. Rawlines went uu to Stavton on a commercial trip. Ed. Holloway, of Brownsville, went to Corvallis. The Orators. The students of the college depart ment of Albany college met today and elected the following officers for the oratorical association of the college: Kenneth McLennan president, Lucille Hart vice president, Evah Cushman secretary, Vic. Yates treasurer, Gil Ogden toastmaster for annual banquet, and state treasurer. Delegates to the state convention and oratorical contest Salem, Marc'i 11: Rhoda Stalnaker and Mirtha Montague for the seniors, Neta Schultz and Buena Bicknell for the juniors, Kate Stewart and Lucil e Hart tor the sophomores, and Kenneth Mc Lennan and Vic Yates for the freshmen, Gruver Birtchett is the orator. Stock Quotations. , People who buy stocks promiscu ously, will be interested In the real market value of them. The Democrat has a list or qu.tations from F.-J Catterlm & Co , of Portland, from which .the following of local interest are taken: Black Eagle, santiam, 15c, Collin) Wireless Tel., snap; Clark Wire less T. &T., at bargain; Electric Min ine und Smelting, write: Frceland Con solidated, 07H: Gold Creek M. & M 07c;.UnitedWireles8 Tel., Btocks pnc. . Lebanon Day. i Tl.ere will be over one hundred Leb annn people in Albany ton:ght, arriving at 4:4U on a visit1 with tho Albany Com mercial Club. which with invited gueats will give the Lebanon people a recept ion, with a program full of snap ar ranged for the occasion, light refresh ments on the side. Enthusiasm i3 the order of the day, and there will be noise with the serious part. Utter List. The following letters remain in II, Albany. Vie., nosto hco uncal ed foi Feb. 15, 1910. Persons desiring any o these letters should call for advertise letters, giving tho date: B. rl. Behrends. It. Cowling, T. G Donlin, Orin Ferguson, Wells H. Hul burt, Pansy Johns, Mrs. AdJie Manne, A. Mason, Fred tiiesenborir. Mrs. L C Sherwood; J. S VanWinkle, P. M At the Hotels. H. B. Moyer, Brownsville. Mrs. E Hatton, Detroit. -Geo. Honey, W. F, Honey. D. E Towle, J. Towle, Park River, N. Dak timer fatri:K and tamily, Newport. J. T. Jones, Portland. K. F. Kamph, Portland. W. A. Woodward, Portland. G. L. Brown, Stayton. C J. Shedd, Sheod. Emery Herron, South Bend. H. A. Burgess, Portland. F. H. Arnott, Rutte, Mon. H. E. Gordon, Isewberg. Auiorr.obllists. W. W. Crawford has been annointid vice president tor Linn county of the Oregon State Automobile Association lhe object of this organization is foi joitfT observation of the road law ot well as better laws. There is to be a vice presi Jmt foi ich cour.ly in the stale, who i: to It chairman of a committeeof live or mon rn'-mliers, who he will appoint. lhe membership tee o ;he Assnciu uon it $2 with Zh cents dues per month. You can make application to Mr. Craw fori', who will issue application blank. The weather in the east has bei'i worse than that of Oregon anyway. The church of Chiist of Eu'cnv is preparing to erect a $50,000 buildmir eclipsing all others in that city. The wireless is already being uar. ti profane uses. In New Jets v us- words and vulgarity are comm n. ' Eugeno will have a special elccliri. March 2 for voting on rufun-ling ihi warrant indebtedness of 517j,O0j. WEDNE3DAY1 DOINGS OF THE WORLD. nlnern. nnnaoH tk.Ph th .;.. nn z" r ; -- - . wm v.ijr wi, vi.q Shasta Limited. Mrs. Smith, was for merly Miss Grace Putman, of this city.' The owners of the Corvallis fruit eannnrv hnvn nonirtaH n.t in onll k..fc to make it run the coming jear, beltev- ui in Mia luiura ui tne uusiness. The reason the northbound th rr.no-h trait. R Arn ltn ia hMaiiu U..f. t boat, the biggest in the world, down in California, is out of commission. The trains nave to go around by Stockton. Packed House;, ThnrA WffrA nnnbot tuM.oau of tUn Emnire Inst niahr.. Tha mnuintr tlirna WOra rrnnA nnno TUa though were particularly interested in vi, o w.1 ui in., uuu mrtf. urew. xneir Dutch skotch is a taking one Good QinmAro, nr.rl Hnn.n.a kn., ln U 1U unubuia, .iictj, alOU llttVvT kllO dialect down and their makeups are kvvu ones. TnmnrrnW morht thara mill na n nM. . ...v.v . ' uu a V,. Ill - pleto change in their program. y On Saturday. The Vigh School has been winnino- honor to our city name for past two or three mon' lis and have not asked the people of Albjny to contribute any tning to support them. They have been to considerable expense in securing a tuutii nuu in uuyiuK utnur necessary equipment. The boys now plan to trive a dinner next Saturday to raise the money needed to meet the expenses. Thn neonlA nf AllinnO will rranarallir r i " , . ' " - support mem ana K would be very , much appreciated if the farmers would take their meals there for that noon. Remember the date, Saturday. Feb ruary 19. at the W. C. T. II: hall, meal hours'll:30 to 1:30. Dihper 25. cencs. The Springfield Train. " A new time card will eo into effect on the Springfield road tomorrow, when tne morning train win arrive ten min utes later, at 0:50 and will leave at 2;25 in the afternoon, instead 8:10 p. m., which is the way the people along the road want it, and is particularly a bless ing 10 ine rnuroaa men, wno will now have time for sleep. The "Weather. Range of temperature 34-32, covering the 24 hours previous to 8 a. m. Rainfall .12 inch. The river has been rising and Is 8,0, feet.- Prediction: Occasional rain or ligh snow flurries tonight and Wednesdar. Fducational Meeting. An educational meeting will be held ut Crabtiee leb. 26, beginning at 10 a. m. with a kood program arranged, consist ing of songs and declamations by the pupils, readings by Prof. Rendu II, the home and school by Miss Mary Ewing, horticulture by E. W. Cooper, public expenditures by Judge Duncan, the grange in a community by C. L. Shaw, the truancy law by Prof. C. F. Bigbee, school problems by Sunt. JackBon. Six prizes will be given fr declamations and songs. There will be a basket dinne. , A SAFEGUARD TO CHILDREN. "Our two children of six and eight voars havp lir-pn cini-i. itifnnav ci,!. jeet to colds and croup. About three years ago I started to use Foley's Honey ahd Tar, and it lias never failed to prevent and cure these troubles'.' It is the nnlv nir-rlir-in-, T ran na, ciiildrcn to take without a row." The above from W. C. Ornstcin, Green Bay, Wis., duplicates the experience of thousands of users of Foley's Hon ey and Tar. Woodworth Drug Co. bTdIte The County Judge ot I ane County, Oregon, will receive sealed bids up to 10:00 o'clock, March 15. 1910, for the work of transcribing all the records of Linn County affecting real estate in the territory transferred from Linn County to Lane County by Chapter 3 as amend- ed by Chapter 63 of the general laws of . Oregon for the year 1907. Bids should be sent to the County Clerk of Lane County. Eugene. Or., nronr-rlv mnrlrorl The Coun'y Judge of Lane County re serves the right to reject any and all U1US. FURNITURE AT COST. CLOSING OUT SALE Everything Must Go O. E. PERRY, 310 2niyt. Home Short orders, includ ng Meals, Salads, Vegetables, Pies, Oysters in all styles! Hot Tamalics, SanJviche;; Cakes, etc meals and lunch?s, n--t and clean. Confcctionaries .n J si.-fl drinks at Meals HO ALICE'S 1-8 B o Valbin Street.