Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, February 18, 1910, Page 2, Image 2

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    WANTED. Experienced girl, to do :
general housework. Call at 206 j
West First Street. j
FOR SALE. Household furniture. '
Call at 434 Baker St., cor. 5th.
FOR RENT. -Store on First street, !
March 1st, fine location. Fnquire E.
i H. Rhodes. tl9
I FOR SALE. A driving horse. Apply
at the Wigwam stables.
. ... .'FOR SALE. One Jersey cow, r'hone
HUMiiiniNU mat win interest you if j nome black 2983. 6t
oiuitirdd ab tub poet omue, aibauy
aecouil oaea mail matter.
you want a small fruit farm, 25 ,
acres, ALL GOOD LAND, only 1 mile
south of Millersburg, tnd 4 miles
northeast of A banv. 10 acres full
bearing orchard, half apples and half
prunes, 8 acres in cultivation, balance
in brush and pasture, poor buildings
out signtiy location, frice 3suu.
S. N. Steele, (owner.) 110 Second
St., Portland, Or.
FOR RENT.-Neat and ciean f u-nished
rooms. Inquire 232 3rd and Broadal
bin Btreetr. t22
FOR EXCAVATING. Liwn grading,
lot clearing, gravel ond sand hauling
Phone Bell Red 2562.
FOR SALE- A tew trio's of thorough
bred Buff Orphingtona 15 eggs $1.50.
Call at 216 E. 2nd street. 17t
clean seed wheat, Kinney, $1.25 per
bushel. C. R. Widmer.- Phone 2801
Home. 24t
FOR PALE. 25 acres in North Al
bany, all in cultivation, fine garden
land or fruit land. Will sell altogeth
er or in two pieces. Deal direct with
the owner. Inquire at the Democrat
- office.
FOR SALE. -Lots in Wright's addi
tion; also lots, blocks, ana from 4 to
40 acrea in acreage in Hazelwood,
adjoining the city, Good terms and
reasonable prices. Apply to Attorney
Geo.. W. Wright, office, Rooms 1 and
2, Wright Block. Both phones.
FOR SALE 640 acres Eastern Ore-
gon stock ranch all under fence, new
ouse and barn, $10 per acre if taken
soon, 30 acres ot alfalfa land, all un
der irrigation, can be 20 aces more
put in cultivation, balance timber and
grazing land, situated 30 miles south
of Condon, 40 miles East of Shaneco
in Wheller county, Oregon, or will
trade for good property near Albany,
for further particulars inquire of A.
Beard, 608 E. 6th St. Albany, Ore.
FOR SALE-Farm of 160 acres, also
c ity property. Inquire of H. F. Me
II wain.
McMinnville. Oregon's greatest mu
tual company. C. C. Bryant, Albany,
liusicK Bank Bldg. liotn phones.
Merchant's Mutual. Inquire at Opera
House Bldg.
The Shakespearean play represents
the highest standard of the dramatic
art. The study of Shakespeare is an
education, not- only on account of
the thoughts presented, but also be
cause of the masterly 'use of words,
no writer ever having equalled him
in the use of English. The plays of
Shakespeare cover history, comedy
and tragedy. The greatest of all is
I Hamlet, a trasredv: but there are oth-
FOR SALE. Bicyc with new single ers of great interest. Among the
tires in good condition. Cheap. 238 best of the comedies is the Taming of
Stb St. st I the Shrew, one full of character, odd
PRUNING, gra'ting and budding sol- in its construction, peculiar in its plot, be done in the proper Beason but decidedly interesting. It may be
References sriven if requested. D. B. a caricature, but it is full of the best
' Spears, corner of Calapooia and there is in healthful comedy. One pf
tlevenin street. i
i the best students of Shakespeare
j the country is Mr. Hanford, who will
present this comedy .tonight. Albany
people have formerly seen him in
tragedy. It will now be a pleasure
to have him give his version of this
' live Shakespearean comedy. It is the
kind that deserves attention.
FOR SALE. New aix room house,
water in house, lurge wood shed, lot
65 bj 110, Bryant's addition, near
Salem road. Price $900 if taken by
March, $600 down, balance time. E.
W. Smalley, Phone 1380 Home. It
WANTED. Some setting hens at once.
Call 620 W. 6th St., or Bell Phone
Black 8231. lit
and Clark's Seedling from young 2653 western republican editors said
Slants. $2.50 per M. J. G. Gibson, : no Cannon for them, where 546 said
iome Phone 4064. j Cannon was their man. This shows
GLASS. All sizes and kinda, for sale in an emphatic manner the decided
at the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper stand the people of the west have
than aywhere else in Albany. Skill- taken against a system of politics that
ly set, if desired. has been disgracing our government.
PLANTS FOR SALE. Gooseberries, I Of course, the democratic editors are
red and white Currants, Rhubarb, ' against Cannon. The fact that the re
Red and Yellow Raspberries, iceberg publicans themselves are against him
Blackberries, Loganberries, Dew-1 makes the case a plain one to decide.
berries, Phenomenals, Hedge PlantB It ought to mean that Cannon shall ,
and Sage. Ivek C. Duedall, go; but it will not. Congress is as ,
Albany, Ur., K. r. u. ko. o, none servile as a puppet, and one of them
Will remove corns, bunioni, ingrow
ing toe nails, calousies, massage the
foet and make them feel like new ones .
Home phone 892, Bell black 2343. 6t
Mrs. Jas. Driver.
Phone 7102. 16t
WOOD FOR SALE. Have bought the
slab wood business of C. S. Butler,
and also have all kinds of wjod.
Home phone black 176. t21
J. W. BENTLEY, boot and Bhoo maker
and repairer, does first claBS work at
reasonable prices. Next door to
Democrat office. See him.
FOR SALE One good heavy truck
wagon, ne two-seated light hack,
ne good plow, oae single harness,
.. me potato digger, one large Majee-
tic Ranee, ne small cook stove,
ne seating stove, two A-N. 1 Iron j
bedsteads, together with spring and
anattresses, one good oak egclcasira I
dininr room table, and 15 A- No. l't
White Wyandotte young pallets
from imported stock, and stker
household goods. The above prop
erty is all as good as new and will be
sold at private sale, can n j. v.
PIPE, 203 West Secod St., Alk
any, Oregon.
Mr. E. A. Kelley, Belvtdere, 111.,
is our own congressman.
Pub'ic Horse Sale.
Rev. W. S. Gordan went to Eugene
this afternoon to attend the Oliver
The Great Divide next Saturday night
is another theatrical treat for Albany
people, a good one.
1 Mrs. Jessie Loverall.of Lebanon, was
in the city this morning to see her
mother, who is doing well.
President Crooks left last night on a
business trip to San Francisco. He will
return Saturday night.
Fred Fisher, consul at Murkaen, will
leave on Monday for Washington, pre
vious to returning to China.
H. K. Lugger has returned home from
Walla, where he has been looking after i
Northwestern business ' for several
Tev. A. M. Petty, Pacific CoaBt Sec
retary of the home mission department
of the Baptist church has been in the
city today.
J. R. Harvey, of Prineville, who has
heen in the citv on a visit with his
brother-in-law, R. L. Burnett, went to !
Eugene this afternoon.
E. L. Jones returned last night from
Portland, where he had been in the in-'
terest of the Oregon Citizen, soon to
appear as a weekly paper. I
Famuel C. Mott, advance agent for:
the Lion and the Mouse, has been in
H. ...... -J.,' TU
L 1113 1. 1 k J WUBJi 1 11U piojr, f Kitrav
creation, will be here Feb. 25, a theat
rical treat.
Mr. Budge Stewart, who has been
working in a logging camp near Scap
pooae for several months, passed
tbrough the city for Eugene, where he
has reentered the U. of O , with rooms
at Sigma Nu.
Sol. Lindley, of Lebanon, the man
who gets the first strawberries to the
market, nns Deen in tne ctcy toaay,
The opera house promises to be
crowded tonight, when Mr. Chas. Han-
ford and his talented company appear-'
in the Taming ot the Shrew, the first
presentation of this Shakespearean
comedy in Albany. The advance sale
of seats has been large. Mr. Hanford
represents the best there is in drama,
and deserves the attention of people of j
Mr. Hanford never forgets the pub
lic demands diversion at the ulavhouse.
He supplies that by selecting the best
material that play writing has ever
produced and interpreting it in a mod
ern and sympathetic spirit which makes
the humor irresistible If there is any
lingering suspicion in the minds of the
youthful students to the effect that
Shakespeare is uninteresting, Mr. Han
ford's performance may be relied upon
to dispel it.
This afternoon Mr. Hanford spoke to
the high school students, giving a de
lightful talk on Shakespeare and the
Retiring 'from Business
Pianos, Organs, Entire Stock AY'
COST- factory price. Must be sold
at once. Biggest bargains eve roffered
in Albany.
The Albany Butter & Produce Co
are paying 40 cents per pound f. o. b.
Albany, for butter fat, or 39c on the
wagon. It yon have cream to sell call
both phones 49. t -
Wood Yard,
v ood delivered to all parts of city on
short notice, office at residence 90S
East 4th street. B jth phones.
J. D. Ellis.
FOR SALE -A good single driving
mare five years oil. Enquire of J.
D. Ellis 906 East 4th street.
All kiads of Lumber.
Fench Posts,
I will sell at public sale the remainder
of my horses on Saturday, Feb. 19th,
1910. at First and CalaDOoia streets.
Albany, Ore.. If you want either a Mr. Lindley is also the first candidate
good big draft horse or driver Coma for sheriff to appear.
to the sale. J. H. SIMPSON, j Mrs. C. H. Webster and Children,
who have been spending the winter in
WANTED. Wash woman. Apply at Albany, will return to Illinois tonight.
610 E. 4th. Phone Home 1367. , Mr. Webster is a nurseryman at Cen-
WANTEL) TO RENT. From 3 to 6 tralia. III., and expected to sell his
years with option of purchase, abou. nursery and locate at Albany, but fail
5 acres improved or unimproved land ing to sell will rema'n in Illinois a few
Full particulars. Address B. care of years longer. "
writes as: I am an ex-engineer with
22 years active service to my credit.
About three years ago my kidneys
were affected so that I had to give tip
my engine. First I was torubled with
Bevere aching pain over the hips. Then
t .. j n .! f .1. . LI.JJ
nrt. j . i ionoweo innarnmauon oi tne umuua,
Tired of Oil Lamps? .VlS!?d f!il.K
Then use I tried, so benefited me that I bought
Instantaneous Gasoline Lights m,or- continued to take them un-
qAPP qTMPi v 3linp I til now I can safely testify they have
AfJ!,, blMtUib, bUKh,. i made me a sound and well man."
See SCHOEL BROS.,418 W. First S Woodworth Drug Co.
FOR SALE. 1P acres, with new 7
room house and good barn, 13 blocks
lrom tne city limits, uooa terms.
Address box 173 City. tl2
FOR SaLE. Cook stove, steel couch,
bed, etc. 423 W. First St., Flat 7. tl3
FUR SALE. Six roomed house, one
lot, good barn, price reasonaole, in
quire 731 E. 8th street. Phone Red
822. ,
be good penman. Make appli
cation in writing. Pacific Tel. &Tel.
Co., 406 W 1st St.
Messenger boy wanted By the
Pacific Telephone ana ieiegrapn uo.
Applicants will call at our office 406
W lat St., between 8 a. m. and 6 p.
m. W. V. Merrill, Mgr.
FOR SALE. 1 ;ood size cook stove ,
parlor neating stove, n. earns, az z
4th St.
Pie Sale
We will sell any of the following pies
next Saturday. Feb. 19. for 10 cents
cheaper than you can make them at
Mince. .
Peach, ,
- Wednesday, February 16
and a Strong Support in
The Taming of the Shrew
Preceded by The Old Guard, a story of
Waterloo, a one act . masterpiece.
PRICES 60c, 75c $1.00 and $1,60.
If it is much trouble for you to make
them, let George do it.
WANTED. Apprentice girls in the
millinery department of the Hamil
ton Store,
FOR RENT. -Some tine office rooms
on First street. See W. C. Burkhart
'9' FORD Now Read)
"The Car that lasts longest and cheapest to keep up."
SEE the car, look it over thoroughly, study it, have a demonstration..
DO NOT BE DECEIVED by what other agents may tell you. The
reason they do not like it is because they can not sell you as good a
car-for less than $1,500 or $1,600.
WE Sell you a five passenger tou ring car fully equipped with top,,
wind-shield, speedometer, five lamps and repair outfit for $1,050.
RALSTON & CRAWFORD, . Albany, Oregon..
Office over State Bank.
Many of
Can Best Be Supplied Now -
Splendid new materials, and dainty ready-to-wear garments are coming in rapidly now. The most pleasing stylesr
the newest effects, the best of mater. You will delight in seeing these miosl pleasing new things.
We arc showing sonic attractive
values and styles in high grade mus
lin underwear.
Especially pretty and desirable is
a line of hand embroidered corset cov
crs on the softest, daintiest materials
in the most beautiful patterns. These
beautiful garments arc quite unusual.
Tlicy arc of the highest quality and
the prices arc quite low for their qual
ity. They sell at from $2.50 to $3.50.
Then a large assortment in lacci
and., embroidered., effects at each
$1.50 to $1,751
New styles, new patterns and prct
ty effects.
The assortment of these is large and
complete. The prices range from
$1.25 to $3.50
High grade materials, splendid pat
terns in lace trimmings and embroid
eries, well and nicely made in all
styles 65c to $1.25
Splendid showing of R. & T. Sa
lome and Shantung Siths.
1 B
K rJSi HI '. T J S. -
Just received, a splendid assortment of unusually neat house- dresses.
They come in several styles in stripes and checks in blue ginghams.
Some are pleated over the shoulders, with side openings, neat collar
and cuffs or sleeves trimmed with buttons, belt of same material, and; all
nicely finished.
These are always of great service and easy and comfortable to wear;
The material is of good quality gingham, in neat patterns.
We have all sues and we are quite sure you will enjoy wearing these
excellent garments.
The prices are $1.25; $1.50, $1.75
A Number of Excellent Suits $10 00
A goodly assortment of splendid tailored suits in all sizes and first
class styles. Your choice at ."T. $10.00
L.E.&H.J, Hamilton
317 First St.
' Albany