Albany Democrat VJ, XLV ALBANY. OREGON. FRIDAY FEBRUARY. 1 19T0 SO : For Ten Days Yofi can buy tbo celebrated Hartline Wash. Full Patent. Hard Wheat Flour at $1.75 per sack Fully guaranteed Murphy 225 W. 2nd. Flour and Feed. CURTIS EEAI ESTATE CO, 106 N. ELLSWORTH. Farm land and city property bought and sold, Parties having land or city property or sale will do well to list with us. Phones Bell black 53. Home main 231 GEORGE WASHINGTON never saw them. Have you seen the LincolnWashington and Valentine Post Cards at ME1SER & MEISER. For the SOI GREAT SURPRISE SALE and RUMMAGE CARNIVAL - . As you all know we are not in the piece goods, business, but our New York Buyer made a wonderful buy of ten case3, over fifty thousand yards of Ginghams, Percales, Calicos, Muslin, etc. at a price less than wholesale cost and we're going to give our customers the benefit of the big buy and sell them for less than the wholesale price in New York today. For the Famous AMOSKEAG'S UTILITY, and A . (J. ureas Ginghams all the beautiful spring patterns. 9c yd - A n 4 ' J For all ! O-Ij JU pattern that is manufactured for spring, 6 l-2c yd ft n A ForlAdria in For Amoskeog'B Apron Ginghams in every of check made. any color. color and style Double with Percales in all colors and new patterns for Spring. TM. T,-,o. flnmi'vol means a clean-up of all odds and XUC xvuiJLiiJ.iafic vcii in wi ends and every Suit, uoat, Waist, Hat, Skirt, resist buying. in fact goods from every Dep't at such prices no Dress, one can 1 The Greater Chambers & McCune's Store PROGRAM Lebanon-Albany February 15. Day JURY HAS IT. DOINGS OF THE WORLD. The Albany Boosters will meet the Lebanon delegation at the depot at 4:40 p. m., and escort them to the Commer cial Club rooms, tendering them the treeciom of the rooms ana tne city. Will assemble at the Commercial Club rooms at 7:30 p. m., the Execu tive Board of I he Commercial Club ac ting as Reception Committe, All the Commercial Club members are invited to be present. rrogram 8 p. m., Kerresnments aa interim. Presidine officer. Dr. W. H. Davis. President Albany Commercial Club. M usic by the Lebanon Peerless Band. Song by Albany Male Quartett. Address of Welcome by Mayor, J. P. Wallace, Albany. Response, by Booster Geo. A. Wag. goner, Lebanon, An Old Bong . Albany Booster Chorus, followed by Booster Yells Song, by the Lebanon Boys riign School Glee Club. Address by County Judge, J. N. Dun can, Albany. Address bv Senator. M. A. Miller Lebanon. Instrumental Music by the Lebanon Peerless Band. ' Publicicy Primer by Albany A. B. C. Class. , .Song by the Lebanon Boys High, School Glee Club. Addresses by Some "Tenderfoots. H. N. Bouley, Geo H. Orowell, Albany. E. B. Day, E. L. Clark, Lebanon. Publicity Primer Again by the Air bany A. B. 0. Class. Another Old song by the Albany Booster Chorus. Final Addresses bv Attv. C. E. Sox, Albany; Atty. N. M. Newport, Mayor A. m. Keeves, and Postmaster, w. u. Brown, of Lebanon. '. Closing Sons' bv the Albany Male Quartett. Kelresnments. conversation ana gen al mix-UD Albany Oomraerc ial Cluba members wi'l escort visitors to train in body, headed by Lebanon Peerless nana. Portland. Feb. 12 The Hermann case went to the jury at 11 a. m. The court ordered a disregard of parts of ; the Mays and Sorensons testimony. A verdict is expected this afternoon. The Hermann case is to go to the jury this evening. The HeDDner near-beer has shown -T 11 , f1"0"1 3 to 6 per cent of alcohol. 2 per Commonwealth kfH.ft-: I It will be farmers week at the 0. A. f nmtrmn. nn. , r- next week, lectures daily, and a LjII11CICi1wC. Pu'try snow with demonstrations Fri- ' day, covering a wide field of inquiry. I Homer Davennnrt. thn firHRt- ha. Eugene, Feb. 12. -At the Common wealth conference and country life held here to today President Campbell pre sided. State grange and Chairman Whistler, the country life commissioner, spoke. Other speakers Richard Mont ague, Engineer John Lewis and E. T. Allen. Subjects discussed were the terjfS1 u!w -?U"irL i!:.' f has elected R yuu..v, vl fuT . t Anderson A Cold Storm. ! New Orleans. Feb. 12. The smith is in the grip of an artic storm. Peculiar Accident POTjjAND, Feb. 12. Mrs. P. Selling, mother of Ben Selling, while heating water on the gas stove, ignited h r garments.last night,, and she was se verely burned not tatally. Assemblies. artist. moved all his things. Arabian horses. etc. to California. Peihaps he will end : up at Silverton. The Jefferson Review says the Al bany boosters would put enthusiasm into a wooden Indian, and it wants them to come again. The Harrisburg Improvement Club n.. Burton president, 1 . secretary and Geo. J. ! Wilhelm treasurer, with W. H. Dale, i R. W. Davis. C. L. Morris and W. L. i Wright as directors. ' Three business changes are reported ut Brownsville: tne sale or tne cream ery to J. D Tower, recently of Colo rado; the ial of J. W. McDonald's blacksmith s lop to Fred Olson of Wal lula. Wash.; and th 3 sale by W. E. Yates of his interest in the Kanly ; Kitchen to 0. M. Ranken. ! Monmouth Herald: T. A. Riggsvisv ited Monroe, a town some twenty miles' above Corvallis, this week. He brought , back the news that an Albany comp- any has secured a thousand acres of apple land in that vicinity 'which will be planted in trees, and that another party will plant 800 acres. We under stand that this property will be planted I ana sold in small tracts. Portland, Feb. 12. The Repub licans will hold assemblies, both county ! and state. Five have been named by the stato committee to draw up plats. cacn oi me sou precincts may sena del egate. Reddy Rupert Helped. 10,000 M. Lodge Meetings. The K. O. M. every Saturday even ing n.u. j oraan, uommanaer. The Woodmen M. Senders & Co, (INCORPORATED.) THE BEST. Lime, plaster, c'ment' roofing, paper, fire brick, pressed brick, garden and field;Beeds, hay, .grain, flour.. M. SEND3RS & Co. iBoth Phones 48. 43B West First St. Plumbing Let us estimate on your works. We guarantee first-class work at moderate cost. PLUMBING, TINNNING AND HEATING. E. FRANCIS Hand Painted China. Haviland China. Your choice of six Dinner Set Fancy Dishes ' A full line of GROCERIES You have heard for the last 14 years about Stetter's Best Coffee, none like it in Albany. Try some. Prompt Delivery. Stetters's New Store, 206 srSecond DOOLEYS GROCERY A new and extensive line of fresh, clean w. a26 Ellsworth St. Both Phones. ' i'l)AnT7TII7y 301 MAIN ST., . DEALERS. IN General Merchandise, with a new stock to be sold at reasonable prices. Prompt attention. Delivery to any part of the city. p.MPI R E THEATRE of the World every Friday evening. L. L. Swan clerk. Manzanita Circle 1st and 3rd Mondays, Anna Strom, G. N. x 1 r i n 3 ONI Crimr 'and 4th Wednesday in BussardB' Hall. Ull rULf 1 GitANT Froman, Clerk. i Royal Neighbors meev every 1st and j 3rd Wednesdays in Bussard's Hall. Norman R. Grantham, hiking on a Alice Kirk. Recorder. $5,000 wager, from New York City, to ' ; 1 Portland, Or., and return by way of New Orleans, from Aug. 22, '09 to Aug. "21, '10, arriving last evening, after a 29 mile hike from Salem during the rail, and reported at the , Democrat office. He is to enter a city j without a cent and leave the same way, ana ncuner Dcg. oorrow or bw ui. wn the way ho had been held up eighteen times, swam a' river or two, but had been well treated and had no hairbreath escapes. He averages about 31 miies a day. He is a former wireless operator, a graduate of Ann Arbor and alsoat tend ed Idaho University. Asa wiroless man he worked on the 'he Atlantic for live years, and now has sixteen months off. Among those he met on the way was Jack London the novelist, up in Butte, somewhat of an adventurer himself. Grantham had long shoes with big nails in the soles, corduroy pants, etc., though he started with nothing but a paper suit. - A raid upon gamblers in Portland rc suited in the capture of sixteen of them. , Three men made the capture, one of them being Patrolman Redely Rupert who is making good as a Portland po liceman. The men were throwing $20 at a turn, and there was $1000 up. A man who lost $14 squealed to the police. The 1 oledo. A new steel range, with . a cooking plate on top, a model modern , stove No blacking. Keeps clean. Just take a look at it. At Albany Hd. Co's. . Use Johnson's Be3t. It is the Made in Albany. Best. At' the Hotels. J. T. Jones, Portland J. E. Gentry, Springfield ' R.C.Stewart, . D, W, Collins, Portland Mike Jenny, Eugene Prof. J. Dryden, Corvallis Prof. C. O. Hargrove, Por'land H. N. Scott, Portland H. L. Stevens & wf, Portland A. J. Jones, Portland J. R. Beard, Portland E. C. Phelps, Newberg O. F. Dillman, Portland W. E. Bean, San Jose TONIGHT PICTURES. The Last Deal. (Biograph ) Bill's Boots. (Comedy.) Hush Money. (Dramatic farce.) Too Much Protection. (Comedy.) Clever Sleuth. (Comedy.) 2 - Illustrated Soogs 2 Coming Vaudeville, Monday, Feb. 14th, Mr. and Mrs. John E Trew, comediaus, singers and dancers. Admission 10 cents. Matinee every lay. 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. VAUDEVILLE U night by Miss Cubi de Schon. 1 Review of the U. S. troopi Ft.' Leavenworth, Kan. 2 In the Serpent's Power. ;:' J 3 Marriage of the Cock. 4 A Victim of Circumstances. 6 Illustrated song: Brother Noah give out checks for rain. - Admission 10c ar.d IGc. CLOSING OUT All Ladies Suits and Coats at less ' than half price. Dcn't miss this opportunity. THE PARIS CLOAK & SUIT HOUSE 223 W. First Street, - Albany, Oregon. A fine lot at our yard at this city, juat . burned. ) Phone Home 285. I Bread, Dried Fruits and .Vegetables ALBANY BRICK CO 9TH AND LY0N streets. Electric Appliance Co. I 422 W. First Phones-Bell Black 2651, Home 411. j Electrical Supplies and Fixtures. ' House and other wiring attended to promptly. Contracts made. Palmer's Dairy ; 1HE GuLDLN 'RULE. I Delivers milk and cream to any part of ; the city. Prices reasonahle. Jersey! cows with best of care. Both Phones, i J. G. Crawford's Photograph Gallery j Is in the New Albany State Bank Bui'd- i ing, second floo. with a complete equipment for picture taking of all kinds. ! - . ta Snn S; a o 0 c o n sr "I B. n c S..9 ;I n FOR SALE. Six ' roomed house, one lot, good barn, price reasona le, in quire 731 E. 8th street. Phone Red 322. . . i WM. BAIN, President. - H, f. d.;gilbert, y. p. N. BOUL'JY, Cashier. O D.B.ADAMS, VACUUM CARPET SWEEPElt Agent for the ONWARD SLIDING 6 HOE. VIERECK'S BATHS V.t Vest First St. FIRST CLAS3 WORK GUARANTEED tR. B. Mayberry, Dray man i Heavy and light hanling. ' Piano moving a specialty, Piano and organs boxed for shipping Piano boxes for ' sale. Wood for sale, cord wood or 1G inch wood. i Office with Li.m & Benton Real Es- ! tate Co . 236 West 1st. j Residence 713 Montgomery St." Both Phones. I ; HOARSE COUGHS, STUFFY i ! COLDS. Pain in chest and sore lungs, are symptoms thnt quickly develop into a dangerous illness if the cold is not erred. Foley's Honey and Tar stops ti c cnuyii, liens anu eases the con p.rsicd arts, and brings quick relief. Wooownrtli tDrug Co. F.G. Will ior watches FURNITURE ; - AT COST- j CLOSING OUT j SALE Everything Must Go ! O. if. PERRY, 310 W. 2nd St. . i Home leak: Short orders, including Meats, Salads, VegetHlili'f , Pies, Oysters in all styles, Hot Tunialics, Sandwiches, Cakes, etc., nieals end lunches, neat nn l dean. ; Confectionaiies and soft drinks at ALBANY STATE BANK Everybody does some banking business, but many do not understand all th e benefits 1 hey receive from their association with a bank. You cannot Jo business with a good bank -without receiving some ben efits. Try it and this fact will be demon strated to yon. Have you tried our WINTER COFFEE? If not, why net ? 25c coffee in town. It is the best Give us it a. 128 Bro dUbi . Street. STAR BAKERY, C. MEYER, Proprietor