New Seasonable Goods That you need now, sewing. '. forj your spring A big assortment of A. F. C. Ginghams in prettier patterns than ever at 1212 yd Cotton challies fcr comfnits, new fresh goods at only 5c yd Reddisdde cotton, 72x84 inches, all ready to put in your comfort at .85c roll Flood'sStore Agents for Stanard Patterns, AN OREGON OPPORTUNITY SAFE INVESTMENT IN A HOME '.COMPANY For a Short Time Only a Limited Amount of the Preferred Stock of the LINN HAVEN ORCHARD COMPANY Is offered for Bale. Each cetificate is secured by trust deed on the Company's property and in addition an equal amount of the common jstocK is given. OREGON TITLE & TRUST COMPANY ALBANY - - - OKEGON The Democrat. Tie Daily Delivered, 10 cents a veik; in advance for one year, 4.0?. iy mail, in advance for one year S3, at m I of year JH.60. The Weekly Advance per year $1.25. U end of year $1.50. Alter 3 years at A GREAT MINE Another Rich Strike Reported. MISFITS. Plenty of electric roads for Albany this year on paper. Here's to all the towns around, they grow and prosper. May These motor cars are great affairs, and they don't take expensive dynamos. j The Harrisburg bulletin says it Is no wonder Albany grows with such a hunch of boosters as visited that city recently. A report of a second rich strike in the Mexican mines owned by Linn coun ty people comes through, the Guana juato Gazette of the 29th, which says: "During the week the work in the La Bonita, which is in charge of E. G. De Witt contractor, and Charles Cummings general manager of the Mexican Mines, Ltd., ran into ore assaying 25 grams gold and 1,525 kilos silver to the ton. It is reported there is quite a large tonage of this in sight. Dr. J L. Hill, of Albany, Or., presi dent of the Mexican Mines Company, is expected in town today. Tne board of directors met in Albany January 15 and Dr. Hill left immediately for Mex ico." Dr. Hill has not yet started for Mex ico, though urgently asked to no at as early a date as possible. Business in terests here have required his attention and an epidemic of la gripp in Mexico i iufr to put in 55 blocks. made it inadvisable for the doctor to go . miles. Albany should earner, ine great. airiKe just maue will call the president and one or more ! of the directors to be on the ground j within two or three weeks to make j arrangements for the disposition of the ore taken oat. j Dr. Hill has received a private letter i from a mining exoerc whom he sent to ' inspect and report on the condition of In a recent basket ball game at Dufur two of the young ladies had broken ringers, but their hearts re mained intact. When a town gets an electric road it goes to shouting. After awhile it goet. to growling because everything else isn't done at once. The high price of meat has reminded an exchange of the old saw: "Hey, didle didle, the cat and the fiddle, the cow jumped over the moon." Albany must keep going ahead. We need more pavement. Corvallis is bo- Medtorcl ten at least pave Ellsworth, Bradalbin and Ferry to Ninth. Use Common Sense When Making an Investment Some reasons why the people of Al bany and Linn County should invest their money in the Linnhaven Orchard Company. tSSfh j;m& ft WlMl DB the mine. Tne expert writes "Your mine is developing to be worth millions. It is one among the greatest in this camp." TOMORROW'S DOINGS. When Evangelist Johnson left Al bany about eight monthB ago a large crowd promised to pray for him daily. and he is nrobablv tellingr elsewhere ' back in the middle east how Albany Seople are doing so. He did that when ' ere about others. Wonder how many i haye ever done so at all to say nothing ; about daily. In this world with its I many chances it doesn't take long to forget all about men. PERSONAL j AND SOCIAL! LINNHAVEN is a aafT and profitable investment. Each five hundred dol ' lars invested in this Company Is secured by twenty acres of land under Trust Deed free from all incumbrances. LINNHAVEN is located in the best fruit belt in Linn County. LINNHAVEN: All the land of the Linnhaven Orchard Company was se lected by Professor E. R. Lake, recently Prof, of Botany of the Ore gon Agricultural College. LINNHAVEN has the proper altitude for fruit culture and is where the Red Apples grow. LINNHAVEN is under home control, the following being its officers: Dr. W. H. Davis, Pres.; Professor E. R. Lake, Vice-Pres.; Owen Beam, Sec; A. C. Schmidt, Treas.; and a board of directors, as follows: W. H. Davis, E. R. Lake", Worth Huston, Owen Beam, F. J. Fletcher, E. B. Horn, C. W. Tebault. LINNHAVEN will secure yotf by Real Estate that is free from incum brances, and pay you 5 pCr cent interest, and give you profit sharing stock. LINNHAVEN will sell fruit orchard tracts in five to twenty acres on the installment plan. JJNNHAVEN will do more to build up this County than anything yet of fered in safe and conservative lines. The Linnhaven Orchard' Co. invites you to investigate their proposition and each officer will be glad to explain further the details and the Com pany's Attorneys, Messrs. Hewitt & Sox, will also be glad to give any in formation in reference to the legal phase of the security offered. LINNHAVEN ORCHARD CO. Will Stark Building, Opposite P. 0, General (fo Electric Tungster t Lamps Ralston Electric Supply Comp Evanzilical church, cor, E. 1st and Pine Sis., Rev. H. R. Geil, Pastor. L. M. Curl went to Eugene this after-: Preaching at. 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. noon to help the Knights of Korassan..! Mrs. A. D. Barker went to Tangent: this afternoon to spend Sunday with i friends. I L. H. Fish took ceveral men to Lin- j coin comity ths afternoon to view! some land. j Miss Sehuebel, a popular college stu : dent, retorned to Poi tland this after-! soon, and will not be in school again. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. French went to' Portland this afternoon to spend Sun day with their daughter Mrs. Williams, and her daughter. Mrs. Compton and Mrs. Alexander, of near Independence, retorned home thin afternoon after a visit at the home of their mother Mrs. McElmurry. Miss Zona Haight last night enter-' tained a crowd of friends in honor of her chum, Miss Vera Woodworth, soon to become Mrs. Stevens. The week has been a live one-for Miss Vera, whose' friends have been energetic in their remembrance of the happy event to occur next week. 506 West any Siond Stree WE have restate Deposits, nor do wo accept any de posit where special security has t( be pledged. This means that we have no preferred creditors and that your deposit hns tho same security that all have. Wo have invested assets worth ran than $100,000 00 and this would have to bo dis sipated bofuro depositors could loso a cent. It is not being dissipated, it is gruwing. J. W. CUSICK & CO. BANKERS. Established 1892. m Morninsr subject: "Laborine for Rest." I Evening theme: "Choosincr a Master. or Whom Will You Serve?" Sabbath school at 10:00 a. m. Special services i every evening next week. "Come, let i ns gn into the House of tho Lord." Grace Presbyterian church. Preach1-: ingatll:00a. m. by the pastor. A united meeting of the three Endeavor' Societies of the church at 7:31 p. m. with a program and an address hy E. L. Jones. S. S. 10 a. m. "First Methodist church, cor. 3rd and Ellsworth. The subject Sunday at 10:30 will be: "In the Valley of Decision," after which there will be a reception of members. At 7:30 Rev. C. M. Bryan, will occupy the pulpit Midweek ser vice Thursday 7:30 Topic: Theproblem of Saving the Cities. The increased attendance of lace is much anpreciatedi Visitors welcome. Christian church. Albyn Esson, Min ister. Bible school assembles at 10:30' a. m. Sermon at 11:20: Subject, "Your Relat'ons." Christian Endeavor 6:30' p. m. Evening sermon, 7:30 Subject, "That Old Serpent, the Devil." Special', music morning and evening, H. A. ' Nelson, preceptor. Miss Markley, or- i ganist. Everybody welcome. j Fii st Presbyterian church. Rev. F. H. Geselbracht, Minister. Morning in.Qn- -u. o I,: Una itive and Modern Miss Smith will sing I a solo. Vesper service 5:00. Theme: ; I Our Faith in Souteern France: The : Church of the Desert. Albeit Gilette, : I the boy soprano of Eueene, will sinir '. two solos. Other musical numbers. , j Sabbath school 11:45; Junior Endeavor , 1 3:00. The Chnstion Endeavor Society. win unite urace cnurco soe'ety in a special young people s service, ine public is cordially welcomed. United Presbyterian. "A Broken Vase" will be the subject of the morn ing sermon, at 10:30. At 730 p. m. the subject will be: "Sentinels ot the Soul." Baptist church. Regular services at the usual hours In the absence of the pastor the uulpit will be rilled by Rev. A. C. jfiiSor, preaching at 11 a. m. and 7?;0 p. m. S. S at 10:15 a. m., B. Y. P. U. 6:30 p. m All are invited. Albany Abstract Company, L. M. Curl, Manager. Hereafter the records in the office of the Recorder of Conveyances for Linn County, will be abstracted daily, by an expert title examiner employed by our company. In this manner we-will be able to keep our records up to the last minute of each previous day, thereby affording better service to the public than anv one has heretofore been ahle i-o give. ' It is our intention to maintain the standard of excellence gained by thorough and conscientious work in the past The very best and latest system of abstracting of titles will be permanently and continu ously carried forward regardless of the expenditure of money in main taining our well established reputation as progressive and reliable ab stracters.. We assume that every one. realizes the necessity of having, an abstract of title prepared for the property which is about to be pur chased; we solicit your patronage and assure you that we can give you the very best work that is possible with little delay and at a moderate Jiving price. It will be to your advantage to see us before ordering. An unlimited amount of money to loan at six per cent per annum on seal estate security. Both telephones in the office. Call in and see us oir write. AJ bany Abstract AJb-ny, Company, Oregun A High-Class Reader. Albany people will be given one of its greatest dramatic treats next Monday evening, when Harriett K. Labadie, of Philadelphia, Penn.. appeals in a recital at the M. E. church, sri-vine a reauine ftom the Servant) and the House. She FIRST NATIONAL Albany; Oregon. OLD AND RELIABLE. For Ifiirty-nin years this Bank has been con ducting: a conservative business. It has had a healthy,, steady growth during these years and on the.' basis o this record invites your account confident! o its ability to serve you. advantage- B A NK is a readerot remarkable r.aient, usually -r, confining her readings io the larger I A3 O ne Million Dollars, cities. Alnany i the- onry place she I will stop- at between' California and 1 Pbrtland. Here i9 a sampfe nwspaper notice. ; Mrs. Labaflie had come -stronglv en-1 dorscd by the metropolitan press, and j all who were conversant wir.h her credential naturally anticipated a j reading of exceptional excellence, i Tet she bettered even such expecta-1 tions, uniting with the msaterly tech nique of the cultured artist, that I sustained dramatic fire and fervor ! whi-.h are rarer still; and proving her j self an adept in th pantomime as well p as the elocutionary possibilities of the ) drama. SAVING A REGULAR AMOUNT persistently will determine your future success-and comforts. You: will never regret the nioney you save. After you have started you will regret that you diif not open an account sooner. Interest Paid on Savings Accounts. FIRST SAVINGS BANK The Taming ot the Shrew. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY THE LINN & BENTON REAL ESTATE CO LET US PRESENT YOU with a bath room plan you can have executed by New Year if you act quickly. Nothing very expensive bout it, vet it includes everything ".'f'flii'o QaKfal.Pontln P.iJnClliCQ necessary for a handsome and sanitary MUUH w UUIIIUI I uuuiu uu juu:ub ,., 10om. Our plumbing work The Toledo. A new steel range, with a cooking plate on top, a model modern . stove No blacking. Keeps clean. Just take look at it. At Albaay Htl. Co s. If you ar going to travel get the American Bankers Association Trav- llers checcmo.insmoo. S20.00or $50.00 denominations, payable at ten thousand banks, or i,t any noael or railroad omce or sale by J. W. Cusiek & Bankers. ,f2'V A POSITIVE CURE included in the fc: F,ln.,,.ll.,n.,ri:.t.rrhc.! ehargCS as a ji MEDlN & STUART. cost, with no extra kcr. Think it over, - 11 Mi ltlmtilnrnml lMm.ini'd KM- m-yn. MO vlURE NO FAY. lurt'H ' innkly ihm umiii'iitly tht and JlM't, no matter of how iiurmWu. Sold by druifilrti rrteo ii.w, or pjt nmii, iwi ptd, l.'JO, 3 boxtw. i-y THE SANTAL-PEPSIK C. Btllelxnulni, Ohio. Fnr'nale hv'Bnrkh-r' Iw ti The Albany Butter & Produce Co. are paying 40 cents per pound f. o. b. Albany, tor mit'cr rac, or ac on tne wagon, ti you nave cream to sell can both phones 4tf. .BROCK & ANDERSON, OPPOSITE THE P. O. Four c'viirs. Prompt an Klfioient ' Care of tie face ami hair. B. CRAFT, 242 West Second St., Albany First-c'asi m its ' all kinds from 1 st v. 0LMS & GlEYl.U? Real Estate and Insurance Buy and sell realty. Insure pror erty and transact loans. Large or smitll timber tracts. J. M. RALSTOK INiURANCE, LOANS AM COLLATIONS. have monev t loan in smnll an. large amounts. Notes anil mortgage bought. 1 will bond ymi. rropori nndlod f;:r inn-resi.lents HEMY BRODEftS, reil-T in choico meals of all '.in is d : A i'.' rif 1 ilum . .it for lint. phvMie GJ tn Painter, i22 Kerry St the (..eve and Unlscmt ic lied SOfJ No comedy, new or old has evoked more laughter than 'The Taming of tlie Shrew which unarics c naniora with a selected company including Miss'T. , Marie Drofnah, -will present at Albany ; W IlV l)UV VWnrlnnarlnv Foil 1 fi Mr. Hlinford ! J hae- presented this comedy so many i times and with such success that he can come nearer calling it his own than any j other modern actor. The character of j Petruchio is one of which he is distinct- iwlv arbmted and Miss Drofnah isi scarcely less notably equipped for th- L C f TU nlni... pel loriiuiiice ui ivuliiiiuc ine v? Eave a eood list of FARM AND CITY property and take Dleasura ing you any place you wish to see. No trouble to us. No expense to you. Before buying see us. See it all. Take your choice. Get the best Office 236West First St Groceries of Portland Houses when you can get the following prices at A. STARK, M. D , PHYSICIAN AND SliEGEON vViLL & STARK BLOCK, ALBANY will have the benelit of a company extraordinary strength. EASTBURN'S Keep your i Clothes clean and pressed. THE CLEANER, C. E. SHELLEY. Prop. t.O W 1st St. Bell Phone black 27H Home pnotie I'Jb FOR EX"VAT1NR, Lawn graoini-, lot cle.nrinL', grsvel on I sand hauling Phone Bell Ked 2502. WANTED Van with hie hoys to clear land r; n have garden, cow, chickens an! teun. If ati? factory can have job long time. H. Bryant. SHINGLES. , SR.. MARY MARSHALL, I Osteopathic Physxian i Axeny Stats Bank Building bell Black 432. Home 275. 14 lbs fJranulatad Sugar $1.00 lfi lbs Cream Rolled Oats... 1.00 U lbs Head Rice LOO 14 lbs Japan Rice 1.00 Made in Albany my No 1 Edg Grain 16 lbs Broken Head Ric 1.00 s the BEST in the market. Various 1 12 Ids White Beans 1.00 crades and prices from SI. 25 upwards. ! 32 )bs Lima Beans 1.0ft Every bunch branded with my name, j . Raisinna , M T ..M.- for it Rvnm n. thB sh no- 9 ' 0Z PKS KaiSinnS. l.W before buying elsewhere. E. A. THOMPSON. We us no dry kilm. DENTIST Crawiord Block Albany G.E.METZGUS & SON, Sanitary Plumbers and Shfci Mcial U'orRcrs. Oar natrons are assured of strictly fust ciass work, prompt service and rea.ornble prices. Kave trough, cor.ii'li'tnr.-, roofinsr snn central jobbi:.g. Spe iflvutions furn shed. EstirrMe' chferfal'y given. Trv U5. 01 E 1'irst St. Both I'r.ono Get our prices befcxe you buy. VV. A. EASTBURN The Grocer. ..Ar- DR. W. S. BILYEU, WILL & STARK BLOCK. ALBANY II. t. UtftT, DENTIST e Crest Rooms 6 nd 8, Brenner Block. Bell Black 24fj. . Tamaliea. Tamalies. Try one ot our boneless chicken tam alies. None butler in the city. Ovsters served any stylo, a:fo li. unoiu-s. Bs-h Phones. 316 West 2nd : Cement Work , bstimatcs given nn Plisterin?. SiJ walk and Cement Work. J. F. T RAVER, 4tb & Calapooia Sc..