Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, February 11, 1910, Page 7, Image 7

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    A Few
Splendid Values
that are Money Savers
The widely known Putman brand.
Welt Sewed heavy work shoes in
either tan or black, blucher style
soft, pliable leather. Diamond fast
color eyelets. Everything that goes
to make up a first class shoe.
Regular $4.50 value, special
price per pair .
The new land models in ladies'
sweaters. Very pretty weaves, col
ors white, gray and cardinal.
$10.00 values $8.00
$8.00 values .... 7.00
$7.00 values 6.00
Children's sweaters, $1.00 val
ues 65c
Boys sweaters, $1.75 values $1.15
Men's sweaters, a fine quality
at the original price, $2.50
values, at each $2.00
Just Received
A fresh line of Folger's Golden
Gate coffees, 2 pound tins for 80c
per can.
Folger's amber blend at 25c lb.
A special blend at 20c lb.
Folger's-Teas in cans at 25 and 50c
Bulk tea, Spider leg 50c lb.
Gun powder 65c lb.
We have an excellent variety of
Quaker goods. Quaker corn flakes,
oats and wheats.
E C. Roberts and W. F. Hammer
left on a business trip to Salem, not
divulging the importance of their mis
sion to the capitul city.
Mrs. Labadie. the accomplished read
er, returned from a trip to Corvallis.
Mrs. A. a. miusap came down Irom
Mrs. S. P. Bach, of Lebanon, went
to Portland.
L. A. Cruikshank. a DODUlar furni
ture drummer returned from Lebanon
and went up the C. & E.
Mrs. &va Patterson of the Hamilton
store, went to Salem. i
Maurice Winter returned from a
cruise south.
Prof. Crow, of the Berlin schools.
arrived on a short trip.
A 4th of July Fly.
ilr. and Mrs. F. M. French returned
last evening from a Portland visit.
While there Mr. French, who is presi
dent of the State Jeweler's Association
attended a meeting of the executive
board. E. J. Arnold, the well-known
show man. has secured the famous Cur
tis aeroplane, bought by Mr. Wimmer,
of Portland, for a show purpose, and
made nr. r rencn tne promise to Dring
it to Albany on the 4th of July, with a
competent manipulator Ur a fly. Ar
nold is going to give ae.-sa'rs exhibi
tions through the state : us s.-mmer.
We Try to Please Our Customers.
THAT Is why we sell strictly high grade unadulterated
drugs. , '
THAT is why our prices are'so reasonable, and
THAT is why we are careful, and accurate in filling
In all kinds of Jewelry,
Watches, Cut Glass and
ill! Bli, fc
A full line of choice nursery stock.
Order now for Spring delivery.
Phne Red 87 1. Office 31? W. Second;St.
. F. PEIRCE. Manager.
Are you looking for Real Estate in
tne country or in the cityf It so, call
and see me as I have bargains which
I know will suit you and can save you
Good 7-room cottage, bath, nice lot
situated in West Albany. Price, saw.
Large house and one lot, situated on
1 hird street, close in. Price, $iUU.
Good buy in vacant lot, best loca
tion in Albany. -Have
several cheap buys in East Al
bany. 1 have good farms improved,
situated from four to seven miles out
from Albany, for $50.00 and $60.00 per
acre. Call on J. V. PIPE, 203 West
znd btreet, Albany.
Walter Parker
First class goods in their season.
Phone Main 58
Albany Supply
In fruits, vegetables, sugar, nuts.
confectionary, wrapping paper, twine
ana paper Dags.
Cash paid for all kinds of poultry.
We also have the agency for Pyramid
uuu uuiueu uuitt Yemeni, uiyuipic lime,
Arden plaster. Get prices before buy
ing. Cash paid for eggs.
Foot Ferry Street, Albany.
Phones, Mi in 5 Bell, 8 Home.
Iffl. J. J. MURRAY,
Registered Veterinary Surgeon
and Dentist.
Graduate American Veterinary Col
lege of New York City, 1881.
At Albany Livery btables, 2nd
Ellsworth. Botli phones.
Light, Power and Heat.
Willamette Valley Co.
R. F. WIch, Manager.
Idle Hour 'Restaurant,
Cor. Broadalbin and Secondt Sts.
Under new management.
Best 20 cent meals in the city.
Wood Yard.
A'l kinds of wood, old fir, maple, dry
slab and mill end trimmings, saweu
ready for shed. Phone Home Black 25 6
Office with J. A. bowarri
1-3 Brenner Block, Albany.
Phones: Olf.ce Home 359, Bell black
2751, Residence 394 Home. black EG3 Bel
News from
Albany's Six
The Tuerday Z.i.
The Tuesday Club met yesterday af
ternoon with Mrs. George Taylor, hav
ing a delightful session. An odd guess
ing contest was that of naming the
states from their abbreviations For
instances: the maiden state is Miss..
the most egotistical Me , the numeral
state Ten., the most religious Mass.,
the one needed m time ot a flood Ark..
not a state for the untidy WuBb., the
state to make you well Md., Btate of
astonishment 0., the daddy ot ihem ail
Pa., etc. The refreshments, limited by
the rules to two things, were tasty.
Lebanon Coming.
Next Tuesday will be Lebanon day in
Albany. It isproposed to bring down
a crowd of about a hundred, headed by
the Lebanon Peerless Band and the
Glee Club with booster songs. They
will show Albany that Lebanon iB up
witn tne timeB. ine commercial ujud
will give them a reception i.i the dub
rooms at 8 o'clock.
PresentPresident Davis, Manager
Struble, Secretary Van Winkle, Treas
urer Bain, and Directors Hewitt, Bow
ersox, Rawlings, Cameron, Stewart,
Veal, Dawson, Burggruff, Ellis and
. The officers of the club were directed
as far as possible to correct the false
report circulated about Albany's finan
cial condition.
Bourne's homestead bill was filed.
Some one declared it was a scheme that
should he killed. (
A letter from Frank Doussang, a
hotel man of Chicago, was re&u in
which he offered to take charge of and
furnishfa modern hotel in Albany. 1
The Walla Walla commercial club '
asked action against the Lefean fruit
box bill, and a protest was ordered sent
our congressmen. !
It was reported tnal nlty to seventy
five Lebanon men would be in Albany
to meet with the club on next Tuesday
night, and the members were asked to
be at 4:40 train. Messrs. Hewitt, Raw-1
lings and Struble were appointed a
committee ot arrangements.
The Brownsville railroad regulation
meeting and Albany's action was re
ported. '
The committee reported letters sent
our delegation in congress urging the
acceptance ot the Northern racincland
survey before the first of March.
Debris on the depot grounds, garbage
and city limits were discussed.
W. Metcham, of the Albany Butter
and Produce Co. presented the matter
of a consolidation of the butter makers
of Albany in the interest of more busi
ness here. $200,000 a yar going out of
the county that should come here.
Stewart, Hewitt and Schmitt were ap
pointed a committee to confer with the
By request of Kit Carson of the S. P.
Frederick W. Prince will present some
California views, under the auspices of
the Club, on Monday the 21st, a free
a fire limit for Lyon street was sug
gested, ati it was considered a matter
for the council to settle.
Albany people hardly appreciate that
there iB being gradually developed
here a furniture factory that promises ,
to be one of the largest institutions in
the valley. They should go out and see
what is being done at the Union Furni
ture factory, and keep in touch with
our home institutions. About twenty
men are kept busy meeting the demand,
and all kinds of furniture is made in',
wholesale lots, two hundred dressers,,
three hundred kitchen cabinets, at a.
time, fourteen different styles of the
former and a number of the latter, par
lor stands, tables, office desks, in fact
everything in the market, in modern
The company has been adding new
machinery, and is now building tne best
dry kiln in this part of the valley, one
with a capacity of 6,000 feet daily. The
Sandstrom Brothers know their busi
ness and are proving a splendid acquisi
tion to Albany's commercial interests.-
oi i : i e Pavement,
Pete Ruetner,the accomplished house
mover, this morning began moving the
old house ou North Ellsworth street.
and to do so drove a spike in the new
pavement. The councumen neara oi
it, and there was something doing in a
live manner, nut tne note was maae,
and it will be difficult to get damages
for it, as it was not malicious.
Application Paul C. L'Amoreoux
ot Ubicago lor is tracts, witn ,
power of attorney from Albert
E. Barkman and eighteen others
Alford E. Jones to Dowd B.
Eshelman 80 acres $ 10'
aged 21, born in Mo., and Vera Wood
worth, 18, born in Or.
Probate: In estate of I. Meeker per
sonal property ordered sold.
A Proposed BricK,
W. F. Pfeiffer is contemplating the
erection of a two story brick on bis
second street property. Pe has 47 feet
enough for two stote rooms, for which
he .already has one renter. When
another !b secured for (he other he will
begin building. With the post office
opposite there won't be any trouble
about the other. Go ahead'.
It is the Best
Dine at Nichols Bakery
227 West First Street.
Everything right before your very
Buy what you wiBh for dinner and sit
down to a lunch table and eat till your
hearts content. ;
Dairy lunch stvle.
Ham Clam Bouillon,
Hot Malted Clams,
Tomato Vectar,
Cream Tomato Bouillon.
Hot Chocolate Egg,
Hot Malted Milk.
Use Johnson's Best.
Made in Albany.
Fresh oysters at Pfelr's, 229 W,
2nd St.
Do it Now I
Buy your Spring supply of
All varieties in Packages and Bulk..
The Big Hardware
The Hulbert-Ohling Hardware Co.
Our spring line will be shown early.
Owing to the fact that,'with our winter
clothing sold down so closely during it's
season, we have ordered our, Spring Suits
to be shipped Early.- Many are now on the
way, and we will be tne first to show this
Springs fashions.
As usual we will be the leaders. Keep
your eyp on our Store. Calf for the new
things in proper season. Then you will
know when you are right.
We neverjdisappoint.
The Blain Clothing Co.
Alb in y - - Oregon