Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, February 11, 1910, Page 4, Image 4

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There is a good deal of interest
these days in the affairs of San Fran
cisco, which has a new mayor. It is
already demonstrated that he is to play
entirely into the hands of the fast men,
putting saloon keepers and others of
their class into the important ofiiccs.
Now, honest Injun, what kind of a
government do you think the Golden
Gate city will have?
Another society woman back cast
has been granted a divorce, after the
papers had been filled with stuff about
the family troubles of the millionaires
for weeks. It is nauseating ana weari
some, but it is a part of modern journ
alism, which simply caters to the de
mands of the public.
A man over seventy years of age
this week started on a walk from Los
Angeles to New York, a distance of
over three thousand miles. It stag
gers one. Few young men of twenty
or thirty would want to attempt it,
but it is nothing for Edward Payson
Weston, a man who has lived an ab
stemious life, taking care of himself.
Because the Democrat as a news
paper stands for temperance, good
morals, law and order, ana righteous-
ncss, under its present management,
the editor is accused of being self
righteous. The Democrat never even
uses the word wc, but universally
speaks as an institution. The editor
personally never has made a claim
for himself in any shape; but as a
newspaper the Democrat will speak
out plainly along certain lines, and
certainly has the same right to butt
into affairs in the interest of the bet
terment of mankind that the Oregon
ian or Salem Journal have in the in
terest of the saloon and infidelity.
The depth to which some men sink
is astonishing. In the big cities a
regular traffic is being conducted in
the securing of young girls for im
moral purposes, vampire agents, with
souls so small it would take a thou
sand years for them to reach the side
of a thimble from the center, leading
the girls through all manner ot
schemes away from the paths of vir
tue. There needs to be an uprising
among the decent people of the
In Paris men have been found so
low as to loot the bodies and homes
of the victims of the flood, taking ad
vantage of misfortune to make a few
In every city, big and small, there
are exhibitions in different forms of
human depravity, calling for an em
phatic sentiment upon the subject.
, Men do well to ally themselves
upon the side of law and order, for
the protection of manhood and worn
anhood. anc 'or the punishment of
An exchange gives an account of
hugging socials which arc being or
ganized in that vicinity. The meet
ing of the first one netted $58.00. It
says old farmers for miles around
joined and are active members. The
schedule of rates are: Girls under
sixteen years, fifteen cents for a hog
of two minutes or ten cents tor a
short squeeze. Girls from sixteen to
twenty years of age, fifty cents. Girls
from twenty to twenty-five years scv-
enty-hve cents, bchoolma ams lorty
cents. Another man's wife, S1.00.
Widows according to looks, from $3.00
to $1U.UI). Uld maids three cents or
two for a nickel and no limit to time.
Preachers not charged. Editors pay
ill advertising but arc not allowed to
participate until everybody else is
News from Albany's Six
Mark Hulbert, of the Btato bonrd of
agriculture went to Salem to attend the
annual meeting of the board, when
oiliccrs will be elected. President Mat
lock having retired from tho bonrd and
Vice President Windom having died it
menus somo new mon. lhereiBlilBO a
live fight on for tho secretaryship held
by Mr, Welch, a very eincieii: man.
John Cntlin left for Snlem with n
warrant in his pocket for Fred Hnrd-
man, wanted hero tor stealing, lorgmg
and numerous other offonses. Hardniiin
is today completing a thirty days sen
tenco for stealing a bicycle from i
Snlem man.
J. W. Sherwood, state commander of
the Knights of Maccabees, lett lor
Portland, after a visit with the Albany
Mr. Fred Ross, of Wasco, left for
homo, accompanied by his sister, Mrs
Mansfiold, after a visit hero of several
days. He reported a wet winter at
yyiiscu, rum uisiuaii ui nuw tins yuur.
C. H. Ralston enmo down trom Leba
non. Prof. Hargrove returned from Leba
non, where he has a good class, giving
a recital this week.
J. O. Leo left for Portland on a shor
Carroll H. Cusluniin, of the college
went to "ortlnnd.
J. E. IScrwick and son, of Portland,
returned homo after n quick Albany
trip. Mr. Berwick for nine yearB has
been on the O. K. & N., now run
ning on the fast passenger between
Portland and Umatilla.
Cass Scott cume down from Tangent.
FOR SALE 1 midsize cook stove,
parlor heating stovo. 11 . Bums, 322
4th St.
GLASS. All sizes nnd kindr. for Rale
at the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper
than aywhere i-lse in Albany. Skill
ly set. if desired.
PLANTS FOIl SALE. viooseb'rrics.
red nnd white Currant. Knubarb.
Red and Yellow Knspbcrries, Iceberg
Blackberries, Loanberne-i. Dew
berries, Phenomenal, Hecluo Plants
and Sage. lVKit C. Dt'KD.M.L.
Albany. Or., It. F. D No. 5, Homo
Phone 7102. itit
Doings 'n and Around It.
Hot tamalies at the Vienna Bakery
Choice lunches at the Vienna Bakery.
Columbia river smelt righ alone at
the Metropolitan Market, Broadblin St.
Highest market price for chickens
turkeys, geese and ducks at F. H
Pfeiffer's, Second street.
L. H. Fletcher has Bold his farm near
Lebanon to a new comer for ?12,000.
It consists of 152X acres.
Tuesday is registration day at the
college for the second semester for all
old and new students.
The census enumerator examination
was in progress at the central school
buildinst this afternoon with a crowd on
Albert Gillette, the popular boy sing
er of Eugene, will sing at the vesper
services at the Presbyterian church to
morrow afternoon.
The old champion high school team
went to Junction this ofternoon to play
the girls of that city tonight. As they
have practiced only three times, they
were a little dubious about the result.
A. Welch says he is about to proceed
with the Salem-Eugene electric line.
Will there be two electric lines between
Albanv'and Salem this vear. Let them
come. This valley has the resources
tor being electrified.
A year ago a man came to Albany
from the east. A knocker tried to get
him to return. He stayed, and has
been busy over since, a pleased man
The past week nine different people ar
rived here from bis former home.
That's boosting.
Some holes have been shut m the
cables of the Horau Telephone Co . i y
boys with 22 calibre guns, causing some
trouble, the holes letting water into the
cables. Then the lineman have to
make a long hunt to find the: trouble.
Boys ought to be above such smallness.
Death of Mrs. Dutton.
Mrs. Jennie A Dutton died last even
ing, at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
L. Yoder, at 1239 Oak street and Salem
Road, at the acre of 76 vears. Her home
is at Sunnvsede. Wash., where her re
mains will be taken for burial. She
was here on a visit with hor daughter.
Old age is given as the cause of her
death. She is highly spoken of as a
wife, mother and citizen.
smoke at the Motter-Wheeler depart-
ment store this morning just as the
clerks were arriving to open up a large
"avnincmn cil " Th. fie ruHrlrlir
.aHu,,o.u ji
gutted the building, except one bank
ot sneivcs, ana water completed me
damage, lonight 4U employes are out
of work. While the fire department
was suppressing the flames a number
of the clerks stood amid the wreckage
weepmg. yie insurance 0 , .
is estimated at $82,000 and messages I
have been sent for agents to come and
adjust the loss. Tomorrow morning
men will separate the damaged goods.
"I have been here 27 years," said.
Manager W. r. Hooper, and this is
my first fire. I have seen many fires
but this is the worst I have ever saw. '
One thine that has heen irrat fv no- is
the kindness of my competitors.'
The fire started from an oil stove
in the "ad" department in a balcony
over the main iloor, and successive i
vfilnsiniic nf irm nrl o-iviMi n til '
cause of the spread.
and Clark's seedling from young
plants. $2.50 per.M. J.G.Gibson,
Home Phone 4054. I State of Oregon, County of Linn ss. 1 Tl .
FOR SALE. Young teair, well I, E. D. Cusick, Cashier of the above I " is said that Jonathan Bourne owns
matched, weight between 1100 or named bank, do solemnly swear that the j an intesest in a number of Oregon pa
1200 each. Price reasonable. Zinn above statement is true to the best of ' pers. A story is told about how a new
& Calloway. Home Phone 65, Black my knowledge and belief. man on one of the papers not knowing
231 Bell. I E. D. CUSICK, Cashier. ' about affairs whacked it to Jonathan
FOR SALE. New six room house, I Subscribed and sworn to before me good and hard, followed by a pointer at
water in house, large wood shed, lot
55 bj 110, Bryant's addition, near
Salem road. Price and terms call
upon owner, E. w. Smallcy, Phone
1330 Homo.
No 31
at Albany, in the State of Oregon, at
tho close of business Jan. 31, 1910.
Loans and discounts $188,503.73
Bonds, securities, etc 16,319.51
Banking house, furniture, and
fixtures 1,918.75
Due from approved reservo
banks 20,486 44
Checks and othercashitems. 72.50
Cash on hand 9,573.52
Total J236.874.45
Capital stock paid in 30,000.00
Undivided profit, less ex
penses and taxes paid 1,075 73
Individual deposits subject
to check 9.4S1.41
Demand certificates of de
posit.. 50.62
Time certificates of deposit. . 103.697.10
Savinirs deposits 92,566 59
Total ., $ 236,874.45
State ok Orkgon.I ,
County ok Linn )
I. O. A. Aui'liniALD, Cashier of the
above named bank, ro so'.eirnly swear
that the above statement is true to the
best of my knowledge and belief.
O. A. ARCHIBALD, Cashier.
Subscribed end swin to before me
this 3rd dav of Feb. 1910.
H. F. MEKIMLL Notary Public.
Correct Attest:
Alued C.Sohmitt 1
P. A. Goodwin, ! Directors.
J. p . Wallace )
Deeds recorded:
John L. Bovle to Jas. T. Douglas
30 acres ? law
U. S to Alvin C. Baker 160 acres
Mortgage for
$1200. Satisfactions
$562 and $2100.
The County Court is in session.
The matter of damages in the True-
love road case was considered.
Usual bills allowed.
In estate of W. F. Davenport Zack
Davenport was appointed executor.
Estimated value ot property 2000
Will filed. $500 to each daughter, Car
men and Frances, all the rest to his
wife Ida.
Inventory filed in estate of Burr Hoi
comb. All personal property $145.20.
Marriage licenses: W. L. Wheatley,
over 21. Portland, and iva a. tsnyeu.
17, Albany; L. V. Chance, 23, Halsey,
fcidna L. Davis, as, Albany.
Deeds recorded:
J. K. Weatherford et al to M. G.
Osterhout, 1-2 of 96.04 cents. . . .$ 1
Fairview cemetery to Eva Morn-
hert, lot 10
Probate: In estate of John Kibby,
March 14 set for final hearing.
County Court: The S. P. was given
permission to run a track to a gravel
pit across the county road.
In the application of C. M. Burhart
fer a county road near this city A. L.
Gcddes, Ed Meeker and W. E. Fisher
were appointed viewers.
The Daws road case has been ap
pealed to the circuit court.
The county courc went to Mill City
and Stayton to investigate roads and
bridges, Commissioner Russell stopping
at Stayton.
New case: Elbert Small agt. Flora
Small, for divorce, J. K. Weatherford
MONEY TO LOAN on real estatm
at seven per cent. On choice farm
lands at six per cent. Aaply to Geo.
W. Wright, Attorney, Albany, Ore-
?on. Both phones ' . , Office, corner o
st and Ferry.
TO LOAN. $50 009 on real property
J. C. Christy, over 1st National Rank
Albany, Oregon, rate.ot interest rea
No. 101
viy v. nib wiium i ivii '
'of the J. W. CUSICK & CO.
"""" "l resources I
Loan8 and discounts. $199,576.88 1
Overdrafts secured and unse-
, e nr.ty on 1
curea o,auo,oo
Bonds securities, etc 63,102.89
Banking house, furniture,
and fixtures 5,000.00 .
Other real estate owned
245.00 i
Due from Banks (not reserve
banks) '
we mra approved reserve
banks 83,609.40
Checks andothercash items. 1,687.40
Cash on hand 53,303.04
Total $412,
1,430.49 I
Capital stock $ Bu.ouo.uu
aurpius iuna u,uuu.uu
I J i. '. !J
T1,J nmfifa a,.
penses ana luxes paiu....
V'nSL8" iT;;
.,, F 1 oocoA7ir.
, Demand certificates of de
- ' V ' '
posit 13,lf8
Uertmeu cnecKs
Total $412,430.49
this W dayl or Feb., laiu.
GALE S. HILL, Notary Public.
I Correct attest. (Signed by) J. W.
i B. CUSICK, directors.
NO. 35
of- ALBANY STATE BANK at Albany,
Oregon, in the State of Oregon, at the
close of business, January 31, 1910.
Loans and discounts $ 43,364.00
Overdrafts, secured and un
secured 473.82
Bonds, securities, etc... 4,091.97
Banking house, turmturo.nnd
fixtures 141979. 5S
Due from banks (not reserve
oanKs ,.. s,D3a.4
Due from approved reserve
Exchange for clearing house 173. 17
uanits o,uoo.ou ,
Cash on hanu 10.275.97
Expenses 949.40
Total.! $100,932.24
Capital stock paid in 30,000.00
Undivided profits 240.43
Individual deposit subject..
to cheek 39,559.73
Demand certificate of deposit 9(56.10
Time certificates of deposit. 27,180 48
Certified checks 3SJ.00
Savings deposit 2,635 60
t,.,i Mniiowoi
' '
State ok Oregon county.of linn j-ss
I, 11. N. Bouley, Cashier of lhe above)
nan. cd bank, do solemnly swear that the ,
above statement is true to the best of j
my knowledge and belief. I
H. N. BOULEY, Cashier, j
MUiscriued ana sworn to oetore me
this 3rd dav of Feb.. 1910.
Notary Public.
Correct Attest: Win. Bain, P. D.
bert, C. G. Rawlings, Directors.
More business for the plumber's.
Every newspaper has to stand on its
own feet.
Out of place: a cold Bnap in the Will
amette Valley.
Albany's total tax rate is about the
lowest of the valley towns.
A bride and groom just went by.
They can always be told at first sight.
" j
Newport is really to have a railroad,
and it isn't going to be just a paper
ably on the ship subsidy.
Five senators are going to investi-, New York, Feb. 4. The steamer
gate the cost of living. It will be a Kantucky is sinking 40 miles southeast
farce, of Cape Hatteras. A wireless signal
for aid was sent out and the govern-
Now the Brokaws should retire from ment cutters have gone to its assist
the public gaze. The public is tired of y toeTasL ESuc'SSE
ship Co. of Seattle and she;was on the
No ground hogs in Oregon, hence no
shadows. But there are other bogs in
Astoria has about the highest tax
rate and the most rain of any city in
Congress does need to stop quarrelling
and get to work; but think of congress
really working
B. W. Johnson h.s been recommend
ed for reappointment as postmaster at
Gorvallis, the proper thing.
Emma Goldman, the anarchist, con
tinues to shout back east. But she has
lots of company in her lawlessnes.
A new society is for the suppression
of unnecessary noises. A hit at the 4th
of July. But the 4th will keep u boom
ing. This is the time of year when society
people spread themselves promiscuously
in tneKirmess for the benefit of charity. I
Good for Mrs. Harriman. She has
just given a boys club $113,000 to wipe
out a aoDt on tneir
wife is all right,
club house. Ed's
Strange that no Oregon newspaper -Has
as yet made an offer of a trip to the
most popular young iaoy loineuennes-
Johnson ngnt.
That was a good one last evening
when Rev. Errett said the best edito-
rials in the Salem Journal had not been I
written by Co1- Hofer' bUt were p8id
. . - . . , tl j .
A nun rminH firhr. In n PnrrlnnH lnnrT.
- & -
between Henry McGinn and John M.
Long, two lawyers. Several other
lawyers acted as referees and stopped:
the fight.
The Portland Welcome says the small
towm) fortunate in not being afflict-
l.j :.u u... ... .k.i,..
I ed with shyster lawyers, pawnbrokers,
installment sharks and a thousand other
pirates who infest big cities.
Independence has just had a revival,
with George Taylor as the evangelist,
with a record of 301 conversions,, of
whicn bo per cent were men. me in-
J 1 " 1.1: 1:
dependence blind pigs are liable to have
to go.
The Oregonian has a picture of the
tail of the comet sweeping the earth.
If it would sweep the American saloon
, off it would do a great thing for hu-
jmanity. The Oregonian failed to have
it in the list. -
The report that Harvey Scott, and
Ted Piper were about to leave the Ore
gonian and establish another morning
paper is one of the most daring and
senseless canards of the present cen
tury. Would King Edward leave ng-
A Washington minister has been
charged with immoral conduct, con
nected with young ladies of his congre
gation. The papers will now proceed
to jump all over the ministry. When
one out of thousands goes wrong the
whole profession is made a target.
The need of a modern heated hotel in
Albany has been demonstrated during
the cold snao. On one of the hotel
registers after the names ot some theat-
cal people was a sarcastic reference
to the cold-storage rooms. To
used to the heated rooms of the
cities cold rooms are frightful.
Lodge Meetings.
. The K. O. M. every Saturday even
ing H. C. Jordan, Commander.
The W oodmen of the World every
Friday-evening. L. L. Swan clerk,
Pnzanita Circle 1st und 3rd Mondays,
Anna Strom, G. N.
Modern Woodmen meet every 2nd
. 1m 4i, Wednesday in Bussards' Hall
1 grast froman Clerk.
Roval Neiitnliors mee every 1st and
3rd "Wednesdays in Bussard's Hall,
AUCE Kirk. Recorder,
WANTED. Some setting hens. See
A S Hart, at Sternberg's.
WANTED. At oner, in experioece:!
seamstress, No ither ned apply
Mrs. A. B. Kelsay. 119 E. 7th.
;f,NEv York, Feb. 3. Mrs, Brokaw
' was given a divorce and 115,000 a year
alimony. stie asked WOUO a year,
Aberdeen. Wash., Feb. 3. A sen
sation was sprung here this morning
by the arrest of Win. Gould, suspected
of the murder of a man named Hart
berg i n Dec. 1. The anchor of Gould's
boat was found attached to the body of
flartberg when recovered, lhe police
accuse Gould of wholesale murders
Forest . Grove, Feb. 3. Almoran
Hill, a pioneer of 1843. died today.
; The funeral will be bunday. He was
' one of the first settlers in Oreiron and
was 22 years old.when he reached Ore-
Washington, Feb. 3. By a vote of
1(1 7 thA inmmitlM) riinnrtnd fnvnr-
way to Seattle.
The Dalles, .Feb. 4. Itis reported
today that Hill has purchased the Great
Southern Railway connecting witti the
Oregon Trunk. It runs from The
Dalles to Dufur, 30 miles.
Washington, Feb, 4. All the wesc
ern senators and members have made a
definite program, which will be pre-
sented the government asking for fifty
submarine boats for the Pacific,
For the following meetings, conven
tions, etc., reduced rates will be in
effect from Albany, Union Depot. Full
information will be furnished on ap
plication. R. K. MONTGOMERY, Agt.
Annual meeting Oregon Retail Mer
chants Association, Eugene, January
26-27, certificate plan, fare and a third.
Oregon State Convention, Christian
Endeavor, Portland February 15 to 17.
Knights of Pythias convention, The
Dalles, January 22nd.
7th Annual Convention Western Re
tail Lumbermen's Association, Port
land Feb. 14th, 15th and 16th.
FOR RENT Unfurnished rooms, three,
Mrs. S. J. Robin, West 11th street,
V. rights Addition. 2t
FOX TERRIERS. For sale, young
ones and good oneB, 203 W. 3rd St.
Phone 301 Home.
AT Albany, in the State of Oregon
Close of bu3'ne33 Jan' 3t. la
Loans and Discounts $ 467,116.32
n i a
uveraraits, secured anu un- ,
secured 10,744.79
U. S. Bonds t3 secure en
U. S. Bonds on hand 100,000.00
Premiums on U. S. Bonds. 8,871.90
Bonds, securities, etc 150.122.86
Banking house furniture,
and fixtures 11,000.00
Other real estate owned. . . 22,594.44
Due from National Banks
(not reserved agents) .. . 4,351.37
Due from State and .Priv
Banks and Bankers,
Trust Companies and
Savings Banks 42,721.46
Due from approved reserve
agents 138,940.18
Checks and other cash .
items 8,361.57
Notes of other National
Banks 10,670,00
Fractional paper currency,
nickels and cents 154.91
Lawful Money Reservein Bank, viz :
Specie $133,063.25
Legal-tender notes .00
RedemDtion fund with U. S.
Treasurer (o per cent ot
circulation) 1.250. 00
Total ..$1,134,964.05
Capita' stock paid in 100,000.00
Surplus tuna zu.uuu.uu
Undivided profits, less ex
penses and taxes paid-... 62,870.02
National Bank notes out
standing 24,500.00
Due to other National
Banks 2,046.82
Due to State and Private
Banks and Bankers 14,349.71
Due to Trust Companies and
Saving Banks . 20,486.44
Individual deposits subject
to check 825,743.25
Demand certificates of de
posit 64.718.81
Certified checks 250.00
Total $1,134,964.05
state of oregon, uounty
of Linn, ss:
I, O. A. Archibald, Cashier, of
the above named bank, do-solemnlv
swear that the above statement is true
to the best of my knowledge and belief.
O. A. ARCHIBALD. Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 3rd day of Feb., 1910.
Notary Public.
Correct -Attest:
Alfred CScomitt)
P. A. Goodwin,
,T. P. Wallace.
l-roniptly oblAlnnl, or FEE RETURNED.
THE LOWEST. Stud'1, plioto or sketch for
f xprrt wdn-h ami frc report on pat nubility.
INFRINGEMENT tuiu conducted before U1
court. Intents obtained tnrourb nff. ADVER
SIOWS nnd COPVRICHTS quk-kly obuUaed.
Opposlto U. 8. Patent Office
Deeds recorded:
Hiske Albers to Henry Albere 2
lots Wright's ad $
Caroline P. Sprague to Crosset
Timber Co. 80 acres
Jonathan Frakes to Santiam
Power Co. S lots Waterloo
Mortgages $650 and $98.
Assignment of mortgage for $1400.
Inventory filed in estate of W. F.
Davenport. All personal property $2006.
Personal property ordered sold.
Enforcing the Curfew Law.
The Albany police are making an is
sue of enforcing the curfew law, and
are making the boys keep off the
streets after the hours specified in the
ordinanoe, which is the proper thing.
Unless the boy or girl have the written
Eermit of the parents they will be sent
ome. Parents will do well to be care
ful in giving them. Children have no
business around the streets alone
Fred Hardman's Case,
Constable Oatlin brought Fred Hard
man to' Albany today from Salem,
where he was imprisoned for three
months. He was taken before Justice
Swan, fifty pounds heavier, with the
moJphine gone, and declaring he .didn't
know what he bad done the charges
were suspended during good behavior,
and relatives will look after nira.
The Weather.
Range of temperature 41-35.
Rainfall is .20 inch.
The river has continued to fall and is
5.4 feet.
Prediction: occasional ruin tonight
and Sunday.
Everybody says this has been the
worst winter this valley has ever had,
take it all together, there haying been
more cold weather, and yet not very
much after ll.
Opening Thinit.
Of U. S. Government lands, Umatilla
Project at Hermisto.1, Oregon, Febru
ary 10, 1910. The Oregon Railroad &
Navigation Co. and Southern Pacific
Company Lines in Oregon.will make an
open rate of ONE AND ONE THIRD'
FARE for the round trip.
rickets on sale February 8th and 9th,
with final return limit February 20,.
Free booklet issued by the govern- -ment,
containing full information may
be obtained from any O. R. &. N. or- '
S. P. Agent, or by writing to
Wm. MgMurray,
General Passsenger Agent.
just received a shipment of Gordetv
Vibrators. This vibrator took first
prize over all vibrators at the Seattle:
Fair. Guaranteed for one year. Call,
at our store and get a booklet. Price, .
$15.00. BURKHART & LEE.
More people are taking Foley's.
Kidney Remedy every year. It is
considered the most effective remedy
for all kidney and bladder troubles
that medical science can devise. Fo
ley's Kidney Remedy Sorrects irreg
ularities, builds up the system, and re
stores lost vitality. Woodworth Drug.
"Our two children of six and eight
years "have been since infancy sub
ject to colds and croup. About three
years ago I started to use Foley's
Honey and Tar, and it has never failed
to prevent and cure these troubles.
It is the only medicine I can get the
children to take without a row." The
above from W. C. Ornstein, Green
Bay, Wis., duplicates the experience
of thousands of users of Foley's Hon
ey and Tar. Woodworth Drug Co.
LETS. The best remedy in the mar
ket for cold in the head or a fresh
cold. Brings quick relief if you have
la grippe. Try a box. If not satis
fied you get your money oacK. trice
Most people know the feeling, and.
the miserable state of ill health it
indicates. All people should know
that Foley's Honey and Tar, the
greatest throat and lung remedy, will
quickly cure the soreness and cough
and restore a normal condition. Ask
for Foley's Honey and Tar. Wood
worth Drug Co.
FOR SALE. 25 acres in North Al
bany, all in cultivation, fine garden
land or fruit land. Will sell altogeth
er or in two pieces. Deal direct with
the owner. . Inquire at the Democrat
FOR SALE. Lots in Wright's addi
tion; also lots, blocks, and from 4 to
40 acres in acreage in Hazelwood,
adjoining the city. Good terms and
reasonable prices. Apply to Attorney
Geo.. W. Wright, othce, Kocms 1 and
2, Wright Block. Both phones.
FOR SALE Farm of 163 acres. alFo
city property. Inquire of H. F. Mc
llwain. UimnmSBwaRBBMJnlrlHIZI
dnwtnff or pboto. for espert ReArch luia free report.
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