Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, February 11, 1910, Page 3, Image 3

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Seventy-six took the examination ior
census enumerator in Linn county,
umong them ten or twelve young ladies.
An enthusiastic and well attended
meeting of the Linn County Council was
holrl nn Satnrrinv 1?oh K ut 'lano-Ant
The meeting was' called to order by the M li IV R, . ' Fifty-seven enthusiastic Albany men
new president M. t. Wood, tight mada their seco-d pilgrimage to a
Br5?'u3 were presented i Tu ' . ,. . neighboring town Saturday evening,
.lnVtinti who th lrrrn hnlriinirs of nf Portland, returned last nieht from visiting Jefferson, going at 6:40, return- , It will take about thirty for the county,
the N.TP. railroad were not surveyed Halsey, where they went to make ar- ing at 10:57. It was a live affair. The four of which will be assigned to Al-
niarie a partial report. , , rangemeots for a field for experiments men na(j a special car, which they filled bany.
W. L. Jckson, chairman of the com- with their flying machine. The farmer with ,ongs and yells. Upon reaching. The questions were brought out in a
mittee on education, made a lengthy wanted too much and they gave up the Jerferson ;hey marched through the narration, which tested the applicant's
.report on the condition of the schools, project. Halsey should have furnished itv viojtjnir the different stores in knowledge of who should h fmomornt-
...... ,,.. marcmngoraer, closing wuu iiicoojr.;!. ea. covering the whole range of the
Resolution of condolence in refeience a field free.
to the death of Sister Grace Shaw was the map. The young men are in Al- ,.,,,, ?. '..,. lofferaon
.j ,woh k.n onH nm- hnainoJa mnn ahniil.1 sfin What s the matter of jetterson.
nread and adopted.
, j i . . u What s Ine mutter OI deueiowu, wviiv. nio niiawDia wci nuiiL iu air.
terehUarvebUa8XralUuvdf Kt do you think is the matter of Hendricks, coroner, today, and
win ua lurwurueu iu wasnington, wnen
A recess was taken for one hour when that they have a place, absolutely free
.all present partook of a lunch. for their experiments. It will attract ir"f""'
the government will aelect an available
list from the applicants, which will 'be
sent to Mr. Hendricks, who will then
make his selections. In the case of
Albany he will submit a list to the com
mercial club, which will have the choice
of four persons for the work.
Pnnrt. fmm fh rfiflf,t D-moM mnrn At.rpnnnn tn Alhanv at the ores- IMMIMin niuisinmwi .....
were of a flattering nature, showing a er.t time than anything else. The fly- S." !' '--v..?
.healthy growth and much enthusiasm. ing machine is now it, and Albany may
The president named the standing well help to promote the experiments Jenerson s an ngnt.
committees for the year. . of the young men, at least by seeing A N i any.
On motion the next meeting will be that they have all the open fields they . Any what?
held with Ash Swale Grange March 5. need. . j ALBANY! '
Lecturers hour was public, ana a mr. uurxnart ueciares mere is no; nan, nu, nu, ia, iu,
number of invited guests came in to question but what the flying machine Then came the meeting at the city Dr. Bell Returned.
listen to the program which consisted will go. It is a sure thing. The great hall. Mayor Allen, a very competent
of a spirited acuress on road making by thing though is to be able to learn to anj popular official, presided and wel-
W. L. Jackson.and an cxplantionof the run them, something that takes confi- corned the Albany delegation, calling Rev. J. R. N. Bell, who rings for the
Farmers Union and what it had ac- dence. j uuon the following Albany men: Presi- Presbyterian church at Corvallis, spent
complished in Eastern Oregon and ; - I dent W. H. Davis of the Commercial lust night at the Hotel Revert, while
AJIUD, lion. J. Weatnenuiu, uia way iiuma iiuill uub ivilgcica,
Khinn it1 p Niittincr. 4. vj. acnmitc. nenau a miowinter vacation visit aii i
' T..nA ET TI tTamifl nnH Manager amon? the flvinir machines. The Dem- wy J
Washington by L, B. Luper. A recita-;
tion by E. R. Allen, and Miss Arm-!
strong. !
A resolution was passed asking for a '
committee of five to formulate a bill to
be presented to the next legislature,
for fixing the punishment of. any one
guilty of engaging in any way in what
is known as the white slave trade.
Committee J. H. Scott, G. W. Wright,
W. L. Jackson, A. C .Miller and A.
Good music was furnished by
council choir.
A Big Defeat
.TiiHuo FT TT. Hnwitt and Manager among the flying machines.
The Albany high school basket ball Struble. A Salem man present also ocrat was unable to see him, but Mr.
. . r . t i,: ;l. rrm sDoke The talks were all boosts. Hammell of the Revere reports that he
team again got into their gait. Two ening the club has decided to leave prize fights en-
of the best players had been in bad "ur'nS ,Vl? "v"" i h. tirslv nln nA mko noilrv nf
John C. Burkhart and Will Crawford
yesterday afternoon completed arrange
ments for a field for their flying ma
chine experiments, securing the large
GoUra Park field, a fine one for the
purpose. They went to Portland this
morning after their machine and will
be here Saturday evening on the boat
with it.
The contract was let last evening for
the erection of a house tor it at this
end of the park, and it will probably be
ready by the time the flyer gets here.
Then the track and the necessary ex
periments. The young men are both
mechanical geniuses and will work to
perfect the machine so it " ill do any
thing the machines of Paulhan, Wright
Bros.. Curtis. Hamilton, and others do.
in fact they believe they have a better
machine than most ot tnem.
The experiment here will be watched
with great interest, not alone by Alb
any people, but throughout the country,
unu it will uring many nere lu hbbwuui.
is being done in this modern transpor
tation method
Securing the enterprise ia'a splendid
thing tor Albany, the proper place, as
both of tne young men are former
snape in tne oriem ana wem.a ; ,, WinHn which added flvine machines. It was a biir thins to
games; but Saturday mgnt were again
in good form and there was something
doing, as the score shows 53 to 8 in
' favor of Albanv.
n,. This week the boys will play Rose
tne , , rii. nri rnn;nn
UU1K, UUkkUV auu V U.11.I.IU.,.
Was at Galveston.
A Big Car Load.
life tu the occasion. E. H. McCune hold mm down while here It is said his
was chairman of the delegation. congregation will ail wear wings, at
Tucker's orchestra, a good one, least eventually. The trip agreed with
furnished the music. the minister immensely, he enjoyed the
Jefferson has its own water and light Paulhan exhibitions, took some special
plant, a fine high school. wifh twelve lectures at Stanford and Bernley and
: grades, tne property ueuig eiimciy piu .cjjatu .ui ma my.
! frti- and ia rrntnor fn crpt nn the m&D and '
row to several times its present popu-
The Ladies Auxiliary of the Albany
Commeicial Club will probably ji'n the
Oregon Federation uf Won. in t, C obi.
The matter is being considered.
There was a large attendance at the
regular monthl" meeting in the Com
mercial Club rooms yesterday after
noon. Plans for the improvement of
the union depot grounds were discussed
and other means of improving a d
beautifying the city planned. Com
plaint was made that considerable
rubbish is being dumped on the depot
grounds and Mrs. J. K. Weatherford,
president of the club, named a commit
tee consisting of Mrs. J. J. Collins,
turs. A. Bowers and .Mrs. J. R. Leatner
man, to confer with the Commercial
Club in regard to the matter in an ef
fort to have the practice discontinued.
Reports showed that the tea room
which the club has maintained two
afternoons each week in the store ot
S. E. Young & Son has attracted con
siderable interest and has added ma
terially to the park fund Hereafter
the club will have its own dishes in the
tea room, each member having donated
a cup and saucer or some other dish.
Mrs. H. A. Nelson who has Berved
most successfully as chairman of the
geneialtea room committee for the
nuar lain mnnthfl naltwl tn lift rpliavpH
NCWS from Albany's Six Early and Mrs. P. A. Young was appoiited
1 rains. the list of ladies who are to serve in
the tea room during the ensning two
1 months. The other members of the
club have had charge of the rooms here
tofore. Mrs. Young requests that if
anv of the ladioa named in the follow
ing list cannot serve they will kindly
Mrs. Myrtle Pease, of the boys and
girls home of Oregon, of Portland, left
with two little girls, one for a good home
in Detroit, the other later to go to Wil-
The Democrat appreciates a postcard
from H. L. Waldon, of Eureka, Calif.,
a former rjrominent Albanv man. in
dicted at Galveston, but mailed at posed of 59,250 ponnds of cable for the
Welch, La. He says of Galveston: new system of the Pacific Telephone
"This is the nicest, cleanest city, 1 was Co. of this city, to be used in con-!
ever in. It is a hummer since the new nectioh with tne new building, and tne
There arrived today fiom Chicago,
one of the heaviest car loads of stuff yjevvs prom Albany's Six Early
ever received at this city. Itwascom- v v '
I rams.
At the Hotels
Vto. RnfVi vorv hricht hthln fnllnWS I nnn.a fn a aiiKatitna nnrl nntifv thn
1 whn nnirrit tn mfllcfl irnnH. nanoral pnmmiilRA which nnnninta nf
" , iHms. P. A. Young, H. A. Nelson, W.
mi T ok.ji loft for ! R. Struble and Fluella Turner. Ihe
J. (J.
sea wail was built." The picture em'
phasizea the statement, and shows that
Harry continues to have an eye for
linrs of beauty; a pretty girl in a bath
ing stilt, held up by two men likewise,
: and labeled "A tiold-up on the beach
at Gaivtmion."
Waldon is evidently on a hike to the
madrigras at New Orleans-
freight alone was $711.
The Weather.
Consul General Fred Fisher and wife
of Murkden, left on a Portland trip, to
;meet a friend. ' Mr. Fisher's father
' was a pioneer of 1845. On the same
The madrigras, New Or'eansgreatest trajn going down from Coruallis was
event, began today. , . i Dr. Avery, of Corvallis whose father
Capt. Stanley Hammell, of Portland, was also a pioneer of 1845, two of the
spent a few days on an Albany visit. . early ones of the valley.
Mack J. Monteith has returned from
a commercial trip as far south as Hex
Range of temperature 45-35.
Rainfall j 16 inch.
The river is down to 5 feet.
Prediction: Rain tonight and .Thursday.
P. A. Young left on a short Port
' lynd trip.
J. S. Harbison left on a trip to Salem
and then across to Dallas. ; ,
I Lawyer S. M. Garland came ..down
from Lebanon,
W. J. Russell. Grants Pass
J. L. Montgomery, Portland
J. L. Lewis, Corvallis
Jas. Lengele, Corvallis
O. C. Hoff. Portland
0. D. Webber, Creswell
The Weather.
W. F.
George Blatchford, of Plainview,
was an Albany visitor Saturday after
noon. .
ker," went to Portland on a short busi- Commissioner Butler went . to Salem Tuesday
ness trio. 1 on a business trip. ., . ..
... . . : - Corvallis visit.
m rs. iouzins ano cnuo, ot racoma, i
Corvallis. where she will recite tonight.
R. F. Shier left on a trip to points
Lawyer T. J. Stites werrt; to Corvallis
on a short business trip. - .
Deputy District Attorney Gale S.
Hill went to Sslem.
Commissioner Butler went to Jeffer-
Dr. Chas. A. Gasson, San Francisco son on county business. ' . ' -'
Sylvia W. McGuire, Portland I Ex-Sheriff Burnett, ' of Corvallis,
0. A. Anderson, Coos Bay brother of R. L. Burnett, of this city,
a. Kiggs, Hoiiey went down the road. ' .
M. E. Dove & dau, Madras t ' '
There is a new night operator .'in the
8. P. Office, Mr. Compton, while Mr.
. , I Wilkinson has been transferred to ; m-
, , . dependence.
Range of temperature 38-32. : j . . .
There was a trace of rain, not much. Dakota to Albany. . '
The river has continued to tumble! .
and is down to 6.4 feet. ' .. . "jT ' '', .
The prediction u: lain tonight and , J. c. tioibrooic and iamuy win oe in
Albany' from Donnybrook, N. Dak,, in I
Wed.. Feb. 9 Miss Gard, Mrs.
Irvine. .
Pat., Feb. 12 Mms. T. G. Hopkins
J A HoWEird.
Wed., Feb 16-Mms. W. L.Jackson,
Grif King.
Sat., Feb 19-Mms. T. D. Leigh, H.
A. Leininger,
Wed., Feb. 23-Mms. J. B. Leather-
mnn. H. K. Qhlino'.
Sat, Feb. 28-Mms. H. M. Palmer,
W. B. Stevens.
' Wed . March 2 Mms. C. Sulliv.n, A.
Sat., March 6-Mms. A. C. Schmitt,
W. R. Struble.
Wed., March 9-Mrs. Schultz, Miss
Emma Smcad.
Sat., March 12-Mms. W. C Twee
dale, Fluella Turner. ,
Wed.. March 16 Mms. .T. K. Weath
erford, W. D. Washburn,
Jefferson, Or. Bell phone Farmers
Painless Dentistr
can' have their )Jnt.
34ihr1 in nnn. r!no
ft.caWewill givsyou a poei
i22k gold or porcelain
rrownfor S3 hfl
ttl jjl S Molar Crowns 6.65
1 Si ,fCl22kBrIdTMth3.60
V. m 4 Enamel Fillinw 1.00
.aWafchllwr Filling .5
i-K iVttSf1 S.0Q
DfLW.ILWISE.PiireennwiDMuiSia , , na' , , en
Palnloss titrat-lion ireowhonplatoaopbridKO work
is ordered. UouBUltation Ji'ree Jra cannot Kt bottos
pcinlpits work dono anywhere. All work fully runr-
entecd. Aloderajortriovqmpmcnt. uott motuoua.
TnrnD4Waii.Si8. POSTUNP.OKteOM
OFriCE BODES: 8 A. M. to 6 f. M. gendty.. 8 to J.
f Jii
arrived this noon on a yisit at J. N. man, had charge of No. 14,
John W. Naylor, an uncle of Lawyer
L L. Swan, arrived yesterday from
Marshalltown, Iowa, a surprise.
Darby Richardson, Roseburg's boost
er, passed through the city, with his
wife, whom he had been to Portland to
meet. .-.....(
In fpw rlavs. to m.lke their home:' Mrs.
; ; " Holbrook is a sister of Dr. M. H. Ellis
... iUcSDAY. 'und Mrs. C. fi. Sox. -The Donnybrook
Courier says:. . - v
r,. o... xt '-i Lai.t Sunday the people of Donny-
Harrv Craw, a former Albanv voung tu,1: m u" "uw. "cwl,u" brook witnessed the departure from our
Loose Change Nuisance. I
That the rural carriers will no longer
noon. - nf . iu0i- haa o
W O. Hawkins returned to Portland prominent position in tho history of
this atternoon. Donn-. brook sinco its infancy. Wore
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clevtnger came fer tn J. C. Holbrook and fnmilv who
up from belem this noon on an Albany . left' for their new home at Albany,
visit. ' - ureg,.n. ' i ne noiorooKS
Sat.; March 19-Mms. S. C. Worrell,
B. F. Wiles. .; . '.
Wed., March 23-Mms. A. , Bowers,
A. W. Bowersox.
. Sai March 26-Mms. S..E. Young,
J.' W. Duncan. .
i . ..;ii. iunn..;..n...j mr.
c w . ...u Lel)anon thiB Bftaruoon on a 8hort husi.
luyac uuni jiai:ci in i uiui luiiuoiue uuca, ness CriD'
A fair sized audience", greeted Mrs.
Bettled in i Harriett. Labadlo, at tho M. rJ. church
Mr. and Mr3. W. B. Stevens weht to Donnybrooke nine years sgo and it may , last night. People had a' curiosity to
The Corvallis Athletic Club -defeated- i.Si" "?ZX1u! I' "V"J l.
Ashland 40 to 2. Bilyeu, the Albany '! ahin i ; Mimn tn ! ;n tk Rosoburg on a three weeks business
coach, and Swan, each made seven i box for purchase of p.stage. such "coin trip: .. -
DasKets. . .. eoiriS1 muat be enclosed in an en.i John P-. May. of Mankato. Minn., ha
William Ehlert; of Lebanon, a prom-! velope, wrapped securely in papenor been in the city while on a prospecting instimtion for several years; engaged
inent stockholder in the Mexican mine j deposited in a & coin holding rscsptable. , trip. . . in-the Teal estate bdiiinoss, dealt in
that looks so good these days, was in Much delay and inconvenience has' E. C. Clement, the post office depart- mnciiinery and horses 'and was most
town today. I been occasioned by the custom, which ment's commercial traveler, has been extensively in farming. He still retains
The Register reports the death of. has heretofore obtained, whereby in th? city today. his homestead, which is apart of the
be safely said that from the moment of
his arrival J. C. has been of the most.
Bert Davis left this afternoon for ' iS'l"!
sucee.'aful'y engaged in vaiinus lines of
business He star ed the Donnvbrook
State Bank ami was president of the
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oreeron for the County of Linn.
Elva O'Dcll, plaintiff, vs. Joshua
L. O'Dcll, defendant.
To Joshua O'Dcll, the. above named
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint of the above
.named plaintiff in the above entitled
court now on file with the clerk of
said court on or before the 17th day
.of February, i910, and you are hereby
notified if you fail to appear and an
swer the complaint as herein required
that the plaintiff will apply to the
.court for the relief demanded in the
complaint, to-wit, for the dissolution
of the bonds of matrimony, now ex
isting between plaintiff and defendant,
and for the costs and disbursements
:to be taxed. . -
This summons is served by publica
tion by the order of the Hon. Win.
Galloway made on the 20th day of
December, 1909, directing that the said
summons be served by. publication and
that the same be published in the
.Albany Democrat for six consecutive
weeks, the first publication thereof to
be made on the 31st day of Decem
ber, 1909, and the last publication to
be made oil the 11th day of February,
Dated this the 20th day of Decem
ber, 1909.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
MENT. Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned administrator of the estate
of M. V. Hedge, deceased, late of Linn
County. Oregon, has filed in the Coun
ty Clerk's office for Linn County, Ore
gon, his final account, and the County
Court has fixed the 14th day of Fcb
rt:r.ry. 1910. at one o'clock p. m., fro
the hearing of objections, if any.
against said account and the settle
ment of said estate.
Attorney for Admr.
Mrs. Crede Hammond's Boston bull
pup Pat, familiar to Albany people. It
was valued at $300.
-Editor W. D. Morgan, of the Harris-,
burg Bulletin, and Mr. Goodland, an
other Harrisburg man, were Albany
visitors Saturday afternoon. .
Seven men in a motor car near
Phoenix, Ariz., were blown to atoms
by a blast near the road. They had
been warned to keep away.
Mrs Bridgeman, the aged mother of
Mrs Weaver of North Albany, is at
the home of another daughter, Mrs,
Stewart near Palestine, dangerously
The National Style Show opened at
Washington todav. According to it
the modern venus is 5 feet 7, slender
build. 36 inch bust. 23 inch waist nnrl
40 inch hip.
Salem and suburbs will soon vote on
extending the city limits so as to include
South Salem and East Salem. It is
time Albanv acted. If one citv can ex
tend another can.
Walter Stuart, of Medin. & St-iart.
returned last night from Portland.
Acting suspiciously his friends cantured
him and took him to tho Elite. It
transpires that they were loo previous.
Dave Young, of Corvallis. was in
town todav He resorted so much mud
in the streets it took a life preserver to
cross; but that will be changed when
pavement is put down.
Judge Whitney was d6wn street yes
terday for the first time for nine wteke,
kept at home by inflamatory rheuma
tism. He is steadily improving an1!
will and will soon be able to be at his
Corvallis Gazette Times: Miss Marv
Nolan gave a delightful afternoon affair
yesterday in honor ot Miss Sox, of Alb
any. Bridge and very dainty refresh-
ments served to make the afternoon
thoronghly enjoyable.
Tho 8 months old daughter of Mr. nn-'
Mrs. Hower. dn:d yesterday at the
home of John Moore. The funeral srr
vice was held this afternoon. Rev. White
preaching the sermon. The child was
a granddaughter of Mr. Robert Moore.
fs. Ja:ks and Vrs. Gilmore left thi?
afternoon for Bedford, called there by
the deatn of a nephew ot Mrs. Jacks.
Clarence Gore. Young Gore was a
3tudet.t in the University of Oregon,
when taKen ill, a bright and popular
young man.
Dr. Sievers. of Sunshine, has re
ceived his medal for the best pen of
White Plymoth Rocks, at the big poul
try tair at Walla Walla, having tne
highest scoring pen of this popular bird.
He also got 1st and second on cockcr-
3is, f-u.'cr.d s.:A third on pullets and firfl
on pair,
wnicn tne earner oiten times nan din- today for a few days
fino-ira. t.hB rnina rnllincr tn 1 . There were 23 births and 12 deaths in
n, nri nr,mnoiiinn. ,..,1.. n Linn county during January.
patrons would place loose coins in the . g g Bailey and Mrs Bailev and townsito of Ionnybrook, together with
ooxes ror tne payment ot postage, Hnmrhtnr Min fflia nt tn p.,riinn& a number of other tarms. Mrs. Hoi-
uruuit o pliiuo IIJ LJUituyuLuvti ntuit?i.y
not be easily filled but to her ever.
neatns in iaat;n credit be it said-she is a woman
the ground compelling tho carrier to .i-inn county ounng January, ineoeatn who nlwavs nlaced her duties -to her
get down from his rig and grope for , r?tc DamR 0 ,a "loussanu. home before her duty to society, and
them, and if lost in the moil, water nf . C. K. Spauldlng, the head of the biCT oho hu hnnn nn Invntnnhln nlrl tn'htv
snow, make good the amount from his,C. K. Spaulding Co., of Portland, has husband during the pionper yeais at I
private purse, to say nothing of the een in the city looking alter his Air- Donnybrook. May pleasant surround
time iosi. to ine service. i any jam.
Ihe P. O. department has done well I A girl back east died from seven re
to promulgate an order which by its volver shots in the breast. as it pos
terms abolishes the "Penny nuisance." sible for it to have been from suicide,
And it is also recommended that pa-I is the question.
hear a reader who could charge a dollar
for a . one person .entertainment and
earn her ninnuy. , Frederick Ward, a
master, didn't get that much. MrB.
Labadie presented The Servant in the
House, on English story, with a Bishop
or two, perhaps three, in it, and a
drain cleaner and a woman or two and
the . servant, .who proved to be the
brother of the man about the house.
It brings out numerous characters and
a little socialism, with an occasional
rough feature nnd as well some neat '
character. Mis Labadie is a reader
of more than ordinary strength, pos
sessing splendid oxpressioi,, a fine
voice and a charming presence, and is
ccrtainlv wo:th the hearing: but 50
cents wculd be a reasonable price, ex
cept perhips fiacK among the U , S.
f enators.;
ings and prosperity be tho lot ot the
Holbrooka in their new home, is the
wish of their Dennybrnok friends.
Death of Mrs. Bridgeman.
tron purchase in advance a sufficient
quantity Jot atamps in the interest of
more prompt service, witnout delays.
$1.25 Ptvement.
Archie Mason, of Portland, a former
Salem man, says he can puti down hard
surface pavemant for $1.25 a square
yard, wher.e about $2.2j is now being
paid. He says:
"Whether the hard pavement now
being put down is called 'hasam,' or
bitulithic. it is in reality nothing
more than concrete mixed with a little
asphalt or lar to color it, as the dairy
men color butter, and can be laid tor
fully one-third less than the city is now
paying for it. The patent is what gives
the hard pavement its standing with
the city officials and is what the
property owners are paying for When
they pay aa high as $5' a running foot
for hard pavements down town."
Mason has already laid some of this
concrete pavement, to show for itself
. The Girls won.
The girls basket hall team defeated
Junction Saturday evening 9 to 3, show
ing their old time fast playing, though
havin : practiced only three times. The
team was composed of Miss Clara
Eckert at center, Miss Alice Martin
and Miss vlcDonald forwards, and
Misses vnlissa .Martin and Dollie Bend
ing at ?um'd.
G. W. P..illips has been in Scio this
week, called there by the death of his I
sisto", a native of Linn county, a res-1
ident of Scio most of her life.
Mra. Giant Pirlle this afternoon en
tertained her fellow members of the
Pythian Sisters in a social gathering at
the bt Lharles, with refreshmeets, etc
A Belie of 1552
George Finley, of cVawfordsvillfl,
went to Roseburg today on land bus
iness. Mr.- t'inley had in his"
ion an old letter received by his father
in 1352, a valuable relic. It was writ
ten by his brother and mailed from
Mnssrs. Work and fVHn. twn vnnno- Missouri in April, reaching Richard 0
carpenters from DuBoise, Penn., ar- Finley, who came here six years be
rived in Albany last Saturday. Mr.-fore, in September. It wa3 addressed
Work began work thiB morning and Mr. to him simplj at Lynn County, Oregon
Ogden will later. Territory, with Calapooia post office,
Miss Helen Marcus, the evangelist. ?dd.ed. 'na'her writing The brothers
OQ ;n .ho nifu t..Q l-- ,.rA.. A naa lost tracK oi eacn oiner jor six
years, this being the first lotter received
by Mr. f inley trom his lormer home.
Licked by a Conductor,
The Tweedale Block.
W. C. Tweedib has sold his block on
nrst street to u. r. Mason, his next
door neighbor, the consideration bein;
10,000. Ihe I'os.iay & Mason Co. will
put in a cement tloor in the basement,
connect it wiih their present one and
use tne two lor their business for stor
age purposes. Meiser & Moir n-i'
I on the fust floor.
Corvallis. Since leaving hero she has
been a month with Shannon, the evan
gelist. She will be in Albany on a two
or three days stay before going elso-where.
Tne collection of taxes will begin Conductor Minkler, n popular ticket
about Feb. 21 A 3 per cent discount puncher on tho S. P., had a (iisht with
will be allowed until after March 15. a Eugene man recently. The fellow the brat .Monday of April, was "intoxicated, nnd hence abusive,
then a penalty if half is not paid. The Minkler finally got tired, sot down his
total Aioany rate is 2lh- lant-rn. it being on the night train, and
A striking looking wagon left the though theman n'a.i much latfier, gave
shop of Henry Suezens this morning, him the whipping he deserved, blacken
as gorgeous an the rainbow, and a good ing an eyo and cutting a chin some,
one, artistic to the finish It was for
Mr. bol Parmer, n Jiugene horse dealer. : Three tnmntinnv
The schedule of the Springfield- train
haa boon changed and tho train now
arrives at 6:30 a. m. nnd returning Minor brey, express rr.essonger on
leaves at 8:10 p. m. The former growls the Springfield road, has been promoted
will be tame compared with the pres- to the main line, and will run to Port
ent ones, the new schedule not being at land nn 14. returning on 17. Chas.
all what Brownsville people wanted. Curry has suecteded him on the Spring-
W. H. Snyder writing to an Albany hel road, and Kay 'ears, a local man
friend from Louisville, Ohio, says: ti a succeeded Mr. Curry oi tho Cor
and 8 degrees below zero right ulong, vulhs run, making three promotions cf
with fine sleiging. eta. Mr Snyder haB young tne? desurving to go aluad.
discovered that the wickedness ot this ;
world is alio'jt at the top notch, oven j
our government officials being as cor-i
rupl is Ihey can be. I
A Washington teacher, Wra. D. Hatb-
Mrs. Mary Bridgeman died last night
at the home 'f her daughter, in Benun
countv. at the a e of S3 years. A
I woman of splendid character, beloved
by all knowing hor. Sho leaves two
daughters hire', Mrs. Stewart, at whole
'homo Eha died, and Mrs. E. R.
Weaver, of .North Albany, at whose
home thu funeral will be hold on Thurs
day at 10::I0 a. m.
At the Mctcls.
Geo. Finley, Crawfordsville.
M. B. Jamea, Portland. .
Mrs. F. H. Colpitts, Gates.
A. J. Piatt, Shedd.
Thos. Neuj, Lebanon.
Emery Herron, South Bend.
F. W. Ledbetter. Portland,
A. H Kelso, Yoncnlla.
W. W. Percival, R. P. Dickson, In
dependerce. P. L Fountain. KlnmUb. F.ills.
J. A. Geplen, Stayton.
W. J. Russell, Grants Pass.
The Weather,
away, li.'.s ihe record ror Whipping: luu
i! 's in 2 hours 30 minutes. Switcn. !
worn ru' '11. Kverybody was wnip;-c I
nut cmT, who playfully took the teaci ,
er, t -ompletely worn out, threw him on i
tnu floor and sat upon him. Too tju .: '
ri id fiiuw bulled against the "rdi-i ,.t
li.c ttai-H:.
Range of temperature 49-2?.
Kaiutall .? inch.
The river 5 8 fie .'
Prediction: fiir tonight anJ Wednes
day. John L. Sullivan, the great and only,
today sailed from Boston for Europe,
where he will anon a little.
The P. C. & E.
A. Welch went to Eugene today.
The. a is a good ilea! of interest in I Is
report of bui ding operations on the
Cortland, Eugene and Eastern railroad.
There ia nn imi ression that work will
begin at Eugene, but the probability is
that it will operato from S ilem south
ward, do the Democrat is informed.
Death of Rev. Haynes.
Rov. T. P. Haync3 died at Lebanon
Sunday night of pn jumnnin, at the age
of sixty years. H i came to Or,von
when a boy and bo h taught and Treadl
ed, a member of the M. E. South con
ference. He was pistor of the church
at Albany and Tangent at one tim, and
filled many appoinLinen s ihrorgh west
ern Oregon. He wis n Odd Fellow, a
man of excellent rd jjintion. He leaves
a wife and seven children.
Patronize hon e 1 idustry.
eon's Best.
Use John