r, 4 win i l ike nun matter. FP NUTTING- ODK -WANTS J FOR SALE. An Eiler piano certifl FOR SALE.-Good business chance, . eood for $93. MiBB Linnie Con- $300.00 investment, doinor $1000.00 1 ner, K. D. 2, Albany. Bell phone Der month. $150.00 Der month Drofit. If you want something good look into this at once. Owner has to leave city. Address, Crackerjack, City. STRAWBERRY PLANTS. - Magoon and Clark'B seedling from young plants. $2.50 per H. J. G. Gibbon, Home Phone 40 64. . FOR SALE. Young team, well matched, weight between 1100 or 1200 each. Price reasonable. ZlNN & Calloway. Home Phone 65, Black 281 Bell. FOR SALE. New six room house. water in house, large wood shed, lot 65 bj 110, Bryant's addition, near Salem road. Price and terms call upon owner, E. W. Smalley, Phone 1380 Home. i It FOR RENT Unfurnished rooms, three, Mrs. S. J. Robbins, West 11th street, W rights Additioh. 2t FOX TERRIERS. -For sale, young ones and good ones, 203 W. 3rd St. Phone 301 Home. FOR SALE. 1 ood size cook stove, parlor heating stove. H. Barns, 32 2 4 th St. GLASS. All sizes and kinds, for sale at the Albany Planing MiH, cheaper tnan aywnere ise in Aioany. skhi ly set, if desired. PLANTS FOR SALE. Gooseberries, red and white Currants, Rhubarb, Rod and Yellow Raspberries, Iceberg Blackberries, Loganberries, Dew berries, Fhenomenals, Hedge Plants and Sage. Ivbr C. Duedall, Albany, or.,.K. r . u. jno. d, noma Phone 7102. 16t WOOD FOR SALE. Have bought the slab wood business of C. S. Butler, and also have an kinds oi wjoa. A. W. DOCKSTEDER. Home phone black 176. t21 J. W. BENTLEY, boot and shoemaker and repairer, does first class work at reasonable brices. Next door to Democrat office. See him. FIRE INSURANCE.-O. F. R. A. ot , McMinnville. Oregon's greatest mu tual company. C. C. Bryant, Albany, (jubick uanK aag. coin pnones. FIRE INSURANCE: Beaver State Merchant's Mutual. Inquire at Opera House Bldg. ' . Chiropody. Will remove ecrns, bunions, ingrow ing toe nails, calouBies, massage the feet and make them feel like new ones. Home plume 892, Bell black 2343. 5t Mrs. Jas. Driver. Tired of Oil Lamps? Then use Instantaneous Gasoline Lights SAFE, SIMPLE, SURE. Sea SCHOEL BROS.,418 W. First St BEAUTIFUL DRESS WAISTS HALF PRICE. Quite a number of these splendid stylish waists. Unusual in every respect. Made by the best tailors of ladies garments in the country. The most beautiful of materials. You will find them even at the former prices splendid values. However, to make room for more new Spring goods we must clear them at once. Nearly all sizes are represented and the styles arc of the best. Just now though you may choose at ONE-HALF PRICE. ONE LOT TAILORED SUITS $10.00. One lot of excellent tailored suits at one price. They include suits to $25.00. This is a very exceptional offering. Choose at $10.00 Each. L.E.&H.J. Hamilton 317 First St. FOR SALE. My lease of a farm of 50 acres, with good house find barn, one mile southeaBC of Albany, with im plements, work horses, cows, hogs and chickens. LeaBo expires March 1, 1911, Price on application. I. N. Hewes, R. D. 6. tl FOR SALE- A few trio's of thorough bred Buff Orphingtons 15 eggs $1.60. Call at 216 E. 2nd street. 17t ' Farmers 176. tl2 FOR SALE. A choice lot, 66 by 110 feet, at Washington and 6th streets, ' Albany. Inquire of the owner at 206 w nun street. FOR SALE. Oat straw, $5 a ton at my place in North Albany. Also clean seed wheat, Kinney, $1.25 per bushel. C. R. Widmer. Phone 2801 Home. 24t FOR SALF.-A tine lot 66 by liO feet between Washington and Ferry sts inquire or tne owner at za w, street Albrny. First FOR PALE. 25 acres in North Al. bany, all in cultivation, fine garden land or fruit land. Will sell altogeth - er or in two pieces. Deal direct with the owner. Inquire at the Democrat office, s FOR SALE. Lots in Wright's addi - tion; also lots, blocks, and from 4 to w acres in acreage in nazeiwooa. i adjoining the city, Good terms and1 raannhln nr!pi. Annlv tn At.tnrni'v! Jv ii .iT-Y-irr "r V"5 1 2, Wright Block. Both phones. FOR SALE-Farm of 160 acres, also ! city property. Inquire of H. F. Mc-1 llwam. FOR SALE.--An Eiler certificate, good for $93. Call upon Geo. Conner, R. D. 2. Albany. Bell phone Jefferson, 135 farmers. , tl2 FOR SALE One good heavy truck wagon, one two-seated light back, one good plow, oae single harness, no potato digger, one urge Majes tic Range, oae small cook stove, one Heating stove, two A-Ne. 1 Iron hedsteads, together with spring and mattresses, one good oak eoctcasien dining room table, and 15 A- No. 1 White Wyandotte yoinr pullets from imported Btock, md other household goods. The above prop erty is all as good as new aid will be sold at private sale. Call on J. V. PIPE, 203 West Secoad St., Alb- Bay, uregan. "mT li. A. Kelley, Bclvldere. III. writes us: "I am an ex-engineer with c& years active service to my credit. About three years ago my kidneys were affected so that I had to give up my engine. First I was torubled with severe aching pain over the hips. Then followed inflammation of the bladder, and specks appeared before my eyes. A sample of Foley's Kidney Pills that I tried, so benefited me that I bought more. I continued to take them un til now I can safely testify they have made me a sound and well man." Woodworth Drug Co. LaGrippe pains that pervade the en tire system, LaGrippe coughs that rack and strain, are quickly cured by Foley's Honey and Tar. Is mildly laxative, safe and certain in results. Woodworth Drug Co. , EHBROIDERY SHOWING NEW PATTERNS - DAINTY EFFECTS - ALL WIDTHS THE A LESSON FROM A READING. The story of the Servant in the House, presented in a reading this week, is a somewhat hard one to un derstand completely. As we pass i along there may be some things jn it ! that deserve to be considered. In fact ! one matter is of intensely vital import , ancc to the peonle of the world, par ticularly to Christian people, and that is the necessity of living the Christian life daily. A great many people now adays are Christians one day in seven, ! and it is because of the laxity in Chris tian living that socialism is growing. I More powerful than any sermon preached is the exemplary Christian life. In fact it is this life that is caus- i nig uturc cuiivei Mulls mail sermons; but there arc not enough of them. It ; is telling particularly along the lines of integrity, in business and purity in I the personal life. - And the ministry. Now the ambi tion is to shine in the ouloit. so that- J it may be said, "he preaches a splendid j ' sermon," which is good, but it is not i enough. The great need of the church ' s a thorough organization of work- 1 "'g men and women who show their love for their fellow men in business, 1 socially and in politics, I There is a looseness to-day, that is ' alarming, and the laity is not entirely to blame for it. It is not going to be ' cuismcu 3 mwDug uu. icaus ana attempting to butt the train off the track, but it is mine to takp natiftir .i a :7..i ' The need is for royal ministers, business and professional men, who, though possessing blue blood, are will- ing to serve faithfully; like the servant 'in the house in the Ktnrv r,hi. in the house in the story, so graphi cally portrayea, forgetting their per sonal ambitions in their love for their fellow man. WON'T LIVE LONG ENOUGH. ' All who anticipate the purchase of I a fine new piano in the next two years snouia Hustle to tilers .Piano House About thirty Rebekahs, some of Alb as soon as possible and select one of any's best women, met yesterday after the remaining choice pianos, all of noon with Mrs. E. M. Merrill, 639 W. which must be disposed of at the earli- 9the street, in a very enjoyable social est possible date. We are closing out session. The contest of the day was our retail business and will confine the guesBing of adyertisements in the , ourselves to wholesaling in this vicin- magazines from the pictures. Mrs. ity hereafter. No one in this city will nve long enougn to ever again see a combination of. circumstances which absolutely necessitates such merciless price cutting on high-grade instru ments. If we get cost or near it out of our local stock, we'll be satisfied. it you want to benefit by this sale, come in at once do not wait a mo ment longer they're going fast now. Don't let the question of terms dj fer your purchase, we'll accept any reasonable proposition as to terms a little down and a little each month is all we ask. Eilers Piano House, Biggest, Busiest and Best. 333 West 1st St F. G. WILL, lor Watches OR SALE. One Jersey cow, Phone Home black 2983. .. 6t FOR SALE. Bicycle with new single tires in good condition. Cheap. 238 6th St. st Unusual SEE THIS UNUSUAL SHOWING. Pretty, dainty embroideries are always a source of delight to all wo men. Every woman loves to see them and better still to own them. We have endeavored this year to offer our customers the largest, most comprehensive showing possible this year. Since their arrival we have become enthusiastic about them. We have never seen a more beautiful assortment; more pretty and new effects in patterns; more variety in every way than is found in this display.- There is, cmbroicdry for every use. The dainty narrow edges on Swiss Cambric and Nainsook. The wider edges with insertion to match. Then the narrow Bouncings, in most beautiful patterns. The corset cover widths that are shown embroidered in white and colors. And an unusually pretty display of exceptional embroideries in the wide widths up to 48 inches. These are truly beyond description. The daintiest of new patterns on the finest materials. You usely must see these exceptional em broideries. The edges exceptional values 10 to 15c Flovscisus 28 to 85c. Corset Cover Embroideries White and colored work, at per yard 25c to $1.25. Wide Floimcings at A special line imitation hand work at 65c. 85c to $1.50. SEE WINDOW DISPLAY. HAMILTON STORE PERSONAL AND SOCIAL Ed. Fortmiller, of the U. O., is visit Ing at home. Gil Ogdsn returned this noon from McMinnville. Will Reiner of Portland, went to Hal sey this afternoon Clyde Laughead went to the Bay pn the afternooq train. L, C. Roberts, the new Benton fruit inspector, was in town today. M. Senders and son and C. Meyer went to Corvallis this afternoon. Mrs. Geo. Washburn, of Portland, arrived this noon from a Linn county visit. Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Bach, of Leba non, went to Portland to take the Shasta Limited for a months Btay in California.) t64$!S;$l V. W. Brown, of Great Falls, Mon.,' has been in the city. He s an elevator man and thinks s.me ot coming aown this way. Mrs. Loveall, who has been with her mother Mrs. W. A, Cox, went to Leb anon this afternoon. She will return in a few days. Her mother is doing well. w P tpa' nt pnrtann formerlv nf ' thW- RJ. ,f S tte cltV tol Inls ?ltV.' Pafa W""OUgn U1B City to "ortlana, on nis way nome irom Lena- non, where he had been called by illness of his mother. the Mr. Bert Stevens, son of Mr. W. B. LTm, n n 8Jjw ih tA daughter of Mr. D. O.. Woodworth, two Stevens, and Miss Vera Woodworth of Albany's most prominent young peo ple, will be married at 4 o'clock this evening, at the nome or the bride's : father, with a few relatives and inti ' mate friends presenc. The R,ebekahs. Frank Powell had evidently been look. ing for bargains.for she hit twenty-one out of twenty-six, while Mrs. William Hind pays more attention to local news and the issues of the aay and got only two receiving the booby prize. F. I Will for watches SOMETHING that will interest you if you want a small fruit farm, 25 acres, ALL GOOD LAND, only l'mile south of Millersburg, and 4 miles northeast of Albany. 10 acres, full bearing orchard, half apples and half prunes, 8 acres in cultivation, balance in brush and pasture, poor buildings but sightly location. Price $3300. S. N. Steele, (owner.) 110 Second St.. Portland, Or. PRUNING, grafting and budding sol icited, to be done in the proper season References given if requested. D. B. Suears, corner of Calapooia and . Eleventh street. It FEB. 16. In no other of his plavs has Shake speare introduced so much genuine fun as in "The Taming of the Shrew." The poet appears to have abandoned himself to a work of unrestrained hilar- little nonsense now and then ia relished thVs'hr'naTloVg' been" E&l play with Charles B. Hanford. whose is so well established that he can con descend to this , unreservedly merry mood without loss of dignity. Hanford as Petruchio is one of the stalwart figures of the modern drama. The play is a classic of fun, and he has realized the principal character in a manner which preserves both its humor and its dramatic interest. The charact er of Catherine is one of the most dazzlimr of ShakesDeare's feminine creations and in it Miss Marie Drofnah haa won a celebrity which makes her appearance in it an event of irreat theatric interest. Get Your Fish at PFeiffers. The rilaee. 229 West Second street Everything in the fish line, neat and clean at a reasonaDie price. ALBANY OPERA HOUSE Wednesday, February 16 CHAS B. HANFORD Accompanied by MISS MARTE DROFNAH "" and a Strong Support in The Taming Preceded by The Old Waterloo, a one PRICES 60c, 76c and $1.00. '9 FORD Now Read) "The Car that lasts longest and cheapest to keep up." SEE the car, look it over thoroughly, study it, have a demonstration. DO NOT BE DECEIVED by what other agents may tell you. The reason they do not like il is because they can not sell you as good a. car for less than $1,500 or $1,600. WE sell you a five passenger touring car fully equipped with top, wind-shield, speedometer, five lam ps and repair outfit for $1,050. RALSTON & CRAWFORD, Albany, Oregon. Office over State Bank. ' I FORCED SALE. Retiring from Business Pianos, Organs, ;Entire Stock AT COST, factory price. Must be sold at once. Biggest bargains eve roffered ln Albany. IMVENPOM'S MUSIC STOE. j . Wood Yard. n ood delivered to all parts of city on short notice, office at residence 90S East 4th street. Bjth phones. J. D. Ellis. FOR SALE A good single driving mare five years oil. Enquire of J. D. Ellis 906 East 4th street. All kinds of Lumber. Fench. Posts, Shingles. CITY LUMBER YARD WILKINS & SON. of the Shrew Guard, a story of act masterpiece. Albany Oregon