A Albany Democrat VOL J LV ALBANY. OREGON. Fill DAY FEBRUARY. 11 1910 NO For Ten Days You caubuy the celebrated Hartline Wash. Full Patent. Hard Wheat Flour at $1.75 per sack Fully guaranteed Murphy 225 W. 2nd. Flour and Feed. CUETIS REAL ESTATE CO, 106 N. ELLSWORTH. . Farm land and city property bought: and sold, Parties having land or city property or sale will do well to list with us. I phnnna Hull hlanlf K3 Hnmi. muin 231 ' I A woman is )her feet are The Red Cross Tanning Process The ordinary tole I tanned in ilx weeki; dda uacd to hurrr the tannine parch and burn the leather. This it why ordinary thoei feel faot and heary, why they draw your feet. The Red Crost tole ia tanned by a tfttimt fro mm that takea lis roonihi yoo can bead tt double when new. LOOK VOBTHD TUDI MlBK It bends New Shipment Just Received Chambers & McCune I AGENTS Let us estimate on your works. We guarantee first-class work at moderate cost. PLUMBING, TINNNING AND HEATING. W. E. FRANCIS 123 Ellsworth St. Both Phones. M. Senders &Co, (INCORPORATED.) 1 eaters In Hay, Grain. Wool. Cascara, SMt, Feed, Seeds, Roche Harbor Lime, Standard and Alsen Portland Cement, Acme Cement Plaster, Adamant Wood and Hair Fiber Plaster, Stock Foods, Ponl trv Supplies. Ruberoid Roofing, Build- ' ing paper, etc. I tJoth Phones 48.. 435 West First St. A fine lot at our yard at this city,juBt , burned. Phone Home 285. I ALBANY BRICK CO: Palmer's Dairy j , THE GULDEN iRULE. j Delivers milk and cream to any part of j the city. Prices reasonahle. Jersey j cows with best of care. Both Phones. ! J. G. Crawford's' Photograph Gallery j Is in the New Albany State Bank Build-, ing. second floo', with a complete equipment fjt picture taking of all kinds. ! , aoams, . "AfCUM CARPET SWEBPEK Aient for the ONWARD SLIDING S 10E. Plumbing GEORGE WASHINGTON never saw them. Have you seen the LincolnWashington and Valentine Post Cards at ME1SER & MEISER. never well dressed untili well dressed Such is the decree of Fashion and much foot suffering has been the result You may believe as many other women have that you have to sacrifice comfort to get style. You don't. You can get both in the same shoe. Come in now and let us show you the Red Cross Shoe. -. - The Red Cross styles for Fall will please the most critical taste. The ex tremely short appearance they give your foot make them strikingly attractive. You will like the season' s newest models; the still shorter effects; the new tops; the higher heels daintily shaped; the rich tones in dull leather. And you will find the Red Cross Shoe abso lutely comfortable the moment you put it on. It is not the shape of the Red Cross Shos that makes It so easy to walk in. Tanned by the special Red Cross process, its solo is flexi ble, it bends with your foot. You can select any style you prefer and wear it right out of the store Come in today and let us St you Oxfords $3.50 and $4.00. High Shoes $4 and $5, with your foot STYLES FOR EARY SPRING WEAR. FOR THE 1AMOUS RED uROSS Hand Painted China. Your choice of six Dinner Set Fancy Dishes A full line of GROCERIES You have heard for the last 14 years about Stetter's Best Coffee, none like it in Albany. Try some. Prompt Delivery. Stetters's New DOOLEY'S GROCERY A new and extensive line of fresh, clean , y ' Bread, Dried Fruits and Vegetables CTH AND LY0N STREETS- a 3 B a c 3 " 3 n -a as. i VIEWS 8ATH8 Vi Firs- St. FIRST CLASS WORK GU A PAN TEED SHOES. Haviland China. Store, 206 West Second St. 301 MAIN ST., DEALERS IN General Merchandise, with a new stock to be sold at reasonable prices. Prompt attention. Delivery to any part of the city. Electric Appliance Co. 422 W. First .Phones-Bell Black 2651, Home 411. . Electrical Supplies and Fixtures. House and other wiring attended to promptly. Contracts made. I R. B. Mayberry, Dray man ; Heavy and light hanling. Piano i moving a specialty, Piano and organs ; boxed for shipping Piano boxes for 1 pale. Wood for sale, cord wood or 16 inch wood. Office with Li.m & Benton Real Es : tate Co., 236 West lBt. j Reoidence 713 Montgomery St." Both Phones. HOARSE COUGHS, STUFFY COLDS. Pain in chest and sore lungs, arc symptoms that quickly develop into a d..nc;croi;s illness if the cold is tkh '.:ro'!. I'oley's Money and Tar stops u:e cotrr:!, nca: ami cases tne ron- 1. and brings quick relic:. Diug Co. p n ill ror watches GOT A STOLEN TEAM. Lee Miller, residing at Miller's sta tion, north of Albany, was done up somewhat by a horse thief this week. A man with a fine team appeared and wanted to make a trade, Miller agreed to one, giving the fellow considerable cash in the bargain. It now transpires that the team be longs to Heskett & Youngkin, livery men of Eugene. The fellow left north ward, stopping at Brooks, where he left Miller's team and the Eugene buggy at a livery stable, saying he would call for them in the morning; but he didn't call. Mr. Miller will get his own team back and be out the cash paid, and the Eugene men will get their team and the buggy. The man is at large yet, and with a good sta-t and some cash will probably escape. At the liotels. John H. Crocket, Lacomb D. G. Crow, Berlin J. H. McConnell, Shedd C. A. Bohanuon, Corvallis Carrie Bounds, " N. H. Mulkey, H. A. Griswold, Portland C. G Coffall. Junction Dr. W. H. Booth. Lebanon N. A. Ogden, Clearfield, Pa. W. L. Work, Sil Boss. Pa. W. C. Noon, Portland Win. Clark, Mmlford W. A. Ackley, McMinnvi.lle Died in Portland. Harrisburg Bulletin: Mrs. E. E. Upmeyer received the sad news last Sunday that her sister, M iss Kanda McDonald, had passed awayac) ana strong, Portland after a brief illness which I While we are marching through terminated in pneumonia. Mrs. Up- Marion. meyer left on the evening train and , remained until after the funeral which Chorus, was held Tuesday, interment in the Hurrah, hurrah for Marion and Linn! Riverview cemetery of that city. Miss Hurrah, hurrah for Jefferson we're in; McDonald was well known here, having i We'll get our heads together and to visited at the Upmeyer home many gether we will win times. She made her home with her , Whiiewe are marching through Marion. sister, Mrs. J. .a. Littler in Portland. The Oregon Electric, r-.. nr tii,v f n, n, i?i,nt Guy W. Talbot, of the Oregon Elect ric, left Portland today for New York to confer with the head men of the road in reference ..to extension work. ' He tonic with him the estimates for the road from Salem to Albany, the survey for which was completed, and also for branches from Tlgardsville to McMinn- villa 9 mil.a . anH Fnraal-. tlrnva tn Yamhill, 12 miles,. 66 miles altogether, which it is believed will cover the work of the coming year. Mr. 'lalbot will know when he returns. The Buick Plant For an automobile plant which in the hamnninw nnvaraii ' OnO aniinra faot nf floor space and began by employing fifty men, with a capitalization of $75, 000 and an annual output ot eighteen cars, to increase its floor area to 1,890,000 square feet; its force of workmen to 5,200; its capital stock to $2,600,000, and its annual output to50, 000 cars, with the record single day out put of 106 cars and likewise increase the population of tlv; community in which it is located by 100 per cent, j within a similar period of five years is an almost unimaginable achievement. I Ana yet this is what the visitors to I the plant found the Buick Motor Comp- ! any hB done. The factory is located ' at Flint, Mich. i Patronize home industry. Use John son's Best. F. i Will for watches Wood Yard. W ood delivered to all parts of city on . short notice, office at residence 90S East 4th street. B.th phones. , , J. D. Ellis. FOR SALE - A good single driving mare five years oh. Enquire of J. j D. Ellis 906 East 4th street. i CLOSING OUT SALE Everything Must Go O. K. PERRY, 310 W. 2nd St. leak I fthort ordnrs, including Meats, Salads, Vegetablef, Pies, Oysters in all styles. Hot Tumulies, Sandwiches, Cakes, etc., meals and lunches, neat ami clean. Cjnfettionaries and soft drinks at OFLK-H'S: i2o L'roadalLin Stitct. ! Home A DAY OF ACCIDENTS; Portlatid, Feb. 5. Bert Miskell, a section hand, was crushed under a box car today, Sidney Wager fell from a ship in the harbor and was drowned, and Freda Utting, a young girl was run over by O. R. N. fast mail at Trout dale and killed is the record of acci dents in this vicinity today. A Mine Disaster. Portland, Feb. 5.Another mine disaster Is reported in Mexico, caused by an explosion, which entombs 30 miners. A Telephone Trust. Newport, Feb. 5. The Independent TnlnnhnnA Hrv tnnlr nvpp the K ntnul Company last night and intend increas- ing the facilities so as to give the best service possible throughout Lincoln county. Jetferson Tonight, j Fall in line tonight at 6:40, and be prepared to sing the following andother songs: I Tune: Marching Through Georgia, j Tuiie your voices lively, boys, we'll sing I Sing it with a 8pirit tn'at will move I the town along: . Sing a song of Jefferson, and sing it good Let I Willamette's sons rejoice, for wealth untold they own: Wea.th of timber, fields and fruits, and wealth of mines and stone, They'll be as rich a bunch as any intho'said day. - . temnerate rone. Invent. temnerate rone, While we are matching through .u anon. THEATRE TONIGHT Pictures. 1. "A Terrible Ordeal." Biograph. 2. "A Well Earned Medal." Pathe. 3. "Ch! you Doggier' Pathe. Songs. : 4. "Where do we go from here Bill?" 6. "My Guiding Star." Matinee every day. Admission 10 cents. C MPI R r SPECIAL, SHOPHliNG BAGS 35c values 20c - ;Both phoneJ Main 53 COMPAQ WM. BAIN, President. H. ALBANY STATE BANK Everybody does some' banking business,:; but many do not understand all th e benefits they receive from their association with a bank. You cannot do business with a good bank without receiving some ben efits. Try it and this fact will be demon strated to you. . Have you tried our WINTER COFFEE? ' If i ; why not; fee in town. 25: COj STAR BAKERY, C.MEYEl', Proprietor DOINGS OF THE WORLD. The Philomath baskot ball team de feated Chemawa last night 31 to 20. 184 people sat down to an Odd Fel lows feast at Lebanon this week: Mrs. Brokaw. divorced, is now about to go abroad. Let her stay there, and some more. J. W. Cochran, the bridge carpenter who recently lost a leg and a foot, is doing well at the hospital. Cy Young' the famous base ball play er, is on his way to Portland to visit his brother residing there. About fifty Knights of Korassen, cf Salem, went to Eugene this afternoon for some fun with ths Eugene Knights. Roosevelt and party have now reach ed Nimule on their way to Khartoum. In June they will return to the U. S. and then what. Mrs. Col T. E. Hogg, whose husband v8 once famous in Oregon Pacific railroad building, and Col Spencer, a prominent lawyer, were married in Portland this week. Lawver B. F Swope has moved from Prineville to Independence Before that ho was a Toledo lawyer, county judge for one term. At Prineville the water disagreed with his family and he was obliged to return to the valley. While the steamer Kentucky, bound from New York to Seattle, wus lost all on board were saved through tne wire less telegraph. The warning brought aid last evening and every person on board was saved. FOR SALE. Good business chance, $300 00 investment, doing S1000.0; per month, $150.00 per month profit. If you want something good look into this at once. Owner has to leave city. Addiess, Crackerjack, Oity. rOR SALE. An Eiler certificate, good for $93. Call upon Geo. Conner, R, D. 2, Albany. Bell phone Jeffereon, 135 farmers. U2 Trustee's Notice of Sale. Notice Is hereby given the under signed trustee of the bankrupt estate .01 (Jharles Knecnt will on tne lutn day I of February, 1&10 sell at private sale all tne atocK oi goods, jurnuure cnu nxi urea belonging to said estate and now contained in No. 313 vVest First Street. 'Albany, Oregon. Said sale will be made upon sealed bids deposited with ' tho trustee before 0 o'clock p. m. of Inventorv of nroDer'v may be seen by calling at the store of Gilbert Bros. and property will be shown upo.i re quest. E. Washburn. Trustee. Tonight Only, 1. Lcroy & Thdmpsori id a .eomedy Foot Ball sketch. 1 2. Man. 3. 4. 6. 6. The Devil, the Servant and the Tobby's Finish. The Call Boy's Vengeance. An Old Maid's Valentine. Troubles of a Schoolmaster. 7. How would you like me for sweetheart. By Miss Bell. Admission 10c and I5c. W. 1st St p. d.;gilbert. v. p. BOULEY, Cashier. It is the e Give us atria. I