Jan uarj Sale of Bed Spreads FOR THIS WEEK $1.00 bed spreads. Special at.'... 80c ea $1 65 bed spreads, a very good number. Special at $1.25 ea $1.35 bed spreads, 78 x 88 in. Specialat 98c ea $2.00 bed spreads, Specialat $1.50 ea $1.50 bed spreads, large and heavy $2.50 bed spreads, splendid patterns ana Specialat $1.15 ea weights. Specialat $1.88 ea FloocTsStore Agents for Stanard Patterns, The Democrat. The Daily Delivered. 10 cents a week; in advance for one year, f4.0C. By mail, in advance for one year $3, at ma oi year year $3.60. The Weekly Advance per year $1.25. At end of year $1.50. After 3 years at TOMORROW'S MISFITS. Plenty of reserved seats for cornet Comet A. has gone and no one was hurt. Halley will have to shine to beat Comet A. nniNfm 'Jim Hill says it is all because uviiivjc.areliviDghigli people A curiosity in Medford is the who doesn't own an automobile.' man Abstracts of Title To all lands and own lots in Linn county made by men of wide -experience and certified to by a responsible company. AJcompany that has been established for 13 years : n I is incor ; f orated. ' 1 ; . , , ( The Linn County Abstract Co.. 303 Broadalbirt Street, Albany, Oregon. About the biggest nuisance in the world is a dog that rushes out and barks at every Dody passing. 1 Airship companies are being organized thick and fast. Stock in one ought to be equal to the average mining stock. Use Common Sense When Making an Investment Some reasons why the people of Albany and Linn County should invest their money in the Linnhaven Orchard Company. LINNHAVEN is a safe and profitable investment. Each five hundred" dol lars invested in this Company is secured by twenty acres of land under Trust Deed free from all incumbrances. . . LINNHAVEN is located in the best fruit belt in Linn County. Baptist Preachinz bv the nastor. 1 Rev. S. A. Douglas, at 11 a. m. and I 7:30 p m. S. B. 10:15 a. m. B. Y. P. I u. b:bu p. m. Christian. - 10:30 a. m. Bible School. 11:20, sermon: What Lack I Yet? 6:30 p. m. Christian Endeavor. 7:30, ser Jmon by Rev. E. S. Muckley' of Port i land. Subject. Found, the Men. Cor dial welcome to everybody. Evangelical. H. R. Geil, Pastor Sermon and Holy Communion at 11 a. m. Sermon at 7:30 p. m. Rev. W. E. Simpson will preach both morning and 'Jeffries referred to Johnson down in ' evening. Sunday School tO a.m. The Portland as Nnreer and Skunk. John- thjrd quarterly conference will convene 1 son will make him think he is an African mis evening at i.;oi. tiger. Methndist.-Rev. W. S. Gordon's thn Witnem.stnnri.Anrt nt. 7-sn iTlti. A young man in Brewster s Millions mate Submission to uod. C ass meet-! w e"v Dromnted bv the NNHAVEN wftl do more to build up this County than anything yet of- mg 10 a. m., S. S. 11:45, Junior League continually, neatly prompted by the, fered in safe-and conservative lines 3, Epworth League 6:30. Our aim ig girl who wrote the plaiome toys book, icrea in smir anu conservative lines. to have (very member in the morning! j The Linnhaven Orchard Co. invites you to investigate their proposition service. Have you formed the habit. n :w Tui-J and each officer will' be elad to explain further the details and the Com- LINNHAVEN: All the land'of the Linnhaven Orchard Company was se lected by Professor E. R. Lake, recently Prpf. of Botany of the Ore gon Agricultural College. LINNHAVEN has the proper altitude for fruit culture and is where the Red Apples grow. LINNHAVEN is under home control, the following being its officers: Dr. - W. H. Davis, Pres.; Professor E. R. Lake,. Vice-Pres.; Owen Beam, Sec; A. C. Schmidt, Treas.; and a board of directors, as follows: ' ' W. H. Davis, E. R. Lake, Worth Huston, Owen Beam, F. J. Fletcher, E. B. Horn, C. W. Tebault. LINNHAVEN will- secure you by Real Estate that is free from incum brances, and pay you 5 per cent interest, and give you profit sharing stock. - LINNHAVEN will sell fruit orchard tracts in five to twenty acres on the installment plan.' Grace Presbyterian. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. bv the Dastor. Sunday School 10 a. m. C. E 2:30, 4 and 6:45 p. m. Evangelistic meetings Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 7:30 p. m., with preaching by Rev. B. H. Baker. A hearty welcome is waiting for every one who comes. First Presbyterianl Rev. F. H. Ge9-I elbracht, Minister Morning servico 1 10:30, theme: The Baneful Vale of In-, decision. Evening service 7:30. A (Jri-1 tique: The Calling of Dan Matthews. I Sabbath School 11:45 and classes for all. Junior Endeavor 3 p. m. C. E. Society Opening Third Unit. Of U. S. Government lands, Umatilla Proiect at Hermiston, Oregon, Februv ary 10. 1910. The Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. and Southern Pacific Company Lines in Oregon, will make an open rate of ONE AND ONE THIRD' FARE for the rouid trip. ! Tickets on sale February 8th and 9th,. I with final return limit February 20, mo. Free booklet issued by ths govern ment, containing full information may be obtained from any O. R. &. N. or pany's Attorneys, Messrs. Hewitt & Sox, will also be glad to give any in- j formation in rcicrencc to the legal phase of the security ottered. ' I LINNHAVEN ORCHARD CO. Will Stark Building, Opposite V. O. . 6:30. A hearty and cordial welcome to s. P. Age at, or by writing to every one, . United Presbyterian. Plain1 gospel sermons at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30' p. m, (horning subject: Harps upon the Wil lows. This will be a message of cheer Evening subject: Drifting out of the Track. A most cordial invitation is given to "oung men and women to at tend the evening service. ., A special message for you. ,.' St. Mary's. Rev. Arthur Lane, Rec tor. Rev. A. Servuia, : Assistant.. Sunday services at 8 and 10:30 a. m. The pastor will officiate at the High Mass and sgeak from the gospel ot tne Sunday. At the evening service the Dastor will tcive the history of the third General Council at Ephesus A. D. 431. The public is cordially invited. Wm. McMubray, . General Passsenger Agent. ' Trte 1 oledo. . . A new steel range, with a cooking plate on top- a mode) modern . stove No blacking. Keeps clean. Just take aiook at it. At Albany Hd. Go's. Twice as Much Light for the Same Money , is obtainable by using TUNGSTEN LAMPS for electric light They are made like any other incandescent lamp, with this difference, that the wire filament inside is compoued of a rare metal called Tungsten, which radiates two or three times as much light, with the same tmount of current, as the ordinary carbon filament. Ask us to show you the General Electric Tungsten lamp and prove . its economy to you. ston Eiec. Sup-. Co. 506 V fs' Second Stree WE have r.oJStnte Deposits, nor do we uccopt nnv de posit where special ecurity has to be pledged. This means ithat wo have no preferred creditors and that your deposit iias the same security that all fhavo. We havci invested assets worth m ru tlii.n S100.000 00 and this would have to be dis sipated beforo depositors could lose a cent. It is not being dissipated, it is growing. J. W. CUSICK&CO. BANKERS. Established 1892. The Weather. Range of temperature 51-33. " The river afain took a rise, and is to 10 feet. The prediction is- Rain and warmer tonight, and Sunday rain. up BROMO LAXINE COLD TAB LETS. The best remedy in the mar ket for cold ''in the head or a fresh cold. BriiiRS quick relief if you have la grippe. Try a box. ' If not satis- ed you get your money back. .Price 25c. BURKHART & LEE. GORDEBC VIBRATORS We have just received' a shipment of Gordcn . Vibrators. This vibrator took first . prize over all vibrators at the Seattle ! Fair.' Guaranteed for one year. Call : at our store and get a booklet Price, i $15.00. ISCllKHART & LEE. The Albany' Butter & Produce Co. I are paying 40 cents per pound f. o. b. ' Albany, for butter fac,. or 39c on the. wagon. If you have cream to sell call I . . . ' both phones 49 If you are going to travel get the Jl OHIV American Bankers- Association Trav- , ellers checaue.inSlOiOOt S2O.00or $50.00 i denominations, payable at ten thousand I banks, or t.t any hotel or railroad'office. I For sale by J. W.. ( Cusick & Co., j Bankers. . I , Albany Abstract . Company, " . .'' j L. M. Curl, Manager. I Hereafter the records in the office of the- Recorder of Conveyances for' Linn County, will be abstracted' daily, by an .expert title examiner : employed by our company. In this- manner we will be able to keep our records up to the last minute of each previous day, thereby affording ! better service to the public than any one haa .heretofore been able to : . give. It is our intention to' maintain the standard of exccllencetgained I, by thorough and conscientious work in the- past The very best and" ' latest system of abstracting of titles will be- permanently and continu ously carried forward regardless of the expenditure of money in main taining our well established reputation as progressive and reliable ab stracters. We assume that every one realizes the necessity of having an abstract of title prepared for 'the property which is about to be pur chased; we- solicit your patronage and' assure you that we can give you the very best work that is possible with little delay and at a moderate living price. It will be to your advantage- to see us before ordering. An unlimited amount of money to lban at six per cent per annum on real estate security. , Both telephones in the office. Call in and! ste as or write. Abstract Albiny, Company, Oregon Holt Aeain for your meats of all kinds. - and the Metropolitan next door for the latest and ruits ail vejotaLlia. A fine line of fruits, vegetables nsh, canned goods, etc., always on hand ut the A ptropolitan Market, Bioadalbin street. Only the best is kept. Pneumonia Follows a Cold. A Traveling; Salesman. H. F. Beers, 617-Zth Ave., Peoria, III, writes: " Ihava been troubled for some time with .kid'nev trouble, so severely at times that I could scarcely carry my grips. After using one bot-'l tie of Foley's Kidney Pills I have ! Market been entirely relieved, and cheerfully best in recommend them to alU'r Foley's Kid- j ncy Pilly are healing, and antiseptic j and. will restore health and strength. Woodworm Drug Co. Simple Remedy for LaGrippe. j LaGrippc coughs are- dangerous, as I they frequently develop into pneumo ! nia. Foley's Honey and! Tar not only j stops tne concn, duc neais ana FIRST NATIONAL BANK, ALBANY, OREGON OLD AND BEKEABLE For thirty-miie years this Bank has been conducting a conserva tive business.. It has had' a: healthy, steady growth during these years and on the basis of this record invites your account confi dent of its ability to serve you advantageously. , ASSETS OVER. ONE MILLION DOLLARS. but never follows the use of Foley's strengthens the lungs so that no seri- j Honey and Tar, which stops the cough, heals the lungs, and expels the cold from your system. Woodworth Prng Lo. Rooms tor Rent. All finished and ready for use, some fine office rooms, in the new Will & Stark block. See Dr. Stark. , uus reruns iieeu uc icurmL juc cuu- j inc 1'oiey s Honey ana J.ar contains no harmful drugs and! is in a yellow package. Woodwnrth Drue Co. Lodge Meetings. juuti s Saiiiai-Pepsin Capsuies A POSITIVE CURE For Inllnmmntlon - . V" Mhmt-My nml W'i mwiu-ntlv th - Mu'irot t'UHi'H nt J on or r It tM'rt Vj v vf omul 4Jlril, no tiiHtU't nf tiiv .-JiT-A.. 1 '"'iK nduulliia. A I. mil tel ? V'-,.iKfW lini-mli'M. Sold ty druRglit ,' I'riro or by twill t Pi fWAwHE SANTAL-PEPSIK Ct. "W' Ulleontlne, Ohio- Fnr'ip br'rfei.'' A 0. vf- LET US PRESENT YOU with a hath room plan you can have executed by New ' Year if you act tiiickly. Nothing very expensive about it, yet it includes everything necessary for a handsome and sanitary bath room. Our plumbing work is included in the cost, with no extra charges as a joker. Think it over. MtDIN & STUART. Ol'PUSITKTllE P. 0. "Four chMrs. Prompt an Ktlicirnt Cure of fie face imd hair. M. B. CRAFT, 242 West Second St., Albany Virst-c'ass moats 1' all kinds from elt'fte I stok. Te 1 : . m 'it 1 of all I ii. iOMJXS & fl&EYIVI Real Estate and Insurance Buy and sell realty. Insure nror- orty anil transact loans. Large or smiill timber tracts. TON INSURANCE, LOANS AM COLLECTIONS. have money tt loan in small an large nmounta. Notes and mortRUK" bmght. I will bond you. Proper L anille d for non-rosidentd tomIounc IK im nnd Sign Painter, 122 L'erry St Agent for the Cleveland t:ciienit roof paint.; II onto whine 320. jl'acilic HcMOS. The K. O. M. every Saturday even ing. H. C. Jordun, Commander. the oodmen ot the World every Friday evening. L. L. Swan clerk. pmnzamta Circle 1st and dva ulondays. Anna Strom, G. N. Modern Woodmen meet every 2nd and 4th Wednesday in Bussards' Hall.. Grant Froman. Clerk. Royal Noichuors men. every 1st and 3rd Wednesdays in Uilasard's Hall. Alice Kirk. Recorder. SHINGLES. Made in Albany my No 1 Edpr Jrain 8 the riEST in the market. Various grades and prices from $1.25 upwards. Every bunch branded with my name. Look for it. Examine- these shingles before buying elsewhere. E. A. THOMPSON. We us no dry kilm. G.E.METZGUS &SON, SAVIXG A REGULAR AMOU'XT Ecrsistently will determine your future snccess and comforts. You. will never regret the money you save. After you have started you will regret that you did: not. open an account sooner. Interest Paid on Savings, Accounts. . FIRST SAVINGS. BANK,. ALBANY, OREGON. FARM AND CIT Y PROPERTY THE LINN & BENTON REAL ESTATE CO Have a good 'list of FARM AND CITY property and take pleasure in show ' ing you any place you wish to see. No trouble to us. No expense to you. Before buying see us. See it all. Take your choice. Get the best Offiue 236 West First St Keep your Clothes clean and pressed. THE CLEANER, C. E. SHELLEY, Prop. 10 W 1st St. Beli Phone black 273 Home ohoiie 196 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE MENT. Notice is hereby given that the ur lcrMgncd executor nt" tbv last will ami testament of Elizabeth l.iiulscy. de ceased, has tiled in the County Court of l.inn County. State of Oregon, his iual aeeount as such executor, and that Monday, the Jlsl day of Febru ary. 1910. at the hour of 0 o'clock, a. m'. has been fixed by said Court as the '.ime of hearing of objections of said eport ami ihc settlement thereof. K. M. UL'KKHAKT. Executor. C. C. P.KYAXT, Attorney. Sanitary Plumbers , and Sheet Meial WorKers. Our patrons are assured of strictly first-class work, prompt service and I reasonable urices. ! Eave-trough, conductors, roofing and general jobbing. Specifications furn shed. Estimates cheerfully given. Try us.. 201 E. First St. Both Phone DOiRGINUTLfiWEAUX. Osteopathic Physician, 1-3 Brenner Block, Albnny. Phones: Office Home 359, Bell black 2751, Residence 394 Home, black S63 Bell. D. B. ADAMS, VACUUM CARPET SWEEPER Agent for the ONWARD SLIDING SHOE. CHINESE DOCTOR J. MonlFooVan experienced compounder of Chintse medicines, successor of the late Hcng Wo Tong, is now prepared to furnish Chinese medicines to aH. Theunder signed recommends h:m and giaran tees satisfaction. Cail or wrue him at No. U0 West Seccnd St.. Albany , Cr 1 V 1HFHI Why buy Groceries A. STAKE., M. D of Portland Houses! physician and surgeon, when you can getthe-! mLL & STARK BL0CK' ALBANY following prices at; 3R; MARY MARSHALL, EASTBURN'S 14 lbs Granulated Sugar $1.00 It! lbs Cram Rolled Oats 1.00 II lbs Head Rice 1.00- 14 lbs Japan Rice 1.00 16 lbs Broitcn Head Rice LOO 12 Ids Whita Beans. '...' 1.0 j 12 lbs Lima Boons 1.00 ! 10-1G ozpks Raisinns LCOi Get oui prices before you buy. W.A. EAST BURN The Grocer. Osteopathic Physician I Albany State Bank Building . Hell Black 4S2. Home 275. 1 M. A. LEININGER ! DENTIST lrawiurd Block, - . Albaiv Dl?. W. R. BILYEU, Dentist WILL & STARK BLOCK. ALBANY --AT-- The Crest Tamatie3, Tamalies. Try one oi our honelees chicken tam alies. None better in the city. Oysters served any style, also lijrht 1 unchea. Both Phones 31G West 2nd DENTIST Rooms 6 nd S, Brennsr Rlnck. Bell Black 2481 Cement Work Estimates given on Plastering, id wa!K and Cement. Work. J; F. TRAVER, 4th & Calapioia Si