Some Sample Snaps We have mentioned these before but they are so good that we mention them again. Study the economy of buying now. Suits, Coats and Dresses A splendid array ot styles and fabrics and astonishing values. 1-2 Price. A SPLENDID LOT OF DRESS GOODS. We want these to move on and have priced them accordingly. Values to 65c at.... 25c yard See some of them in the window. KEEP YOUR FEET WARM AND 1 DRY. RUBBERS For men, women and children. A special lot of women's rubbers at only . .....15c pair Umbrellas tor every Doay $1.00 values 79cl $2.00' Values : .$1.48 BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU EAT. Pure, wholesome food is conduc ive to both health and happiness. Our canned goods are the best that money can buy and we offer a wide variety of staple and fancy goods. Closing out our stock of dishes y2 and 1-3 off. , THIS MORNING News From Albany's Six Early Trains. W. R. Bilveu went to Salem to nro- sent his argument in the Hill-Mansfield case, representing Dr. Hill and Mrs. Thompson. Mrs. Mansfield also went to balem. Her case will be represent ed by Portland attorneys. It is over the famous Breitenbush hot springa property. It will settle some questions in reference to homesteads as well as other points. Messrs. in Albany. COMMERCIAL CLUB. Stirring Up the Northern Pacific. A FIRE AT THE HOLT CORNER. Seventeen members of the commer cial club were present at the meeting last night, as follows, President Davis, Manager Struble, Vice President Mc Cune, Secretary Van Winkle, Treasurer Bain and Directors Bowersox, Stewart, I Lee, Fortmiller, Cameron, . Tracey, ! Ellin. Hewitt. French. Veal '. Buckley. Fields. Younger. j Wait and other prominent S. P. officials, i""" " "r, f ; Vu m ' after a trip overthe C. &. went out The monthly report oMhe manager Lebanon way, while on their regular 'showed the following: 237 inquiries of , inspection trip. They spent the Sight , whjch (were - use - 9000 from the Portland commercial Club, 439 personal letters written, 94 pictorial folders mailed, ooa commercial booklets, 1372 conductors booklets, 208 invitations to new comers,, and $362 collected. ' , , , The Brownsville commercial club sent a communication, stating that a delega tion would be in the city today for a looking lot of fellows, passed through conference in . "flBV!H from Coivallis, where they played two train service on the Bpnngfield road, W. F. Pfeiffer went to Portland to buy some show cases and other fixtures for his new toggery, to be opened on First street. He expects to begin busi; ness about the first of March. Tne Whitman basket ball team, a tine ENDS OF EMBROIDERY. Remnants f rom our White Sale ' one to four ; yards at Kemnant Prices. . The Progressive RoKs. The Rok Club last night held a pro gressive party immensely enjoyed by the members and their young' gentle,- men trienas, a nne crowd or young peo ple, full of life. They started at Miss Mooteith's, then walked to Miss Sim on's, came back to the Misses Taylor, and then went around to Miss Kobert a and ended up at the home of Miss Bain, by that time having a five couise re past of soup, salad, sandwiches, cake, sherbet, etc. ' The party was given in honor of Mr. Gale Sanders, son of the late Superin tendent Sanders, who will leave this week for Seattle to make his home. . We Try to Please Our Customers. THAT Is why we sell strictly high grade unadulterated drugs. , THAT is why our prices are'so reasonable, and THAT is why we are careful 'and accurate infilling . prescriptions.- BURKHAP T & LEE. THE BEST In all kinds of Jewelry, Watches, Cut Glass and Novelties. F. G WILL, THE JEWELER. The "OLD RELIABLE" A full line of choice nursery stock'. Order J now for Spring delivery. PbneRed71. - Office 81? W. Second St. B. F. PEIUCE. Manager. Walter Parker Grocer . and Baker 16 WEST FIRST 8TKKBf,.AXBANY OKBGOB. First class goods in their season. Phone Main 56 ::::RELIABLE:::: Light, Power and Heat. WillamettelValley Co. R. F. We'ch, Manager. TO WHAT DO YOU A-BPIRE EI H WotB 58 Are you looking for 'Real Estate 'in the country or in the city? If so, call and see me as I have bargains which I know will suit you and can save you money. . Good 7-room cottage, bath, nice lot s tuated in West Albany. Price. S23UU. Large house and one lot, situated on Third street, close in. Price, $OW. Good buy in vacant lot, best loca tion in Albany. Have several cheap buys in East Al bany. I have good farms improved, situated from four to seven miles out from Albany, for $50.00 and $60.00 per acre. Call on J. V. PIPE, 203 West 2nd Street, Albany. Albany Supply Company mmm dealers In fruits, vegetables, sugar, nuts, confectionary, 'Wrapping 'paper, twine and paper bags. Cash paid for. all kinds of ipoultry. We also 'have the agency for Pyramid and 'Golden Gate cement, Olympic lime, Arden -plaster. Get prices bef jre buy ing. Cash paid for eggs. Foot Ferry Street, Albany. ' Phones. Min S Bell, 3 Home. DR. J. J. MURRAY, Registered Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist. - 'Graduate American Veterinary Col lege of New York City, 1881. At Albany Livery Stables, 2nd i 'Ellsworth. Botii phones. Idle Hour Restaurant, Cor. Broadalbin and Secondt Sts. Under new management. Best 20 cent meals in the city. JONE? KI30R. Wood Yard. AM kinds of wjod, old fir, maple, drv slab and mill end triminines, sawed ready for shed. Phme Home Black 25 5 nUWAKU riKUS. Office with J. A.'howard DR. VIRGINIA A LFWEAUX Osteopathic Physician. 1-3 Brenner Block, Albany. iPhonea: Office Hone 359. Bell black .2751, Residence 394 Home, black 863 Bell games with O. A. C. winning the first night and losing last night by a small margin. The, Vets in Line. Called. out by the tire last night a crowd of Spanish, war veterans drifted together, suggesting a banquet, which was had on a small scale, a pleasant voninir peine sceni. Amonir them mfarraA tn ttm f.lnh an a bodv: were Capt. Stellmacher, Lieut. Kober,-. Sergeant Boylin, R. C. Churchill. W . ' t . . ' w u. uavis. Frame Stuart, franK Jewell, rresu Fred Kober and W. S. Risky. 2nd St. and Messrs. McCune, Baine, Ellis, Tracey and Struble were appointed a committee to meet with them at 10 o'clock ' A letter from the Eugene Commer cial Club stated that a visit from the Albany Commercial Club will be appre ciated at the proper time, and the Club will wait for the word from Eugene. The Ladies Auxiliary gave the Club a special invitation to its Saturday after noon tea at Young's and the Club vo ted to go in a body at 4:30. . Bills amounting to $141.17 were al lowed. . A communication was read proposing Albany as one ot a chain of Chautau qua assemblies for some high class speakers and entertainers, and it was voted to meet the representative upon his arrival for a conference. The committee on Northern Pacific lands reported the holdings, 21,600 acres in this county, already surveyed, but held up by the secretary not yet accepting the survey, which the com mittee will urge our congressmen to have done. The county is being cheat ed out of a tax of $4,100 a year. It was decided to visit, Salem the second Wednesday in March. All matters pertaining to the enforce ment of any kind of a sceme were or- About 7 o'clock last mpht the rear of the Holt meat market was discovered on fire and an alarm was turned in by Flovd Churchill, who was passing. The fire department did prompt wort and the flames were Boon extinguished, after doing a good deal of damage, mostly to the contents, for the building: is of little value. The fire was so well handled that it was not necessary to take out any of the goods in the adjoining frame. How it started is not known, as there had been no fire in the stoves in the rear during the day, but it was probably from a switch, near which were some old receipts. . $200 or $300 will repair the building,, which was not insured. The machinery wus damaged considerably, some of the goods were gotten out, and what were' not were thoroughly soaked. $3600 was carried on the freezing plant and other machinery and on the goods in the two departments. Great Dramatic Artist. I Harriet R. Labadie, said to be the' greatest dramatic artist in the U. S., will present The Servant in the House,, in a reading, at the M. E, church, on Monday evening, Feb. 7, while on a tour around the world. Albany it ther only place favored in the valley in going to Portland through the state, her readings as a- rule being confined to large cities. She has had Mrs. Roose- I velt as a patroness, and is commended by the highest authorities in dramatic criticism. Admission $1. Law Enforcement Rally. I Tonight at the Christian church there- will be a law enforcement rally, with Ran. Sallack and Errett. of Salem, as the speakers. The topic will be a prac- lcai plan xur ueuer mwa uuu i w forcement. Wood Yard. Wood delivered to all parts of city "on short notice, office at residence 908 East 4th street. Bath phones. j. D. Ellis. ' FOB BALiE. A gooo single urmuK mare five years on. enquire oi J. D . Ellis 906 East 4th street. F. G. WILL, lor Watches FORCED SALE. Retiring from Business Pianos; Organs, Entire Stock AT ' COST, factory price. Must be sold at once. Biggest bargains eve roffered in Albany-. ,,. .. DAVENPORT'S MUSIC STOtE.. NOT PAID. Alco Chocolates Arv still It. ELITE chJa,e You will not be paid for having or raising an orchard if you fail to keep it properly ' Bprayed and pruned. ! , 'We keep the best brands of sprays and ",, spray pumps the market affords; also, a. Belect assortment of pruning tools. The Big Hardware Store. ; The Htdburt-Ohling Hardware Co. WAIT MEAD, WATCHES and FINE REPAIRING 113 BROADALBIN STREET. Annual Clearance Sale Will Continue for the Rest of the Month Bargains in every line. Tne Merchandise we offer, is the best money can buy, and brand new. We have no "Junk" to offer the trade. Started with a clean slate last Oct., and think too much of our excellent, carefully selected stock, to fill up with rubbish for the sake of quoting prices. V e make no preparation for a clearance sale. Merely offer you the goods that we may have left at the end of the business year, at prices thai makes them move. They , arr yours without adding profit. Ours, is the cleanest stock of clothing for men and l.nys, in the Willamette Valley. We pro pose to keep it so. An inve stigation will satisfy. , We never disappoint. The Blain Clothing Co. Alb my Orego