BIG PIANO BARGAINS. EILERS PIANO HOUSE TO CLOSE OUT AT ONCE ENTIRE STOCK OF HIGHEST GRADE PIANOS AT TERRIFIC RE DUCTIONS. Commencing tomorrow morning, nromtilly at 8 o'clock, the Krcatcst sale of high-grade Fiapos that has ever been witnessed in this country will start. We're Koing to close out our Albany Store. The superb stock oi man tirade 1'ianos now on Hand will be disposed of at prices which nave never bclore been made any where. Hereafter, we will confme ourselves strictly to wholesaling this locality. Just now, we are in an .awful fix. Our new six-story Whole sale Warehouse and Factory which was to have been completed January first, has been delayed by the inces sant rains. , Our heating plant is still tied up in the railroad strikes. On top of tliat, our Christmas stock of Pianos, also delayed in the strikes, now comes rolling into Portland. These Christmas Pianos together witli; the , immense shipments which have also arrived for our new Ware house, has placed us in a most un comfortable position. We can't un load the cars and the railroads arc clamoring to have this done at once. Rather than go to the expense of box ing and shipping the line stock of Pianos now in our Albany store to Portland, then pay storage on them :for an indefinite period, it has been de cided to close them all out here re gardless of the sacrifice. If we get cost or near it, we will be satisfied. Profit is out of all. question now. If you have any earthly use. for a Piano, if you intend buying an instrument, within the next year or two, we say in all sincerity, here is your chance. Buying now, when prices arc'' as low .as they will be in this closing out sale tomorrow morning, is a positive duty. In-the past we have presented many money saving opportunties to the public, but never belorc have circumstances over which we have bad absolutely no control, necessitat ed such drastic reductions. The burn ing question is, to find homes for these PlanOs at once. Tomorrow morning you will find in this Closing Out Sale strictly warranted Pianos well known New York makes for as low as from$80.00 to $160.00 (second hand); brand new, $244.00, $216.00 and as low as $198.00. ... We ask you par ticularly to see ."the superb $400.00, $450.00 and $475.00 values, which go now at $275.00, $295.00 and $.107.00. The fanciest $500 and $575.00 Pianos now go at $348.00 and $397.00. Here," you will find such-bid famous makes as the Kimball,' Lester, Starr, Hobart M. Cable, Whitney, Bans and even the glorious Chickcring, tne most costly Piano made. Bear in mind, that we guarantee quality and we guarantee price. "Money back" if not exactly as represented every particuajr, pro tects your. " "trcliase in every way. While these Hu-rilically reduced prices, should be for spot cash, in order. .to dispose of these Pianos in the short est possible time, terms can be ar ranged. In fact, in our anxiety to do business quickly, we will accept a small amount down and the balance at such easy monthly payments as : $12, $10, $8, Yes, even, $6 on some slyles monthly. We mean business. ' There is not a moment to lose. 13c on hand the first thing tomorrow iinnrniug and secure best choice. EILERS PIANO HOUSE. HARRISBURG. ( Composed by Manager sung by Albany ho Tuiu- V'it:r voices lively Struhlc and istcrs.) boys, we'll sitiK a booster sonu. Sing it with a spirit that will move the town a long; Sinn a song of Harrisburg, and sing it good and strong Albany boosts for Linn County. Chorus ., . , Hurrah! Hurrali! for Harrisburg wi'r in I liuiriilil Hurrah! for every town in l.iiiu; ' We'll get our heads together and to gether we will win Albany boosts for Linn County. Let .llie sons of Linn rejoice, for . xVth untold they own; Wealth of limber, , fields of fruits, and wealth of mines and stone, They'll he as rich a bunch as any in the temperate zone Albanv boosts for Linn County. MONTHLY REPORT No. 67. DISTRICT r.i-..iili. 1 Maximum marks, SOI). IWrlha McCorntick 759". !'-la Pugh. 7s'- Willard llniwu. 6S-I: Francis. Coon, 558. tirade VI. Maximum Marks. 800. Rlioda 1'iiRh. (i5S; Frank- Workingcr. SS'I: Lester Coon, 542; Mary Kendall, . .179. .Grade V.' Maximuui marks, 800. l-'.va Coon. MS; Roy Kendall, 015; Eda Woikinei-. 07. tirade HI. Maximnni marks, 00. (Ivrald Workinger. bi.l: Asluiry l'ligh. 510; 1 1 .11 lev l.aman, 517; Jesse Ken dall. 4o.. (.Jrailc II. Maximum marks, 500. Fred Xitel. -IdS; Cracc Miller. Mi; Kabe! MeHikle, 351; l'.uniee l'ugh, 34.V Crade I. Harold 1' l'lhel Mr Cormik, lona Kendall, l'.dwiu Har- ,,, i.. a. Mclaughlin. Shedd, Jan. 28, t'MO. Teacher. Arenrding frc.H'.kliUorf. to tl'.o Orogoniun it is the insurgents, ;youow news papers, aiiitntnrs etc who nra afinr en ;t-. i anni'i . ii-i-' iw.n i.,... disgrace; tint as a in"H bwly decent is opp I Ciui' "ii liu '.l.o-s. I of fact every :o the infamous The Democrat. The Daily Delivered, . 10 cents a eek ; in advance for one year, U.K. y mail, in advance for one year $3, at ud of year $3.60. The Weekly Advance per year $1.26. U end of year J1.60. After 3 years at !2.; WEDNESDAY. POOR TRAIN SERVICE Between Albany and Brownsville The train service on the Springfield road is execrable, so far as Brownsville is concerned, one mixed train at an un timely time. Ed. Holloway, Wayne Stanard, N. 3 Hooker, F. ai. Brown, Jos. Hume and H. E. Hillearv. of the Brownsville Com mercial Club, this forenoon conferred with the Albany Club, and' the two Clubs will make a decided and persist ent effort to have the service imnroved. The old schedule in time is wanted, and a motor car, making regular trips for Dassengers. Brownsville now has a population of anproximately 1300. its freight business has doubled in a year, a fine center, with Crawfordfordsville, Holley and Sweet Homp tributary. Many have to go across to Halsey for decent train time. The Southern Pacific should do the right thing, and right away, giving b service that will be needed lusc the same after the , Springfield-Woodburn roaa is usea Clear tnrougn. C. H. NEWS. Deeds recorded: ',. W. C. Cooler' to 'A.' C. and ..' Ralph Windom 19.82 acres. .$ 2477.50 A. ft. Mcuonaia to u. w. Vstecka 80 acres 10.O W. C. Coolev to J. B. Cox 10 acres ." ; . 1250100 J. W. Carlson to J. T. Cook 40 tt bl 12 H's 2nd ad ....... 600.00 Central Trust Co. to Western Or. Co. 8.12 acres adjoining Albany l.OO - Mortgages $2000, $1228, $625, $300. In estate of Chaa. Cochell claim for damage against mu C, & E. Com promised at $500. - Marriage license! Adolph FalkY aged 23, and Eola D. Bilyeu, 18,' of Halsey. $375.98 fees collected by Recorder Froman in January. DOINGS OF THE WORLD. In April the people of Marquette, Mich., will elec'. their own postmaster, by cont;ut of the congiesjian of the rjistricl. Edward ayson Weston, almost 72 years i.i ngi;, left Los AngHes yester-1 day for , lUtle walk to N. Y., which he ' exp'iitt ij reach May 28. . I The 2: 00 this week paid the heirs of the W. I1'. .Moist at Lebanon, and 11 rs. William, nt Corvallis. the amounts com '.v.g to them, from their membership in this li"'n: insurance company. A tafjcrnaU1 revival has begun at Ktscno. witn ur. rrencn r, unver as the bugler lor t. nrst lie preacnes the gospel of hfe. but whacks sin, and Ids hair.sphtting doctrines take care , of themselves. 1 Lir, .'c:i v o. The Linnhavcn Co. has held its firBt annual mooting, reelecting Dr. Davis president, J . M. Hawkins wos electeu vice president and manager, G. H. Crowed secretary, A. C. Schmitt treas urer, and these and E. R. Lake, Owen Beam, F. J. Fletcher and Worth Hus- . ton directors. ' This is tho first Orchard Company in Linn county, to plant and care for an orchard. ; Many things the- Commercial Club have done, or caused to be done for the advancement of Albany and Linn coun ty, but nothing have they evor done or suggested will bring Linn county to the front and placo it where it ought to stand in the eyes of tho homu seeker more than" the organization of this Company. . Thev havo options on, nnd deeds for some 3100 acres of giound in the neigh borhood of Lacomb, being one of the best on-hard sections of Linn county, having been selected by Prof. Lake .f the Oregon Agricultural College, and there is no question us to the adapta bility of its soil and climate . And the neonlo of Albany look forward to a great future of Linn county, as an or- :nara county wnien win vv uvmunsna ted by this Company. In this reorganization of tho Com pany there is connected with it some of the strongest businci s firms of the city, and we look lorward to a great success of the Linnhavcn Companyr. At the Hotels. r II. Daley, New I,ondon. Z. Davenport & wf. Silvcrton. O. J. Mealy, roster. Geo. F. Mott, Portland J. B. Koenev, Sweet Homo. L. A. Milltri MeMinnville. T. A. Snook. Cal.twell, Ida C. t). Devere, Kuirene. C. O. Dobell. Corvallis. Wm Clurk, Medford. A. C. bmart, l'oiil.iul. F. J. Heney is abuit to le n car.di, .lute for Governor of California. Mr. storey s'liotiui ke. p cut of poliiirs. ! C H NEWS Deeds recorded: Twenty nine deeds, patents aud pow ers attorney, Bhnwing different convey mces, all for a nominal consideration, including several from Frederick A. Kribs to C A. bmith. Martha A. Drinkard to C. P. Kizer. 144 acres $ 10 hannie B. McDonald to K. T. Wood, lot Abbey 's ad bO A. I. Davis to J. N. Reilley. 40 acres 600 Abbie L. Whitten to E. T. Wood, lot Abbey's ad 50 Calvin Harris to Dock S. South, 40 acres ... 1000 Fannie Shelton to J. B. Keller and 4.HZ acres iza A. C. Hausman to Fannie Skelton, 4. 92 acres 492 Marriase licenses: Loren M. Bverly, 24, Newport, and Edna Mapes, 20, of AIDany; rranK uawrse zo.anu iiara v. Sergeant, 17, Until of Crabtree. Circuit Court: New Case: rJllen Thomos agt. John V. Thomas for divorce. Marriage Jan, 12, 1906 at Albany. Charges cruel and inhuman treatment, beginning two weeks after marriage, calling of vulgar names, false accusations, assault, threats to kill, etc. P. R. Kelley at torney. Probate: . Will of I. Meeker admitted to pro bate. Value of property $4900. It leaves his property: $300 to Mary E. Meeker, and all of the real property during life and then to Clyde Meeker, all the rest to Clyde Meeker. Deeds. recorded: First National Bank to J. S.Har bison S& 5 7 acres, to correet deeas...... ., $ 2400 J. S. Harbison to' Wm. J. Keegan same 10 J. J.. Baker to R. A. Cithens 150' acres . .;" .. 5250 J. J . Baker to- P". B-. Lerwill 100 acres 3500 Wm. Whale to J. P: Murphy and wife I28J4 acres..' . .. 2953 M. W. Canter to Geoi J. Wilhelm i lots Harrisburg ; Lydia Berry to Rosie Kirnsey 50 by 100 feet Mill City. ,.. 100 U. S. to Jaa Kerig SO acres. .... t t Notarial Commission Tl E. Wall filed. W. C. Mitchellwas1 appointed admin istrator of estate ,. of .Burr,' Bolepmb.'; Value of property, $200'' Appraisers Geo. Miller. John. Maxwell and Wm. Hiatt.- ,-. .,. , $124.50 were the clerk's receipts last week. Passed irjjyUrade. ... The Democrat recently gawe the list of Albauy students- passing the eighth grade examinatifwis: In the county out of ' 178 trying only 78 received tneir certifics'tea."' . S0r f ajled entirely,' and 5&; were .conditioned. Those "passingi out-" side of Albany were; ( . ; i I );. . '. Tangent. Hulda Obermeyer.' I : . L,yons. weiiie uavis. ' ! i .' . Oakvillo. Nina Smith. . ; ' ' Brownsville. Sadie Douland, ;E: M. Holmes, Freu Warmouth, Ila Goble. Harrisburg. Delia Ballard," Willie Hbiloway. ' . v , Dist. 14, near Albany. -Wayne Fro- V man, Mary. .Jacobs,. Laura wain, l,uia .McKeever; Lacomb. Kenneth Arrell, "Mary Turnllle. Martha Uyder. tieloha Wal , Ema TumiHge Mabel Turnidge, , p , uiadylfjlark. Ruth Soule, Norman Yoeman, Erie Yoeman, Albert Downing, Percy Meyers, Wayne Down- lng. Scio. -Nettie thomas, Glen Schilling, Mabel Cole. Waterloo-. Roy Wood, Elsie- Krieg, Dale Loftin Crawfordsville.- Robcri, Allen, Jack Green. Berlin. Fannie.and Minnie Woolsey, Vera Devine, Edna Sonneck, Avis- Bellinger. Albany. R. D. 2. Myrtle Jones, Adeline Asche, Gladys Duncan. riodaville. Fvai'i Gieen. . . : Shedd. Raymond. Mears, Graci) Conner. ' Near Albany. Lizzie Obriat. Nellie Moore, Alvin Obriatt. Near Brownsville. Fay Hollow. Holley. Cecil King, Lola Cioss. Crabtree. Ira Young. Near Lons. Marion Stone, Elmer Bradley, Blanche Gardner. Hanford's Coming. F. Lawrence Walker,' advance agent nnd manager of Chas. B. Han ford, the eminent Shukespeircan actot, for eighteen vears. has been in the city to day, making arrangements lor tne nppearaiico of Han'ord ut All-uny in the Taming of the Shrew, on Wednes day evening, Februury 1G. A boyhood friend of tho Democrat man, this paper may be. excused if it takes more than ordinary inte-est in the visit of Mr. and M.s. Han ford to Albany this year, making tl"eir second appearance heie. llanfofd will be in Ashland the 13iU, Eugene tho 14th, Corvallis the loth, and then Albany, going from here to Salem, where he is particularly ,popu lar. Albany will undoubtedly again irivo him a packed house. Save the date in the interest of high-class drama for KThe N. P. pays no taxes here, f ire is a Oud-betit. there i Don't bite at every scheme presentee1, iiun your own business. j The cereal companies are formin? a ' trust in the teeth ot congress. The two H's met yesterday in a l.erce war of words in Portland. MISFITS. Try the sunshine style for a month. Be temperate in the enjoyment? of life. . A man's thoughts are what give him character. Dr. Cook has been thoroughly, ex" ploded. Murder will out, Whatever games one play? clean as sociations always count. .Anybody can be critcal; but poor business to go into. it is a The man who spends his life just to make money is in poor businsss. Just enough snow occasionally to make us know we are in the U. S. The man who loots another's charact er is just as bad as Ihe Paris looters. The statement that there are 53 Sun days in 1910 is a mistake. There wilf be next year. The bottom in lowness is the man who leads the young girl off into a life 1 ofshame, the white slaver fiend. I j the find , I If you ari looking for specks in character of your friends you can them. Better hunt for the good. Every boy should remember that he ' is building a reputation for life. Not a boy who is not being watched all the lime. Harvey Scott testified to' the good character of Dinger Herman. His paper is also on the side of . booze and infidelity. , ,. ... Back east a crusade is being made against the public drinking cup, used indiscriminately by everybody, a ois ease breeder. ' tu. i Ii.ji .L.t aiuJ s 1.1 K, rr.,,ua ,,1Y(J now mortung paper. At prcaont AI - bany has two dailies, both papers. Brownsville Times, happens; every month or two. Tna1 People iroitie along Lvon street fre quently remark that some day it will be a businesv tnoroagntare. tae nave- menc has stirred things along it. . Lean- jing to-the depot,, everybody travels ; on "'et Clerk Ihiathen s eyes for revenge. nt Herman Holzfuss: xjna-fifth there-it- .a cnlirl ltnnf nniriimiinl unit oomon Ull WbS DOUreed. into-hlS fives- - UfltU re-. r ---i I) .!.. v .v, uv..v. - walksi A food; of ai student at HararamL for ,. i'oke telephoned! the. father of- John S. teed,. a - student, that he had disap peared. and. it was feared was- unbal anced.. fEhere was nothing in it. The student should, be, sent to. a school for feeble minded. - . , iNfTHE MAIL A little; circular fiom: the new- roan- ger of the-Rosebuig Commercial Club, in an'nvelopo.'all Roseburg, agoodone. ' He starts out thuslv: "What is the- great worfeoS'the worid today?. It is. to inculcate the eternal verities ot tne- Christian religion in the minds of tlie people of all climes." Pretty good for a.Dooster. inen,. w-nax. is. xne next great work of the-world. It.iato point out to each-man his individual oppor- tunity to find.a. home for himself and family,, where they may live in, peace, quietude and plenty,, etc.," bringing in Uouglas county enthusiastically. The regular-booster letter from the Portland Commercial Club referring to the formation of the-Western Fair As- sociation, the annual convention of the irmi.pi.fl nt Rlla-nnp. thp MpfMnlfd Clnb as an example of modern progressivo ness, with 562, members, with an ini- tion tee ot o and. tne raontruy aues; the development congress a Eugene Feb. 11-12,. the receipt oi 170 rose bushes from, Japan and lb advance of realty, values in. Portland. Lebanon. The E. A: Saturday January 29, 1S10. Mrs. W. F Moist received through the local camp officers ot the Modern Woodmen of America an order for the sum of $20t0, in payment for a certificate held by her late husband, W. F. f..oist. Prof. Charles O. Hargrave, piano' instructor, will present Miss Lulu Bolton In recital tomorrow evening in Odd f ellow s hall, assisted by Mrs K 'j'f1.'- win hi Admiasioi. win oe E- Wilis, vocalist. by invitation. Fourteen head of cattle belonging to Ji. M. Flaherty and kept in a field south of town have starved to death during the past few days. Mr. Flaherty is away in Nebraska. The cattle aro Mortgaged to G. W. Davis. Chinatown is gradually giving plaee to civilization. A new sign in the very midst of it reads: Jones Produce Co., i.'outtry, Eggs, etc. Trimmed Hats, at your own price, nt Mrs. Broadhead's. for a few davs, in charge of liss Schultz. A great bar gain if you call early. Thia ia rrrniinrt hnir rfilV. Jinn if the - : hog got out he certainly saw his shadow which means that- he will go back in his ! hole and stay for six weeks. Nothing in it, The Sun Shine Club will meet at A. U. U. V. Hall Thursday afternoon at 2 ..l..l. All ..v.l,aVo ......Moctiirl tn ha present for there will be something doing. By order of tho President. i h J ' Con't let strangers hooJw.nk you into throwing your money away on j nothing. TELEGRAPH. A LAW BY -V BOURNE. Washington, Feb. 2. ISenator Bou-ne introduced a bill amending the enlarged homestead act as applied to Oregon, to provide that a pstent issue nr.nn shnwinir nnltivnt-inn nnfl ciahlh thn second year, one-fourth during the third and fourth years, one half during j the fourth and fifth; and final proofs to show entryman resided in Oregon and iDflve years produced croos of the value of $lb00, actual residence on land not i equirea. An Extension. Newport, Feb. 2. Newport is to have an exteusion from Yaquina so say i c? 1.1 n-ia i . i ::t ia du nay ed here vesteidav. A new survey was ordered. Serious Charge. Everett, Wn., Feb. 2. Rev. Casey of the First M. E. church is charged by three business men of immoral cosduct with prominent young ladies of Everett. Casey is a hale fellow well met and a ' Paris, Jan. 31. Soldiers are slaying looters. Three were killed on the river, land two- were susperded from lamp ! .. TV-Li; -a. i puma ruuuc prayera were ontrea in the chuicheB for relief." The waters are falling but the public suffering is intanaiaat anA mnnv man atuptrA PORTLAND; Jan. 31.-Many witnesses . . . j . , ,. today praised Hermann, including Gov- arnnw Koncnn t-i ivuati witntr nnn B-' in ernor Benson, Harvey Scott and Phil meiscnan. Washincjion Jan. SI. The Oregon senators are endeavoring to enlarge the homestead lawn of Oipcrnn nn thnt nflt. ents mav be issued uoon nroof of culti." v-tion regardless ot nor, residence the" - BamB as jn jjtah.. . WA3HlNGTNr Jan. 3H The meat question is up to congress and steps will be taken to start, aw'jnquiry into me nign price or toooi.. pmm . Bt, ... j,.ii,l' v-- PORTLAND;. Feb. 1. Sterlmgr Page, age SI,-: a discharged employe oft the thereof to said plaintiff). Fred Holz rorelr.nd Hotel., threw Red, rjennen- into cr.u .i ia AtaA- . -- oil tf saiu ueieiiuuiiL dciiiia aickci, 1S,mfHjP?n wa8 'Kynone-tath thereof to said, defendant, ?'L,'S? .!'? carac-'ohl9 aaa,st-i Emil L Holzfuss: one-fifth, tljereof to u:e wiinmeniaca4sirenKn. , , WASHINOTONV- Feb. 1". -Senator Chamberlain declined a plaoe on the in-i suit anS the expenses of. such parti vestigaling .committee in. the Ballinger-; tion, or sale, be apportioned! among Fincbot case. -, I the parties to this suit according to Primero. Feb. .It Only two' miners ! out.of 79 entombed, by vester-day's- ex- i : j-i. i.. -fc.. .? , mine were -found alive, 3U bodies were recovered this rooming. Ihe were over come by gases.. ' POTiAND, Feb. It .Hermann is being: ' cross exomined tfein af ternnnn airl. it in expected Heney will atteaipe to grilr nlm- ; 1 ' Washington, Feb. l.-Hill of the- weat JNortherBi has- asked Senator Chamberlain for.maps and-statistics of urezon. He proposes to colonize and advertise the Deschutes. iprcscrmea inc. saiu oin uay ui janu- . GORDEN VIBRATO SS, We have: j ary, 1910, as the time on or before just received -at shipment: of Garden, I which you shall appear- and answer Vibrators. This vibrator took first ! saj(l complaint m said suit., prize over all vibrators at the Seattle:; The fate of the first publication of Fair. Guaranteed for oh e yean. Call ' this Summons in said' ne-srspaper is at our store a;id get-a booklet, tfneei SSIS.UU. BUKK.HAKT & L.H.H. : A fine line of fruits, vegetables nsh, canned goods, etc., always on hand at the iVetropolitan Market, Bioadalbia street. Only the best is kept. ixoticc is tiererjy given that the uhm . . . . .!; 1 l, U... K " H, r-..w.! r . ? V i - r- . j i Court of Luin County, duly appointed Adininistra.or ot the, estate ot Jolmr rt:i,'li,ii. t:n- (if i-timil v: hi-i-huwI i All persons having claims against the ; estate of said deceaaed 'are-hereby rc- 1 quired tot present tiic same-with prop- er vouchers lo the undersigned at his residence: at Albany, Oregon, within six mouths from- die date of this no tice. Dated this 4th day of February, 1910. J. W. BARTON, HEWITT & SOX, Admr, Attorneys for Admr: ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE." Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been by the County Court of Linn County, Oregon, duly appointed Administratrix with the will ;lnncxej of trie estate of Isaac Meeker, late ot said county, deceased. All per- sons having claims aaainst the estate of said deceased are hereby rcquirer' to present inc same wnn proper vouchers to the undersigned at her Residence, near Millersburg. in Linn County. Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated this 4th day of February, 1910. MARY E. MEEKER, HEWITT & SOX. Admrx. Attys. for Adinrx. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. Notice is heteby given that tie un j dersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of Linn County, Oregon, administratrix of the estate of N. E. Vernon, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby required to present the same. with proper voucners, to tne unner- sieneA at her residency said County, within si; the date of this notice. at bneimirn in six months from Dated Januarv SI. 1910. M. V. Vernon. Hewitt A Sox, Adrninisirtratrix. Attorneys for Administratrix. Painless Dentistry Oat of town peopla am have their piste oiid britlgework tiu. iahml In ana dn - VI I" M "J Us T V:Ws Hill siv you goc4 -22k jolJ or porclai :jcrowlor $3.50 ,3noUr Crawu 5.00 'J22kBrMjt Teeth 3.50 '.f8.u niu 1 nn K Am 1T- wen 11 ' .1. al ,(l Eninul Flltoji 1.00 f SSilier Flllinir. .50 V-ShlwFillinn 2.50 t ;jGood Rubber - nn 3 Plates 5.00 1 WL W. A. WUt, ntinam ud muuuia t-f n mu uimtuu u niruio Palnlesi Extr-ilw ,t)U WORK GUARANTEED FOR IB YEARS falnlets Jixtroctlon reo when platos or bridge wort faordured. Oonnultatlon Froe, Yon ennnot HAtbetter pninlrMTiork donoaiiywhoro. All work fully puur . uted. Modern glf -triu ounipmout. llcot ir.otfc.oda, WiseBesitalCo. Pinjifo BriLDnio INCORPOHATIO ' TniRDAWABO.STil. PORTLANU,UKLWP. MHOS RQUBAi A. 11. to 9 P. tt. Baadayi. 9 t 1 ' SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State off Orccron for the County of Linn, De- . . -v r oartmeilt iSO. 4. ra "oiziuss, piaint.n, v. Holztuss. Bertha K:ecker, Emil J. Holzfuss. Johanna Leib, Olive Holz- f r it rr. I Ir:iuAl.n;... fuss, G. H. K-.ecker, Wilhelinma ; Holzfuss and Henry Leib, defendants. , To Herman Holzfuss and Wclhelmina I Holzfuss, defendants above named: In the name of, the State of Oregon, : you are hereby notified and required ' to be and ippear in said above named court in said suit, and answer the complaint ot the plaintiff on file there in, on or before the Stti day of Janu ary, 1910, and. you are hereby further notified that if you .fail o appear and answer said complaint as aforesaid, for want thereof; the plaintiff will take a decree against you and each of you for relief prayed. Sor in said complaint; towit: , A decree of said, sourt directing that the following described lands, towit: Lots One aud Six, in Section One, la u"e " ". Township 10 S. of. R. one. East of the wi,, M " m j. CoUntv. Oregon;. , also, eight acres in J-of 5, in section 35, Tp. 9 S. of R. 1. E. of the Will. Sler. in Linn t,ounts,. uregon, ana more particularly doscr.ib6d as being situated and lying in the Sotitheast corner of Sec. 35. S. H. 1 E. of the Will. Mer. in Linn County, Oregon, containing 8U.45 acres, be partitioned among the parties-to this suit accord ing, to, their interest therein, as below mentioned or sold! and. the- proceeds of said sale divided among, the plain- tirr. and toe ueienuams ui. yiupui iiuu Ah fii0. one-fifth .. xjto, Tn , anna Leite. and that ti, casts and disbursements of this thclr respective interests, ana. tor sucn ot!,.er re"cf as ma seem pI0per to said court. I V"s Summons is served on you and eaeil Oi JUU uy ijuuiitaiium .y i.a. consecutive weeks prior to- the said 8th day of January, 1910, in the Al bany. Democrat, a weekly newspaper of general circulation in sabf county,. by oretor ot tne HonoraDic i. JX. juun- ci,n, Judge of the said County Court of Linn County;- State ot Oregon, i wlucli said order was maae- a oveniDer ! 18th. IS09- nd that the said j. JN. j uuncan, juuge ui me uw nij Court, in said order for the-pubhea- tion of this Summons upon you lias Xovenrber 26th, 1909. J. J. WHITNEY, and . W. S. Ri3LK, Attorneys for Plaintiff. EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE. 'Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been by the County Court of Linn County; duly appointed i Lonn ci . - t ,i, ir. .;it .i tt.. rao-uuu ui ii.v. iii "" . ment ot 1 nomas Brandon, late ot saiu : rnnntx. deceased. All" oersons having . - n", - ,; -t ,i,. si-,t of said de- a cams ceased are hereby required to present the same with proper vouchers to the undersigned at her- residence, at Hal sey, in Linn County, Uregon, witlun six months from the- date of this no tice. , Dated this 31"st" day of December; 1909. ELIZA BRANDON, HEWITT & SOX", Executrix. Attorneys for Executrix. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE- MENT. Mcrsigned the. executor of the last will 'anj testament of Elizabeth Whitehead, .Notice is nereuy given mat me un- deceased., has .filed his final account wjth the clerk of the County Court for i.jnll Count-, Oregon, and the court lias hx.ed' the 7th day of Fsbruary,. 1910, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m.. for the hearinir of objections to said,, account, if any-, and for the settlement of said estate. Dated this the 20lh day of Decem ber,' 1909. - J. E. WHITEHEAD, I. K. WEATHERFORD. Executor. Atly. for Ex'r. : 3 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE MENT. Notice .is hereby given that the un-. dersigned administrator of the estate of M. V. Hedge, deceased, late of Linn County, Oregon, has tiled in the Coun ty Clerk's office for Linn County. Ore gon, his final account, anil the County Court has .fixed the 14th dav of Feb ruary, iv.iu, at one ocrocK p. nt, tro the hearing oi objections, it" any, against said account and the settle ment of said-estate.' A. L. LILLARD, . J. K. WEATHERFORD, Admr. Attorney for Admr.