Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, February 04, 1910, Page 4, Image 4

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An Acrostic.
(By Rev. Edward Barber.)
Albany, Oregon, Hub of the Vallcyl
Let the message spread near and far
B y making it known like the Comet
of Hallcy,
A nd making it glow like a permanent
N o matter the kind of your chief
Y ou all must perceive her strategic
T he peerless Hub wc repeat, both of
valley ana Kiver,
H aving streets bitulithic, with walks
of concrete.
E ach brilliant at night with electric
H ere some facts wc set down of our
good countv town:
U pheld in the ranks by four thriving
banks; '
B y her traffic in freight, and her
trains twenty-eight.
O ne college, one high school, three
. schools of gradation.
F orm her solid bed-rock for broad
Twelve churches are found in this
great railroad center,
H olding portals wide open for all
wishing to enter;
E very ecclesiastical spire making the
worth of real estate higher.
W hat makes the Valley's Hub so fa
mous you will quickly see,
I f you know her range of climate
ninety-two to twenty-three!
Listen, also, to this: with truth we
declare 1
L inn county is larger than all Dela
ware; A nd the vale of Willamette, we're
told by the wise,
More than double the state of Rhode
Island in size
Even he who runs may know that
the city fast will grow.
T his is her cherished, her unsurpass
able boon
There is not in her limits a licensed
saloon; ,
Each inhabitant knows how reduced
are her woes. i
V aster grows her repute for both but
ter and truit;
A lbany's prestige by day and by night,
Larger is growing, becoming more
Let her papers proclaim her illus
trious fame.
Ends here our. brief story of Alb
any's glory
Y ou never can fail, Strong Hub of
the Vale!
Ihtt I tt remarkable tiling the writ
er has seen demonstrated. Take a
hair from your head, tic it to a go's
ring, a heavy ono preferred, then tak
ing the loose end, with the elbows on
the tabic, suspend the ring in a glass
a little over half filled with water, as
'firm at) possible, near the center, just
llbovtt the water. The ring will vi
brate striking the glass as many time.e
as tne owner oi me nair is years oi
age. With Recorder Grant Froman
hold of the hair and ring exactly fifty
three was struck for ye editor, and the
ring slowed down to the center. Upon
the second trial it hit the age of a
prominent lawyer, exactly 33. The
experiment may be repeated by taking
the ring out, then returning it when it
will again go to ringing against the
side. One man tried it three times,
each time it tolling the age exactly.
For a child two years of age it would
only ring twice. There is evidently
something in our hair after all. This
is a genuine fact, and not a trick, it
being immaterial whether the opera
tor knows the age of the owner of
the hair or not, or whose it is.
A clean-up club is being organized
in Eugene, among the pupils of the
city, evidently a good thing to emulate j
generally. A'ong wiui uie icamniK
obtained in the public schools and
colleges, there can be nothing belter
than the inculcating of ideas of in
dustry into their minds in a practical
way. u line tins is ueing uone a ciiy
is being wonderfully benefited. Clean
liness is godliness jij,st as much in city
life, as in the lives of individuals.
Clean streets, lawns, curbs and back
yards arc a great thing for any city,
giving it a reputation that cannot he
estimated in dollars and cents. Busy
students may be a good solution of it.
By the Man About Town.
A busy place down at the creameries
The Democrat man today called ot the
Albany Creamery Association for his
arnu litwo rol's of butter. It is doing
a lino business, li st year, the Inrircsl
yet, with an output of nht ut (70.000.
Linn county farmers certainly
doing well. Many have Leen pinking
from $10 to $12 n cow from their butter
fat. Last month C. L. Shaw with
e'even cows, secured a check for $133,
a i a sample of what can be done.
A large force of men taking advan
tage of the good weather at the high
school building. Ftiucators from other
places who have visited the building
declare that Albany will have about the
finest in the state outHule of Portland.
rh:.t Albany carpenters are busy gen
erally, whenever ttu. w?ather permit
work being pushed on several residence
properties. Among others M. J. Cam
eron has the foundatinu in for n hirer
houre for rental, on hi" Lyon street
property, something Kteaty needtd in
The floods in France have been the
greatest event of the week. More
damage has been done in a few days
than is done in a long war. It is said
the great San Francisco earthquake
and lire has been surpassed. Creeping
on stealthily it was hardly realized
that the country was being visited by
a terrible calamity. Paris has been
the center of the trouble. Built on
a subterranean system the damage is
almost irreparable.
Paris has been the great maker of
moving pictures. Now there is a gold
en opportunity to give the people
something of intense interest.
Two comets have attracted the at
tention of the scientific world this
week. One of them was predicted
long before. The other sneaked into
view unannounced, surprising the
smartest of the boys. Astronomers
have things figured down to such a
fine point that they can make a map
of the heavens and tell all about even
the path of the comet. It is said
that comets as a rule have the same
road to travel, and that they keep at it.
It is not probable that they run into
anything anywhere, nor cause a dis
turbance. Things don't seem to be put
together that way by the Creator; but
a great law rules under divine direc
tion, and the immensity of the field
staggers the mind when one attempts
to fathom it. ,
This week the Albany business men
began calling on their neighbors. Har-
risburg being the first town visited.
An interchanging of sentiment and
business experiences ought to be a
great thing for both parties. One does
well to get out among his fellow men,
to mix a little. The mixer is a great
tellow when he mixes in the right way,
and with the right motive. This valley
must go ahead by a united effort, and
municipal fellowship is certainly a
good thing to cultivate.
Albany people this week were given
a splendid demonstration of the merit
of Shakespeare's leading production.
the play of Hamlet, a remarkable thing
in literature. Une s reading is short
it it does not include the plays ot
Shakespeare, a remarkable array of
words, backed by deep thought and
witty expressions. In these days of
cheap literature one had better spend
an occasional hour among the leaves
of Shakespeare.
Anvtllino- that is mvsterinlt. nlwsvi
attracts. attention, hence the man with!
the tricks and the ringing of the ring
attached to one a hair has excited in
terest. We like to delve into things
we can't understand. Besides they of
fer diversion as we go along. The
mind needs to get out of ruts.
The Oregonian this morning says that
small-pox has developed into a serious
epidemic in Linn ' county, which is a
barefaced falsehood. It reports six
teen cases in Lebanon. At this time
there are none there. . There was a
case down in Syracuse precinct, and
that was about all It gives Dr. C. S.
White, secretary of the state health
board as authority.
Mayer A. M. Keeves, Rev. Lacy and
Seymour Washburn, leading citizens of
Lebanon, in the city today, all say theie
is not a single case ot small-pox there,
and hasn'tJbeen for weeks, then only
four or five light cases.
To be plum the OregonUn's state
ment that there is an epidemic of
small pox in Linn county is a lie of the
worst kind.
A big paper like the Oregonian should
know what it is talking nbout before
publishing a statement like that. It
seems to hunt tor ghouls elsewhere but
is cieciuecny still about rortlai.d s epi-
At the Hotels.
Asa Hirons, Scio
E. A. 1 hurston, Wells
Fred S. Moody, Oakland
J. II. Shewry, of the Warren Co.
Geo. H. Graves, the broom man
T. B. Endcrlin, Otegr" N Y.
F. J. McKinnie, Port ul real estate
S. C. Myers, Lebanon
O. H. Rose, Ashland
Cornel A,
What a thief this Comet A. was any-1
way stealing in without any of these
smart astronomical guards discovering I
it before hand. It has been n remark-1
able visitor seen by its own light, as well
as by reflection from the sun. In the
mean time the solar system itself is on
a voyage, and whero are we going.
Today is perihelion for the comet. i
Two great comets at the same time ,
is certainly an astronomical treat.
Same Number of Grocery Stores.
Albany and Eugene have exactly the
same number of grocery stores, that is
stores where grocaries are sold, nine
teen in each, arcordinc to the list of a
couin:ereinl traveller in the city today.
Kugene's population is given as 50 per
ent morethan Albany s. llieilrunmipr
had Albany's down a's 6,000, Eugene's
, q (oil I
I he weatner.
Range of temperature 4S-3?.
Rainfall .44 inch.
Tho river has continued t o fall and i s
! I 'oet
Prediction: probably fuir tonight and
Saturday colder.
M. E. Harrison appointed administra
tor of the estate ol R. J. Harrison.
Value of property $6,000.
w . D. Busey appointed administrator
the estate of .0. L. Busey. Valui of
perty $100P.
Final hearing in estate of Chas. H.
Greer, set for Match 7.
Appllication Wm. Z. Beeson to regis
ter title, S. M. Garland, attorney...
Marriage li:enes, S. W. Patterson,
41, and Minnie Francis, 38, of Cascadia;
Frank Vanepps, 23, Stella Malone, 21,
Testimony was heard by County Clerk
Miller today in the ease of U. S.
against S. D. Pickens, to dissolve his
patent. Several witnesses were present
from Foster and Cascadia.
Deeds recorded:
John R. Morris to Jas. Boyle, lot
Lebanon $ 250
L O. Kalston and wife to J. C.
Devine, trustee, 154.09 23,113
Chas Clem et al to Frankie Roy
3 tracts 6,000
Amos Clem to Chas. Clem, 3
tracts 10
Wm. Calkins to A. M. Donaca,
80 acres . . 1,240
Chas. Gay lord to Stephen Powell
& Billie South. 3 tracts 2.000
a. M. Haves to Arthur Bradley
& Minnie Brown, 45 acres.... 1,500
W. U. Benton to W. Z. Beeson.
80 acres 6,000
u. a. Berry to H. K. BiacK. z
lots Peoria ' 10
Probate: J. W. Barton was appoint
ed administrator of the estate of John
W. Barton. Estimated value ot pro:
erty, real estate $8,000. Heirs, J. W
Walter and C. E. Appraisers, A. R.
McCoy, F. M. French and Geo. L,
Notorial commission, L. H. Peterson
152 hunters licenses issued.- Heaviest
this week, Peter Ruettner, 280 pounds;
lightest, Elmer Propst, 90 pounds.
Deeds recorded:
Hemy Pitcher to J. E. Randolph '
47 Jtf acres S4500
j. u. raxson to timer i'. Stewart,
IV acres
What is declared to be the' greatest
play in which she haa ever appeared
will be the attraction at Albany Thurs
day , Feb. 3, when Miss Blanche Walsh
will be seen in The Test. -The work is
that of Jules Eekert Goodman and is
pronounced to be one of the most power
ful plays ever produced on the Amer
ican stage.
Maccabee Installation
Last evening was a gala time for the
Ladles of the Maccabees of Albany. It
was the occasion of the installation of
officers and extensive preparations
were made. The decorativo art was
brought into requisition to matte the
lodge room attractive and inviting. The
inner man, (woman.) was mad 3 to re
joice when the ample and rare refresh
ments were spread before the assem
bled "bees". The officers installed
were as lollows . Past Lady Comman
der, vrs. Weaver; Lady Commander,
Mrs. Ella Merrill; Lieut. Commander,
Mrs. Laura Anderson, Rocord Keeper,
Miss Minnie MerrilljSbargeant al arms,
Mrs. Al. Munkers; Mistress at arms,
Mrs. Hilka Warford; Chaplain, Mrs.
Goff; Picket, Mrs. Voss; Sentinel, Mrs
A Store Entered.
Dooley's grocery store at Lyons and
Ninth streets, was burglarized lastnight,
that is, a burglar got into the store,
when he became frightened and left,
about that time John Cutlin and Guv
Fox appesring. They saw the man and
Catlin took a shot at the thief, missing
tne marK. ine leuow escaped in the
dark. Little or nothing was taken. A
good many men nre passing through the
vanev, ana irequenc rooDeries are re
ported along the railro-d, indicating
tne neea ot general waicniutnes3.
Good Bye Comet A
A good many Albany people were out
ast night looking for Comet A, which
was seen, a streak of light in the west,
hooting down to the Horizon and final
ly disappearing about 7:45. It is said
to have been four or five times as long
as the lull moon and about as wide in
its flare. Most people who saw it
didn't really know whether they saw it
or not, and some who saw it didn't see
it. Hut it is gone on its long, never
ending voyage in the truck laid out for
A Million Uollar Play
A large crowd last night witnessed
the play of Brewstet'a Millions, n nov
elty in theatricals. A man sp nding a
million dollars a year in a liecent way
soemed something worth witnessing.
Th.3 scenery was good and the troup
we I made, with Koynl Traeey, a very
competent performer in the leading
part, well sustained. The vaeht scene
striking ana exciting. Monty
fnlly gave away the last half of his
million dollars in salvage fr the sav
iii1 ui in;, viiciiv, anu niuri leu inu gill
l,t l.tVni!
Basket Ball Tonight.
.Madison and the Scio high school
basket ball team will play tonicnt at
the armory, beginning at 7:3) o'clock
Adn'ission lOceirts. See a fast gan e.
Wait until May 18.
Halley's comet is being blamed for
everything. '
Absolute honesty should be the rule
of every young person.
Get your latch-string ready.
Albany men are coming. .
Just wait. Albany college will get
its endowment and then some more.
The comet is said to he so bright in
Eugene you can read a newspaper from
it. - . . .
It is not whiskey, but a great insur
ance fraud that is afflicting Kentucky
just now, ' :
If any one sees the comet with the
tea8k th6m Wtee
Suppose Comet A and Halley should
run that way.
. ..
The trusts may depend upon Mr.
Taft whatever his messages read. Real
action is what counts.
Go around and see your neighbors,
$1.10 will buy a round trip' ticket to
Harrisburg tomorrow,
President Taft will not make any-
thing by trying to whack it to the
newspapers and magazines.
There is a wild rumor that the
Wrights contemplate a flying machine
trip to the north pole. Better drop it.
And now the funny caricaturist has
an aeroplane man tie a tin pail to the
mil ui me cuiiiet wnen it oasses tne -
It is said that the Jeffries-Johnson
fiirht will nMrer take nlnee. Soma .me
ought to whin both men on general
This is a day of clubs.
man or
woman who doesn't belong to some
kind of a club is as scarce as the teeth
of a hen.
Dissension in the order in Orecron.
fl&vn O'rAirnnian nnH it,. anmni.n
is at the bottom of more of it than any
one eise.
People are wondering what the cen
sus examination will be, Feb. 5. The
questions come from Washington and
are a mystery..
.QtdlrlwMI Qtato la fooll,, tui.n
ted. to he marie ,.n of t.hB annHmrn hart
of Oregon, and the northern parf of
California. Sting it now.
Eugene Register: By all means let
us take in south and west Eugene ter
ritorv at once so that the census wil
show somewhat near the actual pbpu
lit ion of the city.
Lebanon Criterion: There were six
Lebanon ladies on one train last weeK
going to Albany to trade, called there
by the attractive advertising sent out
from that city and, in outside papers.
According to a' caricature the beef
trust is being thrown up in a blanket,
it looKS pretty good, Dut as a matter of
fact the beef trust hardly knows there
.a nm. fhinn ,1M-I T- 1mm, .r, 4-l.n TT C!
,o flung , nnvn. tuc vj , u,
Senate is back of it.
A twelve or thirteen year old boy
just went by smoking a cigarette.
r'n 7 la. Vh,?n.,J;; hi
gon. lhat one law that ought to be
enforced. A cigarette in a boy's mouth
is a sure sign ot calamity tor yto.
Speaking of Mr. Smith's 'statement
that a hog won't drink whiskey or smoke
cigarettes, some one comes around and
says, neither will a hog drink lemonade
nor eat numerous things. After all the
whiakey habit makes its own demon-
stration, and it is, not necessary to ring
in the hog -
Hon, M. A. Miller is' reporting in
Portland that Lebanon is to be on the
main line of the Southern Pacific. As
a matter nt fact the rails being laid are
not main line rails by a good many
pounds. A big hog engine would make
a poor showing on the light rails already
down on the extension. . .
The President is in favor of ship sub-
sidies. Standard Oil, steel and other
subsidies, but he doesn't want the
newspapers to be subsidised by giving
tnem a postage tor tneir perioaicies in
keeping with their importance as an
educator. He and congress give the
railroads three times too much for car
rying the mail, but don't want the news
papers and magazines, the greatest force
m the country to have cheaper rates
for postage.
Valuable Horse Dead.
-th day ot January. 1910, duly ap-
Thursday nii?ht Belchizer, the val- j pointed and is now the duly qualified
uahlc Clydesdale stallion of Mr. Peter' and acting administrator of the estate
Rilev. of th's city, died from cholic. Biot Oscar L. ISuscy, deceased, late of
big ios. as the horse cost $2500, aid ; -'aid comity. All persons having claims
was one of the best in tlie va-ley. against said estate are hereby required
-. j io present the same, with proper
... r. i - - i .vouchers, within six months from the
Miss Carolyn Cannon is visitinor Al- ,i .: ..!. j.: '"j
0 my friends.
Mr. and Mrs. H. S. V oidy of Oregon 1
City are viriting at the home of Dr.
Le.ninger. j
Vrs. F. L. I'pham and daugl.ter,
Miss Jessie, reft todav for 1'onlanJ cn
a visit. '
Baker Citv, Jan. 27. -A fire loss of
i300,000, with only one third covered
by insurance, occurred today. No one
was injured. Two department stores
have to go out of business as there are
no other available place open.
Paris, Jan. 27. A further rise of
eight inches iB predicted in the Seine,
There is no abatement of the distress.
Italy is now invaded by floods and
suffers with France.'
Portland, Jan. 27. President Beck
with, newly elected president for the
commercial club is amDitious for a 25
story building for dob.
Portland, Jan. 27. The prosecution
in the Hermann case will close today.
A hopt of conviction is based on what
has already been presented. .
- Paris, Jen. 28. The water crest is
over 30 feet. There is a steady down
f 1?.. . L . l
. .
pour of rain. Everywhere the situation
IB annrATMMhlu vunraa than uaaiorrtav
is aDDreciablv worse than veaterdav.
The shifting of the wind and the falling
barometer adds new thrill of horror.
0f1h,e08wa7wiihKJerarnyhan CSt
ANDOVER.O. Jan 28.-The train Mtt&3
a bbsled w.lth 2. ch,ld"n '"P8- Tb!
PORTLAnD, Jan. 28. Jackson Smith'
died at the hospital today of heart fail
ure as a result of malarial fever.
Smith was identified with the depart-'
ment of labor iu building the Panama
Canal under .Stevens where he made a
great record,
' Washington, Jan. 28. Glavis was
on the stand today in Senator Balling-
er's investigation, tie charged Balling-
with clear-listing lands in haste. "
News from Albany's Six farly
, The Brewster Million Dollar' people
were leaving in their everyday clothes,
a nice looking lot of men and women,
with the theatrical type marked.
Lieut Franeia' Rnrfnn nf TT H
army came down from Lebanon, where
he had been visiting relatives, and left
for "remerton, where he is to be- sta-
iIonecU. ?nSl: JUBt .?en transferred
jrom r on mcKinstry, vvyo. Previous-
ly he was among the Filipinos for
year or two. illustratins- the chancinor
life of the U. S. soldier. -
r. t t d aij ' . , ,
rof. L. K. Alderman returned from
h. javille and Lebanon; where he spoke
on Chums and Chumps to large audien-
ces- A good talker with something to
sav. There is no Greater work than
the helping young people to get the
right start.
F. P. Devaney went to Scio.
Mr, and, Mrs. Cal. . ThreBher returned
from Lebanon. '
Dr. Booth of Lebanon left for Port
Dr. witnvcomoe and other. Corvalhs
people passed through for Portland. i
, , ' , ."Jlgni went to rort-
n Business neiore Judge Wolve:
Mr. and Mrs. Rousselet. of the Eiler
store, went to Portland.
Gil Ogden went to Salem to meet
with the college oratorical board, of
which he is a member.
Miss Pearl Cameron wentto Portland.
' Mrs. Fred Fortmiller. and Lee. Hu
bert and Teddy, left this afternoon foe
a Junction visit. .
Daye and James Froman wenl to Eu
gene this afternoon to join their wives
for a visit at the home of their sister,
Mrs'. Cyril Burkhart.
W. F. Ryalls this week returned
a goiture in his breast was taken But!
He has fully recovered the effects and
this means good health. .
Notice is hereby given that the
County Superintendent of Linn county
will hold the regular examination for
applicants for state and county papers
J 'AIh.nv 0. a,,,nllftw... ' v
For State Papers, '
Commencing Wednesday, Feb. 9, at
9 o'clock a. m., tind continuing until
Saturday, Feb. 12, .,-it 4 p..m. ,
edncsday rcnmanship, . History,
Spelling, Physical
tocography, Read-
ing, Psychology.
Thursday Written Arithmetic, Thc-
ory of Teaching, Grammar, Bookke'ep-
ing, Physics, Civil Government,
Friday Physiology, .Geography,
composition. Algebra, English Litera
ture, School Law.
Saturday Botany, Plane Geometry,
General. History.
r For County Papers.
Commencing Wednesday, Feb. 9, at
9 o'clock a. m., and continuing until
Friday, Feb. 11, at 4 p. m.
Wednesday Penmanship, History,
Orthography, Reading, Physical Geo
graphy. Thursday Written ArithmetiV. The-
ory of Teaching, Grammar, Physiol-
Friday Geography, School Law,
Civil Government. English Literature.
County Supt.
Dated at Albany, Or., this 25th day of
January, 1910.
Notice is hereby given, that the un-
I (lersigncd was, by order of the County
Court of Linn County, Oregon, on the
;,.,..,:,.:.,.,. I chanon. Orecrnn
Dated anil published th Crsi tim
;;.js 2nd dav of February. 1I0.
-v. D. BUSEY.
Administrator of the estate of Oscar
I.. Bnsev. deceased,
r.M..M. GARLAND, Atty. for Admr.
Doing: n and Around It.
Hot tamalies at the Vienna Bakery
Choice lunches at the Vienna Bakery,
They have come, at Holt's Again,
Columbia river smelt.
Columbia river smelt' righ along at
the Metropolitan Market, Broadblin St.
Those self hasting roasters at the
Albany Hardware Co's. store, are the
best thing going. Get one.
Highest market price for chickens,
turkeys, geese and ducks at F. H.
Pfeiffer's, Second street.
Trimmed Hats, at your own price, at
Mrs. Broadhead's, for a few davs, in
charge of M iss Schultz. A great bar
gain if you call early.
i , i . . ia,iD, ji., vrao uuwu xruin
Sweet Home with three wildcat paws
I . i i .
W. H. Davis, jr., was down from
ior we oounty.
The funeral of Mrs.
W. W. Parrish
will be held at 3 p. m. tomorrow at the
ransnnome on Maple street.
, aam for 100 years.
About fifty ot Albany s prominent
business men went to Harrisburg this
afternoon to the big booster meeting.
Comet A has concluded to hold an
other entertainment tonight and may
be seen again between 6 and 7 if the
weather permits.
Eat your Sunday meals at the Albany
nome nesiauranc, ac eecona ana tuns
worth streets. Meals 12 M to 2 p. m.
and 5:30 to 7:30 p. m, Can'c be beat
for the money.
Mrs. Broadhead is moving her stock
of millinery goods to Portland, where
she and Mr. Broadhead will make their
home. They have made many friends
in Albany, good business people and
excellent citizens.
The Riverside Farm
ED. SCHOEL. Proprietor
Breeder and Importer of 0. 1. C. Hogs'
S. C. White and Buff Leghorns, W.
P..Rcks, Light Brahmas, R. C.
Rhode Island Reds, White
- Cochin Bantams, . . II.
Turkeys, Whit, n.i-
den Geese, I'.b. n '
I . Guinea"
' Winner of. 17 prizes and 22 on Poultry'
at me Lewis at uiaric n ave.
'Eggs in Season - Stock for Sale
Phone, Farmers 3S - - - R p.Dho' 8
Notice of final settle
ment. Notice is hereby given, that the un
dersigned, nas hied m tne county
Court of the State of Oregon for
Linn County, his final account as Ad
ministrator of the estate of Davidl
Andrews, late . of said 'county, de
ceased, and that said court has fixed
Monday the 27th day of December,
lono th hn.,- 1 ; ,t...
afternoon as the time for hearing ob
jections to said final account, and the
I settlement thereof.
, HEWITT & SOX, Admr.
I Attorneys for Administrator.
Notice is hereby given, that the un
dersigned, . has filed in the County
Court of the State of Oregon for Linn
County, his final account as Adminis-
, trator of the estate ot Addle H. An
( drews, Mate of said county, deceased,,
and that said court has fixed Monday
I the 27th day of December, 1909, at the
hour of 1 o clock in the afternoon as
the time for hearing objections to said
final account, and the settlement there
Attorneys for Administrator.
Notice is hereby given that the un- ,
dersigncd administrators of the estate
of Anna Barovicka, deceased, have
filed their final, account in said estate
with the clerk of the County Court of
Linn County, Oregon, and that Hon.
J. N. Duncan, Judge of said Court, has
appointed ,Monday,- January third,
nineteen hundred and ten, as the time,
and the County Judge's office in Al
bany, Oregon, as the place, to hear
objections to said final account, and,
for the settlement of said estate. Dat
ed this Nov. 30, 1909. .
Atty for Admrs.
- Notice is hereby given that the un- .
'ders'gncd, executrix of the last will
and testament and estate of Louis Mil
ler, deceased, has filed her final ac
count in the matter of said estate and
the County Court of said Linn Coun
ty, Oregon, has fixed Monday, Janu
ary 3rd, 1910, at 10 o'clock a. m. as
the time for hearing objections to said
final account, if any, and for the final
settlement of said estate.
Dated December 3rd, 1909.
T. J. STITES, Atty for Executrix.
I-romiitly obtained, or FEE RETURNF
THE LOWEST. Suitl laudcl. piioto ur fit.tcli rr
rrrt wnrch And frco reiwrt on patentntilllty.
INFRINGEMENT mku Conducted before nil
court. l'Htentg Obtained thmturh ns. ADVER
SION and COPYRICHTS qoickr obtained.
Opposite U. S. Patent Office,