Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, February 04, 1910, Page 2, Image 2

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    4 rqcooj cispe mail matter.
WANTED. Ladies wishinp: , light,
I pleasant, profitable work, Bliort hours,
1 call at 223 Jackson Btreet Tuesday,
Mrs. byon.
Smiill places of five hundred to a
thousand people, desiring to become
; FOR SALE. A large Victoria talking i w?" , U?T "ny l Put
FOR SALE. -gtoves, teHqs, bed
steads, stand;, caanets, etc. Inquire
of Mrs. Moench, 330 Main and 4th. tl
FOK SALE. A few trio's of thorough
bred Buff Orpingtons. Call at 216
E. 2nd street. 16 eggo $1 60 17t
WOOD. If you want some leave yeur
order at the Imperial Restaurant,
Second street. 22t
FOR SALE. 1 ;ood size cook stove,
parlor heating stove. H. Barns, 322
4th St.
GLASS, All sizes and kinds, for sale
at the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper
than aywhere nlse in Albany. Skill
ly set, if desired.
me for prompt returns. I have many
requests for city and farm property,
in large and small tracts. Both
phones. C. W. Tebalt,
432 W. -First St
PLANTS FOR SALE. Gooseberries,
red and white Currants, Rhubarb,
Red and Yellow Raspberries, Iceberg
Blackberries, Loganberries, Dew
berries, Fhenomenals, Hedge Plants
and Sage. Iver C. Duedaix,
Albany, Or., R. F. D.No. 6, Home ,
Phone 7102. . . 16t I
I MAKE THEM. -Ironing boards, win- j
dow seats, cl'ithes racks, t e best.
E. E. Davidson. 739 East First street. 1
MONEY TO LOAN on real estatm .
at seven per cent. On choice farm :
lands at bix per cent. Aiply to Geo. I
W. Wright, Attorney, Albany, Ore-
eon. Both phones- Umce, corner o
1st and Ferry. -TO
LOAN. -$50 000 on real property
J. C. Christy, over 1st National Bank
Albany, Oregon, ratelot interest rea
J. W. BENTLEY, boot and shoemaker:
and repairer, does, flrBt class work at I
reasonable prices. Next door to
Democrat office. See him. i
McMinnville. Oregon's greatest mu
tual company. C. U. Bryant, Albany,
vubick tsanK mag. bom pnones.
Merchant's Mutual. Inquire at Opera
House Bldg.
! io ;-u i i(HKn.,,i on trills that will Help tnem.
I two 8 inch rtcords. 1 'brass and 1 86 ! Cows should be kept off the streets.
! inch foldlmr horn, eood as new. 641 , A splendid thing in their place, they, W. O. Nisley. the well-known piano
West 4th street. 22t are a vory poor advertisement for a tuner, has been in the city today on a
I WANTED. -At once, an experieeced tow"- , . , . . I visit with his many patrons.
seamstress. No other need apply. ' ,The fences mav ?el oe taken down. George Willert, with Ludwig, is ill
Mrs. A. B. Kelssy, 119 E. 7th. , ; Jt improves me iooks oi propeny, witn pneumonia , at his home" on Second
FDR SAT.R A fi-ffnh .TarRftv nn. W. ! wonderfully. , , ; 'street. .
: F. Holman, Phone 1853, Home. 17t kS V 3 .To S t l Messrs. Beam and Hawkins of the
FORRENT.-Sevenroomho.ts.. od ' X&e fro t0 Lebanon th-8
ern, bath, hot watac. o irn, etc Sae , flowers around as.will look well, even . , , : ' ,
Fish & Hodges. though the town doesn.t nave a water I Misa Glyde Schuebel, of Portland,
I WISH to contract the building of five I system. A few wind mills would help gl'ded into Albany ou the noon train,
miles of wire fence. AddresB BoK0ut. on a visit with her sister, of the col-
, 844. Albany, Or. 29t .. Churches help a town much more . ' 1,
i TYPEWRITER.-7-l'or sale, as good as than booze joints. The moral town Misses Belle Chanceand KateCowan,
new, a Remington-Scholes, $35 the is the kind, people are looking for. of the Portland schools, came up this
price. See William Richie. The place tfiat has the reputation of n.00" 0Dua vlslt wlt1 relatives, and Miss
IWOOD FOR SALhi.-Have boueht the; being whiskey soaked isn't going to j Holhngbeam went to Hamsburg. . , .
slab wood business of C. S. Butler, get along, particularly in an agricul- M- H- Gibbons, has been in the city,
and also have all kinds of wjod. tural section. i while on bis way back from California!
A. W. DOCKSTEDER. ' jhe-better the arrangement of the where he has been several months. He
j Home phone black 176. , t21 j stores the better for the place. Visit- will go to Idaho in a few days, to con
FOR PALE. 25 acres in North Al-iors always take note of such things. duct some voUngcontests.
banv. all in cultivation. . one garden I nave tne oest schools to dc naa
In "Ihe Test", which Miss Blanche
Walsh will produce at the opera house
tomorrow evening the actress has
found one of the most powerful dramas
ever seen on the American stage. Jules
ucKert Moodman, tne autnor, not oniy
has treated the problems of today in a
' most forceful, intelligent and highly
interesting manner, nut ne nas woven
into four acts of absorbining dialogue,
heart interest and action, a phase bf
modern life that appeals to men and
women in every walk. In the leading
role, the dramatist has given to Miss
WalBb an opportunity such as seldom
falls to the lot of an actress.
land or fruit land. Will sell altogeth
er or in two pieces. ' ' Deal direct with
the owner. Inquire at the Democrat
FOR SALE. Lots in Wright's addi
tion; also lots, blocks, and from 4 to
lj ucreB in acreage in mueiwuuu.
adjoining tne city,
and competent teachers.
The Weather.
' Range of temperaeure 42-40.
The river is 7.8 feet and falling.
Prediction. Fair tonight and Thurs
day, warmer Thursday. . ' . .
On Tuesday evening, Feb. 1, to Mr. &
Mrs. Leslie Palmer, a son their second
boy, and third child. All doing well.
Dine at Nichols Bakery
227 West First Street.
Everything right before your very
Buy what you wish for dinner and sit
down to a lunch table and eat till your
hearts content.
j Dairy lunch stvle.
Land Plaster
1 Use Johnson's Best. It is the Best
Made in Albany. -
People's Popular Monthly:
Only about one-third of those en-
Good terms and tering the public schools ever finish'- :
reasonable prices. Apply to Attorney the work in the grades and probably FOR RENT Unfurnished rooms three,
Geo., W. Wright, office, Rooms 1 and , less than half of those finishing? thei Mrs. S .It Rnhin. West 11th utroBt.
n iir1t.. ti I. D.u i j t , , r i ..... . ..... . '
. a, vvriKiii..Dun: iutu piiuutw, . graaes enter nign scnooi. less man ' v rignts Auultion. ' zt
FOR SALE-Farm of 160 acres, also one-sixh of those entering high school fOR SALE.-National bicycl. wit ; AL?ANY OPERA HOUSE
city property. Inquire of H. F. Mc- ( coP' the course. . Ihe average coaster brake, and new tiresf ennd ;
llwain. suuuui ji ui juc nmcutdii uro n iuui ( condition. BZ4 uyon street ju)
FOR SALE One eood heavy
wagon, pne two-seated light hack, tion is not altogether poverty. It 'is
one good plow, one single harness, broader than this. It is found in the
ene potato digger, one large Majes- ( fact that the courses provided in the
tic Range, one small cook stove, schools do not appeal to the average
one heating stove, two A-No. 1 Iron boy as being useful. He wants to
bedsteads, together with spring and learn something that will help in the
roauressos, one gooo. ow extension struggle lor existence and he does not
dining room table, and IS A- No. 1 understand how the work in the
Roofing Paper
Shakes ;
. , , , , , r- i UlUJUllilUlI UJUU OVICOb I . .
truck !yf!,, ia '-rl comes bfefo;;f.the ?? lost. -placer dog, body white tiped Thursday February 3
truck of twe!ve. The reason for this coni-j with sri8, spots" side of head and: 1 CUI UO.I y O
White Wyandotte roune pullets
from imported stock, and other
household goods. The above prop
erty is all as good as new and will be
sold at private sale. Call on J. V.
PIPE, 203 West Second" St., Alb
any, Oregon.
grades will do this. What is needed is
more practical work, in other words.'
industrial training. A boy ought to
be taught to do things, i-s well as re
ceiving the instruction contained in
Will remove corns, bunions, ingrow
ing toe nails, calousies, massage the
feet and make them feel like new ones.1
Home phone 892, Bell black 2343. Bt
Mrs. Jas. Driver.
Tired of Oil Lamps ?
Then use
Instantaneous . Gasoline Lights
Sea SCHOEL BROS.,418 W. First St
Mr. E. A. Kcllcy, Bclvidere, III.,
writes us: "I am an ex-engineer with
22 years active service to my credit.
About three years ago my kidneys
were affected so that I had to give up
my engine.- First I was torublcd with
severe aching pain over the hips. Then
followed inflammation of the bladder,
and specks appeared before my eyes.
A sample of Foley's Kidney Pills that
I tried, so benefited me that I bought
more. I continued to take them un
til now I can safely testify they have
made me a sound and well man.''
Woodworth Drug Co.
LaGrippe pains that pervade the en
tire system, LaGrippe coughs that
rack and strain, arc quickly cured by
Foley's Honey and Tar. Is mildly
laxative, safe and certain in results.
Woodworth Drug Co. .
FOR SALE. Cow, fresh in March o
April. Gives big six gallon a day
Come and see her. E. R. Cramer
639 E. 1st.
FOK SALE. A $26 baby carriage
cheap, fhone black ftz. to
r ua lcnmciiifs. rur uuie, young
ones and good ones, 203 W. 3rd St.
fchohe 301 Home.
FOR SALE. A number one riding sad
dle horse. Will drive Bingle or doub
le. J. R. Metzgar, opposite Madison
school. v .
WANTED. An estimate upon the re
moval of dirt from my lot at Wash
ington and Third. Apply to J. T.
Wentworth, Linn & Benton Real
Estate Office. t5.
FOR RENT .-Some housekeeping rooms
furnished. Call upon Mrs. G. C.
Moon, 118 W. Third. ,; ! , , j
i ears liver color sore between eyes.
W. R. Collins, Russ House, Albany.
WANTED. A house keeper for family
of three. Call upon or address J. W.
Pugh,' Shedd, . t9 V
and Clark's Seedling from young
plants. $2.50 per M. J. G. Gibson,
Home Phone 4054.
FOR SALE. Young team, well
matched, weight between 1100 or
1200 each.. Price reasonable. Zinn
& Calloway. Home Phone 65, Black
231 Boll. .
FOR SALE. New six room house,
water In house, large wood shed, lot
65 b 110, Bryant's addition, near
Salem road. Price and terms call
upon owner, E. W. Smalley, Phone
1380 Home. .. It
WANTED. Somo sotting hens.- See
A S. Hart, at Sternberg's, i
FOR SALE. A choice lot, 66 by 110
feet, at Washington and 5th 'streets,
Albany. Inquire of the owner at 206
W Fifth street. ,
FOR SALE. Oat straw, $5 a ton at
my place in North Albany. Also
' clean seed wheat, Kinney, $1.25 per
bushel. C..R. Widmer. Phone 2801
Home. . 24t
PRUNING, gra'ting and budding sol be done in the proper season.
References given if requested. . D. R.
Spears, corner of Calapooia and
Seventh street. It
! mnniNfi c.o
Both Phones Bel'. Red 841, Home 324.
, In Her New Play
. By Jules Eckert Goodman
it is a play that should be seen by
every man, woman and child in every
walk of Hfe.-New York World.
1 Prices Orchesta $2.00 dresB circle
$1.60, balcony $1.00. gallery 50c ..
All 3riads of Lumber,
Fench Posts,
Woodworth Drug Co. For
Medicines and Novelties.
Just at this season there arc many articles that find a place in your wants. We are ready just now to supply these between-season wants to your entire satisfaction.
Visit us during this between-season. '. ,
' ' '"; t ' ' '
Our stock of Blankets and Com
forts is still complete and we are
showing some very excellent values
in both.
The Cotton Blankets coming in
all sizes and in tan, white, and
grey, are splendid goods at the price
we ask. The prices range from
Unusually pretty and serviceable
are those at $50" to $3.00 in wool
finish in beautiful borders. You can
hardly tell them from wool.
The Comforts are in all colors
and in pleasing patterns. The lill
ipg is of the finest, llulTiiest cotton
especially prepared for these com
forts, these sell from $2.50 to
$5.00. Then we show less expen
sive ones at $1.00 to $2.50.
Fashion Form
The corset is the foundation for the proper fitting of stylish gowns
or suits. . .. '
The Heiulcrsen corset is the correct foundation.
These splendidly shaped corsets come in a large variety of pleasing
styles. There are the low, high, and medium Bust. Long hips or of
medium length front and back laced in all sizes and weights.
Our corset stock is large, varied and complete and your demands
for comfort, style and healthful garments can be met in this depart
ment. We are also showing the popular
being a combined corset and bust form and an unusually good one
it is. They sell at $1.00. ....
Also the excellent 1 N
The l tenderscn corsets range in price .from $1.25 to $5.00.
Let us fit yau.
Fashion Form
The other day we went through
our Millinery stock and we found a
number of splendid stylish hats
that we desire to move at once.
These hats are from the best
makers, , including . the renowned
Gage and Fish hats.-
Every one of these hats are ex
actly 'as they came to us ; all of their
superior trimming and high class
workmanship just the same.
These hats are all worth from
$6 to $15.00 each. We close them
now at '
$2.98 EACH.