Of- Albany Democrat VOL XLV ALBANY. OREGON. FRIDAY FEBRCAYRT. 4 I9l; NO For Ten Days You cau buy tbe celebrated Hartline Wash. Full Patent. Hrd Wheat Flour at - $1.75 per sack Fully guaranteed , Murphy 226 W. 2nd. Flour and Feed. CURTISEEAL - ESTATE CO. 106 N. ELLSWORTH. ; Farm land and city property bought and sold, Parties having land or city property or sale will do well to list with us. Phones Bell black 53. Home main 231 CLEARANCE Will Continue ALL THIS WEEK Many lines are broken badly i . after the greatest sale ever held in , Albany, but you will find lots of good bargains. T 1 The Greater Chambers & McCune's Store Plumbing Let us estimate on your works. We guarantee first-class work at moderate cost. - PLUMBING, TINNNING AND HEATING. W. E. FRANCIS 126 Ellsworth St. Both Phones. M. Senders &Co, (INCORPORATED.) I ealers In Hay, Grain, Wool, Cascara, Slt, Feed, Seeds, Roche Harbor Lime, Standard and Alsen Portland Cement, Acme Cement Plaster, Adamant Wood and Hair Fiber Plaster, Stock Foods, Ponl-1 try Supplies, Ruberoid Roofing, Build-1 ing paper, etc. I tfoth Phones 48. ' 435 West First St. A fine lot at our yard at this city.juat burned. I Phone Home 2P5. i ALBANY BRICK CO, Palmer's Dairy j i www -. t rT-i intta r Delivers milk and cream to any part of : the city. Prices reasonahle. Jersey ' cows with best of care. Both Phones, j J. G. Crawford's - Photograph Gallery I Is in the New Albany State Bank Build ing, second floo. with a complete equinmenc for picture takingJkof all kinds. C. B DAVIS, PIANO TINER. Yearly contracts 5 for no u:it Leave orders &l Davtr.por.'a Mi Store. GEORGE WASHINGTON never saw them, '.have you? PRICES Hand Painted China. Your choice of six Dinner Set Fancy Dishes v ' A full line of GROCERIES You have heard for the last 14 years like it in Albany. Try some. Stetters's New Store, DOOLEY'S GROCERY A new and extensive line of fresh, clean Bread, Dried. Fruits . and Vegetables . ' 9TH AND LYON STREETS. a 2; o p p J2 o as ;I a . g Q. T t VIERECK'8 BATHS '.. Vest First St. FIRST CLASS W03K GUARANTEED nnnnnmna SUSP SALE H ay Hand China about Stetter's Best Coffee, none Prompt Delivery. : 206 West Second St. Mil loi ' 301 MAIN ST., DEALERS IN . General Merchandise, with a new stock to be sold at reasonable prices. Prompt attention. . Delivery to any part of the city.; Electric Appliance Co. 422 W. First Phones-Bell Black 2651. Home 411. , Electrical Supplies and Fixtures. House and other wiring attended to promptly. Contracts made. ,R B. Mayberry, Dray man Heavy and light hanling. Piano moving a specialty, Piano and organs boxeci for shipping Piano boxes for sale. Wood for sale, cord wood or 16 inch wood. Office with Li m &'lienton Real Es tate Co.. 236 West 1st. Rebidence 713 Montgomery St. Both Phones. Rev, I. W. Williams Testifies Rev. I. W. Williams, Huntington, ' W. Va., writes us as follows: "This is to certify that I used Foley's Kidney Remedy for nervous exhaustion and kidney trouble and am free to say that Foley's Kidney Remedy will do all that you claim for it." Woodworth Drug Lo. F.G. Will ior watches C H NEWS Articles riled incorporating the Hul bert Ohling Hardware Co. Capital stock $25,000. in shares of $100. In corporators Levi Hulbert, John R. Hulburt, R. K. Oniing and W. G. Ballock. . j New suit: C. A. Hearing agt. Grace Hearing. For divorce. Married in Corvallis in Jan. 1007. Desertion since March 1907. P. R Kelley attorney. Deeds recorded: U. G. Berry to H. R. Black, in terest in Peoria property'., 10 E. L. Guernney to Riley W. Weeks, 4.86 acres 1400 Mortgages for $2000, $500; sarisfact lon for $500. Lebanon. The E. A. ' AnfiOn E Pholna anA mnfUaK to Portland yesterday, tie has been 1 given a position as clerk in the Port- a no postomce. Sheriff D. S. Smith of Albany, ajmivedi tv eunesoay ror a lew flays visit with their cousin, Mrs. H. A. Loveall. ager of the Pacific Telephone Co. the first of the week, will go into the logging ousiness with W. H. Hobson, in the Hamilton Creek and Santiam districss. He will continue to reside- in Lebanon. Defeated at Salem. The Albany high school team met their first hign school defeat at Salem last night, when the high school team of that city defeated them 38 to 21. The capital team had been greatly strengthened, and the Albany boys be fore going said they were in baa eon aition for a hard game. Born in Atlanta. Bovn in Atlanta, Ga., on Thursday January 20. jo Lieutenant and Mrs. Clifton Butler, a son, All doing well, and Grandfather and Grandmother T. J. Butler of Jthis city are happy over the event. . t REDUCED RATES. For thc'following meetings, conven--tiohs; etc., reduced rates will be in effect from Albany, Union Depot. Full infojiaticin, will be furnished on ap- ' plication. ' .. . R. K., MONTGOMERY, Agk.: Antfcii meeting Oregon Retail Mer-" chants- Association, luigene, January 26-27, certificate plan, fare and a third. Oregon State Convention, Christian Endeavor, Portland February 15 to 17. Knishts of Pythias convention, The Callus, January 22nd. 7th Annual Convention Western Re tail Lumbermen's Association, Port land Feb. 14th, 15th and 16th Evangeli i; Brown of the Christian church and Father O'Farrell of the Catholic church are naving a warm dis cussion in the papers over baptism, which will probably end where it began. Patronize home industry. Use John son's Best. Fresh oysters at Pfeier's, 229 2nd St. W FOR EXCAVATING, Liwn grading, lot clearing, gravel ond sand hauling Phone Bell Red 2562. WANTED Man with big hoys to clear land can have garden, cow, chickens and team. If satisfactory can have job long time. H. Bryant. FOR SALE. A large Victoria talking machine.eleven i men, 35 10 inch and two 8 inch records, 1 brass and 1 36 inch folding horn, good as new. 641 West 4th Btreet. 22t FURNITURE AT COST. CLOSING OUT SALE Everything Must Go O. K. PERRY, 310 W. 2nd St. Albany Home restaurant Second and Ellsworth Sis. New and comD'ete. Will serve meals in family atyl: Exnerienced lady cook employed. Meals 25 cents. JOHN LOPER, Proprietor. Short orders, including Meats, Salads, Vegetable?, Pies, Oysters in all styles. Hot Tamalies, Sandwiches, Cakes, etc., meals &nd lun:h?s, neat and clean. Confectionaiies and soft drinks at 0 STlvE'S leas i HAITI 128 Droadalbin Street. R.R.COM. Makes Some Kates. SALEM. Jan. 29. The railrrnd mission on its own volition has estab ; lished rates on potatoes and vegetables, I also reduced rates on grain and flour, which is between three ane six cents, j In mixed or straight carloads vege tables will be: Portland to Salem one i cent, Albany thre. Lebanon six, Eu gene eight, Oakland eight, Roseburgi seven, Ashland and Grants Pass five . cents. - The Defense. Portland, Jan. i!9. The defense in the Hermann case will maintain that he opposed the forest reserve extension under the lieu land law. An Accusation. ' Washington, Jan., Jan. 29.--Glavis accused Balinger of (the. direct charge of suppression of inquiry against Rep resentative McLachun of California. ' aTive AUTO LAW. ; Massachusetts lias a good automo bile law. " The. most important provision of the Uuvimposes a penalty of $200 fine arid six months in prison for racing on the highway or running an automobile recklessly, or attempting to escape after injuring a person. Another stringent- provision is imprisonment of one or two year's for anyone de tected running an automobile while under the influence of intoxicating liquor. The law also forbids the run ning of a motor vehicle by anyone under 18 years of age. Get Your Fish at Pfeiffers. The DlacP. 229 West Semnd ntroet: Everything in the fish line), neat and ' ciean, ac a reasonaoie price. . Wood Yard. n ood delivered to all parts of city on short notice, uffice at residence 908 East 4th street. Bjth phones. , . . . .. ,..' J. D. Ellis. . . .. FOR SALE -A good Binglei driving mare five years oH. Enquire of J. . D. Ellia 906 East 4th street. . PIR THEATRE TONIGHT. Pictures. , A Western Maid. Switzerland Conquering the Alps. Red Signal; Why he did not wear out.-' ' ' ' Songs." ' ' ' Sweethcftrt. In the Mississippi Valley. Matinee every lay. Admission 10 cents. CLM Great ' Ian uary Clean up sale in China, Crocket? and Clusswaro , many articles at HALF PRICE, ' Both Phone Main 53 : Km, COMPAQ WM. BAIN, President. P. D. GILBEKT. V. P. - H.N. BOULSY, Cashier. ALBANY STATE BANK Doss a general banking business1, ' Pays interest on savings accounts, Sells bank drafts and travelers checks Has safety deposit boxes for rent. Have you tried our WINTER COFFEE? I: not, why nob It is the n 3 25c corealin town. G it e us atria?. STAR BAKERY, C.lMEYEtf, Vronietcr. DOINGS OF THEW0RLD. Two well dressed men last night held up the Twelve Mil House of bred Mer rill, at Portland. secured $100 in money, and shot Manly Thompson, who grap pled with them. Mme. Schumann-Heinke. the cele lirated singer, is to be in Oregon this month. She has been secured for Eugene, a rare thing for a place of its size, and will be there February 25. Mrs. W. A. Williams, of Cottage Grove, who has been bed-ridden for thirty years from paralyBis of the legs, yesterday arose and walked, H is asserted from the prayers of a Mr. Deleverge, a Doweyite. John Nokes, of Cottage Grove, has been notified that he is one of many heirs to an estate valued at $63,000,000. Mr. Nokes doesn't know anything about being rich and probably won't bite. . . ,, , Eugene Guard: J. M. Shelley, of this city, underwent a sericus surgical oper ation at the California hospital, 1414 South Hope street, in Los Angeles, a' few days -.go. He was in a. serious condition for a short time, but is now convalescent. Uncle Sam is squaring old accounts. The Democrat recently mentioned the receint by a veteran visiting In this city, of $2.40, for services during the civil war. A tVeaton man beats this, i imving jusi. received 4U cents lor ser vices in 1802. . 'lhe Stnyton Mail has discovered that the Linn county court turned down the former - road superintendent, G. E. Harold and his only opponent Oliver N. Baker, and appninled John Sandner, a socialist, not a candidate. Politics had nothing to do with the matter. It i was a verjfeoad way to settle aecntest. Joe. Klein, a former Albany shoe dealer, is now running the Yankee Shoe Store at Sandiego, Calif. Since leaving ! Albany Joe. has resided at a number of places, once at Hollister, Calif., then at Santa Rosa, when the earthquake -knocked about everything out, when he went to Sandiego. ' Corvallis Gazette-Times: Rev. and Mrs. W. W. Davis and family were n entertained last night at the home of ' Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Pinkerton, prior to their leavine todav for Monmouth. Ore gon, where they will reside -in, the fu-.... ture. The many friends of Rev. Davis ,.. and his estimablo family, while regret- j ting their departure from here, wish then all success in their new home. TONIGHT. Entire change of Vaudeville tonight. Dan and Bessie Kelley in a new com edy skotch. B'.edri. k the Great in new magic. . Usual 8t00 feet of movmr DictureB and illustrated songs. All for 10 and 15 cents. KB 224 W.isl.St