THE CLOSING WEEK Of our Clean Up-Sale offers many new bargains. We have cut the prices eyen deeper on what remains and have added many more bargains. Our Shoe Dept. offers some of the best buys of the season. , Special Clean-up Prices on what is left in Men's Sweater Coats,. ' Regular $2.50 Values $1.75 Each. Boy's Sweater coats, $1.75 values $1.15 Each. See our clean-up on Men's and Young Men's hats. Values to $2.50 $1.00 Each. $3.00 values $2.10 Each. GROCERIES) ' Loose mustacell raisins, 201bs..$1.00 Good Jap Rice, 20rbs $1.00 Lady Washington beans, 201bs, ,. $1.00 Good Rolled Oats, 251bs........$LO0 Dry peaches, lOibs.'. $1.00 Dishes are going rapidly at clos ing out prices some at y2 price others at 1-3 off. We do not want to put any of these shoes back in stock, and have made tempting prices on what is left. LOT 8 LADIES' SHOES. L Values to $3.00, per pair $1.25 LOT 9 LADIES' SHOES. Values to $3.50, per pair $1.75 LOT 10 LADIES' SHOES. Values to $4.00, per pair".....?..$2.00 LOT 13 MEN'S SHOES. Values to $3.50, per pair $1.75 LOT 19 BOYS' SHOES.' Values to $2.00, per pair $L00 Men's winter weight Shoes, in tan or black, a fine quality, $4.50 value, per pair $3.00 A. A. Cutter's highest drivers' shoes. These have a reputa tion behind them. $7.00 val ues, per pair $5.75 Many other lots of shoes at cor- . respondingly low prices. S E. YOUNG & SON. We Try to Please Our Custo mers. THAT is why we sell strictly high grade unadulterated drugs. THAT is why our prices are'so reasonable, and , THAT is why we are careful and 'accurate infilling prescriptions. 1 BURKHAP r & LEE. THE BEST In all kinds of Jewelry, Watches, Cut Glass and Novelties. LL, THE JEWELER. w TO WHAT DO YOU A-SPIRE El The "OLD RELIABLE" htvt in nnrninri i ilUUlli.ll ilUllUUUIJUUI Hill Are you looking for Real Estate in the country or in the city? If so, call and see me as 1 have bargains which I know will suit you and can save you money. Good 7-rooni cottage, bath, nice lot situated in West Albany. .Price. S23U0. Large house and one lot, situated on nurd street, close in. .Price, $UU. Good buy in vacant lot, best loca tion in Albanv. Have several cheap buys in East Al bany. I have good farms imoroved situated from four to seven miles out from Albany, for $50.00 and $60.00 .per acre. Call on J. V. FIVE. ZU3 West snd street, Albany. A full line of choice nursery stock. Order now for Spring delivery. Phne R ed E71. Office 31? W. Second St. S. F. PEIRCE. Manager. Walter Parker Grocer and Baker ' 218 WEST KIR8T STBEET,.ALB4NY OKEBON, First class goods in their season. Phone Main 66 Albany Supply Company ffflOLESALE DEiLEBS In fruits, vegetables.- sue-ar. nuts. confectionary, wrapping paper, twine .ana paper oags. Cash paid for all kinds of poultry. We also have the agency for Pyramid aiiu uuiucii uaie Wlliem, uiympic ume, Araen piaster, uec prices before buy ing. Cash paid for eggs. Foot Ferry Street, Albany. Phones. Msin 6 Bell, 3 Home. THIS MORNINGiCOMMERCIAL News From Albany's Six Early Trains. Ex-Recorder Ed. Meeker went to Millers, called there by the death of his brother IflHnt. Mnplfor nf in onHv hour this morning. W. W. Crawford left for Portland to attend the auto show. Mr. Crawford has been agont for the Ford machine, running a run-ubout himself for several years, and takes a live interest in all makes. A woman with a big rain protector for her hat attracted attention, some thing new in hatdom for Albany. Mrs. J. J. Lingren came down from Lebanon. Miss Mamie McKnight, of the Jeffer son schqgls, returned, after coming to Albany to hear Ward. S. S. Bailey went to Portland. Mrs. ,. Rialto Weatherford arrived from Harrisburg. CLUB'S Weekly Session for Boosting. ALBANY Doing? n and Around It. Hot tamalies at the Vienna Bakery. Choice lunches at the Vienna Bakery. Use Johnson's Best. It is the Best. Present Manager S:r.ihl. SnrotAr 1 raa ln Aioany. Van Winkle. Treasurer Bain and Di- rlhLvVmiV Bt HU'8 Again' o. .. .. l tr . Columbia river smelt, rectors Stewart, Hewitt, French, Veal, n i u u . , - j , ... Columbia river smelt ngh along at Bowersox, Lee, 1 racey and Nutting. the Metropolitan Market, Broadblin St A letter from J. T. Walsh telling of 1 Hiirheat mirb.t nri f- h.vt. the change in the C. & E. time table requested, was read. A mmmunifntinn frnm t.h KiiorAna Commercial Club told of the annual ' Albany Hardware Ors. store, are the Dr. Shinn Will Open an Oflice. Dr. W. R. Shinn, formerly of Illinois, where he was prominent in the practice of medicine, has decided to remain in Albany for the practice of bis profes sion, and is making arrangements for an office, perhaps in the new State Bank building. He has passed the state examination. He likes Albany and is confident of its future. ' , A Wonderful Power. ": . A genius of Ja man has been around town. With his hands open it is im possible to move an umbrella laying across them. Holding a cigarette pa per between his fingers, three men on a side cannot pull his arms sufficiently to break the paper, and his slight of hand tricks are just as mysef ying. . Get Your Fish at Pteillers. . Th nln,.A 99Q Woof flannnil ' -I. t Everything in the fish line, neat and clean, at a reasonable price. Commonwealth conference on Feb. 11 and 12. Three delegates were, ordered appointed by President Davis. Invitations for visits to Harrisburg, Corvallis, Jefferson, Brownsville, Sa lem and Scio were read. The Harrisburg invitation was voted for next Saturday afternoon, going on the noon train, returning- in the even ing, meeting at the annual meeting in FORCED SALE. turkeys, geeBe and ducks at F. H. Pfemer s, Second street. Those .Belt hasting roasters at the best thing going. Get one. The food inspector was in town yes terday smelling around. John Egan went to Gervais this af ternoon to attend the funeral of his mother-in law Mrs. Barnes, who died this week at the age of 84 years. A Sunday School institute beein to. the afternoon, with Messrs. Struble, i "'Kht at 1st Presbyterian church. Will Stewart and Van Winkle as the com-1 be addressed by Rev. Phipps, field Sec. mittee of arrangements. 1 of Portland, a general subject. Every- Saturday evening, Feb. 5, was select- body invited. . admission fee. d for visiting Jefferson. Charles Berry, who traps along the An invitation was ordered extended Calapooia during tno winter, was in to the Lebanon Club to visit the Albany town today. He has already captured Club next Tuesday evening. , three fine otter, seven or eight mink, $272 was reported collected. and Bkunks and coons galore. The matter of Mies being circulated Eugene is taking about having a SiiKT1" matronal its depot Albany has a Washington i was referred to gentleman at the depot who looks out . The Northern Pacific has been evad- afler the we,fare 0f everybody, young ing its taxes because of the non-survey andold a very accomodlfting; careful of some of its holdings. Messrs. Bower- director box. Assessor McKnight, C. H. Stew-, ' art. Judge Hewitt and u. M. (Jurl were appointed a hurry up committee to con-1 fer with our congressmen and on inve tigation. I A unta tt ftiartlrn ntoa nvf nnfln nn ra. tuvu w tuaiina nna OAbdiuou iui ... .... - the prompt change of time on the C. & dramatic treat in the readings and ad. E. , dress of Frederick Ward, the cele- A letter was read from Commission- brated actor, at the U. P. church, last er Hendricks, in reference to the ee- night. He took Hamlet and presented lection of census enumerators at Al- it in a masterly manner, with readings bany. The examination will be on Feb. covering the entire play, giving the 6, and the selection made after a weed- most familiar parts, like the soliloquy mg out of names. of Hamlet, the address to the players, " etc., bringing out the greatest of all . 1 tu w u plays in a vivid and at times thrilling I he Weather. manner, giving a two hours entertain ment of rarfi merit, Range of temperature 42-35. Rainfall .SO inch. The river haa been falling and is 9.7 'eet Prediction: occasional rain tonight and Thursday. F. 0. WILL," lorWatches Was a Dramatic Treat. Albany people were given a genuine I DR. J.J. MURRAY, iciiticu veterinary ounjeun and Dentist. Graduate American Veterinarw Col lege of New York City, 1881. ac Aioany Liivery stables, 2nd ez Ellsworth. Both phones. ::::RELIABLE:::: Light, Power and Heat WillametteiValley Co. R. F. We!cb, Manager. Idle Hour Restaurant, Cor. Broadalbin and Sccondt Sts. Under new management. Best 20 cent meals in the city. JONE? ft KISOR. Wood Yard. A'l kinds of wjod, old fir, maple, dry slab and mill end trimmings, sawed ready for shed. Phone Home Black 25 5 HOWARD BKOS. Office Willi J. A. howard HATS CLEANED and reblocked 50c. With all new trimmings 1. Mail , soft hats 5e. The Hattery, 315 Alder St.. Portland. t29 FOR SALE. Oat straw, $5 a ton at , my place in North Albany. Also clean seed wheat, Kinney, $1.25 per bushel. C. R. Widmer. Phone 2801 Home. 24t WANTED. Ladies wishing light, pleasant, profitable work, short hours, call at 223 Jackson street Tuesday. i Hire.' ijyon. DAVENPORT'S MUSIC STOIE. KATHER1NE RICH, facial and scalp massage, manicuring and Bhampoo- , ing. Work done at homes. Phone Bell Red 801. I FOR SALK A few trio's of thorough bred Buff Orphingtons. Call at 216 ! E. 2nd street. 17t Retiring from Business Pianos, Organs., Entire Stock AT COST, factory price. Must be sold at once. Biggest bargains eve roff ered in Albany. Alco Chocolates Are Still It ELITE Attention Elks. ! Thursday evening, Jan. 27, Albany lodge No. 359 B. P. 0. Elks will enter tain the ladies with a musical program and dancing. Brother Bistolfi, of J Chi cago lodge No. 4, and his orchestra will furnish musie for the occasion. Elks and their ladies are invited. By order of the Exalted Ruler. Albany Home Kestaurant second and Ellsworth Sts. New and comp'etc. Will serve meals in family style: Experienced lady cook employed. Meals 25 cents. JOHN LOPER, Proprietor. STOLEN. A National bicycle from in frout ot the Alco Club. Its No. was 47691. If any person can give any in formation about it please leave it at the Domocrat office. , Wood Yard. Wood delivered to all parts of city on short notice, (.'fiice nt residence 90S East 4th street. B th phnnes. J. D. Ellis. FOR SALE - A good Bingle driving mare five years oH. Enquire of J. D. Ellis 906 East 4th street. FOR SALE. Stoves, talles, bed steads, stands, caapets, etc. Inquire of Mrs. Moench, 330 Main and 4th. tl WAIT MEAD, WATCHES and FINE REPAIRING 113 BROADALBIN STREET. FOR SALE. My residence corner 2nd and Baker , St., lot 67x113 ft. Great bargain if I taken at once; also furniture, horse, Annual Clearance Sale Will Continue for the Rest of thefMonth Bargains in every line. ' The Merchandise wc offer, is the best money can buy, and brand new. We have no "Junk" to offer the trade. Started with a clean slate last Oct., and think too much of our excellent, carefully selected stock, to fill up with rubbish for the sake of quoting prices. ' V e make no preparation for a clearance sale. Merely offer you the goods that we may have left at the end of the business ' year, atprices thai makes them move. They an yours without adding profit. Ours, is the cleanest stock of clothing for men and Loys, in the Willamette Valley. Wq pro pose 1 keep it so. An inv( stigation will satisfy. We neverdisappoint. The Blain Glothins Co. etc. inquire J4U m. zno at. MRS. H. F.,VAlN. Alb tny Orego t