Dli. Al. II. ULLIS, Physician and Surgeon Albany, Oregon Calls made in city and country. Phone Main 38. CITATION. In the County Court of the. State of Oregon, for Linn County. In tiic matter of the estate of Mary Towne, deceased. To Owen Bond, David Bond, Tem perance Reinhardt, Lizzie Cross, Min nie Kceney, Lula Dfcll Bond, Fredey Oscar Bond, William Owen Bond, Mabel Clara Bond, Gertey May Bond, Royal Bond, Geneva Elvina Band, Stella Alice Bond, Clarence Henry Bond, Thelma Cecil Bond, and Elmer McKyniston, greeting. In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby cited and required to appear in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Linn, at the court room thereof, at Albany, in said county, on Monday, the 24th day of January, 1910, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, then and there to show cause, if any there be, why an order of this court should not be made directing, author izing and empowering the Executor to sell the real property of said estate described as follows, to-wit: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, in Block No. 5 in the town of Halsey, Linn County, Oregon. Witness the Hon. J. N. Duncan, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Linn, with the Seal of said court af fixed this 3rd day of December, A. D. 1909. (L. S.) J. W. MILLER, Clerk. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of 'Oregon for Linn County. Depart ment No. 2, Reg No. 2771. Anton Yocubets, plaintiff, vs. Emma Yocubets, defendant. To Emma Yocubets, the above named defendant: In the Name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby notified and required to be and appear in said court in r.aid suit, and answer the complaint uf the plaintiff above named, now on f;li herein, on or before the 22nd day of January, 1910, and you are hereby further notified that if you fail to ap pear and answer said complaint as above required, for want thereof the plaintiff will take a decree against you for the relief., prayed for in plaintiff's said complaint, to-wit: A decree of said court dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing be tween you and said plaintiff. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof for six consec utive and successive weeks prior to said 22nd day of January, 1910, in Albany 'Democrat, a newspaper pub lished weekly at Albany, Linn Coun ty, Oregon, and of general circulation in said county, by order of Hon. J. N. Duncan, county judge of said Linn County, Oregon, which order bears date December 6th, 1909, and that the said J. N. Duncan as judge of said county, .in said order for the' publica tion of this summons upon you, has prescribed said 22nd day of January, 1910, as the time on or before which you shall appear in said court iand answer the said complaint of said plaintiff in said cause. The date of the first publication of this summons in said newspaper is December 10th, 1909. W. R. BILYEU, Attorney for said plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Count of the State of Oregon for Linn County. Depart ment No. 2, Reg. No. 2765. C. R. Adams, plaintiff,1 vs. Elizabeth E. Adams, deiendant. To Elizabeth .E. Adams, the above named defendant: In the name ot the State of Oregon, you are hereby notified and required to be and appear in said court in said suit, and answer the complaint of the above named : plaintiff, now on file herein, on or b.fore the 15th day of January, 1910, and you are hereby further notified that if you fail to ap pear and answer said complaint as above required, for want thereof the plaintiff will take. a decree againstyou for the relief prayed for in his said complaint, to-wit: A decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between you and said plaintiff. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof once a week for six successive and consecutive weeks prior to the said 15th day of January, 1910, in Albany Democrat, a newspaper published weekly in Al bany, Linn County, Oregon, and of general circulation in said county, by order of the Hon. J. N. Duncan, Coun ty Judge of said Linn County, Oregon, which said order bears date November 26th. 1909. and that said J. N. Duncan as Judge of said County, in said order for the publication of this summons upon you, has prescribed said 15th day of January. 1910, as the time on or before which you shall appear and answer the said complaint in this suit. The date of the first publication of this summons in said- newspaper is December 3rd. 1909. W. R. BILYEU, Attorney for Plaintiff. iFiw amcc how to obtain patents, trade mark. I copyright, etc, N ALL COUNTRIES. I Utuinest dirett with Washington lavet time, I I money ana ejlentae patent. Patent and Inlrlngtment TO nice exciuiimy. Writ nr ram, to ua al I all Klnth strati, app. Ufcitaa lUtaa Pliant Orate, I WASHINQTON. D. C. ' THURSDAY. CIRCUIT COURT. Judge Galloway reconvened depart ment two o the circuit court this afternoon. A striking case was the granting of a divorce to an Indian, Cecil Braynard from Warren Biaynard. whom she ac cused of desertion and numerous acts of ciissednesB. Ernest Kvle was pranted a divorce from his wife Sadie, whom he accused of cruelty and other things. The principal case up is Linn county agt. the Calapooia Lumber Co. for an injunction against a dam at Crawfords ville, overflowing the county road, with a large number of witnesses present. It will take some time to try.it. D. P. M's and F. 0. D's. Last night at the K. of P. hall, the D. P. M's. a class of young ladies of young ladies of the First Methodist Sunday school, taught by Mrs. C. V. Littler, entertained the F. O. D's,- a class ol young men taught by A. M. Hammer. The invitations to the event read as follows: You are requested to join an excursion tj Albany's future park, Jan. 19, 1910. The trolly leaves K. of P. hall, cor. 1st & Lyon, at 8:27 p. m. Single ticket .one smile, round trip ticket a smile and a hand-shake. D. P. M's, General ticket and passenger agents. The following program was carried out: Trolly ride, (Progressive conver sation) ; Musicale Song by girl sextette, reading by Lulu McDowell, song by Mr. Lupton, reading by Clyde Will iamson, Bong by Golda Yates, quartette by young men, semarks by Mi . Fisher of Hillsboro. Testing the Pudding, (Serving a de licious lunch. Viewing the Menagerie. 1 These twa classes have a combined membership of over a hundred. The King Arthur Boys. The new ofr'cers of toe Knights of King Arthur last night were fornsally installed last night bj Rev. Fisher, and are now a part of the national organi zation. There are twenty-four boys in the castle, composed of the Sunday oehuol class of J. A. Howard. Alfred Mor gan and Gladyn Doughty, assisted Mr. Howard in the initiation, a novel one, the boys dressed in rags making the journey to the castle, where they were duly made members of the Plymouth Castle of King Arthur, by -Rev. Fisher, in a very pretty ceremony, with Henry Fish as king. The three degrees rep resent temperance, reverence and purity, lo be knights requires a public confession and union with the church. On North Ellsworth. There is a change in progress on North Ellsworth street. The house on the corner of the alley has been sold to Geo. E. Warner and is being moved to his lot in the third ward. It is reported that on the site and that adjoining a large feed shed will be erected. H. C. Harkness went to Junction this afternoon. Clyde Ward and family left this noon for the Ward farm by the Lebanon train. Louis Zimmerman came up from Portland this noon. W. M. Jones, of Amity, arrived this noon, called here by the dangerous ill ness of his father, at J. A. Howard's Mr. and Mrs. Walter Looney and daughter Margaret, of Jefferson, are in the city. The Democrat has received a seven teen page article, entitled The Justice of Fools, but has not been fool enough to read it. J. S. Luckey, one of Eugene's oldest and best known citizens, and Miss Jennie Spencer, were married at that city last evening. Miss Agnes Craft left this afternoon for San Francisco to study millinery openings, being accompanied from Eu gene by Miss Bernie Schooling. The cent social at the U. P. church last evening drew a large crowd and was a pleasant affair. Oysters, sandwiches and coffee were served. The picture of Chief of Police Munk ers in his new police suit appears in the Oregonian this morning, making a metropolitan showing for Albany. On account of ill health the Daven port Music house is closing out its stock of pianos and other instruments at factory prices,offering rare bargains. The tame wolf of Bill Brown, the man travelling with the dog team, was the dog team, was shot in Eugene, while prowing around a chicken roost, and evidently got what war, coming to it. , The Ladies Missionary Society of the Presbyterian church met yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. V. Pipe, with over fifty ladies present. A 1 line lunch was served and a good time J had socially. Lebanon has gotten out a neat boost-1 er envelope, with a strawberry in color as the attraction, and "Lebanon, Linn county, Oregon, the garden city of the 1 northwest," as the slogan. I A sensational Portland report islha Harvey Scuit is to withwraw from the! Oreitoiiian and start another morning ! daily, with E. B. Piper as manager.' Probably a canard. Following is the standing in .he ! college basket ball contest: Dallas won i 0, lost 0: Pnilomath, won 3. lost 1; I hemaw.., won 2, lost 2; Pacific, won ' 1, lost 3; McMinnville won 0, lost 2; I Albany, won 0, lost 3. A number of friends of Mrs. L. E. ' Bodley, of 431 Baker street, last even ing tendered hor a sjrprise, which was an enjoyal le affair. She was remem-1 bered with several presents in honor of her birthday, carries were played and some choice refreshments served. OREGON As Boosted by the Portland Com mercial Club. Portland, Jan. 19. - A big convention of the coming year for Portland is that of the Ancient Order of Hibeinians. The annual gathering of the -national bodv will be held here Julv 19 24. There are 1400 accredited delegates who will be in attendance. Grocers of the state will gather at Eugene January 26 and 27 for tne an nual convention of the Oregon Retail Grocers' Association. Portland is entertaining today what is said to be the biggest excursion party ever organized in the Northwest and which includes 225 residents of Spokane, the Coeur d'Aleiie country, Walla Walla and the Palouse country and of the Canadian provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan. An example of the big money in hog raising was given here during the past week when a single porker, weig nine 680 pounds, biought $61.20. The hog was raised by Henry Larkin, of Coltax, Wash. Hogs reached 9.20 during the week. Coos Bay seems to be in line for some' real railroad building and both the Hill and Harriman systems are reported to oe snowing interest in tnac section. News from Albany's Six Early Trains. Mayor and Mrs. A. M. Reeves, of Lebanon, went to Salem on a visit with theii daughter. Mr. Reeyes reported a sewerage system and a city hall ordered by the new council. An en gineer will make estimates, when bonds will be voted according to the estimates. A progressive move that speaks for the enterprise of Lebanon. Mts. John Winkley of Millers re turned home after an Albany visit. She had a picture juat taken of four generations of the Winkley family, Mr. Henry Winkley, of VI ill City, John of Millers, his son Harry of Corvallis and his son Eldon Davis. C. G. Rawlinps -went up the C. & E. to Staycjn in the interest of his job business. President D C. Frazier went north. Jim A. Bilyeu returned to Scio. Ex-Mayor Waters of Corvallis -returned home after a trip to Portland. Ed Logsdon went to Portland. Surveyor Hugh Fisher went to Salem. Mr. Dan Bass, pf the Sound country, went to Corvallis to hear a few lectures in the farmer's short course. He is making a specialty of high class farm ing and is after the latest pointers. Oregon Names. R. 6. Lisbon, O., Jan. 11, 1910. Prof. J. B. Hornet, Corvallis, Or. Dear Sir: I see by the Albany Democrat that the Oregon Geographical Board wish information in regard to names. . Oak ville is one name given in the Linn county list. While pastor of the Willamette United Prosbvterian church at Oakville, 1895 to 1903, I had in my possession the old records of the congregation. These records show that preaching and- re ligious services have been held at Oak ville since 1845. when the Rev. Thos. Kendall, D. D. and elders John McCoy and Dr. Wm. B. Mealy located claims in that vicinity. A log school house was built beside Muddy Creek, where the Oakvil.e cemetery is now located. Dr. Kendall's grave marks the spot where this building stood. The records speak of this building as "Muddy Creek school house" Communions were held alternately at Muddy Creek school house and at Burlington, one mile north of Peoria. Afterward Harmony church was built near where Harmony school house now stands, west of Halsey. This branch of the church located in Halsey after the railroad was built. In the meantime the Oakville branch, called the "Willamette Confiregalion," had built a churchon the "Oak point." so called for the dak trees which still stand on the nole where the church and school are located. This land was deeded to the trustees of the church by a Mr. Wilson for school and church purposes, and the school' district still uses it in connection with the church. The church records speak of this loca tion as Willamette church, while the school was known as Oak Point. The name Oakville was giyen by the Eost office department when a post of ce was first located there. Very truly yours, G. E. HENDERSON. Against the Assembly. The following resolution was paBsed by the Jprdan Grango: Whereas there seems to be a disposi tion on the part of the politicians of the state, assisted by some of the news papers to assail the direct primary law, and the initiative and referendum. - Therefore, be it resolved by the Jor dan Valley Grange No. 42 of the juris diction of the State Grange of Oregon, That, we wish to go on record as opposing the so called assembly plan, and that we renew our 1 allegience to the above mentioned laws, and be it further resolved that we support no candidate for public office who opposes them. Alter Bailey, Eugene Register: The Humaine Society, through W. E. Wilmer, one of its members, made complaint against J. W. Bailey, state dairy and food commissioner, in Jus tice Bryson's court, and a warrant wat issued for his arrest. It was turned over to the sheriff, who expects to go to Portland within a few days and will serve it on the defendant. It fs stated that Mr, Bailey will shortly be in Eu-ger.g-. MARRIED. Wednesday, Jun. I9th, at noon.at the home of the bride's parents, seven miles south of Albany, I. W. Brunson of Portland and Miss Kate SwatzKa, Rev. W. S. Gordon officiating. The groom is a postal clerk in Port land and the bride has been i stenog rapher in the same city for the past thrte years, two worthy young people. At the Hotels Dr. Brewer, Stayton D. C. Letellier, Mill City W. A. Patrick & wf, Ashland R. J. Thurston, Brownsville Dr. J. B. Keliey and wife, Browns ville J. R. Beard, Lebanon A. H. Fletcher, Portland . G. B. McLeod, Oregon City W. F. Honey, Park River Olive Wood. Lostine F. W. Carson, H. E. Peterson, Toledo The Y. M. C. A. The Young Men's Christian Associa- of Oregon and Idaho will convene in Corvallis tomorrow, closing Sunday night.. Fred L. Smith, secretary of the international committee, one of the best workers among young men in the world, will be the leading speaker. A. . C. Sthmitt, of this city, is chairman of the general committee and will attend, at well as a number of our college stu- aents. An Old Pirate Story. The old story about some pirates burying some gold at Newport has been due up again, and it is said the earth baa been dug up looking for it; but it will all be in vain. It is toundej only on a story with nothing to it. The pirates operated on the Atlantic. Capt. Kidd never was, at Yaquina. The Weather. Range of temperature 44-27. A heavy frost this morning put snap into things. v The river is 4.3 feet. Prediction Fair tonight and Friday, FRIDAY. A Strong Man. Corvallis Gazette Times: Prof. Briggs is counted one of the strong men here and in his brief stay has made many warm friends who will regret to nave mm leave uorvaius. Mr. Kola Nets arrived this noon from Salem. Jackson Harrison, a prominent pio- i neer, died at Plainview this week. Mrs. Dr. Foley, of Lebanon, arrived home this afternoon after a visit with her sister. ' V The aeroplane of Glen Curtis has Corvallis. been purchased by a Portland man and 1 ' The largest depot in the state outside will be shown at a coming auto show. , of Portland has been ordered for Med Albert Misner, a Hillsboro grocer to'f- It is to be of stone and brick and yesterday was fined $400 for violation ' cost about f500,?; .." ? ,be f of the local optitn law. Little enough, j B?me ?'ze fA'tB Walla Walla depot, j i nr tr a- ct, the size that Albany a depot should Mr.and Mrs, W. H. Himes.of Bryon 'have been made, and would have been u., are in uie ct.y uie guests oi are in the city the guests of Hiraes sister, Mrs. J. N. Brand- eberry Judge Galloway, one of the most psp ulaar officials in the valley, is reported a candidate for reeleetion at the November election. Jim Logan upon being convicted of murder at spoKane danced a jig in ms cell. He will soon be dancing jigs with the imps of the hot regions. According to a report at Depotville Ernest Hornbach, a popular business man of thut section, is about go into a life partnership with an Albany young lady. Two Albany Chinamen a few days ago won $280 in a Salem Chinese lottery, whose agent is a frequent Albany vis itor. One of the men a few weeks ago won over $300. They walk high these days. Elizabeth and Margaret Anderson, two or Roseburg's most charming young ladies, are visiting at the home of their grandmother, Mrs Virgil Park er, while their mother is in Portland. Albany is where they like to be. About torty students of Willamette University were in the city this noon on their way to Corvallis to attend the Y. vl. C. A. convention. Among them were the basket ball team with Walter Cummings, a former Albany boy in the lineuo The big aviation meet at Los Angeles ended vesterdav. - It was a great suc- 'cess, attracting world wide attention, and drawing many to Los Angeles to see the real article. Glen H. Curtis, Louis Paulhan and Chas K. Hamilton were the principal heroes of the event. Fielder June.?, the greatest ba.ie ball player in the U. S , hss been ent,aed to coach the O. A. C. team the coming year, a great hit for the farmers He will make special trips from Portland for the purpose, his lumber business requiring most of his time. The schedule on the Springfield train will probably be changed back to the former one, th train arriving here at G:50 and leaving at 2:25. instead of ar riving at 10:10 as now and leaving at 8:10. When the Lebanon road iB finish i an intirely different arrangement will be marie. Mrs. Sadie Kyle, anil Misses Edith French and Irene Gilchiist, formerly of the Pacific Teli'Phi'ne exchange, weren Portland yesu-rflay, to make arrange ments for a hriirini.' nt this city thi week, of their grievances against the company and particularly the traffit manager. The C. P. Club met hist night at"1 eelebiHUd the birthday of Mrs. L, 0. Coates, st her home on Washi' !ton street, having a fine time. As uu (rested bv the. name the coffee pu : Boiled merrily. M rs. Coates age is . ! secret. bu; if you can learn that of th I Man about Town, you will have it with in two months and a day. HEARTY RESPONSES. Recently Manager Struble sent some feelers jout lo several vallsy towns in reference to an interchange of visits by members of commercial bodiec, and particularly ones voted by the Albany Commercial Club, and, already warm responses have been received from the following: J A. F. llofer. secret. r? of the Salem1 board of trade, urging a visit at the next regular meeting on the second Wednesday of February, ri. Wayne Stanard. secretary of the Bi'ownsvihe commercial Club urging a visit to that city, which desires to be in close commercial touch with Albany. W. F. Groves, of the Corvallis com mercial club, who suggests a apt cial train some evening, when the Corvallis members will be glad to receive their Albany brethten W, D. Morgan, of the Harrisburg Club, who is anxious to have a crowd of Albany men go there and help drive away whatever blues may be hovering around. A. G. Prill, of Scio. anxious for a visit, some evening, if possible, when a crowd can be gotten out in better shape, but in the afternoon if neces sary. It is probable that all the invitations will be accepted later. The committee will meet this afternoon at 5 o'clock and talk over the matter. This valley must go ahead together. News from Albany's Six Early Trains. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gilson, daughter and son arrived on the 4:18 train on a visit with Wm. Kirck and family, whose farm formerly adjoined theirs, near Logan, Iowa. They will go from here to Los Angeles for a visit with relatives and former neighbors. Since leaving Iowa the mercury has been down to 24 degrees below zero and the snow has been too deep for even rabbit hunting; but Mr. Gilson declares Iowa the greatest state in the union. Irvin B. Rhodes, field secretary , of the Y. M. P.. A.. Ifift for HorvnlliR to attend the state convention, bright with prospects, for isn't Fred Smith, the best of them all to be there, a prince among' workers among young men and boys. William Ehlert, one of Lebanon's best natured Dutchmen, with his 220 pounds of solidity, went up the C. & E. on a business trip. Jonnson Porter, of Corvallis, went to Portland to join Mrs. Porter for a visit. I Some S. P. Depots Superintendent Loring of the Cor- vallis depot came over his noon. He ' reported the foundation nearly ready. , The concrete blocks are being made in , eXcept for discrimination, and consid ) erably larger than the depots at Albany BI1U UUKCUQ. Royal Neighbors. The following officers were installed last night for the coming term: Oracle, Florence Bruce. Vice Oracle, Caroline Fish. Past Oracle, Amanda Baltimore. Chancellor, Alice Kirk. Receiver, Carrie Bussard. Marshal, Lizzie Weaver. Inner Sentinel, Mina Scherf . Outer Sentinel, Myrtie Hiatt. Manager, Pearl Worrell. More Autos Sold. J. L. Irvine has sold a couple more automobiles to prominent Linn county men: One to J H. Simpson, of this citv. a Chalmers-Detroit, for familv use. the other to Mr. Alex Power, president of the new Halsey bank, for use in run ning about the country. The Chalmers Detroit is becoming a very popular machine here, those rtere giving great satisfaction. New Journal Cor. A. Maris, a competent newspaper man, who did good work in Albany, with the Herald"for several months, has gone to Forest Grove to continue the work ot news gathering. He wus also correspondent of the Journal here. O. H. Luck has succeeded him, and ap preciate important news lurnisned mm. Another Debate. Arrangements are being made for a second series of debates between the high school teams of Salem, Eugt he and Aioany, to taKo p ace next Monday when the negative teams will all sneak at home. This is made necessary by the tie in the first contests, something that is liable to happen frequently under the present plan. mm - The Weather. The range at temperature was modest te-o. Dunnr the day i. nan been warmer. Yesterday 'b hite 11 g was jut of plact. The river is 4 feet. . The prediction: ruin tonight and Saturday. IEXAM. OF ENUMERATORS February 5 has been set for the test examination of candidates for the po sition of enumerator of the U. S. cen sus, and Albany has been selected as the place for the examination of all Linn county candidates. The place will be named later. It will Drobablv be held under the direction of Portmaste" Van Winkle and the civil service board. Commissioner Hendricks is sending out tne necessary supplies, the examina tion is not a very strenuous one, lasting only three hours for the entire class,, which will be fifty or more in this coun ty. . A Soul Sleeper. Editor Democrat: Something about this old world of late we all love so well. Is it not true that the Bible teaches it is to be man's possession forever, Ps. 37., aldng with many other passages, such as "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth." We know that the meek do not inherit it now, only by faith (with the faithful Abraham.) Is it not true that the Bible teaches that this earth is to be purified by fire, and after this be come the ahode of man for ever. The first time it was in a sense destroyed by water, and by the same word will be by fire, coming out purified, grand and neautiful. Also there will be no more sin, nor curse, nor devil. The writer looks for this time to come soon. He is glad to state that Rev. Elliot of the Grace Presbyterian church, along with the late Condit Brothers, teaches that this earth is to be the saints eter nal abode. In fact there is no promise of going to heaven at death or any other time. A. J. CAROTHERS.. Two Candidates. Lebanon Criterion: Williard L. Marks, who has been the accommodating and efficient deputy county clerk of Linn county for the last few years, under Clerk J. W. Miller, will be a candidate for clerk at the next election on the republican ticket. Mr. Marks has made one of the best and most efficient deputies this county has ever had in the clerk's office, and in as mucn as be was born and reaied near Lebanon, he will get strong support from this part of the county, both in the primaries and in the election. It is very likely that he will have no oppo sition in the prlmaries.as it is generally conceded that he is justly entitled to this promotion for his good work in the office as deputy. I It is reported that Sol. Lindley. a well known farmer of this city, will be a candidate f or t he office of Sheriff of Linn county at the next republican primaries. At the Motels... Jas. Moore, Salem M. M. Shier, Gates' ri. S. Zigler, Mill City J. M. Rice, Holley W. H. Scott, Crawfordsville- D. W. King, Geo. Finley, " Geo. Banta, Holley Geo. H. Coshow, Brownsville Peter Bither, ". John E. Welch, Elkshorn L. A. Holdridge, Portland F. S. Healy,. O. C. Graves, " Mrs. Ellen Hunter, Portland A Sheridan Mixter. Albany hasn't the only Mixter in Ore gon. Over near Sheridan, W. B. Mixter, recent i'slo graduate, has bought a 400 acre fp-m, secure some of Ed Schoel's O. I. C hogs and Emben geese, some blooded cows and other stock, which he will make something out of, while wait ing for a big fruit orchard to grow. HB proposes to do some high-class farming; and has started out well. SATURDAY. PERSONAL AND SOCIAL Lawyer Johnson, of Portland was in town today. Fred Bruckman of Portland is in the city: Hiram Parker, of the Parker mill on Thomas creek, was in the city today. Rev J. T. Abbett, of Portland, ar rived this nnon and will spend Sunday in Aioany. Mas R. S. Crosby and adoDted daughter, of Boise, arrived this noon on an Albany visit. Mrs. J. W. Walsh, baby and Miss Mabel Wyatt went to the Bay this afternoon. Mrs. Wishc'rt and baby, of Toledo, arrived this noon on a visit at Mrs. Jos. H. Ralston 's. Father Deeney, of Beaverton, was in the city today while on his way home from a California trip, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace R. Struble went to Portland this afternoon to spend Sunday. Fred Conolly, the Cottage Grove booster, passed through this noon on his way home from Pur. land. J. S. Koblns went J Wells this after noun to be at i he big United' Artizans meeting tonight. Mr. and Mrj. fiojsio Simpson of Eu gene, were visiting in the city yester day at the home of M. F. Cameron. Rev. A. F. Zimmerman, of Portland, prominent in Albany u con-1 years ago n the blind pig light, putatri through the city this noon for Grants Pass.