Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, January 28, 1910, Page 3, Image 3

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    W. F. JONES
"Veterinary Suigeon.
Jefferson, Or. ' Bell phone Farmers
7. ' '
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Linn.
Elva ' O'Dell, plaintiff, vs. Joshua
L. O'Dell, defendant.
To Joshua O'Dell, the above named
defendant :-
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint of the above
named plaintiff in the above entitled
. court now on file with the clerk of
said court on or before the 17th day
of February, i910, and you are hereby
notified if you fail to appear and an
swer the complaint as herein required
that the plaintiff will apply to the
court for the relief demanded in the
complaint, to-wit, tor the dissolution
of the bonds of matrimony, now ex
isting between plaintiff and defendant,
and for the costs and disbursements
to be taxed.
This summons is served by publica
tion by the order of the Hon. Wm.
Galloway made on the 20th day of
December, 1909, directing that the said
summons be served by publication and
that the same be published in the
Albany Democrat for six consecutive
weeks, the first publication thereof ,to
be made on the 31st day of Decem
ber, 1909, and the last publication to
be made on the 11th day of February,
Dated this the 20th day of Decem
ber, 1909.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
. Notice is hereby given . that the un
det signed was on the 14th day of De
cember," 1909, by order of the County
Court in Linn County, Oregon, duly
appointed administratrix of the estate
of Myron Alexander, deceased. AH
persons having claims .against the
estate of said deceased are hereby
notified to present the same within six
months from the date of this notice,
with the proper vouchers to the ad
ministratrix at her home near Scio, in
the County of Linn and State of Ore
gon. Dated this 28th day of December,
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Linn County. '
In the matter of the application of
Jasper D. Turnidge to register the title
to the following described premises,
to-wit :
The southeast -quarter and the south
half of the northeast quarter of Sec
tion 23, in Township 11 south Range
1 west of the Willamette Meridian, in
Linn County, Oregon, containing 240
against Anna Althouse and Katherine
Althouse, and the Oregon & California
Railroad Company, and all whom it
may concern, defendants.
To All Whom It May Concern:
Take notice, that on the 5th day of
January A. D. 1910, an application was
filed by said Jasper D. Turnidge in
the Circuit Court of the State of Ore-
gon for Linn County, for initial regis
'. tration of the title to the land above
described. Now, unless you appear
'on or before February 26, 1910, AD.,
.and show cause why such application
. shall not be granted, the same will be
. taken as confessed, and a decree will
be entered according to the prayer of
tne application, and you will be for
ever barred from disDUtinc the same.
! Witness my band the seal of said
Circuit Court, this 5th day of January,
(L. S.) J. W. MILLER.
' County Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of
the Circuit Court of Linn County,
Applicant's Attorney.
executor s rvoTice.
Notice is hereby given to all whom it
' may cone rn that the undersigned exec-
u tors of the estate of Charlotte Thomas,
deceased, have filed their final account
in said estate in the County Court of
Linn County, Oregon, and that said
court has fixed Monday, the 21st day of
, February. 1910, at the hour of 10
. o'clock p. m. of said day as the time
lor nearing ana settling ot all object-
ions to said account; therefore, all per.
; sons havinr any objection to said
account, nrp hprphv nnHfipH tn nnnsar
ann nie tne same in said court on or
ibefore said last mentioned date.
Dated this 21st day of January, 1910.
Arilla Burkhart,
Marion Thomas,
Executors of said estate.
Notice is hereby given that tie . un
dersigned has been duly appointed by
the County Court of Linn County,
Oregon, administratrix of the estate of
N. E. Vernon, late of 6aid county,
deceased. All persons having claims
against the estate of said deceased are
hereby reauired to present the same.
with proper vouchers, to the under-
airmail at kn. i. DU.II . '
signed at her residence, at Shelburn. in
sajd County, wnbin six months from
the date of thisnotiee.
Dated January 21, 1310.
M. V. Vernon.
Hewitt & Sox, Administratrix
Attorneys for Administratrix.
WANTED Immediately, responsible
men and women of neat appearance,
to solicit subscriptions, for the Over
land Monthly. Pleasant, profitable
work. Splendid commission, valu
able cash prizes. Permanent em
ployment for hustlers. Give refer-
enccs, address Circulation Manasrer.
uvcriana .uontniy, j Market sr.,
San l'rancisco, Cal.
"Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil is the
best remedy for that often fatal dis
ease croup. Has been used with suc
cess in our family for eight years."
A dispatch today announced the death
this morning of Mrs. W. W. Parrish,
a. prominent pioneer woman, of
Linn county, at the home of her
daughter Mrs. F. H. Dixon. She was
a resident of Albany and Sodaville for
many years. She leaves several chil
dren. The remains will be brought to Al
bany, and (he funeral will be announced
later. .
A. B. M Club.
The A. B. M, Club, a new organiza
tion of young-omen. limited to twenty,
met Saturday evening at the home of
Mrs. L. E. Blain, adopted its constitu
tion and bylaws and elected the follow
ing officers: Miss Helen Wright presi
dent. Miss Payne vice "president. Miss
Jacks secretary, and Miss Herring
treasurer. Sessions will be held every
two weeks, with a lnerary program
and there will be an interchange of a
good class of books.
The Weather.
Range of temperature 53 40.
Rainfall .70 inch.
The river has been rising and is 9.6
Mr. Beal's- prediction: rain tonight
and Tuesday, colder tonight.
Roy Wood went to Eugene this after
noon. Harry Curran, of Portland is visiting
at home. -
Jos. Webber, of Portland, went south
this noon.
S. ?. Bailey returned this noon from
Portland. .
Arch Ries, of Portland, spent Sunday
w th his folks.
Ex-Sheriff, R. L. White, of Harris
burg, haB been in the city.
Mr. and Mm. Lester Gray left today
on a week's visil at Oakland. '
Dr. Adams, of Newport, went to
Portland this afternoon.
Mrs. J. R. Stuart went to Eugene
this afternoon for a visit with her sis-
Mrs. Al Senders left this afternoon
for Seattle on a weeks . visit with her
Mr. and, Mrs. S. G. Irvine, of New
port, returned home today from a Port
land trip. -.
,Prof . and Mrs. C. A. Burden, of Eu
gene, returned this noon from a week
at Newport. i
Mr. Emil Ewert, of Rossland. B. C.
is in the city on a visit with Alfred
Mr. Floyd Bilyeu, of Portland, one of
jacoD-bteme's Dest hustlers, was in the
city today. .
The popular tea room, ' for the park
fund, will be open Wednesday and Sat
urday of this week.
Walter Cummings, of Willamette
University, spent Sunday in Albany,
the guest of Roy Nutting.
Mr. Winter has returneJ from Port
land, and Mrs. Winter and children will
be here tomorrow. They will reside at
Fifth and Ellswoith streets.
A Los Angelos event that beats the
aviation show was the birth on Satur
day of a quartet, two boys and two
girls to Mr. and Mrs. W, W. Wilson. j
In the eighth grade state examina
tion.. t-u u:u..
uwin me iiigiicoi. uveiage Kiveil LU any
pupil of the Albany schools was 93 to
Miss Neva Hofiich of the Central S chool.
The aeonv is over. Marv Adele Case.
the sincer. once in Alhnnv. und WillnrH
Metcalf Bean, nephew of ex Secretary
ivietcaii, were married ia3C week at
ban Francisco.
The Calanooia Oil Co.. it is announced
expects to do some boring near Holly.
jl iie expert 01 tne company, ivir. Key-
iiuius save mere are unmistakan e
dences of oil around Holley.
Roseburg Review: Miss 4nna Whar
ton lefl this morning for San Francisco
to remain until spring, when she will
take charee of the milliner detartment
uuaepuaun b, jii uiiHciiy.
The Examiner's big aviation show
Sunday at San Francisco was a failure.
It rained and blew and the machine was
not Drought out. 20,009 people paid
miiey pueeo LU get JI11U lue grounds.
Dr. Lowe the well known optician
win ue in jenerson rrioay arternoon,
Jan. 31, Halsey Tuesday till. noon Feb.
i, in me aiternoon at narrisbur?.
uon t rail to nave him test your eyes
for glasses.
The preliminary oratorical contest of
Albany college, will be Jield Friday
night at the Presbyterian church, with
Gil Ogden, Grover Bircthet and Lucille
Hart as the orators. Admission 10
Three Roseburg men were fined $25
each this week for permitting minors to
play pool, under the state law. In
nearly every case it was shown thai
the toys had misrepresented their ages.
A little dispatch has been flvinp
around over the state about how Presi
1. i-1 -.-II 1 i
dent Crook of the College has barred
night shirt parades, and some other'
stunts not quite decorous, according to
umj correspondents.
Yesterday morning every minister in
Roseburg preached a booster sermon on
Roseburg Her P.resent Needs and Fu
ture Prospects. Booster Darby Rich
ardson, sometimes called Tom, is evi
dently getting in his work along
numerous lines.
A pack of some pretty pieces of hand
word, addressed to Mrs. C. J. Osburn,
Barker, Oregon, with a card reading
"Aunt Jane from Edith." has never
been forwarded because there is no
i6uch tinst office in Oregon. Tho cnHo,-
ple.'sa call at the P. O,
Monmt'lth Herald: Rev. W. W.
Davis hao secured a IxAise and lot in
' onrr.outh and p.orre 30 acres of land
near I orvallis from E. W. Strong. Hi.
iraded property at Ahiea for his new
pise-si-.-ns. Mr. Davis will move his
fan i!y herein a couple of weeks.
George McKinney received from his
seven cows last month $90.26 for butter
fat. There is a fortune in a few good
dairy cows properly handled.
Three car loads of wheat to Albany,
one car load of hay to Marcola, and
seven car loads of oats to Portland,
were shipped by the Brownsville Ware
house this week.
Henry Bateman this week soid two
hogs to the City Meat Market for
which he received the sum of $70. SO.
The two porkers weighed 825 pounds.
C. A. Chase, of the Albany Land and
Investment ComDanv. accompanied bv
J. H. Harper, of Farmington, New
Mexico, and J. W. Lewis, of Albany,
were in Brownsville this week looking
for investments.
from Albany's Six Early
A crowd of fellows from the Y. M.
C. A. convention came over oh the Cor-
vallis train. Among them were A. C.
Schmitt chairman of the general com
mittee, Henry Vollstedt, Hiram Torbet
and Mr. Abraham, of this city, H. M.
Stone, Mr. Perkins and Prof. Russell,
of the Portland Y. M. C. A. They re
ported a great convention, greatly
favored with the presence of Fred
The darkev auartet. nlavincr throue-h
the valley at the moving picture houses,
returned from a. Lebanon engagement,
where they put on their usual skits.
C. E. Fox and son returned from a
Sunday visit at Halsey.
Harry Clark, . the veteran drummer
arrived again. " '
Daisey Drew lett on a Salem trip.
Mr. Zeh. the sewinc machine man.
left on a trip down the road.
Among the R. R. Men. .
Rev. J. C. Lon;,' of Pipe' City, III.,
who has been duiug special work among
the railroad men along the Deschutes,
last night snoke at the Presbvterian
church, telling of his work there,, one
of the best things Albany people have
heard, giving the situation in a telling
way. About three thousand men are
at work, the Hill men on one side of
the Deschutes, the Harriman men on
the other, regardless of Bnow and
weather. Mr. Long met them person
ally in their bunks ana in groups, giv
ing short talks and distributing litera
ture, an interesting work. He traveled
by horseback, covering a good deal of
ground. ,v ;.:
Died at Eugene.
Mrs. W. W. Haines, a woman of
SDlendld charterer. HipH nn Kntm-rinv
! evening, and was boried this forenoon.
!OUn t Tn .i ...
oucx was a cuusin or. li. jc. twain, oi tnis
city, who with Mrs. Blain attended the
t i ni.,,i.. . .4 .j j L. j,
JVIr. and Mrs. Lark Bilveu. died of
diphtheria Saturday evening. ..The fun-
i n . . - ' i
cw wm tune place tomorrow.
Gen, Crawford in It.
Associated with John C. Burkhrt, 1
of Portland, in his new flying machine
venture is Will Crawford, better
known as General Crawford, formerly
of this city. The flying machine 'is on
exhibiton this week at the automobile
Show, and in nH-.i-ni-Hnnr atfontinn Tf
has several distinct features of its own.
and the inventors declare there is no
question but what it will fly all reght.
At the Hotels.
G. M. McBride, Lebanon.
R. H. Sawyer, Brownsville.
John Dunlan, M. H. Boga'rt, Lebanon.
Ralph W. Terrell, Portland. '
H. Acklev. McCloud
G. S. Caswell, Sisson.
Mrs. Wm. Parks, Aberdeen, Wn
Franklin Taylor, Portland.
Eugene Willis, "
A Kitchen Shower.
Miss Helen Gilbe'rtSaturday afternoon
entertained about, thirty of her young,
lady friends in honor of Miss Carrie
Ward, giving her a kitchen shower, i
with mauy fine thing for her kitchen
when she will need them in fpu rinua.
Songs were sung and a splendid time
nao socially. Later some more.
On the C. & E. Appreciated.
The recent ehaniro nf ft,, r. 1
v wf fit time on the C.
Hi. between Albany ard Hoover.-
asked by the Commercial Club has been I
graciously r ranted, and is annreciateri.
an important one for Alhnnv anA iko
people e&st of here. It is as follows:
irain No. 3 Will leave Albany for
Hoover at 8 a. nr.. arrivo at H
11:30, leave Hoover for Albany at 12:30
t. .in., living- at Ainanv at 4 p. m.
Ihis will give ueonle pnminu Hnuun tn
trade two or three hours in the evening
and half an hour longer in , ho Zrn nS
before starting home. .
It will begin Feb. 1
C, C. McBride, of the Alsea, arrived
this noon.
Senator Weed, of Klamath county,
was in town today.
Hon L. H. Montanye returned this
forenoon from a visit with friendj in
Drs. V. E. Stewart and B. R. Wal
lace ot im city, successfully passed the
(..xxminati' n before the R'ate board.
i.i.......n,A .nun to practice in Oregon
By the Man About Town.
The sweeper out cleaning the streets,
about the cleanest yet. The city now
puts in its own reeds, saving over half
the price. It ii somewhat nf inh
but is a good investment. Tramps do
very well, but it takes the broom itself
to get the dirt off in good shape.
Grocers cettincr next tn thpmsnluoain
referenoe to enrm-ptitinn with rh mnii
order houses. Thousands of riniln
worth of eoods Bra shinnpH in hpfotlint
should be sold by local people. The
specialty of these mail order houses
and agents is to give prices, and peo
ple often think they are getting bar
gains when as a matter of fact .the
local houses are selling cheaper, be
sides there ought to be a serious con
sideration for the fact that the local
man is the one who pays the taxes,
kepps up the streets, pays the light
bills, etc.
Somewhat of an aviation to Lvon
street prices, with indications that some
day it may be a business street, which
has suggested to some one the idea that
the fire limit ordinance might possibly
be a good thing on at least the north
end of the street as far as fourth.
News from Albany's Six
A number of Albany men left for
Portland mostly to see the big auto
show, attracting crowds from all over
Oregon, among them:
J. L. Irvine and Roy Worley of the
auto garage.
Dr. M. H. Ellis, taking the Oregon
Electric at saiem. -
Herman Hector, of North Albany.
W. W. Green, J. A. Howard and H.
C. Harkness.
Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Payne left for
Portland, from which Mr. Payne will
leave tomorrow lor California and Mrs,
Payne will go later.
L. B. Luper; of Tangent, passed
mrougn irom langent to rortland.
Rev. Albyn Esson went to Portland
Ed. Sears went to Salem on a short
Emil Ewert left on his way to his
nome at nossiana.
Fireman Cohran, of No. 13 said there
was snow all around Roseburg. .
Two Travellers.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Wood, who made
the trip from Los Angele3 to Portland,
1548 miles between April 4 and June 10,
on foot, are now on their way back
through the valley by railroad. They
pay uieir way selling pictures and
music. Their trip north cost them $225,
and they reached Seattle with 20 cents
in their pockets. Mrs. Wood has tho
Distinction of once having been director
nr monno oanrtn ..riiai I n.i.,,. nr
of the Mendelssohn Ladies Quartette of
iew xorK.- it taices all Kinds of peo
ple to keep things going.
The Democrat appreciates a call from
I Mr. and Mrs. Woods, pleasant people.
(They a.e returning by rail as much as
I possible going to places not formerly
visited, taking their time. On their
Seattle trip Mr. Wood wore out three
pair of shoes and Mrs. Wood two pairs, three sets of wheels for their little
wagon they hauled. On -the wagon were
the words "Seattle or Bust."
Tonight they will go to Brownsville,
and then to Springfield, Eugene and on
Meetings al Shedd,
The union revival meetings which
began with the week of prayer are still
2 Pr.sress and wm continue for at
leas t",m?re wLeeks- Tney are beinK
, vu.iuuvbu ujr vuo -uaiui Ul ine two
.churches, Revi. Marshall and Parker.
! The Rev. Charles A. Phipps, General
, secretary oi me state Sunday school
I Association, was here over Sabbath
i and spoke at a union met tin r in the M.
;' E. church in the morning and st the U.
sr. ciiurcii in me evening. ,
The Weather.
Range of temperature 44 35.
The rain fall is .04 inch.
The river has kept rising and is 10 4
Prediction: occasional riin tonight
and Wednesday.
Stayton voted aeainst bonds for a
. high Bchool 76 to 27.
Thirty per cent of the students at the
U. O. are from Portland.
I Medford proposes to pave ten miles
of streets t'e year.
I Tacoma is to have Paulhan in a two
day's meet, for $15,000. It's the fad
just now.
The output of the Booth-Kcllv Co.
,aat vear aa over 6700(,i(K,0 feit
Hvermrp nf nnarlu gini.nnn foot
Klamath Falls Herald. SntrH!lu. J
in ids i w iiunuu is viiLU'iuiniriK a isw
nv,. j : :
fricnd3 this afternoon in honor of Miss
Florence Ihrall. ot Eugene who is
spending the winter with Mrs. H.gue.
The Democrat recently reported a
cuartet of babies born dow-, in Lo
Angeles. Now it is reported to have
Boe? V ,' . the ables we,e B?'""
er?d. together for the purpose of de-
eelvlnB a connuing puonc ,
Invitations are out for a recital to he
fiven by Mrs. Alice Brown Marshall on
eb. 4. Those who will take part will
rje ftirs. Marshall. M1H3 fcthel Abbott,
pianist, Mr3. May Dearbon Schwab
and Dr. Luther R. Dyott. The patrons
and patronesses are Mrs. Helen Ladd I
Corliett, Mrs. A. Rockev. Mrs. Freder- '
ick Etfgert, Dr. and Mrs. Dyott, Dr.
and Mrs. A. A. Morrison, Dr. and Mrs.
Hiram Foulkes, Dr. and Mrs. Benjamen
Young Dr. and Mrs. Clarence True
u;i.n M . .i u. r- i e-:i
" niiu imio. lieu rmiie
tour. - ;
Says Character Is the Most Im
portant Thing.
Fred B. Smith, a prince among men.
spoke for half an hour this forenoon in
the college chapel, in a manner to
strike deep into the hearts of those for
tunate in hearing him. Some of his
Learning what is important in tho
.great thing in a student's life. The
one wno does not will fail.
A boy boasted that he weighed with
in three pounds of his lather. "Yes,"
said a friend, "but those three pounds
are all brains "
Better be honesc than popular.
If you fool awav tout time vm mill
be a failure. -
As a rule the crack scholars are good
for nothing: '
If vou Dermit vour' mnvalq tn hrul-
down failure is sure.
The blackguard has been notified to
quit, in everything.
ine greatest toot ball team in the
world, the past -season, Yale's, had
nine Christians out of eleven, seven
Biblo teachers, The coach declares
that character is as important as
weight and speed. The man who
smokes cigarettes any time isn't Wan-
Leu. .
The business man doesn't want men
who frequent pool joints.
Get all you can in history and mathe
matics, but the greatest is the founda
tion of a superb character.
ine irreligious man is shallow.
' In the Mail.
Five or six letters from the Mono-
tVDO Comuanv. tellim? nf thn urnniW.
ful success of the monotype, a machine
Luat maKes not only tne uody type, like
the Mersrenthaler. but also all the
display type, big and little. It must
amount to something, for the type trust
ia uuenuy ULlUC&lIlg It,
A letter from the Commoner, Mr.
Bryan's pacer, uririncr onlv democratic
democrats for cong ress, and predicting
democratic success if. things are lun
properly, with only men in sympathy
.with the masses as candidates. Besides
the Commoner Mr. Bryan now also
publishes the Ameiican Homestead, a
lanners paper. . ..
A communication on the subject of
civilization, which attacks the Christian
religion, and exalts infidelity. What
ever some Christians mav be. Christi
anitv itself stands for the highest in
civilization, the promotion of the arts
and sciences, as evidenced' by the
Christian schools all over the world,
and a love for one's fellow man. 'ihi
golden rule is the verv foundation stone
ot true Christianity, regardless ot the
shortcomings of some christians who
never observe it.
An advance sheet from Scribner's.
principally to exploit Mr. Roose
velt s articles on his African hunt.
Teddy is. a good writer all the same.
telling of an event with tho vividness
oi a waiter scott.
Some Who Passed.
The eighth grade examinations are
being pushed by Superintendent Jack
son and nis assistants, who have a large
number of papers to go through. Those
from Albany passing are: Vera Bur
nett, John Huston, Cecil Conn, Cline
Porter, Clarke Canfield. Hugh Ham
merly, Rollin Lel-augh. Douglas Ritchi",
jiuuu uowies, meivin wiinamsnn, leci,
iioRgs, Kenneth Robson, Orville Gaines
weva tkflich, Sarah Watson. John
Stevens, Gladys White, Carrie Senders,
Willie Crocker, Chauncey Putnam,
Forest Wicks. I he highest standing is
that of Neva Hoflich, 93 5 9; but thit
wlli r.ot be the highest in the county,
for already one bright Berlin 4irl. Mian
Bannie Wooloey, has exceeded it witf
an average of 95 7-9, m a set of phpo
remarkable for thfli- h rr,lnEa ..,f olul
Chapman vs. Chapman
A rtcent divorce in Portland was thai
of Chas. C. Chapman, the well knowr
advertising agent who has been in Al
bany several times, helping to boost
Now Mr. Chapman has boosted himsell
out of the Chapman home; but it hat
all been dune in a nice mnnno, nnd m
Chapman's letter to his wife in refer
ence to their separation would do jus
tice to Chesterfield himself. Mrs.
Chapman will receive an alimony of 10!
a month.
Oregon All Right,
Manager Struble returned last even
ing from Portland. While rhprn hp mot
Theodore B. Wilcox, just back from
the east, who leporte'' a general senti
ment that Oregon will have tho great
est prosperity the coming year in its
history, and that Portland is to be the
Breatest city ot the coast.
At the Hotels
M. S. Shrock, Hubbard.
E. Henness, Gates.
D. T. Nowland, Shedd.
A. Block and wife. Philomath.
F. J. Bnhlken, Lebanon.
W. P. Elmore, Brownsville.
Abner Weed, Dunsmuir.
Shop Friedman, Agt Blanche Walsh,
A. H. Lea, Portland.
B. S. Coad, Rippon, Wis.
Want's Your Patronage
Telephone Red 671
A Springfield man has hnilr u in
get in when the comet comes along.
Prof. Alderman, of the U. O., will
lecture at sodaville tomorrow night on
Chums, I humps and Gumps.
R. Ailingham, a prominent Lebanon
young man, and Miss Winnie Williams,
ot Brownsville, were married Monday
at Brownsville.
Ira A. Phelps has rosicnpH mono.
gor of the Pacific Tel. office at Leba
non, and Miss Christine Exner has been
appointed,, .
Trains have to be dug out in Wyom
ing these days. One town had not had
a train for eleven rinva Isn't i;f
great in the Willamette compared to
Arthur Wilhelm nf H,ri-;01 ,
been arrested in Portland upon a statu
tory charge brought against him by
Nettie Patwnnd. a m.nion .
girl residing in Portland.
Hugh Cannon, the man who wrote
GoorGop Eyes and other famous songs
is in the poor-house, sent thorn W
man s worse curse, the boose habit,
after sieges at cocaine and morphine.
Geo. Whitaker, of Lebanon was fined
S20 for assaulting Harry Devine.
Young' Devine was walking with a
young lady, whom hitaker is reported
"o love wun, wnen ne met the
couple and proceeded to do up Devine.
Character is a power that is
The young man who wants to get
along had better leave the. cigarette
alone.- .
The company a boy or girl keeps is
going to play a star part in the life's
career that follows. v
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Bryan are
touring South America. Mr. Bryan
knows this old world of ours about as
well as any man on it. ., -
Boohoo, poor Hetty Green, of New
York has had to cut out meat and in
living on halibut at 15c, and Hett has.
an income of only a million or more.
A Corvallis n:Ri I ought a turkey,
paying IS cents a pound, In the craw
was a pound and a half of wheat.
rVhat did the turkey cost a pound for
food, . '
The Democrat has said the worid is
getting Lettet, but is it: a white (.man
has been arrested in Kentucky for
robbing the hen roost of a darkey.
Fred Smith'told he story of a young
man who was making It in the railroad
service in a gre it way, when all of a
sudden promotions stopped. He had
been observed to be a frequent visitor
to a joint across the street.
A man won't buy a suit of clothes
until he has thoroughly examined it,
tUt he will buv fake oil and minino
stock and fake town lots without know
ing; anything about the property, more
than by the word of a stranger.
Those who Lavo 1M..J Miserables. in
which a marvellous story is told about
the underground system of Paris, ,will
appreciate the present flood there play'
ing havoc in the city on account of. the
i ubterannesfn ways netting the city.
Indications are that all kinds of grairi
which was sowed in low grdtind has
been more or less injured; but on the
higher land it is in fairly good condi
tion. Miss Maude Smith visited her sistor,
Mrs. Addie Flake in salem last week.
debating society has been organ
in Tangent and is well attended.
Albert Hudson has bought the store
building on 2nd street and moved it to
nis block in North Tangent, and will
finish it up for a dwelling.
Tangent made very little improve
ment last year; two small barns is all
he new buildingB put up.
We were much pleased to have our
efficient road boss M. L. Forster reap
pointed tor another year, as hecan't be
Grange Meeting.
A regular meeting of Tangent Grange
washeld Jan. 2. Visitors were prts
ent from Oak Plain, Weitern Star.
Grand Pr.irie and Sand Ridge Granges.
There was work in all four degree?.
Two candidates were elected tn mum
ocrship, and one reinstated. Treasur
er's report for the past year showrd
ho finances of the gran re in L-O'ir! cor.
dition. At noon all partok of a fine lunch.
The afternoon sesj on as public i
number of visito -s witnessed tne in
stnlhtion of the o ficers for the ensuing
vear. The instnl'H'ion was conducted
by P. H. Freerksen, resisted by H
Freerksen and rir,,,,e Ohling.
The literary otweises consisted of
pointed remark i by tho visiting mem
bers and oth;rs. Good music was
lurnishcd by t;i,. grange choir. A vote
of thnnki wai l i d-red the inqtalling
officer and hij as. utania lur me able
mariner in whvh h,-y perfrrmed their
iu'ii'H A co n.i i ice wus appointed to;a tor t ., ...ion of the Linn
mmv Conn i at Tangent Saturday.
J- J. :i. .