abf0a ml .lei iHiuo, Alimuy, U t recoil J rami matter. FP NUTTING OUU WANTS FOR SALE OK LEASE. Young Thoroughbred . Stallion Sire Bedeck by Star Ruby Dam Royal Aquariam by Clevenden, and a hoBt of imported ancestors. Address M. Route 3 box 2, Albany, Ore. t27 WOOD. If you want some leave yeur order at the Imperial Restaurant, Second street. 22t FOR SALE. 1 ;ood size cook Btove, parlor beating stove. H. Barns, 322 4th St. GLASS. All sizes and kinds, for sale at the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper than aywhere else in Albany. Skill ly set, if desired. LIST YOUR REAL ESTATE. With me for prompt return. I have many requests for city and farm property, in large and small tracts. Both , phones. C. W. Tebalt. 4d YV. T UtSl PLANTS FOR SALE. Gooseberries, red and white Currants, Rhubarb. Red and Yellow Raspberries, Iceberg Blackberries, Loganberries, Dew berries, Phenomenals, Hedge Plants and Sage. Ivmi C. Dueuall. Albany, Or., R. F. D. No. 6, Home Phone 7102. Hit I MAKE THEM. Ironing boardB, win dow Beats, clothes racks, t e best. E. E. Davidson. 739 EaBt First street. MONEY TO LOAN on real estatm at seven per cent. On choice farm lands at six per cent. Aiply to Geo. W. Wright, Attorney, Albany, Ore gon. Both phones' Umce, corner o 1st and Ferry. TO LOAN, $50 000 on' real property J. C. Christy, over 1st National Bank - Albany, Oregon, rate'ot interest rea sonable. i J. W. BENTLEY, boot and shoemaker and repairer,, does first class work at reasonable prices. Next door to Democrat office. See bim. FIRE INSURANCE. O. F. R. A. ot. McMinnville. Oregon's greatest mu- tual company. C. C. Bryant, Albany, Uusick Bank Bldg, eotn pnones. FIRE INSURANCE Boaver State Merchant's Mutual. Inquire at Opera House Bldg. Chiropody. Will remove corns, bunions, ingrow ing toe nails, calousies, massngu the feet and make them feel like new.ones. Home phone 892, Bell black 2843 5t Mrs. Jhs Drver. Tired of Oil Lamps? Then use Instantaneous Gasoline Liahts SAFE, SIMPLE, SURE. Ses SCHOEL BROS.,418 W. First S Li' it J31 IV'I 9 L.E.& H.J, Hamilton 317 First St. WANTED. Housekeeper on ranch in ' Benton county; good home, light work, two adults; give full particu lars and wages wanted P. O. B. 602, j Corvallis. WANTED. At once, an experieeced seamstress, No other need apply. Mrs. A. B. Kelsay, 119 E. 7th. FOR SALE A fresh Jersey cow. W. F. Holman, Phone 1853, Home. 17t FOR RENT. Seven room huja . .od em, bath, hot water, oirn, etc See Fish & Hodges. HORSES. Some good mares for sale. , O. T. Murphy. 739 E 2nd St. Home phone 181. '.26. I WISH to contract the building of five miles of wire fence. Address Box 344. Albany, Or. 29t TYPEWRITER. For sale, as good as new, a Remington-Scholes, $35 the price. See William Richie. WOOD FOR SALE. Have bought the slab wood business of C. S. Butler, and also have all kinds of wjod. A. W. DOCKSTEDER. Home phone black 176. t21 FOR PALE. 25 acres in North Al bany, all in cultivation, fine garden land or' fruit land. Will Bell altogeth er or in two pieces. Deal direct with the owner. Inquire at the Democrat office. FOR SALE. Lots in Wright's addi tion; also lots, blocks, and from 4 to 40 acres in acreage in Hazelwood, ' adjoining the city, Good terms and reasonable prices. Apply to Attorney Geo., W. Wright, office, Rooms 1 and 2, Wright Block. Both phones. FOR SALE- Farm of 160 acres, also city property. Inquire of H. F. Mc llwain. FOR SALE One good heavy truck wagon, one two-seated light hack, one good plow, one single harness, one potato digger, one large Majes tic Range, one small cook stove, one heating stove, two A-No. Iron bedsteads, together with spring and mattresses, one good oak extension dining room table, ana 13 A- wo, 1 White Wyandotte young pullets from imported stock, and other household goods. The above prop erty is all as good as new and will be sold at private sale. Call on J.V. PIPE, 203 West Second St.; Alb any, Oregon. It is a dangerous thing to take a cough medicine containing opiates that merely stifle your cough instead of curing it. Foley's Honey and Tar looiens and cures the cougn and ex pels the poisonous germs, thus pre venting pneumonia and consumption. Refuse substitutes and take only the genuine Foley's Honey and Tar in the yellow package. Woodworth Drug Co Foley's Kidney Reme'ilwuTurc any case of kidney or bladder trouble that is not beyond the reach of medi cine. It invigorates the entire system and strengthens the kidney i so they eliminate the impurities from the blood. Backache, rheumatism, kidney and bladder troubles are all cured by this great medicine. Woodworth Driig Co. JABS. By Jones Boosting a . town is all right, but when it comes to passing the hat to pay for the professional booster we notice that it is thrust offensively of ten under the chin of the merchant and home owner, while the absentee lot owner, producing an assortment of tin cans and bill boards to attract visitors, telegraphs to his agent, "See ing as you fellows are waking up some, raise the figures on that de sirable corner lot 25 per cent." This encourages everybody. There is no need of Oreeon oeoDle bitincr at the fake new town ads. There: is plenty of opportunity for legitimate investment right here in Albany. lhe man who will buy lots in a town he has never seen on the strength of a: flare ad in a Portland paper deserves in get a gold brick with the gilt suck - ed off and he generally does. There are legitimate propositions, but. if worth investing in they are worth vis- y . "r,"": convention, ana otners will go tonight reach in a week s travel are too of- and tomorrow ten all paper. jjon M Amn a prominent can- An English lord- in Portland has veswoTS ioT1 IsatTitt1e oaveCrTaerf, "V? Uy today its selling value. My lord knows that' Mrs- Mack Monteith yesterday after Portland is willing to help him live the Tuesday Club in a iu England by boosting until his land Sli"ul,mnl,er- The contests were is , worth $50,000 for his 50x50 foot mfotheTwordT out of valentine, corner. j Refreshments were served and an en- While Portland people are crowdincr their bridges to their utmost the mer-i ry litigation goes on delaying the con-' striiction of more bridges. Portland boosters blow about 500,000 in 1912. j They couldn't accommodate half that many with' their dinky streetcars and rattletrap bridges. It appears, that the grangers will have to start something going again if they want a gross tax on corpora tions. Between the legislature and the courts the initiative law has gone glimmering. Corporations don't- like to pay taxes, and they generally man- age to slip any taxes levied right off their backs. Portland is going to have some fly- nig stunts, too, as well as Los An gc. All right. An exhibit of the high flying of the beef trust would attract lots of attention. There is a ship that flies high all over .the Unit ed States. Some people say it is al most lost to view in Chicago and Cleveland. The Albany Eutter & Produce Co. are paying 40 centn per pound f. o. b. Albany, for butter fac, or 39c on the wagon. It you have cream to sell call both phones 49. WANTED. An estimate upon the re moval of dirt from my lot at Wash ington and Third. Apply to J. T. Wentworth, Linn & Benton Real Estate Office. t5. FOR RENT .-Some housekeeping rooms furnished. Call upon Mrs. G. C. Moon, 118 W. Third. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF CONTINUED LOW PRICES NOT A SINGLE SUIT DO WE WANT TO CARRY OVER. . Every splendid tailored garment in this department has been reduced one-half of the price at which these garments formerly sold. These suits arc representative of the best styles, the highest quality workmanship, the most approved and best grade materials. There remains many weeks that these garments will be of splendid service to you. We want you to save by buying now we know we can please you in style and give you at the same time a most extraordinary value. ' The sizes are all represented with many different styles, colors and weaves. Come early while you may have the opportunity of selecting from as large assortment as possible. Your unreserved choice at only ONE-HALF PRICE. UNEQUALLED VALUES. SILK DRESSES. Beautiful, stylish, unusual gowns worth up to $42.00. All sizes and a beautiful assortment of colors. The greatest values we have cvcroltered ALL NOW AT JUST $10.00 Each. THE HAMILTON STORE PERSONAL AND SOCIAL P A. Young returned this noon from Portland. A. D.Barker is looking after his Aniderajproperty. Pete McKinney returned to.Saginaw this afternoon. J. B. Eddy, S. P. right of way man, went to Lebanon this afternoon. Mrs. Lena Niles, of Seattle, left this alternoon for her home at Seattle. F. E. Allev. one of Roseburcr's lead- ng business men, have been inthecity. ! Born, to Mr and Mrs. Fred Leeper, on Jan. 24, a girl. Mack J. Monteith, has been down in Mexico on hia present commercial trip, land expects tolbe home in about two W63ka. n. r :,u r, thia afternoon to attend the grower's i enjoyable time socially had. MARRIED. Neal-Ward Welnesday, Jan. 26, at 1 p. m. at the residence of W. W. Allingham, in Albany, by Rev. S. A. Douglas, Mr. Roscoe Neal and Miss Carrie Ward were united in marriage in the presence uf relatives and a few intimate friends. following a tine wedding dinner the happy couple left for Portland on their bridal trip. The groom is a surveyor, a voung ..man of excellent characier, the bride a I'daughter of Mr. Scott Ward is a native of thia county, recently with Chambers & McC'jne. a vouncr ladv of manv fine qualities. Fresh oysters at Pfeiffer'e, 229 W 2nd St. FURNITURE AT COST. CLOSING OUT SALE Everything Must Go v ' - O. E. PERRY, 310 W. 2nd St. MADE A HIT. "Brewster's Millions," which will be presented at the opera house Friday night by Cohan and Harris' come dians, is a dramatization of George Barr Me Cutcheon's celebrated fantastic story of the same name which had a tremendous vogue in book shops. Appreciating its adaptibllity to the stage Messrs. Winchell Smith and Byron Ongley made a dramatization which developed into the whirlwind success of the decade. The play was written and produced by Frederic Thompson of Thompson and Dundy, those marvelouB creators and builders of Luna Park at Coney Island, which resort alone speaks worlds for the; ingenuity and creative abilty of Mr. Thompson. Holt Again for your meats of all kinds, and the Metropolitan Market next djor for the latest and best in ruits and vegatablen. A Ann linn ht fiin tfotrat-aMoa nah cinned goods, etc., always on hand at I the Icetropolitan Market, Bioadalbin street. Only the best is kept. ALBANY OPERA H0UE Friday, January 28 The Supreme New York, London and Chicago Comedy Success v Brewster's Millions A Dramatization by Winchell Smith and Bryon Ongley- of George Barr McCutcheon's Famous Novel, and showing the realistic YACHT SCENE. ROYAL TRACY AND A GREAT CAST. PriceB $1, 75c, 50c, a few $1.50 seats Attend Woodworth's January Clearance Sale and get some real Bargains. Every 10c purchase secures a vote for the Automobile. MILLINERY BARGAINS. We are still offering many exceptional values in trimmed hats A goodly number of stylish patterns that are being closed out now at one price. t The prices formerly were as high as $7.00. We offer all now at just 98c LUMBER Lath Shingles HAIR 'FIBRE PLASTER 1 Land Plaster Lime Cement BUILDING PAPE Roofing Paper Shakes Posts MOLDINGS THE CHAS. K. SPAULOING LOGGING CO. Both Phones Bel'. Red 841, Home 324. All kiads of Lumber, Fench Posts, Shingles. CITY LUMBER YARD WILKINS & SON. Albany Oregon BKGC