Albany FJli XLV ALBANY. OREGON; FRIDAY JANUARY. - 1910 NO of, TRV our White Queen Flour Also Capital Mills, Perfection, Stay ton and Johnson's Best. ' Special Delivery. ' Murphy Flour and Feed. Call up. Both Phones. CUETIS REAL ESTATE CO. ' 106 N. ELLSWORTH. Farm land and city property bought and sold, Parties having land or city property or sale will do well to list with us. Phones Bell black 53, Home main 231 33 See CLE Chambers ALBANY'S LEADING CLOAK AND SUIT STORE Plumbin Let us estimate on your works. We guarantee first-class work at moderate cost. PLUMBING; TINNNING AND HEATING. W. E. FRANCIS 126 Ellsworth St. " Both Phones. M. Senders &Co, (INCORPORATED.) Dealers In Hay, Grain, Wool, Cascara, Slt, Feed, seeds, Roche Harbor Lime, Standard and Alsen Portland Cement, Acme Cement Plaster, Adamant Wood and i Hair Fiber Plaster, Stock Foods, Ponl- i try Supplies. Ruberoid Roofing, Build-1 ing paper, etc. , i Both Phones 48. 435 West First St. ; A fine lot at our yard at this city.juat burned. Phone Homo 2P5. ' I ALBANY BRICK COj Palmer's Dairy 1HE GuLDlN MUJLE. Delivers milk and cream to any part of j the citv. Prices reasonahle. Jersey cowa with best of care. Both Phones, j J. G. Crawford's! Photograph Gallery j Is in the New Albany State Bank Build- j ing, second floo1", with a complete , equipment for picture taking;tot all j kinds. C B DAVIS, I PIANO TUNER. Yearly contracts '5 for two tu lir gs. Le ive orders at Davenport's Music ito.-e. Remember We save 25c -purchase of COFFEE, ME1SER & Last Day OF THE GREATEST OF ARANCE THE WIND UP PART OF THIS SALE IS GOING TO BE BUSIER, BIGGER AND BETTER THAN THE OPENING. THE PEOPLE ARE ADVERTISING US AND WE ARE KEEP ING OUR PROMISE BY CUTTING THE PRICE DEEPER THAN EVER ATTEMPTED BY ANY OTHER SALE. Any Suit or Coat, HALF PRICE. - - . Children's Coats worth up to $5.00 for $1.00 Misses Coats worth up to $10.00 for $8 Trimmed Hats worth up to $7.50 for... .. 88c Boys and Girls Shoes worth up to $2.o0 for, per pair 9bc Shirt Waists worth up to $1.50 for . 50c Any Fur Scarf or Muff HALF PRICE. the Bis "Windows .0 Hand Painted China. Haviland China. Your choice of six Dinner Set! Fancy Dishes t A full line of GROCERIES You have heard for the last 14 years like it in Albany. Try some. Stetters's New DOOLEYS grocery' A new andextensive line of fresh, clean Bread. Dried Fruits , -rr and Vegetables . . oth and lyon streets. 2 o o c '5 c I" rB , 5 3d," L ? re 5 5' 7 5? CO v"fsi rirst it. CLASS WORK GUARANTEED FIRST ES mmmi you 3c on every TE3, SPICES. MEISER. soi ALL ' SALES about Stetter's Best Coffee, none Prompt Delivery. Store, 206 West Second St. . 301 MAIN ST., DEALERS IN General Merchandise, with a new stock to be sold at reasonable prices. Prompt attention. Delivery to any part of the city. Electric Appliance Co. j , 422 W. First , Phones-Bell Black 2651, Home 411. j Electrical Supplies and Fixtures. I House and other wiring attended to promptly. Contracts made. I - i j R. B. Mayberry, Dray man Heavy and light hanling. Piano I moving a specialty, Piano and organs i boxed for shipping Piano boxe3 for ! sale.' Wood for sale, cord wood or 16 I inch wood. Office with Lbn & Benton Real Es tate Co.. 236 West 1st. Reoidence 713 Montgomery St. ;.Both Phones. Rev. I. W. Williams Testifies Rev. I. W. Williams, Huntington, W. Va., writes us as follows: "This is to certify that I used Foley's Kidney Remedy for nervous exhaustion and !'.;v!",cy trouble and am free to say that i i-'ok-y's Kidney Remedy will do all tl::-.t. yon claim for it." Woodivorth i u.-us -;. . vn .v:ii c , j . U. W lOr WatCHCS Mil ton, 4 CARRIERS. More Than the City to Be Cov . ered. A fourth carrier has been granted Albany, and David H. Patterson has been appointed, being first sub, to be gin work on February 1st, an extension of service desired for some time. Un der the new arrangement Irvin Cady will take in the western part of the city, including Wright's addition, Will Patterson, the middle section, east to Montgomery, Roland Hacklomsn to Main street, and Dave Patterson east into Bryant's addition into the pro posed new city limits, both on the east and west. A requirement will be the numbering of houses and the building of sidewalks. o get busy. A NATIVE OF LINN Invents a Flying Machine. The Oregonian tells about the flying machine work of John C. Burkhart, a former Albany boy, born on the Burk hart farm near this city: Two aroDlanes. one which has al ready flown, and another, which is ex pected to fly, will be exhibited at. the Portland Automobile Show. For three months. J. C. Burkhart. of thi- city, has been quietly at work in a building near the Armory constructing a biplane iu accordance with his own ideas. The machine is now nearly com pleted, and on Sunday will be moved to the airship room in the Armory for exhibition beside the Curtis machine, just purchased by E. Henry Wemme. The machine that Mr. Burkhart is constructing is of the biplane type, but outers materially trom the Wright or Curtiss models. Lute the Wright ma chine, it will start from skids and not from wheels, nn-l the engine arrange ment is something like that of the Cur tiss models. It will be driven by a 40 horse power, eight-cylinder, air-cooled motor, designed for aeroplanes by L-uruss. The two sets of wings have a spread of 34 feet, which is greater than that1 of the aeroplane purchased by Mr. Wemme. The engine is supported be - tween the planes immediately back ot will bo about 450 pounds, of which 150 ute aviator a seat, ine total wemni. pounos is tne engine. ; Mr. Burkhart acknowledges that hp has made other experiments with aero- planes. He built one at Ithaca, N, Y., with which ho made short flights, and has seen and made a study of all the successful models. No trial of his new aeroplane will be attempted until after the automobile show. Shakespearean Recital. On next Tuesday evening Frederick Warde, who has won the distinction of being one of the foremost Shakespear ean students of the United States will appear at the United Presbyteiian church in a lojture and recital of Shake speare's plays. It is with a great deal of pleasure that the management an nounces Mr. Warde's appearance before an Albany audience for we are assured on every hand that he is an absolute master of his subject and nresnts it in a scholarly and delightful manner. ! At the United Presbyterian church j Jan. 25, at 8 p. m. Seats on sale Monday morning at Woodworth's Drug Store. Admission including reserved seat 75c. : Season ticket holders may have seats I reserved without extra charge.- j , - 1 , Halley Seen. J. C. Irvine, J. G. Crawford and others have at last sighted Halley. They had the right place all along, but nuney nau not yet come Close enougn yet, and when you have seen him you ' only see a little now, but ho is coming I right along at numerous miles a second , and about the first of June may be seen Dy tne natted eye. Will Go to Europe. I Mr. Kola Neis went to Salem this morning, and on Wednesday will leave or Europe on a six month's trip, com b mnr business with a trio to his father- 1 nrf, most of ths time being stent in G:rmanv, where he wa3 born. The Weather. Range of temperature 49 3G. The rain fall is .28 inch. The river has been rising and is 5 8 fnt. The prediction: riin tonight and Saturday. Short orders, including Meats, Salads, Vegetables, Pies, Oystera in nil styles, Hot Tamalics, Sandwiches, Cakes, etc., meals and lunches, neat an-l i-lean. Confection-tries an J soft drinks at 12S Crouduli i l Street. Home Meals B0Y KILLED ATSALEM. Salsm, Jan. 22.--Carleton Acheson, 12 years of age, son of tne ex-councilman, was shot and killed by a 22 calibre rifle this afternoon while at a target practice with some boys of his own age. He ran in line of the target. Won a Point. Portland, Jan. 22. Congressman Hermann won an important point today in the exclusion of testimonv charging that he destroyed books to conceal' the telegrams sont to Mays. An Earthquake. Washington, Jan. 22. - An earth quake is recorded lasting one hour, it y is presumed in the vicinity of Alaska. The Siletz Bill. Washington. Chamberlain will bill on Monday. Jan. 22. Senator introduce the Siletz A Suicide v ... St. Helens, Jan. 22. John Drew, aftir attending lodge last night com mitted suicide near his home. . - House Burned.' Cales Creek, Jan. 22. Mat Hinos dwelling was destroyed by fire yester day.. There waB no insurance, , A Genius at Dreamland. Foltz, the musical comedian at Dreamland is an artistic attraction, a genius. Ihe cornet is his specialty. with a numorous monologue with it Albany people can't afford to miss him. The Toledo. nie ivkuv. i ' ... ! A new steel range, with a cooking R"1""" V"' mooel mouern . Biove ,,5.- nuavimn, u a look at it. At Albany Hd. Co's. TONIGHT. Last to see McKekzle's Merry Makers in an entire chantre of act, Pictures, Songs, Orchestra. Free band concert in front of Theatre at 7:30. Two shows each eveninir, 7:45 and 9 o'clock. Admisssion cents. 20 cents. Children 10 . Clean up sale in China, many articles at WM. BAIN, President. EMPFRC Bill till II THEATRE " ilSillJlliliLllliU . ,, -.. - - TONIGHT.' 1 i Both Phone ' . Main 53 224 Y ' hl St H. N. BOULEY, Cashier. ALBANY STATE BANK Doss a'general backing business, Pays interest on savings accounts, Sells bank drafts and travelers checks, Has safety deposit boxes for rent. Have you If not, why no t It is the bes 25c;cbTe3in town. Give us atria?. STAR BAKERY, C.MYEH,Pro -rielor. DOINGS OF THE WORLD. Judge Brvson. of Eugene has raised the price of drunks to $20 straight. Everybody takes all the Euerene pa pers, good ones, and then some more. Eugene business men are paying $250 month for special festoon streetlight- ing. Lebanon is having a big discussion over the site of the proposed new city hall. That high school debate has been placed in the hands of the executive committee. $1.85 has been bid for asphalt paving in Portland. That is moro like it. Paving for residence sections should not be higher. On January 25th, next Tuesday even ing, at Eugone, Strangler bniith of Portland, and Jess Van Doozor, of this city, will have a wrestling match. Ezra Meeker was in Los Angeles with his prairie schooner, with which he flew across the country. It has a speed of two or three miles an hour. H. C. Mahon, of Eugene has been paid his judgment of $42,470 against M. B. Rankin, for a commission for the sale of timber land, making him a rich man. Harrisburg Bulletin: Mrs, E. E. I Upmoyer who went to the ranch near Harrisburg lor a day or two returned to Eugene yesterday. Mr. Upmeyer is recovering frorn his operation at the hospital in fine shape. - Policeman Stahl, of Portland last night killed a. fellow named Roney who was attempting to hold up a saloon. Stahl was in the saloon, where a Port land policeman can geneVally be found, when the desperado entered. Stahl shot behind the stove and did good work. Jefferson Review: Quite a scare has developed in this vicinity on acco int of a few case of smallpox of a mild term, but as yet none has ap peared in town. Many of our peoplo were exposed to the disease, however, owing to a Linn county man being in several business houses after he had broken out with it, so every precaution should be taken. The McKenzies. This will be the last night of the Mc i Kenzie Merrv Vakers. who have been ; drawing packed houses during the week, n live body of comedians, doing good work. 1. Vaudeville tonight: Foltz Music- al Comedian. 2. .The Persistent Poet. 3. The New Chief. In the Rockies. 4.; E. Her Dramatic Career. Special Vaudeville Matin?e 10 cenls. gAdmIsion lCc and 15c. 1 aniiary Crockety and GUtswaro HALF PRICE, P.D. GILBERT. V. P. tried our