1' Our January Clearance Sale IS STILL ON Eig saving knit "blankets, underwear, goods, Coats, embroideriss, etc. see what we off yr. Flood's Come and ' Agents for Stanard Patterns. acts of Title Abstr To all lands and own lota in Linn county made by men of wide 'experience and certified to by a responsible company. A company that has been established for 18 years and is incor porated. : The Ci&n County Abstract Co.. 303 Broadalbin Street, Albany, Oregon. Twice as Much Light for the . Same Money is obtainable by using TUNGSTEN LAMPS j, for electric light. They ave r ;ac!e like any other j ', ' incandescent lamp, with this deference, that the W. i wire filament inside is compose J of a rare metal called Tungsten, which radiates iwo or three tines as muchv light, with the same amount of current,. -as the ordinary carbon filament. Ask us to show you the General Electric Tungsten lamp and prove . its economy to you. Ralston Elec. Sup. 'Co. 306 West Second Street WE have r.oJState Deposits nor do wo accept any de posit whoro speciul security hns to be pledged. This means that wo have no preferred creditors and that your deposit has tho uamu oecurity that all have. We have invested assets worth mire than $100,000. Oi) and this would have to bo dis sipated before depositors could lose a cent. It is not being dissipated, it is growing. J. W. CUSICK & CO. BANKERS. Established 1892. Sanial-Pepsin Capsules A POSITIVE CURE Kitrlnftamnintlun orrtitarrhof tho HWitl.lir mul lMw.mtl Kill- TU'VH. ClO tUl(b Ml ral, 1liri' nmlilv it ml 1'oiiii.iiii'iitly tin ivornt 0!Ihvn of tJonocrnocn t tut Ult'i'l, nu in atl or of how 'oiib tumlinK. A b b t I h t c I j Imrnilcuw. boUl by ilrumilut. I'rli-o 41.00. or by mH, pol pit Hi, 8 bolM, fl.li. THE SANTAL-PEPSIhCS. BtllrlonUlne, OBI. suotrs .-' J EKE OPPOSITE THE P. 0. Fonr c'mirs. Prompt an Efficient Care of the face and hair. MB. CRAFT, 242 West Second St., Albany First-class meats of all kinds from elei'te.l stock. JURY LIST. Following is the jury list for 1910, is selected by the county court: Hold Overs. Albany. J. A. Howard, A. Kyle, roh 11 Dennv, W. A. Cox, H. G. Fisher, S. If. Wile's, Geo. Clinc, H. C. Hark icss, J. P. .Martin, G. A. Flood, R. L. 'White, W. A. Barrett. Scio. Henry Ray, B. F. Titus, Wm. llrenncr, Win. -May, J. H. Poindextcr, C. II. Wain, A. E. Randall, Chas. Wescley, J. G. Halt. Syracuse. J. F. Wrightman, W. E. Fisher, E. C. Wetzel, John Wills. . Santiam. E. . A. Buchner, Henry .-Cinzcr, Eugene Easton, J. N. Tones. Shelhurn. E. D. Jones, Howard Montgomery, J. F. Funk, C. W. Beard; Jas. Jolinston. Center. G. A. Scott, W. H. Chand ler. '' Lebanon. G. D. Harris, S. O. Wal lace, G. W. Cruson, G. H. Coffelt, O. L. Baltimore, A. W. Blackburn, P. M Scroggin, Jos. Stewart, G. H. Randall, b. Lindley, E. C. Nicholls, Ed. Myers, linos snerly. ' JIalsey, H,- W. Chance, T. F. Smith. Price. S. S. Bodine, Ed , Smith, Smith Cox, It. L. lJcebler, 'Orleans. F. G. Blumhart, Henry Stewart. Brownsville; Enoch Thompson, J. P. Coolcy, Geo. Coshow, I. E. Din-u-iddie. Foster. S. D. Pickens. I.acomb. Wm. T. Hassler, C. E. Soule, T. M. Downing. Harrisburg. H. Bishop, Frank Dcmpscy, J. S." George, John Middle ton, J. E. Warner, Fred Wigfe, W. L. Tyler, J. D. Bennett,-J. D. Wassom. Fox Valley. W. R. Surry. Shedd. G. L. Workinger, W. D. Porter, Geo. Laubncr, R. S. Acheson. Tangent. R. A. Marsn, L. B. Lu- per. Waterloo. K 1. Mclimmonds. Geo. H. Powell. . ', Sodaville. r. M. Hazen, H. D. Kluni. Jordan. Henry Shank. Crawfordsville. Thos. Cowline. A. S. Hamill. New Men. Shedd. J. E. Archibald, ' T. C. Brown, Walter, Barton, W. E. Carl ton, J. R. Davis, J. C. Davis, P. H. I'recrkscn, C. W. Liggett, J. H. Sfcars, J. A. Pugh, Peter Troutman, MISFITS. And congress will do as it pleases More elasticity to tern 1b wanted. our banking fys The domination of IVail street is evidently a menace to our banking sys tem. , . Mot a fifth of the high bchool stu denis themselves attended the high school debate. The B nail audience at the high school debate was a slam on Albany. Such things shouli come first. It is a mighty good religion 'to sup port debating contests, a fine thing in the education of young people. Corvallis G. T,-The Salem Capitol Journal argues against prohibition and for the protection of prostitutes. In ro nly to a criticism for this attitude, Col. Hofor is likened to tho meek and lowly Jesus. There is nothing more to be said. . . HARRISBURG. Bulletin: A representative of the Townseud Creamery Co., of Portland, is to be here next week to take up the propo sition 07 establishing a creamery nere. A meeting of a number of farmers was held in town last Saturday to con sider the a dvisabiiity of. installing independent telephone lines. I. N. Warmouth of Halsey has just closed a deal with Geo. McCuDoch for the purchase, of the latter's 190 acre form near this place, at $40 per acre. Jhe Jess Baker place of 250 acres was sold during tne past week to R. A. Githens and Mr. Lerwill the former taking ISO acres of the track. Consid eration $3b.sl0 per acre. C F. White killed an eagle out atthe 1 wnite rancn Monody evening tnat has ! been a source of annoyance to the ranchers for some time. He has num erous young lambs to his credit and has been- an all around nuisance. He had IT ' 'A) hi 31 5 a I J1 ffenry Zimmcrmaii ; ' i been shot at dozens of times and Drob- UrleailS. li. A.- Bavne. Jfrailk Hul- ' ahlv nirnoH holf hia moikl in loJ ficrrt, W. W. McBrid", S. W. Smith, ; He measured 7 feet and 4 inches from E. F. Truax. -tints-tin. Syracuse. John Winkley, John Mc-i . Nc.il, imi oKeiron, 1-1. u. riaiirni. pnnr,.hn'inA,.i n,jni,. nelius Cox, J. L. Davenport, G. B. t . Lcevcr, W. L. Rooker, W. C. Carlton. 1 - - ii:.,, - . Rock Creek. B. W. Jewell, H. L. 1 1. J, Will JOT WatClie Kaplinger, W. I-L RanrSot. C B. i . Gaines. p,- t U7 w:n;,m T.;&, Pnce-A Babb A. Barnes. J. W. R a w Williams, Huntington, laley. C. W. Houston, Wm-. Him-icft, w v -t na fnI1' ? ..T,u ' EVA HEASLIT with McKenz e Merry Makers. In Vy . Uncle from New Xork, Ernpire'Theutre Mohday, Jar.urry 17. Frank Kitchen, S. Livingstone, A. B. , Marshall, W. C: Mitchell, E. E. PaT- to certify,- that I used Foley's Kidney Remedy tor nervous exhaustion and T 11 . raw' wV t A lin. ! Wrincy troubte and am free to say that ... , . , j. ,r i-olcys iudney lard Halsey. J. W. Evans, C. L: Falk, E. E. Gormley, J. E. Haminond, D. Isom;. C. C. Jacksoir, C. H. Koontz,. S. S. Lcepcr, D. S. McWilliams, Jos. Owen, F. H. Porter;. J. A. Stevenson,. D. H.. Stiirtcvant, K. K. Stewart, Geo., j Taylor, L. C. Van Duyne, G. W; Drin- ! kard. ! i Harrisljurg. Will' Grimes,. R'. A.. I j Githens, J. A. 'Norwood, Gilbert Pet- , icrson, W. C. Riggs, T. W. Sommer- ' villci John C. Warner, A. R. Norwood, j ! Center. H. E. Blackburn, T. B. ; ' Cooper, E. H. Erskin. . j j Alljany. G. B. Cummings, M. J.. I : Cameron, J. J. Collins, Ralph, Mc- , : Keclinie, A. R. McCoy, J. A. Nimmo, J. L. Irvin, J. D. Isom, J. H. Cope-I , land; W. S. Weaver. I Brownsville. W. T. Cochran, F'. H. ! McFarland, II. C. Moran, R. N" Mat-! hock.. ! Ciiabtrce. Ed. Dbrgan, J. L.. Dav- J 1 enport. I I Tangent. M. F. Wood. j Sweet Home. R; W. Moorelicad. i ( S.-io. W. M.'Manis. A. R. McCall' that you daim Drug Co. ' ' ' Remedy will do all for it." W'oodworth Keep your Clothes clean and pressed. THE CLEANER, d E. SHELlEY, Prop. HO W 1st St. Beli Phone black 273 Home phone 196 Albany Abstract Company, L. M. Curl, Manager, . -- - . . . Hereafter the records in the office of the Recorder of Conveyances for Linn County, will b abstracted daily, by an expert title'' examiner . employed by our company. In. this manner we will be ablp to keep our records up to the last minute of each previous day, thereby affording ! better service to the public than any one has heretofore been able to give. , It is our .intention to maintain the standard of excellence gained by thorough and conscientious worn in tne past. 5 ine very Desr ana ,- latest syste"ro of abstracting of titles wi21 be permanently and confirm- ! otisly carried forward regasdless of the expenditure pf money in main- , taining our well established! reputation as . progressive and reliable ab stracters. We assume that every one realizes the necessity of having , : an abstract of tjtle preparei-for the. propirrty which is about to be pur chased; we solicit your patronage and assure you that we can give. you the very best work that is possible with little delay and at .a moderate living price. It will be to yonr advantage to see us before ordering. An unlimited amount of money to loan at six per cent per annum on - real estate security. . . Both telephones in the office. Call in and se-e us or write. Albany -Abstract Company, Albny, : Oregon 1 1 All kiads of Lumber. Fencli Posts, Shingles. CITY LUMBER YARD WILKINS&SON. iG.E.METZGUS ! &SON, j Sanitary Plumbers and Sheet I Metal WorKers. j Our natrons are assured of strictly : first.. elass W0?k. nromnt service nnrt ; reasonable prices. I ' Eavc-trough, conductors, roofing ancS? ! general jobbing, hpenheations turn : shed. Estimates cheerfully given. ; Try us. 201 E. First St. 8 iti Paoo FARM AND QTY PROPERTY THE LINN & BENTON REAL ESTATE CO. Have u good list of FARM AND CITY property and take pleasure in show ing you any place you wish to see. No trouble to us! No expense to you. , Before buyinir se us. See it all. Take your choice. Get the best. Office 236West First r - alter. Parker SHINGLES. i D. B. ADAMS,. , VACUUM CARPET SWEEPER . Agent for the ONWARD SLIDING . SHOE. 'Groctr Baker !l WS'T n'-.KriT hrnirrB.'U.iiiT ohkbus. LET US PRESENT YOU with a bath room plan you can have executed by New Year if you act. quickly. Nothing' very expensive about it. yet it inclinles everything: lu'v-cssavy for a handsoiiie and sanilary bath room. Our plumbing work included in the cost, with no cxUa charges as a joker. Think it over. MEDIN & STUART. HEH.W B CODERS. l'e .1 .f.i j 1 0IiLlS & fi&EYlE Real Estate and Insurance Buy and sell really. Insure prop erty and transact loans. Large or small timber tract a. IV! . RALSTON INSURANCE, LOANS AM) COLLECTIONS. have money t-t loan in small anr. large amounts. Notes and mortgage bought. 1 will bond you. Properii nndied f or non-residents TOM YOUNG Hv uo uiirt Sin Painter, 12i.;r'cr.-y Si Ai'-M. or the Cleveland Oeisenit ivof pairt. l'i me 1 1. - no 320. Pacific Re 1 30V. Made in Albany mv No 1 Edg -i-ain, , j r it s the tlEoT in the market. -Various ; I llH anfj KellflnlG grades and prices from $1.25 upwards. U1U dllU VC"aUC r.verv buncn branded with .my name. Look for it. Examine these shingles before buymg elsewhere. E. A. THOMPSON. We us no dry kilm. Meals 1 Short orders, including Meats, Salads, Vegetables, Pies, Oysters in all styles. Hot Tamaliea, Sandwiches, Cakes, etc.. meals and lunches, neat and clean. Confectionaries and soft drinks at -lOFLIuH'S 128 Broadalbin Street. Thirty-eight years of steady growth are significant endorsement of the careful management and courteous service of the time-tried Banic. Assets over one million dollars : FSJIST NAT19HAL BANK A Saving Account in the name of your boy and girl will teach them a knowledge of business and a habit of saving that they can acquire in no better way . InteresV paid on Savings accounts FJPST SAVINCS BAHK Owned and operated by the stockhold ers of the First National Bank. Rrst class CKds . Mhnr. Matn nil , in their "season --A 1 - Crest A. STAKlv, i. Ij PUY8IOUN AND StHGEON WILL & STARK BLOCK, ALBANY Tamalies, Tamalies. Try one of our boneless chicken tarn, ili-s. None better in the city. Oysters seived any style, al?o light unclus. Both Thones. 316 West 2nd CiiliNcoc DUltUK J. M011 Koo, an experienced compounder of Chinese 1 m-dicines, successor of the late Hong ; Wo Tong, is now prepared to furnish ; Ch'nose medicines to all. Theunder-1 signed recominer.ts him and guaran tees satisfaction. CaJ or write hira , at No. 110 We3. Secenri st., Alban. Ci .Vl. V is ".1 1 1." Why buy- Groceries of Portland Houses when you can-get the following prices at EASTBURN'S 14 lbs Granulated Sugar $1.00 lfi lbs Cream Rolled Oats 1.00 11 l'bs Head Rice'. .. 1.00 14 lbs Japan Rice 1.01V 16 lbs Broxen Head Rice .. LOO 12 Ins White Beans '. l.On 12 lbs Lima Bet ns l.oO 10-16 ozpks Raisinns 1.00 Get cur prices before you buy. W. A. EASTBURN The Grocer. Cement Work Estimates given on Plastering, Side walk and Cement Worn. .J. F. TRAYER, 4tb & Calapooia S. DR.. MARY MARSHALL, Osteopathic Prysxian Albaky State Bank Building Bell Black 432. Home 275. , OlfrVlRGlNU V- LKWEAUX Osteopathic Physician. 1-3 Brenner Block. Albany. Phones: Office Home 369, Bell black 27ol,Residence 394 Home. blacktj63 Bell. HrxiirNiNGiR DENTIST Crawtord Block, - A lba n t DR. W. R. BILYEU, Dentist WILb & STARK RLuCK. AT BANY DENTIST.- Rooms 6 nd 8, Brenner Biock. Bell Black 1481 X