Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, January 21, 1910, Page 6, Image 6

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Rev. Frank Gunsaulus, in an after
noon sermon on "Christmas Thought"
at the Central Y. M. C. A., Chicago,
scored those who doubt the Bible.
"The fault with our Christian life is
that we do not make Jhe Bible a living
truth," he said. "Therein is its great
est value. The Bible as a teacher of
historical truth is one of the greatest
things in'our life, and as a teacher of
the living truth it is even greater.
"The light which lifts the burden of
the soul will not be found in the high-
-ways and byways of human endeavor.
The ordinary,'- everyday thought .is
found there. The truths of modern
science come from there. The great
. truths of life, though, come to us sil
ently and unostentationsly.
"If they who scoff at the Bible and
the miracles it teaches will leave open
a door, to their nearts, be it ever so
humble, truth will find them and their
liurdcns will be made light."
Misrepresents the Situation
The world has a new anaesthetic
that was to do wonders. It already
lias done them. Chicago has the first
victim. He lived an hour, and others
may be expected to follow. This an
aesthetic had the virtue, or whatever
you may wish to .call it, of, making
part of the body free from pain, so
that any kind of an operation could be
performed. It was thought some
thing-great had been discovered; but
mark the fact, that whatever "is suf
ficiently strong to cause a complete
numbness in half the body must have
dangerous qualities. Cocaine will do
-it for a small space, but even that is
dangerous. An anaesthetic operating
mtire extensively one would reason
would be more dangerous and un
doubtedly is. It is very doubtful wheth
er a safe anaesthetic is ever discovered.
Perhaps you have heard of the dog
'with some meat in his mouth seeing
his likeness in the water, . and think
ing it was another dog dropped the
meat in his mouth and made a grab
for, it, losing the substance. That is
about what the government has done.
Hn order to convict Hermann it has
dropped Meldrum. . With his record
hack of him it is not probable that his
rtcsftimony will amount to much, and
there 3s a strong ligclihood of the
government losing both men.
The selection of a new 'superintend
ent for the Albany schools is a par
ticularly ii"-"'ftant matter for the
board of d tors to dispose of, a
fact appreciated by the members. With
the splendid new high school building
and' prospects of a fine equipment
there is a call for the latest and best
methods in education, a field for mdo-
.prn irlit-.'ittntl.ll luistlinc. In some re
spects the superintendent of schools
.occupies the most important position
in the city, making the selection of
one a matter of the deepest considera
tion and best judgment, ' 1
It U about timu Halluy put in appear
Husp'.tulity is a splendid reputation to
Another knocker- has been heard
from. He ha3 been Bending Borne mis
representations to papers up on the
Sound, being used against local option.
He Bays Albany is confronted with a
deficit of'$12,000 for 1909, but doesn't
state that' the city run ahead abont
$i,000 without taking into account the
money spent tor paving ureouiwiMwu
the post office corner, a sample of the
J;l- L 1 inU.. man . ' VaTC
is another one:
By reason of the curtailment In the
citv s revenues following the closing of
the HatoouB. a larcer direct tax IB
nrosnect if Albanv will maintain its
credit. The mayor's message showed
that the indebtedness for the year laua
was over $83,000. Estimated revenue
for the ensuing year $34,000.
A higher tax is not in prospect. In
fact Albany's total tax this year will
be mills lower than in 1909. The
indebtedness for 1909 including all the
pavement expense of $72,500, mostly
paid by property owners, but included
in the report, no doubt known by the
dishonest correspondent. Instead of
the credit of Albany, a dry town, being
threatened, it was never better. Local
ontion has been a snlendid thing for the
city, and many who voted against it
would now vote lor it. enna piga re
to be regretted, but that is another
issue, an evil to be gradually and per
sistently met. Another need is a state
legislature that will pass u law prevent
ing Bmpmeub ui nquur uuu uijr
Geo Myers, of Salem, was sentenced
today to imprisonment for fife. .
Halsev is talking about an electri
light system. Put it in-
Congressman Hawler has asked con
gress for un appropriation for revet
ment work at Albany and Salem. --'
Fall rmin hns settled down to ' bus
iness, taxen fresh root, and is reported
to be doing well in most cases.
A California man broDOses a new cal
ender with thirteen months of exactly
four wi;cka in each, all the same. All
right theoretically perhaps, -but the old
one will continue to operate.
Col. Hofer was arrested at Salem
charged with running an auto without
a license. The defense was that the
machine did not belong to the defend
ant being used by him in an auto con
test, tie won out.
A Lebanon business man has a boost
er envelope printed t in the east. It
gives Lebanon on the east side of the
Santiam. The real way to boost is to
have your printing done at hame.
During the coming two weeks eleven
Oregon cities will entertain Knights of
Pythias, when the grand chancellor,
Frank Manatee will viEit them, holding
special sessions. Baker City will be
the-lir- -. visited, and from there he will
come io Western Oregon.
Hot tamulies at the Vienna Bakery
Choice lunches at the Vienna Bakery.
T T .... u.nD..n'u Uat. Tt. in the.Be9t.
I Mail.- iii Altmny.
I Highest market price for chickens,
tuikeys, geese and ducks at P. H.
I PfeiffW's. Second street.
These self basting roasters at the
Albany Hardware Co's. store, are Mie
best thing going. Get one.
Saturday evening three divorce suits
.vere begun as follows:
Mary Volkman agt. Keimer Volkman.
They were marridd in March, 1885 at
Davenport, ill., ana nave ninecnuaren.
The defendant owns a fine farm of 117
acres and a third of the property is
isked and alimony of $50 a month.
Cruel treatment is chatged.
John b. Doughton agt. Florence
Ooughton. The plaintiff charges that
the defendant tried to kill him and his
parents on Oct. 2, 1909, prevented by his
securing charge of the gun. She left
for Texas.
Ed Bvera act. C. Jfi Bvers. They
were married at Dallas in 1903 and de
sertion since June 1906 is charged.
Deeds recorded:
Kate D. Protzmap et al to Joseph
Hawkins, part of blocK at Vina
and Calsnnoia: the old trawfoid '
property in fourdeeeds $ 40S
D. S. Smith, sheriff, to the Curtis
T.nmhur Co.. lfio acres, niooertv
Jas. B. Stearns 1589
Chatel Mortgage $320.
Final account approved in estate of
Anna Borovicka. ,
New registration title F. M. Bom
eroy, half block H's 2nd ad.
Articles incorporating: Bethel church,
of T8llmam. Incorporators, A. Horner,
M. 0. Lofcsdtin and L. 0. ' McQueen,
Capital stock $800.
Put the laymen to work.
Albany the city of pretty homes.
life is a monument for a
Washington, Jam 17. Senatcr
Chamberlain and Congressman Hawley
introduced a bill today drawn by .the
interior department, providing that no
homestead entry made within the form
er Siletz reservation upon proof sub
milted without protest prior to Decem
ber 31, 1906, shall be cancelled merely
because of insufficient compliance with
the law in the matter of residence and
cultivation, when shown to the, satis
faction of the secretary the entry was
made for exclusive use and benefit of
the entryman. ! .
Salem, Jan. 17. Investigation shows
that a large number of hop roots have
Deen irozen in tnis district, ine inui
cations are that there will be high bops
for some years to come.
Astoria, Jan. 17. The Bchooner
William H. Smith reported dismasted,
yesterday arrived off the mouth of the
(joiumma tnis morning, due owing to
rough Bea is unable no enter. She is
not badly dama&ed.
Mabshpield, Jan. 17. Anothor vic
tim of the wrecked Czariab waewashed
ashore today.
Salem, Jan 18.-The Supreme Court
holds negligence 'on the part of the
Standard Oil Co., in delivering a con
signment of kerosene to a-Troutdale
merchant, that would not stand regula
tion of the fire test of 122 FaSrenheiht,
Will the Albany street railway sJb-- j j,asj f a decision awarding Ernest
It needs". Peterson, administrator for Victoria
A clean
Who will the nesy superintendent of
schools be.
Many lives go down from bad com
- The Pacific gales have not been very
peacetui lately,
The University of California has a 69
year old freshman.
The hardware men are holding a con
vention in Portland.-
The Oregonian swallows everything'
the administration does
The regulars are having the- insur
ants at war; but'it is on paper.-
Young men do well to rule their pas
sions, and not be slaves to them.
ainless Dentistry
'. . ' llfM flf tn HMIDli
Lr'txtna bare loeir piate
-vrnid bridiwwork fin-
V-A -1 luhed In one do?
- ta'sWJ9?k raM or oorcelai
, SwST $3750
fe,vPV& 7. MLurCn-.. 6.00
, Mould Fllltagi l.uw
M&i!Ml FUliiOT 1.00
tft '' A Jsilr Filling! -.50
4 k'Ht-sAV T A'lnlay Flllbw 2.50
'4ft!Tttbb" 5.00
DR. w.iLW ii, riMu" . , - , ... cri
onmwiiuwi-rwiHl E?S,e" EiaU
oSlCTedTOonralliitlou Eros, Von cannot got bottpf
Mlffii work don. Bn wInN A" ,voriS 'V'ly HBS -
Wise Bental Cd.
OmOS B0B11K A. . to S - "4I.
Marriage licence J. F.
Mamie Stella Talbert.
Hufford and
Deeds recorded:
H. B-yant to Chas. H. Fultz 80
acres. ; .
J. W. Wilson to Geo. E. Warner
lot 3 bl 118 H's ad
M. A. Miller to Frank Henry &
wf lot Howe: ad Lebanon
f 2000
' 1
Mortgages $3,500, $150, $450. .
Satisfaction $45i n '.
, Probate:-r-
Final account approved in estate
Henrietta Tate.
Final hearing in estate of Jos.
Templeton set for Feb-. ZU t -.
WisHiNr.Toii. Jan. 19. Ballinger isj,
under investigation . here. The ccip
miff.. npA.iH.H npr. 'hv confirnessmat
u"""u p.- i t
McGuire is probing the charge of mis
use of funds. ; ' .. . V .' : '
Los angeles, Jan. 19. The morning
paper quotes Clarenc'e'Cunninghamsa''
ihg that he paid Ballinger, while Judce
in Seattle, $250 to examine the patents
of the Alaska coal claims. . ;.
tem be extended this vear.
it. Peterson, a domestic of Troutdale, who
' I died from burns while using ksroserte
, ,. ii i v to light the kitchen fire. The verdict
iiw live- new cumer waoo nic iw-o was $2,500
paper ajid gets in toucn witn ms new Vangobve Wn'. .Jan. IS-The-
nome. , i , : : .
I ivorin DanK !.. o pasaeugei nam au
mn.n a ma.liMiiJ; Maor Hurhin thia mnrn-
Columbia county, Wash., boasts of iK. Engineer Koontz . is , reported
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of. Linn, De- .
partment Nev 2.
Fred Holzfuss, plaintiff, vs. Herman
Holzfuss, Bertlia Kiecker, Emil J.
Holziuss, Johanna Leib, Olive Holz
f C, H. Kiecker. Wilhclmina
Holzfuss and Henry Leib, defendants.
To Herman Holzfuss and Welhelmina
not having a murder in fifteen years.
Just watt.
The yellow journals are having Pin
chot do all manner of things, , but they
are simply jabs. , ' .
The Jacobs-Stine Co. of Portland last
year did a business of over $1,000,000.
Hostlers for a fact.
The new centers art more than wel-
kill-d, two- tramps were injured. The
engine is diceheo. and tne Dagicage- ana-
mail car derailed. No passengers were
injOred. .'
' SlLVERMSNi Ore.,' Jan. "18. Burgtors-
Mam tha aafa nfi Rrnnlra Rrnt.hern near-
r bear ioint lonen- last night and secured!
I $65, while the marshal slept in the next
. roornj
PanTLANDi Jam 18. A terrific gale
is sweeping; over the coast, an d it ia-
snowing in 'Eastern' Oregon.
.Washington Jan. 18. Ballinger
conn, and there have been some good indignant , and brands
one the past year;. i charges -are false. .
-' . '' i 1 1
If Champ Clark ever did- become
president he would show Unefe Sam
tnat ae came irom oiu- mtaouu- , . . r ,,
, Forrtho following, meetings, convern-
. .. ! tions, etc., reduced rates will be irt'
Linn's record of a divorce in a family cfIect from Albany, Union Depot. Full
of nine, children has been smashed down : j,,forraaijon will. be-famished on apr
in Portland by parents of eleven. i p'licatSon.
"' . . i . - R. K. MONTGOMERY, Agt.
A young girl named Olga Steeb, of ! Northwest Retail Harness & Sad
Los Angeles, is. due to become the dlery Association rormana, January
world's greatest pianist,, according to 10th, certificate plan, fare and a third.
has $821,820 in- its pants
Wash. Floods.
Dayton, Wash. Jan. i9. Greatdam
age has been done to Touchet Valley
through floods. The rivers have ripped
... ,k. hlt. Some of the Day-
" a 1 1 n man KauO
ton streets are nouueu uuu
had to carry ennui-en on meir ut
safety. The rilroads are tied up..
Big Traffic.
Now would bo a good timo to start the
1910 hotel talk. '
Some of these headgears are mighty
ratty looking affairs.
Just a common rope walker is a big
man at the aviation show
Ni.vnr ha a clam. Keep the social
fl'ulo of your character in practice-
One of Albany's best improvements
will be when a big block takes the place
of Chinatown.
According to a remark last night the
proper frunlvl architecture isnccossary
t gohupon a booster program.
An Albany man has figured out tha
;the new freight depot points almost
north uud aoulh.
The tallest man at the O. A. C. is C
f. m (i incurs, tlie shortest man 4 feel
3 inches. Tho long and the short of it
An niTnrt is beinc made to secure
:i,.n Curtis for the ruse festival et
Po'rtluud; but just now these llyeracome
A Lebanon man was seen yesterday'
withnvorv black ovo. When asked
...j tho ,ttiir ho remarked:
"Oh 1 run up against a pillar of the
The president of tho U. S. isn't hiied
and paid by tho people to patch U
party quarrels but to attend to the dusi
nesa'uf the country in the inturost o
nil u'gunl e-8 of politics.
it l-oto virv touiih to tec Iheso ol
hink" lining nlT i.ijii'. niin New
York, uii.l Walsh in Chi out they
should have livrd h most lives. Tin
toua'.iy nej is s lai-' e. miplf-.
The 8t!. grabe e.sau.iuatiins will begin
tomorrow. -
Kniuhtsof Pvthias convention, The
Dalles, January iiaid.
Tho Rtnr nvn Works is a new Albany
establishment, cleaning as wen as uye
ing clothes.
Ali.nnv and Euirene. basket ball, Fri.
il.iv niuht for the championship. Great
orame is expected
7th Annual Convention Western Re
tail Lumbermen's Association, Port
land B'eb. 1-llh. 15th and 16th. -
Parties having claims against the late
A. M. Senders are requested to present
them to J. L. Tomlinson, as soon as
Gus Necley is reported to have bought
tho Oregon Market grocery at Second
and Ferry streets. Ho knows the bus-
ness well and has a good many inenus
through the city.
An exchange is disturbed becaase of
some'-' canned editorials - appearing in j Aimoal meetipgt Oregon Retail Mer-
aome oi tne vaney fiayms. i cil;lntS; Association;, li-ugene, January
are others; cold storage, forinstanc. ; j 26-27, aeitificate pliui fare and a third.
- Annual. Convention Y. M..C. A., Cor
The maBs these days are flooded with I vallis, Jannary 21i to 23. Certificate
free news service. - Hidden somewhere P1??- a,. cvn!inn rhriitian
in. them i always a, free advertisement En"enr .FrtruSy 15 to 17
that ought to be paid for at least ten ; ndaawr, Portland t epruary id to ii.
Orciron Retail Hardware and Im-
clement Dealers- Association, ' Port
land, January 18' and 19, certificated
plan, fare and a third.
cents a line.
On account of a raise in Ihe price of
egga it is said President Taft is having
to economise-in the white house. Why
not add another $25,000 to- his salary,
grabbed from the paople,
The latesk engine has the-cab right
over the pilot,, where the engineer can
see everything, Witt the smokestack at
the rear endt The world moves.
Portland, Jan. 19.-The street cars
here carried sixty-two million people
last year.
Barn Burned.
George and Jerry Keoney, of Sweet
Home, have been in the city. They re
port the loss of a barn of Jerry Keeney
bv fire. They are satisfied it was set
kf, r.. nne. the indications being in-
cendiary. Besides a mule belonging to
m. u".,nou wa shot the same evening.
They are anxious to get hold of the vil-
lian wno am too uecu.
Was on the Argo.
L. A. Holdridge, of the Oregon
Hardware Co., has been in the city
while on his regular trip through the
valley, in the interesc of his Company.
Mr. rioldriilgo recently pusseu uuuKu
an experience of a thrilling character.
Ho and Mrs, Holdridge were passen.
gers on the Argo, wrecked olt lilla
mm. Holdridiro. with other
women and children started tor snore
in the lifo boat,-' Mr. Itoidriuge tnrow
ine his purse to her as the boat started,
,i.inL-in., hn wntilfl not need it again
ip was washed out of tho boat? ami
Irowned. wh o Mr. Holdridge, laur
: uccooded in getting ashore in one m
the ship s boats alter a ccsperaie
Fixeumonia Follows a Cold,
but never follows- the use of Foley's
Honev- and Tar;, -which stops the;
cough,, heals the lungs', and expels the
cold from your system., Woodworth
Drug no.
"Dr.. Thomas' Electric Oil is the
best remedy for that often fatal dis
case eroup.; Has-been used with suc
cess in our (amily for eight years."
WAI.lT WALLA HAS $135,000
WAI T A WALLA, Wash., Dec. 3.
Goods valued at $135,000 went up n
i. nt ihr Mntter-Whecler depart
I , .iAr this morning iust as. the
lcrks were arriving to open up i uis
..,cir,,i nle." The fire quickly
gutted inc miuiiiiiB. .-.f j J,
of shelves, and water completed the
,u,miro. lomir it w employes ait uu
.,t ....u While the fire department
was suppressing the flames a number
f ,i, ,.i,.rk stood amid the wreckage
weening The insurance on the stock
is estimated at $82,0(10 aiid messages
have been sent for agents to come and
adjust the loss. Tomoirow morning
men will separate the damaged goods.
"1 have been here 27 years," said
Manager W. P. .Hooper, "and this is
inv first lire. 1 have seen many fire
hu't this is the worst I have ever saw.
line th"ig that has been gratifying is
the kindness of my competitors." -
The lire started from an oil stove
; i1p "ail" ilcnartment in a balcony
the main lloor, and successive
What a fake these funny pictures are.
Last week in. Portland a Roseburg girl
was arrested and fined $10 for attempt
ing to flirt with a Portland detective.
An odd thing haB been discovered at;
Salem. In the recent high school de
bate tho leadtr of the Salem team was
named Cook and of the Albat.y team
Peary (only it is spoiled t'aovy.) iooic
The average local minister preaches
to two or three hundred different peo
ple one day in the week. I he Demo
crat on a basis of five to each sub
scriber to between four and five thou-:
sand daily.
Sanitary Plumbers and
Meial WorRers.
Qm? patrons are assured of
firstoelass work, prompt service
reasonable prices.
Ettve-trougheonductors, roofing and-
general jobbing; Specifications furn-
iibed. estimates cneertullv given.
Trv us. 201 E. First St. Both Phone
The Democrat acknowledges an in
vitation to subscribe for Liberty, antii:
ten to one the publisher hasn't tlia
least conception of the real meaning f
liberty. He thinks it is the same as
license, to do as he pleases
A Hood county man is- asking about
the whys and wherefores of the assess
ments there. Idle land $25 ta. $S0,
used land $250, timder land $10t The
farmers shouldn t asK questions aoout
such things. K is embarrassing to
other people as well as the assssor.
Recently a Portland paper gave the
crop prospects in the valley. Some
correspondents gave the prospects as
,Tood, wheat not being injured by the
ini others ineludine Linn the onnosite.
As a matter of fact it is practically the
same nil through the valley, and there
will be a pretty good crop generally.
Veterinary Surgeon.
Jefferson,. Or. Bell phone Farmer
i 1.
Notice ;& hereby given that the un
dersigned, has been duly appointed by
the County Court of Linn County,
Oreeon. administratrix of the estate of
N . E. Vernon, late ot said county,
deceasod. All persons having claims.
Hnl-s.fnss. defendants above: named:
In, the name of. the State of Oregon,
you are hereby notified and required
to be and appear in. said above named
court in . said suit, and answer the
complaint of the plaftitiff "on file there
in, on or before the, 8th day of Janu- i
ary, 1910, and you are hereby further
notified that if you 'fail to appear and
nncwi.r saiil rnmnlaiiit as aforesaid, "
for want thereof tha plaintiff will, take
a decree against you and eacn at you
for relict prayed for im said complaint,
A decree of said couKt directing; that
the- following described lands, towit:
Lots- One and -Six, im Section One,
and. Lot One in Section Two, all in
Township 10 S. of R. one: East of the
WilL Mer. in Linn County, Oregon;
also,, eight acres in Loti S, in Section
.15 Tn c s. of R - 1 of the Will.
HitchcockJ iter-' in-Linrt County, . Jpregon, and
more- particularly ucscnunu us u.ui
situated and lying in the Southeast
comer of Sec. 35, S. R.. 1 E; of the
Will. Mer. in Linn County, Oregon,
'oontaining. 80.45 acres, be; partitioned
among; the parties to this, suit accord
ing, to their interest therein, as below
mentioned or sold and -the proceeds
of, saidi sale divided among; the plain
tiff, and. the defendants in, proportion
toWieir interests, as follow:, one-fifth
itharcof to said plaintiff, - Er-ed Holz- .
fuss; one-fifth thereof .to said defend
ant, Herman Holzfuss; one--fifth thereof-
ta said defendant Berthai Krecker;
mip-fifth thereof to said, defendant,
Rmil t Holzfuss: one-fifth thereof to
said-defendant Johanna Leibj.and that
the costs and disbursements- ui uiw
suit and the expenses of such parti
tion,, or sale, be apportioned: among
the. parties to this suit according to
their respective interests, and for such ,
other- relief as may seen proper "to
saidi court"
This Summons is served an. you and
each of you by 'publication, for six ,
consecutive weeks prior to the said
8th day of January, 1910, in the Al
bany. Democrat, a weekly newspaper
of. general circulation in said: county,
by order of the Honorable. J;. N. Dual- ,
oan, Judge of the said County Court
of Linn County, State of Oregon, s
which said order was made: November
18th. tML and that the- said: J.. N.
Duncan, Judge of the said. County
Eourt, in said order for the publica
tion of this Summons upon you has
prescribed the said 8th day of Janu
ary, W1U, as tne time on or- uciuic
whicll you snail appear anu iiusnci
said complaint in sard sulfa
The date of the first publication of
fills Summons in said newspaper is
November 26th, 1909.
T. J. WHITNEY, and
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Notice is hereby given that the "Un
dersigned has been by the County
Court of Linn County; duly appointed
executrix of the last will and testa
ment of Thomas Brandon, late of said
,-ni,ntv iforpased. AH'oersons having
claims against the estate of said de
ceased are hereby xequirea to present
the same with proper vouchers to the
undersigned at her residence, at Hal
scy, in Linn County) Oregon, within
six months from the date of this no
tice. . . ,
Dated this 31st day- of December,
HEWITT & SOX, Executrix.
Attorneys for Executrix..'
aeainsi the estate of said deceased are ..t ,' ,, .,,. nt Elizabeth Whitehead
hereby requirtd to present, the same, i deceased, has tiled his final account
with proper vouchers, to the under
signed at ner residency, at.Shelburn. in
said county, witnui six minima Hum
the date of this notice. .
Dated January 21, 1910: '
M. V. Vernon,
Hewitt & Sox, Administratrix.
Attorneys for Administratrix.
Ought to Will.
Mart V- Endicott, of Marcoln, Lnnc
county, has sue 1 ti c Mount Hood Brew
ing Co. for $10,000 dnmoges. and it if
;o be hoped recovers it. Under repre
sentations that inc t oirpwy a oruiK,
p.t'ar-l ct-r, was within :ie law Endicot'
m;d i:, wns arrested, line ! Si0 am
m prii". nt d for thirty d iya. He wae
runiimg a soft drink pl ico, now ruined.
explosions of Sas arc giv'
cause of the spread.
WANTED Young men to learn au
tomobile business by mail and pre
pare for positions as chaffcurs and
repair men. We make you expert
in ten weeks: assist you to secure
position. Pay bis: work pleasant:
demand for men reasonable:
write for particulars and sample les
son. Empire Automobile Institute.
Rochester, X. Y.
A Traveling Salesmafi.
II V. Uecrs. 617-7th Ave., Peoria,
III., writes: " lhave been troubled for
;,.mc lime witn kidney trouble, so
severely at times that 1 could scarcely
,-:-.rrv inv crins. After using one Dot
tie "of i-'olev's Kidney PilU 1 have
been i-nUrelv relieved, aiul cheerfully
recoiur.scnd them to all." Foley's Kid
:icy Wy arc healiiin; j'til ai'ttseptj
mil will' restore i:c.iHh and :'.'
Woodworth llruit C
MENT. - Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned the executor of the last will:
Notice is hereby given to all whom it
may conc rn that the undersigned exee
uio'rs of the estate of Charlotte Thomas,
deceased, have filed their final aicount
in said estate in the County Court of
Linn County, Uregon, and that said
court has fixed Monday, the 21st day oi County. Oregon, has filed in the Coiin
with the clerk of the County Court for
Linn Cotintv, Oregon, and the court
has fixed the 7th day of February,
1910, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m.
for the: hearing of objections to. said
account, if any. and for the settlement,
of savl estate.
Dated this the 20th day of Decem
ber, 1909.
J. K. 1YEATHERFORD, Executor.
Atty. lor iix r.
MENT. Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned administrator of the estate
of M. V. Hedge, deceased, late of Linn
February. 1910, at the hour of 10 ... rii-rk's nffii-e Wir Linn Countv. Ore-
o'clock p. m. of said day as the :time j t;nn h;s ftm account, and the Countv
for hearing and settling ot all object-1 Cour, h;)S rtxc,i tlie r4th dav of FeV
ions to said account; therefore, all per-. ,0m at one o'clock p. m.. fro
sons navin.- any onjecnon to said : , h jn of o,vC;tinns. if
account, are nereoy to apgear . sai(1 accotIt wi ttlc
Marion Thomas, I Attorney for Admr.
Fvpontora of said as t ate. V
a in.