Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, January 21, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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    i I .nm . .a,..-,.-, -rw" ""f ..m.i i.i. . ., ,,,,. -ii.,,,
1HI. Jl. 19. KLLK
Physician anfSui'geOn
Albany, Oregon
Calls made in i".ty and country. Phone
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Linn County.
In the matter of the estate of Mary
Towne, deceased.
To Owen Bond, David Bond, Tem-
' perance Reinhardt, Lizzie Cross. Min
nie Kceney, Lula Bell Bond, Fredey
' Oscar Bond, William Owen Bond,
Mabel Clara Bond, Gertey May Bond,
Royal Bond, Geneva Elvina Bond,
Stella Alice Bond, Clarence Henry
Bond, Tbelma Cecil Bond, and Elmer
McKyniSton, greeting.
In the name of the State of Oregon
yon arc hereby cited and required 6
appear in the County Court of 'the
State 'of Oregon, for the County -of
Linn, at the court room thereof, at
Albany, in said county, on Monday.
the 24th day of January, 1910, at 10
o'clock in the forenoon of that day,
then and there to snow cause, iif any
there be, why an order of this court
should not be made directing, 'author
izing and empowering t'he Executor
to sell the real property of said estate
described as follows, to-wft:
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, in
Block No. 5 in the town of Halsey,
Linn County, Oregon.
Witness the Hon. T. 71. Duncan
Judge of the County 'Court of the
State of Oregon, for the County of
Linn, with the- Seal of said court af
fixed this Jrd day C4 .December, A. D.
1909. .
(US.) ' J. W. MILLER.
In the Circuit Court ofithe State of
Oregon for Linn County. Depart
ment No. 2, Reg. No. 3771.
Anton Yocubets, plaintiff, vs. Emma
Yocubets, defendant.
To Emma Yocnbets,.1ie above named
detenuant: '
In the Name of the State of Oregon
you are hereby notified and required
to be and appear in said court in said
suit, and answer the complaint ot the
plaintift above named, now on f,h
herein, on or before 'the 22nd day of
January, 1910, ana won are iiercby
further -notified that if you fail to ap
pear and answer said complaint as
above required, Far want thereof the
plaintiff will take a 'decree against you
for the relief prayed for in plaintiff's
said complaint, to-wit:
A decree of said -court dissolving the
bonds ot matrimony .now existing be
tween you and said plaintiff.
This summons 5s served upon you
by publication thereof for six consec
utive and successive weeks prior to
said nd day mt January, lyiu, in
Albany Democrat,-a newspaper pub
lished weekly at Albany, Linn Coun
ty, Oregon, and of general circulation
in said county, bj; lordcr of Hon. J. N.
Duncan, county judge of said Linn
County, Oregon, wliich 'order bears
date December 6th, 1909, and tHat the
said J. N. Duncan as judge of said
county, in said order tor the publica
tion of this summons upon you, has
prescribed said zna day of January,
ltlO, as the time on or before which
you shall appear in said court and
answer the said complaint of said
planum in said cause.
The date of the first publication of
this summons in said newspaper is
December lUth, lyuy.
Attorney for said plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Linn County. Depart
ment No. 2. Reg. No. 2765.
C. R. Adams, plaintiff, vs. Elizabeth
L. Adams, deiendant.
To Elizabeth E. Adams, the above
named defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby notified and required
to be and appear in said court in said
suit, and answer the complaint ot the
above named plaintiff, now on file
herein, on or b-t'ore the 15th day of
January, 1910, and you are hereby
further notified that if you tail to ap
pear and answer said complaint as
above required, for want thereof the
plaintiff will take a decree against you
for 't)ie relief prayed for in his said
comnlaint. to-wit:-
A decree dissolving the bonds of
matrimony now existing between you
and said plaintiff.
This summons is served upon you
by publication thereof once a week
for six successive and consecutive
weeks prior to the said 15th day of
January, 1910, in Albany Democrat, a
newspaper published weekly in Al
bany, Linn County, Oregon, and of
general circulation in said county, by
order of the Hon. J. N. Duncan, Coun
ty Judge of said" Linn County, Oregon,
which said order bears date November
26th, 1909, and that said J. N. Duncan
as Judge of said County, in said order
for the publication of this summons
upon you, has prescribed said 15th day
of January, 1910, as the time on or
before which you shall appear and
answer the said complaint in this suit.
The date of the first publication of
this summons in said newspaper is
December 3rd, 1909.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
drawtnir orinoto.fur expert March and free report.
Free a-lVlce, how to obtain patents, trade mark!,
coprrighu, etc. aj ALL COUNTRIEB.
Biuineti diretl a ilk Wathington savti limt,
money and often the paltnt.
Patent nd Infringement Pnctlce Excluilwly..
Write or come to us at
IU Hlatk Stmt. opp. Baited ItaUa Fattat Oflee.
Mrs. Winnie Worrell and Mrs. Olive
Nutting, last night, assisted somewhat
by their husbands, entertained the
Alloyites at the home of the latter,
where several hours were passed in the
customery live manner of the Alleyites,
noted for" their hilarity.
About thirty got loose and were pres
ent. A national guessing game was
won by Mrs. 0. D. Austin, with Mrs,
L. H. Fish and W. H. Rhoades a close
second. Miss Evah French being award
ed the booby prize. A short program
consisted oi instrumental music Dy
VI rs. Worrell and vocal solos by Hiss
Evah French, Mrs. W. H. Rhoades and
Miss Evelyn Rhoades, Refreshments
were served bv two daTkey welters
from Delmonicos.
The hostesses received in' the yery
latest, or earliest toggery.
Those present were Judge and Mrs.
Duncan, Dr. and Mrs. Hodges, Mrs. E.
H. Rhoades and daughter hvelyn, Mr.
and Mrs. W. H. Rhoades, Mrs. 0.
A. Archibald, Mrs. L. 0. Coates, Mr.
and Mrs. F. M. French whose twenty-
ninth wedding anniversary at the time
brought many congratulations, Miss
Evah French, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kirk,
Mrs. Dr. Stark. Mr. and Mrs. L. H.
Fish. Mrs. TranrWe, Mr. and Mrs. -.
D. Austin, ivjiss lima Jones, Miss
Mabel Williamson. Mr. and Mrs. S. C,
Worrell, Mr. and Mrs. Nutting and the
darkey waiters: Some have wandered
from the alley but remain faithful "to
the order.
Business Change.
Wilbur Nelson, of ithis city, formerly
of Oakland, and H. i. Mahoney, of
Oakland, Or., have 'bought the Mission
Parlors of M . Sotji, -end took charge of
them this morning. They are two live,
popular young men. Mr. Mahoney,
who arrived this morning has a splendid
musical reputation, being a , band and
orchestra -leader, playing numerous in
strotnents. His brother was a student
in Albany College a few years as;o.
Just ' Cighty.
Yesterday Mr. John Chance, who ib
at the borne of his son, W, 8. Chance,
was for -score years of age, a fact re
membered by -relatives -and friends,
who Bant 'him many post ucards of ap
preciation and congratulatiens upon his
reaching eighty years tin his - life.
Awhile ago it looked as ifdie might not
do it, but he 'ie improving and is now
doing well.
Dr. Kimbell, -of Lebanon, was in the
city today. ,
W. C. H'arley went to 'Eugene this
J. Fred Yates, of Carvallis, was in
the city this afternoon. 1
Merchant R. A. McCully, of Halsey,
was: an Albany visitor today.
. Mrs.'E. R. Galstrap, .or Eugene, is
visiting her folks here.
Mrs. E. D. Sloan has 'returned home
from a trip to. Washington, having
fine time , '
Mr. Archambeau, of the Warren Co.,
arrived tins uoim on htsway to Comal-
Mrs. Col Keisev. wife of an oldlime
Corvallis laayer. recently died in L s
Angeles. .
Surgeon General, not Sergeant Gen
eral is Dr. Ellis' new office in the mili
tary world. .
H. L. Jones, of Amity is at the home
of his daughter, Mrs. -J.. .A. Howard,
seriously ilL
Mrs. Dan Widmer returned this noon
from a visit with relatives in Clacka
mas county.
Mrs. J. C. Hammell went to "Port
land vesterdav to see her son CaDt,
Stanley Hammell, ill with diphtheria.
Messrs. Crnwell and Hawkins, of. the
abstract company, went to Harcisburg
Un.8 afternoon..
Presidet Taf t has pardoned Meldrum,
something that doesn t particularly
tecommend tne president.
Frank N. McAllister, a former Al
bany vountr man. is now vice president
of the Merchants Bank of Eugene.
The Detroit train did not arrive until
1 :30. o'clock this morning, delayed by
the new freight having a car off the
track. ' !
Next week a bit attraction at the
Empire will be the McKenzie Merry
. . , i ; ma I I T , ..
atiaaers, uegiuuiuK muuuajr iu uuuc
from New Horn. .
D. J. Dubruille and Geo. Rees, of
Collage Grove, two former Albany men,
had antlers put on them at Eugene last
Mr. J. 0. Lee and family are now in
their new home at Calapooia and
Eighth street, a tine place, modern and
well arranged.
.Mrs. L. M. Gardner, of New York,
is visiting at the home of ber brother
Fred L. Kies whom she had not seen
for 21 years.
' Another building is to go up on Lyon
street, just south of Griff King's, saiu
to-be rented to Lr. &alon, a real estate
man and an agate man. Lyon street
v ill be heard irom.
A writer in the Oregon Hub, of- Red
mun i says that in 216 views boosting
Hillman only two were actual scener:
, limn miles ot the tnwnsite and Dul
wo actual scenes in Oregon,
E. Vi. Pet feet, of North Albany, hat
relumed from a trip to Kansas, lowu
ud NeorasKu, where be was Kept in
ost ol the time Irom ihe Bevere wea
ner, felail to gl back in this great
At the annual meeting of the Cor-
Vahis luo, U. W. Johnson
...stlected ir.-sident. N. K. Moort
pi e-i.-ent, Fra.iK Groves secretary,
toj nuOJiock treasurer. W. A. Suv
k. ma r.uiM.m- completes tin
Officers Elected for 1910.
Bills were allowed as follows: Will.
Val. Co. $184. Albert Benson $7. Mayor
and councilmen $47, Foshay & Mason
$1.85, C. G. Rawlings $3.50, Spaulding
Lumber (Jo S3. bo, Portland r louring
Mill Co. $15 50. Ohling & Taylor $9.45,
Barrett Bros, $13.80, J. A. Whitesides
Salaries were fixed as followslfor
1910: Marshal $60. night police $50,
superintendent of streets $60. recorder
$75, special engineer $60, teamster $50
er month, treasurer ta per quarter,
ealth officei $12.50, chief engineer $25,
The Engine u-'s No's 1 and 2 $15 per
quarter. Chemical Engine Co. $6, H. &
L. Co. $5, fire delegates $5, office rent
$30, care alarm system $25.
The Mayor read his message.
Th6 report ot the Albany Library
Association from its beginning, was
read, covering completely its history,
with recommendation of a city appro
priation of .5 of a mill and eventually a
Carnegie building. It showed an aver
age of 45 books loaned and 59 visitors
daily. Mayor Wallace reappointed r .
J. Miller. A. C. Schmitt and Elisabeth
Merrill directors for the term begin
ning Sept. laUBand Mrs. j. K.. Weatn
erford. Mrs. P. A. Young and F. P.
Nutting for the term beginning Sept. 1,
laua, wnicn was raiined. u was re
ported too late for levy.
A communication was read from
General Finzer suggesting that the city
assist in the securing of an armory lor
Albany. Referred to committee on
ways and means.
City officers were elected as follows:
City attorney, P. R. Kelley, who
received '4 votes, W. R. Bilyeu. received
Street superintendent F, L. Riea on
the third ballot, receiving 4. Henry
Kirsch a.
Nightwatch John Catiin unanimous-
lv. The nthnr annlieanbl were T. O.
Hans' n, Guy Fox, Robert Brown and
ttins uougntry.
Special engineer Francis D. Austin
bv acclamation.
J. S Spooner applied for the position
ot teamster it paid sbu. continued
to next meeting.
The Mayor made an -address . to the
nitrhtwatch, who promised to back the
chiet of police and to do his duty.
News From
Albany's Six CaH
Mr. Sam Hill, the good roads man,
Harvey Lindley and W. D. DeVarney,
the Home Telephone mien, hand in hand
with good roads, were a distinguished
party going north. Mr. Hill somewhat
resembles President Taf t, a very gen
ial man, full of good roads determina
tion. Councilman and Mrs. L. C. Marshall
left on a Portland trip.
Carl Smith, ot Gates, a former dep
uty county recorder, returned home.
auditor G. L. Alexander came down
from Lebanon on an Albany business
A. H. Sandstrom. of the Union Fur
niture Factory left-.on a Portland trip.
Tne factory continues to do a big busi
ness, steadily increasing.
Mr. Flossie Simpson, of Eugene,
came down on a snort Albany trip.
The old freight depot is on its new
cement base, with room for 105 feet of
new depot on the east end, just reach
ing the line of Lyon street. A side
walk will lead directly into an office on
the ground floor.
" . The Dof H.
' The Degree of Honor last evening
celebrated the fifteenth anniversary of
the Albany lodge with a social session
of a very entertaining order Some
delicious refreshments were Berved,
many games played and contests had.
one reported, being a fat man's race
won by Grandpa Crawfoid, and an old
maid s race, with only one entry.
The fouowine program was rendered
Instrumental music by Wm, F.neles. a
song by .tne u. f. M. sexttt, a-tarce
the village bewing Circle, displaying
rare talent, a song by the sextet, a
recitation by Caroline Roberts, a duet, -Romeo
and Juliet, by Carlene Warner
and Belle Thompson, a recitation by
Elizabeth Eagles, a song by the sextet.
a mock wedding, with Listerine Loose
Hair . and Algernon bwmnerton Au
gustus, of squashville, as the parties.
Kev. Uoolittle ot the Holy Roller
church officiating, closing with a piano
solo by William Eagles.
Basket Ball on Skates.
At the Albany rink last night a
skating banket Dall team was organized,
with the 'ollowing players: Loonev.
Crawford, Conn, Metzgar, Neeiey and
Hammell. ts. Shea was elected mana
ger, and M. Bigbee coach. They ex
pect to play the skaters of other towns.
An Important Pill.
A crew of surveyors, in the depot
yard today, have been running the lines
orenaratorv to the filling in of the lake
on tne nortn oi tne new ireigii. oepor.
a place that has oeen a nuisance an '
menace to health for several years. It
will be a different place when done.
At the Hotels
K. F. Shier, Gates.
H. J. Kurw!ll. Shedd.
J. M. Hoiiingsworth. Silver Falls
Mrs. M. Hawins, Corvallis. .
W. G. Baker. Newport.
T. Garrett, Portland.
B. Hoskin, Forest Grove.
J. M. and W. U. Rummell Eureka.
, The Weather.
Tinge of temperature 45-27.
The river is 4 feet.
Prediction: rain tonight and Friday,
'iii:i.'.r, with high southerly wilds,
Sam Hill, son-in-law of Jim Hill,
graduate of Harvard, president of the
Washington Good Roads Association and
vice president of the National Associa
tion, a former railroad president, thirty
three times acroBS the Atlantic, a big
Home Tel. stockholder, spoke at the
Commercial Club rooms last night to a
crowded and pleased house. Something
was learned decidedly aDout tne most
important subject up.
Hill showed how the farmer is the
ba-kbone of the country and is entitled
to the best roads that can be built. In
Europe the cost is 10 cents a ton per
mile for road hauling, in the U. S. an
average of about $1, hence the need of
action. The money spent on the Pana
ma canal should be spent on good roads.
He complimented the Western country,
which he likes better than the east,
where his home is, in Washington, that
is sometimes. His good roads demon
stration was a striking one and made a
strong impression. -
Hill is a Granger and believes in the
supremacy of the farmer, the fountain
neao oi trade. With only au per cent
rural population it is time tor emphatic
legislation in the interest of the farm
er, particularly along the good roads
line, going with the rural telephone and
rural delivery, doing much to better
Mr. Hill was accompanied by Harvey
Lindley and W. D. DeVarney of the
Home Telephone Co.
A Strike.
Albany has a strike on hand. Today
.. ij, t ,v, r:K. ti
seven young ladies of the Pacific Tele-
phone office quit, all but five, leaving
the office short for awhile. Messrs.
Constantino and Dancy, of the Port-
land office are in the city looking after
it. They report the trouble over some
chancres made ,m thft omen, to which the
girls objected, an enforcement of the
rules ot company.
The eirlB' statement' is that thev
could not agree with the local head
operator, and that the traffic manager
had criticised their characters unjustly. ., Active Reception. C. H. Stewart,
Chairman; F. to. French, Fred Dawson,
Born at Lakeview. g. a. McCune, f. j. Miller, a. u.
Hewitt. The members of the Com
' - - mercial Club present will all be expec-
On Saturday, Dec. 8, to Mr. and Mrs. ted to act as a genoral reception and
W. Lair Thompson, a girl. AH doing
well. They have the best wishes oi
many Albany friends. p ,
A Depot Fire.
There came near being a serious fire
. . . . .
at the depot thiB forenoon. Baggage
Master Barker saw flames coming up
the stairway from the basement, and
rushing down through the flames 'and
smoke turned the water from a hoae,
iwv r)v. iinrm it. noon extino-uishi
ingthe blaie. The fire was in the , attenl lD1B reception.
bedding of a bed used by a night man, ' '
and it looked a if there had been some I The Committee of the Ladies' Aux
smoking around it, with a spark left ; illiary of the Commercial Club, having
that finally came out in a flame. A 1 in charge the Reception to the lady
Carnegie medal is in order for Mr. ' newcomers, are sending out today near
Barker. ly 150 invitations. This affair will take
a i place from three to five Tuesday after-
th,?nLBushcameoverfrom summrP
mis noon. iing kindly ottered the use of one of
nev, i. u. n.noiit .en uiu uuuu uu a
Lane county trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ward, of Salem,
arrived this noon.
The state Y. M, C. A. will meet in
Corvallis Jan. 21-25.
Eggs took a terrific tumble, like
Bumpty DumpLy, from 45 to 30 cents.
Dennis W. Merrill is in Klamath
Falls and will be in that country for a
few weeks.
John Kruse reports a step ladder of
his gone frim the Tweedale block. He
wants it back.
Mrs. D. S. McWilliamB. wife of Hal-
sev'a new mavor. and children are vis
iting Albany friends.
The condition of Supt. Sanders is
very critical. Prof. Bradley is also ill,
but not dangerous. v
Willis Peery has been elected man
ager of the high school basket ball
team to succeed inas. unimg resigned.
Two crates of sheep, blooded fellows.
passed through the city today from the
Oakwood Stock farm at Tangent, for
W. A. Ewing, at Scio.
Mrs Snylor, of Canby, a sister of
Runt, danders, and Mrs. McLennan, ot
Rosebure. mother of Mrs. Sanders, ar
rived this noon, called here by the ill
ness of Mr. Sanders.
Miss Flora Mason left this afternoon
for Portland to visit at Anderson
Cannon's and Mrs. Geo. Nevirs, and
while there will see the Music Master,
the best thing in Portland this winter.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Erb returned
this noon from a trip to Canada, Michi
gan. Illinois and Iowa, and rejoiced
greatly at being back in the Willamette
Valley, after seeing the mercury down
to 20 below and the weather frightful
Lebanon and Fall City will debate to
night, at each place. The subject will
be the ommission plan of government,
the affimative being taken Ly Katie
Henderson. Cvrus Kimmell and Tom
Donara ut Lebanon, and the negative
bv Kathrvn Kirk oa rick. Frank Looliltie
and Glen Wallace at Fall City.
The wrecking of the steamer Czarina.,
off Maishlield. resulted in thedrownlnc
nf thirty in i.plo F. ur men were lashi-if
tothfrra-i wait ng for rescue, which
oulH lit. i im'ii'i' th'-m, one of them
Harold Mi-iii. -in I is wav lo Berkeley
to resuni-.' hi? s unie in th3 Jmveryitv.
Numro-t? important conventions of
interest throu rhout the Northwest are
cheduk'i! for Pnrtland during Uu pre
mt month. Th:.1 Oregon State Kedern-
tion of Labor and the Northwest Ke-
ail Harnesa & Saddlery Ass n. opened
'heir annual gatherings on Monday,
lanuary ID. The Oregon Ketail tlard
vare & Implement Dealers' Ass'n.,
.vill meet January 18 and J, ana tne
Pacific Federation of Hardware &
Implement Dealers' Ass'n., January
20 and 21. t
qualities to food
I Arrangements for the big Reception
to be given at the Albany Commercia
Clubrooms Tuesday afternoon and even
ing, to the newcomers who have located
Albany during the past year are
at out perfected. Nothing now remains
uu' -8 now remains
V" iu rai mt wr orarauog
the Commercial Club rooms for the
event. carrying out the details mciden-
tal to the Occasion. ' .
The committee on arrangements of
. .uA
Reception, which has to do with the
masculine part of the new arrivals met
h. r'.;i niu i...
niaht and nnnnini-jrf tho fnilnurinu onm.
Bi acquainted con mitiee.
Program CVrr.mittee. Dr. W. H.
Davis, President; Commercial Club,
Master of Ceremonies. Speakers: E.
W. Langdon, Dr. J. P. v.allace, Hon.
J. K. Weatherford, P. A. Young, P.
D. Gilbert.
Informal responses will te made bv
several newcomers who may be pres
ent. Special music will be a feature of
' " evSlrni
some booster songs by the Albany
Booster quartette. .
Refreshments during the evening will
, be served by Mr. R. C. Churchill and
, 8t??' , i,j.j :.,!..! u
. th m2tJ'0nB haTe
been sent out to the men newcomers to
tneir nne Di,noes for both occasions.
The Committees desire the statement
made that all newcomers, both men
and women, who have arrived in Al
bany during or subsequent to the year
1909, are cordially invited to these re
ceptions, whether recipients of formal
printed invitations or . not. The Com
mittees have been diligent in seeking
for the names and addresses of new
comers, but inevitably some may be
overlooked, but they wish it to be un
derstood that it is not the intention to
overlook anybody, hence, this general
and cordial invitation.
News from
Albany's Six
Mr. Roy Becker left for Portland to
enter the Walker Behnke Business
College. In February the rest of the
family will join him, making Portland
their home, after a residence here of
many years.
Mr. and Mrs. S. V. Hall returned to
their logging camp up near Granite
mountain with prospects of getting into
about a foot and a half of snow. '
Mrs. Smith of Crabtree was taken to
the asylnm at Salem by a couple women
attendants, accompanied by Mr. Smith.
Good treatment will probably result in
her return home after awhile.
R. S. Shaw returned to Mill Citv
after a visit with his fathei, who is in
the hospital at Portland, gradually im
proving. Mrs. Shaw is with him.
Matt Craft left for a Portland trip,
h. Winkley returned to Mill City.
No's 13 and 14 met at 8:10, the former
four hours late, the latter one. That
was the reason the Oregonian was not
received at the usual time. Ben Clelan
says he had a hundred telephone calls.
Over the River,
Frank Haller has sold his farm, on
which the big squashes were raised this
ypnr, for $5,500.
Several cases nf pneumonia, in this
purl but no deaths.
Jhiih h Crabtree raised three hundred
bushels of potatoes to the acre. How
is that for Spring Hill.
While Henry Voss was riding horse
hack it slipped and fell on one of his
feet, bruising it pretty badly.
-Misses Belle and Myrtle Crabtree
wore home spending their yncation dur
ing the holidiys.
Editor Democrat: -There has been
lots said about the Salem water. If
you will allow me a small space 1 will
explain how the Salem water can be
ma(ie pUrQthe way Eugene water was
made pure.
, Salem people shou'd make a fight:
against the water company, vote bonds
n nd take tr.e plant over and the water
would be pure the next morning, judg
ing from the way it worked in Eugene.
uetore tne election ot 1SU7 the water
w8? BP had 'nEugeno.there was danger
?"d 'P,?80?01?1 ?,hlldre.n could not drink
it without boiling it, and it was con-
1 demned by the State University. It
was boiled over all over town and there
was great excitement over it and lots:,
of talk but next morning after the
election in April, 1907, the water was -.
pure by oyer 260 majority. Since then
the school children are drinking it, it
is good at the State University and all
of the boilers are done away with. The
head bosses say it is pure and whole
some. They are pumping the water -out
of the same place and no change
hnB been made in the plant whatever.
Of course superstition has lots to do -with
such things; but there will have -to
be better evidence to conviqee me -the
water Is pure. But it stopped the
w ater fight. G. W. TAYLOR-
. The Telephone Strike.
The vacancies in the exchange of the
Pacific Telephone Co., were all filled
last evening through the advertisement
IT) tllA Dnmn.rot nnrl fMa mnmmi, can,
j a full force at work, under the regular
' schedule of wages of the company, ac-
uuiuiiig lu uurvicu, wnicn me manage
ment says is as,high if not higher than
other companies, m places of the sise
of Albany, and higher than 1 paid in
many other employments, learned by
It is said that the 'same rules and
regulations in the management of the
exchange- prevail here that govern
in the larger cities, like Portland, prob
ably too strict for the smaller cities,,
and the Company may do well to con
sider the matter of a revision to fit the
smaller cities, with the different condi
tions, i '
' Wonderful Business.
Over 500 pairs of shoes, 108 suits and
265 coats have already been sold since
the opening of Chambers & McCune's
Annual Clearance Sale which is certain-,
lv Avirtnnna nf hnu, nhnon Un.t a
Lselling goods. The sale lasts all nnrt
nod mm i.vui an uviueiice Ul ine
crowds and eager buyers in the Big
Store each day, they ought to make a
ciean-up of all fall and winter goods.
At the Hotels.
C. E. Stanard and wf, Browsaville
G. M. Kegnrt," Medford
J. F. Stewart, Toledo
Dug Wassom. Coburg
L. Summerfield, Tacoma
John Mans, Lacomb
B J. Ridders. Suver
President W. J. Kerr, Corvallis
Tom Nolan, Corvallis
A. C Boss, Portland
Tom Whiteborn, Corvallis
i City Sounda.ies.
At the next meeting of the city coun
cil arrangements will be made for a
special election for voting on the ex
tension of the city boundaries, a com
mittee having been appointed to select
the proposed boundary lines. They will
bn much smaller than proposed by the
commercial club.
Albany Judges.
A. O. Schmitt went to Eugene this
afternoon to act as a judge in the Oregon-Idaho
dt-bate, President Crooks to
act as judge in the Eugene Salem de-.
bite, and Prof, franklin t" Lebanon to
b? a judge in t!ie Lalmnon Fall City'de
bite. ."( e Weather.
Range of temperature 38-29.
The rivnr is 4 feet.
Rainfall .24 inch.
The prediction is: Occasional rain or
smw tonight and Saturday. ,