Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, January 21, 1910, Page 2, Image 2

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    1 second ciee mu matter.
FOR SALE. 1 ood size eook-fltove,
parlor beating stove. II. Bams, 322
4th St.
FOa SALE -A $93 certificate good for
that amount in tne purcnase or. any
Eiler piano. Address, Vera Baldwin,
Albany, Or. Home phone 2252. tl8
LOST. The. tooth of an HJIka onartn.
fietum to tiu. E. Moe.
FOR SALE. Some dining room .chairs
at.Nicholl's Bakery.Firatstreet, only
60 cents apiece. t0
, 1. D. Burkhart. Home phone ,7203.
Call eveniugs between 6 and fi. tl9.
GLASS. All sizes and kinds, for sale
at the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper
than aywhere else in Albany, flkill
ly set,, if desired.
me for prompt return. . I bavemany
reauests foroity and farm projserty.
in large and small tracts. Both
phones. . C. W. Tebalt,
432 W. First St.
PLANTS FOR -SALE. Gooseberries,
red and white Currants, Rhubarb,
Red and Yellow Raspberries, Iceberg
Blackberries, Loganberries, Dew
berries, Phenomenals, Hedge Plants
and Sage. Jver C. Duedaix.
Albany. Or., iR. F. D. No. 6, Hone
Phone 7102. 16t
I MAKE THEM. Ironing boards, win
dow seats, clothes racks, tie best.
E. K. Davidson, 339 East First street.
MONEY, TO LOAN on real estatm
at semo per cent. On choice farm!
lands at six per cent. Aiply to Geo.
W. Wright, Attorney, Albany, Ore-1
. eon. Both phones Office, earner j
ist ana rerry
LOST. Somewhere 'between the dpt .About next Christmas 411 the toys
and Dreamland, a large brown fur,' will be flying machines if the present
head in the back. Reward. Return .craze keeps a going,
to Democrat oflice. j
FOR SALE A freeh Jersey cow. W.I Clung Ying Tang is the name of the
F, Holman, Phone 1853, Home. 17t new Chinese minister, almost enough
FOR RENT. Seven room hoja. od make one think of a sleigh ride.
Fish & Hodges. 4 The government last year paid lor me c"J louay.
GOOD WOOD Heavy pine, cut 10 eighty-three cork screws ior the Sen-I L. Samuel, the head of the Oregon
inch and split for stove, fine for in- ate, which has led to numerous funny Life Insurance Go., was in the city this
mediate use delivered anywhere in remarks about the other nine senators, noon on his way to Corvallis.
town for $5.00 per cord. Phone to ! Commissioner Butler returned this
W. i. Bird Horse phone 2353 Albany, I It is much better, .to exalt a clean noon from a conference with the tea-,
Oregon. 'character than a fast one. Boys start-; lem county court in reference to joint
FOR SALE. A (90 certificate, good Jng out in lite should take example Driage mailers.
Geo. Allen, Lebanon's florist, has
for that amount in the purchase of after those who have made their lives
any Eiler piano. Address, Jennie R. istand for something.
Morgan, Albany, "Or.
FOR RENT.- One sleeping
zzo west ora ou. i
Joseph Tallie Gibbons, 'of Shelburn,
and Miss Nora Mabel Donahue, of Scio,
were united in marriage at nuptial high
mass, at the Catholic church, today,
Father Servais officiating in a - very
interesting service. A large number
of friends from Scio, Shelburn and Al
bany were present. The church choir
furnished music for the happy occasion.
Mr. and Mrs. Gibbons are both dod-
ular young people, well known, and
Bishop Barklev. of the U. B. church.
rjaased through the citv this noon far
Corvallis and Philomath on a visit with have many friends whose best wishes
room, at! me new mayor ot ban Francisco tne cnurcnes under mm. iney win nave.
has put a saloon keeper in as police j George Small went to Eugene yes- K"" 18 ororaer oi airs. j. w.
HORSES. Some good mares for sale, commissioner. It is easy to see what terday on a visit. He is now an engineer . ln'a ea
O. T. Murohv. JS E 2nd St. Home iepenaence can ue placed upon mm 'on tne nicago, Milwaukee and St.
phone 181.
in the interest of better government.
I WISH to contract the building of five
miles of wire fence. Address Box !
344 Albany, Or. 29t
When any ,one tells yon that the
cold is felt here as mnrh as in ' the
il' nioaiiji V. , ., r . ,
FOR RENT Unfurnished rooms, three, i east just mildly inform him that he
Mrs. S. J. KOOin, West lltn Street. ias me cuius, iiicre .18 no compan
Wiights Addition. son at all. No suffering here from
WOOD FOR SALE. Have bought the I00"1 weather.
slab wood business of C. a. Butler, .
and also have all kinds of wjod. I ierc it is January, and the Demo-
A. W. DOCKSTEDER. jcrat was in hopes it would be able to
Home phone black 1136. tZl. announce the complete raising of the
FOR SALE. 25 acres in North K.y'JVlt2t.
hnrw ll in en tjTation. fine carden """" """---""-"'
land or fruit land. Will sell altogeth
er or in two pieces
anil that requires money.
The Toledo.
city property. Inquire of H. F. Mc-
TO LpAN.f-60 000?h real property ! .. , ,.
J. C Christy, overust National Bank .wk. snic unc 8 ""-
; into it, by this time. What Albany
in,i ;., ! College needs is money. It has the
the owner. Jnauire t the Democrat ! sy?em' but must have equipment,
... - atirt that rpr
FOR SALE. Lota in Wright's addi
tion; also lots, blocks, and from 4 to
40 acres in acreage an Hazelwood,
adjoining the city, 'Good terms and
reasonable prices. Apply to Attorney
Geo., W. Wright, offioe, Rooms 1 and
2, Wright Block. Bot phones.
HcMinnville. . Oregon e greatest mu-1
tual company. C. C. Bryant, Albany,
Cusick Bank Bldg. Both phones.
FOR SALE-Farm of M. acres, also
Albany. Oregon, ratelot interest res
J. W. BENTLEY, boot and shoemaker
and repairer, does first-class work at
reasonable jjrices. Next door to
Democrat office. See him. -
Merchant's Mutual. Inquire at Opera
House Bldg.
Will remove corns, bunions, ingrow
ing toe nails, calousies, massage the
feet and make them feel like new ones.
Home phone 892, Sell black 2343. . 6t
Mrs.' Jas. Driver.
Tired of Oil Lamps?
Then use
Instantaneous Gasoline' Lights
See SCHOEL BROS.,418 W. First St Co.
wagon, one two-seatea iignt nacn
one good plow, one amgle harness,
one potato digger, one large Majes
tic Range, one small cook stove,
.one heating stove, two A-No. 1 Iron
' bedsteads, together with spring and
mattresses, one good oak extension
.dining room table, and IS A- No. J
White Wyandotte young pullets
from imported stock, and . other
household goods. The above prop
erty is all as good as new and will be
sold at private sale. Call on J. V.
;PIPE, 203 West Second St., Alb
any. Oregon. -
cough medicine containing opiates
that merely stifle your cough Instead
of curing it. Foley's Honey and Tar
loosens and cures the cougn and ex
pels the poisonouB germs', thus pre
venting pneumonia and consumption.
Refuse substitutes and take only the
genuine Foley's Honey and Tar in the
yellow package. Woodworth Drug
A siew steel range, with a cooking
piaie on rap, a mooei modern . stove
No blacking. Keeps clean. Just take
a Iodic at it. At Albany Hd. Co s.
Get Yqui- Fish at Pfeiffers.
The place, 229 West Second street.
Everything in the fish line, neat and
clean, at a reasonable price.
If you are going to travel get the
America Bankers Association Trav
ellers obecque, in $10.00, $20.00 or $50.00
denominations, payable at ten thousand
banks, or ot any hotel or railroad office.
For sale by J. W. Cusick & Co.,
Bankers. '
Holt Again for-your meats of all
kinds, and the Metropolitan Market
next door for the latest and best in
roits and vegetables.,
A fine line of fruits, vegetables, fish,
canned goods, etc., always on hand at
the A etropolitan Market, Bioadalbin
street. Only tbe-best is kept.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Whitehead, of
Portland, returned home this afternoon
after a visit at the home of Thos. Johns.
Mr. Whitehead is a Portland motorman.
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Mallory, -of
Streeter, III., arrived this noon on a
visit with M. Bussard and family, old
friends of Streeter.
Hairy Clark, an old time drummer,
haslbeen in the city again selling whips.
after being off the road for several
years. Though not looking over fifty
mr. uiarn is said to oe up in tne (u s,
His life has been full of experiences.
Don't buy
All kinds of Lumber.
Fench. Posts,
Calendars until you have seen my
samples. Have finest lot ot samples
ever shown in Albany, I can save yon
money. Leave your money at borne.
, - 123 Broadalbin Street.
Letter List. ,
A Penny Social
Weill Well! Look a here
What on earth can be meant,
A U. P. church social,
Admission, One Cent. '
Bring with you plenty
Of good common cents,
And yon sure will say
The affair was immense.
Just follow the Bcent,
You'll be glad that you went.
Hot oyster stew, and
Admission, One Cent.
Come at Seven-thirty sharp,
So there'll be time for fun,
For there will be something doing
For you; everyone.
At the Hotels.
J. H. Shewry, Portland.
W. A. Sherman Jr, Or. City.
C. W. Armstrong, Seattle.
C. I. Pendleton. . '
Harry Knisely, Lebanon.
C. L. Starr, Salem.
F. R. Hunt, Eugene.
J. M. Powers, Salem.
J. M. Shelby, Eugene.
Land Plaster
Foley's Kidney Remedy will cure
any case of kidnev or bladder trouble
Tbe following letters remain in the , that is not beyond the reach of medi-
Albany, Ore., postoffice uncalled for ' cine. It invigorates the entire system
Jan. 18,1910. Persons desiring any 0f "d strengthens the kidneys so they
letCeN'. KvVMrslar. A. C-aft. L. JL?" a
E. Davis, MrV. Charlotte Gaunts, W. E. g' . medicine. Woodworth
Gilbert, Pansy Johns, S. R. Jones, , Uru
Chester Lee, Ben Lovell, F. W. Moore, I
Mrs. Adah Soar. E. Weaver, V. J.- r. U. WILL, lor WatChCS
VTWAj, utjuaie tr ens. it. naiwm
Roofing Paper
Both Phones Bel'. Red 841, Home 324.
J. a. VanWinklb, P. M.
TYPEWRITER. For sale, as good as
-new, a Remington-ScholeB, $35 the
price. See William Richie.
WOOD. If you want some leave yeur
order at the Imperial Restaurant,
Second street. . 22t
WANTED Immediately, responsible
men and women of neat appearance,
to solicit subscriptions for the Over
land Monthly. Pleasant, profitable
work. Splendid commission, valu
able cash prizes. Permanent em
ployment for hustlers. Give refer
ences, address Circulation Manager,
Overland Monthly, 773 Market St,
San Francisco, Cal.
Attend Woodworth's January
Clearance Sale and get some
real Bargains.
Every 10c purchase secures
a vote for the Automobile.
We. Continue the Low Prices on
Suits, Cloaks, Dresses, Mniinery
Until all of these garments and hats are gone wewill continue the low prices which prevailed during
our January Sale. While the assortment is not in all cases, large there still remains many exceptional
values worthy of your immediate consideration.
Suits Continue at HALF PRICE
Until all of our Tailored Suits are gone we will continue these low prices.
We desire to carry none of .these garments over in order that when Spring comes the
line will be clean, new and complete throughout. The Suits we offer now are splen
did garments at the regular price. They will answer splendidly for this between sea
son wear. There is a good assortment of colors and styles and all sizes are represent
ed. 0 take advantage of this opportunity and chose at
Trimmed Hats 98c
To close out this line we have grouped under one price all hats to $6.00 and will
close them out at 98c. . . 1
There are many stylish, desirable hats among them, every one a splendid value. The
trimming alone is worth more than the price we ask. (
Those picking first will get the best values r
All hats to $6.00 98c.
Childrens Dresses HALF PRICE
These are splendid values every one just the thing to finish out the wintpr CMC
wtih. There are plain colors, plaids, stripes and combination effects all nicely made
and in all sizes from 6 to 14 years. ' ,
Every little garment among the entire lot is a bargain. Less than you could purchase
the material for. Buy early. Choice each
Wool Dresses-ONE-THIRB OFF
. . .
These dresses, too, we will continue at the low Sale price.
Nothing is more serviceable or desirable than these handsome stvlish drpssps ;nmP
are in the coat dress styles, others in the regular two-piece effect.
All in good color and sizes. . '
This is your opportunity. Choose at
LE.& H. J, Hamilton
3 17 First St.
' Albany