Albany Democrat. 70L XLV ALBANY. OREGON. FRIDAY JANUARY. 21 19TO 0 25 TRY OUR White Queen Flour AlsoJCapital Mills, Perfection, Stayton and Johnson's Best. Special Delivery. Murphy Flour and Feed. Call up. Both Phones. CIJETIS REAL ESTATE CO. 106 N. ELLSWORTH. Farm land and city property bought and sold, . '-.'. Parties having land or cily property or sale will do well to list with us. Paones Bell black 53. Home main 231 FRIDAY & SATURDAY Gh By this we mean for these two days, during our . ;' 1 ' .... ' '. Annual Clearance Sale -:We-wiUgiv the greatest Bargams ever offered' , on Children's Wearing Apparel such as Coats, . 'suits, capes, hats, and muslin underwear. te'flfk FOR CILDRES 3leUU GOATS worth up to 5 ii JK HiJZ- iJ 9 lP) JmJVs The Greater Plumbing Let us estimate, on your works. We guarantee first-class work . at moderate cost. PLUMBING, TINNNING . AND HEATING. W. E. FRANCIS 126 Ellsworth- St. Both Phones. M. Senders &Co, (INCORPORATED.) I ealers In . Hay, Grain, Wool, Cascara, Slt, Feed, Seeds, Roche Harbor Lime, Standard and Alsen Portland Cement, Acme Cement Plaster, Adamant Wood and Hair Fiber Plaster, Stock Foods, Ponl tr Supplies, Ruberoid Roofing, build ing paper, etc. , ' Both Phones 48. 435 West First St. A fine lot at our yard at this city, just ; burned. . I Phone Home 2P5. ALBANY BRICK CO) Palmer's Dairy the gulden '.rule. Delivers milk and cream to any part of the city. Prices reasonable. Jersey cows with best of care. Both Phones. J. G. Crawford's Photograph Gallery Is in the New Albany State Bank Build ing, second floor, with a complete equipment for picture taking of all kinds. C. ti. DAVIS, . PUNjV TUNER. I Yesrly contracts '5 for two tunit gs. i . Laive crderj at Davenpau's Muiic Store. Remember We save aoc purcnase . 01 Hjtf, COFFEE, ME1SER & Speci al Id r en s For Chilclren's elrawe-f Sigownsaists worth boc Chambers & McCune's Store Hand Painted China. V; , Your choice of six Dinner Set Fancy Dishes ,, .' ' ' . A full line of . ' GROCERIES You have heard for the last 14 years about Stelter's Best Coffee, none like it in Albany. Try some.' Prompt Delivery. jStetters's New Store, DOOLEY'S GROCERY A new afid extensive line , of fresh, clean Bread, Dried Fruits , and Vegetables 9TH AND LYON STREETS. to g. a o o cr ; n p p D c '"o c ET ra C 3 z: f, 7 5 n CO Vest first St. FIRST C.LAS3 WORK GUARANTEED you 3c on every r ppit-i "i SPICES. MEISER. r uay BEAR SKIJST all colors sizes Afuslin skirts, I Haviland China, 206 West Second ' St. - 301 MAIN ST., ' , . .'. DEALERS I General Merchandise, with a new stock to be sold at reasonable prices. Prompt attention. Delivery to any part of the city. - Electric Appliance Co. 422 W. First Phones-Bell Black 2651, Home 411. Electrical Supplies and Fixtures. House and other wiring attended to promptly, contracts made. R. B.' Mayb err y, Drayman Heavy and -light hanling. Piano moving a specialty, Piano and organs boxed for shipping Piano boxes for sale. Wnnrl fnr Halo 'pnA I inch wood. Office with Li'n & Benton Real Es tate Co.. 236 West let. Residence 713 Moncgomery St. Both Phones. " . - ANNUAL MEETING. i t A meeting of the stockholders of the Alh.'iiiv I rfnwMtr Acn..:...! . , ..-uaLiuii will oe jlield jit the Creamery in Albany on ; Jucstlay. Jan. 13th, 1910,. at 1 p. m ;.-r the purpose oi electing five dircc I u.r ami tu transact such other busi J ncss ;, may come before the mect- , C. L. SHAW, ; President. ki t mi DEATH OF PROR SANDERS Prof. A. M. Sanders. snnprinlomlAnt of the Albany schools, died at 11.30 o'clock, last night, of pneumonia. The world loses a splendid citizen and an able educator, a man who played his part well in the great drama of life, leaving aclean record. . He was born inMarch,lS63 in Yamhill OnlllUV Ma lunn .-.,).. a- J l. ville college, where he graduated, and vu-s.,. ... ua,s, nuseuurg, Asniana and other places before coming to Al bany three years ago, one ot the states "rDV r, .""..i3' -iaui as a superintend ent. His life has been spent in Oregon, except two years at Seattle, and mostly in the cause of education, though for a while in the hardware business at tic- luinnviue. He was n mnmLw nr uA -u: :u i . " ",o ""H"?1- cnurtii mr many years, prominent in " mi me UI1II.CU ArLl- 1 zans, and was a great help in musical , He was married three times, and .nu OV1IO, UJJC, UUII, of this city, by his first wife, and one of n.llao n C L , - , funao a mujt VL auvuii uv ms secona Thfi filnprnraaitrinac, 'tll ' l. UM1J i. the Baptist church at 10:30 a. m. to morrow, when the remains will be ta ken on the noon train for Roserurg, where he was superintendent of the public schools, for five years, and where Mrs. Sander's people reside, for burial. The body will be at the church at 10 0 clock to be viewed by friends. C H NEWS Deeds recorded: - ' ' s: Samuel D. Yoder to G. C. Price A. Info Kmgnt'.i 9 ntni L. H. & F. M. Lewis to ,C. D.. I wiisoniacre.. ;..iV., 35 Mortgages fo- 500 and $1800. Assignment mortgage for $2750. cock by P. R, Kelley. 8 .. anglers 121 hunter'a licenses. licenses, . . Modern Boosting. Advertisements to appear shortly in various periodicals, from the Eugene Commercial Club, mtlke the novel offer, that the new-comers; to Lane county who desire to get married and settle in Lane county, will have all their wed ding expenses paid by the Club. The expense of the license and the minU ter s ree will be taken care of, as an encouragement to home-ira'ring of the would-be-mated pairs. The scheme emanates from D. C. Freeman, the new manager, who may develop a mat rimonial bureau in connection with his duties as publicity pusher. $3,00000 Paid. - 1 ' Having received darft as in full pay. I ment of Benefit Certificate No. 6G2296 to amount of $3,000,00, issued in thel name of John Kraden. late member of ihamette famp No. 5465 Modern Woodmnn nf Amnri.. 1 n.lau (. , 1 to the officers and members of . the Moaern woodmen of America, my; thanks for the prompt settlement of thp plnim DnH nan mend the order of the Modern Wood- men of America to any one wishing a ! good cheap and reliable insurance. iinx dkauen, uenenciary. i LOSt. This morning between 729 W ! AtV. Qf . nnrl .1 u.u ' uu. hum ,uo 11C1UIU UII1C?, , gold wr tch with chatelaine attached. Back of case engraved "Daisy,. Christmas 1903." Rewari for return to this office. LINNHAVEN ORCHARD CO. TllP T.i'nn1,nifnn !l I. .. .. .1 - will nlare' tlin'firct ,l,i:,;n.. f acre fruit tracts on the market about ren. a. The rnninnnv mmA . ,, 1 j ..w u3 .iiiu trolls nhnut- thpn tl,n.. nr the finest apple land in Oregon. This .iiiu is suuaicu on tne second bench, la miles due cast of Albany, and was selected by Prof. E. R. Lake, Chair of Botany, O. A. C. It is a dark red loam and the hither nortions contains a noticeable content nf .in1 Tim altitude is right, the drainage is per fect and the soil is the proper depth. We will crll tlip.n ,.. : e in acres, set the same to some standard variety ot apples keep and care for the trees five ve.nY Gif .l.c;rn.i ti, may be paid for cash or on the install ment pian, Cut this ad out arid senil to your Eastern friends and ask them to wrile us for full information. LINNHAVEN ORCHARD CO. Rooms 4-6, Will Stark Bldg. Albany. Ore. WOOD. It yiMi wjih some yiir ; order at the Imperial Reslaurant, . Second ft'i-rt. 22t ! i'ok-y's Kidney Kcmeilv nill cure any ca-e of kidney or bladder Irr.ublc lliat is not beyond the reach nf medi cine. It invigorates the entire sy.-lcni and strengthens the kidney- m.' they eliminate the impurities from tin blood. Backache, rheumatism, kidney and bladder troubles are all cured l.v 'is (M-cat medicine. Unndivonii Drug Co. , , ' , PARDONS WANTED. Washington,. Jan.. 15. The formal applications for Jones and Mays par dons, convicted of land fraud, is not reached by the department of justi-.a. Letters are on file from Governor Ben son and other .officials , endorsing the ones, bnt Mays has not been heard num. x jis, ii granieu, win escaDiisn a basis for Hermann to appeal should he be convicted. One Body Ashore. Marshfield, Jan. 15. The first body of the Czarina disaster was wasln d ashore this morning, not yet identified It was that of a man weighing 140 pounds, with light mustache. , The beach is still being patrolled a distance of five miles. Bill Defied. London, Jan. 15. The Kaiser is de fled by Lloyd George, who predicts des truction if he invades the British shores ' ' ; Don't biiy Calendars until you have seen my samples. Have finest lot ot samples ever shown in Albany, . I can save you money. Leave your money at home. - Rawlings. 123 Broadalbin Street. A Traveling Salesman. H. F. Beers, 617-7th Ave.. Peoria. 111., writes: " Ihavc been troubled for, some time with kidney ' trouble, so severely at times that I could scarcely carry my grips. After using one bot tle of Foley's Kidney Pills I. have been entirely relieved, and cheerfully recommend them to all."'! Foley's Kid ney Pilly are healing and antiseptic and will restore health and strength. i Woodworth Drug' Co. '! ' ' . Pneumonia follows a Cold. . but never follows the use of'Foley's noney ana lar, which stops the cough, heals the lungs,. and expels the cold from your system.' Woodworth Drug Cb . . . PI R THEATRE New Program Tonight. . " VAUDEVILLE Colored Male Quartette. PICTURES. The Day after seeing the old year 'Biograph.) i. 2. out. 3. Choosing a Husband (Biograph) 4. Lotely Bachelor. 5. Across the Island of Ceylon. Il lustrated song , . 5. I'll be risrht the crirl that tries tn be right with me., . , , Coming My Uncle from New York I Monday Jan. 17th: I Admission 10 cents . I iP,M: Great 'January Clean up sale in China, Crockeiy and Glassware , . many articles at HALF PRICE. Both r I Main 53 BUSK WM. BAIN, President. P.JD. GILBERT, V. P. ' ' H. N. BOULEY, Cashier. ALBANY STATE BANK Doss a general banking business, -Pays interest'on savings accounts, Sells bank'drafts and travc lsrs checks, x Has safe tydeposit boxes for rent. Have you tried our WINTER COFFEE ?' If not, why ro; It h the bes ' 25c coffee in town. G lve us a trial. STAR BAKERY, ( .QMEYEl., Proprietor. DOINGS OF THE WORLD. The first man to grow vetch in Ore gon was Wallace Nash, once a citizen of Albany. . Manager J. P. O'Brien, ot the South ern Pacific is on an inspection trip over the Oregon lines. . . According to The Bulletin Harrisburg has a modern David. John Norwood recently actually caught a wild goose clean handed, and killed an owl by throwing a.hammer at it. Oregon defeated Idaho last night in tho big debate of the season, the judges deciding unanimously in favor of Ore-' gon. Two of the judges wore Presi dent Crooks and Prof. A. C Schmitt. A novol incident occurred in Denver. During the Christmas exercises at the First United Presbyterian church, an automobile was run into the church and up the main aisle to the tree, a two cylinder Maxwell runabout and pre sented to the pastor, Rev. Jj. D. Rank in, well known by several Albany peo ple. The Owl Says. A good word from . , one's home town is always appreciated.. This i3 from the Oakland Owl: H. J. Mahnney has sold his place of business to Kelly Jones and Guy Mann, and Tuesday took his departure for Albany, where Nelson Wilbur and him self have purchased the Mission Con feetjpnery Parlors. All the gentlemen above mentioned are well and favorably known in Oakland. May success crown tha efforts of them all. , .. . Dreamland's Extra Program Lezah made a hit last night at Dreamiand before a packed house. ' Ha has a Melba voice and it is a fine one. The biograph, A Corner in Wheat is something great, and the .vitagraph pictures Cupid and the motor boats presented some of the prettiest scenery , ever Been here. , . Simple Remedy for LaGrippe. LaGrippc ctiuglis are dangerous, as they frequently develop into pneumo nia. ' Foley's Honey and Tar not only stops the cough, but heals and . strengthens the lungs, so that no. seri ous results need be feared. The genu ine Foley's) Honey and Tai; 'contains no harmful' drugs and is in'ii yellow package. Woodworth Drue Co. TONIGHT. ' ' ' '''. Vaudeville at Dreamland to-night ll Sre and hear LEZAH ' The man , with two voices. A Soprano and Bar- itone. A,, fine New; Program of Moving Pictures and a New Illustrated Sing by Miss Margaretle Bell. 1'itcure Mattines every day. 224 W. 1st St ""iv..'