THIS MORNING COM. CLUB In Its Weekly Session. CHANGE IN WILL OPEN WEDNESDAY WITH SCORES OF BARGAINS FOR THE ECONOMICAL BUYER Cloaks. Suits and Dresses 1-2 Price Splendid fabrics and some of the very latest styles. Nothing- reserved - Mr. and Mrs. E. ' L. Umphrey went to Jefferson to attend the funeral df J. Mvers. a relative of Mrs. Umphrey. Mr. J. Mvers was at Oakland, Calif., when struck by a train on the mole, dying from the effects of injuries. His remains were brought to his home of many years, at Jefterson lor burial. Peter Ruetner lert for Thomas where he ia moving the store buildine from one. side of the track to the other. SHOES. About twenty lots of Shoes for Men', Women and Chil dren at prices that are sure to move them. A lot of Ladies' Shoes at 98c pair. Other lots at corres pondingly low prices. Don't fail to take advantage of these bargains. . DRESS GOODS. A lot of $1.50 Dress Goods to DOZENS OF BARGAINS clean up at $1.11. in, our Men's Furnishing de A $1.25 grade 88c. partment. Almost every line $1.00 grades at 73c. of goods reduced. Now is Silk remnants, 2 Price. the time to supply your $1.00 grade black taffeta, 36needs. inches wide, 73c yard. HANDBAGS AND PURSES, OFF. MILINERY. Any Trimmed Hat in our entire stock, to clean up, $1.00 - ri'v a m.ttp ' PRTCVES ON- RUGS, ART SQUARES. UMBRELLAS. Lace curtains, Laces, Em-$2.00 Ladies' Umbrellas, 1.48 broideries, Towels, Linens,$2.00 Men's Umbrellas, 1.48 Sheets and Cases, Sheeting,$1.25 Men's Umbrellas, 88c Waistings, Dishes, Glass-A lot of Ladies' Umbrellas, ware, etc. , special to clean up 79c S E. YOUNG & SON. Take E'm Away at Cost.... 999 All left over holiday goods at . ' ACTUAL COST. A few framed' pictures lelt, fancy boxes of writing paper, a few pieces of hammered brass all ' at Actual Cost. Call and see the line. Burkhart & Lee. THE BEST In all kinds of Jewelry, Watches, Cut Glass and Novelties. F. G. WILL, THE JEWELER. TO WHAT DO YOU A-SPIRE El Are you looking for Real Estate in the country or in the city? If so, call and see me as I have bargains which I know will suit you and can save you money. Good 7-room cottage, bath, nice lot situated in West Albany. .Price, SZ3W. Large house and one lot, situated on Ihird street, close in. Price, ?zUl). Good buy in vacant lot, best loc; tion in Albany. Have several cheap buys in Ea"st Al bany. I have good farms improved. situated from four to seven miles out from Albany, for $50.00 and $60.00 per acre. Call on J. V. PIPE, 203 West 2nd btreet, Albany. sws From Albany's Six Early Trains. Present, Manager Struble, Secretary Van Winkle, Treasurer Bain and Dir ectors Cameron, Veal, Rawlings. Miller, Struble, French. Ellis, Stewart, Paw son Lee, Bowersox and Nutting l.i th -i absence of the president and vice president Manager Struble pre sided. Ten slidas were ordered for Prof. E. R. Lake in his eastern illustrated lectures. A letter was read from Manager Buckley in reference to the C. & E. schedule east. It is linelv to be 7" . I changed to 8 for leaving and 4 p. m. oi moving, me ireignc uepoi, fut retui.-.llig from Detroit. THE F. N. has already gone its length, making another change that will be striking. G. A. Flood, the merchant left on a ' Portland trip. T.nwvars Garland and Newrjort came down from Lebanon on legal business. Father servais left on another trip. Ladies Aid Society. The Ladies Aid Society, one of Al bany's oldest institutions, yesterday afterhoon held its annual meeting,, with some of the old faithfuls on hand. Once the Society owned an orphans home of its own. Now it confines its work to needy cases as they are heard of, all ready for doing good. The old officers were reelected, Mrs. L. E. Blain president. Mrs. T. ' G. Hopkins- vice president, Mrs. A. H. Martin sec retary, Mrs. J. K. Weatherford treas urer, ana superintendents, isc wara, Mrs. E. E. Payne, second, Mrs. Judge Duncan, third, Mrs. W. M. Parker. Two Worthy Prom otions. Major Ellis, of this city, has been promoted to the position of Sergeant General on the Governor's staff, with the title of Colonel, and Capt. C. B. Winn to Major, in the commissary department, two honors for Albany men wno nave aone emcient service in military circles. A reauest from the Scio fair manage ment for aid in securing an appropri ation from the county for the fair was placed on file. A votn of thanks was extended the New Wast for a free writeup. A special meeting was ordered to se oct cenus enumerators upon receipt of the list from Supervisor Hendricks. A motion for a 4th of July celebration this year was declared early, but this is I Albany's year. JNotning doing yet in me matter ui department nouses, The annual meeting of the stock holders of the First National Bank was held at 4 o'clo-k yesterday afternoon, when the following directors were elected: S. E. Xoung, A. C. Schmitt, P. A. Goodwin, O. A. Archibald, J. P. Wallace, M. Senders. W. A. Barrett. The directors immediately afterwards elected the following ottko-s: S. E. Young president, A C. Schmitt vice president, O. A. Archibald cashier, J. C Irvine first assistant, R E. Mc Kechnie second assistant, Chas. H. Stewart third assistunt. Mr. Young, the new president has been vice president since the bank was organized, and those following have made good in an eminent manner. Mr. Langdon, president since the death of Judge Flinn, previously cashier for many years, retires on account of ill-health and the need of rest for some time, one of Oregon's most reliable bankers. He and Mrs. Langdon will soon leave for Los Angeles to spend the winter. The bank is one of the vallw's solid institutions an i is in good hands. The officers of the bank reported this to have been the most prosperous year i in every way the f irst lNationat uanic The officers were appointed a recept-; na8 ever ha(j( and the First Savings ion committee for Sam Hill, the good roads man. Those 10,000 free folders from the S. P., were reported received and ac cepted The county court and city council were ordered invited to the good roads meeting of Sam Hill tonight, and as well everybody in Albany interested. Arrangements were reported for the reception to new comers on the I8th. At Mrs Wagner's. Bank has done bevond all expectations, its assets being a quarter of million dollars. The management and policy of the .two banks will be the eame in the future as it has been in the past. The only change in the active force is that of Mr. Young succeeding Mr. Langdon, who retains his intsrests in the two banks. Owing to his long 'and efficient ser vice in the bank, the directors voted Mr. Langdon a salary of half the amount he was getting while active FOR RENT.- One sleeping room, at 225 West 3rd St. HORSES. Some good mareB for Bale. O. T. Murphy, 739 E 2nd St. Home phone 181. '.20. in the bank and permitted him to travel andv , "," , . . . ' rest the coming year so that he might . The P. F. G. C. Club met yesterdaj reg8in nis healA. The employees of afternoon and evening with Mrs. Chas. the two banks presented him with a . Wagner, having a delightful time, with beautiful solid gold watch, a slight . a feast of rare merit. Those present token of their esteem for him as an t were Mines. Wagner, Haight, Olin, officer and fellow workman in the bank... Richards, Curl, Dumond, Conn, Parker, I Parker. Roberts, Wheeler, Carter, I Mob. Chambers. Skioton. ' Harold, and Smith, and Miss Laura Chambers, with Mrs. William Hand and Mrs. Glen Junkin as guests of honor. Fresh oysters at 2nd St Pfeiffer's, 229 W Sam Hill Tonight. Alco Chocolates Are Still It ELITE chJj;'pate Hear Sam Hill, president of the Good Roads Association of Washington and -, vice president of the National Associa- -tinn. at the Commercial Club rooms to- ! niorht. He is a big man personally, . FOR SALE. A $90 certificate, geod besides being one physically, 6 feet 4 , for that amount in the purchase of 0r 6 and weighing Urns than Taft. Bar any Eiler piano. Address, Jennie R.jvey Lindley. 'the head of the Home' Morgan, Albany, Or. Telephone Co. will also be present, and i FOR TRADE. 40 acres, near Jeff er-1 is invited to report a zu,uuu Home son, good house and barn, for traae Duuaing ior AiDany, line urn uue vu u for Albany property. Address Box . built in Corvallis. i 25 Jefferson, . " ' LOST A black dog, small, answers to name Patsy. Uurran. Return to Mrs. C. A. 1 Hot Chilli Carncarna at The Crest. WAIT MEAD, WATCHES and FINE ta REPAIRING 113 BROAD ALBIN STREET. Wait for Our January Clearance Sale. The "OLD RELIABLE" A full line of choice nursery stock. OrderJJnow for Spring delivery. PhneRed871. Office 31? W. Second St, . F. PEIRCE. Manager. Albany Supply Company WHOLESALE DEILEBS In fruits, vegetables, sugar, nuts. confectionary, wrapping paper, twine ana paper Dags. Cash paid for all kinds of poultry. We also have the agency for Pyramid and Golden Gate cement, Olympic lime, Arden plaster. Get prices before buy ing. Cash paid for eggs. Foot Ferry Street, Albany. Phones. Mum 5 Bell, 3 Home. DR. J. J. MURRAY, Registered Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist. Graduate American Veterinary Col lege of New York City, 1881. At Albany Livery Stables, 2nd & ElUworth. Botii phones. ::::RELIABLE:::: Light, Power and Heat. Willamette Valley Co. R. E. Welch, Manager. Idle Hour Restaurant, Cor. Broaddlbin and Secondt Sts. Under new management. Best 20 cent meals in the city. JONE3 rt-KISOR. Wood Yard.. A'l kinds of wjod, old fir, maple, dry slab Btid mill end trimmings, sawect ready for shed. Phone Home Black 25 0 HOWARD BROS. Office with J. A. howard FOR SALE V y residence corner 2nd and Baker ! St., lot 7xI13 ft. Orea' bargain if ; taken at once; also furniture, horse, j etc. Inquire 110 E. 2nd S i MRS. H. F. McILWAlN. :UStOTfcC.. Rodger, MYra5 " Sijr The Blain Clothing Co. Albany - -..' ungon