SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Linn. Elva O'Dell, plaintiff, vs. Joshua L. O'Dell, defendant. To Joshua O'Dell, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of the above named plaintiff in the above entitled court now on file with the clerk of said court on or before the 17th day of February, i910, and you are hereby notified if you fail to appear and an swer the complaint as herein required that the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint, to-wit, for the dissolution of the bonds of matrimony, now ex isting between plaintiff and defendant, and for the costs and disbursements to be taxed. This summons is served by publica tion by the order of the Hon. Wm, Galloway made on the 20th day of December, 1909, directing that the said summons be served by publication and that the same be published in the Albany Democrat for six consecutive weeks, the first publication thereof to be made on the 31st day of Decem ber, 1909, and the last publication to be made on the 11th day of February, 1910. Dated this the 20th day of Decem ber, 1909. J. K. WEATHERFORD, Attorney for Plaintiff.' ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned administrator of the estate -of Deborah Ann Davis, deceased, has filed with the clerk of the County Court for Linn. County, Oregon, his final auv. Hint in the above entitled estate, and t.ic court has fixed the 17th day of January, 1910, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. for the hearing of ob jections to said account and the settle ment of said estate. Dated this the 2nd day of Decem ber, 1909. H. C. DAVIS, J. K. WEATHERFORD, . Admr. 1 Attorney.' ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned administrator of, the estate of Jonas ..Davis, deceased, has filed with the clerk of the County Court for ' Linn County, Oregon, his final ac- count in the above entitled estate, and the court has fixed the 17th day of January, 1910, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. for the hearing of objections to said account and the settlement of said estate. Dated this the 2nd day of Decem ber, 1909. H. C. DAVIS, J. K. WEATHERFORD, Admr. Attorney. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL LEGE WINTER. COURSES. Practical work, lectures and demon strations will be given in such vital subjects as General Farming, Fruit Culture, Animal Husbandry, Dairying, Poultry-keeping, the Business Side of Farming, Forestry, Carpentry, Black smithing, Mechanical Drawing, Cook ing, Sewing,' Dress Making Home Management, etc. All regular courses begin January -4th a'nd end February 11th. Farmers' Week February 14th to 18th. A. -cordial invitation is extended to .all interested. Good accommodations may be se cured at ' reasonable rates. No age limit "above 16 years. No entrance re quirements. Prominent lecturers have been secured for special topics. The .'instructional force of the College num bers 1UU. txccllent equipment. A special feature is the Farmers' Week which comes this year Feb. 14th to 18th. Lectures, discussions, and a general reunion. For further information address Registrar, Oregon Agricultural Col lege, Corvallis. Oregon. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the un - del signed was on the 14th day of De cember, 1909, by order of the County Court. in Linn County, Oregon, duly . appointed administratrix of the estate of Myron Alexander, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby notified to present the same within six months trom the date ot this notice, with the proper vouchers to the ad' ministratrix at her home near Scio, in the County of Linn and State of Ore Ron. ' Dated this 28th day of December, lyuy. MINNIE YOUNG, -Administratrix. REGISTRATION IF LAND TITLE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Linn County. In the matter of the application of Jasper U. lurniuge to register the title to the following described premises, to-wit: The southeast quarter and the south half of the northeast quarter of Sec tion 23, in Township 11 soulh Range 1 west of the Willamette Meridian, in Linn County, Oregon, containing 240 acres, against Anna Althouse and Katherine Althouse, and the Oregon & California Railroad Company, and all whom it may concern, defendants. To All Whom It May Concern: "' Take notice, that on the 5th day of January A. D. 1910, an application was filed by said Jasper D. Turnidge in the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon for Linn County, for initial regis tration of the title to the land above described Now, unless you appear and show cause why such application shall not be granted, the same will be taken as confessed, and a decree will be entered according to the prayer of the application, and you will be for ever barred from disputing the same. Witness, my hand the seal of said Circuit Court, this 5th day of Januarv, 1910. (L. S.) J. W. MILLER. County Clerk and cx-officio Clerk of the Circuit Court of Linn County. Oregon. HEWITT & SOX, I Applicant's Attorney. I WOOD HIS FAD. Probably the finest finished house in Albany is that of W. S. Richards, on East Third street. Mr. Richards fad is wood, a good one. Personally, aided by Mr. Ed CroHse, he has given the wood work in his double parlors and dining room a finish that is remarkable and rare. Using ash this has been burned to bring out the figures, in beau tiful and wonderful effects, and then given a piano finish." In the wall is a little cabinet of woods Mr. Richards has made at odd times, more remarkable yet. From pieces of wood collected on, his eastern trip and otherwise he has cups, saucers and other things' made up in different ingenius shapes. One cup has some wood on one side from Portland, Or., and on the other from Portland, Me. ; another wood on one side from Princeton, III., where he was born, and on the other, Albany, Or., where he has spent, most of his lire; another is made up of different kinds of wood from nearly every south ern state visited by him; one is from wood from the top of Mt. Lowe, an other from theCataline Islands, Mexico, the PhilioDine Islands. Japan. One has seventeen different kinds, another eighty-four pieces, prettily interwoven and inlaid, the whole f jrming a col lection it is doubtful is equalled in the U. S., worth going a, long distance tu see, a pretty niche in a beautiful home. A Hospital Annex While plans have not yet been made the building of an annex to St. Mary's Hospital is being considered, with the probability that work will be begun on such a building in the spring. The talk is for the annex on the Elsworth street corner, at the south west corner of the present building, three stories high, with about thirty room?, all pri vate. There has been a big demand for more room, tbe present capacity frequently not being sufficient' The hospital has proven a fine thing for the city, and has an excellent reputation all through the valley. The Weather. Range of temperature 40-32. There was a slight rainfall, .02 inch, The river nas risen ana is 4.s leet Prediction: . Rain or snow tonight and Tuesday. ..-.".. Parliament was to be desolved today by King Edward. ' All eyes are now on Los Angeles and its flying machines. . W. Bittle Wells will speak to Browns" ville people tomorrow, night. ' Mrs. W. M. Parker and daughter Alzina have returned from a Portland visit. . - Some California lemons, covered with a paraBite, have been destroyed in Roseburg. 1 Superintendent Sanders of the public schools, is confined to his home with pneumonia. ... Judge Whitney has been confined to his bed for sometime from sciatic rheu matism. Sam Hill, brother of Jim Hill is to be at the annual meeting of the Cor valles Commercial Club. Several of the Salem meat men have also had to put up $25 fines for not hav ing their lard properly labeled. Roy E. Crooks, of Goldendale. Wash. has been in the city on a visit with his uncles, Hugh and Earl Usher, while on his way to Coachelle. Calif. Geo. E. Nichols has opened his First Street bakery and restaurant in the Nicholls block. - John ivannamaker has contracted with the Evening Post of Niw York for a full page advertisement every day ior nveyears. just ousiness with John. Ben Adams, a 19 year old bo. was arrested yesterday by Niehtwatch Han son for being drunk and disorderly and toaay was nnea $iu ana costs by He corder Redfield, John MacNeal, in the citv todav. re ported ha ing had a well dug recentiy that was 17S feet deep, not striking rucK until aown 100 ieet. rne water is all right. Mr Maxnell has been set ting out Spitzenbergs and Newtown Pippins, preparing for a fine orchard. Mrs. Jeff Lewis, of Auburn, Calif., was the guest of Mrs. Ohn yesterday while on her way home from Walla Walla, where she left her daughter. Her husband was recently tried for murder and acquitted on the ground of insanity . ti. JLi. umphiey is officiating at w. A. Eastburn's during the absence of Vtr. Eastburn. in Portland, where he has a job as U. S. juryman for n while, with a chance of serving in the celebra ted Singer Hermann case. The T booth at Young's will be oDeu tomorrow from 2 to 6 p. m., and every body is welcome, men and women, bovs and girls. Tea, wafers and enffeo will be served. The money goes fo- the park. Saturday evening at Eueene a South ern Pacific brakeman put a hobo of! the train, when the tramp took a shot at the brakeman, knocking a pipe out of his mouth. The hobo was arrested, but had bidden the revolver, Halsey's new officers are D. S. M Wi'liams mayor. Dewain Sturtevant recorder, Lou Perry marshal, andThos. Bennett, Clyde. Koontz and W., M. Stewart the new councilmen, with R. A. McCully and Grant Taylor hold overs Janitor Mart Bilveu erot his name in the Oregonian by preventing a fire alarm while in the court house tower doing some painting, accidently trip ping the alarm and preventing the ex citement of the department getting out by grabbing the rope and holding or. for dear life. , Senator S. A. Dawson has returned from Salem, where he met for nearly a week with the board of directors of the Columbia Fire Association, which in uies the nrouertv of Granrer3 onlv. mostly in the country, but in the city usu ii ini-it; is u-iumiK wi.nm sixi feet. Tnecompar.r -arries $1,250.0UC n iisks. BEAT M0N. The high school basket ball team re turned from Independence and Mon mouth where they made a splendid rec ord in basket ball. They defeated Monmouth Saturday night 32 to 20, though Monmouth had a couple players not high school men at all. Stalnaker was unable to play in either game and Verne Beeson took his place, doing good work, making three baskets in the Monmouth game. Ingstrom led in this contest with seven baskets. Doo ley made three and Guard Bigsbee one. A fact speaking for the splendid guard ing of Bigbee and Carnegie was that not a basket was made by the forwards of Monmouth, all by the big center and guards. In the Independence game, won by Albany 52 to 17 Dooloy made the re markable record of 14 baskets. The boys will play Chemawa next and then some Portland teams. News from Albany's Six Trains. Early Judse E. L. Brvan. Caldwell, Idaho, j one of Idaho's leading men, passed through the city from SpringfieU, where he naa Deen to atteno tne goiaen wedding anniversary of his father and mother, to Corvallis, his formor home, Judge Bryan has been prominently mentioned for Governor of Idaho on the democratic ticket, but has not yet fciven his consent to the use of his name. The McKenzie Merry Makers passed through the city from Corvallis tj ken anon, where they will show this week, and then come to Alany next week, on the vaudeville circuit among themoving pictuie houses. Father Servais returned from Leb anon where conducted services Sunday. There is talk of a home pastor of the Catholic church there, .lrs. J. G. Maver and son Franklin, of Lebanon, arrived on a visit with some rel.itiv.v . idling at the homo of Mrs. .Mayer s tattler, John Dumona. i Miss Mavme McKniirht of the Jcffer son scnoois, roiurneu mere unci spending Sunday with her folks. S.J. Keef haver osme down from Leb anon. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Colpitts went to Salem.; A Fine Present, The board of judges in Eiler's Piano House great publicity contest have announced that the $300 Eiler's Bun galow piano was awarded to Geo. F. Brown, K. F. D. 4. Albany; the second prize, the Home Orcriestrelle, to Mr. A. E. MeFatridge, of 701 Thompson street, Pendleton, Or. Space'will not permit the naming of the winner of each credits, who will be notified by mail. This contest was a great success, and many thousands endeavored to win one of the numerous beautiful and substan tial prizes. It has resulted in bringing still more prominently before the public the house of Eiler's and" their splendid line of pianos. A Kobber Killed. ' "Harry Brooks, alias Williams, was shot in Portland and killed by Patrol man Croxton, while holding upasaldon in which the patrolman .was standing in citizens clothes. His partner Jas. Ward-escaned. Brooks and Ward nn March 31, 1908 were committed to the penitentiary from Albany for robbing the store of Davis & Shedd, at Shedd, on the morning of that day, being cap- turea Dy a posse.or sneaa people, atter being two hours in the store. They were brought to Albany on the early train, indicted by the grand jury in ses sion and in the afternoon, upon plead ing guilty were sent to the penitentiary, a dispatch of justce that attracted atten tion. Sam Hill Coming, Sam Hill, a son-in-law of Jim Hill, of the Great Northern, will be in Albany Wednesday afternoon anl evening. -At a p. m. ne will give a talk at the com mercial club rooms on good roads, and Albany people generally will be wel come to hear it. Harvev Limllev. nrps ident of the Home Te'ephone Co., of DA.i.l i :i: . i - . ' i uiuauu, win uccumptny mm. Another Auto. Dr. J. r. Wallace and Son have just bought through J. L. Irvine a latest model, 1910 Buick automobile, which will be used in their business While in Portland recently Dr. Kussell Wal ace took some special lessons in running the machine and already has made sev eral trips over the pavement. Inherited $29,500. Carl Tandrup, the express and deliv ery man received woid that he was heir to a third of 225,000 crowns.Iwhere upon he sold his business here and left to look ater his fortune of about $29, 500 in our money. His friends will be ;lad to know of his good fortune. Home from Paris. Mr. J. M. Hawkins arrived home yes terday from ?aris. III., where hehelped put Albany on the map by selling apples at 3 a piece, $17 a peck, and distributing a larise quantify of litera ture. There will be others here later from that part of the country. Brownnsvilie. Marshal Stan Mi s'.arted tho new year by resi4Ping. The farmers around Brownsville have sturted a blacksmith shop ol their own Stale Game Warden Stevenson was :n iti city lor the first time in fortv ., Cltil. OUR 28 TRAINS'PERHAPS A Under the new schedule the twenty eight passengerltrain service of Albany will be as follows: Main line: North bouud:-4:18. 7d8. 11:46 a. m.. 2:13 and 6:40 p. m. South bound:-4:18 a. m.. 12:10. 7:48. 8:30 and 10:57p. m. Lebanon: Ar. at 7 a. m.. leave at 12:25 p. m.; ar. at 4:40 p. m., leave at p. m. Springfield: Ar. at 10:16 a. m.. leave at 8:10 p.m. Corvallis and Eastern. - Leave for Corvallis at 7:50, and 11:55, a. m., 7:50 p. m. Arrive from Corvallis at 6:55, 10:00 a. m. and 6:30 p.m. Arrive trom Newnort 11:55 a. m.. leave for Newport 12:35 p. m. Leave ior Detroit Y:3u a. m., arrive rom 6:40 p. m. MARRIED. Dorga 'an-Lallement, On Monday morning. Jan. 10, 1910,at the Catholic church, in Albany, by Father Lane. Mr. T. J Dorgati and Miss Marie Lallement were uited in ' ra"K .B-,"ne" mrcy.', S?re- t'ranlt marriage. Father Lane performing the ! Austl" tlutlIvMr8.- p- vv- SeaF? 8e'e r tary, Robert Snell treasurer. Mr. John- John F. Shea and Miss Ella Dorgan stood up with them Mrs. Dorgan, the bride is a teacher in the conservatory of music of the Catholic seminary in rortiana. The groom is a well known Corvallis man, and the bride is a resident of Portland. Thevlett for their new home at Corvallis. " UltlCerLUSK. On Sunday. Jan. 10, at the residence ' n h A ihvn rea,n Mr of and by Kev. Albyn Esson, Mr. Selden Officer, a rising yaung farmer of Silverton, and Miss Mae Luck, a stenographer, of this city. They will make their hoe at Silverton. Former Albany People. . ' x The following from the Kings Herald, a United Presbyterian church paper, of Chicago, tells about three former Albany people uiiii:'-. ur-it.. s i" . tn!nHA w'a's at ! church last Sabbath and re-1 """"! eiine of the Ladies mained for. dinner with the pastor and Aid SocletY wa9 beinS held thia Bftcr family, having lived "for a numbei? of : no". years in Albany, uregon. tie nas oeen ot latea member ot Kev. Elliott irvme s urove oaiuraay evening ai to 10. uot congreation in Etna, Penn. Mr, I tage Grove led in the first half Irvine preached for us one day last O. P. Coshow and George Coshow, August. Since then they, have com- wile and part of his six children, of pleted and dedicated a fi"e ntw church. Brownsville, Were Albany visitors yes We congratulate the Etna people not terday. onlv .because of their new church but . n,u ,A .,: ..j.-3 mux also because of the good preacher they It seems hardly possible that a year i- i t n ,u vvj.vv V no UUI .fjaniuL bllO-XVCY. v. xx. r . "TA" . "T"'' "'";": Stevenson. We are glad to say tnathe . i j ib l ' t i.g uiuno.i w .Tcj """""" i wjll rpunmo nf tpr n trir. tn Califnrnin I wnlcn "ley enjoyeu an oyster Bupper at of our school and church, and at the W1" resume alter a trip to oalitornia. ! tne Mjs3ion Parlors: Christmas entertainment last Tuesday! The Misses Helen and Anna Schultz past Master Artisai. Mrs Edith evenins, the church presented hirnas last Saturday evening were the recip- Leaiherman; Master Artisan, Mrs. flight. token of their esteem a beau-! lsnts of a surprise party in honor of . Alice P. Richards; Superintendent. F. tiful .quarter sewed oak, double their tenth birthday. ! M. trench; Secretary, J. N. Duncan- sectional book case, in which he can J p. W. Merrill and Tom Watkins are Treasurer, W. H. Holman; Sr. Con bouse the many conies of reading down in the Kalamath country on their ductor, Mrs. Bertha T. Parker; Jr. matter that are so helpful to him in snow shoes. It is reported that Watk- Conductor, Mrs Edna Barton; Master working out the splendid sermons that ins has ordered an auto for cruising Ceremonies, Mrs. Lillian French; In it is our pleasure to listen to every "with, letruclor. A. Kyle; Warder, J. W. Bar- Sabbath. At the Hotels. C, Hemenway, Eugene A. Bernstein & wf, Seattle A. Cameron, Corvallis O. W. Smith, Portland J.,P. Byers, Dallas Mrs. C. E. Hawkins and daughter Aileen, Toledo F. K. Nickerson, Portland K. H. Hawley, Corvallis M. J. Whitney, Lyons C. S Price, Medford A Andrews, Eugene Card of Thanks, We desire to express our thanks to the many friends and neighbors, and 1 also to the members of Manzinica Cir cle, W. O. W., for their help and sym pathy during the illness nnd death of our husband and father, J. J. Davis. Mrs. Mary E. Davis and family. For Wife Whipping. Chas. Downing today was arrested by John Catlin for whipping his wife, takan before Justice Swan. Dlead iruiltv and was fined $20 and costs, which he paid. . Mrs. Draper, a sister of C. P. Bur- ggraf, of this city, died sudd nly at Keeavine yesveraay, and will be burled tomorrow. Air. Burggraf had just re turned from a visit at Klamath Fall. when informed of his sisier a death last evening. Her daughter is the wife of Mr. Chester Parvin. It has been, decided to move the old freight depotlto the west end and make the east end.jTo feet and a 32 foot of fice. entirelyncw. TJBSDAY. Biz houses last nitrht enioved tne fine singing of the colored quartet, u bunch of fine singers, giving a clean ami pleasing program. Benton county sales: J. H. Wvatl to Allen J. Olm-iteat, 5 acres nar Alitanv $25C; L. W Deiancry to R iz.-lie fins kin ., et nl., 1.15 seres near Akany 410: Ch.s Wiilmer to F. L. holmes.f.0 acres An ffort is being secured to cot juiy in tne tiermunn cabc ::nd twelvi men nave ueen picKen temporarily fcr furth'-T exnnrnatin. Nearly all 1'ori- and mfn. Denver liachlcman I i h 'I'mt-1 a decided opinion and ho wi... .c cU. STONE CHURCH A proposed A Ibany improvement is a new Presbyterian church, in place of the present one, at Broadalbin and r'i'th street, a large stone structure, with all the modern conveniences beintr talked of though Jnot formally ordered yet. it is to tie hoped it materializes. No institutions speak for a city stronger than its churches. Uuder the splendid leadership of Rev. Geselbracht the Presbyterian church is making rapid strides and more room and better equipment is needed. The modern church has become far more than a place for preaching. It is almost a club house, with clean attract ions, for reaching people socially in the interest of a better manhood and womanhood, a place for the different departments of work from the cradle up. There is no age limit to the church, as there is in other institutions, and the orgranization does well when it meets the great demand for equipment for work. The F. U A. The Fraternal Union of America will meet tonight for installation of the new : . upnam iraternai mastor' im justice, Mrs. son, Suide- Alt members are requested' , 10 08 present. Did a Oood Business. During 1909 201,690 passengers i i rived and departed from the union ' de ! pot at this city, and 14,235 trains ro- I ported at the depot, an average of just ; as trains a aay oi an Kinas. ine m- ! qoi ri i . 1 ious year was $44,901 94 and m passen ger receipts, $tu,9S0.23. The showing speaks tor the hub city.. The Weather. P.inge of temperature 39-32, The rainfall was .14 inch. The river is 4.7 feet. The government's prediction is: oc casional rain or show tonight and Wednesday, I cugene nigu scnooi oeieatea ijouage doe3nt oppfy th0'the S(lm Hi,', t0 ba at I the commercial club rooms' tomo. row. night Go and seo for your8plvfis, i Mr. and Mrs. Geo. M. Pavnehave re.. , . -' .- : at Siletz. which thev like so well thev : "TV,"., ", uu'"" ""' at Kllptz. whieh thpv likfi nn wp I l.hpv 1 Sundav, by request of Chie' of Police ' Munkers, dice games, billiards, pools land other games were all cut out. tnruugn tne city, Deing CO urary to ordinance. Fred Bergman was one of . (he jury men rejected in the Hermann case. One man asked to be excused because I he wanted to go to Los Angeles to see Lne nvintr macninpq. Dr. J. J. Murray, recently of Walla luK .Wlt"seata around the edge, an Walla. has located it Albany, with other,m the Kod old fashioned way headquaiters at ihe Alhany Stabl. s. seatea n straw and wrapped to the He is a experienced veterinary'surgeon' ?fes' tneotner ln a cutter, on one of and dentist and comes wall recommend- "? ,n wns .cold the crowd al" ed. i mo3t froze stiff. Acoivole of the young iw t t? ,i,l. in-u , n i. i people in the straw bottom ride spent Mrs. Laura Houd-k iHMrH', of . Port- mat of their time trvhw to throw Lh li.iV W,1M," V C,t'V . 13 noVn' nfA0l;.-li ...v.. mc. iuiiici, ura. luiiih Waggoner of Corvallis. on her wav to Lebanon for a visit with Xiss Helen1 irawioru. The many friends of Miss Margaret Bell, the sonsr illustrator, will hn irmrl to know that tomorrow night she will resume her former position in the Dreamland theater, a fine singer alwavs popular with Albany people. Mr. Jesse Barker, of San Francisco, is in the city on a visit witn his (oiks cement extractor, with a largo bus r . lne Degree of Honor will entertain the A. O. U. W. and their families and the D. of H. and their families tomor- row night, when an amateur troup will make its first appearance in Albany, au tnere w... oe sometning to eat. for travelling on the wrong side of the tne Cm'tlgLe"' PlaclDt: " at 9 street in Salem. An ordinance requires ml"8' whlch ' 2,54 nulls lower than last travel on the right side. After paying year, being 8 mills for general purposes, his first line tho farmer pigheadedly without segregation, and 1 mills for did the same thing again and was again roa s. arrested. This makes Albany's total levy 21J6" According to an advertisement in a nil'8' SH lower than ld8t yanr. as fol Prineville paper Madras is to be the 'ws: county, stato and roads 9); mil s, great city on the Deschutes road. It clty of Alo"iy 8 niills, district 5 4 mills, declnrcs that it is no myth. It is al-. ready a town. It asks comparison with mythical and absurdly fabulous cities that arc being advertised as having ex-' istence. C. I. Leavengood, a former Linn county man. is president of the Doug-1 las County Fruit Growers Association. 1 A big meeting is to be held soon with J. A. Perry, of Medford, another form-' or Linn county man, an the principal, speaker. A remarkable murder occurred at Port Costa, Calif. Joe Crowley, a ' small boy, with a rusty revolver, wiih : which he had been playing, finally at' the depot platform pointed it nt M,a Patrick Sullivan, said he waa goinr tn shoot and did, killing the woman. Some one beside the boy should be Hanged. RUN OVER. Jos. Barr met with a serious accident this noon at the depotabout like this. Hejhas been an employee of the Lebanon paper mills. Thinking the south bound train was the Lebanon train hn a: enipt ed to board it just as it sturieu, but was crowded back by a brakeman who also was there to get on. " He then waited for the i.ext lar and another brakeman was there to get on, and ho also crowded him back off the steps, Barr swung around with both feet on the rails. The toe part of the left foot was crushed and the heel and ankle of the right foot. The man was intox icated. He was taken- to St. Mary's hospital and Drs. Davis nnrt Kivm.ri, dressed the wounds, and may be able to save the feet in a crippled condition. Barr is said to have formerly been a .railroad man, familiar with trains. News from Albany's Six Early Trains, Hon. J. K. Weatherford left for Sa lem to represent the defendant in the argument of the case of Oregon against C. Sam Smith,, in the supreme court, a very important case affecting the stock interests of tastern Oregon. Judge J. M. StewBrt, of Lincoln, Neb., left for home, after spending several weeks in Lebanon getting his Bon and son-in-law, E. B. Day, started in their new bank. Mox Cohen, of Portland, a native of Albany, now a commercial traveller, left for points north after interviewing' Albany merchan'-B in his line. S. V. Hall, who has a big logging contract up on Granite mountain re ported eight inches of snow there when he left and more in prospect, materially affecting the logging business, J. H. MnConnell came down from Shedd. ' W.J. Fisher went to Sulem on a busi ness trip. Jingle of the Police Bell. The police bell rang ehoagh last night to call out the entire police force and G. Co., but the actual requirement wasn't very much. It was all over a disturbance down at the homo of Chas. Downing, arrested and fined yesterday' for whipping his wife. Airs. Downing had not returned home, but there were other relatives there and they had a quiet little tulk about affairs, with enough emphasis to some of the re marks to invite the pnaenca of the police department as judges. This morning it is reported Mrs. Downing returned home and that there is an agreement that here shall be no more war but peace. , United Artizans, HID umiicu tl Ll&u TI.A. TT:i-J i,:-: !'.t1 i .1 xo uuiicu irLiu-t insiuuea tne 101- 'u..0,ncerB la8c evening, atter lowing officers last """'B . "ii"-ip luai. J; Medical "a"8';e' Examiner. Ur. . P, -V" Minn. Mcigh Rides. An Albany girl who spent the holi days in Minnesota had three big Bleigh rides, genuine affairs, one in a bir otllBC oul- '"to the snow. To the former easterner thore is a famil ar these thines ring to Diaries Galore. The Democrat acknowleeeB the re- ce,P' of five pretty diaries for 1910. as follows: from the First National Bank of Albany, Or., from the First National Bank of NorthlipW Minn frnm r0sj S'ffiWsSiJ? T" ' lawyers of Washington, D. C. Plenty of space for good resolutions.- u j Levy Vlade, Xho count court tod de the, At the Hotels Frank Tayloi, Portland M. B. James, " L. A. West, " Bessie Bovles, . " Dr. J. J. Murray, D. V. S., Portland Mrs. A. Livingstone, Los Angeles John Townsend, Salem Henry ticr'urland, Brownsvillo W. E MrIIatt'.ii, E'ma, Wash. Geo. Finl.-y, Cr.iwfordnville A. !T tho llii.elwood man K lv Vil-:,in. C.irvnllis l' !: Ii Ln..., O.rvallis W I R.,v, s. B.Cole, A. Ii McCall,