Site Mtmmt 1'jiii.drtid it. kus LitsiLlhue, Albauy, 4 aenon i tuu matter. F P NUTTING OUK WANTS m WIP a k . j K; FOR SALE. -A bay team. 4 and 6 years oiu, aoo.uiiduu iiw ius. Inquire of Stella Keef , K. D. 6. t!2 JUST PLAT TFD. -Fourteen 10 acre tracts 3 miles out. Sold on install ment plan. Fine soil for berries, farden truck and fruit trees. Buy a remont tract of the owner. Owen Beam, Room 4 Stark Bldg, Albany, Ore. 1 . , ..:.u run SAUL.-a nomesieau ceiiuquitju-; ment on Siletz, all joining each ' other. Inquire box 84. Albany.! About 4,000,000 feet on each. 12t GLASS. All sizes and kinds, for sale at the Albany Planing Mill, .cheaper ' 'than aywhere else in Albany. Skill ly set, if desired. LIST YOUR REAL ESTATE. With me for prompt returna. I have many requests for city and farm property, in large and small tracts. Both Dhones. C. W. Tebalt. 432 W. First St. WOOD FOR SALE Fir, J. D. Ellin 906 E 4th, Phone Bell Red 952, Phone Black 105. 141 PLANTS FOR SALE. Gooseberries, red and white Currants, Rhubarb, Red and Yellow Raspberries, Iceberg Blackberries, Loganberries, Dew berries, Phenomenals, Hedge Plants and Sage. Ivbr C. Duedalu Albany, Or., R. F. Q. No. 6, Home Phone 7102. lot I MAKE THEM. -Ironing boards, win dow seats, cl'ithes racks, tie best. E. E. Davidson. 739 East First street. MONEY TO LOAN on real estatm at seven per cent. On choice farm lands at six per cent. A-)ply to Geo. W. Wright, Attorney, Albany, Ore gon. Both phones' Office, corner o 1st and Ferry. TOLOAN.$50 000on real property J. C. Christy , over 1st National Bank Albany, Oregon, rate.ot interest rea sonable. J. W. BENTLEY, boot and shoemaker and repairer, does first class work at reasonable prices. Next door to Democrat office. See him. FIRE INSURANCE Beaver State Merchant's Mutual. Inquire at Opera House Bldg. Chiropody. Will remove corns, bunions, ingrow ing toe nails, calouBies, massage the feet and make them feel like new ones. Home phone 892, Bell black 2343. 5t Tired of Oil Lamps? Then use Instantaneous Gasoline Lights SAFE, SIMPLE, SURE. Sea SCHOEL BROS.,418 W. First St. OF JUST ONE MORE WEEK OF SPLENDID UNUSUAL VALUE GIVING THE LAST WEEK, AND WE ARE GOING TO MAKE IT THE BEST BUSI EST AND MOST INTERESTING OF ALL. TRADE EARLY SECURE YOUR SHARE OF THESE EXCELLENT VALUES. - MILLINERY CLEAR ANCE. This last week will mean rapid buying- in this depart ment. The splendid values that wc arc offering merit the special attention which they have received. They are stylish, well made in all shapes and colors. Come early and make your choice. A splendid assortment of dainty bonnets for children. Come in the pale blues, tans, pinks, etc. all at ONE-HALF PRICE. L.E.&H.J, Hamilton 317 First St. FOR RENT. House, seven rooms . centrally located, furnished or un furnished. Call at 304 Third and ' Baker streets. 0,L03T.-A pair of black kid gloves. nt:Armv P"dicts the destruction of the J the 0. i . installation last evening, world by fire because of the sins of with ring inside. Reward F lease return to W. A. Eastburn. FOR SALE. 1 ;ood size cook stove, i parlor heating stove, ri. Barns, 6ZZ 4 th St. GOOD HAY FOR SALE. Inquire of J. D. Burkhart. Home phone 7203. .!,.. hetween 6 and 8. t!9. t ' 1 T rC"V A .-.1.1 n.:U ! w. E. G.7 reward. Leave at Demo- I crat office.' ;F0R SALE -A thoroughbred Jersey bull calf, tall upon or address Je- I rome WilliamB, R. D.4, Albanv. tl4 FOR RENT. House keeping rooms, at 99R W 3rd Htreet. Kt I WISH to contract the building of five miles of wire fence. Address Box 344, Aioany, ur. zc - FOR SALE.-A SALci. A stuaeDaKer Duggy. Inquire at 317 W 4th St. t7 WANTED. Housekeeping rooms in the western part of the town, Home ' phone black 154. FOR RENT Unfurnished rooms, three, Mrs. S. J. Robin, West 11th street. Wrights Addition. FOR RENT. Good houBe, six rooms, partially furnished, barn chicken house and four lots. See Mrs. Moe- nch, 330 Main street. WOOD FOR SALK. Have bought the Blab wood business or o. a. BUCier, ' c s. ttUU 1IOV6 Oil (VIIIUO ui v JVU' t 1 1 II I:nr1oA n I A-J;- ry(,sale',r5:tt f Home phone black 176. t21 FOR SALE. 25 acres in North AI- bany, all in cultivation, tine garden land or fruit land. Will sell altogeth-, er or in two pieces. Deal direct with the owner. Inquire at the Democrat i omce. FOR SALE. Lots in Wright's addi tion; also lots, blocks, and from 4 to 40 acres in acreage in Hazelwood, adjoining the city. Good terms and reasonable prices. Apply to Attorney Geo.. W. Wright, omce, Kooms 1 and 2, Wright Block, Both phones. FOR SALE One good heavy truck wagon, one two-seated ngnt nacx, one good plow, one single harness, one potato digger, one large Majes tic Ranee, one small cook stove, one heating stove, two A-No. 1 Iron bedsteads, together with spring and mattresses, one good oak extension dining room table, and 15 A- No. 1 White Wyandotte young pullets from imported stock, and other household goods. The above prop erty is all as good as new and will be sold at private sale. Call on J. V. PIPE, 203 West Second St., Alb any, Oregon. WANTED Young men to learn au tomobile business by mail and pre pare for positions as chaffeurs and repair men. We make you expert in ten weeks; assist you to secure position. Pay big; work pleasant; demand for men great; reasonable; write for particulars and sample les son. Empire Automobile Institute, Rochester, N. Y. THE LAST WEEK 'i OUR GREAT ANUARY SALE SUIT DEPARTMENT. STILL AT THE FRONT WITH SPLENDID VALUES. A goodly assortment still of these excellent, desirable garments. The range of styles in these is complcje. The showing of colors and shades is large, there being some unusually good things in light effects white grounds and narrow stripes then a number in old rose and a large showing in blues and greys. The sizes are all well repre sented and the But now you GEN. BOOTH'S PREDICTION. General Booth of the Salvation the people and the prevailing wicked- ness. The writer has read history in vain if it is not a fact that the world is far less wicked than during many periods of time, and instead of becom ing more wicked is becoming propor tionately less wicked. The progress of j Christianity over the world is great, ' reaching out into all corners, and in- stead of becoming worse the world is ' getting better... It is a fact, thoueh. t. ,t . .. f th m.ii, ! ' .. . ., , . ... ..ui. .s . nu umra as much about what is going on in the'C. H. Ralston to J. S. Courtney, world as people did a hundred years iT 2 '"cts Lebanon .... .. ago. far ahead of ancient times, and, yet how short do people come of the life they should live. "SALEM'S MAYORT Mayor Rodgers, of Salem, has dc-' cided to resign because his private j DUSM1CSB ucmeuius win lime aim audi - tion. He has made a splendid execu- tive, and it is to be regretted takes this rnllrB. a rirv is fortunate in having , , . , . . - -n 7 a , c i j Mayor Rodgers of Salem and Mayor Wallace of Albany, and it is fortunate when they are in a position to make the sacrifice 0f 8ervice for the good of .. . the PePle- , Don't buy Calendars until you have seen my samples. Have finest lot. ot samples ever shown in Albany, I can save you money. Leave your money at home. Rawlings. 123 Broadalbin Street. The Toledo. A new steel range, with a cooking plate on top, a model modern . stove No blacking. Keeps clean. Just take ' a look at it. At Albany Hd. Cp's. Get Your Fish at Pfeiffers. The place, 229 West Second street. Everything in the fish line, neat and clean, at a reasonable price. It is a dangeTou71iin,oTaTca cough medicine containing opiates that merely stifle your cough instead of curing it. Foley's Honey and Tar loosens and cures the cougn and ex pels the poisonous germs, thus pre venting pneumonia and consumption. Refuse substitutes and take only the genuine Foley's Honey and Tar in the yellow package. Woodworth Drug Co. KM prices range regularly from may choose from any and all ONE-HALF PRICE. THE HAMILTON STORE C H NEWS Deeds recorded: Surah Jlorley to Owen Minch and wife, 40 acres $ 775 Ida M. Montgomery to E. W. King, int. in 160 acres 1 Onie Bcamis to Lebanon, land for Railroad street 65 Effa Bodwcll to Lebanon, strip Lebanon ....I : 425 N. M. Newport to C. F. Lorton and wife, half lot Lebanon 1000 C. L. Ransom to McC. Barnes, lot Mill City 100 Joie L. Cox to H. D. Klum, 300 acres 5000 C. H. Ralston to First N. Bank, Lebanon, 22 by 159 feet, Lebanon Dy 13V ieet, LeDanon lu today to attend the semi-annual meet Ira Green to John Janeski, 109.57 i ing of the regents of the O. A. C. acres .... 6000 rj w. Wakefield, of Portland, passed U H. Ralston to Arthur B. through Albany last night for Alameda, James, 2 lots Lebanon 600 Calif., to join Mrs. Wakefield for a S. W. Patterson to Clara L. visit with their daughter, Mrs. G. L. COVer. 120 acres 2600 Wnllr.r in hnr noi, Um. nftai- rohioh J. T. Loftin to L. B. Kent and wile, lot Lebanon 1000 F. L. Laird to L. B. Kent and ji.r v- t, . c .. v . iv. i iiiv lu tSlcruilg 179 acres Price, 1' County Court: J After settling the matter of damages '" the Davis road case, the court left for the Crabtre. - "" The Weather. Range of temperature 48-30. The river is falling and is 4.3 feet. Prediction: rain or snow tonight, Thursday rain and warmer, with brisk. southerly winds. LINNHAVEN ORCHARD CO. The Linnhaven Orchard Company will place the first addition of ten acre fruit tracts on the market about Feb. 5. The company now owns and con trolls about three thousand acres of the finest apple land in Oregon. This land is situated on the second bench, 15 miles due cast of Albany, and was selected by Prof. E. R. Lake, Chair of Botany, O. A. C. It is a dark red loam and the higher portions contains a noticeable content of sand. The altitude is right, the drainage is per fect and the soil is the proper depth. We will sell these tracts in 5 or 10 acres, set the same to some standard variety of apples, keep and care for the trees five year sif desired. They may be paid for cash or on the install ment plan. Cut this ad out and send to your Eastern friends and ask them to write us for full information. LINNHAVEN ORCHARD CO. Rooms 4-6, Will Stark Bldg. Albany, Ore. $13.50 to $60. at PERSONAL AND SOCIAL L. E, Hamilton willleave tomorrow for New York for his spring and sum mer buying. Father Moran. of Marshfield. form erly of this city, arrived this noon on an Albany visit. R. K. Online- went to Tallman this aftprnoon to look after his apple and prune orcnara, equipped tor worn. Mr. and Mrs. James Froman and son, of Downs. " ash., are here on a visit with the numerous Froman family. Mrs. Mack Montelth this afternoon entertained several friends, in honor of 1: her guest, Miss Mattie Little, of Port land. 1 Supt. Ackerman, J. T. Apperson and ' .T K W oat har fnrtt nronr tn f?nrvnllifl i they will leave for Wew York, and thence to Europe on their second trans- (Atlantic trip. Letter List. The following letters remain in the Albany, Ore., postoffice uncalled for Jan. 12, 1910. Persons desiring any of : these letters should call for advertised ; letters, giving the date: j H. A. Anderson, W. B. Brown, Mrs. ! Bertha Berrv. A. E.. Ensign, Milton Uoldsmith, Konstantin Gisler, James Harrison, Mr. Thos. Ions, Mr. Peepanin, C. F. Reynolds, Mrs. Edna Rice, D. F. M. lieisenber, Johnson Slocumb, Geo. Stapleton. Aaron Seligmann, Eston Laurence Wesserman, H. Courtland i. Cpurtlan nkuG, P. M. tches Wrient. J."S5. VanWinki F. G. WILL, lor W owl of HotUli Try a bowl illi Carncarna at The Crest, Attend Woodwork's January Clearance Sale and get some real Bargains. Every 10c purchase secures a vote for the Automobile. BILJ. BROWN AND HIS D0QS; William Brown arrived in Albany last night with his team of dogs, and has spent the day selling pictures. His story is that he is on a trip around the world on a wager of $10,000, with seven years to make it, starting in New Fjundland. crossing the Atlantic, EuroDe and Asia, by steamer to Van Fjundland. couver, B. C, coming down through Washington and Oregon, that he has been three years so far. He has the original five dos, and must have at least one of them at the finish, which he said was to be Los Angeles. Tne wagon is a low buckboard of an odd construction, built for rough usage. A First Ward Reception. Mrs. McNeil and Mrs. Amanda John son yesterday afternoon entertained a crowd of their friends at their home in the first ward, from 2 to 5 o'clock.. A splendid social time was had, after which a delicious lunch in three courses was served. Those present werer Mmes. Martin, McDaniel, Cady, Mor-- fan, Porter, Saylor, G. W. and J. G. hradcr, Lee, E. F. and E. C. Ander son, Huiburt, Jackson, Wilkins, Perry, Kimsey, Myers, McNeil, Johnson, and Barney Cady, Winnie Martin, Carrie Wright, Maud and Otlie Carlton. All reported a pleasant time and apprecia tion of the worthy entertainers. GILLETE RAZORS W e are show -ing a fine line of safety razors. The nest money can buy. The Gillette 1(15.00, $6.00, $6.50. Try one. Burkhart & Lee. Pneumonia Follows a Cold, but never follows the use of Foley's Honey and Tar, which stops the cough, heals the lungs, and expels the cold from your system. Woodworth Drug Co.' . ' FIRE INSURANCE. O. F. R. A. ot McMinnville. Oregon's greatest mu tual company. C. C. Bryant, Albany, Cusick Bank Bldg. (Both phones. FIBRE RUG SPECIAL. These are worthy, durable rugs, made of a very tough and serviceable fibre in tan, red, green and blue. Very easily cleaned are reversible and unusually de sirable for the bath room as they will not fade. The pat terns are neat designs. They come. 30x60 inches and will move rapidly at the low price at which we are selling them now. CHOICE EACH 79c. Albany Oregon