Albany Democrat FOt XLV ALBANY. OREGON. FRIDAY JANUARY. 14 I9T0 :o THE TOY LAND We have a complete line of Dolls and Tovs, all kinds of Fancy and Common Dihes and Fancy Novelties of all kir ds. all kinds of Popular Ficticn and Toy Books, not just a few odd and ends but a complete line. 1 ME1SER & MEISER Come and see us SOI H. S. DEBATES (Jottage Grove-Won on Both Sides. Prominent Albany men were in de mand last night in the trianglar high school debates scheduled for them. At Cottage Grove A. C. bchmitt and Prof. Cutler were judges iu the donate be tween Cottage Grove and Junction, won by Cottage Grove. At Junction Sena tor Miller was one of the judges be tween Junction and Springfield, won by Junction, and at Springfield Lawyer L. M. Curl was one of the judges in the debate between Springfield and Cottage Grove, won by Cottage Grove. Cottage Grove, with Prof. Barns, formerly ot the Lebanon schools in charge, thus won both sides of the same question , Junction broke even. and bpringneld lost both sides , Saturday at 9 O'clock Opened the Sale of all Bargain Sales. BEflS & (ME'S ANNUAL GLE&RMG IT MEANS DOINGS OF ROOSEVELT.! THE WORLD. I 185 cases and sixteen deaths from Kansas City, Jan. 8. In an inter typhoid fever is the Salem record, view Champ Clark said the dismissal of Harper's Weekly has an article head Pinchot was one of the first steps in ed: "Oregon Apple Mad." Roosevelt's candidacy for nomination as - F-.Ml?r8' of Jefferson, while in KOOSeVdlt vttI",,u imo ncciv uo oiiutu uy a mreub cur unu seriously injurcu. president. He predicts, is a candidate, the hottest 8eht in th convention since Grant was defeated in 1880. Census Enumerators. Washington, Jan. 8. Census enum erators in sparsely settled districts Chemawa was defeated by Philomath in basket ball last night after a hot eon test. Cottage Grove has entered into a five year contract for arc light s at$ JO a y ar and 32 candle power incandesccnts at $23 The Benton county court has placed the tax levy at 13.7 mills, as follows: state 3 mills, schools 3.6 mills, libraries 1 mill, roads 4 mills. Hon. B. r . Jones, the new register Oregon will receive $6 a day instead of at Roseburg, and family, were in the llie question Was. KeSOlVed tnatthe i ho, ;,) ,... -,i;.,r, ( nnn.ho.. nf ritu thin nnnn nn thplp nil InlUrnsiu state should furnish freft tuxt tooka in ' ..!:- i u. u .:n unH.. -ns.... thti public schools. Under the new arrangements each school has two teams and debates both sides of a question. sons visited. A Light Kick. Editor Democrat: Shirtwaist Girls. New Yobk, Jan. 8 Mrs. Belmont, the champion of the shirtwaist strikers, says the day should be decided when ... . . ' . ..I every woman and girl in New York Holt -councilman. Albany is not as well lighted as it ahould walk out to enforce the demands Tm piw,w home. He will take charge of the office Monday. Harrisburg's annual election will take place Monday. At a caucus the following nominations were made, prac tically settling it: Dr. Dale for mayor, T. J. Anderson recorder, Mahlon Hawk marshal, treasurer Damon Smith, R. K. Burton, H. R. Sherrill, Oscar Scott, tsurt .Norwood, K. u. smsier: u. s. FREE should be, this for two reasons, one is of the striking shirt waist workers. we have not as large a number of street lights as are necessary, and the other I is that those lights we have are not I kept burning. Thursday night was a murky, noden, dripping night, when street lighting could have been appreciated, but many lights were conspicuous principally for the reason that there was no light. There are established on Lyon street five lights, onlv two of them we-e burn ing, nor was the one at the corner of the TO-NIGHT; You owe it to yourself to see (he views on Central Oregon and the f am -ous Deschutes Valley, now being shown at Uor. 1st and Washington Sts., 7:30 Tom Richardson, the new Roseburg booster, passed through the city for Roseburg. While in Portland he called upon the other Tom Richardson, whom he slightly resembles, thongh shorter and thicker set. He proposes to put Roseburg on the map, At the Hotels. This our 5th Clearance Sale is going to be the most sweeping in the stores historyall stocks to be re duced and placed on sale at TERRIFIC CUT PRICES. SALE CONTINUES FOR TWO WFEKS Plumbin Let us estimate on your works. We guarantee first-class work at moderate cost. PLUMBING, TINNNING AND HEATING. E. FRANCIS Hand Painted China. 11 a vi land China. 126 Ellsworth St. Both Phones. Your choice of six Dinner Set Fancy Dishes A full line of GROCERIES You have heard for the last 14 years about Stetter's Best Coffee, none like it in Albany. Try some. Prompt Delivery. 206 West Second St. Rfiventh and Flllnwnrth rlisnlRvinir t.h quickening power of "juice applied, in I to 9 p. m the district meniioned. Three lights out of seven were burning and one of I them very dimly. . I If this ratio is maintained throughout , the city, there is small wonder we are The Democrat recently It may he the Jome Difference. "doid said ii j , . . . IWthinc rn.n , weauier ana woou Eat 4.z to b is them, and they would probably feel of -' ?.S"0.dhfe ?eJ"f ,th a?r 7rite8: fended if any taxpayer were to go be-' . . 5 Whar d.0.yu uimti wuuiu Happen your pocKet dook was where the thermometer registered fore the council asking that the lighting bill be cut down on account of lights out. But that is not the point, we want light and if present conoitions cannot be improved there are those who are going to see what can be done along other lines. If the City Council and the Great Northwestern Corporation take ex ception to this kick, they can find a way to forestall a repetition. KICKER. Come to Oregon. Stetters's New Store, M. Senders &Co, (INCORPORATED.) f'ealers In Hay, Grain, Wool, Cascara, S"lt, Feed, : Seeds, Roche Harbor Lime, Standard and Alscn Portland Cement, Acme ' Cement Plaster, Adamant Wood and . Hair Fiber Plaster, Stock Foods, Ponl-1 try Supplies, Ruberoid Roofing, Build ing paper, etc. ' Both Phones 48. 435 West First St. I DOOLBY'S GROCERY The following summary of eastern weather, by the G. T. showing a re markable comparison even to our worst weather ought to make Willamette Valley people contented and eastern people yearn for this climatic garden spot: Kansas City, 18 degrees below zero. Western Kansas, ' 'hundreds of cat tle frozen to death. " Colorado Springs, 10 degrees below zero. ' Richmond, Virginia, "sleet and storm forced closing of schools here today. Louisville, Ky , "Snow covered the greatr part of Kentucky, Alabama and ArKansas. i Memphis, Tenn., "eight inches of,' snow fell here today." The Mississippi River is frozen from I bank to bank from St. Louis to a point ! 60 miles below the city. 10 below zero and wood is $16Jper ana coat mb per ton. PI R THEATRE PROGRAM TONIGH T PICTURES. "Legend of Orpheus." 'Wolf Hunt." "Top heavy Mary." "Listen!" "In a Pickle " S. Vrooman, Shedd. ' E. H. Vronman, Wess Springs, T. J. Goto, Scio. ?. B. Gallagher, Newpot't M. A, Kelly, Waterloo. H; B. Barlon, S. W. Wood, Sweet Home. J, D. Pirtle, Coburg. J. B. Cornatt, Shedd. . Henry Blakely, Brownsville. . W. A. Tureman, Walla Walla. W. W. Powell, Tacomi. Fresh oysters ac 2nd St. . . ' S. D. T M Pfe tier's. 229 W iiiiir A new and extensive line of fresh, clean j GROCER ES 301 MAIN ST., DEALERS IN- General Merchandise, with a new stock to be sold at reasonable prices. Prompt attention. Delivery to any part of the city. , A fine lot at our yard at this city, just burned. Phone Home 2f 5. ALBANY BRICK CO! Kindenrarteri School,' Miss Helen Wright At the W. C. T. U. Building. Terms: $3 50 per month. ' l'hone Black 2481 Be'.l. Miss Bertha Wrigh, Teacher of Music riANO INSiRUCriON, VOICE CULTURE hour lesson 60c, 1 hour lesson 75c. Bell Black 2481. Albany. Oregon. J. G. Crawford's Photograph Gallery Is in the New Albany State Bank build ing, second floo', with a complete ' equipment fot picture taking of all kinds. 1 Bread, Dried Fruits and Vegetables 9TH AND LYON STREETS. Electric Appliance Co. 422 W. First Phones-Bell Black 2651, Home' 411. Electrical Supplies and Fixtures. House and other wiring attended to promptly. Contracts made. ! a S a. ?T o mm. i W IlUliUVjli u R B. Maybe rry, Drayman Heavy and light hanling. Piano ; moving a specialty, Piano and organs : boxed for shipping Piano boxes for sale. Wood for sale, cord wood or 16 inch wood. Office with Linn & Benton Real Es tate Co.. 238 West 1st. Residence 713 Moncgomery St. Both Phones. I SONGS "Twilight." "The Song my Sweetheart Sang." Admission 10c. TONIGHT. Vaudeville., Geo. LeVee, champion all round dancer of the N. W, singing and dancing Comedian, up-to-date Monologust. . :' For Loveo Sweet Sake. Drama. . Exoloits of a Cowboy, Wild West. Willie Boy Gets His Comedy. : A Tumultuous Eloptment. Picture matinee ovory day. Admission 10 and 15 cents. an uar y Sioux Cit; zero yesten Ipwa, showed 17 below ( lean up sale in China, Crockery and Glassware many articles at HALF PRICE. Wheat Not Injured, Fruit Inspector Cooper, who has been out through the country a good deal ; repoits little damage to wheat. The' rains following the cold snap, beat down I Both Phoes Main 53 V'. tst St WM, BAIN, President. f. D. GILBERT. V. P. H. N. BOULEY, Cashier. the earth and wheat into shape and it i will probably come out all right, with a few scattering exceptions. Vetch is not in as good condition and there is some damage to it. Mght School J We are about to onen up a night school in short hand and typewriting with Prof. Flo as instructor. One hour lessons three nights a week, if you are Does a general banking business, interested the undersigned will be glad to maKe arrangements lor you to enter. J. W. FONGER, 526 E 3rd St. Home phone 1211. ' Call between 6 and 7 p. m. ALBANY STATE BANK WE ARE READY tOR-Wailing to show you a swell line of lea'.hpr goods hand : ags, RTits purees, bill books, mctie v bills, etc. Prices are righi. Burkhart & Lee. Pays interest'on savings accounts, Sells bank'drafts and travelers checks, Has safetydeposit boxes for rent. BATHS 'A V'Kl Firtl f FIRST CLASS WORK GUARANTEED ANNUAL MEETING. A mcctino- nf tli ctr.H.1 f Albany Creamery Association will be held at the Creamery in Albany on iiieschy, Jan. 13th, 1910, at 1 p. m., fr.r the purpose of electing five direc tors an.! to transact such other busi ness as may conic before the mcct-'"K- C. L. SHAW, President. A fine line of fruits, vegetablca, nsh, canned goods, etc., always on hunt! at the ft r tropoliran Market, Btoadalbin street. Only the hf-at is kept WOOD. if you want some leave your order at the Imperial Restaurant, Second street. 22t Pa! trier's Dairy : 'He (icLDfN 5RUL5,: Delivers milk and cream to any part of the city. Prices reasonable. Jersey cows with best of care. Both Phones. Have you tried oar WINTER COFFEE? If nor, why rot It is the bes 25c coffee in town. Give us atrial. STAR BAKERY, C. MEYEB, Proprietor.