Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, January 07, 1910, Page 7, Image 7

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    Everything in
W ,
Every cr.r'-.-.l and prudent shopper
who sees trie splendid varieties we
have provided, notes the superb qual
ity and freshness of the goods and
figures th saving that can be made,
will surely provide now for all needs
in Muslin Underwear, White Waists,
Laces and Embroideries, Wash Goods,
Domestics, etc.
.... . t . . f noot inrl nrpHv In (MlhrOld-
Hign grade iiouse Lining, a irne a r
value! White Sale price I red and strict y ta.lored effects One
sylC yard.- of the best values we ever offered at
Second grade, an incomparable val-, ,P"ce- ' ci
ue at the price. White Sale price . I $1-25 and $1.50 values. White Sale
3c Yard. Pr'. 87c each-
w nuir nffprpd hetter Qualities
and what better or stronger Buy Now
arguments coma we advance man
rdmqpUUv nrrot on the
finest and freshest of Undermuslins
and White Goods.
fa 36 inches wide. A nne sou nuiu.
11 TMuslin is always usable and you .can
stock up on mis smu uuv "6'"
1000 yards, 10c quality, White Sale.
price, 8c yara.
1000 yards, 123.Sc quality. White
Sale price, 9y2c yard.
These Linens cannot fail to please
you. The quality at the regular price
is all that a person could ask, but at
the reduced figure they will sell rap-
I idly. Napkins very pretty patterns.
I Regular $1.50 grade. White Sale price
f .
News from Albany's Six Early
Two families that had arrived during
the night were making a hotel of tire
waiting room, eating their breakfast in
approved travelling fashion.
Father Lane of the Albany church.
and Father Charles of the Jordan mon-
este-y, left for Portland, lhe Jordan
colony has become a prosperous one.
At the Scio tair tne irappist iatners
won ten first and five second prizes on
vegetables and fruits.
Prof. J. B. Horner, of the 0. A. C.
returned to Corvallis having been spend
ing the evening with the Knights Temp
lars. He is enthusiastic over putting
Oregon on the map and in the geog
raphies. Tom Riley, of the Corvallis train, re
ported work begun in earnest on the
new Corvallis depot.
Martt Hulburt left on a Salem trip.
"Sullivan" the Celestial boss, re
turned to Salem.
F. H. Colpitts returned to Gates.
W. A. Barrett left on a Portland trip.
Don't buy
Calendars until you have seen my
samples. Have finest lot ot samples
ever shown in Albany. I can save you
money. Leave your money at home.
123 Broadslbin Street.
We're not afraid to give reductions
and you never bought so well as you
can buy here now.
Thousands of yards of embroidery
in table assortments, 10c to 45c yard.
Torchon and Valenciennes laces, lc
to 10c in assorted lotc.
t a rx? r.TTDTATWS.
Avail wourself .of these for you will
need them when .you clean nouse mis
3 yard curtains. Very petty de
signs. Regular :$1.50 value. White
Sale price, $1.08.
Regular $1.25 value. White Sale
price, 88c
ti.. t .incKf wpll , hp re
plenished when prices like these hold
Large Turkish Bath Towels: Reg
ular 25c quality. White Sale price
IBc Each.
. Bleached Eamask Linen Towels.
Beautiful patterns and hemstitched
border. 40c value. White Sale price
31c Each.
Ann nxfjwv w4aw.
for now and sthe future. Regular 60c
sheets. White .Sale price,- 47c
Regular 0c sheets. White Sale
price, 67c
Pillow cases good values at 40c
wnite oaic pxiec, t
' Snlemlid values and these are not
Corset Covers finished with lace
and ribbon. White bale price,
zsc eacn.
xi:v. timma ft cnlpnnid lot em
broidered yoke edged with ribbon
$1.25 value. White bale price
Petticoats very pretty embroidered
.ea n.l otif vrv full. Recrular
$1.25 quality. White. sale price
Mnslin Drawers Finished with lace
and embroidery. Regular 75c value.
White bale price
59c Each.
- . . . - ..ii
noit Again xor your uioaw vi
kinds, and the Metropolitan Market
next door for the latest and best in
1 l-Ul....
'Patronize home industry. Use John
son's Best.'
F. j Will for watches
LOST- At the Delta Pi dance a pearl
crescent pin. Suitable reward li re
turned to Dr. Mary Marshall, State
j Bank Bid.
WANTED. Man or men to clear
ten acres on Ssntiam. a. a. uwyer
R. D. 6. Phone Bell Farmers 21. t
We mention just a few items, but
many more can be found on our Dar-
gain -tables and counters.
" - ;
Take Fm Away:-
lt COStee
Alllafc 073 iioliiiy g3is at
framed piotures left, fancy
boxes of writing paper, a few
pieces of hammered brass all
at Actual Cost. Call and see
the line. :. -
Burkhart & Lee.
A fine line of novelties arriving
for the holidays Up-to-date
goods. Choice cut glass
Phne Ecd c.7i.
A full lire of choice nursery utock.
Order now for Spring delivery.
i Office 31? W.Second S:.
9. F. PEIRCE. Manager.
Are wou lookinu for Real Estate
the country or in the city? . If so, call
and see me as I have bargains which
I know will suit you and can save you
Good 7-room cottage, bath, nice lot
situated in West Albany. .Price, StiW.
.. Large house and one lot, situated on
Third street, close in. rrice, $zani.
Good bny in vacant lot, best loc
tion in Albany.
Have several cheao buys in East Al
banv. I have eood farms improved,
situated from four to seven miles out
from Albany, for $50.00 and $60.00 per
acre. Call on J. V. rim., tUS West
2nd Street, Albany.
Under the act ol February 4, 1909,
there is money available for three
armories in Oregon. Albany has been
named by General Finzer as one of the
places Under the act the state will
pay half the expense of a $20,000 armnry
and the other half must be paid locally,
the, act permitting the county and city
to mane appiopnttuuus aui ih. pu.
pose. The county court and the city
council have both received communica
tions from Genetal Finzer setting forth
the plan, asking for cooperation under
tHo &ct
If advantage of it is not taken here
at once there are other places waiting
for the opportunity.
Such a building as this will provide is
the great need ot tms county seat cuy,
and the county and city should do their
part promptly in making up the $10,000
needed. The building would be a large
one, sealing at least 2000. The building
would be available for apple fairs, etc.,
at a nominal lentul Once built the
state pays all the expense of maintan
ance. In thin dav nf boost here is a practi
cal opportunity for Albany and Linn
county to do an important act.
Ars. Neis' Funeral.
The Democrat recently mentioned
the, sale of tnree pecks of apples taken,
to Paris, III., by J. M. Hawkins of this
city, for $51. Here is the interesting
way a Paris paper tells about' it:
The beautiful Oregon apples, which:
wore on display several days ago at the-
i Hodge hardware store have gone to help
a worthy cause, a novel plan oeing
adopted to make them yield tho largest .
possible returns.
The fruit was taken to the Hawkini
sale this week, where it was put up at
auction, the money to be u?od for
Christmas charity. There were fifteen
apples and soon the good old farmers
ran the price up to one dollar apiece;
Each of them was knocked off at this
price and then the purchasers handed
them back to the auctioneer to be sold
again. One farmer, whose heart is as
large as a barrel, and who had already
purchased one of tho beauties, stated
that he would outbid anyone present
and paid $2 for the same apple which
he had purchased before and returned.
The other fourteen men'Were not to bo
olufted and they a so repurchased the
mnlpa for S2. This made each apple
oring $8 and togetherwith several other
apples Bold, the total amount was $51,
which will be used to purchase presents
for poor children i
The funeral of Mrs. Mary Schlasser
Neis, at the home of her mother, this
afternoon, was attended by-a large
number of friends. Rev. Gessilbracht
u j ......... nr. cnrl t Vi o ramalnB
were buried in iho city cemetery beside
a Bister, Mrs. Geo. E. Fish. The pall
Powell. W . Ffeitier, w. vv. ronuca, .
Jihta Year Ago
. An Elegant
' 1 Will Be Given
, Xmas Day A
" -! ' ' ' atttie
Just a year ago today began the big
Bnow storm of last winter, eight inches
the first day, Bnd some more, the
ground being covered for nine days.
. . ., . . I . n XT U..l.mfln
un tnat oay aiso nr. rv. n.. mwrnB-mo.
took charge pt the S. P. office at this
city, giving general satisfaction for a
year, a very efficient., acci.mmodating, ,
reliable and popular agent.
I FOR SALE. 1 ;ood size cook stove, 1
parlor heating stove, a. Damn, ace,
. . . . tt i .. rronQ
J. u. uurKnarc. nuum puuuc ikw.
Call evenitigs between 6 and 8. t!9.
A Skating Accident.
While skating on the Monteith lake
yesterday Miss Helen Gilbert is report
ed to have had an exciting experience.
Tho ica was too thin or Helen too heavy,
and it gave way, letting Helen clear to
the bottom of the lake. At this place
the water was at least - c iooc ueep,
perhaps a foot and a halt. Her friends
rushed to her aid and she was rescued
and hurried home for a change of foot,
Basket Ball Tonight. 1
, Albany high and Salem high will play
basket ball at the Alco gym tonight
and deserve a large- orowd in the en
couragement of a healthy and interest
1 ing game. This will be for the cham-
gionshlp. Under the coaching of Haman
ilveu the team is doing splendid
1 work. Sale.n also has a fine team and'
a live contest may te expeccea. -Hot
Chilli Carncarna at The Crest:.
mill Amna ntna hiininnB. inffrow-
ing toe nails, caioUBies, massage ine
feet and make them feel like new ones .
Home phone Sz, ceil piacn zoos, ot
FOR RENT. House keeping rooms, at
.225 W 3rd street. Pt
WANTED. Position to do general
house work. Phone Bell Red 310. .
Wait fot Our January Clearance
Albany Supply
In fruits, vegetables, sugar, nuts,
confectionary, wrapping paper, twine
and paper bags.
Cash paid for all kinds of poultry.
We also have the agency for Pyramid
and Golden Gate cement, Olympic lime,
Arden plaster. Get prices befjre buy
ing. . '
Cash paid for eggs.
Foot Ferry Street, Albany.
Phones. M;,in 5 Bell, 3 Home.
Mjf residence corner 2nd and Bake'
St., lot b7xI13 ft. Great bargain i
taken at once; also furniture, horse
etc. Inquire 140 E 2nd St.
.wc.Minnville. Oregon's greutest mu
tual company. C. C. Bryant, Albany,
i usick Hank Bldg. Both phones.
The Blain Clothing Co,
Albany -
Ori on