Historic Society Or. DR. M. II. HLLLS, Physician and Surgeon .Aliiiy, Oregon Calls madu ;tt city and country. Phone Main 38. CITATION. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Linn County. In the matter of the estate of Mary Towne, deceased. To Owen Bond, David Bond, Tem perance Reinhardt, Lizzie Cross, Min nie Keeney, Lula Bell Bond, Fredey Oscar Bond, William Owen Bond, Mabel ClaTa Bond, Gertey May Bond, Royal Bond, Geneva Elvina Bond, Stella Alice Bond, Clarence Henry Bond, Thelma Cecil Bond, and Elmer McKyniston, greeting. In the name of the State of Oreeon, you are hereby cited and required to appear in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Linn, at the court room thereof, at Albany, In said county, on Monday, the 24th day of January, 1910, at 10 oclock m the forenoon ot that day. then and there to show cause, if any there be, why an order of this court should not be made directing, author izing and ' empowering the Executor to sell the real property of said estate described as follows, to-wit: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8V in Block No. 5 in the town ol Halsey, Linn County, Oregon. Witness the Hon. J. N. Duncan, Tudce of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Lmn, with the beal ot said court af fixed this 3rd day of December, A. D. 1909. f L. S.1 J. W. MILLER, Clerk. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Linn County. Depart ment No. 2, Reg. No. 2771. Anton Yocubets, plaintiff, vs. Emma Yocubets, defendant. To Emma Yocubets, the above named defendant: In the Name of the State of Oregon you are hereby notifioU and required to be and appear in said court in naid suit, and answer the complaint of the nlaintift above named, now on til- herein, on or before the 22nd day of January, lyiu, ana you are nereuy further notified that if you fail to ap pear and answer said complaint as above required, for want thereof the nlaintm will take a decree against you for the relief prayed for in plaintiff's said comolaint. to-wit: ' A decree of said court dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing be tween you and said plaintiff. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof for six consec utive and successive weeks prior to said 22nd day of January, 191U, lr Albanv Democrat, a newspaper pub lished weekly at Albany, Linn Coun ty, Oregon, and of general circulation in said county, by order of Hon. J. N. Duncan, county judge of said Linn County, Oregon, which order bears date December 6th, 1909, and that the said J. N. Duncan as judge of said county, in said order for the publica tion of this summons upon you, has prescribed said 22nd day of January, 1910, as the time on or before which you shall appear in said court and answer the said complaint of said plaintiff in said cause. The date of the first publication of this summons in said newspaper is December 10th, 1909. W. R. BILYJEU, : Attorney for said plaintiff. 'SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Linn County. Depart ment iio. 2, Keg. Mo. 203. C. R. Adams, plaintiff, vs. Elizabeth E. Adams, deiendant. To Elizabeth E. Adams, the above named defendant: In the name of. the State of Oregon, you are hereby notified and required to be and appear in said court in said ' suit, and answer the complaint of the above named plaintiff, now on "file herein, on nr hctore the 13th day ot January, 1910, and you are hereby further notified that if you fail to ap pear and answer said complaint as above required, for want thereof the plaintiff will take a decree against you for the relief prayed for in his said complaint,- to-wit: A decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between you and said plaintiff. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof once -a week for six successive and consecutive weeks prior to the said 15th day of January, 1910, in Albany Democrat, a newspaper published weekly in Al bany, Linn County, Oregon, and of general circulation in said county, by order of the Hon. J. N. Duncan, Coun ty Judge of said Linn County, Oregon, which said order bears date November 26th, 1909, and that said J. N. Duncan as Judge of said County, in said order for the publication of this summons upon you, has prescribed said 15th day of January, 1910, as the time on or before which you shall appear and answer the said complaint in this suit. The date of the first publication of this summons in said newspaper is December 3rd, 1909. W. R. BILYEU. Attorney for Plaintiff. PROCURED AND DEFENDED. 1"nod''' drawing (ir',n'ito.ftr,it--r. wnn-li mh) free report Free adVlce, bow to obtain 'tttcnta. Irftdo mrlu, copyrisbU, OH., IN ah. COUNTRIES. Business direct v'uk Washington tales time, money and often tkr patent. Patent mil IntrMgtmant rnctlct uaunniy. V.'rito nr eomn to Ul kt I SU Vlath Strart, opp. United SUtat 7ftnt Oflet. WASHINGTON, D. C. M'Daniel's Monumental Works: Now occupy their new quarters at 327 Lyon street, where will be found a choice selection of monuments, tomb stones, tablets, crosses, etc., of the best material and latest design, in for eign and American marble and gran ite. When wanting anything in this line please call and get my prices. Patronize home industry and save agent's commission. Having had years of experience as a practical workman, I am satisfied I can please you. Leave orders now for spring delivery. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Linn. Elva O'Dell, plaintiff, vs. Joshua L. O'Dell, defendant. To Joshua O'Dell, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of'Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of the above named plaintiff in the above entitled court now on file with the clerk of said court on or before the 17th day of February, i910, and you are -hereby notified if you fail to appear and an swer the complaint as herein required that the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint, to-wit, for the dissolution of the bonds of matrimony, now ex isting between plaintiff and defendant, and for the costs and disbursements, to be taxed. This summons is served by publica tion by the order of the Hon. Win. Galloway made on the 20th day of December, 1909, directing that the said summons be served by publication and that the same be published in the Albany Democrat for six consecutive weeks, the first publication thereof to be made on the 31st day of Decem ber, 1909, and the last publication to be made on the 11th day of February, 1910. Dated this- the 20th day of Decem ber, 1909. , J. K. WEATHERFORD, Attorney for Plaintiff. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the un dcrsigned administrator of the estate of Deborah Ann. Davis, deceased, has filed with the clerk of the County Court for Linn County, Oregon, his final account in the above entitled estate, and thocourt has fixed the 17th day of January, 1910, at the hour of 10 o clock a. m. tor the hearing of ob jections to said account and the settle ment of said estate. . ' Dated this the 2nd day of Decem ber, 1909. H. C. DAVIS, J. K. WEATHERFORD, Admr. Attorney. ' ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned administrator of the estate of Jonas Davis, deceased, has filed with the clerk of the County Court for Linn County, Oregon, his final ac count in the above entitled estate, and the court, has fixed the 17th day of January, 1910, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. for the hearing of obiections to said account and the settlement of said estate. Dated this the 2nd day of Decem ber, 1909. H. C. DAVIS, , J. K. WEATHERFORD, Admr. Attorney. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL LEGE WINTER COURSES. Practical work, lectures and demon strations will be given in such vital subjects as General Farming, Fruit Culture, Animal Husbandry, Dairying, Poultry-keeping, the Business Side of Farming, Forestry, Carpentry, Black smithing, Mechanical Drawing, Cook ing, Sewing. Dress Making. Home Management, etc. All regular courses begin January 4th and end February 11th. Farmers' Week February 14th to 18th. A cordial invitation ,is extended to all interested. Good accommodations may be se cured at reasonable rates. No age limit above 16 years. No entrance re quirements. Prominent lecturers have been secured for special topics. The instructional force of the College num bers 100. bxcellent equipment. A special feature is the Farmers' Week which comes this year Feb. 14th to 18th. Lectures, discussions, and a general reunion. For further information address Registrar, Oregon Agricultural Col lege, Gorvallis, Oregon. ' ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Notive is hereby given that the un dersigned administratrix of the estate of S. T. (Crooks, defeased, has filed her final account in said estate with the County Clerk of Linn County, Oregon, and the County Judge has set the 20th day of December, 1909, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. and the County court room of said County as the time and place for hearing objec tions to said final account and the set tlement thereof. .MARY JOSEPHINE CROOKS. L. L. SWA.X, Admrx. Attorney for Admrx. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Vetch Growers Union will be held on lucsday, Jan. 4th, 1910 at 1 o'clock n. m. in Tangent for the election of five directors to serve one year cad to amend by-laws. And anv other business which may come before the meeting. By order of the Board of Directors. W. E. PARKER. Pres. J. E. JEXKS, Sec. THURSDAY A TANGENT STORY. Tangent has had a sensational case for some time, the story being that a child was born to a fifteen year old ; girl, and thrown into an old well, it even being stated that the hole in the scum on the top of the. water could be seen where it went through, as well as other indications of the affair. Tan gent is said to be divided on the ques tion of an investigation, some minx, there is a good deal in it. Wallace Block Changes. Dr. J. P. Wallace is making arrange ments to make extensive improve ments in the second story of his block occupied by the Hamilton Store. The offices now occupied by Dr. H. A. Leininger, previously for many years by Dr. G W. Grey, dental offices since the erection of the building in 1878,will be rearranged together with the rooms recently orcupied by Wm. Hand and used as a'suit of offices by Dr. Wallace & Son, Dr. Wallace wishing to be in his building, while the present offices of Judge Whitney will be rebuilt for Dr. Leininger, under his own plans. A San Jose Grocer, Mr. John M. Conckin, a former Alb any grocery clerk, who is visiting here, with his wife, is now president of the Coneklin Grocery Co. of San Jose, doing a wholesale and retail business. Over twenty clerks are employed, representing a large business. San Jose is a live business city of about 60,000 people. Merchants Miere are grerc advertisers, paying $1 an inch t'.own,accoiding to contract and amount ot space for each insertion. Miss Grace Cleland returned this noon from Portland. i M. H. Titus, of Kingston, was an Al bany visitor tooayj J. M. England went to Lebanon this afternoon, Mrs. W. F. Moist.' of Lebanon, re turned home this afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Nanney went to Corvallis this alternoon for a visit. m iss Clara Welch is visiting at the home of her brother, Mr. Russell Welch. Five tourists were on the street this moruing helping to clean things up for their breakfast. Master John Clelan and Surveyor Gendes went to Harrisburg yesterday on a business trip. Mrs. P. W. Spink and niece, Miss Mary Armstrong came up from Port land this noon on an Albanv visit, Miss Dunn, a prominent Eugene girl, returned home this afternoon after a visit. with Miss Zoe Baight. Frank Safley, of the Home office, has been elected manager of the Independ ent Telephone Co's. business at Leba non. . i ' Miss Feme James, one of the lead ing contestants for the auto at Wood worth's, went to Oregon City on a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Langdon will leave shortly for Los Angeles to spend the winter. . , Editor Charlie Nickel has been denied a pardon and will have to serve four years in the pen. Several Albany people have received a neat callender from C. E. Brownell, of Aberdeen, Wash., a former Albany grocer. Born, on Thursday, Dec. 30, to Coun ty Clerk and Mrs. J. W. jsiller. a girl, making a bov and girl in the family. All doing well. The Siietz homesteaders held a red hot meeting in Dallas yesterday. They mean business, and do not propose to be robbed by the pesky squatter. Salem is afraid of losing the river, and will ask for protection. That is what Albany has been trying for years to get. Will Salem beat us out. J. C. Longdied at Cottage Grove this week,- lie was a pionacr there, once owning nearly all the land on which. Cottage urove now stands. The diamond brooch lost by Mrs. L. L. Swan vesterdav - was found last evening, at sweeping time, in the Ham ilton store, where it had Deen dropped. W. C. Breckenridge and daughter, Miss Sue, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brand shagen returned last evening from a visit at the home of Stanley Stewart at Lebanon. There were three new suits brought in Portland yesterday, all for divorce. Ben Hoiladay age. fciizaoem nowaday, Nellie Larsen agt. (;. W. Larsen, Sam uel Conn agt. Ethel Cohn. The Weekly Examiner just received contains the pictures of Nets Wheeler and his sister Mayse Teeters, entered in a prize contest for the prettiest children, they getting a prize. The recent frosts got into to done of some of the new bricks a little and they will have to be repointed, the high school and the new 'Pacific Telephone offices being the ones affected. The Albany Knights Templars report a fine time on their Eugene pilgrimage, splendid treatment by the Eugene Knights, and a pleasant time around town seeing the many improvements of the city, one that does things. Mrs: Eliza Griffith, this week at Cor vallis proved up on her homestead, upon which she has lived, with her family, for twenty years. The property was never surveyed until recently, and she had to stay with it or lose it. The new electric light plant at Toledo will go to work on New Years day, and thereafter Toledo will be electric lighted. It will start with about one thousand incandescnt lights burning, and a capacity fur two thousand. Jefferson people are in a hurry to have the wagon bridge at that city re paired, and so nro the bridge builder. Commissioner Butler has been doinj every thing possible to make it pass : Die. but a delay in gettinK 'he lumber o 'l is the on'y reason for it. A KNOCKER Hits Albany in the Uorvalli Daily Albany's worst liar has been heard from. Here he is in the Corvallis paper: Albany. Dec 28. -To the Corvallis Gazente Times: Our citv presses and our city officials, and our Cominerei-1 club live in the most imprjved part oi our town or west Albany, while east Albany or two thirds of the population of our faircity, has no surage system or connections, but has instead typhoid fever. At present 8 cases within a sling shot throw of the nice Madison school building, in two families, a prob lem. A. d. U. The last line on the Dostal brineine the above message reads as follows: "Can any une see through it?" but this line is crossed out. This is too bad, for it rightly belongs there. We cannot see through it. City Health Officer Davis informs'the Democrat that at the Dresent time there is only one case reported to him, that of a Mr. Parker, in the third ward, wbo is convalescent. Two other cases, one in a shack of a building, without sewer conneciicn, near the Madison building, and another from a well, have recovered. There is said to be another case not repjrted, where the house is within reach of sewerage, but not con nected, an old place. Several weeks ago there were two cases brought here from Brooks. Instead of two-thirds about a third of the city is not yet reached by the sew er, and perhaps less than a fourth not by water. The whole city should be covered, and it is up to the council to see that it is. But a resident of the city is in small business going to a neighboring town .o knock the ci'.y )wn tO RnocK the ci y rood signature for his A. a. u. is a stupidity and viciousness. News from Albany's Six Trains. Early rrol. Will bteel, ot the wesnam mgn school, and mother returned to Jeffer- son, where Mr. Steel is spending the holiday season with his folks. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kirk, of Ho quiam, returned from a- visit with Brownsville relatives of Mr. Kirk. Miss Ollie Landis also returned from a visit with Brownsville friends, having resided there for some time. H. L. Bush of the Summit store, a former half owner of the Severe Hotel business, left for Corvallis, and thence home, after an Albany visit. While selling Oregonians a stranger summe, an improvement that should handed Ben cfelan I $20 gold piece, and jTS il w'-n Ji told him to take the change out of that " aKd dealto Newport as a re 50 cent piece. ."You ha5 better look ort- T.h ""f trlP fr0.m. Yaquina to again," said Ben, and he did, with his Newport has long worked against it. eves biff 3ml now NewPort people are busy se- y u 5- lecting a terminous for it. 1 ,If the Southern Pacific will also ex Mr. and Mrs. Pete Riley and grand- tend the east end of the road a hundred child left on a trip to Detroit, np the C miles, more or less, it will also meet a & E. ' long felt want and do a great thing for Mrs. H. Y. Kirkpatrick and daugh- Oregon. ter come down trom ieDanon ior a oay in Albany. L. I. Berry .came down trom nis - The Democrat has received from Los Plainview farm. He reported having . . : .i tm n adjusted the loss for his two horses Angeles a six page article teljing all killed, the value placed upon them be- about flying machinse from the begin ing $350. A Springfield train ended ning of time, and particularly about the their lives. flying machine contest that is to take r place there in a few weekB, with $80,- Uanl s rinnrl DasiI : . OOfl in nriy.es un. T,ofl Anrreles is mak- iiqiil a uwu Corvallis Gazette-Times: The taxpayers along the Albany, Mountain View and Independence road vote on the question of taxing for five or ten mills. C. W. LeVee, who has been looking after the legal complica tions in this matter, wants ten mills. He says the road needs the expenditure. The 500 Club Met. Thnvi r.lnh wna pnterrjiineil lout night ina charming manne r by Miss Ella Bailey al,-uer pleaaant home in the fimt ward, with a larpe number nresent. The appointments were neat, a delicious lunch was served, a good time had so cially and 500 .prevailed. Both Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Cusick won out for the first prizes among the ladies and gentlemen. Consul General Now. Mr. Fred Fisher has received from Washington his commission as consul general at Vlurkden, with sixty days additional leave of absence. The new position calls for a salary of $5,500 a year. Mr. Fisher' will not have to ieave for Murkden, famous for one of the warm-st battles of the Russo-Jap war until February. His adancement from a private to consul general is an interesting une. The Weather. The highest temperature yesterday was 43 and the lowest during the night 40. During the day, though it was down as low as 32 degrees above, but the wind changed to the south in the evening and Oregon was soon itself. A ramtall ot .in men during tne mgnt brought about a welcome change. ' - The river is down to 3.7 feet, almost summer i-'.age. Prediction: Rain tonight and Friday, warmer tonight, with brisk southerly winds. The !' astern Star. Following are the new ofllcer. Mrs. Flue ia Tjrne. u.atron, P. D. Gilbeit . rthy patron, Mrs. J. S. Vtn Winkle ntermt matron. Mrs. L-ora Bowers, secretary. Miss Elin Mead, treasurer. MrB. J B. Leai herman, conductress. Mrs. O. L. Austin, Essiftant conductress. 1 rTsSSr made from Royal Grape fjftV JW Cream of Tartar LEBANON. The Coming Annual Banquet. I from the E. A.: R. M. ' Donaca, under a special act, has been granted a pension of $24 a month, Tio nfftnnpitinna kava haitn marla fni r, ,.-.., ...v... ... meTl feS" Fridav nio-ht. Thn first ainn will hoi held at 5dd Fellows Hall, followed by the banquet at the Hotel Lebanon. Among tho visitors who have accept- ed tho invitation to be present and Darticinate in the festivities are E. B. Piper of the Oregonian. C. S. Jackson of the port.and Journal, K Hofer of the Capital Journal, F. P. Nutting of me AiDany Democrat, W. A. Shnwrnan of the Albany Herald, Tom Richardson, Wallace R. Strnble, John TI. Hartog and several others. No pains or expense is being spared to make this one of the biggest events ever held in Lebanon. Yaquina to Newport. It is postively stated that the South ern Pacific Co. will extend the Corvallis and Eastern from Yaquina to Newport so that It will be ready for travel this Great flying Contest. : , i. ,. t ..(- , 1 t ., : .... the city. These are advertising days i and the cities are hustling from the word go. This aviator contest will no prove oneof the .reatesdraw, High Priced Apples. Mr. Harry Hnwkins has received a letter from his father at Paris, III., telling of the sale of three pecks of the Oregon apples taken east by him, for $51, a remarkable price. The money went lor an orpnan s nome. and me j gftS ."" B . The Crablree Case. Jas. Crocket was being given a pre liminary examination this afternoon before Justice Swan on the charge of assault with intent to kill Chas. Linder mann. Lindermann accused Crockett of stealing his dog, resulting in a quar rel, and Lindermann charges Crockett's attempt to get a gun carrier1 by John Chastain, threatening to shoot him. There were several witnesses and con siderable feeling ovor the affair. At the Hotels. A. Linebeck, Roaeburg Otto Hanson, Salem F. E. Knnurr, Geneva, Wis. R. B. Duncan, W, S. Wilson, W. F. Clark, Gates Mrs, Tiny Braden, Gates G. C. Reed, Portland Israel Eddy, Philomath T. J. Dorgan, Corvallis C. D. Gabrielson, Salem W. H. Daucy, Salem h. H. Eccles, Portland Salem Jingles. Nothing like rain To make us sane. Bargain countera about' Bring all tho women out. New Year's resolutions are due, But, bless you. how few Will Keep them. C; B DAVIS, PhANO TUNER. Yetrly contracts '5 for two tuiii gs. L'fave crderd at L'avenpori's A'usic S:ore. Death of Mrs. Spooner. I Mrs. Margaret Spooner, of Astoria,. died at the home of John Wilkerson, j near this city, at the age of 57 years . . She was a native ot this county, having I been born near Halsey in 1852, but re sided most of her life at Astoria and other places on the Columbia, FOR SALE. A good horse, Bingle or UH,J .SB,,"B'. WB'"- BUOlK luou lus. ! p turpin, Waterloo., F0,R RENT. Residence, five rooms.. i furnished, electric lights, cold and hot water, garden, etc. Also two room cottage, furnished, and a barn. In- i 1uire of K. Rogoway, 2nd St. 17t FOR SALE. -A bay team, 4 and 5 years old, about 1300 and 1400 lcs. Inquire of Stella Keef, K. D. 6. tl2 CHICKENS. -A few choice Plymouth Rocks and some. Rhode Island Reds, . roosters. F. T. McTimmonds, 415 E 9th St. WANTED. Farm home for horse whore he can work enough to pay for his keep. R A. Easton, Albany. JUST PLATTED. -Fourteen 10 acre tracts -3 miles out. Sold on install ment plan. Fine soil for berries,. farden truck and fruit trees. Buy a remont tract of the owner. Owen Beam, Room 4 Stark Bldg, Albiny, Ore. WOOD SAWING. By N. W. Webb, successoi to Ben Rozelle. lied 198L Bell. , . FOR SALE. 3 homestead relinquish ment on Siletz, all joining each' other. Inquire box 84, Albany. About 4,000,000 feet on each. 12t GLASS. All sizes and kinds, for safe st the' Albany Planing Mill, cheaper than ay where else in Albany, Skill ly set, if desired. LIST YOUR REAL ESTATE. Wills me for prompt returns. I have many requests for city and farm property, in lurgo and small m.cu. Both phones. C. W. Tedalt, 432 W. First St. WOOD FOR SALE Fir, J. D. Ellis 906 E 4th, Phone Bell Red 952. Phone Black 105. 14t FOR RENT. Fine office rooms. Call upon f . U. Will. ' r T XTfa i?rD o a t tn , , red and white Currants. Rhubarb. Bed and Yellow Raspberries, Iceberg Blackberries, Loganberries, Dew- uci.ica, & iiciiuinciiaio, ucu(a i laiibik and Sage. . Ivbr C. Duedall, Albany, Or., R. F. D No. 5, Home Phone 7102. 16t FREE. Edging and ba:k at the Al bany saw mill. Get some. TO LOAN.-$50 000 on real property J. C. Christy, over 1st National Bank Albany, Oregon, ratcjot interest rea Bonable. J. W. BENTLEY, boot and shoemaker and repairer, does first class work at reasonable prices. Next door to Democrat office. See him. . FIRE INSURANCE.-O. F. R. A. ot McMinnville. Oregon's greatest mu tual company. C. C. Bryant, Albany, CusicK Bank Bldg. Both phones. FOR RENT. Good house, six rooms, partially furnished, barn chicken house and four lots. See Mrs. Moe nch, 330 Main street. WANTED . The name and address of lady who loaned cushion top to lady canvasser in Sept. Send same to Mrs, N. J. Winston, Scio, Or. FOR SALE.-r30 room hotel, all fur .ninhed, large property, opposite de ' pot, only hotel in town. Call or write' to owner, R. E. Overman, Halsey, Or. t31 I WISH to contract the building of Ave miles of wire fence. Address Box 344, Albany, Or. 29t FuR SALE. Cook stove, heating stove, buffet, book case, iron bed stead, sanitary davenport & cot, din lining chairs and other articles M 1020 E 2nd street. I MAKE THEM. Ironing boards, win dow scats, clothes racks, ttie beat. E. E. Davidson.. 739 East First street. FOR SALE.-A Studebaker buggy. Inquire at 317 W 4th St. t7 FOR SALE. -Lots in Wright's addi tion; also lots, blocks, and from 4 to 40 acres in acreage in Hazel wood, ! adjoining the city, Good terms and reasonable prices. Apply to Attoiney Geo.. W. Wright, nilice. Korms lanu I 2, Wright Block. Both phones. FUR SALE To fine pieces in North 1 Albuny, 25 acres, in cultivation in one. and on acres in the other, the latter unimproved, to be sold to gether. 18t MONEY TO LOAN on real estatm at seven per cent. On choice farm lands at six per coot. A'iply to Geo, W. Wrieht, Attoiney .'bany, Ore gon. Both phones Oihce, corner of 1st and Ferrv. I