MCKNIGHT'S u THE BEST. The state board of equalization made the least change in the assessmentt of Assessor McKnight, of this city, of any in the state, from a percentage stand point, us shown by the report just received. The assessment is deceased only $17,000. ' The biggest etisnge is made in Umatilla, a reduction of $8,000,000 Multnomah is lowered about $4,000,000 and Lane raised, as it should be, about $6,000,000. Got the Khodes Scholarship. University of Oregon, Eugene. Jan. 4. The Rhodes Scholarship from Ore gon for the present year has been awarded to Mr. Cecil K. Lyans, a grad uate of the Universit" of Oregon in the class of 1909 The award was made by the State Rhodes Scholarship Committee, which met in Salem last Saturday. Lyans will enter Oxford next Septembr, and his scholarship will be good for three years therearter, paying him an annual income of $1,500. ' Well, all the valley towns are humming and they want the world to know iu SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Linn. Elva O'Dell, plaintiff, vs. Joshua L. O'Dell, defendant. To Joshua O'Dell, the above named defendant : . In the name of the State of Oregon,' you are hereby required to appear' and answer the complaint of the above named plaintiff in the above entitled court now on file with the clerk of said court on or before the 17th -day i of February, i910, and you are hereby notified if you fail to appear and "an swer the complaint as herein required that' the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint, to-wit, for the dissolution of the bonds of matrimony, now ex " i&ting between plaintiff and defendant, ahdfor the' Costs' -and disbursements to be taxed. ' v-' This summons is served by publica tion by the order of the Hon. Wm. ' Galloway' made on tjie 20th .day of. yecemDer,jyuy, directing that the said CMTYItYtnc Ka ,nnnil Km, 1.1 1 X publication aria plishid. in the that 'the same be published! in the r Albany Democrat for six consecutive weeks, the first publication thereof to g?i?Urae n the -ls' day of Decern- j"-','.y?liaiiu wai puuiicinuii iu hf innln tlin 1 1 fl, rli.r l?..!-.-.. .. .. w ". lyiu. Dated this the 20th day of Decern ber, 1909. : . J. K. WEATHERFORD, '- . Attorney f or ' Plhiii tiffg--; ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that, thfr un dersigned administrator of the' estate of Deborah.,..cleceased, has ' filed with the clerk of the CountV r,vCourt: for Linn County,, Oregon, his imai account in the above-' entitled' . estate, and the court has fixed the 17th uav u jiiuuary, iviu, at tne nour ot iu o clock a. m. for the hearing of ob - oaiu iitLuuiii ana tne settle- . ment of said estate. Dated this the 2nd day of Deccm . ber, 1909. ' H. C. DAVIS, J. K. WEATHERFORP, Admr. 1 Attorney. numiniiiiKftiuK s nutwk. A otice is hereby given that the un-. dersigned administrator of the estate of Jonas Davis deceased, has filed i with the clerk of the County Court for Linn County, Oregon, his final ac-! i,., toin t ViZ . c iV, , , , I Jear wun a aeposic or over a quar January, 1910, at the hour of 10 o'clock ter of millon dollars. fW nni.l- ' a. m. tor the hearing of objections to , o.iiu i.-uiuu iKi inc settlement ot i said estate. Dated this the 2nd dav nf TWim- ber, 1909. H. C. DAVIS, J. K. WEATHERFORD, Admr. Attorney. . OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL LEGE WINTER COURSES. Practical work, lectures and demon strations will be given in such vital subjects as General Farming, Fruit Culture, Animal Husbandry, Dairying, Poultrv-kc Farming, Forestry, Carpentry, Black- I smithing, Mechanical Drawing, Cook- I ing, Sewing, Dress Making, Home ' Management, etc I All reeular course,! hrn'n Tmnnr,. I 4th and end February 11th. Farmers'!. Week February 14th to 18th. A cordial invitation is extended to .all interested. Good accommodations may be se cured at reasonable rates. No age limit above 16 years. No entrance re quirements. Prominent lecturers have been secured for special topics. The instructional force of the College num bers 100. Excellent equipment. A special feature is the Farmers' Week which comes this year Feb. 14th to 18th. Lectures, discussions, and a general reunion. For further information address 1 Registrar, Oregon Agricultural Col lege, Corvallis. Oregon. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the un dei signed was on the 14th day of De cember, 1909, by order of the Couruv Court in Linn County. Oregon, dis appointed administratrix of the estate of Myron Alexander, deceased. All persons having claims acrainst thr estate of said deceased are hereby I'Pecial lectures at Berkley to present tne same within s v months from the date of this notice, with the proper vouchers to the ad ministratrix at her home near Scio. in the County of Linn and State of Ore gon. Dated this 28th -day of December. I j 1909,,,- - - - MIN.VIE YOUXG, Administratrix. M"NDAV DELTA PI'S, The Delta Pi's last Saturday' evening gave a dancing party for the benefit of the parkfund. It was the social event of the season: The gymnaisum was beau tifully decorated with evergreens. Greek pennants and Japanese lanterns, electric lighted, with pretty places for sitters. Eighty-three couples were present, in cluding a number of prominent young people from Eugene, Salem and other places. Music was furnished by the fine Henderschott orchestra of Eugene. The grand march was led by Dr. M. H. Ellis and Miss Georgia Dawson and the usual numbers followed. The patron esses were all mothers of members of the Delta Pi, a former college girl's organization, and were Mrs. S. A. Daw son, Mrs. S. S. Train, Mrs. P. J. Mil ler, Mrs. H. A. Nelson, Mrs. Fluella Turner, Mrs. J. V. Pipe, Mrs. Geo. Taylor, Mrs. E. W. 'Langdon, Mrs. Elizabeth Wallace, Mrs. F. M. French and Mrs. W. B. Stevens. A Dep6t Like Albany's. The man who built the Albany depot went to Corvallis; where he said he had the contract for erecting a depot like the one here for the business of that city, and would begin work at once. A depot like the one here would be just about right for Corvallis, but it is not half large enough for the large union business of this city. There were 12,892 arrests in Port land during 1909. Miss Christine Pipe returned this noon from a Corvallis visit. Over 100,000 copies of the-New Year's Oregonian were printed and sold. Grant Pirtle, of the St. Charles, , has returned from a trip to Medford, : ; Mart Bilyeu helped eat some Scio turkey at the home of J. A. Bilyeu; This is the week of prayer . and churches generally will observe it. ' J. R. Wyatt, deputy U. S. district i. n.. VYvatr. oenuty u. B. district attorney, of Portland, has been in the city today Mr. and Mrs. Roy Newport took New Year's dinner with the Lebanon New ports. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Williamson re turned this noon from their Portland "uui wip. " ..s Harold Hobbsy a prominent Lebanon young marl; came-down for ;the Delta ' P' dance. Mr. Isaac Meeker, of Millers station;' jiaa ieen striciten wun apoplexy and is 1 i a h J l!r critical condition. Mr. and Mrs. Alex McQuown, of Baker Cit v, went to the Bay today-for a visit with b. S. Bodineand family. - Mrs. Bertha T. Parker and daughter, lAiiss Alzina, . left yestereay for Port Idnd oh a week's visit with friends. : Corvallis has twentv arc Iiirhtal- The .city council proposes to add thirty-one tu.Luv numuer, maKing nixy-one lights. Rev. C. A. Woolev and wife, of Eu gene, well-known in Albany celebrated I their golden wedding on the 28th of' De- cerauer.. , ,.., : - Miss Emma Jones,' of 'Portland;'' daughter of John Jones, for many years 1 an Albany policeman, is in the city vis- i lung inenas. ..." . Among College 3tudents returning this noon from their vacation trip home were, Gil Ogden, Eula Scnuebel and Busna Bickn 11. k Mr. Andrew Skaar has thn hnnni- nf I hnrlintr rhA riAmn-ot-o naoU knl. f iiu, early this morning making even until Jan. 1911, Among those attending the Delta Pi ball were Dudley Clark, of the u" O and Jack Latourette, of Portland two celebrated foot ball men. months, i remarkable record of prog- ress Mrs Bundy, of near Independance, is in St. Mary's Hospital, where an operation was recently performed upon her, and she is doing well. Dr. J. L. Hill recently bought about twenty mounted elk and deer heads o B. K. Learcy of Condon, which have ueen aaueo to nis museum, together with some fine Indian relics. Mr. Frank Wortman, of the First National Bank of McMinnvilie, ac companied by his wife and riamrhtoi- are spending their New Year's vacation witn Mrs. Louise Goff. Watch parties of different kinds cured on ,ne.w year's eve., among those fepS,rt, !ng,?,ne &i P- A- Young's, k,Bl,n 3- - C-Tweedale's C. B. W!nI! s' Ge0- H- Crowell's and H. R. chultz . M,r- Jas- Crawford, of Pendleton, in the city, called here by the dangerous illness of his twin sister, Mrs. M. Ache son. Mr. Geo. S. Acheson, of Portland, a son of Mrs Acheson, was also here over Sunday. Miss Kate Cowan, of the Portland schools, was in the city Saturday even ing on her way to Portland from Leba non, where she SDent the vaentinn nog. son with her sister, Miss Naomi, who has been confined to the home of Dr. Booth for four months with inflamma tory rheumatism. Mrs. Addie Gleason Hardin rsidldircountl'bufs fourteen years ago, and has since re- i sided in ditterent parts of the U. S.. among other places, Butte, New Or leans and Denver. Rev. J. R. N. Bell, of Corvallis. left this afternoon for Los Angelas to see the great flying machine contest and get some pointers for his future ser mons. He has a six week's lay off. rule gone he will also listen to some and Stan- ru- Billee Taylor, an Albany candy ma ker fifteen or twentv vears am,. .,n. of Centralis, Wash., and married passed through the city this noon for yottage iirovn on a visit, and asked -Boout ui, iy iweeaaie. Frank French and friends. rranic Kedheia, other old time I C-jAi-r- News Prom Albany's Six Early Trains. Commissioner Butler r,etured to "Jeff erson to push the work on the bridge. The lumber was' delvered" for lit yes terday, just a month after ordered. Senator S. A; Dawson went to Salem i !T is "rr""-w v"e Columbia b ire. Associctiohf apros perous company deing business ,a,niong . ' L'L":' i '.'" "' " H. Bryant'left for Saleni and- othei points down the road on a business trip of several days..:. . i-' ; Dr. Russell Wallace leftVf or a three or four days Poitland trip. Portland ha3 at least three former Albany young men doinjf well in the practice of med icine. Dr. Chas. Chamberlain, Dr. Jos. Sternberg and Dr. Marius 'Marcellus.- Miss Agnes Craft' returned tS ' Port land after a holiday visit home.: " She will be home again Hi a few. weeks. Mr. Tom Stevens returned .frorn a Lebonon visit. . - vrt.. - Kola Neis returned to RaUm: " ; Mrs. S. Livingstone went'tOr.Mijlj'fyjty' viBii. vilii ner uaugnrer . .; Mr. Webb, a Taco'raa Wundryman', returned home after a visit, with his orotners-in-law, : the .Watson -Bxothers Jack Latourette TetUrned .'ot:Oregsn uiLy. i ,. Mev. H. S. Shanele. of Milton, ar rives oh an Albany visit,-and before returning .nome will go to Southern Oregon.- ' -WW 4 - ,v,..., s . Rev. and Mrs. P. A. Moses, of Cor vallis, returned home after a visit with their sons at Tangent..., , Down in Mexico. Ihe latest news from -.the Mexican mines owned by Linn bounty pebp'e came on the eve of the New Year and is better than ever. They are working in ore that asaavn Mils ko o- The company is now running two tunl nels and have reached a distance of 170 install a rail rnnH ivv ,C' ftrraneements nrH hpinn. mQQ . : " ,-t"""" luiiuei to remove the rock. -Last August ma - terial was purchased for the track the two cars were ssinrsri The Guanaiuata Ga?At-iA rinf n 25 contains the following account of the util oiriKB, wnicn It the tilrilron nA correct runs the values into many thousands of dollars to the ton, but the owners here think the word kilo should be grams, and if the latter is correct the value would be as above stated. In either case the value is fabulous. We quote from tho Gazette: "SIiowb rhh ore. During the week another assav from the La Rnnitn mino rs. ... ,:i the Mexican Mines. Limited, was made lumiing io grams gold and 3.483 kilos of silver. This most gratifying showing is very pleasing, not only to the general man I. . onaries lemmings, but also to a.i in me camp wno are interested the La Bomta property's success." Mrs. Mary, wife ot Kola iVeis, died at Salem this morning, after an Illness of sometime, at the age of forty years. loSt"8 was bo"1 Albany, Dec. 19 1870, and spent most of her life here leaving a husband, mother, brother and sister and many friends to mourn the death of an excpllpnt: mifa a l.. andcitieenr auK"ler The funeral service will be held at iurun ui me motner or the de ceased, Mrs. Schbsser, at the corner of Ferry and Third streets, on Wednes day, Jan. 6. . l0 - bild"' gene, and Miss f V? ne.' an accomplished lady, of this citv. were unitArf ir, i young riage, in this city on New Year's day. They have the best wishes of thpii many friends; The Weather. Range of temperature 55-15. thin W ng the coldest morning of the season. I The prediction is fair tonight and Tuesday. " I j . ixirvallis i pos; $16,114.82. The considerable cf i lhe receiots nf ia rflici last year were u. A. C. must spend i's money for postage. Albany's First House- - The above, drawnoby W. D, Davis, artist, is a fine picture of Albany's first house, as described. bv his father, the late J. J. Dnvis. who'saw Hiram Smeed and another man building the house in 1847. It was just about at the. present site of the Hotel Revere, - along the main trail through the valley, running beside the Willamette, and is tne first picture evsr given of the building. A LEBANON BANQUET .. , " . ,' '-. The annual.gatherlne' and hnnmiBf nf tbe Business Men'a.League of Lebanon Friday nifcht was a p-vatsocial and boos - .ter success:T:;c -.viicer.who was present. On a like OCArlsinn fi vp'nr aon nrrvo. ciates being present again, after a year or. striking oroereia in the hintorv nf .the city on the Santiam. .. ; '.' - Ihe exereis,R WAi-fl hnlrl in ;fho nAtV (Fellows Hall, which was filed. with the memoers and their wives. Senstor . iuiiici (ficsiucu mm rura lues anfl... gooo judgment,, with' many .timely ouB6u cunuwicneo in Det,ween tne,. miss Adaie. Anderson, daughter of Ex speakers of the evening, who were;' Assessor T. J; Anderson. Col. E. Hofer, of the Salem Journal,' Mr and Mi's I.nwron-A 5 iit0 president of the Willamette galley urn Uhia noon from a short-bsiaa beyelopment League,, who made an "trip, stopping at Albany before going Tl f, e?t roads in eiyic improve- to their fisme at Eugene.. ' 6 ment, helped by convict labor, instead . ... . 2 ... of diredtirtc itagainsthome institutions; ' -ffh,ll? visiling in Brownsville rScent)y Manager W; R. Struble, of the Albanvi ? partyA.s g,ven bK :,ss Ina vhiteln Commercial Club, who spoke for har- honor of Mls3 Ldlth Ha" of this city, mony and a united effort for the Mrs. Muri ill Phillips, of Oregon City, development of Linn county and the arrived this noon to attend the funeral valley; F, P, Nuttjng, on attractive of her sister, Krs Kola Neis, tomorrow nom63 as a nowor In civic imnrovement afternoon ut 2 a. m. - development; Rev. W. T, Ward!? on tne root, mils, with numerous pointed anecaotes; Mayor-elect A. M. Reeves. nn t-ho C .f-"6icoa,vo pulley Ul Hie now Buumiibiraiion, in Keeping With tnat of 1 garland 1 7 iiawyur un nnucKeis: rostmascer oiowu on ieDanon a nroprpRqr Frnf Bender on the canaA nf ort. p D " . """".' lT - ? Haynes sententiously; Dr. Kim- f"'mellon a new sewer system for Leb- ' nnnn' . nriiu I M tne new bankers, on help from the country, and Lawyer Newport on the ladies. Interspersed, were some' excellent musical numbers by Miss Bessie Bach, Mrs. E. B. Day, a male quarte and others. A splendid banquet was served in the notei LieDanon under the direction of the proprietor J, C. Devine. ' Lebanon is makinir mniH nrnnrrao. the past year beine one of manv im' provements. 1910 will be better. The road to Crabtree will be completed, a sso.onn hiwh ,.hAi oi.j.. -..' j. a new city hall, greatly needed, is' probable; several business blocks will' go up. and a sewer system started. i Tha Democrat's editor and wife ap-, ' ni.cau.v DlJlim, i iiivamiB pieaaanc entercainmenc at the T i, '7 a 8 ,u ', . i-oun- ......., o. . mover, meir inenos of many years. At the Hotels Wm. Bailey, Portland S. P. Kerr, Portland E. D. Farwell, Shedd S. C. Rice, J. C. Davis, " E. N. Palmer, Corvallis Claud C. Thompson, Hood River Mrs. C. L Ransom, Mill City A. Hobson. Salem H. A. Craft, Portland E. A. P. ice, Portland F. M. Slusher & wf, Garden Kan. Mrs. Fred Gould, Eugene R. W. Yett & wf, Portland City, 25 Years a Missionary. Dr. Maria White Bpoke at the U. P. church to a very interested audience on tne missionary work of India. She ha? hepn a medical missionary at Silkom India, for twenty-four years, at tm? I head of the hospitul work, establishing asplendij reputation a a Christian woman and physician Her narration of the work, with incidents, told of great success and the brighter propects' of the future. j TUESDAY. JUDGE DUNCAN MARRIED 35 During the year 1909 Judge Duncan performed the most marriage cere monies of any one in Linn county, lead ing with thirty-five, the most ever per formed by one person in a year in Linn county. Rev. W. S. Gordon, of the M. cnurcn, is a good second, with za ceremonies on Linn county licenses. Rev Douglas was third with 19.' then Justice Swan with 13, Rev. Geselbracht 12. Kev. Esson 11. Rev. White 10. Rev. Geil 9, Rev. Elliot 6, Father Lane 5, Revs. Evans and Gilchrist each 4. Revs. Gillespie, Lacy, Horner and Erskine each 3, Revs. Gatts, Stratford, Bur- bank. Baker. Marshall. Beverlnin. and Justices Porter, Bilyeu and Geil each 2, nevs. iinswoici, (Jarleton. f isher, Mor rison. Comer. Coin. Fnnlkpa. M. T Wirp. (Keeler, Leech, Matlock, Jones, Powers, Hammond, 1 empleton, Round, rJllmore. I Jameson, Pelletan, Gould, Parker, Hol ' comb, Snyder, Ware, Clark, Kuhnley, j Williams and Walbeck, each 1. During the yeat to offset the 220 marriages the re were only thirty di vorces granted in the county. j Floyd Bilyeu. of Portland has been n the city today. 2728 marriages and 421 divorces at Portland last year. i Eugene's postal receipts have reach ed the large figures of $30,051.52 during 1909. W. S. Risley returned from the Gold Creek mines with some fine specimens ot ore, $2,577 was paid out in this county during 1U09 for hunters and anglers li- censes, Mr- and ,r8. L. ' C. stratton wil( i8ava Thursday for Sandiego, to remain six months. : - ". . , . D. ,, ... . , i Miss LooiM Pirtlo, of the St Charles 8Pfn; P.a nucmy wun prowns' .villa triends. , Will Anderson, who has been at Pee, Eastern Oregon for some time, is home for the holidays. v i Booster Geo. Waggnor returned to Lebanon this afternoon after avist t his home in Corvallis, , ' I Fox, finiijmlnp, hayfi move(j thejr ; grocery store into the new block of Dr. " at oecona and Montgomery streets. '. seven or. SsTud .SSf i tame 'so'n, "' . - ' Recently the entire passenger list On the-BrdWnSVille.tram wna marlo un . ?ievS". ??ho1 'eacners King home for - - , ... : ..'''Hie safejn Mnrkan's hardware store otHyton was mown onen nrlv oa - 'teday morning and $7 secured, hut the - wrecirea. . ... . . prominent Wedding at Harrisburff recently war that of W. A Elliot and , Mrs. Hognn, of Junction, has been in tho city on a visit with her son W. H. Hognn, She is now 85 venrs nf .1., 1.L UfJC, UUklVUUllU Uflgnk. Vrnf n M l.nA and Mrs . Guy KnanD amonir thA InrlinQ are reported to have carried otf the i . ..... .. . " "UIlurH axating cms season. j U.. George Sears, of Elec- 'r?n-,w"!ah., arrived this noon on their uiiuttl Lnu. irs. fsniirn tivat n A'Dany- op.endirt young people, they descrve the best blessings of life, The Empire was packed last evening the attraction being tho Johnson Kechtei fight in moving pictures, a remarkable exhibiteon. The entere twelve rounds wer? shown, about as realistic as if one "u UK 'ring siae. The first foot ball game of 1010, niuciiuuu m,yiK was payed ui iwewport. ' between the clun of the city and inde pendence, on a hard field, the latter winning 11 to 0, On the Independence team were Capt. Wallace of the O. A. C, Huntly a star player and Williams. wh' n ,T TT'TT . . The 0reg,m Geographical board is making a study of the names of the state and wish all the information pos sible such Points as. when adopted, oy wnom, location and description, rea sons, other names used for place ami reasons, historic interests. lhe board consists of vVill G. Steele . and Geo. H. Himes of Portland, Prof J. B Horner of Corvallis. Lee Moore house of Pendleton and Judge Bowley I of Astoria. Prof. Hornr has charge I of this district, and will appreciate in formation in reference to the tollowing , Linn county nlaces: Albany, Balm, Ber ! lin, Berry, Brownsville, Calahan, Cas cadia. Crabtree, Crawfordsville, Foster, Fox Valley, Froman, Fry, Gaines, Hal sey, HarriBburg, Holley, Irvingville 'Jordan, Lacomb, Larwood, Lebanon, I Linn. Lowson, Lyons, Millersburg, j Muddy, Munkers, Oakville, Peoria, I Plainview, Pricoboro, Rowland, Scio. Santiam, Shedd, Sholburu, Sodaville, Spicer, Sweet Home, Tallman Tan gent, Thomas. Twin Butte. Viriril, I Waterloo, post ollices; Calapnoia, San , tiam, Willameite, rivers; Knox and reterson s Dunes. , . Notice of Annual Meeting. Members of the Oregon Fire Relief Associitiop You are hereby notified thit the regular annual meet'ng of the members nf said Association, will lie held nt Burn's Hall. McMinnvilie. Ore Ton. on Tuesday, Januaiy 11th, 1910 al 10 o'clock u. m., for the purpo n' lpetine three trustees an'1 transa 'liri" 'uch other business us rr.iy regjlarlv eomo beforA said n-eeting. W. C Hageutv, Seretiry. COMMERCIAL CLUB In Its First Meeting of I9I0. The Albany Commercial Club last., evening held its first meeting in 1910;' with the following present: President Davis, Secretary Van Winkle, Manager Struble. Vice President Vinnn Tnua. urer Bain and Directors Dawson, Veal, Cameron, Rawlins, bowersox, Hewitt, uiua. a-ivuvu auu .tuning. A letter of appreciation of a Christ mas present from the members of the board was read from the very efficient typewriter and stenographer. Miss Orah Harkness. An application from Elmer E. War ford for census enumerator was read and filed. Dallas D. Huze, lecturer, of Phil delphia, asked for some Albany slides to show in his illustrations and six were ordered sent him. The San Francisco chamber of com merce asked for Albany's cooperation in a great Panama-Pacific exposition upon the completion of tho Panama canal and at the proper time will be considered. The report of Manager Struble show ed the lullowing for the past, month: 900 inquiries through the Portland cluo, 178 Sunset, 6 Pacific Monthly, 1 Better Fruit, 495 letters written, 1704 pictor.l roiaers mailed, lbSiJ oooklets, 1085 con ductors pamphlets, besides those sent east by J. M. huwkins' and to Win. McMurry of the Hiirrjman roads. $506 was reported collected during the month. The securing of drainage for the de pot park, by the Southern pacific, was directed, Tuesday evening, Jan. 18 was set for the reception to new members.' Some one wanted action looking to the retention of Prof. E R. Lake, of the U. A. C.,.who is wanted east. A resolution was passed asking that the Detroit train leiive later in the morning, about 8 - o'clock, and 'arrive, earlier in the afternoon, about 4 o'clock. The following committee was an nounced on the matter" 6f railroads in and out pf Albany: J. K.; Weaihwford, Pr. W. H." Davis, A. Q. SolimittrJ,. 'P: Wallace: P. A , Young, F. J. Miller, C. P' D4BWPf ann wn I, C", . . -,-,-- M . . .. '' rm. jtsain, Mews. fP0rrAIbany'5 Six Early Trains, Colpitts, who came down from Gates, last evening, went to Portland. Ho reports some work in the mines. A. E. CoUErhill lpft'fnr PnrllmJ Ha -ha? been in charge of some railroad uuiimng crewsi in T'jiiamaok county, and other places' the past year, and is making arrangements for the coming season,, which he thinks will be a very active one in Oregon. - Capt. Stanley Hammel returned' to Portland, where he is working as a pharmacist on the East Side. Miss Mildred McBrido, of Willamette, returned to Salem af tor a holiday visit with her folks. , ... Deputy District Attorney Wyatt re turned to Portland. , Henry Winkley returned to Gates. Revt Geil -returned from a trin tn Sweet Home. . . lhe Corvallis train brought back several extra cars needed last night in taking O. A. C. students home from their holiday trip home. ' K, P. Inhalation, Laurel Lodge, No. 7, knights of Py thias, installed the following officers in the semi-annual installation last even ing: Chancellor commander, William o. Risley; vice-chancellor, George B Cummings; prelate, Delazon C. Smith; master of the work, George H. Fidda man; keeper of the records and seal, L. M. Curl; master of finance, Perry R. Conn; master of the exchequer, Ralph E. McKechnie; master-at-arms, M. TV 1'reomun; inner guard. N. D. f!nm,- outer guard, J. W. Miller. Theoflicera were installed by Deputy Grand Chan cellor W. L. Marks. Following tho in stallation there was initiatory work in the first rank and a lunch was then en joyed. The Maccabees. Th Knights of Maccabees have elec ted the following oflicera for the ensu ing term: H. C. Jordan, commander. ' A. Crowder, lieut. Com. A. Senders, record keeper. G. w . Guff, chaplain. Kasper Kropp, sergeant. AugiiBt Smith, M. at A. Chus Dannals, 1st guard. Dan Violver, 2nd guard. W, P. Morris, sentinel. William t ook, picket. J. S. Van Winkle, trustee. Big Piano Sale. Prof. Head reports tho sale of six instruments at Mill City recently, a re markable record for a Bmall town, as follows: a player to Lottie Rambo, a player to George H. Loteller, a player to Dr. Ransom, aClarington to Homer Speer, a piano to Mrs. M. .1. Kerr and mo for tne Rebecca lodge. The Weither. A thin coating of snow fell last night and the wind changed to the north . again. The range of temperature was 32 25. The river is only 4.6 feet. Prediction: Fair tonight and Wednes day, continued C"ld. Lirn co nty's'share of the Btate tax tnis year wi his year will b J5j.694.l-2, reducti n ,ane's $6i!.t53 02. Ue 'ton's $22 345 2 lirior.'s $71,373.32. Mullromah's$5l3 1 bane 938 41. Umatilla's $7-1. 723.62.